This is good value. The BBC has annoyed an ex-BBC reporter, who is well-versed in the BBC Editorial Guidelines, and knows a breach when he makes sees one, and is simply livid.
Better yet, a fair few of his audience are now too and… they are going to complain!
Me to. I was livid. No doubt Letts is a mate of all the other out of touch old clowns like Monkton, Ridley and Delingpole who deny scientific reality. You don’t achieve balance by allowing a lunatic fringe such air-time. How about 97% air-time going to real scientists and 3% to these old fools?
Do complain. I have, many times. Mostly their replies will miss the point, but if enough complain they have to take us seriously. Don’t worry about the general tone too much, however much it wound you up; but be specific about outright lies that went uncorrected—and there were quite a few of them.
Don’t hesitate, you can do it here.
If that doesn’t get Fraser Steel rushing for the sackcloth and ashes by tomorrow, what will? Poor old BBC Watch and others with actual complaints of actual substance with actual facts now knocked back to December.
I also note a few pointing out our Rich has a few fine moments of his own, sometimes as a result of challenge, which the Graun’s mods then obliterate.
Blissful programme. I was laughing for much of it – just to hear such wonderful views aired fearlessly on the BBC. I don’t want to know why it was broadcast – doubtless some fiendish plot in the build-up to charter you-know-what. I’m just happy that it was.
It’s so wonderful when you hear people not giving a damn about toeing some line, instead just saying what they think.
Quentin Letts was treated fairly, the program was factually accurate, if not all that informative. For example, he could have included some of the thermodynamics in the “Unified Theory of Climate” and its roll in disproving the standard Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Gas Theory formula used in those Met Office computers. But then the BBC would have to invite the brother with brains, Piers Corbyn, for that. As I do agree, that probably more than 90 percent of scientists are ignorant of this revolutionary solution. But BBC Censorship can be circumvented by Googling that said Theory. I understand that there are a few underlings at the Met Office who may be aware of the implications of this solution. But I bet that the administrators of the Met Office are pig ignorant, and regard Piers as the mad brother.
Oh yes, not forgetting the final point in the BBC‘s Editorial Guidelines, children should be protected from Richard Black.
If any treacherous British far-Left scum are found to be instigating these violent attacks in Calias, then I would like to see the most severe punishment handed out.
Thanks for the link. What a despicable, anti-British rabble these ‘Open Borders’ communist filth are. Just have a read of some of their literature; they are nothing more than traitors. I loathe far-Left scum. The enemy within!
The most worrying thing is that we have young impressionable minds in this country (students, usually from posh backgrounds etc) that have been indoctrinated into believing this commie tripe. They really do side with the enemy; one only has to observe their aggressive behaviour at various protests like Occupy, for example. Groups like UAF, Open Borders and Socialist Workers Party are also often seen protesting alongside Islamic extremist groups. Very concerning. They’re traitors.
Grim faced reporting as news of another boat capsising in the Mediterranean with lots of invaders, sorry, illegal immigrants, sorry, migrants drowning. Funny thing is that the boat was only 15 miles from the Libyan coastline yet the Italian coastguard and Irish / British navy ships are still goin to take them to Italy.
It is another dreadful loss of life. The West is refusing to behave either realistically or humanely. Unforgiveable in my view.
The military means are there to destroy the smugglers networks and boats.
They are the root of the problem. No smugglers and no boats equals no disasters like this.
Imstead of decisive action what we will get is endless emoting and breast beating from the usual suspects.
Libya is a country without law. It is the right of European nations affected by this to take action. This has been so throughout the ages.
The smugglers are the 21st century equivalent of the pirates that nearly destroyed trade in past times. They were hunted down and eliminated. What has changed?
There needs to be a military occupation of the littoral zone of North Africa, from where these illegal immigrants are putting to sea, to halt this unfettered embarkation.
This should be carried out by the former colonial powers of these countries (France, Spain & Italy); supported logistically, militarily and financially by the other European nations affected by this unrestricted influx of people from the Third World onto the European continent and into Britain.
What’s happening in the Med is not a humanitarian catastrophe, a humanitarian catastrophe is something outside of ones own control, like an earthquake, a volcano, a tsunami.These invaders CHOOSE of their own free will travel from Somalia, Eritrea, Nigeria etc etc to Libya, they CHOOSE of their own free will to pay smugglers £5000 to £7000, then they CHOOSE of their own free will to cram themselves on a leaky old boat that’s not sea worthy. Then a mile out to sea they phone up the Royal Navy taxi service that ferries them to Italy where, hey presto, they get a free council house. The key word is choose. Isn’t this unfair on legitimate asylum seekers, these invaders are jumping the queue ?
A slight irony to this is that once they arrive at the land of milk, honey and the world’s most treasured broadcaster, should they choose to watch any broadcast material live, the one thing they have no choice with is paying said broadcaster.
Yes, and for reasons of cultural sensitivity, I expect our RoPer friends get a free pass from the snoopers. I doubt the bin bags are allowed to answer the door to filthy kaffirs, anyway.
Yes, the media always reports ” x migramts rescued in the Med”. This is a distortion of the truth. A more acurate statement would be “x migrants stage their own drowning so that various navies for legalistic reasons rescue them and unwillingly? give them access to Europe and much cash.” The situation is really highly farcical. An analogy would be a wave (swarm?) of destitute people rushing into banks, pointing a revolver to their heads and demanding “Give me £100,000 or I’ll blow my brains out”. The police would be called. If brains were blown out, who would be to blame? The BBC take would, of course, be ” Greedy banks let vulnerable person die”.
Right, excuse my ignorance of contemporary semantics but can anyone here explain why the BBC chooses to use the word ‘radical’ to describe Islamic extremists and terrorists? From my survey of the dictionary definitions it is not a word that seems to commonly apply to those who support terrorist activities, religious supremacism and mass murder. It is, however, used to refer to political ‘progressives’ such as revolutionary communists and socialists.
Could the word ‘radical’ be an exercise in damage limitation and subtle indoctrination by the BBC? Personally, I refer to the likes of Anjem Cowpat as a rat-filth, pus-brain bag of loathsome excrement who I would like to see hanged.
Ah….. saying what millions think eh?
I salute you Sir.
Have you met our Tommy from Luton?
You’ll get on very well with him.
Personally I think he should be PM, and I recon you’d be a good Justice Minister.
Oh well, at my age I’m allowed to dream.
Thanks Old Timer. I just love England and Great Britain; I’m proud of my country and its people and am sick to death and angry with the abuse this country is getting. We are decent people but have been badly let down by a corrupt and utterly useless political class and Left-wing plotters whose main objective is to undermine our national identity. We need to stick together, even if it’s just online! 🙂
I think Anjem Choudary is an amazing asset to us. He debates at times with Robert Spencer, and they both agree on many issues.
He lives his faith as it is not as the British government would like it to be.
He tells the truth about his vicious and violent faith – although you won’t see him being allowed to tell this truth on the BBC.
As a lawyer he has been able to stay just within the law with his rhetoric.
So what if he has been encouraging fanatics to go fight in Syria? They’re better off there than here anyway!
And then there’s the real reason why the BBC and the state hate him so much.
If people hear what he is saying about Islam and believe it might be true, then the myth of ‘moderate Muslims’ will be well & truly smashed – and that cannot be allowed to happen.
Not the BBC but Sky ( although I didn’t the watch BBC news), top story was the closure of Kids Scape obviously the result of the nasty tory sc*m cuts. For me having been in Londonistan today I would have thought the tube strike somewhat more relevant to more people… but of course that would be the greedy union sc*m and we can’t have the left wing unions scrutinized too much for representing their.. well are they ‘middle class workers’ bearing in mind their generous pay and holidays?
In fact I watched Sky news for 20 mins and not a mention of the tube strike.
20 minutes into BBC 4 World News and it has all been about MH370. Nothing else to report in the World today then ! Unbelievable , even by BBC standards.
Tough guy Cam? … is on it!
Choudary was still at large, on the streets pushing his dangerous sharia lunacy and hate while our courts were sentencing to home detention a man who put Halal warning stickers stating facts, on meat in a supermarket
More, puff piece, and soundbite as usual Cameron’s faffing about trying to look as if he’s doing something,
He’s just making wind about what is pure Islam, its true face and trying to stop Choudhary pointing out the obvious too loudly
the Navy ferries illegal immigrants from Africa to Italy … for the onward journey to Calais, and this joker with his sticking plasters and sniffer dogs on order, pretends to keep them out? :-D, after which they become immigrants – residents … then citizens.
So Cameron he s erm “on it”? … whether that s the kool aid, whacky baccee, and self delusion tablets … take your pick.
Did anyone else hear Alan Partridge, sorry I mean Paddy O’Connell hosting the Jeremy Vine Show today? What an embarrassment the bloke is, I was cringing as I listened – he is as thick as two short planks, dull, ill informed…in fact, when I think about it, a perfect stand in for Jezza!
Heard a bit in the car with some vigilante dog sh1t clearer, hot topic of the day, we’ve made great inroads here, people now pick it up, put it in a plastic bag (that take decades to decay) and then decorate the local trees with said bags….progress!
Regardless another type of fecal matter should be taking priority right now….
Note that the BBC are giving us a three part series on the Worlds Greatest Thinkers.
As for Moses, Jesus…or even Paul , Aquinas or Luther maybe?
Well duh…Russell Brand will have to do that stuff for them.
Just as well they`ve not gone for Muhammad, Marx or Lenin…Timothy Leary or Joe Strummer eh?
A silly title, I’ll give you that. “Three influential thinkers?” Maybe? I have learned much from Plato’s writings, especially Socratic dialogues. Socrates, got to love him.
Think I prefer Aristotle.
He figured out the cult of perpetual pointless rebellion and the dim nature of youth, before it gets responsibility and a few knocks.
So he`s on the money re the likes of the BBC, the Left and Russell Brand, Grayson Perry and the “Good Rebellion”
Not anything there for emotional Betty then?
Bit negative, judgemental and lacking the pozzitivity of a Geri or a McCartney?
Oh dear-NOT for the ears of the vote toting Salmonella yoof of the SNP is it?
“Assistant Commissioner Mark Rowley, the country’s most senior counter-terrorism officer, said in some instances the children were “almost babes in arms”, with ages ranging from two or three up to 16 or 17.”
“Mr Rowley said: “The last thing we want is children going to a war zone with a terrorist ideology around them.”
“He also disclosed that counter-terrorism officers were now arresting suspects at a rate of more than one a day.”
Notice how the BBC report is sterile. No comment or discussion as to the causes of this. Or mention as to a possible solution or strategy to deal.
It’s almost as if the BBC are reporting an accident on the M6.
That’s a good term ‘sterile’. It’s as if they adopt ‘clean room’ (aka sand box in computing) procedures – nothing must get into the story, nothing must emerge from it. We are forced to observe a hermetically sealed event, through a lead-lined window.
No wonder these items leave people wondering what on earth it was all about. They make everything resemble a natural disaster – Calais, Mediterranean, Kidscape and so on. All ‘natural disasters’ for which there is no explanation..
Another of those ‘Thank God for the internet’ moments.
This is pure comedy gold, long ago consigned by the BBC to its Memory Hole but kept alive by keen bloggers and that leftist hate-icon of capitalist excess, Amazon….
And before quickly getting turned off by what you might think is yet another BBC propaganda piece on ‘climate change’ look at the date – 14th November 1974.
No folks, this is not global warming, this is those nasty CO2 emissions bringing us next Ice Age. And it’s the BBC telling us so, in no uncertain terms.
As for the publishers of Nigel Calder’s book, ‘The Weather Machine’ – why, none other than BBC Publications, and you can still pick up a second hand copy:
And here’s a comprehensive reminder – quotes, videos and links – of how intense the propaganda was at that time. These are some of the later 1970s examples…
1978 – The Coming Ice Age (In Search Of TV Show, Season 2, Episode 23, Host: Leonard Nimoy, May 1978)
1978 – An Ice Age Is Coming Weather Expert Fears (Milwaukee Sentinel, November 17, 1978)
1979 – A Choice of Catastrophes – The Disasters That Threaten Our World [Book] (Isaac Asimov, 1979)
1979 – The Sixth Winter [Book] (John R. Gribbin, 1979)
1979 – The New Ice Age Cometh (The Age, January 16, 1979)
1979 – Ice Age Building Up (Daily Record, June 5, 1979)
1979 – Large Glacial Buildup Could Mean Ice Age (Daily Chronicle, June 5, 1979)
1979 – Ice Age On Its Way (Lewiston Morning Tribune, June 7, 1979)
1979 – Get Ready to Freeze (Daily Chronicle, October 12, 1979)
1979 – New ice age almost upon us? (The Christian Science Monitor, November 14, 1979)
‘You ironically find one of the most outspoken supporters of modern day Al Gore style global warming alarmism was promoting global cooling in the 1970s, the late Dr. Steven Schneider.’ (Video)
‘”Climate experts believe the next ice age is on its way.”
– Leonard Nimoy, 1978’
Plenty of rich pickings there for The Now Show, eh? Or even a balanced retrospective from our friend Harrabin?
I hope I haven’t walked on anybody else’s toes here, but a quick butchers appears to say I haven’t. (Apologies if I have)
The bBC, rewriting History which reinvents the aggressor as the victim and the victim as the aggressor. The ‘sanitised narrative’ of Hiroshima’s atomic bombing The US has always insisted that the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were necessary to end World War Two. But it is a narrative that has little emphasis on the terrible human cost.I met a remarkable young man in Hiroshima the other day. His name is Jamal Maddox and he is a student at Princeton University in America. Jamal had just toured the peace museum and met with an elderly hibakusha, a survivor of the bombing. Standing near the famous A-Bomb Dome, I asked Jamal whether his visit to Hiroshima had changed the way he views America’s use of the atom bomb on the city 70 years ago. He considered the question for a long time. “It’s a difficult question,” he finally said. “I think we as a society need to revisit this point in history and ask ourselves how America came to a point where it was okay to destroy entire cities, to firebomb entire cities…..But no other bombing campaign in WW2 was as intense in the destruction of civilian lives as the US bombing of Japan in 1945. Between 300,000 and 900,000 people died. As Jamal Maddox put it to me so well, how was it that the country that entered the war to save civilisation ended it by slaughtering hundreds of thousands of civilians?
If the bBC’s Rupert Wingfield-Hayes is reading this here are a few facts you left out:
In China up to 20,000,000 people died because of Japan
In what is now Vietnam, up to 2 million people died because of japan
In India up to 2.5 million people died because of Japan
In the Dutch Easr Indies up to 4 million people died because of Japan.
The atomic bombs killed up to 146,000 in Hiroshima and 80,000 at Nagasaki
The Japanese murdered 300,000 people in the city of Nanking over 6 weeks in 1937. War didn’t start in Europe till 1939.
And the bBC tells me the Japanese are the victims here?
Anyone with any ‘illusions’ about the Japanese as being ‘victims’ should read ‘The Knights of Bushido’ by Lord Russell.
They were the epitome of pure evil barbarism.
Only when they looked total obliteration in the face, did they surrender, even then first bomb didn t do it.
The way they treated POWs including ours, the BBC might want to fluff it out.
Oh and Reparation? I believe China may have some ideas on that.
The irony was that just prior to the first bomb being dropped; the Japanese ambassador in Moscow was told to entreat with senior people within the Soviet government, for Stalin act as intermediary between Japan and the U.S. & Britain – to begin negotiations for Japan’s surrender. When the ambassador failed to act after the first communication, the next one informed him that this was a direct order from the Emperor.
The Soviets did nothing to facilitate these mediatory efforts, as it wouldn’t serve their purposes for Japan to no longer be at war with the Western Allies.
The U.S. and Britain knew the content of these messages between Tokyo and the ambassador in Moscow, as the codes the Japanese were using had been cracked; however they needed to demonstrate the actual power of these new weapons, so that their possessing them would be a constraint on how the Soviet Union acted; after the Axis powers were defeated.
You don’t negotiate when the conditions were unconditional surrender. The Japs would not accept the conditions were NOT negotiable, so the bomb was dropped.
The Potsdam declaration which demanded the unconditional surrender of Japan or face “prompt and utter destruction” appalled Douglas MacArthur.
“He knew the Japanese would never renounce their emperor, and that without him an orderly transition to peace would be impossible, anyhow, because his people would never submit to Allied occupation unless he ordered it. Ironically , when the surrender did come, it was conditional, and the condition was a continuation of the imperial reign. Had the General’s advice been followed, the resort to atomic weapons at Hiroshima and Nagasaki might have been unnecessary.”
‘American Caesar’ William Manchester
Humphrys was interviewing the Jap ambassador this morning and suggested that the Americans claimed the alternative would have been a million American troops losing their lives (note, no mention of the civilian deaths that would have occurred).
The Jap replied that that may or may not have been the case. ‘May not’ you think would have prompted a further question, like ‘Well, what do you think would have happened? How many civilian lives do you think would have been lost in a ground war before Japan surrendered?’ Instead, Humph moved swiftly on to the next bit of the interview and the millions listening whose knowledge of WW2 has been framed by the BBC’s narrative remained blissfully ignorant of the background to Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the true horror inflicted upon the world by the brutal, psychopathic Japanese regime and its armed forces.
The practice of avoiding context and screeching to a halt at the point where the narrative is met, and going no further, is well established at the BBC.
Especially when there is but one, specially-selected, guest, and the BBC mouthpiece.
may or may not have been the case?
After the battle of Okinawa wherein just 3 months the U.S suffered 82.000 casualties + 28 ship sunk and 368 damaged plus hundreds of aircraft , the Japanese 110.000+ and the civilian population an estimated 140.000+ a battle for one Island with a small population now put that against the 6.800+ islands that make up the Japanese homelands plus millions of civilians all under fanatical military control the blood bath would have been unimaginable!
One thing that always make me smile about the end of the Pacific war : – after Leyte Gulf, Iwo Jima, Okinawa, B29s raining death and destruction plus two atomic bombs..the Emperor says the war situation ‘has not necessarily developed to Japan’s advantage’.
Last night’s BBC1 10:00 news featured the predictable “cry me a river” sermon from Fergal Keane. Oddly IIRC there was no mention of the earlier non-nuclear firebomb raids on Tokyo which probably killed far more that the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The BBC obviously considered that it wasn’t worth while having Fergal stumbling around Tokyo earlier this year marking the anniverary of what was, I believe, the ultimate raid in March 1945. You see the emotive highlighting of the use of the atomic bomb and the killing of hundreds of thousands at a stroke is far more damning of the US, particularly when the context is either ignored or brushed aside.
Forgive me for seeming hard-hearted but given the extent and depth of the evil that the Empire of Japan visited on the world, the Japanese got off lightly. Luckily for them – and after Japan’s retreat from the mainland of Asia – the USA faced another foe in Mao’s China (and the later need to fight the Korean War) and Japan was swiftly welcomed back into the comity of nations (with substantial US aid). That and the hard work of the Japanese ensured Japan’s post-WW2 material success.
But back to yesterday’s anniversary: given a choice between the horrible destruction of 2/300,000 enemy civilians and the assured death of hundreds of thousands of US soldiers, President Truman had no hesitation in choosing to save his countrymen: as any other sentient being would have done. What would the Japanese have done had the position been reversed?
What Keane (surely a man who has made the rare transition from journalist to circus performer) overlooks is just how evil the Japanese were capable of being.
It was, after all, the Japanese who bombed China with bubonic plague-carrying fleas.
I am not sure, personally, which was worse – to be nuked or stricken with bubonic plague. Possibly worse than either is to be emoted to death by one of the BBC’s specialists in conspicuous empathy.
Keane’s contributions are not “news”. If the BBC wants a background report on the sufferings of the inhabitants of Hiroshima then a “special” – perhaps a Panorama programme – on the circumstances surrounding and the effects (political and personal) of the Hiroshima bombing might be called for. However, Fergal’s – and the BBC’s – emoting is severely political and Narrative driven. Hiroshima is a wonderful opportunity (taken with relish) by the BBC to demonise whitey US. Similarly, Fergal’s colleague Lysa Doucet uses emotive “reporting” from Gaza as a wonderful opportunity to spread hatred of Jews Israel. Fergal’s (IIRC he spattered a few tears in the Med) and others reportage of the “migrant crisis” are barely disguised pleas to let them all in (whoever “them” is as long as they’re future benefiterati and Labour voters – and preferably non-white and Moslem).
The BBC’s politicisation of the news by what it chooses to report – and how it chooses to report (or not report) it has grown exponentially since the May electoral disaster. As I have written many times before, the London “news where you are” reportage has comprised an endless parade of anti-Boris items since before his first election. It has now stepped up a notch. For instance, last night the report on the tube strike squeezed a report on Conservative candidates for mayor next year to show Boris as uncaring since he (unlike the candidates questioned) refuses to take part in the TfL/union talks directly. To be fair, he was shown saying that it was the business of the management of TfL to negotiate but the flavour left is one of an inflexible Boris treading on the faces of London’s commuters and bullying the enslaved tube drivers who already have to survive on only £60,000+ pa and 2 months holiday annually.
Anybody read the official report on death of the bBCs saint Michael (Hands in the air) Brown. No? Most informative: Do spread it around: DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE REPORT REGARDING THE
OFFICER DARREN WILSON Wilson backed up his SUV and parked at an angle, blocking most of both lanes of traffic, and stopping Brown and Witness 101 from walking any further. Wilson attempted to open the driver’s door of the SUV to exit his vehicle, but as he swung it open, the door came into contact with Brown’s body and either rebounded closed or Brown pushed it closed. Wilson and other witnesses stated that Brown then reached into the SUV through the open driver’s window and punched and grabbed Wilson. This is corroborated by bruising on Wilson’s jaw and scratches on his neck, the presence of Brown’s DNA on Wilson’s collar, shirt, and pants, and Wilson’s DNA on Brown’s palm.Wilson told prosecutors and investigators that he responded to Brown reaching into the SUV and punching him by withdrawing his gun because he could not access less lethal weapons while seated inside the SUV. Brown then grabbed the weapon and struggled with Wilson to gain control of it. Wilson fired, striking Brown in the hand. Autopsy results and bullet trajectory, skin from Brown’s palm on the outside of the SUV door as well as Brown’s DNA on the inside of the driver’s door corroborate Wilson’s account that during the struggle, Brown used his right hand to grab and attempt to control Wilson’s gun. According to three autopsies, Brown sustained a close range gunshot wound to the fleshy portion of his right hand at the base of his right thumb. Soot from the muzzle of the gun found embedded in the tissue of this wound coupled with indicia of thermal change from the heat of the muzzle indicate that Brown’s hand was within inches of the muzzle of Wilson’s gun when it was fired. The location of the recovered bullet in the side panel of the driver’s door, just above Wilson’s lap, also corroborates Wilson’s account of the struggle over the gun and when the gun was fired, as do witness accounts that Wilson fired at least one shot from inside the SUV….After the initial shooting inside the SUV, the evidence establishes that Brown ran eastbound on Canfield Drive and Wilson chased after him. The autopsy results confirm that Wilson did not shoot Brown in the back as he was running away because there were no entrance wounds to Brown’s back……….Wilson shot Brown at about 12:02 p.m. on August 9, 2014. Within minutes, FPD officers responded to the scene, as they were already en route from Wilson’s initial radio call for assistance. Also within minutes, residents began pouring onto the street. At 12:08 p.m., FPD officers requested assistance from nearby SLCPD precincts. By 12:14 p.m., some members of the growing crowd became increasingly hostile in response to chants of “[We] need to kill these motherfuckers,” referring to the police officers on scene.
Witness Accounts
Witness 102 was doing house repairs on a residence on Canfield Drive when the shooting occurred. Witness 102 first noticed Brown and Witness 101 walking down Canfield Drive about 20 minutes prior to the shooting when he went to his truck to retrieve a broom. Brown’s size initially drew Witness 102’s attention. When Witness 102 later came back outside to get another tool, he noticed Wilson’s SUV parked in the middle of the street at an angle, with the driver’s side closer to the center of the street. Witness 102’s vantage point was street level, about 450 feet from the SUV with a view of the driver’s side of the SUV.
According to Witness 102, he saw Brown standing on the driver’s side of the SUV, bent over with his body through the driver’s window from the waist up. Witness 102 explained that Brown was “wrestling” through the window, but he was unable to see what Wilson was doing. After a few seconds, Witness 102 heard a gunshot. Immediately, Brown took off running in the opposite direction from where Witness 102 was standing. Witness 102 heard something metallic hit the ground. Witness 102 thought that he had just witnessed the murder of a police officer because a few seconds passed before Wilson emerged from the SUV. Wilson then chased Brown with his gun drawn, but not pointed at Brown, until Brown abruptly turned around at a nearby driveway. Witness 102 explained that it made no sense to him why Brown turned around. Brown did not get on the ground or put his hands up in surrender. In fact, Witness 102 told investigators that he knew “for sure that [Brown’s] hands were not above his head.” Rather,Brown made some type of movement similar to pulling his pants up or a shoulder shrug, and then “charged” at Wilson. It was only then that Wilson fired five or six shots at Brown. Brown paused and appeared to flinch, and Wilson stopped firing. However, Brown charged at Wilson again, and again Wilson fired about three or four rounds until Brown finally collapsed on the ground. Witness 102 was in disbelief that Wilson seemingly kept missing because Brown kept advancing forward. Witness 102 described Brown as a “threat,” moving at a “full charge.” Witness 102 stated that Wilson only fired shots when Brown was coming toward Wilson. It appeared to Witness 102 that Wilson’s life was in jeopardy
Was listening to Jonathan Portes being interviewed in his bedroom about immigrants on Al Jazeera. (Smarmy and self-righteous as ever.)
He and three others were shouting down the UKIP guy.
Makes a change from ‘Russia Today’ I suppose. There was a different view at least.
Britain is evil in every respect. Other countries take vastly more. (They don’t – we just fail to count properly.)
Even the Irish EU Commissioner Peter Sutherland is demanding UK takes more. His country however is sending those its navy ship rescues to Italy not bringing them to Dublin.
Re. the vast amounts of ‘migrants’ crossing the Med in overcrowded boats.
Anyone get the feeling that these boats having just about got off the coast of Libya, send out a distress call and, on seeing the Irish Navy or any other media seeking opportunist, deliberately scuttle their vessels?
Yes, why the heck is the Irish Navy there?
The EU could save all the bother and just send a cruise liner across to Libya and bring them all over to Blighty.
Mr Cameron, what are you doing to protect our nation from invasion?
You could not make it up.
Cameron is directly responsible for the state of Libya. Clegg and Cameron and whoever the Frenchman was deliberately caused havoc in that sad country.
Whatever you think of Milleband he stopped the same Cameron clique destroying what remains of Syria.
I doubt Cameron has the faintest idea of the recent history of the ME. A PR man out of his depth.
He and his like are the epitome of misdirected and insane liberalism.
Will he attempt to end the scandal of the people smugglers?
In your dreams.
Peter Sutherland is not a EUSSR Commisar but head of immigration at the U.N, he’s a snake oil salesman, in another time he would be tarred and feathered and run out of town. This article by Sutherland, is full of lies, contradictions and orwellian double speak. the power elites want a dumbed down, mixed race blob of humanity, with no allegiance to the nation state, which will be easier to control and manipulate.
” Peter Sutherland talks about helping the illegal immigrants, but this is just crude propaganda meant to tug at people’s heart-strings.
Some of you may be thinking, “Oh but, maybe he really means what he says”, well read on, and you’ll see his true anti-White agenda.
Earlier this year, he wrote an article explaining his position:
“The countries of the EU have two options: They can either make a vain attempt to revert to outdated, mono-ethnic models of statehood, or they can accept diversity with the realization that their national cultures will not only survive, but flourish.” ( Double Speak )
And back in 2012, he told the BBC that the Europe Union should “be doing its best to undermine” Europe’s “homogeneity and difference from others.”
The only reason why Europe is having this “diversity” agenda forced on it, is because it’s full of White people. The same thing happened to America, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand for exactly the same reasons.”
Sutherland argues that the mono-ethnic model of a nation state is outdated. It may have been longstanding, but how does that make it outdated ?
And how many of his fellow Irishmen would agree that Ireland, say, is too mono-ethnic and needs to be made multi-ethnic whether they agree or not ? How would that go down in the pub in Cork or Tipperary ?
What the hells gone wrong in Ireland?
The likes of Mary Robinson and Peter Sutherland?
Stephen Gateley? Graham Norton…JEDWARD?
Just read some piece of crap from Colin Toby…Maeve Benchy is far better as a writer.
The decline probably started with Johnny Logan…so now we`re left with gay weddings and Brendan O Carroll to speak for us.
And back in 2012, he told the BBC that the Europe Union should “be doing its best to undermine” Europe’s “homogeneity and difference from others.”
Whilst the mono-ethnicity of those countries from which the ‘others’ choose to migrate must be protected at all costs, because their ethnicities, skin colours and cultures are so superior to ours.
”or they can accept diversity with the realization that their national cultures will not only survive, but flourish.” How do you work that one out, Peter mate ???
Radio news: Peter Allen has been flown out to japan and has stayed there some time; so that they can drone on incessantly about the bombing of Japan. The overall cost of unnecessary reporting this must be large.
If you detect no sympathy in my tone, that is because my dad was a Jap POW in Borneo for 4 years. Things the bBC don’t say; casualties, the Tokyo fire raids only 2 weeks before had killed over 200,000. But the atomic bomb killed 100,000 at Hiroshima, but we will bang on about this as it gives a bBC bias to the story. Of the POWs at my dad’s camp only 25% survived, plus the Japs had ordered the withdrawal to start in Sept 45 and to execute all POWs. This fact the bBC NEVER utter, so I am writing this note because the bomb was dropped, otherwise most probably I would not exist.
Yes. The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are the measure, not of the wickedness of the US, but of what it took to stop a vile, ruthless Japanese regime which treated the rest of humanity like cattle, and their own population as entirely expendable in pursuance of their insane imperial militarism.
The question was asked, were the survivors angry, and the response was that some were bitter. No-one asked them if they were not bitter towards their own government and institutions for leading them into such contemptible murderous folly, which, if it had been directed at them instead of by them, they would have undoubtedly supported in resisting by any means, including the use of nuclear weapons.
My father was on a troopship destined to recapture the islands in the Pacific when news of the bomb was revealed and the war ended. Otherwise he, and thousands of others would have given their lives in the liberation because the Japanese were not going to surrender and welcome liberation from Tommy Atkins.
As a student I had the honour to study under one of the scientific team that produced the Hiroshima bomb. His outstanding and under reported scientific career continued until recently where he was awarded one of Japan’s highest awards for medical research, having led a team of Japanese scientists in the UK and in Tokio.
History that could be recorded by a broadcaster with an obligation to inform and educate.
Just a modest correction Dover Sentry – the UK left, and probably the BBC, supported the Soviet bomb, which at the time critics of CND’s pro Soviet stance, described it as the ‘worker’s bomb’. Is it the same with Iran’s nuclear ambitions?
It is our defences the left hate.
Am glad that the US bombed the Nips in the summer hols.
Or else our nations kids would be out in the parade ground, stood to attention in silence for minutes on end…maybe as many as three of `em!
Our kids couldn`t cope with that-as our Chinese teachers last Monday showed us(9pm.BBC2)
They are not on air at the moment I believe, so those wags at hignfy seem to be keeping their satirical hand in elsewhere. This on twitter:
MH370 investigators say reports from a lady who spotted a ‘wheel in the ocean’ are false, as she was Welsh, and it was a humpback.
From the comments in reply thus far, they may need to refine their craft a bit more for the next season. But full marks for the of fence bus combo they managed to stir up.
Wow Humphries on the Today program around 08:10 interviewed the Batman woman, and didn’t half stick the knife in.
She was completely evasive refusing to answer questions, but talking about irrelevant conjecture.
For once they had done their homework, and ambushed the Batman with an interview with a kid who described what her ‘charity’ had been up to.
We’d queue up there in the evenings for a brown envelope which had an Oyster card £30 in it, then we’d go off and do what we wanted with it.
“and what was that”
Oh we’d go and buy drugs, or get high. Sometimes we turned up to Kids Company high, but they never bothered.
The Batman simply refused to accept that the interview was genuine, and accused the BBC of manufacturing it !
I don’t think that anyone listening to this could doubt that the BBC had decided that the Batman has definitely been thrown out of the luvvies club.
Not going to credit them with simply doing their actual job, but nice to hear.
Meanwhile, elsewhere, VD and team seem to be going a more emotional route, pursuing the interesting logic that if little tinkers are not bribed with money, they will need to resort back to crime.
All true but, despite the BBC – or one of its senior functionaries, Yentob – being implicated in this whole debacle, the decision has obviously been taken in W1A that damning Cameron (and Letwin) and, by implication, Conservatives generally, is worth a bit of mud splashing on the pride of British broadcasting. Mind you I didn’t hear Yentob’s name broadcast during the interview nor that – forget about the current misallocation of funds – within living memory (under a Labour government) £700,000 was stolen from KC staff and HMRC was suborned to forget about it.
Yup-you could sense that the lefts tears were going to dissolve them all.
Humph did his bit more in sadness than in anger-but maybe that`s even crueller in Leftworld.
Camilla just shouted over it all, and spluttered non-sequiters whenever a fact was presented…it`s all the Left can do these days, since they`ve not been argued with since 1989…and they just seem entitled to emote and bluster over any opposing views.
Owen Jones being a template for Camillas chosen “breakdowns, brain freezes and emissions/omissions”.
Camilla and her Barney Army are fucked…just a drag act fat Fagin.
But the beat will go on…the Hamelin child catching squadron are cheesed off that their virtuous £100K “donations from the public commonweal” is now getting a look.
But since the EUs accounts have never been signed off-no change will occur, not be given to us.
Bribery with menaces…
The World Tonight [18:20] tells us that ‘Climate Change’ is of particular concern to Bangladesh as the sea level is rising and the sea and the rivers are eroding the land forcing people to leave their homes.
Of course there is no mention that most of the sea level ‘rise’ is because the land is falling and that the erosion is encouraged by local activities of dredging and creating embankments.
However the real problem is that young girls are suffering as they are being sold into marriage to bring some money into the family. Could this have a cultural or a religious basis? A question not asked. But then we ‘know’ the answer: “This has nothing to do with Isl…”
I don’t suppose it as anything to do with people queuing up for boats in Libya either.
The information that I received was that erosion in the eastern Himalayas & down into the hills of Bangladesh is due to deforestation as growing timber is used for fuel. The eroded soil goes downstream and eventually clogs an estuary where the ground becomes more level.
Part of the flooding problem in Bangladeshi deltas comes from a LACK of dredging. They cannot afford to do it. The little dredging that IS done is to build monsoon flood/cyclone refuges by creating higher ground. The population could move away from the estuary mouths but there is an incentive to stay: the soil is nutrient rich and easy to grow rice on. The fishing, I am told, is good too. Another incentive to stay.
River management, as we discovered in the UK two years ago, is important. Indeed, even lakes have to be managed otherwise occasional floods will occur with heavy rain before nature takes the lake over and turns into a bog and then, eventually, into a copse.
When you add the periods of concentrated heavy rainfall and other extreme weather that is experienced, flooding there in the Bangla deltas is inevitable. The problems of coastal Bangladesh are often erroneously cited as an example of Climate Change and rising sea levels. It is not that straightforward.
Jim, thanks for that. Useful info in there although I’ll need to have a deeper read in the full document. Still puzzled that they appear to be dredging now but making the problem worse! It shouldn’t be that way …
I would be interested to hear Essexman’s take on Cameron’s handling of the Calais /Med situation.
If people had voted with their heart rather than their head, whilst a UKIP government was off the agenda, a few more UKIP MP’s (fair play withstanding) would have put a lot more pressure on the inept PR man.
Still proud to say I voted UKIP and love Farage’s quote “I would not trust David Cameron as far as I could throw Ted Heath”
Talking of Ted Heath, ”’On Monday night US Newsweek reporter Leah McGrath Goodman claimed she was REMOVED from the UK for investigating child sex abuse claims against Sir Edward on Jersey in 2011.” Strange how the political establishment swings into action when it chooses to, she was deported so fast her feet didn’t touch the floor while others, bogus asylum seekers don’t.
Classic funny and astute
Or even the classic from the 70s that isn t, Heath and Morning Cloud,
“often seen clinging to the bottom of a small buoy”
( can be used for many purposes. It can be anchored (stationary) or allowed to drift with the erm … wave)
Ukip have about 20 MEP`s , don`t hear much from them either . The fact ,other Euro Navies ,are still picking them up , what would Ukip do ?Its easy to say, do this, do that, when you are not in power. The Calais thing is up to the French, to sort out , even though ,we are paying for some of it .
Of course the PM , could do more, I have not heard a thing out of Carswell either . But the Calais thing is in the hands of the French , & if we piss them off , Hollande will give them all passports , they will be over easy peasy .
If enough people had voted for Farage and UKIP, instead of Camoron and the rest of the CINOs (Conservative In Name Only), then it wouldn’t f*****g matter to us in the U.K. who Hollande gave passports to.
Then that’s a very good case to get out of Europe. The PM has already made a massive blunder by saying that it was his wish to remain in the EU even before negotiating any terms.
The reason that you will have not heard a thing from Carswell is because the media have not attempted to broadcast any UKIP views on the matter. By the way, have we heard any comment from any Conservative MP? They are letting their country and their constituents down.
Admit it, you should have voted UKIP.
PS. Our EU partners will probably give them EU passports and fast track them over here anyway.
You don’t generally hear much from any MEPs, so perhaps what they say is largely unreported. Unless, of course, they say something deemed to be racist. But in truth, I can’t see what more Cameron can really do about Calais, which is foreign territory. Piss the French off too much and they’re perfectly capable of turning a blind eye to many of the immigrants as they leave France.
What Cameron can do, and needs to do, is to make it clear that none will be accepted here because, bluntly, they’re not wanted and they need to sort out their own problems, not bring them here. And he needs to call it what it is – an attempted invasion. Any found here need to be held securely in pretty basic accomodation until they agree to go back whence they came or show a genuine need for asylum here. He’d be fighting the BBC if he did that, of course.
I have read the UKIP policy on this issue, by Gerard Batten or Steven Woolfe. In effect it is a carbon copy of what Australia does now. The UK would pay a safe country in Africa, such as Sierra Leone, to process them in that country, with most returned home or to a safe country. But UKIP MEP’s don’t appear on the BBC due to the BBC’s relative high level of censorship of people not of the intellectually inferior middle-class Lefty type. But I have seen Mike Hookem at Calais on 5 News or Sky News or RT UK, but I missed Farage, Helmer sent me an email, and Nuttall was pointing out BBC bias on RT UK, O’Flynn wrote something in the Express, and I read a comment from Woolfe. But its not only UKIPers with brains. Daniel Hannan (Posh as Cameron, but with an Education) was on the telly. And the man credited by Mensa, as the brainiest Labour MP, Frank Field had a comment, somewhere.
Daniel Hannan (Posh as Cameron, but with an Education) was on the telly.” A wannabe intellectual who wants Turkey in the EUSSR because and I quote ” I don’t want the EU to be seen as a white Christian club.” So he wants to fling the door open to 80 million muslims.
Trust Mark Mardell to get his “Blott On The Landscape” acting role mixed up with his own “Bolt on the Landscape”!
Some tribute eh?
Mardell just phones it in , and confuses a Dominos pizza box with a laptop screen.
Pretty sure that Cole could not have played his brilliant Daley role without being an old-school Tory grifter in the finest traditions!
As opposed to public pimps like Blair and Batmanjelly…Cole added to the “cultural capital” of this country far more than those greedy lefty troughers could.
God Bless You George-like to think he`ll earn a decent Japanese Scotch up with St Peter at the Winchester Cloud Club later on.
Minder hit our screens 2 years before Only Fools and I often wonder just how much the latter owed to the former. Was watching a 1981 episode the other night and ‘Arfur’ was heard to utter the phrase ‘he who dares wins…”
Sad to see both Rodney and Terry in New Tricks the other night, age is a bastard!
‘As a result of Harrabin and friends causing a stink, there will now be an internal BBC “Feedback” inquest into Quentin’s programme. …Guido suspects the Feedback process will be like a show trial from the Maoist China days…
I am shocked, shocked, I tell you that a few complaints from the other side has seen BBC procedures go into full emergency navel gaze immediately. Has Fraser Steel been recalled too, to personally commit seppuku?
‘…but all this kerfuffle will only serve to highlight that the Met Office has been getting distinctly political, lobbying MPs and pushing the Climate Change orthodoxy. This may catch the eye of the minister responsibe for the Met Office and its fat-cat executives – Sajid Javid
Too much to hope this two-tier approach to accountability may also reach the radars of John Whittingdale and Jesse Norman?
There are many many scientists who are under censorship by the BBC‘s censorship policy for climate science, scientists and scientific debate, but Quentin Letts isn’t one of them. But an interesting development for John Whittingdale to consider, as an example, of the “BBC Censorship” issue with his fellow Mensa members. Also, scientists Piers Corbyn, Peter Lilley and Graham Stringer are all well known victims of the BBC Censorship of scientists policy. So as for the communist “Show Trial”, We would expect Colin Tregear to insist on the restoration of BBC Censorship, as he was the Project Director at the BBC’s Weather Centre before being appointed Complaints Director of the Editorial Complains Unit, as a trusted defender of Censorship, especially from jokes at the expense of the lefty Administrators at the Met Office, from the outsider, Quentin Letts.
You’d have thought that the latest antics of this anti-British far-Left Marxist prat would make it onto the BBC; but, no. The BBC are more interested in trying to garner sympathy for that irritating mound of table cloths Camila Batmanghelidjh:
What man! … Is it becuz, I do a multi-coloured Hawaiian shirt impression?
It dem inner city kids … init.
Oh, the jollity 😀
Anyway OT
Folks be warned … Its coming here, after our, “no offence”, “no platform”, “safe space”
to protect supposedly intellectual ears from anything that might cause an intake of breath
… and it won t be long
New Hampshire Univ, and their new politically correct, “Bias Free Language Guide.”
It covers “microagressions” — including “microinsults” —
Offenses against “ageism, sexism, racism” and other “-isms.” It gets off to a bad start with its dubious definition of “democracy” and goes downhill from there.
It’s Orwell’s 1984 except it isn’t fiction.
… very shady on info enclosed in the letter
more pandering self censorship from the Manchester Evening Sharia.
Christianity gets offended often, lets drag all those imams, school teachers muslim pensioners into court?, yeah right
this crap HAS to stop
There is only one religious hate crime on the statute book, and that is Islamophobia. The penalties for being Islamophobic are the most severe anywhere in the world.
The oil rich Saudis paid Tony BLiar a lot of money to get those laws and he obliged in spades !
Just wonderful to watch Alan Yentob getting eviscerated by Matt Frei on Channel 4 News as I type.
Frei`s a creep-but Yentob is an inarticulate shifter-and getting a hammering.
Pompous-presumptuous and the classic elitist arrogance of one who long had lost any reason to debate or justify.
A joy to watch the liberal left bitchslapping themselves like eels in a pork barrel.
Note something called the “Misogynist Book Club” on Radio 4 every day this week.
Bravo BBC…see that Shakespeare and the Bible get a kicking from the sisters, by the blurb.
Er…the Koran everybody?
Nah, course not-the very manifesto of equality eh Fatima?
What courage-as ever from the fearless BBC.
Lucy PevenseyMar 10, 12:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Tower Bridge has been shut down after a man has climbed the railings. Emergency services at to the scene.
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MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “41% of London residents were born outside the UK, according to the 2021 Census. This is much higher than the…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:23 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Now Richard Holden MP tells Guido: “It’s quite clear Labour are embarrassed to say why they won’t back banning first…
Rob in CheshireMar 10, 12:18 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage is terrified that if he seems too “right wing”, then left wing people won’t vote for him. But they…
Rob in CheshireMar 10, 12:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I venture to suggest that the lads who fought for Britain in WWI and WWII would be appalled at what…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:13 Start the Week 10th March 2025 [img][/img]
This is good value. The BBC has annoyed an ex-BBC reporter, who is well-versed in the BBC Editorial Guidelines, and knows a breach when he
makessees one, and is simply livid.Better yet, a fair few of his audience are now too and… they are going to complain!
Me to. I was livid. No doubt Letts is a mate of all the other out of touch old clowns like Monkton, Ridley and Delingpole who deny scientific reality. You don’t achieve balance by allowing a lunatic fringe such air-time. How about 97% air-time going to real scientists and 3% to these old fools?
BobMeyrick Drypoint 3h ago
Ditto. I’ve sent in a complaint.
PaulGButler 7h ago
This was a programme that the BBC should be ashamed of.
The BBC will have to apologize for this and preferably make another programme in which all Letts’ falsehoods and exaggerations are addressed
JohnRussell40 PaulGButler 6h ago
A dissection of the Letts programme would make a fantastic doco for Radio 4. Maybe that’s what all who are going to complain should ask for.
roderickspode GordonLiddle 6h ago
I listened to the programme and am considering writing to the BBC to complain.
I haven’t listened (yet) but I encourage you to complain:
and also to R4 feedback:
JohnRussell40 GordonLiddle 6h ago
Do complain. I have, many times. Mostly their replies will miss the point, but if enough complain they have to take us seriously. Don’t worry about the general tone too much, however much it wound you up; but be specific about outright lies that went uncorrected—and there were quite a few of them.
Don’t hesitate, you can do it here.
If that doesn’t get Fraser Steel rushing for the sackcloth and ashes by tomorrow, what will? Poor old BBC Watch and others with actual complaints of actual substance with actual facts now knocked back to December.
I also note a few pointing out our Rich has a few fine moments of his own, sometimes as a result of challenge, which the Graun’s mods then obliterate.
Nicely stitched up there.
Goes without saying this will also easily balance the ‘upsetting both sides equally’ scales enough to get well past Charter Review.
Blissful programme. I was laughing for much of it – just to hear such wonderful views aired fearlessly on the BBC. I don’t want to know why it was broadcast – doubtless some fiendish plot in the build-up to charter you-know-what. I’m just happy that it was.
It’s so wonderful when you hear people not giving a damn about toeing some line, instead just saying what they think.
Quentin Letts was treated fairly, the program was factually accurate, if not all that informative. For example, he could have included some of the thermodynamics in the “Unified Theory of Climate” and its roll in disproving the standard Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Gas Theory formula used in those Met Office computers. But then the BBC would have to invite the brother with brains, Piers Corbyn, for that. As I do agree, that probably more than 90 percent of scientists are ignorant of this revolutionary solution. But BBC Censorship can be circumvented by Googling that said Theory. I understand that there are a few underlings at the Met Office who may be aware of the implications of this solution. But I bet that the administrators of the Met Office are pig ignorant, and regard Piers as the mad brother.
Oh yes, not forgetting the final point in the BBC‘s Editorial Guidelines, children should be protected from Richard Black.
Interesting little story: I wonder if the BBC will be reporting this one?
If any treacherous British far-Left scum are found to be instigating these violent attacks in Calias, then I would like to see the most severe punishment handed out.
I think the Gendarmerie will make sure of that…
There is a network of these groups. Probably supported by Cameron and May who have a soft spot for left groups like UAF etc.
Thanks for the link. What a despicable, anti-British rabble these ‘Open Borders’ communist filth are. Just have a read of some of their literature; they are nothing more than traitors. I loathe far-Left scum. The enemy within!
The most worrying thing is that we have young impressionable minds in this country (students, usually from posh backgrounds etc) that have been indoctrinated into believing this commie tripe. They really do side with the enemy; one only has to observe their aggressive behaviour at various protests like Occupy, for example. Groups like UAF, Open Borders and Socialist Workers Party are also often seen protesting alongside Islamic extremist groups. Very concerning. They’re traitors.
A good wash and a job interview then?
Dare we punish these lefty agitprop types with the ultimate deterrent-that of earning a living for themselves?
Fascist. It’s their human right to live off capitalist scum. 😉
“the most severe punishment handed out”
Sent to live with these people, where these people came from. Permanently. That’s my notion of the appropriate punishment.
Grim faced reporting as news of another boat capsising in the Mediterranean with lots of invaders, sorry, illegal immigrants, sorry, migrants drowning. Funny thing is that the boat was only 15 miles from the Libyan coastline yet the Italian coastguard and Irish / British navy ships are still goin to take them to Italy.
It is another dreadful loss of life. The West is refusing to behave either realistically or humanely. Unforgiveable in my view.
The military means are there to destroy the smugglers networks and boats.
They are the root of the problem. No smugglers and no boats equals no disasters like this.
Imstead of decisive action what we will get is endless emoting and breast beating from the usual suspects.
Libya is a country without law. It is the right of European nations affected by this to take action. This has been so throughout the ages.
The smugglers are the 21st century equivalent of the pirates that nearly destroyed trade in past times. They were hunted down and eliminated. What has changed?
There needs to be a military occupation of the littoral zone of North Africa, from where these illegal immigrants are putting to sea, to halt this unfettered embarkation.
This should be carried out by the former colonial powers of these countries (France, Spain & Italy); supported logistically, militarily and financially by the other European nations affected by this unrestricted influx of people from the Third World onto the European continent and into Britain.
What’s happening in the Med is not a humanitarian catastrophe, a humanitarian catastrophe is something outside of ones own control, like an earthquake, a volcano, a tsunami.These invaders CHOOSE of their own free will travel from Somalia, Eritrea, Nigeria etc etc to Libya, they CHOOSE of their own free will to pay smugglers £5000 to £7000, then they CHOOSE of their own free will to cram themselves on a leaky old boat that’s not sea worthy. Then a mile out to sea they phone up the Royal Navy taxi service that ferries them to Italy where, hey presto, they get a free council house. The key word is choose. Isn’t this unfair on legitimate asylum seekers, these invaders are jumping the queue ?
A slight irony to this is that once they arrive at the land of milk, honey and the world’s most treasured broadcaster, should they choose to watch any broadcast material live, the one thing they have no choice with is paying said broadcaster.
Oh, come now! Do you think any of them would be monitored and prosecuted for not paying?
The day an invader gets prosecuted for not paying the BBC tax will be the day Woody Allen wins a world heavyweight boxing title.
Yes, and for reasons of cultural sensitivity, I expect our RoPer friends get a free pass from the snoopers. I doubt the bin bags are allowed to answer the door to filthy kaffirs, anyway.
Yes, the media always reports ” x migramts rescued in the Med”. This is a distortion of the truth. A more acurate statement would be “x migrants stage their own drowning so that various navies for legalistic reasons rescue them and unwillingly? give them access to Europe and much cash.” The situation is really highly farcical. An analogy would be a wave (swarm?) of destitute people rushing into banks, pointing a revolver to their heads and demanding “Give me £100,000 or I’ll blow my brains out”. The police would be called. If brains were blown out, who would be to blame? The BBC take would, of course, be ” Greedy banks let vulnerable person die”.
Right, excuse my ignorance of contemporary semantics but can anyone here explain why the BBC chooses to use the word ‘radical’ to describe Islamic extremists and terrorists? From my survey of the dictionary definitions it is not a word that seems to commonly apply to those who support terrorist activities, religious supremacism and mass murder. It is, however, used to refer to political ‘progressives’ such as revolutionary communists and socialists.
Could the word ‘radical’ be an exercise in damage limitation and subtle indoctrination by the BBC? Personally, I refer to the likes of Anjem Cowpat as a rat-filth, pus-brain bag of loathsome excrement who I would like to see hanged.
Ah….. saying what millions think eh?
I salute you Sir.
Have you met our Tommy from Luton?
You’ll get on very well with him.
Personally I think he should be PM, and I recon you’d be a good Justice Minister.
Oh well, at my age I’m allowed to dream.
Thanks Old Timer. I just love England and Great Britain; I’m proud of my country and its people and am sick to death and angry with the abuse this country is getting. We are decent people but have been badly let down by a corrupt and utterly useless political class and Left-wing plotters whose main objective is to undermine our national identity. We need to stick together, even if it’s just online! 🙂
I think Anjem Choudary is an amazing asset to us. He debates at times with Robert Spencer, and they both agree on many issues.
He lives his faith as it is not as the British government would like it to be.
He tells the truth about his vicious and violent faith – although you won’t see him being allowed to tell this truth on the BBC.
As a lawyer he has been able to stay just within the law with his rhetoric.
So what if he has been encouraging fanatics to go fight in Syria? They’re better off there than here anyway!
And then there’s the real reason why the BBC and the state hate him so much.
If people hear what he is saying about Islam and believe it might be true, then the myth of ‘moderate Muslims’ will be well & truly smashed – and that cannot be allowed to happen.
Not the BBC but Sky ( although I didn’t the watch BBC news), top story was the closure of Kids Scape obviously the result of the nasty tory sc*m cuts. For me having been in Londonistan today I would have thought the tube strike somewhat more relevant to more people… but of course that would be the greedy union sc*m and we can’t have the left wing unions scrutinized too much for representing their.. well are they ‘middle class workers’ bearing in mind their generous pay and holidays?
In fact I watched Sky news for 20 mins and not a mention of the tube strike.
20 minutes into BBC 4 World News and it has all been about MH370. Nothing else to report in the World today then ! Unbelievable , even by BBC standards.
It got worse. It was the ONLY item in a 30 minute news broadcast !
Tough guy Cam? … is on it!
Choudary was still at large, on the streets pushing his dangerous sharia lunacy and hate while our courts were sentencing to home detention a man who put Halal warning stickers stating facts, on meat in a supermarket
More, puff piece, and soundbite as usual Cameron’s faffing about trying to look as if he’s doing something,
He’s just making wind about what is pure Islam, its true face and trying to stop Choudhary pointing out the obvious too loudly
the Navy ferries illegal immigrants from Africa to Italy … for the onward journey to Calais, and this joker with his sticking plasters and sniffer dogs on order, pretends to keep them out? :-D, after which they become immigrants – residents … then citizens.
So Cameron he s erm “on it”? … whether that s the kool aid, whacky baccee, and self delusion tablets … take your pick.
Did anyone else hear Alan Partridge, sorry I mean Paddy O’Connell hosting the Jeremy Vine Show today? What an embarrassment the bloke is, I was cringing as I listened – he is as thick as two short planks, dull, ill informed…in fact, when I think about it, a perfect stand in for Jezza!
Heard a bit in the car with some vigilante dog sh1t clearer, hot topic of the day, we’ve made great inroads here, people now pick it up, put it in a plastic bag (that take decades to decay) and then decorate the local trees with said bags….progress!
Regardless another type of fecal matter should be taking priority right now….
Note that the BBC are giving us a three part series on the Worlds Greatest Thinkers.
As for Moses, Jesus…or even Paul , Aquinas or Luther maybe?
Well duh…Russell Brand will have to do that stuff for them.
Just as well they`ve not gone for Muhammad, Marx or Lenin…Timothy Leary or Joe Strummer eh?
What ? No Obama ?
A silly title, I’ll give you that. “Three influential thinkers?” Maybe? I have learned much from Plato’s writings, especially Socratic dialogues. Socrates, got to love him.
Think I prefer Aristotle.
He figured out the cult of perpetual pointless rebellion and the dim nature of youth, before it gets responsibility and a few knocks.
So he`s on the money re the likes of the BBC, the Left and Russell Brand, Grayson Perry and the “Good Rebellion”
Not anything there for emotional Betty then?
Bit negative, judgemental and lacking the pozzitivity of a Geri or a McCartney?
Oh dear-NOT for the ears of the vote toting Salmonella yoof of the SNP is it?
Knock knock
Who’s there?
Euripides who?
Euripides and you buy me another pair
TrueToo, That is awful. Please don’t give up the day job !
I agree. It’s such a bad joke it’s almost funny.
BBC News Website:-
‘Radicalisation fears for 32 children protected by court’
“Assistant Commissioner Mark Rowley, the country’s most senior counter-terrorism officer, said in some instances the children were “almost babes in arms”, with ages ranging from two or three up to 16 or 17.”
“Mr Rowley said: “The last thing we want is children going to a war zone with a terrorist ideology around them.”
“He also disclosed that counter-terrorism officers were now arresting suspects at a rate of more than one a day.”
Notice how the BBC report is sterile. No comment or discussion as to the causes of this. Or mention as to a possible solution or strategy to deal.
It’s almost as if the BBC are reporting an accident on the M6.
That’s a good term ‘sterile’. It’s as if they adopt ‘clean room’ (aka sand box in computing) procedures – nothing must get into the story, nothing must emerge from it. We are forced to observe a hermetically sealed event, through a lead-lined window.
No wonder these items leave people wondering what on earth it was all about. They make everything resemble a natural disaster – Calais, Mediterranean, Kidscape and so on. All ‘natural disasters’ for which there is no explanation..
Apologies – Kids Company – I hope?
Another of those ‘Thank God for the internet’ moments.
This is pure comedy gold, long ago consigned by the BBC to its Memory Hole but kept alive by keen bloggers and that leftist hate-icon of capitalist excess, Amazon….
And before quickly getting turned off by what you might think is yet another BBC propaganda piece on ‘climate change’ look at the date – 14th November 1974.
No folks, this is not global warming, this is those nasty CO2 emissions bringing us next Ice Age. And it’s the BBC telling us so, in no uncertain terms.
As for the publishers of Nigel Calder’s book, ‘The Weather Machine’ – why, none other than BBC Publications, and you can still pick up a second hand copy:
And here’s a comprehensive reminder – quotes, videos and links – of how intense the propaganda was at that time. These are some of the later 1970s examples…
1978 – The Coming Ice Age (In Search Of TV Show, Season 2, Episode 23, Host: Leonard Nimoy, May 1978)
1978 – An Ice Age Is Coming Weather Expert Fears (Milwaukee Sentinel, November 17, 1978)
1979 – A Choice of Catastrophes – The Disasters That Threaten Our World [Book] (Isaac Asimov, 1979)
1979 – The Sixth Winter [Book] (John R. Gribbin, 1979)
1979 – The New Ice Age Cometh (The Age, January 16, 1979)
1979 – Ice Age Building Up (Daily Record, June 5, 1979)
1979 – Large Glacial Buildup Could Mean Ice Age (Daily Chronicle, June 5, 1979)
1979 – Ice Age On Its Way (Lewiston Morning Tribune, June 7, 1979)
1979 – Get Ready to Freeze (Daily Chronicle, October 12, 1979)
1979 – New ice age almost upon us? (The Christian Science Monitor, November 14, 1979)
‘You ironically find one of the most outspoken supporters of modern day Al Gore style global warming alarmism was promoting global cooling in the 1970s, the late Dr. Steven Schneider.’ (Video)
‘”Climate experts believe the next ice age is on its way.”
– Leonard Nimoy, 1978’
Plenty of rich pickings there for The Now Show, eh? Or even a balanced retrospective from our friend Harrabin?
I hope I haven’t walked on anybody else’s toes here, but a quick butchers appears to say I haven’t. (Apologies if I have)
The bBC, rewriting History which reinvents the aggressor as the victim and the victim as the aggressor.
The ‘sanitised narrative’ of Hiroshima’s atomic bombing
The US has always insisted that the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were necessary to end World War Two. But it is a narrative that has little emphasis on the terrible human cost.I met a remarkable young man in Hiroshima the other day. His name is Jamal Maddox and he is a student at Princeton University in America. Jamal had just toured the peace museum and met with an elderly hibakusha, a survivor of the bombing. Standing near the famous A-Bomb Dome, I asked Jamal whether his visit to Hiroshima had changed the way he views America’s use of the atom bomb on the city 70 years ago. He considered the question for a long time. “It’s a difficult question,” he finally said. “I think we as a society need to revisit this point in history and ask ourselves how America came to a point where it was okay to destroy entire cities, to firebomb entire cities…..But no other bombing campaign in WW2 was as intense in the destruction of civilian lives as the US bombing of Japan in 1945. Between 300,000 and 900,000 people died. As Jamal Maddox put it to me so well, how was it that the country that entered the war to save civilisation ended it by slaughtering hundreds of thousands of civilians?
If the bBC’s Rupert Wingfield-Hayes is reading this here are a few facts you left out:
In China up to 20,000,000 people died because of Japan
In what is now Vietnam, up to 2 million people died because of japan
In India up to 2.5 million people died because of Japan
In the Dutch Easr Indies up to 4 million people died because of Japan.
The atomic bombs killed up to 146,000 in Hiroshima and 80,000 at Nagasaki
The Japanese murdered 300,000 people in the city of Nanking over 6 weeks in 1937. War didn’t start in Europe till 1939.
And the bBC tells me the Japanese are the victims here?
Anyone with any ‘illusions’ about the Japanese as being ‘victims’ should read ‘The Knights of Bushido’ by Lord Russell.
They were the epitome of pure evil barbarism.
AliBaba telly are disgracefully brainwashing our young about WW2.
Only when they looked total obliteration in the face, did they surrender, even then first bomb didn t do it.
The way they treated POWs including ours, the BBC might want to fluff it out.
Oh and Reparation? I believe China may have some ideas on that.
The irony was that just prior to the first bomb being dropped; the Japanese ambassador in Moscow was told to entreat with senior people within the Soviet government, for Stalin act as intermediary between Japan and the U.S. & Britain – to begin negotiations for Japan’s surrender. When the ambassador failed to act after the first communication, the next one informed him that this was a direct order from the Emperor.
The Soviets did nothing to facilitate these mediatory efforts, as it wouldn’t serve their purposes for Japan to no longer be at war with the Western Allies.
The U.S. and Britain knew the content of these messages between Tokyo and the ambassador in Moscow, as the codes the Japanese were using had been cracked; however they needed to demonstrate the actual power of these new weapons, so that their possessing them would be a constraint on how the Soviet Union acted; after the Axis powers were defeated.
You don’t negotiate when the conditions were unconditional surrender. The Japs would not accept the conditions were NOT negotiable, so the bomb was dropped.
The Potsdam declaration which demanded the unconditional surrender of Japan or face “prompt and utter destruction” appalled Douglas MacArthur.
“He knew the Japanese would never renounce their emperor, and that without him an orderly transition to peace would be impossible, anyhow, because his people would never submit to Allied occupation unless he ordered it. Ironically , when the surrender did come, it was conditional, and the condition was a continuation of the imperial reign. Had the General’s advice been followed, the resort to atomic weapons at Hiroshima and Nagasaki might have been unnecessary.”
‘American Caesar’ William Manchester
Humphrys was interviewing the Jap ambassador this morning and suggested that the Americans claimed the alternative would have been a million American troops losing their lives (note, no mention of the civilian deaths that would have occurred).
The Jap replied that that may or may not have been the case. ‘May not’ you think would have prompted a further question, like ‘Well, what do you think would have happened? How many civilian lives do you think would have been lost in a ground war before Japan surrendered?’ Instead, Humph moved swiftly on to the next bit of the interview and the millions listening whose knowledge of WW2 has been framed by the BBC’s narrative remained blissfully ignorant of the background to Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the true horror inflicted upon the world by the brutal, psychopathic Japanese regime and its armed forces.
The practice of avoiding context and screeching to a halt at the point where the narrative is met, and going no further, is well established at the BBC.
Especially when there is but one, specially-selected, guest, and the BBC mouthpiece.
It is unprofessional, and dishonest.
may or may not have been the case?
After the battle of Okinawa wherein just 3 months the U.S suffered 82.000 casualties + 28 ship sunk and 368 damaged plus hundreds of aircraft , the Japanese 110.000+ and the civilian population an estimated 140.000+ a battle for one Island with a small population now put that against the 6.800+ islands that make up the Japanese homelands plus millions of civilians all under fanatical military control the blood bath would have been unimaginable!
One thing that always make me smile about the end of the Pacific war : – after Leyte Gulf, Iwo Jima, Okinawa, B29s raining death and destruction plus two atomic bombs..the Emperor says the war situation ‘has not necessarily developed to Japan’s advantage’.
Must get an award for litotes of the century!
The original BBC spokesman…or Lefty hack.
Last night’s BBC1 10:00 news featured the predictable “cry me a river” sermon from Fergal Keane. Oddly IIRC there was no mention of the earlier non-nuclear firebomb raids on Tokyo which probably killed far more that the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The BBC obviously considered that it wasn’t worth while having Fergal stumbling around Tokyo earlier this year marking the anniverary of what was, I believe, the ultimate raid in March 1945. You see the emotive highlighting of the use of the atomic bomb and the killing of hundreds of thousands at a stroke is far more damning of the US, particularly when the context is either ignored or brushed aside.
Forgive me for seeming hard-hearted but given the extent and depth of the evil that the Empire of Japan visited on the world, the Japanese got off lightly. Luckily for them – and after Japan’s retreat from the mainland of Asia – the USA faced another foe in Mao’s China (and the later need to fight the Korean War) and Japan was swiftly welcomed back into the comity of nations (with substantial US aid). That and the hard work of the Japanese ensured Japan’s post-WW2 material success.
But back to yesterday’s anniversary: given a choice between the horrible destruction of 2/300,000 enemy civilians and the assured death of hundreds of thousands of US soldiers, President Truman had no hesitation in choosing to save his countrymen: as any other sentient being would have done. What would the Japanese have done had the position been reversed?
What Keane (surely a man who has made the rare transition from journalist to circus performer) overlooks is just how evil the Japanese were capable of being.
It was, after all, the Japanese who bombed China with bubonic plague-carrying fleas.
I am not sure, personally, which was worse – to be nuked or stricken with bubonic plague. Possibly worse than either is to be emoted to death by one of the BBC’s specialists in conspicuous empathy.
Keane’s contributions are not “news”. If the BBC wants a background report on the sufferings of the inhabitants of Hiroshima then a “special” – perhaps a Panorama programme – on the circumstances surrounding and the effects (political and personal) of the Hiroshima bombing might be called for. However, Fergal’s – and the BBC’s – emoting is severely political and Narrative driven. Hiroshima is a wonderful opportunity (taken with relish) by the BBC to demonise whitey US. Similarly, Fergal’s colleague Lysa Doucet uses emotive “reporting” from Gaza as a wonderful opportunity to spread hatred of
JewsIsrael. Fergal’s (IIRC he spattered a few tears in the Med) and others reportage of the “migrant crisis” are barely disguised pleas to let them all in (whoever “them” is as long as they’re future benefiterati and Labour voters – and preferably non-white and Moslem).The BBC’s politicisation of the news by what it chooses to report – and how it chooses to report (or not report) it has grown exponentially since the May electoral disaster. As I have written many times before, the London “news where you are” reportage has comprised an endless parade of anti-Boris items since before his first election. It has now stepped up a notch. For instance, last night the report on the tube strike squeezed a report on Conservative candidates for mayor next year to show Boris as uncaring since he (unlike the candidates questioned) refuses to take part in the TfL/union talks directly. To be fair, he was shown saying that it was the business of the management of TfL to negotiate but the flavour left is one of an inflexible Boris treading on the faces of London’s commuters and bullying the enslaved tube drivers who already have to survive on only £60,000+ pa and 2 months holiday annually.
I nearly burst out laughing at the “Hiroshima changed what it meant to be human” bit. What a pretentious tosser!
Can’t he keep his hands a bit more still when he’s reciting his soliloquy?
Did the BBC interview the US ambassador ?
Anybody read the official report on death of the bBCs saint Michael (Hands in the air) Brown. No? Most informative: Do spread it around:
Wilson backed up his SUV and parked at an angle, blocking most of both lanes of traffic, and stopping Brown and Witness 101 from walking any further. Wilson attempted to open the driver’s door of the SUV to exit his vehicle, but as he swung it open, the door came into contact with Brown’s body and either rebounded closed or Brown pushed it closed. Wilson and other witnesses stated that Brown then reached into the SUV through the open driver’s window and punched and grabbed Wilson. This is corroborated by bruising on Wilson’s jaw and scratches on his neck, the presence of Brown’s DNA on Wilson’s collar, shirt, and pants, and Wilson’s DNA on Brown’s palm.Wilson told prosecutors and investigators that he responded to Brown reaching into the SUV and punching him by withdrawing his gun because he could not access less lethal weapons while seated inside the SUV. Brown then grabbed the weapon and struggled with Wilson to gain control of it. Wilson fired, striking Brown in the hand. Autopsy results and bullet trajectory, skin from Brown’s palm on the outside of the SUV door as well as Brown’s DNA on the inside of the driver’s door corroborate Wilson’s account that during the struggle, Brown used his right hand to grab and attempt to control Wilson’s gun. According to three autopsies, Brown sustained a close range gunshot wound to the fleshy portion of his right hand at the base of his right thumb. Soot from the muzzle of the gun found embedded in the tissue of this wound coupled with indicia of thermal change from the heat of the muzzle indicate that Brown’s hand was within inches of the muzzle of Wilson’s gun when it was fired. The location of the recovered bullet in the side panel of the driver’s door, just above Wilson’s lap, also corroborates Wilson’s account of the struggle over the gun and when the gun was fired, as do witness accounts that Wilson fired at least one shot from inside the SUV….After the initial shooting inside the SUV, the evidence establishes that Brown ran eastbound on Canfield Drive and Wilson chased after him. The autopsy results confirm that Wilson did not shoot Brown in the back as he was running away because there were no entrance wounds to Brown’s back……….Wilson shot Brown at about 12:02 p.m. on August 9, 2014. Within minutes, FPD officers responded to the scene, as they were already en route from Wilson’s initial radio call for assistance. Also within minutes, residents began pouring onto the street. At 12:08 p.m., FPD officers requested assistance from nearby SLCPD precincts. By 12:14 p.m., some members of the growing crowd became increasingly hostile in response to chants of “[We] need to kill these motherfuckers,” referring to the police officers on scene.
Witness Accounts
Witness 102 was doing house repairs on a residence on Canfield Drive when the shooting occurred. Witness 102 first noticed Brown and Witness 101 walking down Canfield Drive about 20 minutes prior to the shooting when he went to his truck to retrieve a broom. Brown’s size initially drew Witness 102’s attention. When Witness 102 later came back outside to get another tool, he noticed Wilson’s SUV parked in the middle of the street at an angle, with the driver’s side closer to the center of the street. Witness 102’s vantage point was street level, about 450 feet from the SUV with a view of the driver’s side of the SUV.
According to Witness 102, he saw Brown standing on the driver’s side of the SUV, bent over with his body through the driver’s window from the waist up. Witness 102 explained that Brown was “wrestling” through the window, but he was unable to see what Wilson was doing. After a few seconds, Witness 102 heard a gunshot. Immediately, Brown took off running in the opposite direction from where Witness 102 was standing. Witness 102 heard something metallic hit the ground. Witness 102 thought that he had just witnessed the murder of a police officer because a few seconds passed before Wilson emerged from the SUV. Wilson then chased Brown with his gun drawn, but not pointed at Brown, until Brown abruptly turned around at a nearby driveway. Witness 102 explained that it made no sense to him why Brown turned around. Brown did not get on the ground or put his hands up in surrender. In fact, Witness 102 told investigators that he knew “for sure that [Brown’s] hands were not above his head.” Rather,Brown made some type of movement similar to pulling his pants up or a shoulder shrug, and then “charged” at Wilson. It was only then that Wilson fired five or six shots at Brown. Brown paused and appeared to flinch, and Wilson stopped firing. However, Brown charged at Wilson again, and again Wilson fired about three or four rounds until Brown finally collapsed on the ground. Witness 102 was in disbelief that Wilson seemingly kept missing because Brown kept advancing forward. Witness 102 described Brown as a “threat,” moving at a “full charge.” Witness 102 stated that Wilson only fired shots when Brown was coming toward Wilson. It appeared to Witness 102 that Wilson’s life was in jeopardy
(Page 27)
Was listening to Jonathan Portes being interviewed in his bedroom about immigrants on Al Jazeera. (Smarmy and self-righteous as ever.)
He and three others were shouting down the UKIP guy.
Makes a change from ‘Russia Today’ I suppose. There was a different view at least.
Britain is evil in every respect. Other countries take vastly more. (They don’t – we just fail to count properly.)
Even the Irish EU Commissioner Peter Sutherland is demanding UK takes more. His country however is sending those its navy ship rescues to Italy not bringing them to Dublin.
Re. the vast amounts of ‘migrants’ crossing the Med in overcrowded boats.
Anyone get the feeling that these boats having just about got off the coast of Libya, send out a distress call and, on seeing the Irish Navy or any other media seeking opportunist, deliberately scuttle their vessels?
Yes, why the heck is the Irish Navy there?
The EU could save all the bother and just send a cruise liner across to Libya and bring them all over to Blighty.
Mr Cameron, what are you doing to protect our nation from invasion?
You could not make it up.
Cameron is directly responsible for the state of Libya. Clegg and Cameron and whoever the Frenchman was deliberately caused havoc in that sad country.
Whatever you think of Milleband he stopped the same Cameron clique destroying what remains of Syria.
I doubt Cameron has the faintest idea of the recent history of the ME. A PR man out of his depth.
He and his like are the epitome of misdirected and insane liberalism.
Will he attempt to end the scandal of the people smugglers?
In your dreams.
Tory voters should have ‘gone UKIP’ when they had the chance. They could have saved Britain and rid us of AliBaba telly .
Sutherland is as hostile to England as it is possible to be. He hates the very idea of us as a people. Ignore him.
As for Al Jazeera. Words fail me.
Peter Sutherland is not a EUSSR Commisar but head of immigration at the U.N, he’s a snake oil salesman, in another time he would be tarred and feathered and run out of town. This article by Sutherland, is full of lies, contradictions and orwellian double speak. the power elites want a dumbed down, mixed race blob of humanity, with no allegiance to the nation state, which will be easier to control and manipulate.
” Peter Sutherland talks about helping the illegal immigrants, but this is just crude propaganda meant to tug at people’s heart-strings.
Some of you may be thinking, “Oh but, maybe he really means what he says”, well read on, and you’ll see his true anti-White agenda.
Earlier this year, he wrote an article explaining his position:
“The countries of the EU have two options: They can either make a vain attempt to revert to outdated, mono-ethnic models of statehood, or they can accept diversity with the realization that their national cultures will not only survive, but flourish.” ( Double Speak )
And back in 2012, he told the BBC that the Europe Union should “be doing its best to undermine” Europe’s “homogeneity and difference from others.”
The only reason why Europe is having this “diversity” agenda forced on it, is because it’s full of White people. The same thing happened to America, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand for exactly the same reasons.”
Sutherland argues that the mono-ethnic model of a nation state is outdated. It may have been longstanding, but how does that make it outdated ?
And how many of his fellow Irishmen would agree that Ireland, say, is too mono-ethnic and needs to be made multi-ethnic whether they agree or not ? How would that go down in the pub in Cork or Tipperary ?
Sutherland has an anti-UK agenda, he always had.
What the hells gone wrong in Ireland?
The likes of Mary Robinson and Peter Sutherland?
Stephen Gateley? Graham Norton…JEDWARD?
Just read some piece of crap from Colin Toby…Maeve Benchy is far better as a writer.
The decline probably started with Johnny Logan…so now we`re left with gay weddings and Brendan O Carroll to speak for us.
And back in 2012, he told the BBC that the Europe Union should “be doing its best to undermine” Europe’s “homogeneity and difference from others.”
Whilst the mono-ethnicity of those countries from which the ‘others’ choose to migrate must be protected at all costs, because their ethnicities, skin colours and cultures are so superior to ours.
”or they can accept diversity with the realization that their national cultures will not only survive, but flourish.” How do you work that one out, Peter mate ???
Radio news: Peter Allen has been flown out to japan and has stayed there some time; so that they can drone on incessantly about the bombing of Japan. The overall cost of unnecessary reporting this must be large.
If you detect no sympathy in my tone, that is because my dad was a Jap POW in Borneo for 4 years. Things the bBC don’t say; casualties, the Tokyo fire raids only 2 weeks before had killed over 200,000. But the atomic bomb killed 100,000 at Hiroshima, but we will bang on about this as it gives a bBC bias to the story. Of the POWs at my dad’s camp only 25% survived, plus the Japs had ordered the withdrawal to start in Sept 45 and to execute all POWs. This fact the bBC NEVER utter, so I am writing this note because the bomb was dropped, otherwise most probably I would not exist.
Yes. The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are the measure, not of the wickedness of the US, but of what it took to stop a vile, ruthless Japanese regime which treated the rest of humanity like cattle, and their own population as entirely expendable in pursuance of their insane imperial militarism.
The question was asked, were the survivors angry, and the response was that some were bitter. No-one asked them if they were not bitter towards their own government and institutions for leading them into such contemptible murderous folly, which, if it had been directed at them instead of by them, they would have undoubtedly supported in resisting by any means, including the use of nuclear weapons.
My father was on a troopship destined to recapture the islands in the Pacific when news of the bomb was revealed and the war ended. Otherwise he, and thousands of others would have given their lives in the liberation because the Japanese were not going to surrender and welcome liberation from Tommy Atkins.
As a student I had the honour to study under one of the scientific team that produced the Hiroshima bomb. His outstanding and under reported scientific career continued until recently where he was awarded one of Japan’s highest awards for medical research, having led a team of Japanese scientists in the UK and in Tokio.
History that could be recorded by a broadcaster with an obligation to inform and educate.
There are strong similarities between IS and the Japan of WW2.
The BBC/Left hate anything to do with Nuclear Power or Nuclear Weapons. Hence their resonance with Nagasaki and Hiroshima.
Just a modest correction Dover Sentry – the UK left, and probably the BBC, supported the Soviet bomb, which at the time critics of CND’s pro Soviet stance, described it as the ‘worker’s bomb’. Is it the same with Iran’s nuclear ambitions?
It is our defences the left hate.
Am glad that the US bombed the Nips in the summer hols.
Or else our nations kids would be out in the parade ground, stood to attention in silence for minutes on end…maybe as many as three of `em!
Our kids couldn`t cope with that-as our Chinese teachers last Monday showed us(9pm.BBC2)
They are not on air at the moment I believe, so those wags at hignfy seem to be keeping their satirical hand in elsewhere. This on twitter:
MH370 investigators say reports from a lady who spotted a ‘wheel in the ocean’ are false, as she was Welsh, and it was a humpback.
From the comments in reply thus far, they may need to refine their craft a bit more for the next season. But full marks for the of fence bus combo they managed to stir up.
Wow Humphries on the Today program around 08:10 interviewed the Batman woman, and didn’t half stick the knife in.
She was completely evasive refusing to answer questions, but talking about irrelevant conjecture.
For once they had done their homework, and ambushed the Batman with an interview with a kid who described what her ‘charity’ had been up to.
We’d queue up there in the evenings for a brown envelope which had an Oyster card £30 in it, then we’d go off and do what we wanted with it.
“and what was that”
Oh we’d go and buy drugs, or get high. Sometimes we turned up to Kids Company high, but they never bothered.
The Batman simply refused to accept that the interview was genuine, and accused the BBC of manufacturing it !
I don’t think that anyone listening to this could doubt that the BBC had decided that the Batman has definitely been thrown out of the luvvies club.
Not going to credit them with simply doing their actual job, but nice to hear.
Meanwhile, elsewhere, VD and team seem to be going a more emotional route, pursuing the interesting logic that if little tinkers are not bribed with money, they will need to resort back to crime.
The BBC seems a bit conflicted, at best.
All true but, despite the BBC – or one of its senior functionaries, Yentob – being implicated in this whole debacle, the decision has obviously been taken in W1A that damning Cameron (and Letwin) and, by implication, Conservatives generally, is worth a bit of mud splashing on the pride of British broadcasting. Mind you I didn’t hear Yentob’s name broadcast during the interview nor that – forget about the current misallocation of funds – within living memory (under a Labour government) £700,000 was stolen from KC staff and HMRC was suborned to forget about it.
Yup-you could sense that the lefts tears were going to dissolve them all.
Humph did his bit more in sadness than in anger-but maybe that`s even crueller in Leftworld.
Camilla just shouted over it all, and spluttered non-sequiters whenever a fact was presented…it`s all the Left can do these days, since they`ve not been argued with since 1989…and they just seem entitled to emote and bluster over any opposing views.
Owen Jones being a template for Camillas chosen “breakdowns, brain freezes and emissions/omissions”.
Camilla and her Barney Army are fucked…just a drag act fat Fagin.
But the beat will go on…the Hamelin child catching squadron are cheesed off that their virtuous £100K “donations from the public commonweal” is now getting a look.
But since the EUs accounts have never been signed off-no change will occur, not be given to us.
Bribery with menaces…
“drag act fat Fagin” – that’s a keeper. Good one.
The World Tonight [18:20] tells us that ‘Climate Change’ is of particular concern to Bangladesh as the sea level is rising and the sea and the rivers are eroding the land forcing people to leave their homes.
Of course there is no mention that most of the sea level ‘rise’ is because the land is falling and that the erosion is encouraged by local activities of dredging and creating embankments.
However the real problem is that young girls are suffering as they are being sold into marriage to bring some money into the family. Could this have a cultural or a religious basis? A question not asked. But then we ‘know’ the answer: “This has nothing to do with Isl…”
I don’t suppose it as anything to do with people queuing up for boats in Libya either.
Can you quote a source for that Jim?
The information that I received was that erosion in the eastern Himalayas & down into the hills of Bangladesh is due to deforestation as growing timber is used for fuel. The eroded soil goes downstream and eventually clogs an estuary where the ground becomes more level.
Part of the flooding problem in Bangladeshi deltas comes from a LACK of dredging. They cannot afford to do it. The little dredging that IS done is to build monsoon flood/cyclone refuges by creating higher ground. The population could move away from the estuary mouths but there is an incentive to stay: the soil is nutrient rich and easy to grow rice on. The fishing, I am told, is good too. Another incentive to stay.
River management, as we discovered in the UK two years ago, is important. Indeed, even lakes have to be managed otherwise occasional floods will occur with heavy rain before nature takes the lake over and turns into a bog and then, eventually, into a copse.
When you add the periods of concentrated heavy rainfall and other extreme weather that is experienced, flooding there in the Bangla deltas is inevitable. The problems of coastal Bangladesh are often erroneously cited as an example of Climate Change and rising sea levels. It is not that straightforward.
Rapid Rise In Effective Sea-Level Pethik,J; Orford, J.D.: Global & Planetary Change Vol. 111, December 2013.
Jim, thanks for that. Useful info in there although I’ll need to have a deeper read in the full document. Still puzzled that they appear to be dredging now but making the problem worse! It shouldn’t be that way …
I would be interested to hear Essexman’s take on Cameron’s handling of the Calais /Med situation.
If people had voted with their heart rather than their head, whilst a UKIP government was off the agenda, a few more UKIP MP’s (fair play withstanding) would have put a lot more pressure on the inept PR man.
Still proud to say I voted UKIP and love Farage’s quote “I would not trust David Cameron as far as I could throw Ted Heath”
Thanks Geoff! Your Farage quote has made my day!
Talking of Ted Heath, ”’On Monday night US Newsweek reporter Leah McGrath Goodman claimed she was REMOVED from the UK for investigating child sex abuse claims against Sir Edward on Jersey in 2011.” Strange how the political establishment swings into action when it chooses to, she was deported so fast her feet didn’t touch the floor while others, bogus asylum seekers don’t.
Classic funny and astute
Or even the classic from the 70s that isn t, Heath and Morning Cloud,
“often seen clinging to the bottom of a small buoy”
( can be used for many purposes. It can be anchored (stationary) or allowed to drift with the erm … wave)
Ukip have about 20 MEP`s , don`t hear much from them either . The fact ,other Euro Navies ,are still picking them up , what would Ukip do ?Its easy to say, do this, do that, when you are not in power. The Calais thing is up to the French, to sort out , even though ,we are paying for some of it .
You didn’t answer my question. So you think Cameron is doing enough ?
Of course the PM , could do more, I have not heard a thing out of Carswell either . But the Calais thing is in the hands of the French , & if we piss them off , Hollande will give them all passports , they will be over easy peasy .
If enough people had voted for Farage and UKIP, instead of Camoron and the rest of the CINOs (Conservative In Name Only), then it wouldn’t f*****g matter to us in the U.K. who Hollande gave passports to.
Then that’s a very good case to get out of Europe. The PM has already made a massive blunder by saying that it was his wish to remain in the EU even before negotiating any terms.
The reason that you will have not heard a thing from Carswell is because the media have not attempted to broadcast any UKIP views on the matter. By the way, have we heard any comment from any Conservative MP? They are letting their country and their constituents down.
Admit it, you should have voted UKIP.
PS. Our EU partners will probably give them EU passports and fast track them over here anyway.
You don’t generally hear much from any MEPs, so perhaps what they say is largely unreported. Unless, of course, they say something deemed to be racist. But in truth, I can’t see what more Cameron can really do about Calais, which is foreign territory. Piss the French off too much and they’re perfectly capable of turning a blind eye to many of the immigrants as they leave France.
What Cameron can do, and needs to do, is to make it clear that none will be accepted here because, bluntly, they’re not wanted and they need to sort out their own problems, not bring them here. And he needs to call it what it is – an attempted invasion. Any found here need to be held securely in pretty basic accomodation until they agree to go back whence they came or show a genuine need for asylum here. He’d be fighting the BBC if he did that, of course.
I have read the UKIP policy on this issue, by Gerard Batten or Steven Woolfe. In effect it is a carbon copy of what Australia does now. The UK would pay a safe country in Africa, such as Sierra Leone, to process them in that country, with most returned home or to a safe country. But UKIP MEP’s don’t appear on the BBC due to the BBC’s relative high level of censorship of people not of the intellectually inferior middle-class Lefty type. But I have seen Mike Hookem at Calais on 5 News or Sky News or RT UK, but I missed Farage, Helmer sent me an email, and Nuttall was pointing out BBC bias on RT UK, O’Flynn wrote something in the Express, and I read a comment from Woolfe. But its not only UKIPers with brains. Daniel Hannan (Posh as Cameron, but with an Education) was on the telly. And the man credited by Mensa, as the brainiest Labour MP, Frank Field had a comment, somewhere.
Daniel Hannan (Posh as Cameron, but with an Education) was on the telly.” A wannabe intellectual who wants Turkey in the EUSSR because and I quote ” I don’t want the EU to be seen as a white Christian club.” So he wants to fling the door open to 80 million muslims.
Very sad news, a memory of when TV was entertaining, funny and un-pc
Trust Mark Mardell to get his “Blott On The Landscape” acting role mixed up with his own “Bolt on the Landscape”!
Some tribute eh?
Mardell just phones it in , and confuses a Dominos pizza box with a laptop screen.
Pretty sure that Cole could not have played his brilliant Daley role without being an old-school Tory grifter in the finest traditions!
As opposed to public pimps like Blair and Batmanjelly…Cole added to the “cultural capital” of this country far more than those greedy lefty troughers could.
God Bless You George-like to think he`ll earn a decent Japanese Scotch up with St Peter at the Winchester Cloud Club later on.
The original Del Boy!
Minder hit our screens 2 years before Only Fools and I often wonder just how much the latter owed to the former. Was watching a 1981 episode the other night and ‘Arfur’ was heard to utter the phrase ‘he who dares wins…”
Sad to see both Rodney and Terry in New Tricks the other night, age is a bastard!
‘As a result of Harrabin and friends causing a stink, there will now be an internal BBC “Feedback” inquest into Quentin’s programme. …Guido suspects the Feedback process will be like a show trial from the Maoist China days…
I am shocked, shocked, I tell you that a few complaints from the other side has seen BBC procedures go into full emergency navel gaze immediately. Has Fraser Steel been recalled too, to personally commit seppuku?
‘…but all this kerfuffle will only serve to highlight that the Met Office has been getting distinctly political, lobbying MPs and pushing the Climate Change orthodoxy. This may catch the eye of the minister responsibe for the Met Office and its fat-cat executives – Sajid Javid
Too much to hope this two-tier approach to accountability may also reach the radars of John Whittingdale and Jesse Norman?
It was a gem of a programme. Quentin Letts is known to be irreverent, that is his style. Puncturing pomposity and arrogance.
He really stuck it to the Met Office and its Warmist lunacies, the funniest programme all week !
There are many many scientists who are under censorship by the BBC‘s censorship policy for climate science, scientists and scientific debate, but Quentin Letts isn’t one of them. But an interesting development for John Whittingdale to consider, as an example, of the “BBC Censorship” issue with his fellow Mensa members. Also, scientists Piers Corbyn, Peter Lilley and Graham Stringer are all well known victims of the BBC Censorship of scientists policy. So as for the communist “Show Trial”, We would expect Colin Tregear to insist on the restoration of BBC Censorship, as he was the Project Director at the BBC’s Weather Centre before being appointed Complaints Director of the Editorial Complains Unit, as a trusted defender of Censorship, especially from jokes at the expense of the lefty Administrators at the Met Office, from the outsider, Quentin Letts.
You’d have thought that the latest antics of this anti-British far-Left Marxist prat would make it onto the BBC; but, no. The BBC are more interested in trying to garner sympathy for that irritating mound of table cloths Camila Batmanghelidjh:
What man! … Is it becuz, I do a multi-coloured Hawaiian shirt impression?
It dem inner city kids … init.
Oh, the jollity 😀
Anyway OT
Folks be warned … Its coming here, after our, “no offence”, “no platform”, “safe space”
to protect supposedly intellectual ears from anything that might cause an intake of breath
… and it won t be long
New Hampshire Univ, and their new politically correct, “Bias Free Language Guide.”
It covers “microagressions” — including “microinsults” —
Offenses against “ageism, sexism, racism” and other “-isms.” It gets off to a bad start with its dubious definition of “democracy” and goes downhill from there.
It’s Orwell’s 1984 except it isn’t fiction.
Not coming to the Now Show anytime soon. Because as we were told last week, only lefties can be funny (usually unintentionally).
Talking of lefty comedians, anyone ever seen Jo Brand and Camila Batmanghelidjh in the same room?
Edit: Only one is funny, but that’s unintentional…
Has anyone ever seen Camila Batmanghelidjh and Ronnie Barker in the same room?
hmm no, but I know your drift
… no wait 😀
How Islamophobic!! I’m shocked, shocked I tell you!
Yet another case of someone white being persecuted for religious and political beliefs.
… very shady on info enclosed in the letter
more pandering self censorship from the Manchester Evening Sharia.
Christianity gets offended often, lets drag all those imams, school teachers muslim pensioners into court?, yeah right
this crap HAS to stop
There is only one religious hate crime on the statute book, and that is Islamophobia. The penalties for being Islamophobic are the most severe anywhere in the world.
The oil rich Saudis paid Tony BLiar a lot of money to get those laws and he obliged in spades !
Just who is getting rumbled here?
the union ,the BBC or both?
Just wonderful to watch Alan Yentob getting eviscerated by Matt Frei on Channel 4 News as I type.
Frei`s a creep-but Yentob is an inarticulate shifter-and getting a hammering.
Pompous-presumptuous and the classic elitist arrogance of one who long had lost any reason to debate or justify.
A joy to watch the liberal left bitchslapping themselves like eels in a pork barrel.
Note something called the “Misogynist Book Club” on Radio 4 every day this week.
Bravo BBC…see that Shakespeare and the Bible get a kicking from the sisters, by the blurb.
Er…the Koran everybody?
Nah, course not-the very manifesto of equality eh Fatima?
What courage-as ever from the fearless BBC.
According to the Sun /Sky News , Songs of Praise ,coming from the Jungle in Calais , this Sunday . You couldn`t make it up .
Prey tell us, is our Prime Minister attending when he gets back from his holiday ?
Of course the PM , won`t attend , he doesn`t want them in England either , the BBC , of course do .
Nice church.
Tulip’s doing a health special from the FGM tent, by way of balance… soon.
Its the kind of church Blue Peter would make, cardboard, cornflake box, fairy liquid bottle, bit of string, all held together by scotch tape.
Mirror with lines in the vestry green room in case Richard Bacon swings by?
They are also planning one from a makeshift church in a refugee camp in Saudi Arabia.
The BBEB rolling out the welcome mat.