The BBC classes the BJP as a right wing party and therefore it is open season on anything and everything they do. Whilst Obama continues on his saintly progress reverentially recorded for posterity by BBC scribes, the BJP’s Narendra Modi is the subject of extremely aggressive and negative attacks that seem intended purely to mock and deride him and his party and to paint them in the worst possible light.
The BBC has already this week tried to claim that Modi is presiding over a vicious sectarian nationalist party that is set to wipe out all other religions, today it publishes what is nothing less than a extreme, negative, hatchet job on the BJP’s record in government after one year asking ‘Has India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi lost the plot?’
It paints a picture of a government out of control which is inept and incompetent. Whilst the BBC presented a picture of Obama at the mercy of Republican diehards who blocked his enlightened, progressive legislation, Modi is a victim of his own fumbling, inept mismanagement of Parliament.
The BBC tells us that the Congress party is involved in a principled stand as it blocks legislation, claiming that this is because they want certain allegedly corrupt BJP ministers removed from office.
Hoswever whilst they may want that the truth is that Congress are happy to use any excuse to block as much as they can and to disrupt the BJP’s policies.……‘The parliamentary stand-off in the monsoon session reached a new low on Monday with Lok Sabha Speaker Sumitra Mahajan suspending 25 Congress MPs for five days for “persistently, wilfully obstructing” the House.’
.and there is a reason they were kicked out of government and the BJP won a landslide….something the BBC seems to forget.
This BBC report almost gloats on the failure of Modi to push through some of his legislation…but isn’t that the point of a parliamentary democracy?…that legislation is put in front of Parliament for consideration and then voted on, or moderated as a response to public concern. The BBC seems to prefer a dictatorship.
They quote a commentator saying Modi was guilty of “spineless populism” when he backed down on some policy…presumably they’d prefer he totally ignore the People’s voice? In contrast how pleased was the BBC when our government backed down on the sale of forests after a ‘public outcry’, not ‘spineless populism’ but a correct response on a measure that as Miliband said ‘“Virtually every person in the country could see selling off our forests was a foolish and short-sighted policy”. Imagine the outcry if Cameron had ignored them and sold off the forests.
The BBC gives a very simplistic view of tax reforms by Modi whilst others have a more rounded approach to reporting this…
Mr Jaitley [BJP] published a Facebook post pointing out that Congress had been an initial advocate and consistent supporter of the GST.
He accused the party, which suffered its most humiliating defeat in last year’s national elections, of disrupting parliament for “political reasons”, or because they were “upset with the electorate for their 2014 verdict”.
“Should its [Congress’s] obstructionist tendencies inflict an economic injury on the country?” Mr Jaitley asked.
Why no mention of this though from the BBC?…
BJP government’s first year is one of the best years of Indian economic reform: US Expert
The first year of the new BJP government is one of the best years for India in terms of liberalisation and economic reforms, a top US expert has said.
“While we cannot claim this has been a perfect year in terms of liberalising the economy, it has been one of the best years on record. Certainly well ahead of the first year of either the Vajpayee or the Singh governments,” said Rick Rossow, senior fellow and Wadhwani Chair at the Center for Strategic and International Studies – a prominent think-tank
Rossow argued so far he believes the Modi government has done an excellent job of quickly opening new sectors to foreign investment and making other policy changes that will positively impact foreign investors.
Or why not report a different take on Modi’s ‘failures’? That it is all a cunning ploy…he’s not really interested in these policies, they’re a side show as he plots to run India as a one party state and crush his opponents forever…
You know, it is wrong to say that Narendra Modi has done little in his year-plus as prime minister. This impression is common among those distracted by his casual and incoherent approach to economic reform, which was never his interest or his priority. Mr Modi is, in fact, settling in for the long haul. He is solidly and intelligently putting into place the structures that will change the nature of India’s liberal democracy forever, and make it something that he, his organisation, and many of his voters will be more comfortable with.
Which could just go to show that much of the criticism of Modi is from highly partisan sources…ones which the BBC is liberally quoting as reliable.
The BBC though has more dirt to dish as it tells us ‘That’s not all’…
This week’s hasty and inept decision to block access to internet porn and almost immediately lift the ban made the government the butt of social media jokes.
Sounds very simple doesn’t it?….the BJP wanted to block porn sites and then backed down completely. Not true.
Acutely aware of the response in the mainstream media, the government too backtracked and said the ban applies only to websites projecting child porn.
So it was the likes of the Indian liberal press that forced a backtrack, a partial backtrack…it still intends to block child porn. Curious that the BBC should gloat about a failure to control such porn due to media ironic. One of the problems is that the ISPs are complaining..
Internet service providers (ISPs) have refused to follow the government’s directive to allow adult websites that do not carry child pornography, saying the order is “vague and un-implementable.”
“ISPs have no way or mechanism to filter out child pornography from URLs, and the further unlimited sub-links,” Internet Service Providers Association of India (ISPAI) said.
Nothing new in governments finding such bans are more difficult than they hoped.
And that the sweeping measure caught up many innocent sites…
In its hurry to implement the order, the telecom department had even blocked sites hosting jokes, memes and other humorous content. A day later, it realized the mistake and decided to lift the ban on such websites.
The Guardian goes for outright lies as it claims the Indian Supreme Court passed a judgement that a ban on porn site was illegal and unwanted…..
The BJP’s ban on ‘porn’ sites mocks India’s democratic pretensions
But like all the BJP’s bans, what may initially seem amusing hides a darker truth. Vaswani first took his petition to the supreme court. Last month the court rejected his petition, and refused to block access to online porn. The chief justice of India, HL Dattu, called a ban on porn a “violation of Article 21” on the right to personal liberty. He said adults had a right to watch porn “within the four walls” of their home.
Vaswani then approached Pinky Anand, a lawyer who was appointed additional solicitor general by the Modi government, and the ban quickly came into force. In other words, the Indian government went against an institution of the state to side with a man whose personal beliefs happen to match theirs.
The BJP’s violation of the supreme court decision is the loudest warning yet that the Indian government is dismissive of due process. Surely leaders who think they are above the highest court in the land must also think they are above the laws of the land?
However that is complete rubbish, a complete lie in fact…even the BBC itself earlier reported the opposite….
In July, the Supreme Court expressed its unhappiness over the government’s inability to block sites, especially those featuring child pornography.
Declining a plea to pass an interim order to block porn websites in India, the Supreme Court on Wednesday said it cannot stop an adult from exercising his fundamental right to personal liberty to watch porn within the privacy of his room.
“Such interim orders cannot be passed by this court. Somebody may come to the court and say look I am above 18 and how can you stop me from watching it within the four walls of my room. It is a violation of Article 21 [right to personal liberty],” Chief Justice H.L. Dattu observed orally.
Though denying immediate relief, the Chief Justice’s Bench acknowledged the seriousness of the issue.
“The issue is definitely serious and some steps need to be taken. The Centre [The Government] is expected to take a stand…let us see what stand the Centre will take,” Chief Justice Dattu observed, directing the government to reply in four weeks.
In one of the previous hearings on the PIL in August 2014, the Supreme Court had termed Internet porn “hydra-headed,” while the Centre had acknowledged that websites were getting too unwieldy to handle and were affecting ordinary households.
The court stated that it didn’t have the power to ban the sites not that such sites shouldn’t be banned…indeed it was pressing the government to ban them…which it subsequently did due to that pressure…….as these headlines show….
India Cracks Down on Internet Porn After Supreme Court Decision
Supreme Court’s observations prompt Centre to block 857 porn sites
The BBC’s reporting of Modi and the BJP is clearly very one-sided and partisan with an extremely negative approach to whatever the BJP government does. It seems to have no such qualms about left-wing dictators though such as Castro or any other South American fellow traveller….Guantanamo Bay was for the BBC an illegal hellhole and yet a few miles down the road the Cubans had a prison packed with political prisoners…oddly not a peep from all those lefties and human rights lawyers that raised such a stink on behalf of Islamist terrorists.
Yup, they hate Modi, a fact that has been picked up in India.
He puts the interests of Hindus first.
We need someone like that in the UK.
Because right now whites are not wanted in the UK, the BBC says so.
The BBC is never wrong.