70th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. BBC coverage focusing on the pain and hurt caused to the Japanese with scant acknowledgement that Japan brought this upon itself and that whilst it was indeed terrible that so many innocents perished nonetheless had this NOT happened many many Allied lives would have been lost. Through the prism of the BBC all war is wrong when it is the WEST carrying it out and so they pick over the radiated bones of Hiroshima whilst failing to recognise precisely WHY it was necessary to for Enola Gay to drop its payload.
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The nuclear anhilation which took place in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, was the least evil option of the available options to bring that war to an end. Clearly those bombs worked and saved so many more lives than were lost due to those bombs.
The japanese would have fought down to the last man under conventional war. It took the shock that those atomic bombs created to get a surrender which saved millions of lives, both allied and Japanese.
Hardly surprising that the BBC continues it’s degradation of the allies and rehabilitation of the axis as the good guys we have seen BBC history putting the spin on the ‘good Nazi’ who were all kindness and light until our evil forces killed them for no good reason! now Japan which the BBC just fawns over ,mind the links between the Japanese in WW2 is very similar to an other group the BBC bend over for =
Fanatical followers of a backward religion taught to treat all not like them as subhuman and only worthy of slavery, rape and death ,a preponderance to suicide as a act of terror/war inability to continence any criticism of it’s actions ever and rewriting history and blocking outside influences to it’s children to continue the lies !
Listening to AliBaba Radio Wales this morning, when the presenter, a young bint with a vitriolic voice, interjected that the United States had not yet apologised !
In the same program they discuss the fact that listening figures were down.
I wonder why?
Japan’s oil supplies were cut off by the USA.
The USA run by the Socialist FDR and his Marxist wife.
This would have caused the collapse of Japanese industry and the possible deaths of tens of millions of Japanese citizens.
Just like the expulsion of Germans from German territories in 1945 caused millions of deaths, was accompanied by the US designed Morgenthau plan which was intended to cause thirty million German civilian deaths.
To anticipate a criticism, I might care about civilian deaths in China caused by the Japanese if the Chinese had not killed eighty millions of their own people in the twentieth century.
Japan was ruined before Hiroshima. Estimates of US military casualties invading Japan are a red herring; the USA only had to wait.
Hiroshima was an acknowledgement by the Truman Government that US involvement in WW2 was a mistake.
A mistake engendered by Communists at the highest levels of US Government. Whose purpose was to prevent the USSR collapsing. Hiroshima was a demonstration of US power and resolve.
Please read some history before you comment again on the history of WW2, we deserve better than this schoolboy analysis based on the “history” taught in UK schools.
You may start by asking why, when the UK declared war on Germany in 1939, because of the invasion of Poland, did the UK not also declare war on the USSR, also an invader of Poland?
Oh dear pro axis are we ? well I will not waste my Schoolboy analysis on an apologist of brutal and horrendous governments but just to ask have you ever been to the War and peace show? you should they have a huge ‘Nazis ! what guys’ meet in the middle of the show ground !
“When war comes the first casualty is truth”. Hiram Johnson 1917.
It is not possible for anyone to know everything about WW2.
Amazon currently has 47,111 books “about WW2”.
Even if I had read, mastered, and remembered all of these it is
impossible to summarise their contents on BBBC.
Please advise me of any errors I made.
I did not always have the beliefs I now have.
I had to unlearn the “truths” of “history” taught to me in UK schools.
This was decades ago.
I believe that the “historical truths” currently taught in UK schools is even further from historical and true than it was when I was young.
When you were at school, you were lied to.
The first thing that any innocents learn when arriving on BBBC is that Al Beeb is guilty of lies, omission and all the other distorting tricks to be expected of Marxists.
Marxists, I know I repeat myself, Marxists who killed 100 million people in c20.
The UK government lies, all Governments lie. Constantly.
So do you want to continue to believe the lies told to you? By people you now know to be liars.
Or do you wish to leave the land of the comfortable truths produced by wartime UK propaganda (and maintained to this day because it suits current purposes) and travel into the uncharted waters of real history?
Your decision.
not a “wise one”, just someone with an open mind.
I will not do the research for you.
I will tell you that the propaganda and lies started well before the war.
Fred Bloggs
Troll – no, read my other posts, BBBC supporter to the core.
I class a Troll as someone who makes controversial statements for effect.
“Hiroshima was an acknowledgement by the Truman Government that US involvement in WW2 was a mistake.
A mistake engendered by Communists at the highest levels of US Government. Whose purpose was to prevent the USSR collapsing. Hiroshima was a demonstration of US power and resolve.”
Clearly ‘Pearl harbour’ has never entered your psyche. !
Pearl Harbour – Google Percy L Greaves.
Let me come to your defence -even though I think the allies were right to use the bomb -Due to a complete lack of air defences conventional bombing had already returned Japan to the stone age , However ,rightly or wrongly , those who had been fighting them believed that they would continue a death stand until the last Japanese was left standing – that’s why the huge assembly of conventional forces by both Russia and the western allies for a final attack- The argument is that the demonstration of what a nuclear weapon could do in reality dissuaded ( don’t forget no one outside of America had seen one tested) the Japanese from even attempting a death stand
And while you are correct about Truman and his wife and their sympathies for Russia ( the Frankfurt school had been brought into US government for the war effort) and its also a fact the bombing of German cities had ,in part, been to placate Stalin. Surely its more likely that that the bomb was used to bring the war to a close before the Russians made more territorial gains in the east? The allies after all had lost the race to berlin
While I agree that there is a Lot we haven’t been told or been misled about in relation to WW2 (and WW1 come to that ) Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
BBC delenda est
Re your advise etc, …….
‘I will tell you that the propaganda and lies started well before the war. ‘
So who are we to believe? Who do you believe ,
AliBaba telly or Goebbels and the Nazi Party ?
“When war comes the first casualty is truth”. How very true!
Remember “He who controls the past controls the future and he who controls the present controls the past”
Go and read http://tomatobubble.com/id844.html
It is an opinion by an American regarding the atomic bombing of Hiroshima.
King begins with “To illustrate both the moral and logical folly of the ‘bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki saved American lives’ line of reasoning, let us go back to 1836 and revisit ‘The Battle of the Alamo’, with a twist.”
We have been lied to! We are still being lied to!
Critical thinking is needed!
BBC delenda est
“Please read some history before you comment again on the history of WW2”
So wise one, please tell, what books do you recommend?
“So wise one, please tell, what books do you recommend?” ‘ The idiots guide to everything.’ The preferred reading of all trolls like delenda.
Where has the ‘clapped out bus man’ gone ?
Utter tripe. Clearly it you who is providing the schoolboy analysis.
Now living in Western Canada I visited Hawaii a couple of years back (for us going to Hawaii is like Brits going to Greece for a holiday) and spent a day at Pearl Harbour. I took my daughter out to the Arizona memorial which was a very moving experience for both of us. The hull of the Arizona, which is the tomb for over 1170 US sailors, is directly under the memorial and clearly visible.
In a masterly piece of symbolism the US has parked the battleship USS Missouri some two hundred yards away from the Arizona. On the deck of the Missouri is a plaque which reads, “Over this spot on 2nd September 1945 the instrument of formal surrender of Japan to the allied powers was signed thus bringing to an end the Second World War. The ship at that time was at anchor in Tokyo Bay”
Hawaii is swarming with Japanese tourists, a bit odd that none of them find their way to Pearl Harbour.
Sorry BBC delenda est but I have never heard such ill informed crap in my life.
There were two reasons that the US used the bomb. The first was to scare the USSR who had a loaded gun pointed at western Europe and wanted to muscle in on the Pacific. The US did not want anyone, even us Brits, involved in Japan. The second was Okinawa.
Whilst Okinawa was the first time that Japanese troops surrendered in numbers, they were still very small. US casualties had been awful. Japanese civilian casualties had been awful.
US Casualty figures for a full invasion of Japan vary wildly but 100,000 does not seem unreasonable. To suffer that many casualties would have meant de-nuding Europe of many troops.
Isn’t it strange how the believers of conspiracy theories have always read the right books and everybody else has read the wrong ones? The man on the clapped out bus might have been a bit daft, but at least he was entertaining.
If you wish to see the duplicity the bBC expresses at work here just google:
UBoat 234.
Any civilian death in any war is wrong, I think the only targeted casualties should be those directly involved ie, governmental figures that chose to war, soldiers, and media propagandists.
Civilians are not fair game they have no say.
However ‘Live 5’ yesterday spent most of the day harping on about the terrible tragedy at Hiroshima as if every Japanese person was a victim, not once did I hear the word ‘Kamikaze’ mentioned or the Japanese labour camps and the evil torture of Japanese POW.
The Japanese were guilty of worse crimes than the Germans ever were.
The media of course are deliberately omitting these facts to self flagellate once again the narrative of ‘western aggression and brutality’ against poor innocents.
Does anyone know when the next ‘evil whitey slave trader’ programme is next due on AlBeeb?
This Paul Fussell essay is pertinent…
ITN had different take on this in the 6:30 news.
Well done them .
Perhaps Albaba Telly will make a program on the Japanese Prisoner of War Camps.
Many years ago I spoke to ex POWs who related their horrific experiences and treatment in these camps.
They were very happy when the A bombs were dropped.
Even after Hiroshima and Nagasaki what is constantly ignored by the Wasn’t It Terrible and Unnecessary Brigade is that the recording made by the Emperor of Japan announcing that Japan was surrendering had to be smuggled out of the Imperial Palace in order to prevent it being seized by the Military who were determined to prevent the surrender occurring.
There were more civilian deaths in the Philippines caused by the Japanese occupation of those islands than there were in Japan during WW2 and in China 20 times the total for Japan and that includes those who died as a result of both atomic bombs.
Of course, the BBC and it’s lefty acolytes prefer not to mention such trivialities because it doesn’t comply with their anti-Western, hate Britain propaganda output.