Ever wonder how the Swarm arrives at Calais? The BBC doesn’t and the Today programme reports that “Four hundred people have been rescued from a capsized ship carrying migrants in the Mediterranean. Will Turner, an emergency coordinator with Medecins sans Frontieres was on a rescue ship that provided help.” Captain Will demands that the EU steps up to the plate and accepts MANY MORE of these “poor vulnerable” people who pay the people traffickers to get access to our welfare system. This was met with a murmur of agreement from Humphrys. The idea that Europe protects its borders is beyond the ken of the BBC and so they present these hordes leaving Libya as victims and then when the ranks at Calais bulge the BBC acts ever so surprised.
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”Medecins sans Frontieres,” Doctors Without Borders, wonderful name, always pushing the Agenda.
Lorries without Boarders,.
That’s what we need.
If we really want an end to this migrant crisis, then we need to bomb a few of those boats. Pretty soon, the people traffickers will stop sending them.
Theses boats must be moored up along the coast line of Libya, scuttle them and have done with it. Then we’ll probably hear that the poor fishermen of Libya are suffering because they have no means to earn a living…!
Agree Shelly-I have suggested that ships from European Navy’s already operating in the Med, should be instructed to moor about 1 mile off the Libyan coast, well within sight of these traffickers. Any craft leaving the shore could & should be promptly forced back onto the shoreline. It wouold no doubt be necessary later to extend the coverage further along the North African coastline-it has become quite clear that the invasion must be halted one way or another, & the crooked EU brought to account in respect of their face saving attitude.
Contrast and compare the decisiveness, Britain sank the French Navy at Mers-el-Kébir, Algeria in 1940 fearing it would fall into German hands. Now in 2015 we’re terrified to sink a fishing boat full of Somalian invaders.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attack_on_Mers-el-Kébir https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nyku1lSRiFU
We can turn the boats round and tow them out, we can make it clear that benefits are not an option for these illegal aliens. We could control our borders effectively with our soldiers, the EU if it was fit for purpose could stop this.
However bombing them is not an option and the people traffickers don’t give a damn what happens to the ‘boat people’ once they have their money.
Absolutely correct in first para-as has been said so often Europe is not obliged to accept any peoples from outside the borders of the European Union-so why are we? The EU’s duplicity in this likely to be devastating result for all Europe, could lead to civil strife of some magnitude right across Europe. Noone wants such an event to transpire, action is therefore needed & a firm tape put over the mouth of the BBC.
The Royal Navy takes the invaders off the boat, sink the boat, dump the invaders back onto Libyan soil. Do this 3 or 4 times they’ll soon get the message that they’re not wanted and won’t come.
David Brims
‘The Royal Navy takes the invaders off the boat, sink the boat……..,’.
Nope, The Royal Navy takes the invaders off the boat, and keeps the boat.
The Royal Navy hasn’t got many boats – successive governments have seen to that.
Have you seen the ”boats” they’ve got ?
As I watch these swarms of illegal immigrants or invaders forcing their way into Britain., some questions arise.
1. Why are they so desperate to come to the UK, and not France say.
2. How do they manage to raise thousands of pounds required for the journey from Eritrea/Somalia/ Afghanistan, considering that these people are illiterate and very poor.
Estimate cost.
1. Two thousand pounds for journey by truck, and food – all at inflated cost, for journey from Somalia to Libya.
2. £6000 for a place on the boat.
3. £1500 for a place on a truck to get into the UK.
That’s approximately £10,000. This is huge amount of money in Eritrea, Sudan or Somalia.
Its highly unlikely that any money lender will give that kind of money to a young man whose aim is to leave the country, even if the family was held as a “mortgage” guarantee. In any case a starving family is not a good mortgage guarantee..
My guess is that this money is coming out of the Benefits money in the UK. Consider for a moment the case of an ordinary Eritrean/Somali family in the UK. 80 to 90% are unemployed or unemployable. Even the employed are on Benefits of some sort. Given that the ordinary Somali family is quite large, with a large number of children, then the Benefits coming into the family kitty is likely to be in excess of £30,000.
As the family is living in social housing, and fed on Benefits, there is a large pot of disposal “income”.
I believe a Somali/Eritrean family, wishing to bring in more family (to increase family income), hands over £12,000 or so in cash to the Halawa system. Minus transfer charges, the money is handed over to a young fit male in Somalia/Eritrea, , to attempt the journey to Europe or Britain. For the journey a mobile phone with international roaming, is essential equipment.
The money is not expenditure gone forever, but an investment in scamming the Benefit system. Besides, it brings in more soldiers of allah, for the time when they will be needed. Win win.
If my thesis is correct, it foillows that if we allow these invaders in, they too will start to use a portion of their Benefit money to finance more invaders. And so on till the end.
Taffman, I’m going to take a wild guess, I don’t think the Royal Navy will want that boat.
‘Beggars cant be choosers’.
I am in no way a pacifist, since I did serve 25 years in the British Army but, my take on this, as briefly as possible:
One has to recognize the problem then implement a resolution that will rectify the status quo:
Bush Blair (massive US + Labour lies/spin) = result created Vacuum Iraq/Afghan – massive M*u*slim lands radicalisation (wanting further revenge).
– Infection Arab Spring: Egypt/Syria/Tunisia.
– Cameron/Sarky/Allies create further vacuum Libya.
– ISIS fill vacuums.
– Millions displaced /dead/wounded/radicalised.
– EU Ferry service to Italy, (backing up traffickers).
– Foreign Aid Budgets US / EU combined to come to agreement with possible North African or Southern Europe country (ies) – with compensation – to set up immigration camps for all these economic migrants and asylum seekers.
– Weed out economic migrants with training and aid to send them home with skills and economic schemes to help them in their own country.
– Scheme for US / European countries to accept asylum quotas.
The invasion could be easily stopped by adopting some of the milder measures outlined in the posts above. But no politician in any European country has the guts to do it because of the backlash they would take from the liberal left orchestrated by the BBC of course. The BBC and the liberal left has undermined the backbone of this country. This is vividly displayed in the programme about Chinese teachers trying to teach English kids. The English kids are hopeless with, as far as I can see, no redeeming features.
The reality is that the smugglers need to be stopped and these boats destroyed. This will save many lives and restore harmony to the Mediterranean. . The West has the power to do this easily. It will take military power and involve infinging upon the territorial integrity of Libya ( irony here )
If it does not happen it will show us conservatives that so far rotted are our institutions and governors that they are not fit to govern. From that we will need to draw the obvious lessons.
Your comment on the Chinese school teachers.
I have met the coming generation of Chinese . They are in a different league to our young people. They will master the world and we will be their subjects one way or another.
We could have had a serious education system in this country but permitted those wreckers Crosland and Shirley Williams etc to destroy it. It was our fault and future generations of our people are going to pay for it.
Hang on, what’s that steaming full ahead on the starboard number two? Thank God, it’s… (cue Captain Pugwash theme music).
If sinking the boats does not work, here is another solution.
African invaders in Italy, 5 minutes in the country and they’re wrecking the place.
Firstly sack all the Gramscians in the Home Office , then sack the time servers , then the ones who like to advise policy to ministers .
That’s three quarters or more , all new civil servants to be made aware that their loyalty is not to the EU , the UN , mankind from all over the world , their own kind or even the minister , it is the the British taxpayer.
Then detain every asylum seeker, refugee , migrant or whatever else the word is to describe these people .
Make it known that any deceit from them means banned from Britain for life ,no exceptions . Same goes for any criminality.
Make it known that their family will not automatically join them here . And they will be returned if we feel their country has been made safe .
Process their applications, no appeals
See if they still come
Always worth remembering who is paying Will Turners wages.
And does he and his kind gain financially from the Calais upheavals and Med crossing types?
All media gigs, all charity salaries, all Kids Company dependents and all Lefty cheap words( where the State pays, white trash get to share their pittances-but the cultural game changers can sail on through like Yentob in Camillas kaftan disbursing lavender sachets and 24 hour duty solicitors cards)…yes, and all EU lawyer types and their BBC/Guardian civil partners-ALL depend on strife and riots for their pictures, their concerned words and their pension pots.
But-note this-not ONE holiday home, not ONE BBC canteen, not a Brussels soup run or Strasbourg/Luxembourg flop house is offered by the likes of Sutherland or Davis, Toynbee or O`Grady.
White van mans kids can pay for that-their job is to emote and pashunate about this weeks Trojan Horse for Gramsci.
Some suggestions (I’ve made many before…):
* There are fewer traffickers than illegals. In general, go for the traffickers. Monitor the traffic (ask the Israelis to tell you how, they’re good at it). Specials, drones, whatever, to disrupt communications and meets at pinch points. Use tech to mess up the mobiles as far as the purchasing transactions – both illegals/traffickers and traffickers/transport hire.
* There are fewer illegals here than people in their communities back home,to whom very importantly they owe money. Disrupt money transfers to those ‘investing communities’. Spread the information that making remittances to your family and friends is not risk free for them. Try to dry up the willingness to fund.
* Migration motivation is really the same process as what is called ‘radicalisation’ here in the UK, but in reverse: the idea of escaping into wealth is inserted like a worm into a community, destroying its stability and turning it into a feeder for a terrible inhuman process, with essentially ‘religious’ views being propagated about its virtues and outcomes. The process corrupts everyone involved in it. So find out who’s doing the ‘radicalisation’ and how to nullify their standing, credibility. Destroy their reputation and also insert credible counter messages into the flow (do be clever about this please, no leaflets, broadcasts – apart from false flags – try to be subtle).
* Ultimately, we will have to use trade as an instrument to influence populations to stay put. An awfully big task, but the genie is out of the bottle now, and the sooner we assert our sovereignty in a balanced mix of military and economic power, the better.
* oh, and we need to deal firmly with the little anarchist sh*ts who are doing their best to cause chaos in Calais, of course.
Plenty of good suggestions here.
Not one of which will be of any use unless acted upon.
The Government have no intention of acting upon it.
Everyone who pays tax not on the PAYE basis, and every company who pays both Corporation tax and transmits PAYE to the treasury needs to STOP paying NOW.
They need to write to the so-called PM declaring that no tax will be paid until there is a firm, permanent, policy of not increasing the population by imports, from anywhere, any time.
You work for us Dave. You are doing a lousy job Dave. Since the alternatives are far worse you can keep your job, for now, Dave.
You are assisting in the most complete program of treachery ever recorded Dave, anywhere, anywhen.
This could have been stopped thirty years ago Dave, but no you and your ilk knew better.
Dave there is going to be blood on the streets of Europe. Dave, lots of blood. Some of it needs to be the blood of “politicians” who caused the ‘ing mess.
Why are there so many migrants?
Soon to be in Britain as illegal immigrants.
Soon to be British passport holders.
Soon to be living next door to you and on benefits?
But is it their fault?
In December 2010, a year after Obama took charge of the USA, he started sharing his luck, and a few million Dollars in cash that he had just printed by fermenting a little bit of bother in the Middle East.
It was called the Arab Spring. It started in Tunisia and quickly took hold in Egypt, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Bahrain, Jordan and we mustn’t forget Africa. (Africa is just left of India a little bit, they used to have some lions & elephants). Anyway, the mighty Dollar was then used to help the poor oppressed people buy a few Kalashnikovs and some second hand pickup trucks to get around so that they could defend themselves from their governments.
The Arab Spring (such a romantic name) kept on spreading with the help of a few more millions of Dollars. Soon in order stop the folks who were defending themselves from starting to attack other folks it was necessary to start bombing them.
So Obama bombed Iraq. Again. Then he started bombing Syria to stop some chaps who wanted to start their own beheading country. The USA had of course also bombed Libya and Afghanistan but I think that was before Iraq & Syria. Now it is possible that I have forgotten some good folks that Obama has also bombed, but frankly I am getting on a bit and not as clever as him.
I am however perfectly sure that he can remember all those people that he has bombed and killed with all his drones and stuff. In fact he must be a very nervous and distraught man with all this unrest and bombing and killing all the time. He would never, ever brag about how many people he has killed would he?
He has my utmost admiration and how he can concentrate so well on his golf is just amazing. I know that the BBC thinks he is amazing too.
Next, by paying militants a few more million Dollars in the Ukraine to riot, the elected government was overturned by Obama with the help of his puppets in the European Maffia. Now it is said that it wasn’t a very good government anyway but can you name me a good government? Anywhere? So there is now a civil war in the Ukraine, naturally, but those good folks go to Russia for comfort and security not to us, yet. But Obama blames Putin for the mess. Well he would wouldn’t he.
So, if you keep on bombing people and paying nasty people to riot and mess up their countries they will try to go somewhere else. It’s human nature. Even dumb animals will emigrate off somewhere else if you keep bombing them and wrecking their homes.
And where will these people go? To the land of milk and honey that has bigger bombs than anyone else to defend itself. To the land of fair people that don’t riot too much and where ordinary people don’t have guns. To the land that houses them and feeds them and gives them cash on day one. To the land where people have been made absolutely submissive by threats of imprisonment if they disagree with being over-run by third world immigrants. No matter how those immigrants behave. And they have behaved very, very badly indeed. But we cannot say so. Just ask young Tommy.
We have been neutered, castrated and are now completely and utterly impotent. Tell me I am wrong.
We may not like the migrants and we may try to keep them out, but is it their fault? No it is not.
Point the finger at the culprit. Have you picked up the clues?
Last question. How would you describe a man that has caused so much bloody misery?
David Brims, the video of those thugs destroying everything they come across is appalling – I’m really shocked by it. I think it ought to be shown everywhere possible just to make Europeans realise what danger we are in. What is wrong with those people, are they mad?
AlBaba telly reporting “Tunnel walker ‘almost’ got to England”
He was only caught by an “unplanned inspection”
The Sudanese national was arrested a few kilometres from the British entrance.
The whole event exposes the security implications. How many “walkers ” have got through. What if the chap had been carrying a bomb?
A few days ago our so-called Prime Minister said the he had a grip on the ‘invasion’ crisis.
Well Mr Prime Minister, you had better grip a bit tighter before there is a major disaster.
BBC News Website:-
‘Run The Jewels’ on Ferguson: ‘Riots work”
“It is a year since black teenager Michael Brown was shot dead by a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri”
“The 18-year-old was unarmed and his shooting led to riots, both in Ferguson and across America”
The BBC biased view? Unarmed black teenager killed by police therefore riots are ok. No alternative view offered.
UKIP’s stance on the fiasco……………………….
Any one seen anything on AliBaba telly about his viewpoint on the situation?