BBC today in tears that the Kids Company has closed. Both last evening and this morning it is playing clips of angry Mums and Kids marching through the streets DEMANDING that this “charity” remains open. A tearful Camilla has been on to blame everyone for the collapse of this “organisation” but herself. All that’s missing is Elton John doing a tribute single. I notices that the Mums and Kids expressing their fury at the demise of this government funded “charity” all seemed to be of ethnic extraction, how odd. I also note that the “world class” journalists at the BBC are not asking any hard questions as to the financial running of this “charity” even though it is THAT which had led to its collapse.
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Can’t wait for this morning’s Drearyshire Show- talking to some “people who have been helped” by Saint Camilla. Obviously all Cameroon’s fault… and nothing to do with KC’s financial management.
@VictoriaLive”Kids Company’s like a parent to me. Now it’s closed kids will turn to crime.” More from @BenjaminZand 09:15 @BBCTwo
Comments going well.
Gimme free stuff or I’ll have to steal it.
I’ve often wondered if this is the actual policy – bribe kids not to commit crime.
I saw one of the reduntant staff make some very telling remarks, which were not followed up on. She said something about her seeing staff being paid a lot of money, for doing….. she had no idea. she said nobody she knew in the company understood what those people were being paid for.
Clearly there is increasing evidence of financial irregularities. leading on from other concerns, from journalists who turned up in Bristol to see what Kids company did, only to discover no kids there at all, and so were invited back a week later, to witness kids being dropped off, given envelopes of cash, and then disappearing again. I wonder how many of those ethnic mother’s turned up to protest yesterday, because they were paid to do so.
John Humphrys had a real go at her on this morning’s Today just after the 8:00 a.m. news. He actually sounded pretty pissed off with her.
The trustees of any charity with turnover of £23m which maintains so little in reserves that it must close down immediately if it does not receive a further £3m are in dereliction of their duty. They should have had in place contingency plans to deal with a lack of funding and sufficient reserves to wind down in an orderly fashion if funds dried up. I was glad to hear Humphrys picking up on this.
To state that there were no funds because they’d all been used on self-referring children cuts no ice. They should not have taken on responsibilities they could not fulfil. Heartless as that may sound, it’s not as heartless as taking on these extra children and by doing so being able to help no-one, which is what has happened.
“are in dereliction of their duty”
Their duty is to wear highly coloured dresses which they hope will distract attention away from how fat, how ugly, and how stupid they are.
Fat? Yes. Ugly? No doubt. Distractingly dressed? Absolutely – and it worked well, didn’t it?
But stupid? Not when the cosy little villa in the Antibes is discovered…..
ah a new bbc star is born
The bbc have found their answer to Allison Hammond
What do we want? Money!
When do we want it? Now!
What do we want it for? Mobile Phones!
What do we want it for? Drugs and Guns!
Camilla Batmangelhidj? She’s our Mate!
Handing out the money On a plate! ? err..
Apologies to all those genuinely needy and out-of-care children, whose real needs have been freighted by this irresponsible charity, diluting and diverting public funds instead to the unworthy, the greedy and the obnoxious, either deliberately or by sheer incompetence.
I worked for a charity once and they had a business objective of having enough reserves to cover a period of about 6 months in the event that a major source of income ceased.
In the 2013 annual accounts, Kids Company has very few reserves so Saint Camilla and Lord Yentob were asleep on the job. A bit worrying to see in action the ability of a guy paid £330k out of licence fee income.
And Geyza at 8.53 above is right on the money – this must have been an editorial mistake to let this bombshell through. It has of course not been followed up. I wonder why ever not?
As I said on the other thread about St Camila, I am not entirely sure what Kids Company does. It seems to be a very expensive group of youth clubs. In the past you had to make do with a darts board, a ping pong table and if you were very lucky a pool table. Now it seems its all computer games, designer trainers and mobile phones.
Maybe I am wrong and they carry out very important work, but surely keeping “kids” (most of whom are probably old enough to have a job) out of gang culture, is the duty of the police. If they want to turn to drug dealing, We should reinstate Borstals, it might be more effective than handing blackmailing little oiks, wads of cash.
My husband was in a borstal….He was a right tearaway.Enough said…..
On Channel 4 news a young man who volunteered described Kids Company as a chaotic place to work , but went on to say that was OK because the children they deal with are chaotic and lead chaotic lives.You couldn’t make it up…..
In my experience children respond to non chaos, engagement boundaries and consistency .Even the difficult ones.
Yeah My youngest Brother went to a Borstal as well…He never went back for a second go..! The short sharp shock worked for him.
Not certain where I saw this quote, but far too good not to repeat.
‘Curtains for Batwoman’
i prefer bat man smelly
I heard the same interview and thought that John H showed considerable patience in dealing with the Batlady’s circular and disingenuous explanations. It must now be obvious that the Kids Company was badly-managed. I don’t presume that the Batlady was corrupt but some of the staff must have been and some of the ‘Kids’ too. Incidentally, John H seems to be getting more pragmatic (ie Right Wing) in his old age. Once he can manage to sort out his views on Climate Change and introduce more balance he could be a real boon.
I am, or have been, a trustee of eight different charities with annual turnover ranging from ~£5,000 to >£100,000,000. Trustees are responsible for the conduct of a charity including ensuring that they have adequate financial reserves (in my case, varying from a range of 2 to 4 months of expenditure for the biggest, to a year or two for the smallest). Trustees are non-executive but another of their responsibilities is to appoint the chief executive, and to fire him/ her if necessary.
With Kids Company, where are the trustees, and in particular the chairman (Alan Yentob)? I appreciate it must be a tough competition in ego and self-publicity between Yentob and Batmangeilidjh, but Yentob should be taking responsibility for the failure of the charity, including their failure to see it coming and to appoint a competent CEO.
When will the bBBC interview Yentob?
My thoughts exactly Sir Arthur, where are the Trustees? It is actually where the responsibility lies. Who authorised the payroll payments last week? Someone other than Camilla should have known that there were no reserves. What Trustee meetings have there been in the past few months – what decisions were the Trustees making should the £3 million not be received from Government? They government did not have a statutory duty to pay the money. These were the sort of questions the BBC could have asked and reported on last night….rather than was giving Kids Company £3 million embarrassing to the government? (which of course is damned if they did and damned in the BBC’s eyes if they didn’t).
‘When will the bBBC interview Yentob?’
Seems they have. Sort of.
Appears Wally wasn’t keen to say anything, so that was that.
Which is nice.
Far be it from me to crank an eyebrow, but if a high-profile Chair oversaw the cluster-FUBAR he has, costing millions, along with public money, it seems… odd.. that the national broadcaster has so far adopted a slightly ‘light’ touch so far.
how about getting a job and paying for your own childcare?
im not wrong in saying most of the mothers who were caught in the duggan riots are the same who are whining about free childcare, for these folk the benefit cap is racist
its all about the yoofs
lets spend billions on basketball courts, dance classes and teach them how to become rappers and DJs, this way we will have a million raheem stirlings
Quite. Who needs engineers, doctors, scientists, mechanics, builders, electricians, plumbers ………….? Innit.
The school near where I live has organised classes during the current school shut down. Dance classes of all types, except ballroom, skateboarding, etc. All with minimal entrance fees. All useless.
Meanwhile in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, PRC, Hong Kong, Singapore, they are doing additional lessons. Many of these extra lessons are very expensive and parents have to make sacrifices.
The subjects studied in Asia are English, Mathematics, Physics.
My local paper carried an article praising the teachers for giving up their holidays to run the classes. I wrote to the editor, no effect. I pasted most of the above from this letter.
No doubt, like all the other bloody charities, camila batlady and all the others running the shody operation did well out of it themselves. These people get the acclaim for what they”do” and a tidy paypackage also. As for helping the sort of “kid” this particular charity helps, keep giving and they will keep taking. In my mind, thats not helping them at all.
Camilla is an utter charlatan-as big as the O2 Dome, as pointless windy and draining on the public purse.
Like Savile she doesn`t like children and openly says that she wants no involvement with them outside her professional life.
Fair enough-but hold the tears will you dear?
Amid all the huff , puff and emoting-“won`t somebody PLEASE think of the children”?…there has not been ONE case that they have provided to prove that they did anything but dole out money blagged from the likes of Coldplay or the State.
Is there ONE longitudinal study to show that they actually did anything but dole out money on Fridays to bullies and greedy parents or gangsters( pretty much one and the same thing in many cases)
Find myself listening to “The Report” on Radio 4 as I write.
Basically all they did is bribe people to go to school, and allow them to get drugs and iPods at public expense.
And if the kid says he`s not getting enough money to buy his trainers-well , then he`s got a Maths GCSE and an awareness of saving up…so that`ll be ticked as “awareness of investment”…so Camillas bribery gets a bonus.
Outrageous crap…but she`s been at the trough now for fifteen years…so no wonder the BBC are upset.
To be fair though, The Report skewers them….thus far.
In the words of Abba
Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!