Well, it’s pretty clear that the BBC want to see another President Clinton in the White House but the spotlight was on her GOP opponents last evening and in particular Donald Trump in the Fox News debate last night. I thought this was a telling quote from the BBC analysis of the debate…
“Donald Trump was generally seen as an amusing sideshow.”
Not a hint of bias there. FYI – Trump leads the field of GOP contenders by a massive margin at this point.
“Donald Trump was generally seen as an amusing sideshow.”
A typical BBC biased comment. What do they mean by ‘generally seen’?
How many is generally?
Who is generally?
What did they say?
Any evidence?
Too much to ask of the BBC? The impartial broadcaster.
Good questions.
Of course they don’t need to answer, because… journalism.
Which in the BBC’s case is an addiction to one degree of separation ‘sources’ to disguise advocacy as reporting.
The BBC are turning the race for the Whitehouse into a joke with their very biased reporting. Treating Hitlery Clinton as a decent and respectable serious candidate, when in reality she is just a very rich criminal spiv in a dress-suit. The ideal winning combination would be Trump and Cruz. It’s a shame that Ron Paul is too old. His son, Rand, is still to close to the “mainstream” Washington insider.
if you watch the very influential Fox News it is clear they do not want either Trump,Cruz or Paul .My guess is they would like a contest between Rubio v a mainstream establishment figure (Bush,Kusach.Walker).The selected republican audience they had though to judge the 1st debate liked Carson and Hucklebly best.Trump`s attacking the debate audience and Megan Kelly plus suggesting he might stand as an independent turned them off. him .
GW 2015-08-07 08:08
“one degree of separation”
One degree of separation, separate the BBC from the TV licence and see how it prospers in the real world.
BBC d e “GW 2015-08-07 08:08”
Sorry, tried cracking the code. Defeated. Didn’t help that I was using the iPlayer site which is awful.
Please explain.
GW 2015-08-07 08:08
Guest Who, Date in YYYYMMDD format to avoid ambiguity, Time 24 hr clock also to avoid ambiguity. Information to enable a reader to clearly establish the author of the contribution which caused my response.
BBBC does not give contributions a unique identification number. I also find the indentations unclear.
Obviously I did not succeed in my intentions, I welcome suggestions.
If you click on the date and time of a particular post you will get a unique address that will bring up that post.
Hope that helps.
Who is it who wants to regard Donald Trump as an amusing sideshow? Why, the Democratic-leaning liberal media elite, of course.
As always the BBC use their commentary on US politics as a cipher for their views on politics in general and on British politics in particular. The margin for getting away with their left-bias over the pond is wider than it would be domestically. For Donald Trump read Nigel Farage – BBC commentators would dearly love to have called the UKIP leader an amusing side show in their editorials – but closer to home impartialty rules need to be respected by the BBC, at least broadly, if not in spirt.
BBBC running a long Republican party spoiler this morning.
The BBC would save the British telly tax payer a lot of time and money if they simply put on their news website under US politics a banner saying ‘Vote Democrat’ and for TV coverage just showed the latest Clinton advert.
A banner?
The BBC is complying with your request and ordering banners.
On the left of the banner is printed “VOTE”.
To demonstrate its frugality and concern that the licence fees are spent wisely the BBC banners have an aperture on the right hand side.
Behind the the aperture is a rotating section which reveals “LABOUR”, “DEMOCRAT”, “EU”,.
If these banners are successful the BBC will buy some more banners.
Banners which have “DO NOT VOTE” on the left hand side, and different options for the rotating section.
Hilary is not wearing well, does she use a trowel to apply her make up?
I have little idea of Donald Trump’s politics. From what I do know about him I suspect I wouldn’t vote for him. But I do like someone who winds up the self-appointed guardians of “correct thinking”, so more power to his elbow.
He’s a brash billionaire property developer who tells it like it is.He’s anti large government and about as far as you can get from an approved BBC candidate.
I love the way he upsets the US political establishment and its toadying media.
Yup, the liberal chatterati continue to label Trump as a “billionaire”.
They think that this upsets us, and we`ll be on the phone to Ohio in the hope they might rerun the John Kerry vote of 2004.
Only shows how out-of-touch these weathervain gobshites are.
He actually MADE his own money-didn`t get it from Cameron next door, Blairs Faith Foundation-and certainly not from a Whitewater or from Lewinskys knicker drawer.
He doesn`t need the State-not in the way the Clintons or Obama does…let alone the whole British media elite, the quango queens and the broadsheet houris.
To them-being a billionaire is a no-no.
To me, it only shows that he`s not sucking off the State like the BBC or Channel 4, the Guardian or some Democrat pollster.
As ever-the more the BBC shaft Trump-the more we`ll warm to him.
“Donald Trump was generally seen as an amusing sideshow.”
As ever, it’s a proxy for their own views such as: “many would say….”
Why don`t the BBC just fuck off?
This contest has f***all to do with us-and it`s nothing to do with the BBC until the Dream Ticket of Trump and Palin are confirmed to put a few bats up aunties nightie!
Any chance of all those elitist hacks in the liberal media choosing to forgo their freebies to the States-instead of making Mother Earth all sad and stuff…y`know…by hogging airmiles and aircon hotel rooms as a load of nonenties try to undo Obamas toxic legacy?
If Trumps upsetting them…then he`s the man for me!
Go Judd!
“all to do with us”
However the reverse is not the case..
Obama has already told us how to vote in the EU referendum.
Short Quiz.
What Have Obama and the EU have in common? Is it :-
a) Both have won the Nobel “Peace” prize.
b) Both are [insert favourite term here]s.
c) Both are [insert favourite term here]s.
Prize to the first correct answer received. The prize is a machete and ten minutes alone with ACL Blair.
Trump has said he will offer a place in his cabinet for Palin. Maybe she will run with him.
Meanwhile enjoy Trump’s ladies. Can we have them on the BBC please?