‘The BBC’s flagship religious show Songs of Praise is being filmed at a touching chapel within a migrants’ camp in Calais, it has emerged.
Do what?
Producers have already spent two days shooting an episode at a makeshift Ethiopian Orthodox Church in the ‘Jungle’ camp, which will be broadcast on a date to be finalised. And the full crew for Songs of Praise is due to arrive at the centre of the 5,000-strong camp this weekend – but host Aled Jones said he would not be present.”
Presumably these are the Christians that made it across the Med, as opposed to those drowned by their fellow Muslim “migrants”? Why is the BBC now interfering in this Calais situation? Where next – Raqqa?
It wants us all to think it’s mostly fluffy nice Christians who are trying to get in, if only we’d stop being such haters.
THAT is exactly the motive, and also to send out a message to their rellies in Britian and around the world that however nasty the native plebs the Globalist British establishment welcomes them.
FFS, this is blatantly political. I am longing for the Charter Renewal.
This shows how out of touch the BBC is.I didn’t think they could get any worse.
If you consider these programmes are shown all over the world eventually, what sort of message does it give to others thinking the streets are paved with gold. They will believe they are entitled to make the journey because the BBC says its ok ,don’t worry ,we welcome you.
As has been said elsewhere ,I would have more respect for them if they sought out the besieged Christians in Iraq,Syria and elsewhere and broadcast about THEIR plight.
Will it be an act of worship in the Ethiopian Orthodox tradition, or will it be the typical cosy, unchallenging lukewarm happy-clappy-pappy tat that the BBC deems the acceptable face of Christianity?
Oh, I see Giles Fraser’s involved. No further questions. I’ll be at a traditional BCP service of Evensong instead.
Bob Weasel and Alfie Stoat would like the Songs of Praise to come and bless them before they break into a property and crack open a safe .
Did anyone see that disgracefully biased BBC News at 10 report, tonight, in which a goofy, middle class prat of a reporter actually WELCOMED a boat of illegal migrants to shore in Greece? He joyfully said something like ‘Hello, you’re in Europe, you’re in Europe, you’ve made it!’ as he was wetting himself with puerile glee. If I were a member of the Greek Police, I’d have arrested him and chucked him in a cell for aiding and abetting, followed by a hard lesson with a truncheon.
The BBC’s actions are now so irresponsible, they need to be reigned in immediately, in advance of the Charter discussions. What they are doing is likely to be influencing migrants in a misleading way, to say the least. They plainly no longer represent the vast majority of people in the UK, and need to be told in very clear terms to stop this wholesale misbehaviour.
This applies to many other issues on which they no longer have the confidence of the British public.
BBC ”reporter” useful idiot James Reynolds http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b0643gs1/bbc-news-at-ten-07082015
Why should we be surprised? Most significantly since the election, and yet for some time before, the BBC have displayed precisely the same New Labour mind-set that sought to ‘rub the right’s nose in diversity’. It is desperately sad that they don’t have the wit to see that it’s the traditional, patriotic and nationalistic working class who are most severely affected, both in terms of income and living conditions. Hence the rise of UKIP.
The upper-class rich, whom the liberal left would love to see embarrassed and eliminated, are totally immune and divorced from the effects of mass immigration, save for being supplied with an increasing and obsequious reservoir of gardeners, nannies and car washers.
Very true. Many foreigners are under the impression that the BBC represents the British Government and people. So when some puerile, idiot Beeboid says “Welcome to Europe “, many “migrants” will see it as a green light.
Sickning-such as the BBC falling overthemselves to bring the anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima to our screens, never mind the horrific disgusting way the Japanese treated their prisoners of war-many of my family & close friends both men & women suffered & died the most awful deaths at these savages hands, & yet we should be interested in an event that stopped their inhumane attitude-I pray the BBC will give full coverage to celebrate VJ day.
I saw that alex, and I drew the exact same conclusion. I assume, and indeed hope that most people watching did too, this bunch of weird lefties are digging their own graves
I have definitely noticed a big deterioration in the BBC in the last few weeks. It is as if they are panicking and getting desperate. Let’s hope so, anyway !
Yes, I have noticed a massive deterioration, too. Newsnight was simply terrible last night with yet another posh-Leftie type reporter blubbering to a bloke from Ukip about sympathy for the illegal benefits migrants whilst they were walking about Calias. The staff seem to be getting younger and younger, more naive and hopelessly gullible, with a few being clearly from the LGTB community. It really is bad.
They sent Peter Allen and I expect a team on a jolly to Japan to celebrate the Japs losing ww2. This must be only a Eurostar trip extra on top of going to an alternative like Chipping Sodbury? With the advantage they can show how the illegal immigrants are such nice cuddly people!
Nice hotels, good food and geishas ( or should I say Geisha boys ? ) in Japan. Perfect for Beeboids. Don’t expect any reports from Siberia in winter any time soon !
It seems that they sent out yet another group, so that Fergus Keane could do interviews with survivors.
A new low, even for the BBC.
Pretending to promote that Christianity, which they hate, despise and ridicule.
Hatred which existed before 1917.
Hatred which matured under the rule of Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov.
Hatred described so horrifically in The Gulag Archipelago.
Hatred which is now accompanies a respect for Islam.
Respect engendered by a common love of mass murder, totalitarianism, despotism.
The clear thinkers have known this for decades, it should now be apparent to the love thine enemies, turn the other cheek, Christians.
Emilio Mola reported that he had four columns outside Madrid and a fifth column inside the city.
We are in a worse position, there are more enemies outside the West, and more traitors inside what may loosely be called our borders.
We must emulate the heroes of our past and remove the non Western elements, by force.
The BBC have a grudging admiration for the liberal left extremists within the Anglican church and are happy to promote those “new age” LGBT representatives who stand opposed to traditional Christian scripture. Those Christians who embrace multiculturalism by subverting their own faith to support mixed denomination services by accepting heathen Muslims and Sharia law and remaining wilfully blind to the extremely (in their view) conservative ideals of Islam.
Very interestiing interviews with invaders at Calais.
I hope our Prime Minister and the ‘Trustees’ of AliBaba telly see this video of ‘desperate’ people .
Why does it take so-called racist bigots from “Britain first” to ask those questions? Why can’t the BBC ask these sensible questions? These two people who have taken it upon themselves to visit Calais to discover what is really happening have put the multi-billion pound BBC and their 8000 reporters to shame and proved that the BBC are only interested in propaganda and not honest, unbiased or impartial news.
Unfortunately I think the lack of professionalism of these brave people from BF did show. The womans irritation was palpable and they would have extracted even more from the invaders if they had pretended to be friendly natives.
However what was still noteworthy was their confidence of success, their dismissive attitudes to the feelings of the natives, their aggressive manner, the big pull factors of BRIDGEHEADS and the fact that they are HOUSED.
If Cameron wants to discourage them then ending asylum seekers rights to housing would be a massive step of course this would cause the hand wringers to go apoplectic!
These people are scum, our fathers, grandfathers and ggrandfathers did not fight to let weak ineffective Marxist politicians fill our green and pleasant land with these invaders.
The guy at 8 minutes who calls France ‘shit’ I will lay odds that he has an agenda when he gets here, which of course he will…
The video both saddens and sickens me beyond words.
The ‘Church’ in the jungle looks a little bit to professionally built to me to be believed as the immigrants personal homage to Christianity. The timbers were clearly bought and not chopped and prepared locally, the tarpaulins are very large and again were bought in from somewhere. Where did the money come from? Unless of course the immigrants brought tool kits with them and the necessary materials with them to build said ‘Church’!
I would suspect the BBC in their annual accounts at the end of this tax year will have a receipt from Jewsons and on it will be found said materials.