Somme dotty old woman has sent a letter to the head of an Islamic Girls school tell her that they will all die if they don’t repent.
Dotty old ladies have been doing strange things for decades, now in the new oppressive Fascism they have to be sent to prison, because we obviously have plenty of room for all the real criminals !
And lets face it, it doesn’t take much for Muslims to be grossly offended does it. For a start, not agreeing with them! I for one am grossly offended that songs of praise is coming from calais, who do I complain to?
I’ve read the piece in the GMN link. I missed the bit where our Parliament passed a law relating to the sending of a ‘grossly offensive letter’. When did this become a crime? Or can the Police and the CPS just invent crimes on the hoof now to suit harrassing people they don’t like.
Professional offendees are often offended. t comes with the job. Muslims are often offended, and often lie (maybe they often lie about being offended) It is what they are taught, it is part of their fascist ideology.
Personally I don’t give a f&^k if Muslims are offended. F78k ’em. As for the Police, they have ceased to believe that they exist to protect property and serve the public. They are a tool of Common Purpose. I wouldn’t piss on a Policeman or CPS employee who was on fire.
When the institutions have lost the hard working, respectful, upstanding, tax-paying, law abiding small business owners of England, then the game is nearly up.
Our government is weak and rudderless. Best get tooled up and find a local voluntary paramilitary group soon, or form one. Our government is working against us, and come the day if you’re not prepared, you’ll have to submit to Islam or death.
Threatening letters or other articles – Section 1 Malicious Communications Act, 1988
The Malicious Communications Act 1988 section 1, see Stones 8.20830, deals with the sending to another of any article which is indecent or grossly offensive, or which conveys a threat, or which is false, provided there is an intent to cause distress or anxiety to the recipient. The offence covers letters, writing of all descriptions, electronic communications, photographs and other images in a material form, tape recordings, films and video recordings. Poison-pen letters are usually covered.
Particularly serious examples may justify a more serious charge, e.g. threats to kill.
The offence is one of sending, delivering or transmitting, so there is no requirement for the article to reach the intended recipient.
The terms of section 1 were considered in Connolly v DPP [2007] 2 All ER 1012, and “indecent or grossly offensive” were said to be ordinary English words. The fact that there was a political or educational motive behind the accused sending graphic photographs of aborted foetuses did not help her, and her argument that her behaviour was protected by Articles 9 and 10 ECHR (freedom of religion and speech) did not succeed, because the restrictions on those rights were justified under Articles 9(2) and 10(2).
A person guilty of an offence under section 127 CA 2003 shall be liable, on summary conviction, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or to a fine or to both.
Thanks for the clarification. Too much to expect the Journalist to get the description of the charge accurately conveyed to the reader.
As an aside, what is the Koran, but a written document that contains instructions to kill? That’s written, distributed, communicated via images and electronic communication (Youtube) and in contravention of English Law. Yet our courts allow citizens to swear on this book! F*^king disgrace.
There has to be the intent to cause anxiety or distress.
Surely a religious person could say their intention was to cause great joy to the recipient by showing them the error of their ways and the true path to God (the Christian God).
What I still don’t understand is how offending a Muslim is taken so seriously, yet if you are white, middle aged, male and straight, then it appears that there is no lawful remedy for any amount of offence caused to you.
How come all the “liberal progressive” lefties never seem to be able to comprehend that bending over backwards to avoid offending Muslims or Gays, or tans people, whilst causing as much offence as they feel is necessay to the “male, stale and pale” is not a way to achieve the “equality” they keep banging on about.
“What I still don’t understand is how offending a Muslim is taken so seriously”
Simple that’s Shariamour, and more and more and more.
Note over the past few years, it is getting more entrenched, almost
second nature now, for Muslims to rush to legality.
This obviously constructed “offence”issue, It HAS to stop.
I have had the feeling for a long time now, ever since the early Blair years that the Government actually hates its own indigenous population.
If you’re white, want to do well and prosper, are intelligent, contribute to society through tax then you are virtually a non-person, only there to be milked to pay for the social security of the feckless and lazy.
After Brown we have had a coalition and now a Tory majority government – but my feeling about their contempt hasn’t gone away.
Goes back a lot further. Our governors with very rare exceptions have always held us in contempt.
From the Normans onwards. The now much sentimentalised monarchy is a case in point.
I tend to the belief that we English, as a people, have thrived despite our governing class.
It is no accident that the USA, Canada,Australia and New Zealand are peopled by those not exactly enamoured of life here in England under the ruling elites of the times.
William Cobbett in the 1820s was a great encourager of emigration by the yeoman farmers of England.
No fool he and always an enemy of privilege.
I couldn’t agree with you more. I first noticed the elites total contempt for us during the fuel blockade of 2000 when I was only a very young man starting out in the world.
I remember vividly Blair and Brown were intent on punishing motorists to the Nth degree until finally haulage firms snapped and pro actively disrupted fuel supplies to the country. A stance I might add, despite struggling to commute to work I whole heartedly supported.
That was the exact moment I realised our elites held the opinions of the man on the street with such disdain as to be worthless and it’s been steadily getting worse ever since.
I, no doubt like many of you are desperately searching for an escape route as the primary function of any living creature is to provide a safe environment for their young but with the cultural suicide of the entire western civilisation now coming into sharp focus I feel backed into a corner and am frightened for the future of my children and future grandchildren.
The only comfort I find in all this is that after all the appeasement by our caring progressives it will cut no ice with Islam in the long run and at some point the truth that their appeasement was worthless and that they are also to be subjugated or face extinction will hit them full force and it is nothing less than they deserve.
Bit off topic, I suppose, but did anyone see the fidgeting, pointing, denying, uncomfortable and shouty Yentob on Channel 4 “News” last night? ‘Bouncy’ Matt Frei asked a few awkward questions…
‘On Wednesday the BBC’s spin arm briefed Media Guardian that its creative director Alan Yentob had not tried to influence Newsnight’s investigation into scandal-hit Kids Company, of which he is chairman. Yet on Channel 4 News last night, Yentob admitted he did phone Newsnight staff before the programme aired. He still insists “I don’t think I’ve abused my position in any way”.’
They must be running out of BBC spokespersons to cover for senior BBC staff of such… ‘talent’.
Oddly the BBC seems to feel he’s mostly best left alone to spend more time with his money.
I was thinking how alike Corbyn (with Krishna) and Yentoub (with Matt) were when pushed into a corner, their tactic of bullying came to the fore – and then they both realised that this was (I assume) live tv and they resumed being calm and reasonable. But they both revealed their true colours. And may I note that bullying as a response seems the norm for the Left (think Unions).
Well I’m sure they’ll find lots of other sandwich fillings on offer which will suit their tastes, or even something meatier if they are in the mood, like a pie.
They could start a campaign to replace flags with dildos,
“were here, were queer, we like it up the rear”
youll never walk alone takes on a new sinister meaning
Not sure who the bBC think they are broadcasting to with this Songs Of Farce nonsense.
Aquil has seen to it that the mainstay of its audience, the bluerinsers and members of the WI have long since deserted it, in the realisation that they’re being subliminally diversified. Do Wasim, Latifa and their 8 kids settle down to watch it on a Sunday evening? I think not.
I’d be very surprised if the program hits 300,000 viewers these days. For me never watched it, bad memory’s of wash night and school tomorrow, just the same as Sing Something Simple.
Isn’t it the case that the bBC have to broadcast such as part of the charter, so its probably the case that they are trying to kill it off as the title would imply its too terrribly Christian.
Apologies, I would advise caution before watching this clip, prepare for that sinking feeling that the weekend is over, its bath time and time to do your homework…
I remember as a very young child suddenly realising that perhaps the people on the telly could also see me. Songs of Praise was on. It gave me a real fright. Knowing what we do now, about the BBC in the late 70’s, I think I was right to be scared.
Oh the memory…..mum ironing, dad reading the paper, me boning up on quad equations waiting for my turn to get in the bath, sisters went first,…..before cheese on toast or sardines, whatever….ah…..
Me, too but I have to qualify the kidage. As a pre-teen & teen, yes, it probably made me wince and distance myself from the radio a.q.a.p., if the parents were listening. But as a youngster, not so much. Anyone remember Chapel in the Valley? The Archers when it was sensible and good? Eamonn Andrews and Sports Report. I think it significant that I look back on late-50s & 1960s BBC Radio with good feelings.
Wonder how I will look back on R4 in 25 years time, if I last that long? Not sure things will appear as rosy & warm & comforting.
OT (I guess- a bit difficult to tell, here) but does anyone remember ‘The Armstrongs’, a long-lived Children’s Hour serial on the Home Service, 5 – 6pm weekdays. I loved it. As I did ‘The Groves’ on TV, also ‘Billy Bean and his Funny Machine’ – picked out at random from a list of programmes now seemingly down the Memory Hole. What about ‘The Woodentops’?
Billy Bean built a machine
To see what it could do
He built it out of sticks and stones
And nuts and bolts and glue.
I remember Billy Bean’s bird – Yoohoo the cuckoo!
Ah fond memories of the BBC.
Hope it isn t from that makeshift mosque, the BBC were so shocked to see.
Maybe the licence payer should stump a few £100, 000s to build prayer rooms, and foot baths like Broadcasting House.
The BBC is pulling out all the stops on behalf of the illegals trying to enter the UK from Calais. Songs of Praise is coming from a tented church set up in the illegals camp there . No doubt we will be told that these people are Christians of good character, who have fled inhuman conditions, and just want the chance to prove their goodness in the UK. Just another attempt to persuade the country to open its hearts and borders to potentially hundreds of thousands of immigrants.
The BBC makes no attempt to represent the views of the British people. In fact it sets out to suppress those views and replace them with ones that its liberal left elite clients find more acceptable.
The BBC has such a stranglehold over the news agenda in the country that it can do pretty much as it pleases in deciding what is news and what is not news and what the views of the country should be. It then has the near monopoly to further re-inforce these views with biased drama and documentaries . Subject a population to this never ending propaganda decade after decade and you have the ability to mould the thinking and values of generations.
Mr Whittingdale says in public, if not in private, that the BBC is a great national institution of immense value. How can anyone not from the left possibly believe this? The BBC is steadily taking the country down the road of the liberal left with little of no opposition from the Tories, who are the only organisation that can defeat the BBC. There are many ways the government could sow the seeds of the decline and ultimate abolition of the state funded BBC, without having to lose vast amounts of political capital in doing so. Preventing the BBC having access to state funding to establish its self in new technology being the obvious one. If they don’t do it now they will not get a second chance.
Cover up that it was Muslims who’d done it, put it down to interethnic conflict, or if they could the French ‘far right’.
Do you remember that Somali meeting place, a horrible garage in Muswell hill that was used as a community centre, and was supposed to have been burned down by ‘far right arsonists, with EDL written on the wall (why would they leave a signature I ask you?).
It all went silent, probably done by the Somaiis themselves to pressure the council to give them somewhere nicer.
This is the BBC trying to con us into believing they’re showing their religious ‘impartiality’. Their agenda, however, shines through like a well-polished turd.
Meanwhile, the expulsion and slaughter of Christians continues across the globe with barely a mention on the Beeb. Far more important is yet another anniversary piece on the Anders Breivik atrocity – sombre tones, pious approval of young socialists promoting Norwegian culture of ‘inclusivity’.
As subtle as a large bag of snot, as the saying goes.
“The BBC is pulling out all the stops on behalf of the illegals trying to enter the UK from Calais. Songs of Praise is coming from a tented church set up in the illegals camp there . ”
While I applaud Christians for trying help the people there in some way, I am reminded that the Beeb quickly forgets all those who drowned off the coast of Libya two days ago. The media (Beeb included) made a big fuss over destroyed historic sites, a dead lion, etc., but quickly overlook the traffickers & their hideous trade & profits, the Syrians being killed by IS in Syria and the lack of funds to look after & feed the humans in Zimbabwe who are trying to look after the prides of lions that were Cecil’s family.
I’m not laughing. Not even when BBC News thought it wise to advise me last night that a statue to Cecil is to be erected in his memory. I really needed to know this. Clearly more important than real (inconvenient) news stories. BBC News 24, getting their priorities right. The Ministry of Peace.
Heard that some wag daubed “Je Suis Cecil” on one of the lions that is in the corners at Trafalgar Square.
Couldn`t we just paint it up properly with an old Rhodesian flag…call it Smith Square perhaps?
“There are many ways the government could sow the seeds of the decline and ultimate abolition of the state funded BBC, without having to lose vast amounts of political capital in doing so.”
One way, in my view, would be to require it to demonstrate how it maintains its impartiality, with a regular report on the steps it has taken. It’s not an unreasonable demand and difficult for the left to oppose without making it look as if they know it can’t show impartiality. We of course know it can’t, as it invariably trots out the “we think we got it about right” line.
I’m shocked that the cerebrally impaired, self publicising, islamofascist sympathising, Marxist (and recent convert to EU scepticism) Reverand Giles Fraser is involved in the BBC’s politicising of the Calais invasion crisis. Shocked I tell you!
I’m a Christian, so I have a special connection for fellow Christians. But the crisis here is not religious: it is humanitarian. And things are only going to get worse. It’s simple: we have so much and they have so little. I’m not getting into the politics of immigration here, but the big issues of global fairness have come to our door and building higher fences is no sort of answer.
Thousands of people enter this country every day without papers or a little red passport. They are called babies. And they are a drain on the economy for at least 20 years. From the viewpoint of eternity, by what right do they gain the advantages of the red book and others not? It’s nothing but luck. Or, in other words, there but for the grace of God go I.
If it were “luck”, then the situation of Britain would fluctuate up and down in a random fashion over time in exactly the same way as other nations. It hasn’t because useful cultural values were transmitted to those thousands of babies born to Britons every day that kept Britain “lucky”. The many hundreds of thousands of enrichers who flock (dehunanising language?) to our shores may be given material goodies to enjoy, but unfortunately do not seem to be too keen on acquiring the cultural values that will ensure that this country will remain lucky. Giles does not seem to realize that societies that are essentially tribal are not going to be “lucky” in the sense he means it, precisely because they are tribal societies. Extending the tribe to the nation was a cultural innovation that has brought both material and immaterial advantages. Buffoons like Frazer would destroy all that for some mindless notion of “global fairness”.
Good post ID, Fatty Fraser would to well to read what Diana West wrote in ‘The Death of the Grown-Up’:
“Not all religions are equally benign; not all religions are equal. Not all cultures are equal. To our elites, Right and Left, this is a bad thing because it sets into motion a right of passage, a painful, difficult awakening from a dreamworld of sunny universalism and pale indecision into a stark reality of black and white, good and evil, win or lose, do or die'”
I am personally familiar with this peculiarity of the Church of England – the cloak-stylist, the self-romanticising prelate who preaches to the rest of us from the heart on his sleeve, but who in reality is an odd and unlikely kind of ‘heart-throb’ for his fantasist admirers.
I come from a different, non-conformist, tradition. Sterner stuff, I think – does anyone now remember Donal Soper? A socialist, a pacifist, and someone who preached at Speakers’ Corner in Hyde Park. I came to disagree with him entirely, but he was undoubtedly a different kind of beast, and someone you could really argue with.
If ‘Revd’ Fraser aspires to such eminence, he needs to stop his risible ‘me too’ faux revolutionary posturing, and stand on his own two feet, without the support of a cosy establishment.
Oh dear God, no pun intended…Songs of praise from Calais ? I thought Hubby was winding me up when he just rang to tell me.
What next I wonder, maybe Graham Norton will do a special one off Calais version of Eurovision. Cliff Richards could belt out Congratulations, as he hands an illegal the keys to a new council house.
A few questions where tax payer money has gone up the swanee
Holy scatter cushions Batman! To be fair the Beeb came late to the Kidz Klub debacle. I believe the print hacks and natural entropy would have brought that rotten structure down soon enough and the BBC seem to be most upset about the feelings of de yoot and the luvvies with nowhere left to signal their virtue when they get bored on their gated estates – what can they do now to feel good except take drugs? It may include a cheap swipe at Cameron but at least the BBC mentions in passing tax payer cash going AWAL.
You see this is the thing – why can’t the BBC act as a Trades Union for tax payers? You know, a holding truth to power sort of deal?
There is some daylight showing through.
Quentin Letts has asked what the Met Office is up to promising us sunshine with all our tax lucre when all we get in return is moonshine and filthy weather?
Also we may be mourning Arthur Daley and the death of Only Fools original scripts but their wheeler dealer spirit sure lives on in the dirty deals done between the guardians of the public purse and the Dirty Barrys of West Ham United. Ou Est La Legacy, Rodney?
Naturally ex-Tory Lord Coe and still-a-bit-Tory Boris get the BBC flak but it was Red Ken and Tony Blair that booked the bloody Olympics.
Credit to the BBC, at least the questions about the missing tax payer dosh are being asked.
Next time they moan about ‘kutz’ do keep this stuff in mind.
Comments are being sought on the story Channel Tunnel: Migrant ‘almost’ walked to England. The story also mentions Songs of Praise coming from Calais, which makes mentioning it on topic. Feel free to put your points of view.
No doubt there will be several spurious breakings of House Rules, probably including some of my posts. I’m still waiting for a reply to my complaint about a previous spurious infraction. Which, having followed their instructions on how to complain, was acknowledged in an automatic email as “feedback”.
Crafty popping the SoP at the end of this HYS. Very BBC SOP.
Looking at the comments, and highest rated (both sets due a purging no doubt) so far, it will be interesting how long the entire thing lasts.
At present it seems more security is copping it, then the concept of illegality. Things will stay up longer if the Cameron/May line gets trashed, but once the BBC feels the heat it will be pulled quicker than Yentob from the back of a studio.
On your complaints… waiting is for licence fee payers. Richard Black can get the entire CECUTT system to jump as high as required in 24 hrs.
It’s logged as ‘feeback’ as ‘failing to deal with a complaint’ would not look good with stats passed under Lord Hall Hall or John Whittingdale’s noses, and that would never do.
‘Almost walked to England’
The point is, did he get here , If he did was he deported ? If not , it sends the message back for the others to try .
I suspect that this has been going on for some time – our borders are weak and that’s why they are queuing at Calais.
Where is our Prime Minister and his Cobra meetings.
Oh the Cobra meeting. Yes, Tommy Robinson was recalled to prison at the time. They acted rather quickly to avoid any outrage from the waaycists in the UK.
The stats demonstrating the correlation between criminal behaviour against the person (theft, assault, murder, rape, etc) and ethnicity, whilst acknowledged by Trevor Phillips (he of the Race Equality quango) are inconvenient truths according to the BBC. They are racist facts, so we can’t have them! Presumably, if the BBC broadcast such facts, they may be in breech of one of the new Laws that recent politicians have invented.
I can’t think what it is about Trevor Phillips that restrains the BBC from criticising him for pointing out that ‘black’ people commit more crimes against the person than ‘white’ people do?
Unfortunate phrasing by the BBC or mischief? You decide …
Ten inmates died at the Maze prison in the 1981 republican hunger strikes…”
The ‘volunteers’ are actually in the Ulster Aviation Society if you read on, but it’s an odd way to title and structure this section of the article.
Not content with broadcasting Songs of Praise from The Camp of the Saints in Calais, the BBC has also announced a docudrama about their hero Mark Duggan. The approach being taken can be judged with the following extract from the casting advert: “In this film we will try to find the man behind the gangster stereotype and understand the challenges he faced as a young black man from Tottenham’s Broadwater Farm Estate, an area which has lived in a state of semi-permanent siege since the murder of PC Keith Blakelock in 1985.”
”Note the carefully chosen photo they have used. ” Same with Trayvon Skittles Martin and Stephen Lawrence, they use their baby photo’s. My suggestion for the lead would be David Walliams blacked up.
BBC boss ‘raged at reporter investigating sexual abuse at Kids Company’: Alan Yentob said to have launched tirade that could be heard by staff in lobby at corporation’s London HQ
Not one of those whispering corridor convos that no one can remember jobs then?
Shame Emily flat out contradicts his claims too.
Might make those claims of senior management respect of editorial integrity look even more iffy, mind.
Plus add a few more addenda to the Dinah Rose inquiry.
‘Peggy’ on Jeremy Vine rants about how great the BBC are and then warns that Yentob is giving ammunition to those people that want to ‘take away our licence’. I wonder if ‘Peggy’ works at Broadcasting House?
But what a wonderfully revealing phrase ‘take away our license’ is, as though pillaging the public was their birthright. Charles I couldn’t beat these guys for entitlement.
The top question of the day ……
Is AliBaba television impartial with its broadcasting of the Illegal immigrant crisis at Calais?
Answers on a post card to The Trustees of The AliBaba Broadcasting Collaboration.
You can bet that they, the ‘Trustees’ view this site.
It now turns out that our spineless leader, leftie Dave gave the The Batman £3Million only a few days before the collapse of her charity, and against the advice of civil servants.
If it fair for councillors to be held personally liable for losses if they ignore professional advice, then it’s fair for government ministers to be similarly accountable, and Cameron should be made to repay this money from his own ample funds.
So….Even though most Beeboids loathe Christianity, they’re going to use their “Songs of Praise” programme to indoctrinate from Calais, via some leftist “man of God”….
How far can the BBC go, in showing their contempt for the Country that they’re richly rewarded in order to represent?
Let them continue. SO that many more will learn of the BBC’s duplicity and total lack of support for our people and our way of life.
it has become an organisation heading fast into crisis and absurdity.
How is Yentob still employed after his behaviour. ?
Got forced to partake in SoP while in the Army for a recording in 1986 in Larkhill. Recorded in January outside in freezing conditions, broadcast in Summer. Invited in for an interview without coffee when the Colonel of 94 Regiment RA realised that at least two of his officers had turned up wearing moon boots in protest at the claim filming was on a balmy summer day.
Just read the latest sychophantic apologist Kids Company article.
First, I cannot help but notice that in all the photos shown white people are ‘significantly under-represented’.
Secondly, you would think from the endlessly uncritical Beeboid reporting on this that one of their senior executives must be playing a prominent role. Oh, wait a minute…….
This morning Today was reporting allegations of sexual abuse by some of the beneficiaries by others. What struck me was the description of the abusers as being “men” in their early 20s. Something about the way “men” was said seemed familiar – and since when were men children?
Perhaps they were misunderstanding the meaning of “kids company”?
Think you`ll find that all the volunteers like Harriet St John(TWATO)-and all the payroll vote-will all be white.
Guilt-tripping nonces who ride freely on others adrenaline, youthful hormones-and who just LOVE to see uniforms getting a ragging or worse!
Not many dads there are there?…
The Yentob Song goes on-but imagine after his shwoing on Channel 4 News last night, he`ll be back to pulling thongs behind the scenes…a PR disaster , that laddie.
Some BBC poppet had interviewed some “Syrian”( he had no passport of course,but hey?) who was planning to get over to London, as he wrote poetry and handed out rose water in Calais last week.
And-guess what-she was pleased to tell us that she was now able to interview the chap in London now as he had got through to England in the boot of a car.
Well I`ll be!
Wonder if our so called “Border Force” will be bothering their lazy arses, and actually checking all BBC personnel and their vans of plenty?
I suspect they`re deciding to become part of the story by smuggling in a few jihadists and druggies off their own bat…you know-celebrate the deceptions-and then moan that the Government are n`t stopping “this sort of t`ing”.
The arrogance, treachery and self serving duplicity of these terror pins of Islam is staggering-but the thick gloopy sentiment sediment of Oxbridge see nothing wrong in breaking laws.
The War on Terror is a fatuous as The War on Drugs-and now we know how THAT rurned out don`t we?
He was a telephone engineer .
Of course , they all are something like that . Doctors, software engineers , teachers etc . Has it occurred to the liberal/left and Beeboids that fraudsters don’t tell people they’re going to be fraudsters ?
Anyway our new inhabitant of England says he doesn’t want benefits. Then we hear how he is getting help with his education, er not a benefit then .
An interesting question the Beeboid could of asked is where he is living , but that seemed beyond the bimbo .
Couple of random things on Radio 4 earlier.
`. Some cBBC girlie had a Book Of The Week-apparently Global Warming ans Acid Oceans are going to stop us all from wondering about all those shells on our beaches…the inverts won`t make them if their cal carb is being degraded by all that conc acid that we`re forcing them to swim in.
Talk about dumbed down Mallory Towers kitchen chemistry-and it made her all sad, so it did!
Next up-first Gay Pride March in Jamaica was celebrated on Womans Hour.
And then some guff about 50 Shades of Grey being linked to Genesis as a Misogynist conspiracy…E.L James was a woman herself-but that`s beside the point!
Cue some blowjobbing feministo with a book to sell-and some cheroot tootin` plus fours gender fluid gal( was that voice REAL?)-to blame blokes for it all, but not before the Misogynist Book Clubber herself admitted that she was a misogynist for judging Rose West or such.
See BBC-I only check into your clinic every so often-and I DO get the Message.
Was she a misogynist or merely Islamophobis in ignoring the “ishoos” brought up by the Koran vis-a -vis the laydeez?
Maybe a ruling from wee Anjem could be sought!
Getting my daily dose of PC World as exemplified by the bloody BBC.
Guess who got onto “Last Word”?…some 55 year old nonentity from the SNP who died, but wanted booze priced out of Scotland, because her own parents abused it?
She was “passionate and enthusiastic”…a “troublemaker”-and Sturgeon loved her…so she got a glowing eulogy.
Why-she even headed up “two charities” to force minimum pricing on the Scots…does it get any more significant?
Well-Robert Conquest died this week-who closed the book on Stalinist terrors-and the likes of Corbyn, Benn , Miliband and Hobsbawn won`t have forgiven him.
His history analysis informed the likes of Thatcher-again, he won`t be thanked for THAT!
But-Conquest actually changed the narrative,and screwed the Left over forever…whereas Evelyn is a Tartan killjoy who achieved nothing.
But we all know who the BBC chose to “big up”…bloody dead white males hardly worth the candle, unless they`re Ted Heath.
There was a piece at about 8.50 on Today, Friday 7th.
Mr Naughtie talking to Martin Amis about Conquest, who was a great friend of his father Kingsley. Apparently they were both communists before ‘seeing the light’, each in their own way.
I hadn’t realised Martin is also a socialist, but in his words ‘a gradualist’.
So for him, and for the interviewer too, I suspect, the evils that Conquest uncovered and displayed for all to see, were the result of the means that Stalin and the rest of the chaps used to achieve their socialist waystation on the road to a communist utopia.
Nothing to do with their eventual aims – just the way they went about it. That’s alright, then.
Beautiful place, should be stuffed with tourist trying to refloat the drachma by now.
Yet the EU has not only stuffed their economy in spite…albeit with the help of the lefty oafs like Varoufuckup in his cafe corner rebellions…but has made the place a flophouse for Islam, for drugs and for rape-let alone pickpockets and scammers.
Only the BBC could say otherwise…and they do.
BBC R5live News … has Wank “ironsides” Gardiner on explaining what the “so called” 😀 Islamic State is, after 10 droning minutes if you listened to his aimless drivel … you wouldn t have a clue.
One sentence … Islamic state the clues in the name, their abhorrent actions copy directly Islamic texts and rulings, and it follows the example of its founder Mohamhead, like a Siamese twin.
That’s it … Its dangerous because Islam is dangerous
… its beyond me what that arsehole was waffling on and on about.
Murray usually has sensible things to say, but I was very surprised to hear him on R4’s Sunday. He was there to discuss the “migration/refugee problem” but he might have known his interlocutor, some Archbishop or such, would only be talking about a “compassion/empathy deficit” problem. Murray foolishly started with the suggestion that persecuted christians in Syria were deserving of asylum seeker status. The AB saw this and raised him those of other faiths who were suffering and also needed help. This showing his moral superiority to the pitiless Muuray. Murrary mentions that 7% of UK population are against more immigration. AB counters that this is simply the prejudice of simple folk who cannot see things as he does from his amazingly high moral high ground. I switched off at this point, but Murray was always going to come away looking heartless and uncaring if he wanted to outdo churchy and progressive dogooders in dogoodery. The simple fact is that feeling compassion/empathy for someone does not mean you would want to invite them into your home.
Tory f-ckwit Camoron has defended the government’s decision to give charity Kids Company £3m one week before its closure, saying “it had been right to give it” … the guy and all the rest of his bumbling dangerously incompetent No10 cronies, are a liability.
But think of the wall-to-wall outrage on the BBC if Kids Company had closed after the government had refused to give them any more public money. It would have been the government’s fault and nothing to do with internal mismanagement. Yentob would have had a field day with sob stories of the poor disadvantaged kids – the BBC would have given him an edition of News Night to ram the message home..
For the government £3m of our money was a cheap price to avoid being worked over by the BBC. The BBC’s criticism of them for wasting money is much more muted – after all, wasting money is something the BBC is expert at.
Life is so much better when we’re giving the Aussies a good thrashing in the cricket – long may their humiliation continue.
Listening to Test Match Special today on 5Live Xtra mention was made of “all the people listening around the world”. There were people tuning in from various remote areas of Africa; a bloke on an oil rig; some chap in Iceland….the list went on and on.
“The wonders of the internet” we were told by one of the commentators (Jonathan Agnew, I think).
How satisfying for all of us here in the UK to know that our compulsory TV television tax is being used by the BBC to fund the pleasure of cricket lovers the world over, and they don’t have to pay a penny!
Double the license fee I say, and while we’re at it give Danny Cohen and Alan Yentob a pay rise.
The ironic thing is that in this country to listen live when out and about or in the car, you either need a new fangled portable DAB radio with rapid battery drain, an antiquated radio with Long Wave or plenty of data on a mobile…
Looney leftie Ken Loach set up the Left Unity Party as an alternative to Labour who are not looney left enough. They did badly at the election. Now the BBC loves Looney Loach, but the Times and others have ratted Left Unity’s support for Corbyn, and the BBC is defending him from the Labour front bench.
But please remember where Loach’s Left Unity stand. At their most recent conference they debated a motion supporting ISIS. I understand the motion was not passed, but the fact that they devoted part of their conference time to this speaks volumes about their politics
The “Jungle” at Calais should have all its residents dragged out from it, and the tents and shacks they reside in either bulldozed into a pile and burned or taken away on tipper wagons.
When the illegal immigrants try to begin to construct a new shanty town – flatten it again, then again and again; every time.
Eventually even this rabble should get the message; in fact, I’m sure they’ll understand it perfectly, since it’s the sort of non-verbal communication they will have been used to all their lives in their s**t holes of origin.
Heard a bit of the useless Any Questions earlier.
You can always tell when its summer-because Bonnie Greer gets onto Any Questions yet again-this, despite having no worth in any field that she presumes to occupy.
But she`s black, American and loves Obama-so there you are.
Up came a question on “education”-some crap abvout schools not teaching enough lifeskills.
Code for none of that “learning to read” crap-just more condoms and visits from Jamie Oliver and Queen Camilla of Shiraz.
The panellists included Toby Young-who actually HAS set up his own Free School.
You`d think that he`d have something to say about it all-but no.
Bonnie Greer and some chintzy businesswoman shouted him down and claimed bragging rights about their authority to speak…although neither of them have set up a school.
One left school left at 16…and Bonnie was never educated here, except in how to bluster along as a “cultural commentator”.
But not back home-only in Britain and the bloody BBC!
The other speaker was Blairs biographer-with a nice little earner at Wellington Private School.
Unsurprisingly, he wants more life skills for the helots-his little darlings who pay £35,000 pa to attend his College may well take that on ,once they`ve studied Coriolanus in Latin…our kids don`t even know how Romeo and Juliet ends up!
The thicker the state kids-the more the private sector can charge.
So-of all the above-only the liberal left and the quisling toadies earning muchly in private schools get an opinion.
And don`t let Toby defend Gove whatever you do…he tried, but was shut down…Radio Gag indeed!
What a good idea!
Camilla and the Bat Mobilisers chose to “march on Downing Street” today.
Turtle Power indeed.
But then again, we all know that Friday is the day when they all show up for their blow, trackies and trainers-before and after prayers at the Mosque maybe.
Got me thinking though-Occupy did the same thing after the election result went “not necessarily to their advantage”.
Who could ever forget darling Russell and the songstress Charlotte calling for the “Revolution”!
That would only be £1.5 million each to these two scions of probity and correct thinkitude.
Camilla only needs £3million-come on Russell, Charlotte-all those other favoured lefties-how about a charity gig, appeal-using your OWN bleedin` money just this once?
The mere cost of Martin Freemans rotorblade, just one Chris Evans/Steve Coogan speed off in those big cars of theirs?
Cue tumbleweed Tristram!
A frost on Dartmoor last night. Looks like, with clearing skies, a good chance of one tonight also. Could be the full nine yards this year for the U.K., I await with bated breath an in depth study and report from the BBC, why, in view of all the so called “Global Warming” going on, we have had this year, a record number of “frost days”? (and it is only August)
Heard some BBC muppet on the shores of Kos earlier-“Welcome to Europe” he shouts out to a small boat of spongebobs…who largely treated the self serving oaf with due disdain.
Fair play!
But he did wonder in sadness about nobody being there to greet them!
But he was, you see.
Cue outrage from the bedwetters and soggy bottom contingent in the liberal media now.
No meet and greet-no held up umbrellas and directions to Luna House/Croydon-no footrubs or whetstone to sharpen those blades of theirs.
Maybe they need John Humphrys address there in Greece…or Evan Davis pied a terre near Calais perhaps?
Come on BBC-share the love, you hypocrites!
I think much of the BBC’s lamentable drivel is because they employ children. Not children in the sense of aged as children but children in their collective naivety and hive mind behaviour.
This is probably unfair to children who often show much independence of thought.
Where does the BBC find them? Do they breed them in pods or do they arrive fully formed but without any thoughts of their own?. Just waiting to be conditioned by the hive .
None of them appear to have much experience of life and reality to them is just a word.
Let the BBC continue to staff itself this way. Between them and the Yentobs they will do as good a job of discrediting this out of touch and time organisation as anyone.
Dead right there sir.
Infantile,puerile seekers of the Good Rebellion, the Weekend Revolution.
As long as it costs them nothing, doesn`t upset nanny and allows them to claim they never meant it.
Tom Robinson, Russell Brand, john Birt and Yentob. Polly and Vanessa being the templates of flatulent privilege.
Only one answer-where does the BBC find them. you ask?
Well-from Mr Pastry through to James Savile, via John Peel and the likes of Camilla and assorted Abduls and Muhammads…reckon we`re now getting answers to that one.
Oh look…Ted Heath!
But not Tom Driberg eh?
As your predecessor Mr Bush started this lot, can you now help out and take about a million of the refugees and asylum seekers currently pouring into Europe, as a direct result of your actions.
Many thanks
The EU Citizens
Tried to find Tony to see if he would do the honours and ask you, but since Corbyonics has gone all International Court, he has gone missing. Probably got his head down somewhere.
Newsnight joined UKIP on a fact finding mission to the ‘jungle’ across the channel.
Whilst the UKIP guy stuck to his guns and kept a realistic head on his shoulders, the BBC manchild started to let his bed wetting liberalism get the better of him, and just couldn’t understand the UKIP not giving a toss about illegal migrants.
Seriously, I half expected the moonbat to start hugging these parasites.
Yup, heard that.
Didn`t know he was UKIP-thought he was a lorry driving union type.
That Richard Bacon bedwetting lavender vent seemed to have strayed from polishing plastic roses at the Blue Peter Garden.
All he wanted to know was if the bloke “sympathised” or “cared” about events in Calais…that was he wanted to know.
Never seen a more airheaded fatuous and vacuous silly cipher…and I remember Tingha and Tucker!
THAT is what passes for Newsnight analysis these days!
Is it possible to supply a link, please, for people who do not have the first clue of Facebook, Twatter etc.? I’ve never joined any of them and though I doubt I am missing much, a link to some of those outrageous stories would be appreciated. Thanks.
You are fortunate not to know about Facebook and Twitter. The inane frivolity that surges through those attempts at communication by the short-attention-span generation like a tidal wave is depressing to behold.
Re Facebook, you have to be a member of that club in order to read whatever gems are posted there.
You can read what’s on Twitter without joining it – but brace yourself for fragmentary Twittering that’s deeply insulting to birds.
If there’s no link, just Google a few key words of the subject under discussion along with Twitter, and that should get you to the Tweets, arggghhh, in question, each limited to about 20 words.
The BBC news ‘England’ page has a story titled ‘camp closed after child porn arrest’. It has a thumbnail photograph of two school kids apparantly walking off a sports field, one of them white, the other black. They are very close to each other.
When you open the story though, there is a completely different picture, and the story relates to some perv who was arrested on suspicion of possessing indecent images of children.
The thumbnail image of the two young kids of different ethnicity had no relevance to the story in any way, and can only be regarded as more subliminal propaganda by the BBC.
If more people had voted UKIP at the last election, the might now be some light at the end of the tunnel – both metaphorically and literally in the case of the Channel Tunnel.
And if he, or she, is not black they will most likely be a veiled apparition of the ROP.
Without exaggerating – I am simply and absolutely fed up to the back teeth of tuning in to BBC R4 and almost always having to listen to some “foreign” accent. Usually it also appertains to some religion which is foreign to this country.
It is a very rare occasion when I can now find myself settling down to listen to a full programme. Usually, within minutes of hearing the unctuous tones of some fully paid up member of the BBC meme, lecturing me on how absolutely thrilling and exciting it now is to live in the very diversified, multi-cultural UK, I find myself reaching for the tuning switch.
This never used to happen. I was once an avid listener to BBC R4 (was that the Home Service?) and would have it on all day long when I was home on leave, listening to lots of programmes about the Britain I was born into and where I grew up.
Then, a few years ago – I think it all started with “Today” – I started getting angry with my radio! Why pick on the poor blooming wireless?
Now, BBC R4 is almost a forbidden area to my listening habits. I have nothing in common with the station and especially nothing in common with their dilettante “British” presenters.
(I now class most of them as Quislings).
Shouldn`t you be at the Prom`s this time or year Mr Wood? I am off to the Great British Beer Festival instead. Guaranteed to be a Moosie free zone ,without any newcomers from sub Sahara at this venue either .
Henry, you are not alone! My girlfriend who is an avid radio listener (Radio 4/Radio Devon…no T.V in house) recently admitted that she has started to shout at the Radio when the only Labour MP in the whole of the South West and beyond was given airtime on Radio Devon to spout Socialist rubbish, unchallenged and with no right to reply from any Conservative M.P.
Nail on head Henry Wood.
Its as if before broadcasting EVERY program on Radio 4 they consider in what way they can inject a foreign element. This reaches a zenith in the Afternoon Dramas.
Then to add to the irritation we are interupted by the highly obtrusive alien tones of Neil Nunes foriegn continuity man. Since the ONLY qualification of a continutiy person (apart from being able to read) is to deliver their meassage in clear and correct standard English with an unobtrusive and not highly distinct voice, Nunes fails on every account. He is on so often too, and growing increasingly cocksure adds his own little opinions and attempts at witicisms.
I see the BBC is making a one hour drama/documentary about its favourite dead London criminal Mark Duggan. It looks to be a hagiography of this low-life because its aim ” is to show the man behind the ‘gangsta’ image imposed on him and the challenges he faced in life”. According to the write-up it’s going to show the last twenty-four hours of his life. The programme is being made with the involvement of his friends and family.
Is the BBC deliberately trying to provoke licence payers with this crap? Is this what we have to pay £145 a year for?
I see the BBC is making a one hour drama/documentary about its favourite dead London criminal Mark Duggan. It looks to be a hagiography of this low-life because its aim ” is to show the man behind the ‘gangsta’ image imposed on him and the challenges he faced in life”. According to the write-up it’s going to show the last twenty-four hours of his life. The programme is being made with the involvement of his friends and family.
Is the BBC deliberately trying to provoke licence payers with this crap? Is this what we have to pay £145 a year for?
There does seem to be a recent shift to deliberate provocation. I take this as evidence that the BBC fears it is losing control of the agenda and the narrative, and is frantically doing everything it can to re-assert its hegemonic position. The bias is now completely bare-faced, in-your-face and full-time.
In diagnosing mental illness, one of the questions that typically gets asked of or about the sufferer is
‘is this {compulsive behaviour/voices in your head/recurring anxiety/sleeplessness, etc} interfering seriously with the rest of your life?’
On this account, the Corporation is approaching major cognitive and emotional difficulties, to the point of a possible ‘breakdown’. This would be fine, if it were not for the danger it poses to others, in its decline and fall.
As you can see, I’m up early this morning and the sun as yet hasn’t got over the hill where I live. Looking out of my kitchen window, I’m seeing ice on my car. Looking at automatic weather reporting stations across the U.K., I’m not alone. Frost in August. Whatever next? I guess, we will hear “Chilly”, “Cool” but never “Cold” from the BBC as this is the complete opposite of what they want to tell us, as Christopher Booker said recently, just who are the denialists who are suffering with denialism? Answers on a postcard to: The Warmist Society, C/O The BBC Broadcasting Centre, Salford, Manchester.
Yep I got shouted down by the tin foil hat wearers for mentioning it certainly looked like frost on my car at 6.00 am one morning and I’m 30 miles north of London.I notice they seem to class heatwave on the Beeb now as 24/25 degrees – sheesh
Up2snuffMar 10, 10:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 MM, Hindus & Muslims will always clash, think India now and at also back in Partition days. Yes it is…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 10:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Fed, The trouble with no tv licences will be that nobody will be able to get out of paying. At…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 09:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just far right? “A year and a half ago, Hindus and Muslims clashed in the streets of one of Britain’s…
BRISSLESMar 10, 09:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 My strapping 6’2 67 year old brother was the only one in the family who refused all vaccinations (antivaxer) -…
BRISSLESMar 10, 09:49 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I sympathise JR I have a friend with PR and its far from being a picnic.
JohnCMar 10, 09:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just checking what is going on in Ukraine because the BBC are silent – and it seems the much-vaunted incursion…
Up2snuffMar 10, 09:41 Start the Week 10th March 2025 TOADY Watch #1 – not so much TOADY but the News at 6 a.m. … HMG is planning to create…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 09:34 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Nigel Farage’s anti-migrant poster reported to police This article is more than 8 years old Unison’s Dave Prentis said poster…
Fedup2Mar 10, 09:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I wonder who his staff are ? I imagine he has been gently groomed to take on his new ‘faith…
Hopefully the BBC will no longer waste tax payers money by giving work to Jo Brand now that she has been rumbled as Camila Batmanghelidjh in drag.
Fat, ugly and left-wing………… way to go through life.
And I thought it was Diane Abbott.
Would you kindly explain that as there’s nothing about Jo Brand in the news.
Fatty brand is on that awful bakery show doing what she does best, stuffing her gob and making anti male comments
Yet another case of someone white being persecuted for religious and political beliefs.
Somme dotty old woman has sent a letter to the head of an Islamic Girls school tell her that they will all die if they don’t repent.
Dotty old ladies have been doing strange things for decades, now in the new oppressive Fascism they have to be sent to prison, because we obviously have plenty of room for all the real criminals !
And lets face it, it doesn’t take much for Muslims to be grossly offended does it. For a start, not agreeing with them! I for one am grossly offended that songs of praise is coming from calais, who do I complain to?
I’ve read the piece in the GMN link. I missed the bit where our Parliament passed a law relating to the sending of a ‘grossly offensive letter’. When did this become a crime? Or can the Police and the CPS just invent crimes on the hoof now to suit harrassing people they don’t like.
Professional offendees are often offended. t comes with the job. Muslims are often offended, and often lie (maybe they often lie about being offended) It is what they are taught, it is part of their fascist ideology.
Personally I don’t give a f&^k if Muslims are offended. F78k ’em. As for the Police, they have ceased to believe that they exist to protect property and serve the public. They are a tool of Common Purpose. I wouldn’t piss on a Policeman or CPS employee who was on fire.
When the institutions have lost the hard working, respectful, upstanding, tax-paying, law abiding small business owners of England, then the game is nearly up.
Our government is weak and rudderless. Best get tooled up and find a local voluntary paramilitary group soon, or form one. Our government is working against us, and come the day if you’re not prepared, you’ll have to submit to Islam or death.
Threatening letters or other articles – Section 1 Malicious Communications Act, 1988
The Malicious Communications Act 1988 section 1, see Stones 8.20830, deals with the sending to another of any article which is indecent or grossly offensive, or which conveys a threat, or which is false, provided there is an intent to cause distress or anxiety to the recipient. The offence covers letters, writing of all descriptions, electronic communications, photographs and other images in a material form, tape recordings, films and video recordings. Poison-pen letters are usually covered.
Particularly serious examples may justify a more serious charge, e.g. threats to kill.
The offence is one of sending, delivering or transmitting, so there is no requirement for the article to reach the intended recipient.
The terms of section 1 were considered in Connolly v DPP [2007] 2 All ER 1012, and “indecent or grossly offensive” were said to be ordinary English words. The fact that there was a political or educational motive behind the accused sending graphic photographs of aborted foetuses did not help her, and her argument that her behaviour was protected by Articles 9 and 10 ECHR (freedom of religion and speech) did not succeed, because the restrictions on those rights were justified under Articles 9(2) and 10(2).
A person guilty of an offence under section 127 CA 2003 shall be liable, on summary conviction, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or to a fine or to both.
So how come Muslims who rant about killing Khuffirs are not locked up?
They have to do it in writing !
What, like on a poster or something?
Thanks for the clarification. Too much to expect the Journalist to get the description of the charge accurately conveyed to the reader.
As an aside, what is the Koran, but a written document that contains instructions to kill? That’s written, distributed, communicated via images and electronic communication (Youtube) and in contravention of English Law. Yet our courts allow citizens to swear on this book! F*^king disgrace.
It also has to be made in 4 different languages; French, Japanese, Flemish and Klingon.
As far as I can see it isn’t a threat, it’s an opinion based on religious belief. Some religious beliefs are, it seems, more protected than others.
Ridicule is the way to deal with dotty opinions, not prosecutions.
But hold on , they have to feel threatened .
So unless they think that being a Muslim consigns them to divine acts against them , they should not feel threatened .
If they do , simple , stop being one .
But hold on a minute, part II.
There has to be the intent to cause anxiety or distress.
Surely a religious person could say their intention was to cause great joy to the recipient by showing them the error of their ways and the true path to God (the Christian God).
What I still don’t understand is how offending a Muslim is taken so seriously, yet if you are white, middle aged, male and straight, then it appears that there is no lawful remedy for any amount of offence caused to you.
How come all the “liberal progressive” lefties never seem to be able to comprehend that bending over backwards to avoid offending Muslims or Gays, or tans people, whilst causing as much offence as they feel is necessay to the “male, stale and pale” is not a way to achieve the “equality” they keep banging on about.
“What I still don’t understand is how offending a Muslim is taken so seriously”
Simple that’s Shariamour, and more and more and more.
Note over the past few years, it is getting more entrenched, almost
second nature now, for Muslims to rush to legality.
This obviously constructed “offence”issue, It HAS to stop.
I have had the feeling for a long time now, ever since the early Blair years that the Government actually hates its own indigenous population.
If you’re white, want to do well and prosper, are intelligent, contribute to society through tax then you are virtually a non-person, only there to be milked to pay for the social security of the feckless and lazy.
After Brown we have had a coalition and now a Tory majority government – but my feeling about their contempt hasn’t gone away.
Goes back a lot further. Our governors with very rare exceptions have always held us in contempt.
From the Normans onwards. The now much sentimentalised monarchy is a case in point.
I tend to the belief that we English, as a people, have thrived despite our governing class.
It is no accident that the USA, Canada,Australia and New Zealand are peopled by those not exactly enamoured of life here in England under the ruling elites of the times.
William Cobbett in the 1820s was a great encourager of emigration by the yeoman farmers of England.
No fool he and always an enemy of privilege.
I couldn’t agree with you more. I first noticed the elites total contempt for us during the fuel blockade of 2000 when I was only a very young man starting out in the world.
I remember vividly Blair and Brown were intent on punishing motorists to the Nth degree until finally haulage firms snapped and pro actively disrupted fuel supplies to the country. A stance I might add, despite struggling to commute to work I whole heartedly supported.
That was the exact moment I realised our elites held the opinions of the man on the street with such disdain as to be worthless and it’s been steadily getting worse ever since.
I, no doubt like many of you are desperately searching for an escape route as the primary function of any living creature is to provide a safe environment for their young but with the cultural suicide of the entire western civilisation now coming into sharp focus I feel backed into a corner and am frightened for the future of my children and future grandchildren.
The only comfort I find in all this is that after all the appeasement by our caring progressives it will cut no ice with Islam in the long run and at some point the truth that their appeasement was worthless and that they are also to be subjugated or face extinction will hit them full force and it is nothing less than they deserve.
“Yet another case of someone white being persecuted for religious and political beliefs.”
Aaahh! That must that Jo Brand again. see above. 😉 Well known Lefty and Church organist.
Bit off topic, I suppose, but did anyone see the fidgeting, pointing, denying, uncomfortable and shouty Yentob on Channel 4 “News” last night? ‘Bouncy’ Matt Frei asked a few awkward questions…
If anyone missed it, Guido has kindly preserved it.
Long may Al stay the face of the BBC at this difficult time. They need senior executives of such calibre. Maybe he and Danny could do a double act?
‘On Wednesday the BBC’s spin arm briefed Media Guardian that its creative director Alan Yentob had not tried to influence Newsnight’s investigation into scandal-hit Kids Company, of which he is chairman. Yet on Channel 4 News last night, Yentob admitted he did phone Newsnight staff before the programme aired. He still insists “I don’t think I’ve abused my position in any way”.’
They must be running out of BBC spokespersons to cover for senior BBC staff of such… ‘talent’.
Oddly the BBC seems to feel he’s mostly best left alone to spend more time with his money.
I was thinking how alike Corbyn (with Krishna) and Yentoub (with Matt) were when pushed into a corner, their tactic of bullying came to the fore – and then they both realised that this was (I assume) live tv and they resumed being calm and reasonable. But they both revealed their true colours. And may I note that bullying as a response seems the norm for the Left (think Unions).
It’s Friday, it’s nine o’clock…. and it’s crackers, Jack.
Yes, the BBC has decided… That football clubs are not doing enough to encourage LGBT fans.
Well I’m sure they’ll find lots of other sandwich fillings on offer which will suit their tastes, or even something meatier if they are in the mood, like a pie.
They could start a campaign to replace flags with dildos,
“were here, were queer, we like it up the rear”
youll never walk alone takes on a new sinister meaning
Not sure who the bBC think they are broadcasting to with this Songs Of Farce nonsense.
Aquil has seen to it that the mainstay of its audience, the bluerinsers and members of the WI have long since deserted it, in the realisation that they’re being subliminally diversified. Do Wasim, Latifa and their 8 kids settle down to watch it on a Sunday evening? I think not.
I’d be very surprised if the program hits 300,000 viewers these days. For me never watched it, bad memory’s of wash night and school tomorrow, just the same as Sing Something Simple.
Isn’t it the case that the bBC have to broadcast such as part of the charter, so its probably the case that they are trying to kill it off as the title would imply its too terrribly Christian.
Did you have to remind me of Sing Something Simple? I had totally forgotten about that – I used to loathe it with a passion when I was a kid!
Apologies, I would advise caution before watching this clip, prepare for that sinking feeling that the weekend is over, its bath time and time to do your homework…
The bBC, depressing us since 1959….
I remember as a very young child suddenly realising that perhaps the people on the telly could also see me. Songs of Praise was on. It gave me a real fright. Knowing what we do now, about the BBC in the late 70’s, I think I was right to be scared.
Sorry Grimer but the question must be asked…why were you wanking during Songs of Praise?
Oh the memory…..mum ironing, dad reading the paper, me boning up on quad equations waiting for my turn to get in the bath, sisters went first,…..before cheese on toast or sardines, whatever….ah…..
That sort of describes every British household of the 50s 60s and 70s on a Sunday evening.
An esstially coshesive society and culturally British, a different time, a different country.
Not perfect but far better than the utopia that the bBC propaganda would have us believe.
”a different time, a different country.” You mean like this, James Mason visits his home town Huddersfield 1972.
Thanks, that’s tonight’s post pub viewing sorted.
That incredible voice he had, thanks for posting it David.
Me, too but I have to qualify the kidage. As a pre-teen & teen, yes, it probably made me wince and distance myself from the radio a.q.a.p., if the parents were listening. But as a youngster, not so much. Anyone remember Chapel in the Valley? The Archers when it was sensible and good? Eamonn Andrews and Sports Report. I think it significant that I look back on late-50s & 1960s BBC Radio with good feelings.
Wonder how I will look back on R4 in 25 years time, if I last that long? Not sure things will appear as rosy & warm & comforting.
Me too , use to tune into 208 Radio Luxembourg ,when that horrible programme came on Sunday evening .
Not forgetting The Billy Cotton Band Show. Or rather I wish I hadn’t remembered it.
Wakey Waaaaaakey!
Bring back Jimmy Clitheroe. The Clitheroe Kid!
And the Navy Lark.
Great thread! Brings back many happy memories. A lot of the good old stuff is on radio 4 Extra. My favourite was “Round the Horne”.
I’m sorry I’ll Read That Again for me.
{Extremely appropriate for some of the BBC R4 News, Continuity and presenters in the last few years.}
Thinking of childhood, ISIRTA was the child that grew into the youth of The Goodies and the adult of Monty Python.
On TV it was the BBC, via the Telegoons who turned me to the real radio thing.
OT (I guess- a bit difficult to tell, here) but does anyone remember ‘The Armstrongs’, a long-lived Children’s Hour serial on the Home Service, 5 – 6pm weekdays. I loved it. As I did ‘The Groves’ on TV, also ‘Billy Bean and his Funny Machine’ – picked out at random from a list of programmes now seemingly down the Memory Hole. What about ‘The Woodentops’?
Billy Bean built a machine
To see what it could do
He built it out of sticks and stones
And nuts and bolts and glue.
I remember Billy Bean’s bird – Yoohoo the cuckoo!
Ah fond memories of the BBC.
Thanks! I can hear the tune now..
Pity the poor immigrant: Songs of Praise from the “Jungle” with the BBC’s favourite trendy socialist vicar.
Hope it isn t from that makeshift mosque, the BBC were so shocked to see.
Maybe the licence payer should stump a few £100, 000s to build prayer rooms, and foot baths like Broadcasting House.
All funded by the British t v licence payer.
If AliBaba was paid for by subscription, how many takers would there be for that rubbish ?
I hope they get set upon by the Muslim hoards at the camp
The BBC is pulling out all the stops on behalf of the illegals trying to enter the UK from Calais. Songs of Praise is coming from a tented church set up in the illegals camp there . No doubt we will be told that these people are Christians of good character, who have fled inhuman conditions, and just want the chance to prove their goodness in the UK. Just another attempt to persuade the country to open its hearts and borders to potentially hundreds of thousands of immigrants.
The BBC makes no attempt to represent the views of the British people. In fact it sets out to suppress those views and replace them with ones that its liberal left elite clients find more acceptable.
The BBC has such a stranglehold over the news agenda in the country that it can do pretty much as it pleases in deciding what is news and what is not news and what the views of the country should be. It then has the near monopoly to further re-inforce these views with biased drama and documentaries . Subject a population to this never ending propaganda decade after decade and you have the ability to mould the thinking and values of generations.
Mr Whittingdale says in public, if not in private, that the BBC is a great national institution of immense value. How can anyone not from the left possibly believe this? The BBC is steadily taking the country down the road of the liberal left with little of no opposition from the Tories, who are the only organisation that can defeat the BBC. There are many ways the government could sow the seeds of the decline and ultimate abolition of the state funded BBC, without having to lose vast amounts of political capital in doing so. Preventing the BBC having access to state funding to establish its self in new technology being the obvious one. If they don’t do it now they will not get a second chance.
I wonder if the Muslim immigrants waiting in “the Jungle” camp will burn down the Christian make-shift church? What would the BBC do then?
What would the BBC do then?
Hire a beach pedalo and remake ‘Three men in a boat’ as ‘Three… no… sorry, two men in boat’ as HMS Bullcam makes smoke over the horizon?
It will probably have a significant police guard unlike the tunnel, the freight car parks, the ferry terminals . . . . .
What would the BBC do then?
Cover up that it was Muslims who’d done it, put it down to interethnic conflict, or if they could the French ‘far right’.
Do you remember that Somali meeting place, a horrible garage in Muswell hill that was used as a community centre, and was supposed to have been burned down by ‘far right arsonists, with EDL written on the wall (why would they leave a signature I ask you?).
It all went silent, probably done by the Somaiis themselves to pressure the council to give them somewhere nicer.
This is the BBC trying to con us into believing they’re showing their religious ‘impartiality’. Their agenda, however, shines through like a well-polished turd.
Meanwhile, the expulsion and slaughter of Christians continues across the globe with barely a mention on the Beeb. Far more important is yet another anniversary piece on the Anders Breivik atrocity – sombre tones, pious approval of young socialists promoting Norwegian culture of ‘inclusivity’.
As subtle as a large bag of snot, as the saying goes.
“The BBC is pulling out all the stops on behalf of the illegals trying to enter the UK from Calais. Songs of Praise is coming from a tented church set up in the illegals camp there . ”
While I applaud Christians for trying help the people there in some way, I am reminded that the Beeb quickly forgets all those who drowned off the coast of Libya two days ago. The media (Beeb included) made a big fuss over destroyed historic sites, a dead lion, etc., but quickly overlook the traffickers & their hideous trade & profits, the Syrians being killed by IS in Syria and the lack of funds to look after & feed the humans in Zimbabwe who are trying to look after the prides of lions that were Cecil’s family.
Funny old world . . . . .
I’m not laughing. Not even when BBC News thought it wise to advise me last night that a statue to Cecil is to be erected in his memory. I really needed to know this. Clearly more important than real (inconvenient) news stories. BBC News 24, getting their priorities right. The Ministry of Peace.
They’re putting up a statue to Cecil Rhodes ?!
Now that’s the BBC I like ?
Heard that some wag daubed “Je Suis Cecil” on one of the lions that is in the corners at Trafalgar Square.
Couldn`t we just paint it up properly with an old Rhodesian flag…call it Smith Square perhaps?
If the BBC really cared about suffering black and brown Christians they could broadcast Songs of Praise from Syria, Iraq, Pakistan or Saudi.
Even better, lobby David Cameron to let in legitimate Syrian Christian refugees into the UK. For balance 😉 and all that, don’t you know.
The silence on that has been . . . . .
. . . . . very revealing.
“There are many ways the government could sow the seeds of the decline and ultimate abolition of the state funded BBC, without having to lose vast amounts of political capital in doing so.”
One way, in my view, would be to require it to demonstrate how it maintains its impartiality, with a regular report on the steps it has taken. It’s not an unreasonable demand and difficult for the left to oppose without making it look as if they know it can’t show impartiality. We of course know it can’t, as it invariably trots out the “we think we got it about right” line.
The politicking of the BBC gathers pace. Even the left-wing Reverend Giles Fraser gets a starring role by all accounts. Unbelievable bias.
Just when you think the BBC couldn’t get any worse….
I’m shocked that the cerebrally impaired, self publicising, islamofascist sympathising, Marxist (and recent convert to EU scepticism) Reverand Giles Fraser is involved in the BBC’s politicising of the Calais invasion crisis. Shocked I tell you!
The mindless twat Fraser wrote this:
I’m a Christian, so I have a special connection for fellow Christians. But the crisis here is not religious: it is humanitarian. And things are only going to get worse. It’s simple: we have so much and they have so little. I’m not getting into the politics of immigration here, but the big issues of global fairness have come to our door and building higher fences is no sort of answer.
Thousands of people enter this country every day without papers or a little red passport. They are called babies. And they are a drain on the economy for at least 20 years. From the viewpoint of eternity, by what right do they gain the advantages of the red book and others not? It’s nothing but luck. Or, in other words, there but for the grace of God go I.
If it were “luck”, then the situation of Britain would fluctuate up and down in a random fashion over time in exactly the same way as other nations. It hasn’t because useful cultural values were transmitted to those thousands of babies born to Britons every day that kept Britain “lucky”. The many hundreds of thousands of enrichers who flock (dehunanising language?) to our shores may be given material goodies to enjoy, but unfortunately do not seem to be too keen on acquiring the cultural values that will ensure that this country will remain lucky. Giles does not seem to realize that societies that are essentially tribal are not going to be “lucky” in the sense he means it, precisely because they are tribal societies. Extending the tribe to the nation was a cultural innovation that has brought both material and immaterial advantages. Buffoons like Frazer would destroy all that for some mindless notion of “global fairness”.
Good post ID, Fatty Fraser would to well to read what Diana West wrote in ‘The Death of the Grown-Up’:
“Not all religions are equally benign; not all religions are equal. Not all cultures are equal. To our elites, Right and Left, this is a bad thing because it sets into motion a right of passage, a painful, difficult awakening from a dreamworld of sunny universalism and pale indecision into a stark reality of black and white, good and evil, win or lose, do or die'”
I am personally familiar with this peculiarity of the Church of England – the cloak-stylist, the self-romanticising prelate who preaches to the rest of us from the heart on his sleeve, but who in reality is an odd and unlikely kind of ‘heart-throb’ for his fantasist admirers.
I come from a different, non-conformist, tradition. Sterner stuff, I think – does anyone now remember Donal Soper? A socialist, a pacifist, and someone who preached at Speakers’ Corner in Hyde Park. I came to disagree with him entirely, but he was undoubtedly a different kind of beast, and someone you could really argue with.
If ‘Revd’ Fraser aspires to such eminence, he needs to stop his risible ‘me too’ faux revolutionary posturing, and stand on his own two feet, without the support of a cosy establishment.
al beeb will fit in well with the communist agitators who are already whipping up trouble in Calais.
Is there anyone who typifies the arrogance of The BBC Untouchables more than Alan Yentob?
Danny Cohen ?
Last series of The Peep Show being filmed,
Danny & Alan’s Market Rate Got It about Right Kneel Licence Paying Mugs Show would be a perfect combo to fill the humour void.
Jimmy Savile, Victoria Derbyshire, (fill in the name) Dimbleby, (fill in the name) Snow, Kirsty Walk, Evan Davis, Robert Peston,….
Perhaps they could out-yentob the Yentob?
(Definition. To yentob, verb: To typify self-righteous arrogance.)
Oh dear God, no pun intended…Songs of praise from Calais ? I thought Hubby was winding me up when he just rang to tell me.
What next I wonder, maybe Graham Norton will do a special one off Calais version of Eurovision. Cliff Richards could belt out Congratulations, as he hands an illegal the keys to a new council house.
I think the last Ben Stephenson ‘left of centre’ commission is now being shot in Pyongyang.
It’s a Strictly-based remake of ‘Red Dawn 2’ starring Danny Dyer and Emma Thompson.
ps: No Cliff. They are clamping down on the helicopter budget due to the cuts. But may sneak in Evan and Kirsty as part of a Uni tour group.
Looks like the guy who walked through the tunnel the other night has made it to Islington already 😉
A little credit where credit is due
A few questions where tax payer money has gone up the swanee
Holy scatter cushions Batman! To be fair the Beeb came late to the Kidz Klub debacle. I believe the print hacks and natural entropy would have brought that rotten structure down soon enough and the BBC seem to be most upset about the feelings of de yoot and the luvvies with nowhere left to signal their virtue when they get bored on their gated estates – what can they do now to feel good except take drugs? It may include a cheap swipe at Cameron but at least the BBC mentions in passing tax payer cash going AWAL.
You see this is the thing – why can’t the BBC act as a Trades Union for tax payers? You know, a holding truth to power sort of deal?
There is some daylight showing through.
Quentin Letts has asked what the Met Office is up to promising us sunshine with all our tax lucre when all we get in return is moonshine and filthy weather?
Also we may be mourning Arthur Daley and the death of Only Fools original scripts but their wheeler dealer spirit sure lives on in the dirty deals done between the guardians of the public purse and the Dirty Barrys of West Ham United. Ou Est La Legacy, Rodney?
Naturally ex-Tory Lord Coe and still-a-bit-Tory Boris get the BBC flak but it was Red Ken and Tony Blair that booked the bloody Olympics.
Credit to the BBC, at least the questions about the missing tax payer dosh are being asked.
Next time they moan about ‘kutz’ do keep this stuff in mind.
Comments are being sought on the story Channel Tunnel: Migrant ‘almost’ walked to England. The story also mentions Songs of Praise coming from Calais, which makes mentioning it on topic. Feel free to put your points of view.
No doubt there will be several spurious breakings of House Rules, probably including some of my posts. I’m still waiting for a reply to my complaint about a previous spurious infraction. Which, having followed their instructions on how to complain, was acknowledged in an automatic email as “feedback”.
Crafty popping the SoP at the end of this HYS. Very BBC SOP.
Looking at the comments, and highest rated (both sets due a purging no doubt) so far, it will be interesting how long the entire thing lasts.
At present it seems more security is copping it, then the concept of illegality. Things will stay up longer if the Cameron/May line gets trashed, but once the BBC feels the heat it will be pulled quicker than Yentob from the back of a studio.
On your complaints… waiting is for licence fee payers. Richard Black can get the entire CECUTT system to jump as high as required in 24 hrs.
It’s logged as ‘feeback’ as ‘failing to deal with a complaint’ would not look good with stats passed under Lord Hall Hall or John Whittingdale’s noses, and that would never do.
Another “long walk home” story, to OUR home,
isn t it a erm … “march for justice” BBC?
a “walk for life” even?
… come on BBC, to slow to catch a cold.
‘Almost walked to England’
The point is, did he get here , If he did was he deported ? If not , it sends the message back for the others to try .
I suspect that this has been going on for some time – our borders are weak and that’s why they are queuing at Calais.
Where is our Prime Minister and his Cobra meetings.
Oh the Cobra meeting. Yes, Tommy Robinson was recalled to prison at the time. They acted rather quickly to avoid any outrage from the waaycists in the UK.
Last I heard, he was alleging that all sorts of procedures had been broken in recalling him. Does anyone know if that got any further?
One can see where the BBC get their ideas for stories from:
Would this be because ethnic minorities cause higher rates of crime?
The stats demonstrating the correlation between criminal behaviour against the person (theft, assault, murder, rape, etc) and ethnicity, whilst acknowledged by Trevor Phillips (he of the Race Equality quango) are inconvenient truths according to the BBC. They are racist facts, so we can’t have them! Presumably, if the BBC broadcast such facts, they may be in breech of one of the new Laws that recent politicians have invented.
I can’t think what it is about Trevor Phillips that restrains the BBC from criticising him for pointing out that ‘black’ people commit more crimes against the person than ‘white’ people do?
Unfortunate phrasing by the BBC or mischief? You decide …
Ten inmates died at the Maze prison in the 1981 republican hunger strikes…”
The ‘volunteers’ are actually in the Ulster Aviation Society if you read on, but it’s an odd way to title and structure this section of the article.
Chief Secretary to Cabinet: “Oh Tony, the BBC has filled the vacancy – Aaqil Ahmed has been appointed the Head of Religion and Ethics”
TONY: “Good – that will rub the rights nose in diversity.”
Chief Secretary to Maggie: “Mrs T, the BBC has filled the vacancy – Aaqil Ahmed has been appointed the Head of Religion and Ethics”
MRS T: “NO, NO, NO.”…..
Not content with broadcasting Songs of Praise from The Camp of the Saints in Calais, the BBC has also announced a docudrama about their hero Mark Duggan. The approach being taken can be judged with the following extract from the casting advert: “In this film we will try to find the man behind the gangster stereotype and understand the challenges he faced as a young black man from Tottenham’s Broadwater Farm Estate, an area which has lived in a state of semi-permanent siege since the murder of PC Keith Blakelock in 1985.”
See Note the carefully chosen photo they have used.
”Note the carefully chosen photo they have used. ” Same with Trayvon Skittles Martin and Stephen Lawrence, they use their baby photo’s. My suggestion for the lead would be David Walliams blacked up.
Walliams sidekick Matt Lucas blacked up for comedy Come Fly with Me, his character ” Precious Little.”
I guess we’ll have to wait for the Thusha Kamaleswaran docudrama, huh?
BBC boss ‘raged at reporter investigating sexual abuse at Kids Company’: Alan Yentob said to have launched tirade that could be heard by staff in lobby at corporation’s London HQ
Not one of those whispering corridor convos that no one can remember jobs then?
Shame Emily flat out contradicts his claims too.
Might make those claims of senior management respect of editorial integrity look even more iffy, mind.
Plus add a few more addenda to the Dinah Rose inquiry.
Eh, Mssrs. Whittingdale and Norman?
Wasn’t that one of the reasons Clarkson was fired for, (as well as hitting the producer)?
‘Peggy’ on Jeremy Vine rants about how great the BBC are and then warns that Yentob is giving ammunition to those people that want to ‘take away our licence’. I wonder if ‘Peggy’ works at Broadcasting House?
‘I wonder if ‘Peggy’ works at Broadcasting House?’
Or a union?
The BBC seems to have awfully bad luck with union members using their airwaves covertly to push agendas.
But what a wonderfully revealing phrase ‘take away our license’ is, as though pillaging the public was their birthright. Charles I couldn’t beat these guys for entitlement.
The top question of the day ……
Is AliBaba television impartial with its broadcasting of the Illegal immigrant crisis at Calais?
Answers on a post card to The Trustees of The AliBaba Broadcasting Collaboration.
You can bet that they, the ‘Trustees’ view this site.
It now turns out that our spineless leader, leftie Dave gave the The Batman £3Million only a few days before the collapse of her charity, and against the advice of civil servants.
If it fair for councillors to be held personally liable for losses if they ignore professional advice, then it’s fair for government ministers to be similarly accountable, and Cameron should be made to repay this money from his own ample funds.
Obama, Green madness, Harrabin and the BBC. Good article.
So….Even though most Beeboids loathe Christianity, they’re going to use their “Songs of Praise” programme to indoctrinate from Calais, via some leftist “man of God”….
How far can the BBC go, in showing their contempt for the Country that they’re richly rewarded in order to represent?
Let them continue. SO that many more will learn of the BBC’s duplicity and total lack of support for our people and our way of life.
it has become an organisation heading fast into crisis and absurdity.
How is Yentob still employed after his behaviour. ?
I’ve never watched an episode of Song of Praise, but I may just watch it for the propaganda value this week, then again maybe not.
Only watched it once, circa 1977 when my Uncle was in the congregation.
Hideously white it was ….
Got forced to partake in SoP while in the Army for a recording in 1986 in Larkhill. Recorded in January outside in freezing conditions, broadcast in Summer. Invited in for an interview without coffee when the Colonel of 94 Regiment RA realised that at least two of his officers had turned up wearing moon boots in protest at the claim filming was on a balmy summer day.
Just read the latest sychophantic apologist Kids Company article.
First, I cannot help but notice that in all the photos shown white people are ‘significantly under-represented’.
Secondly, you would think from the endlessly uncritical Beeboid reporting on this that one of their senior executives must be playing a prominent role. Oh, wait a minute…….
This morning Today was reporting allegations of sexual abuse by some of the beneficiaries by others. What struck me was the description of the abusers as being “men” in their early 20s. Something about the way “men” was said seemed familiar – and since when were men children?
Perhaps they were misunderstanding the meaning of “kids company”?
Think you`ll find that all the volunteers like Harriet St John(TWATO)-and all the payroll vote-will all be white.
Guilt-tripping nonces who ride freely on others adrenaline, youthful hormones-and who just LOVE to see uniforms getting a ragging or worse!
Not many dads there are there?…
The Yentob Song goes on-but imagine after his shwoing on Channel 4 News last night, he`ll be back to pulling thongs behind the scenes…a PR disaster , that laddie.
“Hello from the BBC”
The joyous welcome from a BBC drone to illegal migrants on a news segment..
The ecstasy of meeting more unwanted Muslims is almost tangible to us watching at home and throwing things at the screen.
The BBC is truly out of touch with the people of this country.
Some BBC poppet had interviewed some “Syrian”( he had no passport of course,but hey?) who was planning to get over to London, as he wrote poetry and handed out rose water in Calais last week.
And-guess what-she was pleased to tell us that she was now able to interview the chap in London now as he had got through to England in the boot of a car.
Well I`ll be!
Wonder if our so called “Border Force” will be bothering their lazy arses, and actually checking all BBC personnel and their vans of plenty?
I suspect they`re deciding to become part of the story by smuggling in a few jihadists and druggies off their own bat…you know-celebrate the deceptions-and then moan that the Government are n`t stopping “this sort of t`ing”.
The arrogance, treachery and self serving duplicity of these terror pins of Islam is staggering-but the thick gloopy sentiment sediment of Oxbridge see nothing wrong in breaking laws.
The War on Terror is a fatuous as The War on Drugs-and now we know how THAT rurned out don`t we?
Well, what were the odds? Out of all the people in Calais, one of those interviewed was lucky enough (for them, not us) to get through.
Actually, my money would be on him having a UK passport all along.
He was a telephone engineer .
Of course , they all are something like that . Doctors, software engineers , teachers etc . Has it occurred to the liberal/left and Beeboids that fraudsters don’t tell people they’re going to be fraudsters ?
Anyway our new inhabitant of England says he doesn’t want benefits. Then we hear how he is getting help with his education, er not a benefit then .
An interesting question the Beeboid could of asked is where he is living , but that seemed beyond the bimbo .
Is the Great Foreign Bake Off going to do a special from the Camp of the Saints in Calais this year ?
♫If I knew you were coming I’d have baked a cake♫
Couple of random things on Radio 4 earlier.
`. Some cBBC girlie had a Book Of The Week-apparently Global Warming ans Acid Oceans are going to stop us all from wondering about all those shells on our beaches…the inverts won`t make them if their cal carb is being degraded by all that conc acid that we`re forcing them to swim in.
Talk about dumbed down Mallory Towers kitchen chemistry-and it made her all sad, so it did!
Next up-first Gay Pride March in Jamaica was celebrated on Womans Hour.
And then some guff about 50 Shades of Grey being linked to Genesis as a Misogynist conspiracy…E.L James was a woman herself-but that`s beside the point!
Cue some blowjobbing feministo with a book to sell-and some cheroot tootin` plus fours gender fluid gal( was that voice REAL?)-to blame blokes for it all, but not before the Misogynist Book Clubber herself admitted that she was a misogynist for judging Rose West or such.
See BBC-I only check into your clinic every so often-and I DO get the Message.
Was she a misogynist or merely Islamophobis in ignoring the “ishoos” brought up by the Koran vis-a -vis the laydeez?
Maybe a ruling from wee Anjem could be sought!
News of the closure of the Channel Tunnel at night has forced the Calais thousands to look at new options….
The chap standing on the top of the cockpit is going to make serious amounts of money in the porn industry.
Getting my daily dose of PC World as exemplified by the bloody BBC.
Guess who got onto “Last Word”?…some 55 year old nonentity from the SNP who died, but wanted booze priced out of Scotland, because her own parents abused it?
She was “passionate and enthusiastic”…a “troublemaker”-and Sturgeon loved her…so she got a glowing eulogy.
Why-she even headed up “two charities” to force minimum pricing on the Scots…does it get any more significant?
Well-Robert Conquest died this week-who closed the book on Stalinist terrors-and the likes of Corbyn, Benn , Miliband and Hobsbawn won`t have forgiven him.
His history analysis informed the likes of Thatcher-again, he won`t be thanked for THAT!
But-Conquest actually changed the narrative,and screwed the Left over forever…whereas Evelyn is a Tartan killjoy who achieved nothing.
But we all know who the BBC chose to “big up”…bloody dead white males hardly worth the candle, unless they`re Ted Heath.
I have a copy of The Great Terror. Well Thumbed.
I found out about the death of Robert Conquest from you.
So no prominence in the news.
There was a piece at about 8.50 on Today, Friday 7th.
Mr Naughtie talking to Martin Amis about Conquest, who was a great friend of his father Kingsley. Apparently they were both communists before ‘seeing the light’, each in their own way.
I hadn’t realised Martin is also a socialist, but in his words ‘a gradualist’.
So for him, and for the interviewer too, I suspect, the evils that Conquest uncovered and displayed for all to see, were the result of the means that Stalin and the rest of the chaps used to achieve their socialist waystation on the road to a communist utopia.
Nothing to do with their eventual aims – just the way they went about it. That’s alright, then.
”Migrant ‘chaos’ on Greek islands – UN refugee agency,” Translated, Africans invade Greek Island.
Beautiful place, should be stuffed with tourist trying to refloat the drachma by now.
Yet the EU has not only stuffed their economy in spite…albeit with the help of the lefty oafs like Varoufuckup in his cafe corner rebellions…but has made the place a flophouse for Islam, for drugs and for rape-let alone pickpockets and scammers.
Only the BBC could say otherwise…and they do.
BBC R5live News … has Wank “ironsides” Gardiner on explaining what the “so called” 😀 Islamic State is, after 10 droning minutes if you listened to his aimless drivel … you wouldn t have a clue.
One sentence … Islamic state the clues in the name, their abhorrent actions copy directly Islamic texts and rulings, and it follows the example of its founder Mohamhead, like a Siamese twin.
That’s it … Its dangerous because Islam is dangerous
… its beyond me what that arsehole was waffling on and on about.
Murray usually has sensible things to say, but I was very surprised to hear him on R4’s Sunday. He was there to discuss the “migration/refugee problem” but he might have known his interlocutor, some Archbishop or such, would only be talking about a “compassion/empathy deficit” problem. Murray foolishly started with the suggestion that persecuted christians in Syria were deserving of asylum seeker status. The AB saw this and raised him those of other faiths who were suffering and also needed help. This showing his moral superiority to the pitiless Muuray. Murrary mentions that 7% of UK population are against more immigration. AB counters that this is simply the prejudice of simple folk who cannot see things as he does from his amazingly high moral high ground. I switched off at this point, but Murray was always going to come away looking heartless and uncaring if he wanted to outdo churchy and progressive dogooders in dogoodery. The simple fact is that feeling compassion/empathy for someone does not mean you would want to invite them into your home.
Tory f-ckwit Camoron has defended the government’s decision to give charity Kids Company £3m one week before its closure, saying “it had been right to give it” … the guy and all the rest of his bumbling dangerously incompetent No10 cronies, are a liability.
But think of the wall-to-wall outrage on the BBC if Kids Company had closed after the government had refused to give them any more public money. It would have been the government’s fault and nothing to do with internal mismanagement. Yentob would have had a field day with sob stories of the poor disadvantaged kids – the BBC would have given him an edition of News Night to ram the message home..
For the government £3m of our money was a cheap price to avoid being worked over by the BBC. The BBC’s criticism of them for wasting money is much more muted – after all, wasting money is something the BBC is expert at.
Life is so much better when we’re giving the Aussies a good thrashing in the cricket – long may their humiliation continue.
Listening to Test Match Special today on 5Live Xtra mention was made of “all the people listening around the world”. There were people tuning in from various remote areas of Africa; a bloke on an oil rig; some chap in Iceland….the list went on and on.
“The wonders of the internet” we were told by one of the commentators (Jonathan Agnew, I think).
How satisfying for all of us here in the UK to know that our compulsory TV television tax is being used by the BBC to fund the pleasure of cricket lovers the world over, and they don’t have to pay a penny!
Double the license fee I say, and while we’re at it give Danny Cohen and Alan Yentob a pay rise.
You don’t need a TV licence to listen to TMS in the UK either.
True, but bBC Radio is funded by British telly tax payers, anyone listening abroad has contributed diddly squat, that’s thirdoptions point.
The ironic thing is that in this country to listen live when out and about or in the car, you either need a new fangled portable DAB radio with rapid battery drain, an antiquated radio with Long Wave or plenty of data on a mobile…
Looney leftie Ken Loach set up the Left Unity Party as an alternative to Labour who are not looney left enough. They did badly at the election. Now the BBC loves Looney Loach, but the Times and others have ratted Left Unity’s support for Corbyn, and the BBC is defending him from the Labour front bench.
But please remember where Loach’s Left Unity stand. At their most recent conference they debated a motion supporting ISIS. I understand the motion was not passed, but the fact that they devoted part of their conference time to this speaks volumes about their politics
The “Jungle” at Calais should have all its residents dragged out from it, and the tents and shacks they reside in either bulldozed into a pile and burned or taken away on tipper wagons.
When the illegal immigrants try to begin to construct a new shanty town – flatten it again, then again and again; every time.
Eventually even this rabble should get the message; in fact, I’m sure they’ll understand it perfectly, since it’s the sort of non-verbal communication they will have been used to all their lives in their s**t holes of origin.
Heard a bit of the useless Any Questions earlier.
You can always tell when its summer-because Bonnie Greer gets onto Any Questions yet again-this, despite having no worth in any field that she presumes to occupy.
But she`s black, American and loves Obama-so there you are.
Up came a question on “education”-some crap abvout schools not teaching enough lifeskills.
Code for none of that “learning to read” crap-just more condoms and visits from Jamie Oliver and Queen Camilla of Shiraz.
The panellists included Toby Young-who actually HAS set up his own Free School.
You`d think that he`d have something to say about it all-but no.
Bonnie Greer and some chintzy businesswoman shouted him down and claimed bragging rights about their authority to speak…although neither of them have set up a school.
One left school left at 16…and Bonnie was never educated here, except in how to bluster along as a “cultural commentator”.
But not back home-only in Britain and the bloody BBC!
The other speaker was Blairs biographer-with a nice little earner at Wellington Private School.
Unsurprisingly, he wants more life skills for the helots-his little darlings who pay £35,000 pa to attend his College may well take that on ,once they`ve studied Coriolanus in Latin…our kids don`t even know how Romeo and Juliet ends up!
The thicker the state kids-the more the private sector can charge.
So-of all the above-only the liberal left and the quisling toadies earning muchly in private schools get an opinion.
And don`t let Toby defend Gove whatever you do…he tried, but was shut down…Radio Gag indeed!
What a good idea!
Camilla and the Bat Mobilisers chose to “march on Downing Street” today.
Turtle Power indeed.
But then again, we all know that Friday is the day when they all show up for their blow, trackies and trainers-before and after prayers at the Mosque maybe.
Got me thinking though-Occupy did the same thing after the election result went “not necessarily to their advantage”.
Who could ever forget darling Russell and the songstress Charlotte calling for the “Revolution”!
That would only be £1.5 million each to these two scions of probity and correct thinkitude.
Camilla only needs £3million-come on Russell, Charlotte-all those other favoured lefties-how about a charity gig, appeal-using your OWN bleedin` money just this once?
The mere cost of Martin Freemans rotorblade, just one Chris Evans/Steve Coogan speed off in those big cars of theirs?
Cue tumbleweed Tristram!
A frost on Dartmoor last night. Looks like, with clearing skies, a good chance of one tonight also. Could be the full nine yards this year for the U.K., I await with bated breath an in depth study and report from the BBC, why, in view of all the so called “Global Warming” going on, we have had this year, a record number of “frost days”? (and it is only August)
Cheers really getting tired of their bollox – but most people now realising you can’t hide from your lying eyes
Heard some BBC muppet on the shores of Kos earlier-“Welcome to Europe” he shouts out to a small boat of spongebobs…who largely treated the self serving oaf with due disdain.
Fair play!
But he did wonder in sadness about nobody being there to greet them!
But he was, you see.
Cue outrage from the bedwetters and soggy bottom contingent in the liberal media now.
No meet and greet-no held up umbrellas and directions to Luna House/Croydon-no footrubs or whetstone to sharpen those blades of theirs.
Maybe they need John Humphrys address there in Greece…or Evan Davis pied a terre near Calais perhaps?
Come on BBC-share the love, you hypocrites!
Well, at least they can have a good old sing song when they get to Calais.
And the reply? “Now I am a human being.”
No. I’m sure that wasn’t rehearsed.
I think much of the BBC’s lamentable drivel is because they employ children. Not children in the sense of aged as children but children in their collective naivety and hive mind behaviour.
This is probably unfair to children who often show much independence of thought.
Where does the BBC find them? Do they breed them in pods or do they arrive fully formed but without any thoughts of their own?. Just waiting to be conditioned by the hive .
None of them appear to have much experience of life and reality to them is just a word.
Let the BBC continue to staff itself this way. Between them and the Yentobs they will do as good a job of discrediting this out of touch and time organisation as anyone.
Is it a shoe in that the bake-off is won by somebody who has nothing to do with England whatsoever ?
Dead right there sir.
Infantile,puerile seekers of the Good Rebellion, the Weekend Revolution.
As long as it costs them nothing, doesn`t upset nanny and allows them to claim they never meant it.
Tom Robinson, Russell Brand, john Birt and Yentob. Polly and Vanessa being the templates of flatulent privilege.
Only one answer-where does the BBC find them. you ask?
Well-from Mr Pastry through to James Savile, via John Peel and the likes of Camilla and assorted Abduls and Muhammads…reckon we`re now getting answers to that one.
Oh look…Ted Heath!
But not Tom Driberg eh?
Dear Mr President,
As your predecessor Mr Bush started this lot, can you now help out and take about a million of the refugees and asylum seekers currently pouring into Europe, as a direct result of your actions.
Many thanks
The EU Citizens
Tried to find Tony to see if he would do the honours and ask you, but since Corbyonics has gone all International Court, he has gone missing. Probably got his head down somewhere.
Newsnight joined UKIP on a fact finding mission to the ‘jungle’ across the channel.
Whilst the UKIP guy stuck to his guns and kept a realistic head on his shoulders, the BBC manchild started to let his bed wetting liberalism get the better of him, and just couldn’t understand the UKIP not giving a toss about illegal migrants.
Seriously, I half expected the moonbat to start hugging these parasites.
Yup, heard that.
Didn`t know he was UKIP-thought he was a lorry driving union type.
That Richard Bacon bedwetting lavender vent seemed to have strayed from polishing plastic roses at the Blue Peter Garden.
All he wanted to know was if the bloke “sympathised” or “cared” about events in Calais…that was he wanted to know.
Never seen a more airheaded fatuous and vacuous silly cipher…and I remember Tingha and Tucker!
THAT is what passes for Newsnight analysis these days!
Just now on FaceBook, BBC News channeling some Victoria Derbyshire thing:
“A look at the politics of black twitter in the UK”
I kid you not.
The comments are not going well.
Is it possible to supply a link, please, for people who do not have the first clue of Facebook, Twatter etc.? I’ve never joined any of them and though I doubt I am missing much, a link to some of those outrageous stories would be appreciated. Thanks.
My tablet won’t capture pages like I can with my PC, but next time I fire it up I’ll try. I’ll see if there is a URL attached and share if there is.
Try this:
It appears to be a definitely not racist segregation movement, involving black young people staring blankly at their mobiles.
A bit like what White Twitter would be, were it not racist and hence does not exist.
Unique. As only the BBC can manage.
You are fortunate not to know about Facebook and Twitter. The inane frivolity that surges through those attempts at communication by the short-attention-span generation like a tidal wave is depressing to behold.
Re Facebook, you have to be a member of that club in order to read whatever gems are posted there.
You can read what’s on Twitter without joining it – but brace yourself for fragmentary Twittering that’s deeply insulting to birds.
If there’s no link, just Google a few key words of the subject under discussion along with Twitter, and that should get you to the Tweets, arggghhh, in question, each limited to about 20 words.
The BBC news ‘England’ page has a story titled ‘camp closed after child porn arrest’. It has a thumbnail photograph of two school kids apparantly walking off a sports field, one of them white, the other black. They are very close to each other.
When you open the story though, there is a completely different picture, and the story relates to some perv who was arrested on suspicion of possessing indecent images of children.
The thumbnail image of the two young kids of different ethnicity had no relevance to the story in any way, and can only be regarded as more subliminal propaganda by the BBC.
Subliminal propaganda is what they do best.
Every ‘national’ news story starts with a live segment somewhere in south London filled with blacks and other minorities.
At least one person asked about a ‘national’ news item is black.
These days all the media seems to be ‘London Based’. Hence the push for Multi Culture-ism . Most of our MPs are of the same ilk.
Vote UKIP next time.
If more people had voted UKIP at the last election, the might now be some light at the end of the tunnel – both metaphorically and literally in the case of the Channel Tunnel.
Given the disasters the left have deliberately engineered, if you can see light at the end of the tunnel, you’re facing the wrong way.
And if he, or she, is not black they will most likely be a veiled apparition of the ROP.
Without exaggerating – I am simply and absolutely fed up to the back teeth of tuning in to BBC R4 and almost always having to listen to some “foreign” accent. Usually it also appertains to some religion which is foreign to this country.
It is a very rare occasion when I can now find myself settling down to listen to a full programme. Usually, within minutes of hearing the unctuous tones of some fully paid up member of the BBC meme, lecturing me on how absolutely thrilling and exciting it now is to live in the very diversified, multi-cultural UK, I find myself reaching for the tuning switch.
This never used to happen. I was once an avid listener to BBC R4 (was that the Home Service?) and would have it on all day long when I was home on leave, listening to lots of programmes about the Britain I was born into and where I grew up.
Then, a few years ago – I think it all started with “Today” – I started getting angry with my radio! Why pick on the poor blooming wireless?
Now, BBC R4 is almost a forbidden area to my listening habits. I have nothing in common with the station and especially nothing in common with their dilettante “British” presenters.
(I now class most of them as Quislings).
Shouldn`t you be at the Prom`s this time or year Mr Wood? I am off to the Great British Beer Festival instead. Guaranteed to be a Moosie free zone ,without any newcomers from sub Sahara at this venue either .
Henry, you are not alone! My girlfriend who is an avid radio listener (Radio 4/Radio Devon…no T.V in house) recently admitted that she has started to shout at the Radio when the only Labour MP in the whole of the South West and beyond was given airtime on Radio Devon to spout Socialist rubbish, unchallenged and with no right to reply from any Conservative M.P.
Nail on head Henry Wood.
Its as if before broadcasting EVERY program on Radio 4 they consider in what way they can inject a foreign element. This reaches a zenith in the Afternoon Dramas.
Then to add to the irritation we are interupted by the highly obtrusive alien tones of Neil Nunes foriegn continuity man. Since the ONLY qualification of a continutiy person (apart from being able to read) is to deliver their meassage in clear and correct standard English with an unobtrusive and not highly distinct voice, Nunes fails on every account. He is on so often too, and growing increasingly cocksure adds his own little opinions and attempts at witicisms.
Me too and I include the whole of the rotten corporation in the same boat.
I see the BBC is making a one hour drama/documentary about its favourite dead London criminal Mark Duggan. It looks to be a hagiography of this low-life because its aim ” is to show the man behind the ‘gangsta’ image imposed on him and the challenges he faced in life”. According to the write-up it’s going to show the last twenty-four hours of his life. The programme is being made with the involvement of his friends and family.
Is the BBC deliberately trying to provoke licence payers with this crap? Is this what we have to pay £145 a year for?
I see the BBC is making a one hour drama/documentary about its favourite dead London criminal Mark Duggan. It looks to be a hagiography of this low-life because its aim ” is to show the man behind the ‘gangsta’ image imposed on him and the challenges he faced in life”. According to the write-up it’s going to show the last twenty-four hours of his life. The programme is being made with the involvement of his friends and family.
Is the BBC deliberately trying to provoke licence payers with this crap? Is this what we have to pay £145 a year for?
There’s going to be a sequence where he takes a detour to a makeshift church. Oh, and it’s now a musical.
Next up, ‘Doctor in a spot of bother’, about the crazy last few years of Harold Shipman, through the medium of dance.
What about the Raoul Moat Northumberland Fly Fishing Tournament?
There does seem to be a recent shift to deliberate provocation. I take this as evidence that the BBC fears it is losing control of the agenda and the narrative, and is frantically doing everything it can to re-assert its hegemonic position. The bias is now completely bare-faced, in-your-face and full-time.
In diagnosing mental illness, one of the questions that typically gets asked of or about the sufferer is
‘is this {compulsive behaviour/voices in your head/recurring anxiety/sleeplessness, etc} interfering seriously with the rest of your life?’
On this account, the Corporation is approaching major cognitive and emotional difficulties, to the point of a possible ‘breakdown’. This would be fine, if it were not for the danger it poses to others, in its decline and fall.
As you can see, I’m up early this morning and the sun as yet hasn’t got over the hill where I live. Looking out of my kitchen window, I’m seeing ice on my car. Looking at automatic weather reporting stations across the U.K., I’m not alone. Frost in August. Whatever next? I guess, we will hear “Chilly”, “Cool” but never “Cold” from the BBC as this is the complete opposite of what they want to tell us, as Christopher Booker said recently, just who are the denialists who are suffering with denialism? Answers on a postcard to: The Warmist Society, C/O The BBC Broadcasting Centre, Salford, Manchester.
Yep I got shouted down by the tin foil hat wearers for mentioning it certainly looked like frost on my car at 6.00 am one morning and I’m 30 miles north of London.I notice they seem to class heatwave on the Beeb now as 24/25 degrees – sheesh