Interesting front page on the Belfast Telegraph about restored BBC funny man Frankie Boyle. Seems he’s a wee bit selective with who he offends, and steers clear of.
One can see how the BBC is again comfortable with him.
Perhaps not, but people here might like to take some time to think about the consequences of the UK being involved in a proxy war at the behest of some other government in Muslim lands.
The number there who said that it was the UKs fault because of our puppet governments actions in Libya, and Syria was surprising.
It is a matter of great relief that Millipede despite his other failings stood up to Cameron, and his foreign masters instructions and prevented him sending the British army into Syria to fight with ISIS, at the time when Saudi liked them!
There is no good reason the UK needs to have any military involvement in that region, however if you do support military involvement, then you have to accept that asylum seekers will try – and succeed in getting to Britain.
”Female sofa person,” Naga Munchetty (born Sudha Nagalakshmi Munchetty-Chendriah 1975) is her name. Don’t know who the metrosexuaul drip is but the chemistry is zero between them. Simon Fanshaw, gay comedian from Brighton is reviewing the papers.
” Naga” Sudha Nagalakshmi Munchetty-Chendriah
& Simon “Fanny” Fanshawe …. cringe!
… sheesh!, if they could usurp the arch tosser from LBC Ian Dale
and maybe … has been Dale Winton?
mind you, better stop there, don t to give them ideas
In the Telegraph today there is an article by Bruce Anderson about how the Tories can take long term advantage of the Labour lurch to the Left. At the end of the article he writes that by 2020 the Tories should be able to present themselves as the party of sensible social reforms, something that , despite actually being so under Lady Thatcher, there were unable to do.
He completely misses the crucial role of the BBC in how political parties are perceived by the public. It was the relentless attacks and willful misrepresentation by the BBC, over the whole of her premiership, that left an image of the great Lady Thatcher that many of the public didn’t like. This lives on today , as many 20 year olds regard Lady Thatcher as the wicked witch. The BBC will always present the Tories as being a threat to the NHS and other public services , friends of the wealthy and oppressors of the poor etc etc. No matter how much the Tories try to move to the centre, no matter how badly needed reforms are, no matter how much the poor benefit from the reforms, the BBC will always prefer parties further to the left and campaign on their behalf. Only by getting rid of the BBC can the Tories hope to get their true message across and change Britain for the better.
You have to admit that the Tories do a great job of their own at presenting themselves ‘as being a threat to the NHS and other public services , friends of the wealthy and oppressors of the poor etc etc’, especially with Dave & George trying on things like flogging off the UK’s forests not mention the 50% cut in the top rate band of income tax. Like other media commentators the Beeb had trouble getting its head around the facts of the RBS shares this last week.
They frequently referred to them as ‘the Govenrment’s shares’ and the book loss, while conveniently overlooking there is a three part loss for the taxpayer to whom the shares really belong – the original bail-out, the fact of the book loss and then, that HMG is not even going to hand the proceeds back but hang on to those as well!
Perhaps, one day, the BBC might stand up for the people of Britain?
1) It is a truth universally acknowledged that the (Labour) Government overpaid for the shares.
2) The ‘book loss’ is ameliorated by the large fees the Government has and is continuing to earn from the banks for providing lines of credit.
3) The Government (in case you dodn’t know – and probably don’t) has rather large debts – so they can either hold onto the shares – which aren’t earning anything and costing us intrest or dispose of the shares to reduce the amount that they owe and are paying interest on.
Re earlier posts here about BBC Breakfast this morning
Couple of points to add:
‘Simon Fanshaw, gay comedian from Brighton… reviewing the papers’ was introduced by the BBC as “writer and commentator” [well, lah-di-dah]
The ‘metrosexual drip’ presenter was just another of the house eunuchs. I think you’ll find the ‘chemistry is zero’ is because the male gonads have been removed.
And the Thatcher comment from the BBC lad was a classic “Some people will call in and say she wasn’t a grocer’s daughter…”
This sort of nonsensical comment explains a lot about our present BBC. They know the mere mention of the name Thatcher will bring down a shower of righteous Twitter action on their heads – therefore we get ‘divisive’ or ‘controversial’. BBC arses covered. These people are, when all said and done, cowards when faced with determined agitating leftists.
How much did it cost to transport that Twat, from Brighton to Manchester ,& back? They move Breakie to Manc , but most of the guests , presenters , & crew, live in the South East. Costa packet to keep , bringing them up there , & what about their Carbon Footprint ? Not that I believe that bollox , but the Evil BBC always going on & on & on ,about it . Obviously ,it doesn`t apply to evil lefties , but only right wing scum must pay for their pollution .
The BBC were interviewing some very middle class, young ‘comedians’ at the Fringe, this morning; they seemed straight off the ‘progressive’ and trendy production line. One thing I have noticed is that many of these ‘comedians’ are simply not funny. They do all seem to be posh/middle class types with big egos; a couple of lads were doing impressions and they were awful, really bad. One other lad was talking about how society has changed i.e. gender equality etc. A far cry from the days when people made it into comedy because they made jokes about things which we actually found funny rather than just saying things which the audience expects you to say because they are part of the same Left-wing politically correct bubble. The main topics that are allowed to day are the following: Ukip, the Tories, white people, the Americans, the British Empire and etc….
Is that one big flag at the front-or are they carrying Camilla Batmaghedligh in some kind of virtuous hoist.
Maybe they should WEIGH the protesters instead of counting them all-in that way all those public sector bariatric clients could be worth their weight in lard to the GayPride/Anti-Osteritee/Fight the Flour protests.
One Camilla is surely worth ten on the roll call of public whinings.
Multicultural Liverpool prepares to stop the white man march next week in the city. See picture of the scousers opposing the white man march. Lots of BBC supporters in this crowd eh.
What I notice with these “spontaneous” marches against Cameron, UKIP or whitey as “flagged up” by the BBC and other liberal slurry bunions is that all the whites are at the side, getting paid to film them and photograph it all…whereas the grumpy Benetton tribes seem to need whitey to stitch the flags and write something grammatical on them.
`Cept for Kids Company-OFSTED really need to look at the quality of placards they marched to-remedial, and oh-so special!
Bet you can enter your placard for a GCSE these days!
Great Britain suffered nearly six years of war and sacrifice defending itself from invasion by a barbaric nation which had a mighty army and air force – Germany.
Why then cant she secure her borders from a few thousand free-loaders, scroungers and criminals with a totally alien religion and a forte of backward ideals?
Our parents and grandparents suffered great sacrifice and deprivation in vain for us, thanks to our national broadcasting corporation and a political class which is completely out of touch with its indigenous people.
Interesting profile piece last night on Radio 4 of the Labour leadership hopeful Jeremy Corbyn. Although they do share common ground on many things, it’s clear they don’t want him to be the winner.
They brought on Leo McKinstry to speak against him. McKinstry knew him in the days when he was a Labour supporter, and before he was cured of his mental afflictions.
It would appear that Corbyn has the belief that the West is incapable of making a single correct decision, and I wonder what kind of trauma in his past has led him to this conclusion?
I have no doubt that this mental illness, because that is surely what it is? is shared by many on the left thus their hatred of white people and their values, and the need to destroy it all.
Beside beaky Sallly Nugent on the sofa this morning we have another light-weight BBC house boy. I didn’t catch his name, I turned over too soon.
There are some anniversaries and jubilees the BBC likes, others not so much. Right up there among BBC favourites are Hiroshima and the Rocky Horror Show. Who says the BBC are a woolly-minded limp Liberal metro elite?
However, there’s an interesting admission from the young house boy, just now.
“A viewer pointed out to me that when I said the London 2012 Olympics had encouraged people to participate in sport, in fact, all the the evidence suggested the opposite”
Yes indeed, young lad, an awful lot of what you people there in the BBC studio say are in fact agenda-based damn lies.
A wee bit of an own-goal from the Beeb’s whine online this am.
Adam Gopnik: “How Much Longer Can Sprawling Box Sets Get ?” it seems poor old Adam is tired of long intricate episodic plots- you know, rubbish like Game of Thrones, The Wire, Breaking Bad etc etc. Well Adam, I don’t think you need worry about the Beeb, because their drama output is pretty crap, and their “hit’s” are pretty few and far between, aside from the Scandiwegian crime imports (yes, the CEO of a large company did it) and the occasional historical bodice ripper like Poldark. Of course we are all looking forward to their more contemporary drama hits to come like “The Beatification of Mark Duggan” and “Down and Out in London and Calais”.
How can we licence payers not look forward to the cheeky cockney Mark Duggan show.
Just as we mourn the passing of Arthur Daley along come ‘Only Fools and the BBC’ with a heart warming wheeler dealer gun-in-a-sock urban bandit hero for the very naughties. Operation Trident Rodney, don’t be a gangster all your life says Batman. I wonder, does our dramatised Duggan family live on the 13th floor of an estate called Nigel Farage Towers? Never mind all those boxes of crack cocaine on your armchair granddad, pop into the kitchen and fetch me and Rodders a brew of meth amphetamine cos Boycie and Marlene are coming up for a round of intimate selfies on their stolen smart phones – innit? Scratch that, I’ve just got a text from Trigger [that’s spelt with a ‘T’] – he says riots tonite in Clapham Juction and Hackney – Great, I could do with 30 pairs of new trainers and 5 flat screens. Tell Mama to bring a shoppin’ trolley.
It wouldn’t be possible to make a more biased article supporting immigration.
Interesting extracts:-
1/ “”It was clear, Muhammad said, that the Italians wanted to be rid of the new arrivals as quickly as possible. “They gave us a quick medical check, then transferred us to Milan – 17 hours on a bus. In Milan we had to give a single fingerprint, then we were free to go. They never asked to see our papers. They just waved us north”””.
2/ “”Just three weeks after arriving in Germany illegally, he was granted asylum, then given a German residence permit and a renewable three-year travel document valid anywhere inside the Schengen Area””.
3/ “”Courtesy of the German government he has been accommodated in a modern two-bedroom flat in central Saarbrucken sharing with three strangers. He benefits from free health cover and free German language lessons for four hours a day Monday to Friday. On top of that he receives 400 euros per month cash to cover food and utility bills and other essentials””.
4/ “”His young brown eyes filled with tears and together we sat by the river, weeping for the waste and the suffering of a lost generation””
5/ “””Of course I am lonely, and sad I may never see my family again. But after the chaos I left behind inside Syria, it is paradise here””
What is this “BBC News Magazine”that carries successive very long and tendentious articles ? All of them pushing the usual BBC agenda ?
How much does this spineless appeasing Magazine cost us ? Why are we being forced to pay for it ? It is not “broadcasting”, nor is much of its content a simple spinoff from broadcast output.
The whole thing should be shut down – as should huge swathes of the BBC website.
I read that piece. The writer was a little naive in relaying a few truthful facts. They forgot to add that once he is given German nationality he will be coming here legally. The Dutch manage to hand their passports out with incredible speed knowing they will be used in a westerly direction.
‘Japan remembers Nagasaki atomic bomb, 70 years on’
‘(a) service has been held in the Japanese city of Nagasaki where US forces dropped an atomic bomb exactly 70 years ago’
Desperate anti US, left wing bias of the BBC – without a single word of context, nor mention of the atrocities committed by Japan in WW2 that led to it. Shameful. Disgraceful reporting designed to make it seem as if the US were the aggressors.
German Federal Statistics Office – By 2050 Germany will be a Muslim state.
33% of all children in Europe will be born to Muslim families by 2025.
At this point, as Lawrence Auster observed (re the effects of U.S. immigration) – “The power of the existing mainstream society to determine its own destiny shall be dramatically reduced while the power of other groups, formerly marginal or external to that society will be increased.”
And also you can wave goodbye to the culture of Europe that the European people created, Art, classical music, opera, sculpture etc etc, it’ll be a be a new dark age, with rap music, poetry for retards.
That has been seen before. It was Islam which caused the fall of Europe into the Dark Ages, when it overran North Africa and made the Mediterranean Sea a battleground where previously it was one of the primary trading areas of the world. It also broke off the supply of papyrus from the Far East which meant the majority of classical literature was lost and literacy amongst the majority of Europeans faded away.
A great book about this hidden history is by Emmet Scott ‘Mohammed & Charlemagne Revisited’.
It is well worth reading, to realize we are in another Islamic invasion cycle.
In the year 911 for example, the Muslim Arabs reached the Graubunden Valley and Lake Geneva.
” There is no place in modern Europe for ethnically pure states. That’s a 19th century idea and we are trying to transition into the 21st century, and we are going to do it with multi-ethnic states.” – General Wesley Clark
funny how with all the BBC hand wringing and victim culture, they never mention Japans record on granting asylum to those seeking it.
Over the past decade Japan has allowed just 9 people refugee status, an amazingly low number !
In terms of the Oil rich gulf states, so far as I’m aware they haven’t allowed any.
Seeing as most genuine refugees are running away from the horrors caused by Islam, it is only right that these oil rich states should offset the cost if they are not prepared to allow people to settle there.
I do like the board game Monopoly. Those special themed versions of Monopoly are great. I’ve just found the new Calais edition – the Chance Cards are lots of fun:
Advance to Dover (Collect £200 in benefits)
You have won a cross word competition (the word was ‘Swarm’) – collect £100
Go back 3 spaces – but throw the dice again and keep trying until you get into Britain
It is your birthday: 21, 22? Say you’re 15 and collect an extra free education from each Briton
Pay Hospital Fees of £100 – just joking, it’s the NHS, all free at the point of use
Advance to Marble Arch – if you are moved on by the Police then move straight back again next turn
Speeding Fine – no worries, you haven’t got a licence anyway
Pay a £10 Fine or take a Chance – always take the Chance
“Drunk in Charge” Fine£20 – just disappear before your Court case
Go Back to Germany, pick up the EU passport, then proceed directly to Britain with all your family
You Have Won Second Prize in a Beauty Contest – Appear in a BBC advert for diversity and collect £10
Pick up a Community Cohesion Card and avoid going to Jail
Make General repairs on your property – no, of course not, the local council will cover all your housing and hotel costs
Go Back to where you came from – only if you throw a mathematically impossible number of doubles
Pay School Fees of £150 – just joking again
Britain’s Error in your Favour – take full advantage and collect £20 at every turn
And finally, there’s one card that’s just the same as in regular Monopoly :
Get Out of Jail Free
AND-whatever piece you chose to use at the start of the game?
Just throw it into the sea, and pretend you`re a Syrian who`s only there because we didn`t bomb Assad in 2012.
Or because we DID bomb the Afghans in 2002, for a variation.
The New Diverse Cluedo is boring though . It’s always won by Ayatollah Green saying I suspect it’s the Jew behind the rocks with the money .
The New Careers game is more interesting as you get Fame and Money but choose which benefits to get instead of jobs .
It’s All Fun From Chad Vally motto has changed too
More fakery and deceit from the bBC in its most hyped program this week ‘The Great British Box Tick’ it would appear that many of the contestants are not the amateurs the bBC would have us believe.
One ‘pro’ was actually trained at Ecole Escoffier in Paris, some world renowned cookery school.
Does anything that the bBC transmit have any credibility?
I’m still trying to work out just why the program is so popular, or is it just a case of the bBC telling us it is?
After the quarterly BoE report a few weeks ago, the BBC had to find something bad about the economy so kept saying that the strong pound would hit exports. Guess what, exports are booming anyway. Only the BBC would want a country to have a weak currency and the only country they would want it for is the UK. Beeboids are truly scum !
In the Spectator ex BBC man Rod Liddle says that the BBC is always biased to the current establishment. He goes on to say that the current establishment is ‘ liberal, politically correct, politically naive and gullible’.
Sums it up pretty well and this current establishment has been in power for decades. But as with all these ex BBC folks who see the light when they leave the corporation, the question I ask is, why did it take so long for them to see what the BBC really is?
….why did it take so long for them to see what the BBC really is.
I imagine they wanted to wait until their severance pay, or whatever, was safely in their hands and their pensions secure
I believe that 2IC Mark Byford, that PeeCee fool who said he would be immensely proud if the BBC interviewed the Taliban, walked away from the BBC with a golden handshake of close to a million quid.
The BBC really is obscene. It operates like a jobs-for-pals third world dictatorship rather than a responsible news organisation.
Question Time came, as usual, from the headquarters of the Socialist Workers’ Party, (judging by the sympathetic applause).
That would explain the peculiar viewpoint of Anthony Seldon [35:00] that the likes of Trump and Farage are ‘divisive’ politicians, whereas Jeremy Corbyn will bring us all together.
I expect if one is ‘left’ enough everyone else is on the ‘extreme right’.
Similarly, viewed from Greece, the BBC tells us that the arrival of 100,000 ‘migrants’ is a crisis that ‘Europe’, (or more particularly the UK), should be sharing. The Greek economy is down the pan and heading for the sewer so this is a burden it cannot bear. Viewed from the UK the BBC would have us believe that the addition of 100,000 ‘migrants’ can only be to the good and carries no cost.
Whilst apparently conflicting these different BBC viewpoints all have one common direction – what is bad for the UK and how can we facilitate it?
Thought I’d missed an episode of Question Time! You of course mean Any Questions, regardless why do the Dimbleby’s have a monopoly of chairing BBC political political debate programs?
Nothing is a surprise on such programs, time and time again audience ‘plants’ have been exposed and if the bBC could avoid it they wouldn’t field any right of centre panelists.
Those further to the right than today’s average Tory are always jeered and booed by our ‘bBC friendly’ audience.
Whoops! Quite right. That’s what comes of using a laptop where the slightest accidental approach to the touch-pad slings text all over the place and shoves the text insertion point into random places!
I envy anyone who can write error-free text on a tablet, which I find even worse. Now back to a proper keyboard.
Seldon has GOT to personify the utter hypocrisy of the elite.
Former head of Wellington College-that byword for comprehensive inclusion-who also managed to be there whenever Blair wanted “happiness” to be included on a state curriculum.
So he`d pilot such crap for a week, while Channel 4 did the filming.
Oh…and a suitable toadying autobiography of Blair got written by this effete public school charlatan-and if anybody knows of a local library that does NOT include this book on its shelves or such, then let me know.
No wonder Seldon Man wants the Triumph of the Willies like Blunkett, Crick , Adonis and Grayling…such people are well succoured to turn education into some sinkhole of achievement, but a great place to get free school dinners and a condom.
Hence the madness of Kids Company using donations to send Camillas chauffeur to a private boarding school-and no BBC reporting.
And no jokes about JPMorgan getting their donations for a FINANCIAL LITERACY WORKER turned into Camillas petit-cache…to fund her Cave of Plumptiousness.
Savile had bean bags-Camilla has scatter cushions-whoopee!
If only Camilla had attended just one class on financial literacy instead of bunging it all in the direction of Dianne Abbott-style ” redistributions to the private sphere!
This madness-but not one joke from the liberal left…for none of zees eez funny…Jahwohl!
Ken Dodd to audit the books maybe?
The BBC have completely ignored the terrorist threat to the royal family and others at the VJ parade next weekend. I am shure they want it to happen so most of their enemies are removed at a stroke.
Another report from the odious James “welcome to Europe” Reynolds in Kos, just now on BBC1. The hushed voice , the bleeding heart, then cut to holidaymakers in bars and clubs enjoying themselves. I feel like vomiting. How low can the BBC sink ?
“”Riot police and a helicopter had to be drafted in after officers were attacked by hundreds of masked party goers when they were called out to deal with an out-of-control party””.
Hackney is a highly multi-cultural and diverse London Borough. It’s identical to adjacent Tottenham where ‘Saint Duggan of BBC’ and his gang engaged in organised serious crime and drug dealing.
”but no reference to ethnic background,” Strange, they like to ram die-versity down our throats, but when it comes to reporting criminal activity, it vanishes in a puff of smoke.
I must say though they seem to be mostly white in the pictures.
Hackney does have a real mix attracting students and hipsters, like Brixton, its not almost all black and foreign ethnic.
BBC warned by Whittingdale to be impartial in the upcoming EU referendum and Cash “invites” lord Hall to a meeting of select committee to make sure that he does get the message;
Maxine Peake BBC luvvie actress who has moved to Salford where houses are more affordable (just come complete with bullet holes inside & out!), has attended a far left wing rally by CND calling for an end to austerity and a cancellation of the trident replacement which hasn’t even been ordered!
Peake who has been in such memorable (forgetable) productions as ‘Dinnerladies’, silk, The Village, and several other productions, has been appearing in theatre as well.
In January 2014, Peake won the first Bolton Socialist Club Outstanding Contribution to Socialism Award for using her work to oppose the government’s “crippling austerity measures”
Thankfully Peake has been unable to reproduce, sparing us all the monstrous progeny which would surely have been as insane as she clearly is.
Well, I say if they don’t like this country, they can always….
Just shows how weak and soft we’ve become when an immigrant community is whinging en masse. The British are surrounded on all sides. Enoch Powell was so, so right; quite prescient actually.
What makes me particularly angry is the sopping wet, bleeding heart dreamers on the comments section; middle class armchair revolutionaries the lot of ’em. These idiotic sandal wearing, flower pickering, spineless appeasers would quite happily sell this country to the first bidder.
To be strictly fair, every bit as bad are the mercenary city types who have repeatedly done just that – sold key British companies to anyone who was prepared to pay. That is why our utilities, to name just one area, are such a rip-off.
The corruption runs deep in this country. It’s not just the SJWs who are at fault, nor even just the young.
Yes GCooper, well said and I do agree. I suppose I mean in a political sense rather than the economic. The corporate greed is every bit as unpatriotic. I just get sick of self-loathing liberals moaning about this place when they’re quite happy to enjoy the freedoms etc.
I’m tired of hearing about Muslim topics on the BBC; it’s every night. They get far too much representation and airplay in proportion to the size of the UK Muslim demographic. The BBC is fast turning into MBC: The Muslim Broadcasting Corp. Why can’t we get a focus on other religions for once?
Alex – you surely know that there are now dozens – if not hundreds – of Muslims among the BBC “journalist” and research grades – and among programme producers and editors. Exerting censorship a lot of the time, and sanitising the rest of the time
why is there no have your say on bbc website. i used to enjoy going through the posts. it took me awhile to trawl through the website to get to have your say main page only to be greeted with topics that were non confrontational in my view. are the bbc afraid to let people comment anymore about moslems or calais or paedophilia. just asking like
I see on the BBC News that there seems to be lots of posh, white youngsters rushing to JC’s leadership support; many of them in the BBC report were sporting large Muslim-type beards; you know, the hipsters who drink coffee in pretentious coffee houses, pretend they’re from an ethnic minority and listen to atonal jazz and tribal dubstep. One Moses lookalike being interviewed confirmed my suspicion of middle-class progressives being behind the surge in Corbymania. Hopelessly naive, economically illiterate and romantic.
Why can’t the young be proud and patriotic? It upsets me to see so many young people hate England and her history. I’m only 37 but I grew up with my grandfather’s tales of war; and he told me about his father’s adventures as a colour sergeant in the Boer War. I’m in the minority but I don’t care.
Very well said. I ain’t too much older than you was a late arrival, but proud to say my late Dad fought in WW2, my grandfather an Old Comtempable in WW1, still prouldy own his Mons Star.
Find myself getting pretty angry when visiting my local supermarket and looking at my fellow countrymen mostr with no pride, no respect, scruffy and seemingly little IQ, I call them menboys, all proudly displaying their tribal tattoos and shouldering their ‘man’ bags. I fail to identify with them.
Find it pretty depressing, it would seem our Marxist educational establishment have been successful in ‘doing their work’
I’ve been Googling to try to get an update on the Muslim ’emigrant’ murderers who threw Christians overboard and were jailed in Italy.
Even using key words such as ‘court’ and ‘awaiting trial’ and ‘sentenced’ I can find nothing apart from the original story reported in April.
The lack of media interest in this major story is astonishing – as if journalists across the spectrum have colluded in quietly brushing it under the carpet.
One can only hope that they haven’t been quietly released in order to infiltrate and ‘enrich’ the UK.
Lucy PevenseyMar 10, 12:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Tower Bridge has been shut down after a man has climbed the railings. Emergency services at to the scene. Ban…
Terminal MoraineMar 10, 12:50 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Dorset, 3 weeks after Southport — “Man ‘obsessed with Southport killings’ stabbed girl, 9, in the neck as she played…
Terminal MoraineMar 10, 12:44 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Party atmosphere on R5 just now — Naga, whose real name is Subha Nagalakshmi Munchetty-Chendriah, is away but Leila Nathoo…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “41% of London residents were born outside the UK, according to the 2021 Census. This is much higher than the…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:23 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Now Richard Holden MP tells Guido: “It’s quite clear Labour are embarrassed to say why they won’t back banning first…
Rob in CheshireMar 10, 12:18 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage is terrified that if he seems too “right wing”, then left wing people won’t vote for him. But they…
Rob in CheshireMar 10, 12:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I venture to suggest that the lads who fought for Britain in WWI and WWII would be appalled at what…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:13 Start the Week 10th March 2025 [img][/img]
My birthday today. 😎 Now old enough to know better, apparently.
Interesting front page on the Belfast Telegraph about restored BBC funny man Frankie Boyle. Seems he’s a wee bit selective with who he offends, and steers clear of.
One can see how the BBC is again comfortable with him.
Ooh-la-la! Perhaps these ‘migrants’ aren’t quite as destitute as the beeboids would have us believe. Note the gentleman from Syria.
Perhaps not, but people here might like to take some time to think about the consequences of the UK being involved in a proxy war at the behest of some other government in Muslim lands.
The number there who said that it was the UKs fault because of our puppet governments actions in Libya, and Syria was surprising.
It is a matter of great relief that Millipede despite his other failings stood up to Cameron, and his foreign masters instructions and prevented him sending the British army into Syria to fight with ISIS, at the time when Saudi liked them!
There is no good reason the UK needs to have any military involvement in that region, however if you do support military involvement, then you have to accept that asylum seekers will try – and succeed in getting to Britain.
BBC TV News 8.28 am
Male sofa person describes ‘Thatcher’ as being ‘so divisive’
Female sofa person then introduces Trump feature as ‘Can we talk more about divisive politicians or….. would be politicians’.
Blair was discussed but no mention of the word divisive.
Farage must be grateful that he wasn’t mentioned. Perhaps he would have been described as both divisive AND controversial!
”Female sofa person,” Naga Munchetty (born Sudha Nagalakshmi Munchetty-Chendriah 1975) is her name. Don’t know who the metrosexuaul drip is but the chemistry is zero between them. Simon Fanshaw, gay comedian from Brighton is reviewing the papers.
” Naga” Sudha Nagalakshmi Munchetty-Chendriah
& Simon “Fanny” Fanshawe …. cringe!
… sheesh!, if they could usurp the arch tosser from LBC Ian Dale
and maybe … has been Dale Winton?
mind you, better stop there, don t to give them ideas
In the Telegraph today there is an article by Bruce Anderson about how the Tories can take long term advantage of the Labour lurch to the Left. At the end of the article he writes that by 2020 the Tories should be able to present themselves as the party of sensible social reforms, something that , despite actually being so under Lady Thatcher, there were unable to do.
He completely misses the crucial role of the BBC in how political parties are perceived by the public. It was the relentless attacks and willful misrepresentation by the BBC, over the whole of her premiership, that left an image of the great Lady Thatcher that many of the public didn’t like. This lives on today , as many 20 year olds regard Lady Thatcher as the wicked witch. The BBC will always present the Tories as being a threat to the NHS and other public services , friends of the wealthy and oppressors of the poor etc etc. No matter how much the Tories try to move to the centre, no matter how badly needed reforms are, no matter how much the poor benefit from the reforms, the BBC will always prefer parties further to the left and campaign on their behalf. Only by getting rid of the BBC can the Tories hope to get their true message across and change Britain for the better.
You have to admit that the Tories do a great job of their own at presenting themselves ‘as being a threat to the NHS and other public services , friends of the wealthy and oppressors of the poor etc etc’, especially with Dave & George trying on things like flogging off the UK’s forests not mention the 50% cut in the top rate band of income tax. Like other media commentators the Beeb had trouble getting its head around the facts of the RBS shares this last week.
They frequently referred to them as ‘the Govenrment’s shares’ and the book loss, while conveniently overlooking there is a three part loss for the taxpayer to whom the shares really belong – the original bail-out, the fact of the book loss and then, that HMG is not even going to hand the proceeds back but hang on to those as well!
Perhaps, one day, the BBC might stand up for the people of Britain?
Am not holding my breath . . . . .
1) It is a truth universally acknowledged that the (Labour) Government overpaid for the shares.
2) The ‘book loss’ is ameliorated by the large fees the Government has and is continuing to earn from the banks for providing lines of credit.
3) The Government (in case you dodn’t know – and probably don’t) has rather large debts – so they can either hold onto the shares – which aren’t earning anything and costing us intrest or dispose of the shares to reduce the amount that they owe and are paying interest on.
Songs of Praise from Calais is a great chance for the BBC to highlight the persecution of Christians worldwide and especially in Britain.
To me it looks like a great chance for Christian Dhimmies and Muslims and Trots to put on a display of unity against traditional British beliefs.
GWF , yes , the BBC agenda is blatant ! And so puerile !
Re earlier posts here about BBC Breakfast this morning
Couple of points to add:
‘Simon Fanshaw, gay comedian from Brighton… reviewing the papers’ was introduced by the BBC as “writer and commentator” [well, lah-di-dah]
The ‘metrosexual drip’ presenter was just another of the house eunuchs. I think you’ll find the ‘chemistry is zero’ is because the male gonads have been removed.
And the Thatcher comment from the BBC lad was a classic “Some people will call in and say she wasn’t a grocer’s daughter…”
This sort of nonsensical comment explains a lot about our present BBC. They know the mere mention of the name Thatcher will bring down a shower of righteous Twitter action on their heads – therefore we get ‘divisive’ or ‘controversial’. BBC arses covered. These people are, when all said and done, cowards when faced with determined agitating leftists.
How much did it cost to transport that Twat, from Brighton to Manchester ,& back? They move Breakie to Manc , but most of the guests , presenters , & crew, live in the South East. Costa packet to keep , bringing them up there , & what about their Carbon Footprint ? Not that I believe that bollox , but the Evil BBC always going on & on & on ,about it . Obviously ,it doesn`t apply to evil lefties , but only right wing scum must pay for their pollution .
The BBC were interviewing some very middle class, young ‘comedians’ at the Fringe, this morning; they seemed straight off the ‘progressive’ and trendy production line. One thing I have noticed is that many of these ‘comedians’ are simply not funny. They do all seem to be posh/middle class types with big egos; a couple of lads were doing impressions and they were awful, really bad. One other lad was talking about how society has changed i.e. gender equality etc. A far cry from the days when people made it into comedy because they made jokes about things which we actually found funny rather than just saying things which the audience expects you to say because they are part of the same Left-wing politically correct bubble. The main topics that are allowed to day are the following: Ukip, the Tories, white people, the Americans, the British Empire and etc….
Here’s some proper comedy:
Pat Condell nails it (as usual)
BBC’s Norman Smith and Bill Turnbull have had problems with worms.
Local bBC reporting on the important issues of the day. Dan O’Brien Points West politics reporter.
I’ll pass on the festivities.
What no ISIS flags, you know, “hilariously” (???) made up of butt plugs, and anal sex toys …
… what are you missing!
Butt plugs? Mains 13amp?
Is that one big flag at the front-or are they carrying Camilla Batmaghedligh in some kind of virtuous hoist.
Maybe they should WEIGH the protesters instead of counting them all-in that way all those public sector bariatric clients could be worth their weight in lard to the GayPride/Anti-Osteritee/Fight the Flour protests.
One Camilla is surely worth ten on the roll call of public whinings.
Multicultural Liverpool prepares to stop the white man march next week in the city. See picture of the scousers opposing the white man march. Lots of BBC supporters in this crowd eh.
What I notice with these “spontaneous” marches against Cameron, UKIP or whitey as “flagged up” by the BBC and other liberal slurry bunions is that all the whites are at the side, getting paid to film them and photograph it all…whereas the grumpy Benetton tribes seem to need whitey to stitch the flags and write something grammatical on them.
`Cept for Kids Company-OFSTED really need to look at the quality of placards they marched to-remedial, and oh-so special!
Bet you can enter your placard for a GCSE these days!
Great Britain suffered nearly six years of war and sacrifice defending itself from invasion by a barbaric nation which had a mighty army and air force – Germany.
Why then cant she secure her borders from a few thousand free-loaders, scroungers and criminals with a totally alien religion and a forte of backward ideals?
Our parents and grandparents suffered great sacrifice and deprivation in vain for us, thanks to our national broadcasting corporation and a political class which is completely out of touch with its indigenous people.
Interesting profile piece last night on Radio 4 of the Labour leadership hopeful Jeremy Corbyn. Although they do share common ground on many things, it’s clear they don’t want him to be the winner.
They brought on Leo McKinstry to speak against him. McKinstry knew him in the days when he was a Labour supporter, and before he was cured of his mental afflictions.
It would appear that Corbyn has the belief that the West is incapable of making a single correct decision, and I wonder what kind of trauma in his past has led him to this conclusion?
I have no doubt that this mental illness, because that is surely what it is? is shared by many on the left thus their hatred of white people and their values, and the need to destroy it all.
Beside beaky Sallly Nugent on the sofa this morning we have another light-weight BBC house boy. I didn’t catch his name, I turned over too soon.
There are some anniversaries and jubilees the BBC likes, others not so much. Right up there among BBC favourites are Hiroshima and the Rocky Horror Show. Who says the BBC are a woolly-minded limp Liberal metro elite?
However, there’s an interesting admission from the young house boy, just now.
“A viewer pointed out to me that when I said the London 2012 Olympics had encouraged people to participate in sport, in fact, all the the evidence suggested the opposite”
Yes indeed, young lad, an awful lot of what you people there in the BBC studio say are in fact agenda-based damn lies.
Stick that up you Frankenfurter.
A wee bit of an own-goal from the Beeb’s whine online this am.
Adam Gopnik: “How Much Longer Can Sprawling Box Sets Get ?” it seems poor old Adam is tired of long intricate episodic plots- you know, rubbish like Game of Thrones, The Wire, Breaking Bad etc etc. Well Adam, I don’t think you need worry about the Beeb, because their drama output is pretty crap, and their “hit’s” are pretty few and far between, aside from the Scandiwegian crime imports (yes, the CEO of a large company did it) and the occasional historical bodice ripper like Poldark. Of course we are all looking forward to their more contemporary drama hits to come like “The Beatification of Mark Duggan” and “Down and Out in London and Calais”.
How can we licence payers not look forward to the cheeky cockney Mark Duggan show.
Just as we mourn the passing of Arthur Daley along come ‘Only Fools and the BBC’ with a heart warming wheeler dealer gun-in-a-sock urban bandit hero for the very naughties. Operation Trident Rodney, don’t be a gangster all your life says Batman. I wonder, does our dramatised Duggan family live on the 13th floor of an estate called Nigel Farage Towers? Never mind all those boxes of crack cocaine on your armchair granddad, pop into the kitchen and fetch me and Rodders a brew of meth amphetamine cos Boycie and Marlene are coming up for a round of intimate selfies on their stolen smart phones – innit? Scratch that, I’ve just got a text from Trigger [that’s spelt with a ‘T’] – he says riots tonite in Clapham Juction and Hackney – Great, I could do with 30 pairs of new trainers and 5 flat screens. Tell Mama to bring a shoppin’ trolley.
BBC News Website. Highly Pro-Immigration Article.
“”Weeping for a lost generation””
It wouldn’t be possible to make a more biased article supporting immigration.
Interesting extracts:-
1/ “”It was clear, Muhammad said, that the Italians wanted to be rid of the new arrivals as quickly as possible. “They gave us a quick medical check, then transferred us to Milan – 17 hours on a bus. In Milan we had to give a single fingerprint, then we were free to go. They never asked to see our papers. They just waved us north”””.
2/ “”Just three weeks after arriving in Germany illegally, he was granted asylum, then given a German residence permit and a renewable three-year travel document valid anywhere inside the Schengen Area””.
3/ “”Courtesy of the German government he has been accommodated in a modern two-bedroom flat in central Saarbrucken sharing with three strangers. He benefits from free health cover and free German language lessons for four hours a day Monday to Friday. On top of that he receives 400 euros per month cash to cover food and utility bills and other essentials””.
4/ “”His young brown eyes filled with tears and together we sat by the river, weeping for the waste and the suffering of a lost generation””
5/ “””Of course I am lonely, and sad I may never see my family again. But after the chaos I left behind inside Syria, it is paradise here””
They are pushing the same line on the World Service under the heading, believe it or not, of
We Are All Emigrants Now
Seems the BBC is grimly determined to spend time and resources on being a PR company for ‘Emigrants’ and to hell with what anyone thinks about it.
Strange choice of a term, though. Why not Immigrants?
Is the BBC trying to cast these illegals as innocents? Surely the BBC would not do that?
What is this “BBC News Magazine”that carries successive very long and tendentious articles ? All of them pushing the usual BBC agenda ?
How much does this spineless appeasing Magazine cost us ? Why are we being forced to pay for it ? It is not “broadcasting”, nor is much of its content a simple spinoff from broadcast output.
The whole thing should be shut down – as should huge swathes of the BBC website.
I read that piece. The writer was a little naive in relaying a few truthful facts. They forgot to add that once he is given German nationality he will be coming here legally. The Dutch manage to hand their passports out with incredible speed knowing they will be used in a westerly direction.
‘Japan remembers Nagasaki atomic bomb, 70 years on’
‘(a) service has been held in the Japanese city of Nagasaki where US forces dropped an atomic bomb exactly 70 years ago’
Desperate anti US, left wing bias of the BBC – without a single word of context, nor mention of the atrocities committed by Japan in WW2 that led to it. Shameful. Disgraceful reporting designed to make it seem as if the US were the aggressors.
No mention of the fact that the Germans could have got to the bomb – what then ?
Berlin was ear-marked for the Bomb. But Germany surrendered before Japan.
What if….?
It’s had a demographic bomb dropped on them, the place looks like Turkey.
Britain looks like Pakistan, France looks like Algeria, the USA looks like Mexico and Japan looks like …. errr Japan. Remind me again who won the war.
German Federal Statistics Office – By 2050 Germany will be a Muslim state.
33% of all children in Europe will be born to Muslim families by 2025.
At this point, as Lawrence Auster observed (re the effects of U.S. immigration) – “The power of the existing mainstream society to determine its own destiny shall be dramatically reduced while the power of other groups, formerly marginal or external to that society will be increased.”
And also you can wave goodbye to the culture of Europe that the European people created, Art, classical music, opera, sculpture etc etc, it’ll be a be a new dark age, with rap music, poetry for retards.
That has been seen before. It was Islam which caused the fall of Europe into the Dark Ages, when it overran North Africa and made the Mediterranean Sea a battleground where previously it was one of the primary trading areas of the world. It also broke off the supply of papyrus from the Far East which meant the majority of classical literature was lost and literacy amongst the majority of Europeans faded away.
A great book about this hidden history is by Emmet Scott ‘Mohammed & Charlemagne Revisited’.
It is well worth reading, to realize we are in another Islamic invasion cycle.
In the year 911 for example, the Muslim Arabs reached the Graubunden Valley and Lake Geneva.
” There is no place in modern Europe for ethnically pure states. That’s a 19th century idea and we are trying to transition into the 21st century, and we are going to do it with multi-ethnic states.” – General Wesley Clark
funny how with all the BBC hand wringing and victim culture, they never mention Japans record on granting asylum to those seeking it.
Over the past decade Japan has allowed just 9 people refugee status, an amazingly low number !
In terms of the Oil rich gulf states, so far as I’m aware they haven’t allowed any.
Seeing as most genuine refugees are running away from the horrors caused by Islam, it is only right that these oil rich states should offset the cost if they are not prepared to allow people to settle there.
I do like the board game Monopoly. Those special themed versions of Monopoly are great. I’ve just found the new Calais edition – the Chance Cards are lots of fun:
Advance to Dover (Collect £200 in benefits)
You have won a cross word competition (the word was ‘Swarm’) – collect £100
Go back 3 spaces – but throw the dice again and keep trying until you get into Britain
It is your birthday: 21, 22? Say you’re 15 and collect an extra free education from each Briton
Pay Hospital Fees of £100 – just joking, it’s the NHS, all free at the point of use
Advance to Marble Arch – if you are moved on by the Police then move straight back again next turn
Speeding Fine – no worries, you haven’t got a licence anyway
Pay a £10 Fine or take a Chance – always take the Chance
“Drunk in Charge” Fine£20 – just disappear before your Court case
Go Back to Germany, pick up the EU passport, then proceed directly to Britain with all your family
You Have Won Second Prize in a Beauty Contest – Appear in a BBC advert for diversity and collect £10
Pick up a Community Cohesion Card and avoid going to Jail
Make General repairs on your property – no, of course not, the local council will cover all your housing and hotel costs
Go Back to where you came from – only if you throw a mathematically impossible number of doubles
Pay School Fees of £150 – just joking again
Britain’s Error in your Favour – take full advantage and collect £20 at every turn
And finally, there’s one card that’s just the same as in regular Monopoly :
Get Out of Jail Free
Excellent !!
AND-whatever piece you chose to use at the start of the game?
Just throw it into the sea, and pretend you`re a Syrian who`s only there because we didn`t bomb Assad in 2012.
Or because we DID bomb the Afghans in 2002, for a variation.
The New Diverse Cluedo is boring though . It’s always won by Ayatollah Green saying I suspect it’s the Jew behind the rocks with the money .
The New Careers game is more interesting as you get Fame and Money but choose which benefits to get instead of jobs .
It’s All Fun From Chad Vally motto has changed too
More fakery and deceit from the bBC in its most hyped program this week ‘The Great British Box Tick’ it would appear that many of the contestants are not the amateurs the bBC would have us believe.
One ‘pro’ was actually trained at Ecole Escoffier in Paris, some world renowned cookery school.
Does anything that the bBC transmit have any credibility?
I’m still trying to work out just why the program is so popular, or is it just a case of the bBC telling us it is?
Compare and contrast the following headlines from Saturday
FT headline
UK trade deficit shrinks to 4 year low
BBC headline
UK trade deficit widens in June
After the quarterly BoE report a few weeks ago, the BBC had to find something bad about the economy so kept saying that the strong pound would hit exports. Guess what, exports are booming anyway. Only the BBC would want a country to have a weak currency and the only country they would want it for is the UK. Beeboids are truly scum !
A weak currency means imported inflation.
Inflation means the BBC can go rattle their Licence Fee Increase tin under the nose of Government.
In the Spectator ex BBC man Rod Liddle says that the BBC is always biased to the current establishment. He goes on to say that the current establishment is ‘ liberal, politically correct, politically naive and gullible’.
Sums it up pretty well and this current establishment has been in power for decades. But as with all these ex BBC folks who see the light when they leave the corporation, the question I ask is, why did it take so long for them to see what the BBC really is?
Oh, I think they all saw the light long ago but kept very quiet. Journalistic integrity very often takes second place to a large wage packet.
I think the clue lies in “ex BBC”…
….why did it take so long for them to see what the BBC really is.
I imagine they wanted to wait until their severance pay, or whatever, was safely in their hands and their pensions secure
I believe that 2IC Mark Byford, that PeeCee fool who said he would be immensely proud if the BBC interviewed the Taliban, walked away from the BBC with a golden handshake of close to a million quid.
The BBC really is obscene. It operates like a jobs-for-pals third world dictatorship rather than a responsible news organisation.
Question Time came, as usual, from the headquarters of the Socialist Workers’ Party, (judging by the sympathetic applause).
That would explain the peculiar viewpoint of Anthony Seldon [35:00] that the likes of Trump and Farage are ‘divisive’ politicians, whereas Jeremy Corbyn will bring us all together.
I expect if one is ‘left’ enough everyone else is on the ‘extreme right’.
Similarly, viewed from Greece, the BBC tells us that the arrival of 100,000 ‘migrants’ is a crisis that ‘Europe’, (or more particularly the UK), should be sharing. The Greek economy is down the pan and heading for the sewer so this is a burden it cannot bear. Viewed from the UK the BBC would have us believe that the addition of 100,000 ‘migrants’ can only be to the good and carries no cost.
Whilst apparently conflicting these different BBC viewpoints all have one common direction – what is bad for the UK and how can we facilitate it?
Thought I’d missed an episode of Question Time! You of course mean Any Questions, regardless why do the Dimbleby’s have a monopoly of chairing BBC political political debate programs?
Nothing is a surprise on such programs, time and time again audience ‘plants’ have been exposed and if the bBC could avoid it they wouldn’t field any right of centre panelists.
Those further to the right than today’s average Tory are always jeered and booed by our ‘bBC friendly’ audience.
Whoops! Quite right. That’s what comes of using a laptop where the slightest accidental approach to the touch-pad slings text all over the place and shoves the text insertion point into random places!
I envy anyone who can write error-free text on a tablet, which I find even worse. Now back to a proper keyboard.
Seldon has GOT to personify the utter hypocrisy of the elite.
Former head of Wellington College-that byword for comprehensive inclusion-who also managed to be there whenever Blair wanted “happiness” to be included on a state curriculum.
So he`d pilot such crap for a week, while Channel 4 did the filming.
Oh…and a suitable toadying autobiography of Blair got written by this effete public school charlatan-and if anybody knows of a local library that does NOT include this book on its shelves or such, then let me know.
No wonder Seldon Man wants the Triumph of the Willies like Blunkett, Crick , Adonis and Grayling…such people are well succoured to turn education into some sinkhole of achievement, but a great place to get free school dinners and a condom.
Hence the madness of Kids Company using donations to send Camillas chauffeur to a private boarding school-and no BBC reporting.
And no jokes about JPMorgan getting their donations for a FINANCIAL LITERACY WORKER turned into Camillas petit-cache…to fund her Cave of Plumptiousness.
Savile had bean bags-Camilla has scatter cushions-whoopee!
If only Camilla had attended just one class on financial literacy instead of bunging it all in the direction of Dianne Abbott-style ” redistributions to the private sphere!
This madness-but not one joke from the liberal left…for none of zees eez funny…Jahwohl!
Ken Dodd to audit the books maybe?
The bBBC is pleased to be marking the start of the racism season: Jamie Vardy: Leicester City striker apologises for ‘racist slur’.
You mean an Anti White Season.
The BBC have completely ignored the terrorist threat to the royal family and others at the VJ parade next weekend. I am shure they want it to happen so most of their enemies are removed at a stroke.
Another report from the odious James “welcome to Europe” Reynolds in Kos, just now on BBC1. The hushed voice , the bleeding heart, then cut to holidaymakers in bars and clubs enjoying themselves. I feel like vomiting. How low can the BBC sink ?
Is something wrong with Countryfile it’s been on 15 minutes and they haven’t mentioned climate change yet
Should have given it another 10 minutes, not climate change but the obigatory bit of diversity down in rural Dorset….
Countryfile Bingo, never fails!
NOT reported by the BBC:-
“”Riot police and a helicopter had to be drafted in after officers were attacked by hundreds of masked party goers when they were called out to deal with an out-of-control party””.
Hackney is a highly multi-cultural and diverse London Borough. It’s identical to adjacent Tottenham where ‘Saint Duggan of BBC’ and his gang engaged in organised serious crime and drug dealing.
Reported on BBC website but no reference to ethnic background. So I guess we can draw our own conclusions !
”but no reference to ethnic background,” Strange, they like to ram die-versity down our throats, but when it comes to reporting criminal activity, it vanishes in a puff of smoke.
Exactly !
I must say though they seem to be mostly white in the pictures.
Hackney does have a real mix attracting students and hipsters, like Brixton, its not almost all black and foreign ethnic.
BBC warned by Whittingdale to be impartial in the upcoming EU referendum and Cash “invites” lord Hall to a meeting of select committee to make sure that he does get the message;
Because the BBC is now part funded by the EU it should be advised that it may not comment or include anything about the EU at all.
Maxine Peake BBC luvvie actress who has moved to Salford where houses are more affordable (just come complete with bullet holes inside & out!), has attended a far left wing rally by CND calling for an end to austerity and a cancellation of the trident replacement which hasn’t even been ordered!
Peake who has been in such memorable (forgetable) productions as ‘Dinnerladies’, silk, The Village, and several other productions, has been appearing in theatre as well.
In January 2014, Peake won the first Bolton Socialist Club Outstanding Contribution to Socialism Award for using her work to oppose the government’s “crippling austerity measures”
Thankfully Peake has been unable to reproduce, sparing us all the monstrous progeny which would surely have been as insane as she clearly is.
Well we are truly buggered now. whatever are we to do? how will we cope and more importantly the calais migrants will be devastated
how will those poor lorry drivers make a living while this strike is on how will the migrants get here oh dear we need to do something and do it now, i wonder if the bbc will step in and lend a few lorries oh the shame the shame.
Well, I say if they don’t like this country, they can always….
Just shows how weak and soft we’ve become when an immigrant community is whinging en masse. The British are surrounded on all sides. Enoch Powell was so, so right; quite prescient actually.
What makes me particularly angry is the sopping wet, bleeding heart dreamers on the comments section; middle class armchair revolutionaries the lot of ’em. These idiotic sandal wearing, flower pickering, spineless appeasers would quite happily sell this country to the first bidder.
To be strictly fair, every bit as bad are the mercenary city types who have repeatedly done just that – sold key British companies to anyone who was prepared to pay. That is why our utilities, to name just one area, are such a rip-off.
The corruption runs deep in this country. It’s not just the SJWs who are at fault, nor even just the young.
Yes GCooper, well said and I do agree. I suppose I mean in a political sense rather than the economic. The corporate greed is every bit as unpatriotic. I just get sick of self-loathing liberals moaning about this place when they’re quite happy to enjoy the freedoms etc.
I’m tired of hearing about Muslim topics on the BBC; it’s every night. They get far too much representation and airplay in proportion to the size of the UK Muslim demographic. The BBC is fast turning into MBC: The Muslim Broadcasting Corp. Why can’t we get a focus on other religions for once?
Alex – you surely know that there are now dozens – if not hundreds – of Muslims among the BBC “journalist” and research grades – and among programme producers and editors. Exerting censorship a lot of the time, and sanitising the rest of the time
why is there no have your say on bbc website. i used to enjoy going through the posts. it took me awhile to trawl through the website to get to have your say main page only to be greeted with topics that were non confrontational in my view. are the bbc afraid to let people comment anymore about moslems or calais or paedophilia. just asking like
I see on the BBC News that there seems to be lots of posh, white youngsters rushing to JC’s leadership support; many of them in the BBC report were sporting large Muslim-type beards; you know, the hipsters who drink coffee in pretentious coffee houses, pretend they’re from an ethnic minority and listen to atonal jazz and tribal dubstep. One Moses lookalike being interviewed confirmed my suspicion of middle-class progressives being behind the surge in Corbymania. Hopelessly naive, economically illiterate and romantic.
Why can’t the young be proud and patriotic? It upsets me to see so many young people hate England and her history. I’m only 37 but I grew up with my grandfather’s tales of war; and he told me about his father’s adventures as a colour sergeant in the Boer War. I’m in the minority but I don’t care.
Click like if you’re proud to be British.
Very well said. I ain’t too much older than you was a late arrival, but proud to say my late Dad fought in WW2, my grandfather an Old Comtempable in WW1, still prouldy own his Mons Star.
Find myself getting pretty angry when visiting my local supermarket and looking at my fellow countrymen mostr with no pride, no respect, scruffy and seemingly little IQ, I call them menboys, all proudly displaying their tribal tattoos and shouldering their ‘man’ bags. I fail to identify with them.
Find it pretty depressing, it would seem our Marxist educational establishment have been successful in ‘doing their work’
I’ve been Googling to try to get an update on the Muslim ’emigrant’ murderers who threw Christians overboard and were jailed in Italy.
Even using key words such as ‘court’ and ‘awaiting trial’ and ‘sentenced’ I can find nothing apart from the original story reported in April.
The lack of media interest in this major story is astonishing – as if journalists across the spectrum have colluded in quietly brushing it under the carpet.
One can only hope that they haven’t been quietly released in order to infiltrate and ‘enrich’ the UK.