The BBC has been wallowing in the first anniversary of the shooting of Black thug Michael Brown by police in Ferguson.
Shots have been fired in Ferguson, Missouri, at a protest to mark the first anniversary of the killing of unarmed black teenager Michael Brown. St Louis County police said an officer was “involved in a shooting after coming under heavy gunfire” and that “two unmarked cars took shots”. Eyewitnesses reported seeing at least one injured person lying on the ground. The shooting of the 18-year-old by white police officer Darren Wilson sparked demonstrations across America.
BBC desperate to a/Sanctify Michael Brown and b/Make this all about race.
They like to use this sort of image when discussing Michael Brown.
Not this one…
The loss of any young life is to be deeply regretted but it really does not help things when the media, in this case the BBC, race bait the case and then keep reinforcing it.
At every single opportunity the BBC like to play the race and ethnic minority victim card – and they don’t let little things like facts get in the way, either. They NEVER seem to highlight the high proportion of black on black/black on white killings; doesn’t fit the Left-wing ethnic minority victimhood narrative I suppose.
Now repeat after me: White majority = bad and to blame for the world’s ills; ethnic minority = the victims who can never do any wrong.
if i had a pound for every time they mentioned “unarmed black killed by white police” i would be a millionaire ,
funny how race is never mentioned when its a black on white crime, its always “teen” or some other bull
Yes, well said.
The Today Show finished its crawl up Spike Lees leg at 9am with a paean of praise to “Straight Outta Compton”.
A charming piece of music by NWA…and our BBC monkey seemed unable to say what THAT stood for.
So brave, so fearless the BBC…Chuck D will be pleased that his Good Rebellion continues.
As for bling, drugs and ho`s n bitchiz…not a peep from Matthew Price-who I though was James O Brien, seeing as all BBC blokes now speak like that.
Matt asked Mr Jam(alias Peter Dalton eh?)…”and was this the greatest album of all time?”
WTF?…he will not have heard it, but black patronage is the thing…so only a trendy wendy who`ll fight the power (unless its the BBC and Leveson, where consensual inclusion reigns) would ask something so asinine-so clueless.
“Fight the Power”-but pay your license fee so they too can revisit Nagasaki as needs lead.
Straight Outta Highgate…and straight through Salford.
Ouanquers all!
No Whites Allowed?
An interesting comparison with BBC depictions..
As opposed to this.
Has the bbc ever commemorated the horrific murder of Kriss Donald by a gang of muslims?If they have I’ve never heard about it. That was over 11 years ago.
A singular horror…..
The anger still simmers on that one.
Michael Brown ?
You mean this unarmed teenager
It must be the young teenager on the right of the photo.
There is a song back in the 60’s called ‘Tell it like it is”. Fat chance the bBC would ever do that when it comes this type of subject matter. There is usually one or more of the following involved; drugs, theft, firearms, violence, criminal record, resisting arrest….. Plus the ‘victim’ is described as likeable, would not harm anyone, grade A student ………..
Here’s a novel notion…..pull out all the white officers from these black areas, and have black officers only on patrol …..let’s see the result…..i reckon no change, black officers will shoot these lawless youths as well…..what will Sharpton Jackson, those ace race hustlers say then?
19 year old Zachary Hammond was shot, in July, by a white police officer. Why no national outpouring in the US,of anger, grief and mob violence? The reason appears to be that Zachary was white and white lives don’t matter.
The loony lefties call us racist for saying ” all lives matter”
The anti whites should know if it wasnt for whites we would still be in the dark ages, just look at africa and parts of the middle east
i reckon no change, black officers will shoot these lawless youths as well…..what will Sharpton Jackson, those ace race hustlers say then?
As they do in South Aftrica – far less tolerant then the evil apartheid regime .
I’ve listened in vain for any mention of the report from US Department of Justice that justified the shooting of Michael Brown and cleared Officer Wilson of any wrongdoing. This report also implied that many of the witnesses had perjured themselves, though no one, I believe, has been prosecuted. The BBC’s reporting of this case has been disgraceful.
BBC on FaceBook:
BBC News
18 hrs · Edited ·
ICYMI: Buried beside Michael Brown
For our in-depth report:
Ferguson: Buried beside Michael Brown
A few top-rated comments:
Rumple Stiltskin Who exactly should be brought to justice? BBC News, I thought you were better than this.
Cheryl Gearhart Facts are stubborn things ~ John Adams •When are you going to stop deifying Thugs? 1) Michael Brown, described as a ‘Giant’, had just committed a strong arm ROBBERY of a TINY South Asian Shop Keeper. 2) He assaulted & struggled with an armed police o…See More
Johnny Bert Pretty bad when the BBC start race baiting, have you sold your soul too…?
Michael Kelly You know, I turned to the BBC and away from US news to find some objective professionalism. So much for that, I guess.
Rob Burdett Imagine what would happen if everyone concentrated or was as outraged at black on black crime rather than a criminals death.
Marilyn Boling There have been 115 killing in St Louis are so far this year. Black on black killings by drive by shooters, wild gunfire and attacks on the street. No one says a word or tries to stop thise killings. Black Lives don’t really matter to blacks or ther…See More
Hayley Morris A few thousand farmers in South Africa murdered and no- one brought to book, but then again they’re white BBC , so likely not newsworthy
Bridget Sheahan Henry I followed BBC for objective and accurate news, yet every other post is antagonistic and opinionated. Seriously get your act together BBC, this is intolerably stupid.
Kelsey Grant It seems race-baiting is BBC’s thing…cause your milking the Ferguson story like crazy…but why didn’t you cover the story in Springfield, MO? Do those criminals deserve to be brought to justice for nearly beating a couple to death? Your news coverage is a little bent I think…
Ants John I’m waiting on the BBC doing an article on the killers of white people being brought to justice…..
So… a bent, race-bating, soul-selling, populist, antagonistic, opinionated envy of the word ratings-milking broadcaster then?
So proud. So Unique.
And the people of the UK are forced to pay for this.
‘….the unarmed black teenager who was shot dead by a white policeman’
Yep, repeated ad nauseam again today. Just as the BBC ignored the discovery that the father of one of the schoolgirls who went to join ISIS was a radical Islamist so they choose not to report the circumstances of Brown being shot – the preceding hold up, his attack on the cop, him returning to run threateningly at the cop and ignoring the cop’s warnings.
It’s censorship in support of their ongoing race agenda and I suspect the majority of listeners and viewers are oblivious to it.
‘It’s news, Jim, but not as we know it’.
Radio 4’s news at 6 p.m. tells us that the policeman was ‘legally cleared’, meaning, ‘but not in the court of BBC opinion’.
Pity no one has had a` Day of the Jackal ` moment on Barry ,but as the IRA said `We only have to be lucky once`.
I’ll try a cut & paste if I can find it again tomorrow, but BBC News on Facebook has an exclusive with Papa Brown (headed with this quote, no word of a lie: “Make sure you get my pain”), and it is really not going well for the BBC or him in the comments at all.
People seem really, and I mean really, exasperated by the milking of this by rabid race hustlers, and the family members they interview.
When Tyrone Harris, a friend of Michael Brown, was shot the other day, his grandmother and aunt, say he is such a good boy. CCTV has just been released clearly showing Harris with a pistol.