I’ve been Googling to try to get an update on the Muslim ’emigrant’ murderers who threw Christians overboard and were jailed in Italy.
Even using key words such as ‘court’ and ‘awaiting trial’ and ‘sentenced’ I can find nothing apart from the original story reported in April.
The lack of media interest in this major story is astonishing – as if journalists across the spectrum have colluded in quietly brushing it under the carpet.
One can only hope that the murderers haven’t been quietly released in order to infiltrate and ‘enrich’ the UK.
(Transferred from the last Open Thread for the attention of my esteemed colleagues.)
Quite right TT, I wonder if Songs of Praise will include a prayer for those fellow Christians drowned by Muslims, some of whom may be residing in “The Jungle” (near to where they will be recording the programmed) en route here.
Using the wonders of the Internet, I translated the search to Italian, using key words like ‘awaiting trial’ and ‘released without trial’ and got a few results from Italian publications (but nothing after April). Here’s one result:
As reconstructed according to the testimonies of other refugees on the boat, a fight would break out for religious reasons and Muslims have overcome the Christians and have them thrown overboard. The police would yield ‘ statements ‘, consistent we learn from judicial sources, and there would also be some photographic awards of suspects. A report was delivered this morning to the Prosecutor Maurizio Scalia added. The Prosecutor now has 48 hours to get the validation of arrest [My emphasis]. The 15 detained belong to one of three groups of refugees landed yesterday in Palermo with three different ships that rescued them in the Strait of Sicily.
There can only be one explanation here: the Italian authorities have clamped down on any info related to this case. and it really does seem that the 48 hours came and went without the ‘validation’ and these murderous thugs are now roaming free in Italy or elsewhere in Europe plotting more atrocities against the infidels. Well, hopefully I’m wrong and they are sitting in an overcrowded cell awaiting trial. But if so, why no info on that?
And what does Cameron intend to do about the Muslim invasion? I live in hope that one day the British public will elect a government with a spine.
BBC reporting that the government has announced that those employing illegal immigrants will ‘feel the full force of the law’. They will be visiting building sites, care homes & cleaning firms, will be given visits by investigating officers.
What a shame they won’t be visiting those places which most often employ these people. Take aways and the rag trade.
Perhaps it’s because we all know the majority ethnic origin of the people who own those business, and although plenty of illegal migrants are found working there, the owners always seem to be given the lowest fine possible £50 per illegal worker.
Every time there are arrests, the media quote ‘could be facing fines as high as’ and some eye watering figure which could never in practice be levied.
BBC Twit James Reynolds ” Hello, Welcome to Europe, you’ve made it,” to a boat load of invaders, I’m amazed he didn’t roll a red carpet for them. The only sensible person is the Greek woman, ” Why aren’t you remaining in your own country ?”
That’s ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS already CRIMINAL through supporting ILLEGAL CRIMINAL enterprises to get there.
I hope that absolute prick from the BBC, giving further incentive, to those considering the same … is going to forfeit his house, his wages and his cushy BEEBOT life to finance them because if not
… he should be stripped of his passport and dumped of the coast of Italy till he comes to his senses
It’s pretty clear after watching that just where the bBCs stance is on the migrant situation.
The ‘reporter’ comes over as a wet fart clearly displaying his own prejudice to the situtaion, giving no background and not interviewing the real locals, apart from some lefty teacher who of course is happy to let them flood in. The guy is watching illegal activity taking place, where is his sense of duty? Doors he inform the authority’s?
I’d really like to ask these bBC types when exactly enough will enough.
From another thread but more germane here – I heard on Today that amongst the putative asylum seekers were Nigerians fleeing from Boko Haram. Strange that they would prefer to walk across the Sahara, swim across the Med, walk across Europe and through a railway tunnel rather than get the bus to Abuja or Lagos. Strange also that no-one at the Beeb asked why not
James Reynolds? They must have done a really good job on him when he was allegedly growing up. No doubt he sees himself as a courageous seeker of truth rather than what he is – yet another cloned leftie with typical tunnel vision.
This takes me back to the Israel-Hezbollah war in 2006. I believe it was Reynolds who introduced one of his ‘reports’ with:
Radio 4, this morning at 7.55, the weather report includes reference to the “Hottest” day ever recorded in the U.K. was on this day in 2003. Why? It also transpires that the thermometer that recorded that temperature was, on that day, an automatic one which has now been shown to be transmitting faulty data throughout that day with long spells of no data being transmitted. The station also did not meet the Met Office’s own measuring criteria. But hey, who is to question what the “data” told us?
Now, here we are almost half way through August and remember it was the Met Office that had warned us that this August was going to be the “hottest ever”. That ain’t going to happen guys. So as a drop of cold comfort for some, they have turned the clock back to 2003 to get into our heads the saying “hottest ever”. Did someone at the Met Office work for the German war effort in the 2nd World War or are they all deluded at the Met Office and the BBC?
Oh, and if the BBC and Met Office missed it, we had a frost on Dartmoor on Friday morning. “Coldest Eva” anyone?
No doubt like the rest of us in Devon you are enjoying the hours of torrential rain this morning. The hottest ever records are usually going to be found in the South East and the coldest ever probably Scotland. The way these dire predictions are presented gives the impression that the country as a whole is affected by the Climate Change gospel based on regional data. There is a saying ‘the weather always pays its debts’…the garden at least today is loving it.
Yes it was in Faversham , must of been near good old Sheps Brewery , where I am going on a Brewery trip next month . Everyone will be Hideously White , & none of the Calais invaders will like English real ale.
If I was a Syrian refugee, I’d go to the nearest adjacent country with a culture I could identify with, Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon for example, likewise if I was Sudanese or Eritrean I’d migrate to Egypt or Yemen, but they all seem to target Europe like an Exocet missile.
And not just in Greece . . AFAIAA the question has rarely been asked by a journalist from our leading national broadcaster, or, where it has been posed (always diffidently and with enormous respect!) the answer – whatever it is – is left steaming at the side of the road and not followed up by whatever cub reporter is on duty. BTW, on a tangential matter, Corbyn’s views on immigration in general and the Calais crisis in particular (AFAIAA, it’s “let ’em all in”) has never been highlighted in any BBC commentary on Corbyn’s ascension to the Labour Party throne. Is it possible the BBC has an agenda here?
And they are predominantly muslims. There are over 50 muslim countries to choose from but they come to Europe, which is still primarily a Christian continent. Why do that if islam is so wonderful?
Because they all know, the whole Muslim world knows, via the BBC, that in Europe Muslims area privileged group that is protected by the liberal left establishments who run virtually all European countries. They may also be under the impression ,again from the BBC, that we Brits actually want them here.
“Whether it’s legal, or in this case, of course, it was illegal – it’s certainly unregulated”
Do we detect a wistful note in Bill Turnbull’s comment here? We know the BBC house attitude to drugs comes close to legalise it, we’ll advertise it, man. We can be sure many on the payroll of our national broadcaster would dearly like to see a ministry of fun measuring regulating supervising and overseeing – just so long as the goodies get passed around.
The point of the item on BBC Breakfast this morning was to tell the story of a dead youngster and his mate who recovered from a coma after ‘Taking what they thought was Ecstacy at a festival’
It would be a good idea to warn youngsters about the dangers of drug taking, but given the BBC’s inherent equivocation on the issue the power of the’ just say no’ message is lost when you know there’s always a ‘but some people say’ lurking in the BBC back room.
No mention of course of the benefits of very cheap energy. Just an article that is as negative as possible. Similar to the BBC’s reports on ‘an aging population’.
“”Ageing nuclear power stations are found around the world, most holding radioactive waste. When they were first built, no one gave much thought to what would happen at the end of their useful lives. But because the radioactivity in the waste is dangerous and can cause cancer, you can’t just demolish a nuclear power station””.
Depends on who ‘you’ are, but if a licence fee payer, even a struggling student or pensioner, you are keeping the likes of Byford, Botney, etc in multi-million pension pots for eternity (or what seems it in the case of big Al).
O/T, unless someone has seen/heard it covered on the BBC (it would be an opportunity too good for them to miss, with the usual appearance from Jo Brand explaining why ‘Jap’ is one of the most odious racist terms imaginable, and should never be compared with ‘Brit’, ‘Pom’. ‘Aussie’ or ‘Yank’).
Jamie Vardy, Leicester’s England striker, has apologised after he was embroiled in a racist row when video footage emerged of him appearing to abuse a fellow gambler at a casino with the words “Yo Jap, walk on”.
Leicester City have promised a full investigation into the incident.
Kick It Out, the anti-racism group, said it had “cast a shadow” over the start of the football season.”
The newspaper article actually referred to it as ‘racist abuse’.
Think I have heard Yap and a Yappy (more Yarpy, actually) Yoop used for Dutch names. Do I recall correctly that the amount of G, Gh-hu or bronchal phlegm depends upon how close you have been born & brought up to the Belgian border?
I was stationed in Maastricht with the Brit Army (AFCENT) where the G is a hard G as in English. That’s in the far south (Limburg). I believe that the Vlaams (Flemish) also use the hard G but these days, I tend to visit the Randstad so the guttural G is necessary.
Language & pronunciation may, of course, change over time. Over many years. And some Dutch seem to have their own versions. Differences noted were over a Beeb favourite: Vincent van Gogh. Go, Hoghk, Gough & Goh have all been heard.
Since then, however, I recall our dear old Beeb getting in a right old mess over Louis van Gaal in the space of a year. Another four or five versions there. Can you offer some help please?
BBC newsreaders call Peking Beijing and Bombay Mumbai yet they don’t pronounce Paris Paree or Rome Roma. How ever you say Vincent Van Gogh, I don’t like his paintings, I think he used a trowel instead of a paintbrush !
And even Taff !
When I was a lad my mum taught me : ‘sticks and stones will break my bones, but names will never hurt me’
Perhaps AliBaba telly might adopt that as a motto ?
Perhaps not, they don’t do comedy.
So that’s what he said. Reading the BBC’s version, you’d think it was a state secret. What’s the point in a news story about something they’re not prepared to explain? If it had been a word to properly get worked up over, they’d have asterisked it out. Like n****r. But if they’d said J*p, people would have had no idea, or might have realised what a storm in a teacup it was. So they said nothing, and effectively convicted him in the public mind without presenting evidence.
So typical of this guy. Cannot wait for the announcement to be made officially, must do it himself- he really is so self-obsessed.
I recall sitting next to him at his first-wife’s desk in the bank in which she used to work whilst he rang everyone he knew to tell them what a wonderful job he’d done on Newsnight the night before (this was before he went off to be the BBC South Africa correspondent).
Strictly really has become a series to remind myself to miss, especially if both he and the odious Chiles are on it together.
Hope Adam Curtis sues the BBC over its “Storyville” programme on Nuclear Threat or Promise last night.
Only Promise I saw was the one to keep showing us Bikini Atoll, and Hiroshima victims until we shut the nuclear plants down.
I was once a CND oaf like the best of `em-but have been to northern France where it seems to be working well…no urge to frack, no hooks in the mouth from the Saudis unless they choose it.
Unlike us and our mad eco nuts like Harrabin and Monbiot, Stern and Miliband.
The programme was pure Curtis agitprop-the journalism of attachment yet again…fair enough, if a health warning preceds the showing.
But no-all you good good people will doubtless agree, so this is reality for you-as we the BBC want you to live it.
Shameless biased propaganda-artful, but dishonest, given the title.
I expect nothing less anymore…Atomkraft-nein wankers!
Like The Great British Box Tick, ‘Strictly’ will be stuffed with right on types, plenty of diversity and the winner will be someone from a soap who surprise surprise has at some time in their past had pro dance training. Wasn’t there talk of a same sex couple this year?
Another case of the bBC making their own headlines, this program has seriously jumped the shark and is incredibly boring to most, with a 100% female presentation team and a 50% gay judging panel and just one straight male.
For balance, the program needs an un PC male presenter, I nominate Jim Davidson…..
In essence the product is a complete and utter waste of licence payers money designed to chase ratings failing ratings, something the bBC doesn’t need to do.
Ali Baba Radio Wales this morning discussing the newspapers, wheel on some Aussie sounding ‘Uni’ lecturer of a mickey mouse subject, who is favour of J Corbyn for Labour leader, doesn’t like the term of ‘marauding’ immigrants in Calais used by the foreign secretary.
Marauding or swarming, who cares, they are illegally breaking into our country. ‘Invaders’ is a more applicable term.
Because the Labour party is in such disarray, does AliBaba broadcasting see itself as the official opposition to the Tory government? What ever your political views whatever broadcaster you tune in to, you are forced by law to pay for AliBaba.
Most folk either ignore them or see it as further derangement, and if such things keep them and the BBC remoras covering it like it matters away from anything serious good luck to them.
“Because the Labour party is in such disarray, does AliBaba broadcasting see itself as the official opposition to the Tory government?”
Indeed it does, and certainly has since 2010.
If JC (no, not Jesus Christ) becomes leader of the Labour Party, it will be very interesting to see if the BBC follows to the left or attempts to hold the Guardian line, but as that might involve criticising Labour policy they could get themselves in quite a pickle.
Hot from AliBaba Telly……………
National Health Service paid for by British Tax payers is funding Europeans in Europe .
It really has become an ‘International Health Service’
Time for a swift exit – vote UKIP .
There was a delicious misunderstanding on the BBC Breakfast sofa this am.
Follow this plot carefully – comedy/tragedy, it is worth it
There’s a Dad’s Army remake in the offing and it will be ‘star-studded’ – so expect to see a flurry of luvvies scrambling for the BBC sofas for the tenuous celeb interviews and free plug.
Daniel Mays is the new Private Walker, our lovable cockney spiv, and he turns up to chat with Bill Turnbull and Beaky Nugent this morning.
Bill, the BBC house eunuch, feeds young Daniel a line about posh boy luvvie Dominic Cucumberpatch and his recent travails on stage in Hamlet. Specifically our Bill was referring to an earlier report about young fans bothering the great tv Sherlockian with mobile phone filming whilst he was mid–soliloquy. Bad theatre etiquette, no doubt. ‘To be, or not O2, whether T’is T-Mobiler… ’
Perhaps our Daniel is not used being up this early, anyway he’s reading from a different script today, misses his cue by a mile and starts moaning about a completely different subject: the bad reviews the Young Prince got from the Daily Mail (grrrr) after the show had been seen in preview.
Apparently Hamlet must have been panned by a couple of papers. It’s just not fair to judge the play from the preview says our luvvies trades union in rep. The BBC had told me nothing about bad reviews for their star boy Batch.
What I find so revealing about this admittedly minor misunderstanding is the reflex bad-mouthing of the DM. Think about the mindset. You’re delivered to a BBC studio – they of course they want you to trash the Mail – they mention the Batch so your mind goes 2 + 2 = 5.
The sofa bods tried to carry on as if nothing untoward had happened but there was the distinct odour of an eggy moment left on the broadcast airwaves.
And for the record I share it here. Thank goodness there is a ‘here’
Another very pro-immigrant report by the BBC. Reporter fully accepts his account without question and almost awards him honourary ‘saint status’.
The BBC refuses to deal with the following:
1/ How honest is the illegal immigrant’s account?
2/ What benefits can he bring?
3/ What is his long term benefit to the UK?
4/ Why doesn’t the BBC condemn the criminal act of illegal immigration?
5/ Is there a finite number of illegal immigrants?
The BBC have the view of the Left that all immigration should be allowed without question. It’s totally at odds with the views of the population and also against the Criminal Law.
The bBC (and Sky for that matter) suck up their stories hook line and sinker.
Most Brits used to have a pretty good inbuilt bullshit detector, mamby pamby lefties (‘do gooders’ as my dad used to call them) have taught us not to question anymore, accept at face value, but all to our detriment.
Brits used to take no cr@p, but our new Liberal stance allows is for cultural liars to seriously take advantage, which is exactly what is happening, both those already here (law is often a stranger to them) and those arriving daily.
Only a return to hard British values of the past is going to even begin to sort the problem, socialism is a nations suicidal doctrine.
I have considerable acquaintance with the psychotherapeutic and counselling communities.
Carl Rogers’ classic Person Centred approach to the discipline is based on:
* the prominence of ’empathy’ – the ability to understand and ‘feel’ the world from the emotional standpoint of the client;
* a commitment to ‘unconditional positive regard’ – a refusal to judge someone negatively, (almost) regardless of what they reveal; and
* the skill of ‘immediacy’ – the ability to tap into one’s own feelings and self-insight in a way that helpfully addresses the underlying issues presented by your client’s retelling of his/her experience, especially if they are displaying signs of trauma.
This school of thought has been followed by a good proportion of ‘talking therapists’ since the 1940’s and is still well-regarded either in itself or as part of an ‘integrative’ approach practised in conjunction with other theoretical bases.
My question here is – do you recognise any of these attitudes in the way that the current situation is being treated by those journalists and reporters ‘meeting and greeting’ on the beaches of Kos, or the coast of Italy, or the camp at Calais?
Would you also agree with many members of the therapy profession, that there are serious risks in this approach? Even in a controlled environment. The most serious of which being that you are vulnerable to exploitation by the cynical, the egregious, and the pathologically obnoxious.
In short, you run the risk of becoming a collusive fool, and a complete muppet.
I caught the noon news bulletin on Radio 4 today. We were informed that Network Rail has been fined £2 million for cock-ups at London Bridge and Scotland. What we weren’t told (as part of the BBC Corbyn-love Project in which Corbyn’s aim to re-nationalise the railways is treated as the wisdom of the ages) was that Network Rail is already publicly owned. To be fair the BBC item online does mention this, albeit in the final section. BTW that section gives the reader the benefit of 1. the impartial views of the RMT and nobody else (except the text-book denial of the RMT’s assertions by a Network Rail spokesmen), and 2. the unrelated anti-Conservative BBC Narrative info to the effect that the Midlad Mainline electrification project had been postponed by the government in June. But look on the bright side: at least no-one mentioned global warming.
I have often wondered about the process for administration of these fines, it being a publicly owned entity an’ all.
Is it just a book-keeping entry, you know, shift £2m from that account over there into the Treasury, or do they actually get docked £2m (in this case)?
I have often wondered about the process for administration of these fines, it being a publicly owned entity an’ all.
Is it just a book-keeping entry, you know, shift £2m from that account over there into the Treasury, or do they actually get docked £2m (in this case)?
They have a choice. They can [I]actually[I] pay the fine. Or, get this, use it for improvements to the rail network. Which, considering that’s the reason for their existence, is I’d imagine the favoured option.
It probably comes from the general revenues of Network Rail-the TOCs and the public
It should come from the bonuses and the salaries ( inflated ) of the bosses.
Network Rail is in danger of turning into another BBC.
On another matter it is strange this obsession with electrification amongst the liberal classes. Modern diesel power is really very good indeed and far less expensive.
Watching the Beeb’s report of the 14 year old boy who stabbed his teacher.
Now I appreciate that legal restrictions prevent them from naming him (yes, the law’s an arse) but why not tell us his “racial heritage”?
Seems that such matters are of the utmost importance when letting us know that an unarmed “black” man has been shot by a “white” police officer.
From the looks of the lad’s family he could well be one of those Religion of Peacers, who knows?
As an aside – and it probably makes me a waycist so stop reading now if you’re easily offended – listening to the victim Mr Uzomah making his statement and I could barely make out what he was saying.
And this reading out a pre-prepared scipt. How on Earth does he get his message across to children when teaching in an English school?
Other news sources confirm that the attacker is ‘of Pakistani origin’.
An amusing, if under-reported, aspect of racial intolerance is that Asians in general, and Arabs and Chinese in particular, have long taken the art to far finer levels than the humble white man has ever managed to achieve.
Not religious it was a simple case of Asian racism against Africans.
Judge Durham Hall accepted that the attack was racially motivated and that the boy – from a Pakistani background – could not handle being disciplined by a black man.
Aerfen, True. Asians and Arabs look down on Black Africans. I have seen it in Asia and Africa. What the filthy BBC will never understand is that the least racist people in the world are, probably, the indigenous white British.
There’s racism between Africans and Jamaicans too. Goes back to the days of slavery, for which Jamaicans blame Africans for selling them off to white slave owners. Of course, it’s always the white man who gets blamed for the misery of the slave trade, but the slave trade was well established many hundreds of years before Europeans arrived on the scene.
I live in Gambia and many black West Indians come there on holiday, doing the “Roots” thing. They think they are superior to the indigenous black Africans , who hate them . It is black on black racism and snobbery. Maybe the BBC will do a documentary on it ! LOL !
Spot on Grant, West Indians with the proximity to America and American culture consider themselves richer cooler and more urbane than Africans, a self image which has some measure of truth.
African tribes sold off other enemy tribes and their own ‘delinquents to the traders. The Royal Navy did a lot of work in the 1860s to prevent this happening. Here is ‘part’ of the story ………………………….. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/West_Africa_Squadron
Indeed, and those inferior black tribes were first enslaved by superior black tribes before being sold to the European and American slave traders. Also another slave related fact never reported on the BBC is that slavery was NOT a race issue at the time, it was a human rights issue. There were more white slaves in America than black slaves. many of those were from Ireland. Also, Black slaves were more highly valued than white slaves and cost considerably more to purchase. ledgers from the time show a white slave to cost, on average, about six dollars, whereas a black slave would retail for over 20 dollars. Most slave owners were also careful not to injure their slaves, because it made no economic sense to pay so much for a slave and then injure them so that they could not work. That actually dispels the myth that all slaves were ill-treated. Of course some where, but most were not. The very first slave owner in America was also a black man. He had the law changed (by precedent) when the “slave” he owned was prevented from buying himself out of the slave-owner’s service. Prior to this case, a slave was not “owned”. What we today call slaves, back then were “indentured servants” who had to work to repay the cost of their passage to the new world and could pay for their own freedom, once they had earned the means to do so. Often a slave was “purchased” to perform service for a specific period of time to repay the cost of passage to the new world, after which they were freed to be free men and women. The first american “slave owner” went to court to prevent his own “slave” from gaining his freedom and thus “ownership” of the slave was then invented in America.
That comment is worth repeating here from time to time.
Anyone studying the abolition and suppression of slavery by GB will see that this country should hold its head up high.
The Royal Navy had a go at, it see……………………….
The BBC’s report is crafted to make you think the attacker is White, in accordance with the principle that Only Whites Can Be Racist. I’m reminded of a report some years ago in which it was reported that an Indian restaurant had been firebombed in a ‘racist attack’. At the trial it subsequently emerged that the attackers were Bangladeshi and the restaurant owners were Indian. This is unusual – most ‘Indian’ restaurants (90% plus) are owned by Bangladeshis who in this instance objected to someone else muscling in on their territory. Needless to say, the trial did not receive anywhere near the coverage of the original incident.
This is exactly how the BBC lies by omission. It seems quite deliberate and is a major reason why it is now untrustworthy.
On Sunday AM the religious early morning show carried a segment on the rising number of anti Semitic attacks in Europe. The only other religion mentioned was Christianity and in a very negative sense. – the usual alleged Christian dislike of the Jews as Christ killers. The implication and it was just that was that the Jews were now being targeted by Christians and predominantly Catholics.
Completely dishonest and it is not necessary for me to explain exactly why the attacks on Jews are growing . Think Malmo and Sweden and a certain French Kosher food store.
It is unacceptable for the BBC to put out such blatent rubbish.
‘The stark reminder of differing justice policies north and south of the border comes as Tory ministers in Westminster consider decriminalising those who evade the BBC levy.’
That will buy back the love for the dodgy reporting, eh, Nicola?
The BBC news has been jaw droppingly biased today, to those in the know, but I wonder what effect it has on those who don’t.
One of the funniest items has to be the catastrophic Labour leadership elections, which only goes to prove they aren’t fit to be in charge of anything sharp!
Coming on top of Margaret Beckets admission she is a moron, we have the £3 a vote debacle which has seen everyone from the BNP to the Socialist Workers Party, queuing up to elect Jeremy Corbyn and make Labour unelectable.
It seems that they really are so utterly wholly to the core naïve and clueless, that as well as destroying the country, they’re going to destroy their own party as well.
Listening to the asinine explanations as to why it isn’t an issue to them only serves to reinforce the imminent demise of this hopeless bunch of dreamers and loons.
I signed up and paid £3. Of course I’ll elect J.C (as he is the chosen one) for the sheer joy of it.
Well it was alright for them to “rub the Rights nose in diversity” by manipulating votes. So I don’t feel bad.
Rigorous checks? Balls.
Honestly. Imagine them running a country…oh they did.
I got an email from Caroline Flint yesterday as she’ll be wanting my vote. Believe me it was a shameless exercise in her lining herself up for next Labour leader via the route of deputy with her “prolier than thou” family history.
Anyway, the Labour Party finally did it to themselves. They f@cked themselves over. They’ve had it. Good.
Next the BBC! Who will equally destroy themselves by there own greed, arrogance and contempt for those they should respect and serve.
Turned van radio on dinnertime, jezza vine. Person talking about Jeremy corbyn, saying that he understands and is liked by the working man, and that there is a grassroot support for his policies amongst the working classes. Got in a couple of fatcher digs too. Yup thats right, owen f*****g Jones.
Please leave little Owen alone! Given his usual BBC platform he may well convince some more loonies to vote for Corbyn as Labour leader. Even the idiots in Broadcasting House know Corbyn is unelectable in a General Election. With Corbyn at the helm we can be sure that Labour will not win in 2020, nor will there be a leftist coalition because Labour won’t get anywhere near 200 seats. So BBC, if Corbyn wins you can look forward to at least 10 more years without political cover from Labour. Cameron will be long gone by 2020 and none of his likely successors have his alleged soft spot for the BBC. Technology will be generating ever more competition to the BBC and we might get a government bold enough to stuff the state broadcaster once and for all. A perfect storm for the rotten corporation.
Its looking really good.
Yes, it’s looking good that Labour are imploding, but I can’t be the only one to feel that the bBBC has become much more left-wing since it lost the election. So, we don’t have the loonies running the country, but we have to put up with – and pay for – even more of the endless biased ‘news’ and propaganda. They seem to have decided to adopt the Gramscian approach and try to brainwash us: with the high proportion of impressionable teenagers suporting Corbyn, it looks like the bBBC’s plan is working.
They know that labour are utterly incapable of any form of coherant unified opposition, at least until the new labour leader is elected, so the BBC have kindly offered to take up the mantle of becoming Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition until then.
They did the same after the 2010 election up until Miliband Jnr was elected labour leader too…..
Thinking about it….. They never stopped after he was elected either.
Some might suggest that the BBC lurched leftwards at about December time, as we started the run-up to the election. It went completely overboard between December and about March, and then stabilised for the period April -May (election time) when it was still slightly pro-left (by comparison to the previous quarter)
Since then , it has resumed its Dec-march stance on just about every issue.
I think it’s going further now – I’ve never seen such a blatant, almost reckless, abandonment of any resemblance of professional journalism and news reporting.
“none of his likely successors have his alleged soft spot for the BBC.”
I wouldn’t be so sure about that! Lying Boris seems to share in any policy where he doesn’t actually have to do anything, and Theresa the Appeaser is about as hopeless as a wet rag.
The only way we will get a government bold enough to stop the BBC is if UKIP are elected.
Radio 4 PM today. Half of the programme was given over to three race conflict issues, Bradford UK, Ferguson USA and Sweden ( which I assume will eventually be deemed to be a race conflict incident). Of course these three incidents represent only a tiny fraction of what happens every day around the world due to racial tensions. Doesn’t the BBC and the rest of the liberal left wonder why there are such tensions across the world? Do they think it wise to continue to promote swamping the UK with ever more aliens? Don’t they care about the risks of forcing people from different races/ religions/ traditions to live together unwillingly? Perhaps they think that we in the UK will somehow find a way through the dangers they are creating? But any responsible governing elite would stop the process of mass immigration immediately . Its is of no proven benefit to our country but does certainly represent a massive future threat.
Although labelled quite rightly as a racist crime, the BBC, for some reason, do not reveal the ethnicity of the teenager who committed this horrendous attack. But, the Express have no such reticence: the perpetrator is described as ‘Asian with short dark hair…’
This case is in contrast to the BBC making it VERY clear when a perpetrator of a racist crime is white. This, therefore, will likely lead readers to believe that it was carried out by a white teacher and is therefore irresponsible by the BBC, in my opinion. If a description was revealed for the purpose of helping those searching for his arrest, why did the BBC not use this description as well in its report? I understand names of teenagers cannot be released but it is important that we understand the ethnicity if it was a racist hate crime, surely?
Listening to Five Live and it is so obvious that they are trying to imply that the perp was white.
Some bloke was rolled out to offer an opinion and said words to the effect that the 14 year old simply didn’t like the colour of the teacher’s skin – must have been a racist honky therefore………
The BBC becomes an even greater parody of itself report by ridiculous report.
Thing is you see the BBC massively subscribes to the Jo Brand, Adrian Chiles school of thought that it is impossible for anybody with a dusky complexion to be racist.
Kind of make themselves look like arseholes if an attack clearly motivated by racism was carried out by somebody with such a non-white skin pigmentation.
Misdirection is therefore the name of the game.
I sometimes wonder whether some of the Beeb’s presenters feel embarrassed at the clear agenda they are expected to subscribe to
So i heard about this on the radio and on returning home read some more on the bBC. Yet while the bBC informs you it was a racist attack, they don’t want you to know exactly which religion of peace the racist bigot belongs to.. I mean check out the blurred bubble which covers the entire head area of the arrested young racist. The bBC then reduce the sound level so you don’t hear a thing. Yup got to cover up for the intolerant religion of murder,death Kill (And rape)
So here is the bBC video:
“Maariya Khan 3 hours ago
Erm I’ve spoken to this guy he’s from my area nice lad but what he did was wrong hope he learns his lesson”
Another ‘nice lad’ how many times do we have to hear this crap before people realise that they can be a nice as pie with fellow Muslims, but as murderous as any Al qaeeda militant !
Funny enough I read that this Pakistani thug had a record of violence , even funnier is the school was that Islamic one which was closed down. its name King’s Science Academy, or KSA. which is also the acronym for Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. And the stupid white people of Bradford never saw how Muslims stick 2 fingers up in their faces by trying to be crafty.
How come it`s an eleven year sentence-but only six will be in custody, with the intention of releasing the scumma in three?
How long is the actual sentence?
And seeing as he`s already been in custody during his entitlement to summer holidays…teacher strikes and snow days…as well as all those school holidays to come-surely we`ll be letting the cretin out in two weeks time!
What a circus-let`s hope the teacher prays for him to be let out soon-seems to be the angles from everybody in Liberal Land eh?
6 in detention eh?
No doubt his local imam or mother will already be writing to Theresa May to say why he can not do it as requested-not enough notice, trip to Afghanistan or Syria to do coursework etc…
And 5 on License too-so stabbing a teacher means that you do three years detention tops!
Ooh scary!…could he not be sent to Riyadh for sentence seeing as he committed his offence on Saudi sand…in a sense…
Cue Gareth Peirce!..Phil Shiner?
wrong?…WRONG?….I don`t think so bub!
Bit harsh…disappointing…regrettable….somewhat peremptory intemperate …maybe inappropriate if you were feeling mean…but wrong?
Re-Ed camp for you, you judgementalist….11 years-10 on license…and don`t ye come around here anymore with your rush to judgement.
He`s a Christian-so he`ll be OK with that!
Isn`t it grand being a weasel worded prick like me?
Think you`ll find that “getting” is now spelt as “getin”…according to our Muslim chum who can`t be named for fear it might reveal his faith.
John Sutherland will surely approve of this new funky spelling, and-of course-in its new urban form, will get him extra GCSE marks for his ongoing coursework.
No doubt,the Prison Education Service will be beefed up to enhance his educational prospects-and although his opinion of the supply teacher would APPEAR to be a bit harsh…OFSTED methods may yet turn towards this immediate feedback from covert inspection teams.
(Dunno how this comment ended up here. It was meant as a reply to Alex’s comment at 4:28 pm)
Shortly before ‘liberation’ the South African press did precisely the same thing. Desperately trying to prove it was not racist, the largely-white press would not reveal the colour of black criminals sought by police.
And so the ‘reporting’ became totally ludicrous, since witness reports on black murderers and robbers, etc, could not include the main identifying factor – i.e. the colour – of the perpetrators, in order to facilitate their arrest.
In stark contrast, on the rare occasion that the perpetrators were white, that fact was shouted from the rooftops.
And so SA ‘journalists’ in effect aided and abetted black criminals. I imagine they are still doing it.
The two victims died at the scene, and likely knew each other, but police have no information as to whether the victims knew their attackers, Agren said.
The second suspect – only identified as being born in 1979 – was rushed to the main hospital in Vasteras, 100km west of Stockholm.
Police have not established how he was injured, but became suspicious after officers interviewed witnesses, Agren said.
A younger man, born in 1992, was earlier arrested outside the department store after being identified by witnesses.
If only we could be told the race of the attacker, then we could also be told that he was a “straight-A” student. Instead we are left with the impression that he was from a skinhead background, not at all from the background of the religion of peace where racism is of course non-existent.
Fore shame.
It is funny how all these nice boys and girls suddenly become criminals or migrate to holiday destinations like Yemen, Syria, Iraq etc. It wasn’t like this when I was a teenager in the 60s !
I Heard some of the wearisome and repetitive Komissar Jones on Vine’s show this lunchtime, discussing what a great leader Corbs will make. Thinking about those two un-reconstructed Commies, put me in mind of this limerick by the (unfortunately recently deceased) Anglo-American historian Robert Conquest; who was one of the first to reveal quite how evil the Communist regime of the Soviet Union was, in his book ‘The Great Terror’.
There was a great Marxist named Lenin
Who did two or three million men in.
-That’s a lot to have done in,
But where he did in one
That grand Marxist Stalin did ten in.
I remember the BBC being told that it needs more political diversity. But the race obsessed BBC replied only about a diversity of skin colours at the BBC.
But there is one thing that I would agree with these left-wing morons. That the immigrants in Calais must be more intelligent than any left-wing middle-class white moron employed by the BBC. In fact any Journalist in the media, obsessed with the censorship of free speech.
Because that is the nature of the repressive cultures in Africa, that these people are trying to escape from. Which now includes Socialist France.
But the more immigrants that come hear, the less free speech we have.
Marauding, Swarming and Jap have now been added to Nigger, Wog, Cunt and Paki in only the last few days. So how many more illegal words will be added to the list in the coming days.
At this rate, by the time we become a Black majority Nation. Most White people would be in prison for speech crime.
Britain is on the road to becoming just another typical repressive African Nation, with an inferior “speech crime” culture.
Yes, “swarm” was mentioned again on R4’s Today for the umpteenth time. This sort of obsession must reach a point where you have to ask if it is those complaining about “swarm” who are suffering from some sort of pathology rather than the everyday users of the word. It reminds me of the euphemisms prudish and prurient Victorians invented for various bodily functions. There was always an ambiguity as to whose sensibilities these euphemisms were intended to protect. The conceit of those who pontificate about “dehumanising ” language is that they are free of prejudice, in the same way that many Victorians thought they were free of “base” thoughts or carnality or at least were not as “fallen” as the common herd (oops!). That “swarm” immediately suggested “swarm of locusts” to these people shows how, even after years of painful self censureship, all kinds of troubling thoughts are still bubbling away in their minds. Defecation, lust and prejudice I suspect will be with us for a long time, it is the people who attempt to obscure reality with words who are the real danger.
“in an attempt to confuse, obfuscate with our heads”
Looks like “tough” words, the ever present soundbite,
whats behind the soundbite Camoron? another soundbite?
you “on it” moron … maybe even a erm #hashtag.
and … while the dribblers get enamoured with all that.
Behind the scenes, these grasping crooks are really going for it
fiddling, doctoring the figures what s left to sell off eh!
I heard one really outrageous Samantha double-entendre on one of the shows in the new series of I’s Sorriy I Haven’t a Clue. But yes – the old pattern of one crude and funny Samantha quote per programme seems to have been dropped.
And to think the idiotic hand-wringing BBC are to film a Songs of Praise over there! In fact, what we do need in Calais is thousands of riot police, water canon, tasers, pepper spray, truncheons and bulldozers! We should also have razor wire and electric fences protecting ports and the channel tunnel.
How stupid is this?
Great Britain is invited by Spain to send her ‘stretched’ police to Magaluf and Ibiza to crack down on bad behaviour.
At the same time AliBaba reports Spanish vessels and helicopters were in “clear violation of international law” after entering UK waters in Gibraltar. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-33842868
Time to get out of the EU.
Vote Ukip
Today programme currently ‘discussing’ yesterday’s stabbing verdict and still not broadcasting that the perpetrator was Asian. One contributor spouting off about benefits and immigrants being blamed for everything. Clearly another Al Beeb Leftoid wankfest!
Radio 4 at 8.15 brought in a black school teacher to talk about his experience of ‘racism’ in the classroom.
Of course the angle and assumption was that the perpetrators were all white.
Cue the Socialist Workers Party and their organisation kick it out, and unbelievably we found that the root cause of Racism in the classroom is???
Yep David Cameron & the Tory party !
By using words like ‘swarm’ to describe the hoards of asylumists at Calais apparently gives classroom ‘racists’ the green light to behave as they please.
The whole interview which might have given an insight of someone who had experience of unpleasant kids first hand was lost in a miasma of Socialist dogma.
The EU is causing us lots of problems today – but you wouldn’t really understand the depth and extent of the trouble from BBC news reporting
Milky milky, as Hugh Dennis used to say. Gosh the BBC do love a bit of protest goes viral. Those scrumptious mobile phone shot direct actions go straight to air – hope Daisy the Cow now appearing in Morrisons is less camera shy than that Cucumberpatch posh boy.
Shussh… don’t talk about the EU picking a fight with Putin and the Russkies steamrollering the EU cheese mountain – the BBC sure won’t mention it.
Lending to the poor just for them to be able to pay back the interest on their previous debt – that’s bad, right? That’s wrong, that’s Wonga. Not when it’s the EU kicking the can down road yet again to Athens.
Greece eh? How come they lost it about 2000 years ago? Hot Gates? More like open door as the nice BBC chap wanders down to the beach to meet the Persian hoard and shout ‘Welcome to Europe!’
Perhaps we in the UK could refine our benefits system just a tad to discourage just a bit of our present hyper-immigration?
Look out here comes a bloke with a clip board and a knowing shake of the head – EU rules innit!
A discussion on student racism in schools, hinging on the knife attack on Vincent Uzomah in June. Rendered utterly meaningless and risible by the failure to mention what has been clearly reported elsewhere (eg Independent newspaper), that the knife-wielding student in question was of Pakistani origin, according to the prosecutors in the court case. Discussion thereby veering off at a complete tangent to the actual issue, which is racism between ethnic minorities. Clearly gave the impression that the problem was white racism against foreigners – even brought in the ‘swarm’ as a racist language aside. Par for the course, really, but still depressing to listen to.
It’s as if the BBC assumes people have no access to other new sources, especially online.
Such blatant self-censorship to make reality fit their delusions simply makes things worse, for the actual story and their now shredded professional credibility.
This is so true, because they exist in a bubble they seem to assume that everyone else does too…Sky, for all their faults are running a very strong story, this morning about an imminent terror plot. The BBC seem unwilling to report on potential terror threats, the main story on their web page is about how benefit cuts will hit young Britons…They really are an utter shower.
And brought in a teacher whose experience of racism was that he “smelled of curry”. If that wasn’t a blatant attempt to distract attention from the ethnical origins of the actual perpetrator, I don’t know what would be.
It was far left extremist group the SWP ‘kick it out’ spokes thing who said that. In the interests of balance the BBC should now allow 10 minutes to an extremist group from the other side, such as the BNP or the NF.
Just shows how far left the BBC has gone when extremist groups from one side are considered ‘normal’ and respectable.
The, “no platform … safe space … no offence” agenda in full effect, don t forget this bunch of traitorous conniving crooks, in government now, will be using this to the hilt, especially in the run up to the referendum.
Guido tried to find out how much its self-publicising advert celebrating its own unique role cost the licence payer.
Guess what. “The information you have requested is excluded from the Act because it is held for the purposes of ‘journalism, art or literature.’”
As Guido says – “So the BBC are hiding behind laws made in Strasbourg to prevent the licence fee payer from knowing how much it spent on what is essentially a piece of propaganda. Guido is all for legislation protecting the rights of journalists, this is a clear abuse of that legislation. They just don’t get it…“
You know how when questions on BBC accountability come up, you send out one of your anonymous spokespersons to say how trusted and transparent the BBC is?
Well, the facts of what the BBC does rather belie what the BBC hopes it can claim and these days be believed.
BBC 10 o’ clock news last night reported on the black teacher stabbed by a pupil in a ‘racist’ attack and yet again failed to mention that the perpetrator was, in fact of Pakistani origin, leaving unsuspecting viewers to conclude that he was most likely white.
Compare and contrast with the ‘unarmed black teenager shot dead by a white policeman’ which we heard ad nauseam yesterday and will hear in perpetuity on every anniversary of his death.
By mentioning the skin colour of those carrying out racist attacks only if they are white, the BBC have slyly constructed a national view (for the 70% that rely on the BBC for their news) that only white people commit racist crimes.
This is irresponsible, insidious broadcasting of the lowest order which aligns the BBC with those far left pro-mass immigration, pro-Islam, anti-everything English zealots such as Hope Not Hate and UAF.
The BBC will not ‘ get a grip’ .It is now beyond hope and is fast becoming the new Pravda with the proviso that the Russians were under no illusions as to what they were being told.
The BBC is letting the lie come into our world by omission and this is just as bad as a deliberate lie.
The culture war is intensifying and the BBC has now made it clear that it is on the side of those who wish to impose their views on us solely because they think they have the right to do so as they possess the truth.
But when you look at the chief actors in this drama on the side of the BBC what an inadequate bunch they really are. Not even paper tigers . However they still have the power of the state and it’s ability to repress on their side so beware.
I actually meant somebody outside of the BBC needs to get a grip. They are accountable to nobody as their arrogant and at times logic-defying responses to complaints have proved time and again. ‘Poacher and gamekeeper’ comes to mind when you look at their structure.
Let me offer him some help, from my back of the envelope list; a fully considered one would run into several pages:
1. Lying over the Iraq War; abusing the trust of the British people.
2. Botched constitutional changes: Scotland, Wales, House of Lords
3. Supine attitude to EU.
4. Lack of respect for Parliament and the Monarchy.
5. Beginning process of destruction of marriage.
6. Changing the face of Britain culturally: weakening strong traditional British culture in favour of external dysfunctional and anti-democratic cultures.
7. Promotion of nebulous and absurd concept of “diversity”.
8. Human Rights Act: in practice, a charter for scoundrels and terrorists.
9. Serious interference with freedom of speech.
10. Turning Government into propaganda arm of Labour Party.
11. Freedom of Information Act, hampering efficient work of Government, while letting BBC off the hook.
12. Letting G Brown and E Balls loose on the economy, with their exaggerated sense of their own ability, with devastating consequences in due course.
13. Abuse of charitable sector, turning it into ideological arm of Government.
14. Introduction of petty regulations on all aspects of life – we almost have to get an electrician in to change a light bulb.
15. Politicisation of the Police Force, especially following the ridiculous Macpherson report.
Incidentally, Tony Blair’s election victory was not so stunning bearing in mind that he polled fewer votes than John Major had in 1992 with a majority of only 21. It was more that the Tories lost the election than Labour won it, plus the inherent electoral bias towards Labour.
This same racism in the classroom “debate” was re enacted on the VD show. The real issue of course was scrupulously ignored. Well done BBC.
Had the misfortune to catch a moment of a repeat of HIGTNFY last night. The odious David Mitchell was hosting and made a “joke” about Mark Reckless having had to fireproof his letterbox as a result of having joined UKIP. The “punchline” was that although the letterbox had been fireproofed, the door hadn’t………
Can anybody see a similar joke being made about a left leaning politician?? 4 million UKIP voters cant be wrong!!
Lobster, Mitchell is like a cat who has never been deprived of cream. I doubt if he has done a real day’s work in his life. In my business, I would not employ him to clean the toilets .
Hadn’t realised that firebombing houses of UKIP MPs had become such an acceptable aspect of our democracy – and a humorous aspect at that in the eyes of one of the BBC’s favourite Footsoldiers For The Cause.
Mitchell and Webb – indeed an odious non-comedy duo.
Keep us all informed Rampage, about HIGNFY. Most of us never watch that shite anymore. (nor any other so called comedy dished up by the crappy BBC radio or TV channels)
Ho Hum! … after snivelling around, with sticking plasters and an order of sniffer dogs that even the sniffer dog supplier didn t know about. the bad old EU, the bad old French, eh!.
The erm … “Government” plans to block under 22s from claiming benefits, under the smokescreen of it must do the same with EU migrants … sometimes the EU is so convenient eh!
It’s thought as many as 50,000 British workers will be affected – many of them young parents.
Yep! … The driven spiteful Tory agenda of “race to the bottom” for everyone but themselves continues apace … as they they continue the champagne back slapping for their own, the donators, gets you a job for life in the Lords. £300 a day for turning up
Camoron still wanted 40 new peers after a backlash at his original plans for 100, he wanted to pack it full of supporters to push through laws
That`s what all Government`s do , Blair & Brown, in particular liked their cronies in the Lord`s ,so this is a redress of what they did .I am sure Mr Farage would of done the same .
”gets you a job for life in the Lords. £300 a day for turning up.” Pedo Grevile Janner suffers from alzheimers but he remembers to turn up and collect the money.
•Up to February 2015 (as detailed here) David Cameron’s rate of appointments to the Lords exceeded that of any other Prime Minister since passage of the Life Peerages Act in 1958: 40 per year
•During 2010-15, while the overall number of appointments rose, the number of independent (nonparty) peers appointed fell.
The House of Lords Appointments Commission, which recommends most such peers, depends on the Prime Minister to invite nominations
•Cameron’s biggest perceived problem with ‘overrepresentation’ in the Lords may well be the Liberal Democrats. The party today has 101 peers (representing 18% of all party peers), having recently won just 9% of the general election vote.
But a key factor in any such ‘overrepresentation’ is Cameron’s own prior appointments. During 2010-15 he increased the number of Liberal Democrat peers by 46% (from 72 such members in 2010).
… how many do UKIP get then, for their four million plus voters
how the Tory morons can place 11 more Lib-Dems is beyond me,
40 odd hand picked, there s “a swarm” Wavey Davey …
What s the cost to us for that shower? for the rest of their bloody lives?.
Vote Lib Dem next time then ,they want an elected ,House of Lords , but in about 2 years you will be able to vote to leave the EU , then in 2020 you can vote for Comrade Corbyn , & all those loss of benefit`s, that you go on about, will be restored ,along with mass immigration & the country going bankrupt . Infact there will be power cuts , constant strikes ,run on the pound ,an economic crash, & many winters of discontent , bet you can`t wait .
I caught a slice of “Asian” prevented lifeguards from saving his drowning daughter, he was concerned about any man touching her.
Yet, another Islamic erm “honour”? crime … on phone in,
don t be silly … it was on LBC
Jeremy Vine nailed his colours to the wall early on in the discussion by questioning how anyone can use the term “illegal migrant”. His sneering tone was apparent as he asked “how can it be illegal to breath?”
His so-called expert on immigration terminology (you guessed it – a university academic) repeatedly refused to address the issue of immigrants/migrants being illegal. At one point she descended into farce when asked whether they could be classed as illegal because they hadn’t travelled using the accepted, legal method of showing passports, claiming that they weren’t illegal because they probably did have passports, totally ignoring the fact that their mode of transport to Calais didn’t involve them having to produce them.
She was then asked whether they could be classed as illegal because they hadn’t claimed asylum in the first country they landed in; her response being that for some of them Britain was their first country of landing…….even Jeremy Vine had to comment “not coming from Syria it isn’t”
Why do the BBC continually pay money to “experts” who are nothing but politically correct, guardian-reading, tree-huggers?
Jeremy Vine’s show demonstrates everything that is wrong with the BBC. It is a joke. And so is he.
One older guy did manage to get a dig in about certain terminology suiting the bBC and calling them lefty, to which Vine didn’t really respond, just treating the comment incredulously.
Further to this Geoff.
Mark Mardell on TWATO did speak to some Swedish woman at the scene yesterday-clearly she was very coy about giving any descriptions of the suspects-hence my BBC-led suspicion that this would be race or Islam…probably both, seeing as it`s wonderful Sweden.
Mardell then asked her in “what department of IKEA did they get stabbed?”…bizarro.
It was furniture apparently, maybe Mardell was hoping for knives and cutlery…who knows the pea sized brain of fat BBC groupthink anymore?
Yesterdays TWATO so it was.
Gone all quiet there hasn`t it?…nothing to see or say-mental illness, move along.
ABM…Anything But Muslims.
I’ve been around the web but I can’t find much info on the Ikea attacker. I can find how old (or one of them is) but that’s it. One rumour is …well take a wild guess. I was convinced the teacher stabbing had been made by a white kid, until I looked further than the BBc that is. This piece of bias has even been picked up elsewhere on the net. Meanwhile Black teenager shot by Police, oh did they mention he was firing at the police before they shot him. Well they did eventually. The BBc agenda is in full flow at the moment.
Heard some Channel $ news woman on Womans Hour(where else do liberal mover and shaker girls go before Jon Snow doles out the tampons? at 7) run with the trope that Trump cares about womens periods.
Not an issue to anybody but the Wise Wound wankettes like herself who surely will want to menstruate at restaurant seats opposite the breast feeding gals…all to be celebrated in weirdworld!
Trump may or may not have meant this-who knows, who`s checking?…but next thing we know, there are women on Twitter(NOT worldwide ladies…only a certain caste of gal has access to Twitter) pestering Trump with abuse, menstrual cylces and worse….all because the liberal media choose to trumpet THEIR takes, THEIR perceptions and THEIR clear prejudices.
And the gals who confect, conflate and connive these muffins 16 months before the election see nothing wrong in it?…bit of gossip around the handbags?
Ageist, wiggist and all?….oh, and Hillarys OK as well….well, of course Ms Garvey….and no Monica harassment stuff either, if you don`t mind.
If only we`d fought them over hounding out the wonderful Sarah Palin…these feminazis have got the taste of blood…and want to force Trump and other blokes to get used to the same.
We`re paying for all this-why?
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All kicked off in Fergusson, Missouri again I see. don’t know what the BBC will make of it so i sourced somewhere closer to events.
lets see how much the BBC cover.
I’ve been Googling to try to get an update on the Muslim ’emigrant’ murderers who threw Christians overboard and were jailed in Italy.
Even using key words such as ‘court’ and ‘awaiting trial’ and ‘sentenced’ I can find nothing apart from the original story reported in April.
The lack of media interest in this major story is astonishing – as if journalists across the spectrum have colluded in quietly brushing it under the carpet.
One can only hope that the murderers haven’t been quietly released in order to infiltrate and ‘enrich’ the UK.
(Transferred from the last Open Thread for the attention of my esteemed colleagues.)
It’s very instructive which stories disappear from sight and which get relentlessly exhumed.
‘It’s very instructive which stories disappear from sight and which get relentlessly exhumed.’
…or get quietly morphed into soap stories bypassing much else…
I also still wonder what happened to the case of that poor Saudi student who was murdered…. and after a brief flare up all wet dark.
Quite right TT, I wonder if Songs of Praise will include a prayer for those fellow Christians drowned by Muslims, some of whom may be residing in “The Jungle” (near to where they will be recording the programmed) en route here.
Using the wonders of the Internet, I translated the search to Italian, using key words like ‘awaiting trial’ and ‘released without trial’ and got a few results from Italian publications (but nothing after April). Here’s one result:
As reconstructed according to the testimonies of other refugees on the boat, a fight would break out for religious reasons and Muslims have overcome the Christians and have them thrown overboard. The police would yield ‘ statements ‘, consistent we learn from judicial sources, and there would also be some photographic awards of suspects. A report was delivered this morning to the Prosecutor Maurizio Scalia added. The Prosecutor now has 48 hours to get the validation of arrest [My emphasis]. The 15 detained belong to one of three groups of refugees landed yesterday in Palermo with three different ships that rescued them in the Strait of Sicily.
There can only be one explanation here: the Italian authorities have clamped down on any info related to this case. and it really does seem that the 48 hours came and went without the ‘validation’ and these murderous thugs are now roaming free in Italy or elsewhere in Europe plotting more atrocities against the infidels. Well, hopefully I’m wrong and they are sitting in an overcrowded cell awaiting trial. But if so, why no info on that?
And what does Cameron intend to do about the Muslim invasion? I live in hope that one day the British public will elect a government with a spine.
BBC reporting that the government has announced that those employing illegal immigrants will ‘feel the full force of the law’. They will be visiting building sites, care homes & cleaning firms, will be given visits by investigating officers.
What a shame they won’t be visiting those places which most often employ these people. Take aways and the rag trade.
Perhaps it’s because we all know the majority ethnic origin of the people who own those business, and although plenty of illegal migrants are found working there, the owners always seem to be given the lowest fine possible £50 per illegal worker.
Every time there are arrests, the media quote ‘could be facing fines as high as’ and some eye watering figure which could never in practice be levied.
They should raid taxi firms too.
BBC Twit James Reynolds ” Hello, Welcome to Europe, you’ve made it,” to a boat load of invaders, I’m amazed he didn’t roll a red carpet for them. The only sensible person is the Greek woman, ” Why aren’t you remaining in your own country ?”
That’s ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS already CRIMINAL through supporting ILLEGAL CRIMINAL enterprises to get there.
I hope that absolute prick from the BBC, giving further incentive, to those considering the same … is going to forfeit his house, his wages and his cushy BEEBOT life to finance them because if not
… he should be stripped of his passport and dumped of the coast of Italy till he comes to his senses
It’s pretty clear after watching that just where the bBCs stance is on the migrant situation.
The ‘reporter’ comes over as a wet fart clearly displaying his own prejudice to the situtaion, giving no background and not interviewing the real locals, apart from some lefty teacher who of course is happy to let them flood in. The guy is watching illegal activity taking place, where is his sense of duty? Doors he inform the authority’s?
I’d really like to ask these bBC types when exactly enough will enough.
When they move in next to them. Which should be encouraged.
From another thread but more germane here – I heard on Today that amongst the putative asylum seekers were Nigerians fleeing from Boko Haram. Strange that they would prefer to walk across the Sahara, swim across the Med, walk across Europe and through a railway tunnel rather than get the bus to Abuja or Lagos. Strange also that no-one at the Beeb asked why not
James Reynolds? They must have done a really good job on him when he was allegedly growing up. No doubt he sees himself as a courageous seeker of truth rather than what he is – yet another cloned leftie with typical tunnel vision.
This takes me back to the Israel-Hezbollah war in 2006. I believe it was Reynolds who introduced one of his ‘reports’ with:
Staring down the barrel of an Israeli tank
Words fail me.
If I had been the tank commander, my trigger finger may have been itchy !
Radio 4, this morning at 7.55, the weather report includes reference to the “Hottest” day ever recorded in the U.K. was on this day in 2003. Why? It also transpires that the thermometer that recorded that temperature was, on that day, an automatic one which has now been shown to be transmitting faulty data throughout that day with long spells of no data being transmitted. The station also did not meet the Met Office’s own measuring criteria. But hey, who is to question what the “data” told us?
Now, here we are almost half way through August and remember it was the Met Office that had warned us that this August was going to be the “hottest ever”. That ain’t going to happen guys. So as a drop of cold comfort for some, they have turned the clock back to 2003 to get into our heads the saying “hottest ever”. Did someone at the Met Office work for the German war effort in the 2nd World War or are they all deluded at the Met Office and the BBC?
Oh, and if the BBC and Met Office missed it, we had a frost on Dartmoor on Friday morning. “Coldest Eva” anyone?
No doubt like the rest of us in Devon you are enjoying the hours of torrential rain this morning. The hottest ever records are usually going to be found in the South East and the coldest ever probably Scotland. The way these dire predictions are presented gives the impression that the country as a whole is affected by the Climate Change gospel based on regional data. There is a saying ‘the weather always pays its debts’…the garden at least today is loving it.
Yes it was in Faversham , must of been near good old Sheps Brewery , where I am going on a Brewery trip next month . Everyone will be Hideously White , & none of the Calais invaders will like English real ale.
If I was a Syrian refugee, I’d go to the nearest adjacent country with a culture I could identify with, Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon for example, likewise if I was Sudanese or Eritrean I’d migrate to Egypt or Yemen, but they all seem to target Europe like an Exocet missile.
Has the question yet been asked of those arriving in Greece “Why didn’t you stay in Turkey with fellow Muslims and apply for asylum there”?
And not just in Greece . . AFAIAA the question has rarely been asked by a journalist from our leading national broadcaster, or, where it has been posed (always diffidently and with enormous respect!) the answer – whatever it is – is left steaming at the side of the road and not followed up by whatever cub reporter is on duty. BTW, on a tangential matter, Corbyn’s views on immigration in general and the Calais crisis in particular (AFAIAA, it’s “let ’em all in”) has never been highlighted in any BBC commentary on Corbyn’s ascension to the Labour Party throne. Is it possible the BBC has an agenda here?
Perhaps because they aren’t Muslims, but Yazidis and regarded as heretics, and we all know what happens to heretics in the Religion of peace!
Most Middle Eastern Muslim countries are not signatories to the asylum treaty and will not accept refugees.
And they are predominantly muslims. There are over 50 muslim countries to choose from but they come to Europe, which is still primarily a Christian continent. Why do that if islam is so wonderful?
Because they all know, the whole Muslim world knows, via the BBC, that in Europe Muslims area privileged group that is protected by the liberal left establishments who run virtually all European countries. They may also be under the impression ,again from the BBC, that we Brits actually want them here.
Problem for Syrians is that Lebanon & Jordan are jam full of refugees from guess where . . .
. . . yes, Iraq.
BTW, the last countries that we need destabilised, pushed over the edge at present are . . .
. . . Lebanon & Jordan.
“Whether it’s legal, or in this case, of course, it was illegal – it’s certainly unregulated”
Do we detect a wistful note in Bill Turnbull’s comment here? We know the BBC house attitude to drugs comes close to legalise it, we’ll advertise it, man. We can be sure many on the payroll of our national broadcaster would dearly like to see a ministry of fun measuring regulating supervising and overseeing – just so long as the goodies get passed around.
The point of the item on BBC Breakfast this morning was to tell the story of a dead youngster and his mate who recovered from a coma after ‘Taking what they thought was Ecstacy at a festival’
It would be a good idea to warn youngsters about the dangers of drug taking, but given the BBC’s inherent equivocation on the issue the power of the’ just say no’ message is lost when you know there’s always a ‘but some people say’ lurking in the BBC back room.
BBC News Website:-
“”What Do You Do With Old Nuclear Power Stations?””
No mention of course of the benefits of very cheap energy. Just an article that is as negative as possible. Similar to the BBC’s reports on ‘an aging population’.
“”Ageing nuclear power stations are found around the world, most holding radioactive waste. When they were first built, no one gave much thought to what would happen at the end of their useful lives. But because the radioactivity in the waste is dangerous and can cause cancer, you can’t just demolish a nuclear power station””.
What do we do with old Beeboids ?
Treat them as toxic waste.
‘What do we do with old Beeboids ?’
Depends on who ‘you’ are, but if a licence fee payer, even a struggling student or pensioner, you are keeping the likes of Byford, Botney, etc in multi-million pension pots for eternity (or what seems it in the case of big Al).
O/T, unless someone has seen/heard it covered on the BBC (it would be an opportunity too good for them to miss, with the usual appearance from Jo Brand explaining why ‘Jap’ is one of the most odious racist terms imaginable, and should never be compared with ‘Brit’, ‘Pom’. ‘Aussie’ or ‘Yank’).
Jamie Vardy, Leicester’s England striker, has apologised after he was embroiled in a racist row when video footage emerged of him appearing to abuse a fellow gambler at a casino with the words “Yo Jap, walk on”.
Leicester City have promised a full investigation into the incident.
Kick It Out, the anti-racism group, said it had “cast a shadow” over the start of the football season.”
The newspaper article actually referred to it as ‘racist abuse’.
Have we lost all sense of perspective?
“Yo Blair!” anyone??
That was not racist, it was Blairist.
I believe it would be insulting and racist to call someone a Jap if they are not Japanese.
Unless they are Dutch and the J is pronounced, Spanish style … 😉
A Dutch J is pronounced like an English Y, not like a Spanish J. Are you confusing it with the guttural Dutch G?
Think I have heard Yap and a Yappy (more Yarpy, actually) Yoop used for Dutch names. Do I recall correctly that the amount of G, Gh-hu or bronchal phlegm depends upon how close you have been born & brought up to the Belgian border?
I was stationed in Maastricht with the Brit Army (AFCENT) where the G is a hard G as in English. That’s in the far south (Limburg). I believe that the Vlaams (Flemish) also use the hard G but these days, I tend to visit the Randstad so the guttural G is necessary.
Language & pronunciation may, of course, change over time. Over many years. And some Dutch seem to have their own versions. Differences noted were over a Beeb favourite: Vincent van Gogh. Go, Hoghk, Gough & Goh have all been heard.
Since then, however, I recall our dear old Beeb getting in a right old mess over Louis van Gaal in the space of a year. Another four or five versions there. Can you offer some help please?
BBC newsreaders call Peking Beijing and Bombay Mumbai yet they don’t pronounce Paris Paree or Rome Roma. How ever you say Vincent Van Gogh, I don’t like his paintings, I think he used a trowel instead of a paintbrush !
The G is pronounces a bit like the CH in the Scottish “Loch” so Van Gogh comes out as, roughly, “fan choch”.
BTW, the T in Dick Advocaat is not a silent T as many Brits bizarrely think.
If someone of, say, Eastern origin mistakenly called me ‘Paddy’ or ‘Jock’ I might be mildly offended but more likely than not I’d find it funny.
But racial abuse? Dear me.
And even Taff !
When I was a lad my mum taught me : ‘sticks and stones will break my bones, but names will never hurt me’
Perhaps AliBaba telly might adopt that as a motto ?
Perhaps not, they don’t do comedy.
So that’s what he said. Reading the BBC’s version, you’d think it was a state secret. What’s the point in a news story about something they’re not prepared to explain? If it had been a word to properly get worked up over, they’d have asterisked it out. Like n****r. But if they’d said J*p, people would have had no idea, or might have realised what a storm in a teacup it was. So they said nothing, and effectively convicted him in the public mind without presenting evidence.
All sense of perspective has indeed been lost.
Must be why Jap Desserts have vanished from the sweet shop.
But Japanned Screws , still available at B&Q!
I see that Jeremy Vine has announced that he will be a contestant in the next series of Strictly.
So typical of this guy. Cannot wait for the announcement to be made officially, must do it himself- he really is so self-obsessed.
I recall sitting next to him at his first-wife’s desk in the bank in which she used to work whilst he rang everyone he knew to tell them what a wonderful job he’d done on Newsnight the night before (this was before he went off to be the BBC South Africa correspondent).
Strictly really has become a series to remind myself to miss, especially if both he and the odious Chiles are on it together.
Hope Adam Curtis sues the BBC over its “Storyville” programme on Nuclear Threat or Promise last night.
Only Promise I saw was the one to keep showing us Bikini Atoll, and Hiroshima victims until we shut the nuclear plants down.
I was once a CND oaf like the best of `em-but have been to northern France where it seems to be working well…no urge to frack, no hooks in the mouth from the Saudis unless they choose it.
Unlike us and our mad eco nuts like Harrabin and Monbiot, Stern and Miliband.
The programme was pure Curtis agitprop-the journalism of attachment yet again…fair enough, if a health warning preceds the showing.
But no-all you good good people will doubtless agree, so this is reality for you-as we the BBC want you to live it.
Shameless biased propaganda-artful, but dishonest, given the title.
I expect nothing less anymore…Atomkraft-nein wankers!
Like The Great British Box Tick, ‘Strictly’ will be stuffed with right on types, plenty of diversity and the winner will be someone from a soap who surprise surprise has at some time in their past had pro dance training. Wasn’t there talk of a same sex couple this year?
Another case of the bBC making their own headlines, this program has seriously jumped the shark and is incredibly boring to most, with a 100% female presentation team and a 50% gay judging panel and just one straight male.
For balance, the program needs an un PC male presenter, I nominate Jim Davidson…..
In essence the product is a complete and utter waste of licence payers money designed to chase ratings failing ratings, something the bBC doesn’t need to do.
Can I nominate Roy (Chubby) Brown? I think he would go down well ….. or not, as the case may be.
Ali Baba Radio Wales this morning discussing the newspapers, wheel on some Aussie sounding ‘Uni’ lecturer of a mickey mouse subject, who is favour of J Corbyn for Labour leader, doesn’t like the term of ‘marauding’ immigrants in Calais used by the foreign secretary.
Marauding or swarming, who cares, they are illegally breaking into our country. ‘Invaders’ is a more applicable term.
Because the Labour party is in such disarray, does AliBaba broadcasting see itself as the official opposition to the Tory government? What ever your political views whatever broadcaster you tune in to, you are forced by law to pay for AliBaba.
”doesn’t like the term of ‘marauding.” Well, they’re marauding in Italy. Would she prefer running amok ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fX73ggsMNEI#t=28
I’m cool with this.
Most folk either ignore them or see it as further derangement, and if such things keep them and the BBC remoras covering it like it matters away from anything serious good luck to them.
“Because the Labour party is in such disarray, does AliBaba broadcasting see itself as the official opposition to the Tory government?”
Indeed it does, and certainly has since 2010.
If JC (no, not Jesus Christ) becomes leader of the Labour Party, it will be very interesting to see if the BBC follows to the left or attempts to hold the Guardian line, but as that might involve criticising Labour policy they could get themselves in quite a pickle.
Hot from AliBaba Telly……………
National Health Service paid for by British Tax payers is funding Europeans in Europe .
It really has become an ‘International Health Service’
Time for a swift exit – vote UKIP .
Luvvies venting their spleen at cross-purposes
There was a delicious misunderstanding on the BBC Breakfast sofa this am.
Follow this plot carefully – comedy/tragedy, it is worth it
There’s a Dad’s Army remake in the offing and it will be ‘star-studded’ – so expect to see a flurry of luvvies scrambling for the BBC sofas for the tenuous celeb interviews and free plug.
Daniel Mays is the new Private Walker, our lovable cockney spiv, and he turns up to chat with Bill Turnbull and Beaky Nugent this morning.
Bill, the BBC house eunuch, feeds young Daniel a line about posh boy luvvie Dominic Cucumberpatch and his recent travails on stage in Hamlet. Specifically our Bill was referring to an earlier report about young fans bothering the great tv Sherlockian with mobile phone filming whilst he was mid–soliloquy. Bad theatre etiquette, no doubt. ‘To be, or not O2, whether T’is T-Mobiler… ’
Perhaps our Daniel is not used being up this early, anyway he’s reading from a different script today, misses his cue by a mile and starts moaning about a completely different subject: the bad reviews the Young Prince got from the Daily Mail (grrrr) after the show had been seen in preview.
Apparently Hamlet must have been panned by a couple of papers. It’s just not fair to judge the play from the preview says our luvvies trades union in rep. The BBC had told me nothing about bad reviews for their star boy Batch.
What I find so revealing about this admittedly minor misunderstanding is the reflex bad-mouthing of the DM. Think about the mindset. You’re delivered to a BBC studio – they of course they want you to trash the Mail – they mention the Batch so your mind goes 2 + 2 = 5.
The sofa bods tried to carry on as if nothing untoward had happened but there was the distinct odour of an eggy moment left on the broadcast airwaves.
And for the record I share it here. Thank goodness there is a ‘here’
Why is every utterance of The Cumberbatch treated by the BBC as so f*cking important.
I await “Cumberbatch breaks wind on stage” next.
It’s another example of life in the metropolitan north London bubble. Incomprehensible to normal people.
Sir Arthur, what I find so sad is that they don’t have anything more important to talk about.
Oh, you missed it, then?
Such a shame – the Earth positively moved (or at least the arras flapped a bit).
BBC News Website:-
“”A Syrian refugee seeks asylum in Nottingham””
Another very pro-immigrant report by the BBC. Reporter fully accepts his account without question and almost awards him honourary ‘saint status’.
The BBC refuses to deal with the following:
1/ How honest is the illegal immigrant’s account?
2/ What benefits can he bring?
3/ What is his long term benefit to the UK?
4/ Why doesn’t the BBC condemn the criminal act of illegal immigration?
5/ Is there a finite number of illegal immigrants?
The BBC have the view of the Left that all immigration should be allowed without question. It’s totally at odds with the views of the population and also against the Criminal Law.
BBC Bias. There you have it.
I think the answers to your questions are:
1 – Probably lying through his teeth
2 – None
3 – F**k all
4 – Ticks far too many boxes
5 – No
The bBC (and Sky for that matter) suck up their stories hook line and sinker.
Most Brits used to have a pretty good inbuilt bullshit detector, mamby pamby lefties (‘do gooders’ as my dad used to call them) have taught us not to question anymore, accept at face value, but all to our detriment.
Brits used to take no cr@p, but our new Liberal stance allows is for cultural liars to seriously take advantage, which is exactly what is happening, both those already here (law is often a stranger to them) and those arriving daily.
Only a return to hard British values of the past is going to even begin to sort the problem, socialism is a nations suicidal doctrine.
Please excuse if I seem to wander here:
I have considerable acquaintance with the psychotherapeutic and counselling communities.
Carl Rogers’ classic Person Centred approach to the discipline is based on:
* the prominence of ’empathy’ – the ability to understand and ‘feel’ the world from the emotional standpoint of the client;
* a commitment to ‘unconditional positive regard’ – a refusal to judge someone negatively, (almost) regardless of what they reveal; and
* the skill of ‘immediacy’ – the ability to tap into one’s own feelings and self-insight in a way that helpfully addresses the underlying issues presented by your client’s retelling of his/her experience, especially if they are displaying signs of trauma.
This school of thought has been followed by a good proportion of ‘talking therapists’ since the 1940’s and is still well-regarded either in itself or as part of an ‘integrative’ approach practised in conjunction with other theoretical bases.
My question here is – do you recognise any of these attitudes in the way that the current situation is being treated by those journalists and reporters ‘meeting and greeting’ on the beaches of Kos, or the coast of Italy, or the camp at Calais?
Would you also agree with many members of the therapy profession, that there are serious risks in this approach? Even in a controlled environment. The most serious of which being that you are vulnerable to exploitation by the cynical, the egregious, and the pathologically obnoxious.
In short, you run the risk of becoming a collusive fool, and a complete muppet.
I’d put it slightputmore simplistically ‘In short, you run the risk of being erradicated’ ?
That might well follow. Sometimes, the fall through the air is as interesting as the noise of the impact.
I caught the noon news bulletin on Radio 4 today. We were informed that Network Rail has been fined £2 million for cock-ups at London Bridge and Scotland. What we weren’t told (as part of the BBC Corbyn-love Project in which Corbyn’s aim to re-nationalise the railways is treated as the wisdom of the ages) was that Network Rail is already publicly owned. To be fair the BBC item online does mention this, albeit in the final section. BTW that section gives the reader the benefit of 1. the impartial views of the RMT and nobody else (except the text-book denial of the RMT’s assertions by a Network Rail spokesmen), and 2. the unrelated anti-Conservative BBC Narrative info to the effect that the Midlad Mainline electrification project had been postponed by the government in June. But look on the bright side: at least no-one mentioned global warming.
I have often wondered about the process for administration of these fines, it being a publicly owned entity an’ all.
Is it just a book-keeping entry, you know, shift £2m from that account over there into the Treasury, or do they actually get docked £2m (in this case)?
Anyone know?
I have often wondered about the process for administration of these fines, it being a publicly owned entity an’ all.
Is it just a book-keeping entry, you know, shift £2m from that account over there into the Treasury, or do they actually get docked £2m (in this case)?
Anyone know?
They have a choice. They can [I]actually[I] pay the fine. Or, get this, use it for improvements to the rail network. Which, considering that’s the reason for their existence, is I’d imagine the favoured option.
Any wizards know how to ‘do’ italics on here.
With your text in between.
Ta Roland. 😉
It probably comes from the general revenues of Network Rail-the TOCs and the public
It should come from the bonuses and the salaries ( inflated ) of the bosses.
Network Rail is in danger of turning into another BBC.
On another matter it is strange this obsession with electrification amongst the liberal classes. Modern diesel power is really very good indeed and far less expensive.
Watching the Beeb’s report of the 14 year old boy who stabbed his teacher.
Now I appreciate that legal restrictions prevent them from naming him (yes, the law’s an arse) but why not tell us his “racial heritage”?
Seems that such matters are of the utmost importance when letting us know that an unarmed “black” man has been shot by a “white” police officer.
From the looks of the lad’s family he could well be one of those Religion of Peacers, who knows?
As an aside – and it probably makes me a waycist so stop reading now if you’re easily offended – listening to the victim Mr Uzomah making his statement and I could barely make out what he was saying.
And this reading out a pre-prepared scipt. How on Earth does he get his message across to children when teaching in an English school?
The mistake you make there is the assumption that these children he is teaching in an ‘English’ school are actually ‘English’
Regardless, he probably has 3 or more interpreters just to make sure his teachings are all inclusive!
Yeah, fair points Geoff
Other news sources confirm that the attacker is ‘of Pakistani origin’.
An amusing, if under-reported, aspect of racial intolerance is that Asians in general, and Arabs and Chinese in particular, have long taken the art to far finer levels than the humble white man has ever managed to achieve.
“Of Pakistani origin”? What, in Bradford? I never saw that one coming.
Muslim on Christian attack then?
Was there a religious motive? BBC journos getting paid lots to ask no questions these days.
Not religious it was a simple case of Asian racism against Africans.
Judge Durham Hall accepted that the attack was racially motivated and that the boy – from a Pakistani background – could not handle being disciplined by a black man.
Aerfen, True. Asians and Arabs look down on Black Africans. I have seen it in Asia and Africa. What the filthy BBC will never understand is that the least racist people in the world are, probably, the indigenous white British.
There’s racism between Africans and Jamaicans too. Goes back to the days of slavery, for which Jamaicans blame Africans for selling them off to white slave owners. Of course, it’s always the white man who gets blamed for the misery of the slave trade, but the slave trade was well established many hundreds of years before Europeans arrived on the scene.
I live in Gambia and many black West Indians come there on holiday, doing the “Roots” thing. They think they are superior to the indigenous black Africans , who hate them . It is black on black racism and snobbery. Maybe the BBC will do a documentary on it ! LOL !
Who do you think sold off all their ancestors to the slave traders?
Spot on Grant, West Indians with the proximity to America and American culture consider themselves richer cooler and more urbane than Africans, a self image which has some measure of truth.
Surely the ‘entrepreneurs’ were the ones that did the catching and the selling; the ‘runts’ of the litter were the ones that got caught and sold.
But now it is ‘cool’ to be of slave stock, just as Australians revel in having criminal antecedents.
Or are we all seeking detachment from ‘original sin’?
African tribes sold off other enemy tribes and their own ‘delinquents to the traders. The Royal Navy did a lot of work in the 1860s to prevent this happening. Here is ‘part’ of the story …………………………..
Suspect it may be more that West indians a racially mixed people are lighter skinned and better looking typically.
Indeed, and those inferior black tribes were first enslaved by superior black tribes before being sold to the European and American slave traders. Also another slave related fact never reported on the BBC is that slavery was NOT a race issue at the time, it was a human rights issue. There were more white slaves in America than black slaves. many of those were from Ireland. Also, Black slaves were more highly valued than white slaves and cost considerably more to purchase. ledgers from the time show a white slave to cost, on average, about six dollars, whereas a black slave would retail for over 20 dollars. Most slave owners were also careful not to injure their slaves, because it made no economic sense to pay so much for a slave and then injure them so that they could not work. That actually dispels the myth that all slaves were ill-treated. Of course some where, but most were not. The very first slave owner in America was also a black man. He had the law changed (by precedent) when the “slave” he owned was prevented from buying himself out of the slave-owner’s service. Prior to this case, a slave was not “owned”. What we today call slaves, back then were “indentured servants” who had to work to repay the cost of their passage to the new world and could pay for their own freedom, once they had earned the means to do so. Often a slave was “purchased” to perform service for a specific period of time to repay the cost of passage to the new world, after which they were freed to be free men and women. The first american “slave owner” went to court to prevent his own “slave” from gaining his freedom and thus “ownership” of the slave was then invented in America.
That comment is worth repeating here from time to time.
Anyone studying the abolition and suppression of slavery by GB will see that this country should hold its head up high.
The Royal Navy had a go at, it see……………………….
The BBC’s report is crafted to make you think the attacker is White, in accordance with the principle that Only Whites Can Be Racist. I’m reminded of a report some years ago in which it was reported that an Indian restaurant had been firebombed in a ‘racist attack’. At the trial it subsequently emerged that the attackers were Bangladeshi and the restaurant owners were Indian. This is unusual – most ‘Indian’ restaurants (90% plus) are owned by Bangladeshis who in this instance objected to someone else muscling in on their territory. Needless to say, the trial did not receive anywhere near the coverage of the original incident.
This is exactly how the BBC lies by omission. It seems quite deliberate and is a major reason why it is now untrustworthy.
On Sunday AM the religious early morning show carried a segment on the rising number of anti Semitic attacks in Europe. The only other religion mentioned was Christianity and in a very negative sense. – the usual alleged Christian dislike of the Jews as Christ killers. The implication and it was just that was that the Jews were now being targeted by Christians and predominantly Catholics.
Completely dishonest and it is not necessary for me to explain exactly why the attacks on Jews are growing . Think Malmo and Sweden and a certain French Kosher food store.
It is unacceptable for the BBC to put out such blatent rubbish.
What are the ‘so called’ Trustees doing for their money ?
Do they actually watch television?
Seems the BBC has been largely taken over by Muslims, and with little or no resistance from the traditionalists.
Meanwhile, North of the border…
‘The stark reminder of differing justice policies north and south of the border comes as Tory ministers in Westminster consider decriminalising those who evade the BBC levy.’
That will buy back the love for the dodgy reporting, eh, Nicola?
“Britain is the only state in the world where TV licence non-payment is criminalised.”
BBC aint so liberal after all. Shocker!
The BBC news has been jaw droppingly biased today, to those in the know, but I wonder what effect it has on those who don’t.
One of the funniest items has to be the catastrophic Labour leadership elections, which only goes to prove they aren’t fit to be in charge of anything sharp!
Coming on top of Margaret Beckets admission she is a moron, we have the £3 a vote debacle which has seen everyone from the BNP to the Socialist Workers Party, queuing up to elect Jeremy Corbyn and make Labour unelectable.
It seems that they really are so utterly wholly to the core naïve and clueless, that as well as destroying the country, they’re going to destroy their own party as well.
Listening to the asinine explanations as to why it isn’t an issue to them only serves to reinforce the imminent demise of this hopeless bunch of dreamers and loons.
If you’re ex-forces it’s only £1…..,,, guess what…..come on Jeremy. Him indoors and myself have signed up and are ready to vote.
I signed up and paid £3. Of course I’ll elect J.C (as he is the chosen one) for the sheer joy of it.
Well it was alright for them to “rub the Rights nose in diversity” by manipulating votes. So I don’t feel bad.
Rigorous checks? Balls.
Honestly. Imagine them running a country…oh they did.
I got an email from Caroline Flint yesterday as she’ll be wanting my vote. Believe me it was a shameless exercise in her lining herself up for next Labour leader via the route of deputy with her “prolier than thou” family history.
Anyway, the Labour Party finally did it to themselves. They f@cked themselves over. They’ve had it. Good.
Next the BBC! Who will equally destroy themselves by there own greed, arrogance and contempt for those they should respect and serve.
Turned van radio on dinnertime, jezza vine. Person talking about Jeremy corbyn, saying that he understands and is liked by the working man, and that there is a grassroot support for his policies amongst the working classes. Got in a couple of fatcher digs too. Yup thats right, owen f*****g Jones.
Please leave little Owen alone! Given his usual BBC platform he may well convince some more loonies to vote for Corbyn as Labour leader. Even the idiots in Broadcasting House know Corbyn is unelectable in a General Election. With Corbyn at the helm we can be sure that Labour will not win in 2020, nor will there be a leftist coalition because Labour won’t get anywhere near 200 seats. So BBC, if Corbyn wins you can look forward to at least 10 more years without political cover from Labour. Cameron will be long gone by 2020 and none of his likely successors have his alleged soft spot for the BBC. Technology will be generating ever more competition to the BBC and we might get a government bold enough to stuff the state broadcaster once and for all. A perfect storm for the rotten corporation.
Its looking really good.
Yes, it’s looking good that Labour are imploding, but I can’t be the only one to feel that the bBBC has become much more left-wing since it lost the election. So, we don’t have the loonies running the country, but we have to put up with – and pay for – even more of the endless biased ‘news’ and propaganda. They seem to have decided to adopt the Gramscian approach and try to brainwash us: with the high proportion of impressionable teenagers suporting Corbyn, it looks like the bBBC’s plan is working.
You’re not. They’ve certainly become more brazen.
They know that labour are utterly incapable of any form of coherant unified opposition, at least until the new labour leader is elected, so the BBC have kindly offered to take up the mantle of becoming Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition until then.
They did the same after the 2010 election up until Miliband Jnr was elected labour leader too…..
Thinking about it….. They never stopped after he was elected either.
Some might suggest that the BBC lurched leftwards at about December time, as we started the run-up to the election. It went completely overboard between December and about March, and then stabilised for the period April -May (election time) when it was still slightly pro-left (by comparison to the previous quarter)
Since then , it has resumed its Dec-march stance on just about every issue.
I think it’s going further now – I’ve never seen such a blatant, almost reckless, abandonment of any resemblance of professional journalism and news reporting.
Positively swivel-eyed in fact.
“none of his likely successors have his alleged soft spot for the BBC.”
I wouldn’t be so sure about that! Lying Boris seems to share in any policy where he doesn’t actually have to do anything, and Theresa the Appeaser is about as hopeless as a wet rag.
The only way we will get a government bold enough to stop the BBC is if UKIP are elected.
Bit of a mistake there from Jones. O because he was listed as a dinner monitor today. I can see a detention looming!
Radio 4 PM today. Half of the programme was given over to three race conflict issues, Bradford UK, Ferguson USA and Sweden ( which I assume will eventually be deemed to be a race conflict incident). Of course these three incidents represent only a tiny fraction of what happens every day around the world due to racial tensions. Doesn’t the BBC and the rest of the liberal left wonder why there are such tensions across the world? Do they think it wise to continue to promote swamping the UK with ever more aliens? Don’t they care about the risks of forcing people from different races/ religions/ traditions to live together unwillingly? Perhaps they think that we in the UK will somehow find a way through the dangers they are creating? But any responsible governing elite would stop the process of mass immigration immediately . Its is of no proven benefit to our country but does certainly represent a massive future threat.
Think you’ll find everything is the fault of intolerant, hideously white people.
What, this Owen Jones?
And pictured here with his carer:
I thought I had seen him before with Jo ‘Bland’.
Well spotted johnnythefish.
Poor old Eccles will be mortally offended by the comparison!
Owen Jones…who lives in that bastion of the working class…Islington.
Although labelled quite rightly as a racist crime, the BBC, for some reason, do not reveal the ethnicity of the teenager who committed this horrendous attack. But, the Express have no such reticence: the perpetrator is described as ‘Asian with short dark hair…’
This case is in contrast to the BBC making it VERY clear when a perpetrator of a racist crime is white. This, therefore, will likely lead readers to believe that it was carried out by a white teacher and is therefore irresponsible by the BBC, in my opinion. If a description was revealed for the purpose of helping those searching for his arrest, why did the BBC not use this description as well in its report? I understand names of teenagers cannot be released but it is important that we understand the ethnicity if it was a racist hate crime, surely?
*sorry, I meant ‘white perpetrator’ not ‘teacher’.
Here is the BBC’s report:
Even Left-wing Sky News bring themselves to report that he was from ‘from a Pakistani background’:
Listening to Five Live and it is so obvious that they are trying to imply that the perp was white.
Some bloke was rolled out to offer an opinion and said words to the effect that the 14 year old simply didn’t like the colour of the teacher’s skin – must have been a racist honky therefore………
The BBC becomes an even greater parody of itself report by ridiculous report.
Thing is you see the BBC massively subscribes to the Jo Brand, Adrian Chiles school of thought that it is impossible for anybody with a dusky complexion to be racist.
Kind of make themselves look like arseholes if an attack clearly motivated by racism was carried out by somebody with such a non-white skin pigmentation.
Misdirection is therefore the name of the game.
I sometimes wonder whether some of the Beeb’s presenters feel embarrassed at the clear agenda they are expected to subscribe to
Yet another example of BBC censorship in support of one of their pet agendas.
How do they get away with it? Because they can.
So i heard about this on the radio and on returning home read some more on the bBC. Yet while the bBC informs you it was a racist attack, they don’t want you to know exactly which religion of peace the racist bigot belongs to.. I mean check out the blurred bubble which covers the entire head area of the arrested young racist. The bBC then reduce the sound level so you don’t hear a thing. Yup got to cover up for the intolerant religion of murder,death Kill (And rape)
So here is the bBC video:
and here is the uncut version
You even get to hear the guilty boys name.
The bBC, the propoganda arm for intolerant Islam
Typical comment from a Pakistani Muslim:
“Maariya Khan 3 hours ago
Erm I’ve spoken to this guy he’s from my area nice lad but what he did was wrong hope he learns his lesson”
Another ‘nice lad’ how many times do we have to hear this crap before people realise that they can be a nice as pie with fellow Muslims, but as murderous as any Al qaeeda militant !
Funny enough I read that this Pakistani thug had a record of violence , even funnier is the school was that Islamic one which was closed down. its name King’s Science Academy, or KSA. which is also the acronym for Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. And the stupid white people of Bradford never saw how Muslims stick 2 fingers up in their faces by trying to be crafty.
How come it`s an eleven year sentence-but only six will be in custody, with the intention of releasing the scumma in three?
How long is the actual sentence?
And seeing as he`s already been in custody during his entitlement to summer holidays…teacher strikes and snow days…as well as all those school holidays to come-surely we`ll be letting the cretin out in two weeks time!
What a circus-let`s hope the teacher prays for him to be let out soon-seems to be the angles from everybody in Liberal Land eh?
6 in detention eh?
No doubt his local imam or mother will already be writing to Theresa May to say why he can not do it as requested-not enough notice, trip to Afghanistan or Syria to do coursework etc…
And 5 on License too-so stabbing a teacher means that you do three years detention tops!
Ooh scary!…could he not be sent to Riyadh for sentence seeing as he committed his offence on Saudi sand…in a sense…
Cue Gareth Peirce!..Phil Shiner?
King’s Science Academy, or KSA
SCIENCE!! Islam 😀
now that is funny.
wrong?…WRONG?….I don`t think so bub!
Bit harsh…disappointing…regrettable….somewhat peremptory intemperate …maybe inappropriate if you were feeling mean…but wrong?
Re-Ed camp for you, you judgementalist….11 years-10 on license…and don`t ye come around here anymore with your rush to judgement.
He`s a Christian-so he`ll be OK with that!
Isn`t it grand being a weasel worded prick like me?
My immediate thought was that the comment from Mastiya Khan was meant to be ironic. God help us if it was genuine.
(Quite how he/she could have spoken to the young rascal while he has been in custody tends to suggest it isn’t entirely serious).
One for Michael Rosen:
He was getting funny,
So I stabbed him in the tummy.
Are the BBC reporting that the boy called the victim a nigger ?
Think you`ll find that “getting” is now spelt as “getin”…according to our Muslim chum who can`t be named for fear it might reveal his faith.
John Sutherland will surely approve of this new funky spelling, and-of course-in its new urban form, will get him extra GCSE marks for his ongoing coursework.
No doubt,the Prison Education Service will be beefed up to enhance his educational prospects-and although his opinion of the supply teacher would APPEAR to be a bit harsh…OFSTED methods may yet turn towards this immediate feedback from covert inspection teams.
Yes I’m sure Michael Rosen would like ‘getin’ even better, so ‘vibrant’ and ‘enriching’.
(Dunno how this comment ended up here. It was meant as a reply to Alex’s comment at 4:28 pm)
Shortly before ‘liberation’ the South African press did precisely the same thing. Desperately trying to prove it was not racist, the largely-white press would not reveal the colour of black criminals sought by police.
And so the ‘reporting’ became totally ludicrous, since witness reports on black murderers and robbers, etc, could not include the main identifying factor – i.e. the colour – of the perpetrators, in order to facilitate their arrest.
In stark contrast, on the rare occasion that the perpetrators were white, that fact was shouted from the rooftops.
And so SA ‘journalists’ in effect aided and abetted black criminals. I imagine they are still doing it.
See the Jeremy Vine show is trying to big up yellow teeth lefty Corbyn
Now we’re hearing of multiple stabbing in an Ikea Sweden, and it that ‘man’ again.
Seems that no one has been arrested yet. There must be a description of the ‘man’ but no one is telling!
No he has been arrested, but no description, even th emor eopen Aussies dont know much more
The two victims died at the scene, and likely knew each other, but police have no information as to whether the victims knew their attackers, Agren said.
The second suspect – only identified as being born in 1979 – was rushed to the main hospital in Vasteras, 100km west of Stockholm.
Police have not established how he was injured, but became suspicious after officers interviewed witnesses, Agren said.
A younger man, born in 1992, was earlier arrested outside the department store after being identified by witnesses.
If only we could be told the race of the attacker, then we could also be told that he was a “straight-A” student. Instead we are left with the impression that he was from a skinhead background, not at all from the background of the religion of peace where racism is of course non-existent.
Fore shame.
It is funny how all these nice boys and girls suddenly become criminals or migrate to holiday destinations like Yemen, Syria, Iraq etc. It wasn’t like this when I was a teenager in the 60s !
No description of the attacker and the police have no idea of a motive. So it cannot be a Jihadist – just a man.
I Heard some of the wearisome and repetitive Komissar Jones on Vine’s show this lunchtime, discussing what a great leader Corbs will make. Thinking about those two un-reconstructed Commies, put me in mind of this limerick by the (unfortunately recently deceased) Anglo-American historian Robert Conquest; who was one of the first to reveal quite how evil the Communist regime of the Soviet Union was, in his book ‘The Great Terror’.
There was a great Marxist named Lenin
Who did two or three million men in.
-That’s a lot to have done in,
But where he did in one
That grand Marxist Stalin did ten in.
I remember the BBC being told that it needs more political diversity. But the race obsessed BBC replied only about a diversity of skin colours at the BBC.
But there is one thing that I would agree with these left-wing morons. That the immigrants in Calais must be more intelligent than any left-wing middle-class white moron employed by the BBC. In fact any Journalist in the media, obsessed with the censorship of free speech.
Because that is the nature of the repressive cultures in Africa, that these people are trying to escape from. Which now includes Socialist France.
But the more immigrants that come hear, the less free speech we have.
Marauding, Swarming and Jap have now been added to Nigger, Wog, Cunt and Paki in only the last few days. So how many more illegal words will be added to the list in the coming days.
At this rate, by the time we become a Black majority Nation. Most White people would be in prison for speech crime.
Britain is on the road to becoming just another typical repressive African Nation, with an inferior “speech crime” culture.
Yes, “swarm” was mentioned again on R4’s Today for the umpteenth time. This sort of obsession must reach a point where you have to ask if it is those complaining about “swarm” who are suffering from some sort of pathology rather than the everyday users of the word. It reminds me of the euphemisms prudish and prurient Victorians invented for various bodily functions. There was always an ambiguity as to whose sensibilities these euphemisms were intended to protect. The conceit of those who pontificate about “dehumanising ” language is that they are free of prejudice, in the same way that many Victorians thought they were free of “base” thoughts or carnality or at least were not as “fallen” as the common herd (oops!). That “swarm” immediately suggested “swarm of locusts” to these people shows how, even after years of painful self censureship, all kinds of troubling thoughts are still bubbling away in their minds. Defecation, lust and prejudice I suspect will be with us for a long time, it is the people who attempt to obscure reality with words who are the real danger.
In light of the IKEA stabbing I’m now a little ashamed of my own personal long-held nickname for that store – ‘Flatpack Vietnam’
Marauding: Word origin: C18: from French marauder to prowl, from maraud vagabond.
Vagabond: meaning: wandering from place to place without any settled home.
Yep all seems in order, the left are fooking around with our language in in attempt to confuse, obfuscate and mess with our heads.
“in an attempt to confuse, obfuscate with our heads”
Looks like “tough” words, the ever present soundbite,
whats behind the soundbite Camoron? another soundbite?
you “on it” moron … maybe even a erm #hashtag.
and … while the dribblers get enamoured with all that.
Behind the scenes, these grasping crooks are really going for it
fiddling, doctoring the figures what s left to sell off eh!
C18? That’s rascist you white pig! Lol
I’ve just had an idea……. owen f*****g Jones to enter the labour leadership race! Perfect bbbc wet dream come true. What would fatcher fink eh?
ISIHAC: I do miss the Samantha-related double (sometimes single) entendres. It’s like the show’s been emasculated.
Still, it looks like they’ve got shot of that Jeremy Hardlyfunny pillock, so one must be grateful for small mercies I guess.
Samantha is back on a market stall selling fruit this week.
Hear hear regarding JH
I heard one really outrageous Samantha double-entendre on one of the shows in the new series of I’s Sorriy I Haven’t a Clue. But yes – the old pattern of one crude and funny Samantha quote per programme seems to have been dropped.
I ‘wonder’ if the BBC will be reporting this?
And to think the idiotic hand-wringing BBC are to film a Songs of Praise over there! In fact, what we do need in Calais is thousands of riot police, water canon, tasers, pepper spray, truncheons and bulldozers! We should also have razor wire and electric fences protecting ports and the channel tunnel.
Unintended consequences: dontcha love ’em!
Looks like the Songs of Praise crew might not be getting their booze-cruise jolly after all.
Well done for refusing to be a performer in the BBC’s propaganda circus. And a prayer for the safety of his family.
Bet AliBaba telly report that one.
How stupid is this?
Great Britain is invited by Spain to send her ‘stretched’ police to Magaluf and Ibiza to crack down on bad behaviour.
At the same time AliBaba reports Spanish vessels and helicopters were in “clear violation of international law” after entering UK waters in Gibraltar.
Time to get out of the EU.
Vote Ukip
Today programme currently ‘discussing’ yesterday’s stabbing verdict and still not broadcasting that the perpetrator was Asian. One contributor spouting off about benefits and immigrants being blamed for everything. Clearly another Al Beeb Leftoid wankfest!
Radio 4 at 8.15 brought in a black school teacher to talk about his experience of ‘racism’ in the classroom.
Of course the angle and assumption was that the perpetrators were all white.
Cue the Socialist Workers Party and their organisation kick it out, and unbelievably we found that the root cause of Racism in the classroom is???
Yep David Cameron & the Tory party !
By using words like ‘swarm’ to describe the hoards of asylumists at Calais apparently gives classroom ‘racists’ the green light to behave as they please.
The whole interview which might have given an insight of someone who had experience of unpleasant kids first hand was lost in a miasma of Socialist dogma.
The EU is causing us lots of problems today – but you wouldn’t really understand the depth and extent of the trouble from BBC news reporting
Milky milky, as Hugh Dennis used to say. Gosh the BBC do love a bit of protest goes viral. Those scrumptious mobile phone shot direct actions go straight to air – hope Daisy the Cow now appearing in Morrisons is less camera shy than that Cucumberpatch posh boy.
Shussh… don’t talk about the EU picking a fight with Putin and the Russkies steamrollering the EU cheese mountain – the BBC sure won’t mention it.
Lending to the poor just for them to be able to pay back the interest on their previous debt – that’s bad, right? That’s wrong, that’s Wonga. Not when it’s the EU kicking the can down road yet again to Athens.
Greece eh? How come they lost it about 2000 years ago? Hot Gates? More like open door as the nice BBC chap wanders down to the beach to meet the Persian hoard and shout ‘Welcome to Europe!’
Perhaps we in the UK could refine our benefits system just a tad to discourage just a bit of our present hyper-immigration?
Look out here comes a bloke with a clip board and a knowing shake of the head – EU rules innit!
Luckily, BBC corridor floors are specially reinforced to accommodate increased champagne loads on such occasions.
Today again.. sigh.
A discussion on student racism in schools, hinging on the knife attack on Vincent Uzomah in June. Rendered utterly meaningless and risible by the failure to mention what has been clearly reported elsewhere (eg Independent newspaper), that the knife-wielding student in question was of Pakistani origin, according to the prosecutors in the court case. Discussion thereby veering off at a complete tangent to the actual issue, which is racism between ethnic minorities. Clearly gave the impression that the problem was white racism against foreigners – even brought in the ‘swarm’ as a racist language aside. Par for the course, really, but still depressing to listen to.
It’s as if the BBC assumes people have no access to other new sources, especially online.
Such blatant self-censorship to make reality fit their delusions simply makes things worse, for the actual story and their now shredded professional credibility.
This is so true, because they exist in a bubble they seem to assume that everyone else does too…Sky, for all their faults are running a very strong story, this morning about an imminent terror plot. The BBC seem unwilling to report on potential terror threats, the main story on their web page is about how benefit cuts will hit young Britons…They really are an utter shower.
And brought in a teacher whose experience of racism was that he “smelled of curry”. If that wasn’t a blatant attempt to distract attention from the ethnical origins of the actual perpetrator, I don’t know what would be.
See my post earlier on this.
It was far left extremist group the SWP ‘kick it out’ spokes thing who said that. In the interests of balance the BBC should now allow 10 minutes to an extremist group from the other side, such as the BNP or the NF.
Just shows how far left the BBC has gone when extremist groups from one side are considered ‘normal’ and respectable.
The, “no platform … safe space … no offence” agenda in full effect, don t forget this bunch of traitorous conniving crooks, in government now, will be using this to the hilt, especially in the run up to the referendum.
Guido tried to find out how much its self-publicising advert celebrating its own unique role cost the licence payer.
Guess what. “The information you have requested is excluded from the Act because it is held for the purposes of ‘journalism, art or literature.’”
As Guido says – “So the BBC are hiding behind laws made in Strasbourg to prevent the licence fee payer from knowing how much it spent on what is essentially a piece of propaganda. Guido is all for legislation protecting the rights of journalists, this is a clear abuse of that legislation. They just don’t get it…“
“Dear Lord Hall,
You know how when questions on BBC accountability come up, you send out one of your anonymous spokespersons to say how trusted and transparent the BBC is?
Well, the facts of what the BBC does rather belie what the BBC hopes it can claim and these days be believed.
An ex-licence fee payer”
BBC 10 o’ clock news last night reported on the black teacher stabbed by a pupil in a ‘racist’ attack and yet again failed to mention that the perpetrator was, in fact of Pakistani origin, leaving unsuspecting viewers to conclude that he was most likely white.
Compare and contrast with the ‘unarmed black teenager shot dead by a white policeman’ which we heard ad nauseam yesterday and will hear in perpetuity on every anniversary of his death.
By mentioning the skin colour of those carrying out racist attacks only if they are white, the BBC have slyly constructed a national view (for the 70% that rely on the BBC for their news) that only white people commit racist crimes.
This is irresponsible, insidious broadcasting of the lowest order which aligns the BBC with those far left pro-mass immigration, pro-Islam, anti-everything English zealots such as Hope Not Hate and UAF.
When is somebody going to get a grip?
The BBC will not ‘ get a grip’ .It is now beyond hope and is fast becoming the new Pravda with the proviso that the Russians were under no illusions as to what they were being told.
The BBC is letting the lie come into our world by omission and this is just as bad as a deliberate lie.
The culture war is intensifying and the BBC has now made it clear that it is on the side of those who wish to impose their views on us solely because they think they have the right to do so as they possess the truth.
But when you look at the chief actors in this drama on the side of the BBC what an inadequate bunch they really are. Not even paper tigers . However they still have the power of the state and it’s ability to repress on their side so beware.
Agree with everything you say Dave S.
I actually meant somebody outside of the BBC needs to get a grip. They are accountable to nobody as their arrogant and at times logic-defying responses to complaints have proved time and again. ‘Poacher and gamekeeper’ comes to mind when you look at their structure.
Sir Anthony Seldon seems to be having a little difficulty in assessing why Tony Blair is so unpopular. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-33849764.
Let me offer him some help, from my back of the envelope list; a fully considered one would run into several pages:
1. Lying over the Iraq War; abusing the trust of the British people.
2. Botched constitutional changes: Scotland, Wales, House of Lords
3. Supine attitude to EU.
4. Lack of respect for Parliament and the Monarchy.
5. Beginning process of destruction of marriage.
6. Changing the face of Britain culturally: weakening strong traditional British culture in favour of external dysfunctional and anti-democratic cultures.
7. Promotion of nebulous and absurd concept of “diversity”.
8. Human Rights Act: in practice, a charter for scoundrels and terrorists.
9. Serious interference with freedom of speech.
10. Turning Government into propaganda arm of Labour Party.
11. Freedom of Information Act, hampering efficient work of Government, while letting BBC off the hook.
12. Letting G Brown and E Balls loose on the economy, with their exaggerated sense of their own ability, with devastating consequences in due course.
13. Abuse of charitable sector, turning it into ideological arm of Government.
14. Introduction of petty regulations on all aspects of life – we almost have to get an electrician in to change a light bulb.
15. Politicisation of the Police Force, especially following the ridiculous Macpherson report.
Incidentally, Tony Blair’s election victory was not so stunning bearing in mind that he polled fewer votes than John Major had in 1992 with a majority of only 21. It was more that the Tories lost the election than Labour won it, plus the inherent electoral bias towards Labour.
Fantastic – I do like lists you can wave in someone’s face.
This same racism in the classroom “debate” was re enacted on the VD show. The real issue of course was scrupulously ignored. Well done BBC.
Had the misfortune to catch a moment of a repeat of HIGTNFY last night. The odious David Mitchell was hosting and made a “joke” about Mark Reckless having had to fireproof his letterbox as a result of having joined UKIP. The “punchline” was that although the letterbox had been fireproofed, the door hadn’t………
Can anybody see a similar joke being made about a left leaning politician?? 4 million UKIP voters cant be wrong!!
That David Mitchell creature redefines the term “smug arsehole” and takes it to a whole new level.
Lobster, Mitchell is like a cat who has never been deprived of cream. I doubt if he has done a real day’s work in his life. In my business, I would not employ him to clean the toilets .
Hadn’t realised that firebombing houses of UKIP MPs had become such an acceptable aspect of our democracy – and a humorous aspect at that in the eyes of one of the BBC’s favourite Footsoldiers For The Cause.
Mitchell and Webb – indeed an odious non-comedy duo.
Keep us all informed Rampage, about HIGNFY. Most of us never watch that shite anymore. (nor any other so called comedy dished up by the crappy BBC radio or TV channels)
Ho Hum! … after snivelling around, with sticking plasters and an order of sniffer dogs that even the sniffer dog supplier didn t know about. the bad old EU, the bad old French, eh!.
The erm … “Government” plans to block under 22s from claiming benefits, under the smokescreen of it must do the same with EU migrants … sometimes the EU is so convenient eh!
It’s thought as many as 50,000 British workers will be affected – many of them young parents.
Yep! … The driven spiteful Tory agenda of “race to the bottom” for everyone but themselves continues apace … as they they continue the champagne back slapping for their own, the donators, gets you a job for life in the Lords. £300 a day for turning up
Camoron still wanted 40 new peers after a backlash at his original plans for 100, he wanted to pack it full of supporters to push through laws
That`s what all Government`s do , Blair & Brown, in particular liked their cronies in the Lord`s ,so this is a redress of what they did .I am sure Mr Farage would of done the same .
”gets you a job for life in the Lords. £300 a day for turning up.” Pedo Grevile Janner suffers from alzheimers but he remembers to turn up and collect the money.
“what all Government`s do” …
•Up to February 2015 (as detailed here) David Cameron’s rate of appointments to the Lords exceeded that of any other Prime Minister since passage of the Life Peerages Act in 1958: 40 per year
•During 2010-15, while the overall number of appointments rose, the number of independent (nonparty) peers appointed fell.
The House of Lords Appointments Commission, which recommends most such peers, depends on the Prime Minister to invite nominations
•Cameron’s biggest perceived problem with ‘overrepresentation’ in the Lords may well be the Liberal Democrats. The party today has 101 peers (representing 18% of all party peers), having recently won just 9% of the general election vote.
But a key factor in any such ‘overrepresentation’ is Cameron’s own prior appointments. During 2010-15 he increased the number of Liberal Democrat peers by 46% (from 72 such members in 2010).
… how many do UKIP get then, for their four million plus voters
how the Tory morons can place 11 more Lib-Dems is beyond me,
40 odd hand picked, there s “a swarm” Wavey Davey …
What s the cost to us for that shower? for the rest of their bloody lives?.
Vote Lib Dem next time then ,they want an elected ,House of Lords , but in about 2 years you will be able to vote to leave the EU , then in 2020 you can vote for Comrade Corbyn , & all those loss of benefit`s, that you go on about, will be restored ,along with mass immigration & the country going bankrupt . Infact there will be power cuts , constant strikes ,run on the pound ,an economic crash, & many winters of discontent , bet you can`t wait .
Lib Dem peers , part of the coalition agreement , that`s why they got them . Mr Farage can recommend Ukip peers too .
I caught a slice of “Asian” prevented lifeguards from saving his drowning daughter, he was concerned about any man touching her.
Yet, another Islamic erm “honour”? crime … on phone in,
don t be silly … it was on LBC
The verbal gymnastics, (ably supported by LBC airtime) on display by Islamic callers is astonishing
Did she die?
The amount of ‘immigrant’ callers on LBC is way beyond the national average, this and the lip service paid to them is why I gave up listening.
Asian….you mean Chinese or Japanese I take it!
Just in case the BBC thinks this one has gone away…
‘From the outside, it is deeply puzzling why the Trustees did not act at this stage.’
I see the word ‘Trust’ and ‘BBC’ (as in Chairman) together it is not puzzling at all.
Jeremy Vine dealing with the important issues again, ‘Should David Beckham’s child still be using a dummy?’
Stand by for ‘Migration Terminology’ at 12.30, should be interesting…
Interesting it was Geoff.
Jeremy Vine nailed his colours to the wall early on in the discussion by questioning how anyone can use the term “illegal migrant”. His sneering tone was apparent as he asked “how can it be illegal to breath?”
His so-called expert on immigration terminology (you guessed it – a university academic) repeatedly refused to address the issue of immigrants/migrants being illegal. At one point she descended into farce when asked whether they could be classed as illegal because they hadn’t travelled using the accepted, legal method of showing passports, claiming that they weren’t illegal because they probably did have passports, totally ignoring the fact that their mode of transport to Calais didn’t involve them having to produce them.
She was then asked whether they could be classed as illegal because they hadn’t claimed asylum in the first country they landed in; her response being that for some of them Britain was their first country of landing…….even Jeremy Vine had to comment “not coming from Syria it isn’t”
Why do the BBC continually pay money to “experts” who are nothing but politically correct, guardian-reading, tree-huggers?
Jeremy Vine’s show demonstrates everything that is wrong with the BBC. It is a joke. And so is he.
One older guy did manage to get a dig in about certain terminology suiting the bBC and calling them lefty, to which Vine didn’t really respond, just treating the comment incredulously.
Apologies if already posted, but as we all suspected the Swedish Ikea Murders were perpetrated by ….wait for it…..Asylum Seekers.
We should be listening to Farage.
Further to this Geoff.
Mark Mardell on TWATO did speak to some Swedish woman at the scene yesterday-clearly she was very coy about giving any descriptions of the suspects-hence my BBC-led suspicion that this would be race or Islam…probably both, seeing as it`s wonderful Sweden.
Mardell then asked her in “what department of IKEA did they get stabbed?”…bizarro.
It was furniture apparently, maybe Mardell was hoping for knives and cutlery…who knows the pea sized brain of fat BBC groupthink anymore?
Yesterdays TWATO so it was.
Gone all quiet there hasn`t it?…nothing to see or say-mental illness, move along.
ABM…Anything But Muslims.
It was the “Pick & Stick” counter…
Well, knock me down with a feather.
The BBC have NOT updated yesterdays report on the stabbings/terrorist attack:
The report has been buried away.
Air brush inconvenient and non-narrative facts away.
How the hell do they get away with it? Public safety is at risk here in the UK and the rest of Europe.
I’ve been around the web but I can’t find much info on the Ikea attacker. I can find how old (or one of them is) but that’s it. One rumour is …well take a wild guess. I was convinced the teacher stabbing had been made by a white kid, until I looked further than the BBc that is. This piece of bias has even been picked up elsewhere on the net. Meanwhile Black teenager shot by Police, oh did they mention he was firing at the police before they shot him. Well they did eventually. The BBc agenda is in full flow at the moment.
Re the Ikea attackers – try Eritrean asylum seekers. Quelle surprise.
Lobster. Which is what the rumours I saw many hours ago indicated.
Heard some Channel $ news woman on Womans Hour(where else do liberal mover and shaker girls go before Jon Snow doles out the tampons? at 7) run with the trope that Trump cares about womens periods.
Not an issue to anybody but the Wise Wound wankettes like herself who surely will want to menstruate at restaurant seats opposite the breast feeding gals…all to be celebrated in weirdworld!
Trump may or may not have meant this-who knows, who`s checking?…but next thing we know, there are women on Twitter(NOT worldwide ladies…only a certain caste of gal has access to Twitter) pestering Trump with abuse, menstrual cylces and worse….all because the liberal media choose to trumpet THEIR takes, THEIR perceptions and THEIR clear prejudices.
And the gals who confect, conflate and connive these muffins 16 months before the election see nothing wrong in it?…bit of gossip around the handbags?
Ageist, wiggist and all?….oh, and Hillarys OK as well….well, of course Ms Garvey….and no Monica harassment stuff either, if you don`t mind.
If only we`d fought them over hounding out the wonderful Sarah Palin…these feminazis have got the taste of blood…and want to force Trump and other blokes to get used to the same.
We`re paying for all this-why?