‘Partners In Crime, BBC1’s version of Agatha Christie’s attempt at Cold War hokum, finished its first “story” with 4.5m viewers – meaning some 2 million who watched the opener didn’t follow through.’
I lasted 10 minutes of the first effort. Money well wasted.
How does TWATO explain giving over TWENTY MINUTES at the top of its programme to the prospects , or otherwise, of Jeremy Corbyn and the puffed up Corbymania they insist is really real….really!
I really don`t need Baroness Ashtons hubby and Permatan Hain to debate Labour Party “ways forward” gratis…if the sad labour lefties no longer can rent a pub room in SW1…that`s THEIR problem.
There is NO excuse for Labour policy being discussed on news bulletins-they lost the election like Liberals did…they are a dead parrot, sucking off the straw induced flatus of the BBC and Guardian.
Rest of us hate them-and watch now for the “Labour didn`t cause the economic mess, so defend all that Hain sat through” meme.
Hain blames the bankers-as if Labour didn`t set up THEIR regulatory regime(or lack of).
Sorry Labour losers-whether it was Brown, Blair and Banks-or Banks, Blair and Brown…it was you…Labour must never be forgiven or forgotten.
No wonder the BBC like the Nigerian supply teacher-they did worse to the nation, and hope we`ll all become Giles Fraser-types of Creeping Christians…nah!
I don’t know if it’s been mentioned before, but is this true? Naughtie used the word semi-deliberately, in my opinion, and couldn’t stop himself. Champagne? Good God.
It must have been summer – Lord Melvyn Bragg left the building in the second week of July and is not expected back until late in September. I blame all this talk of migration and the the bad influence of all those acedemics he mixes with. Part timers- eh?
Coldest summer in Scotland for 30 years – did I hear that right on our BBC? Or did I hear ‘worst’ summer, or was that ‘wettest’ ? Anything will do but the agenda-busting ‘coldest’, I guess.
The SNP really are a party of all the tartan-talents. Their enviroment minister couldn’t help himself but invoke ‘climate change’ and ‘extraordinary weather events’.
I recall Chistopher Lee had a similar belief in the weather gods in the Wickerman (1973). Lord Summer Isle wasn’t that his character?
Someone please break to the Scots, the weather doesn’t know when we’ve been naughty.
Carol Kirkwood blames the shifting jet stream and something about cold Atlantic waters – I didn’t quite catch what she said, she didn’t dwell on it.
Now here’s a quick thought experiment – can you imagine what the BBC would have been like were we to have just had a hot summer? You probably needn’t bother – a reasonable summer next year (and we’re over due for one) and the Beeb will just about bust its bloomers.
Gardeners World seems to have stopped advising viewers to plant draught tolerant gardens, to deal with our increasingly Mediterranean conditions, and gone back to dealing with box blight and snails on your Hostas…
The BBC can’t stop itself from conflating ‘the weather’ with so-called ‘man-made climate change’. It honestly thinks the two are one and the same. The difference is that one genuinely exists and the other is a chimera – albeit a very, very useful one.
Yes, that’s right. Funny thing, you would think after all those programmes they make outdoors: Open Country, Coast, etc., etc., they would realise that indeed weather can be a component of ‘climate’ but only after a settled pattern of many years and then only in retrospect. Also that ‘climate’ is highly subjective: one person’s tolerable, pleasant climate may leave someone else scrabbling for an extra layer after sitting still for just five minutes.
Just thought I’d do a quick check. Yes. They have articles about Inverewe on the w/s, as recently for 2012 & 2010. The BBC are not very good at paying attention to their own programmes & web-site! Really, not a very good understanding of ‘climate’ & ‘climate change’ then at the BBC overall.
I always thought it interesting that having joined in with the Conservatives, who set the Global Warming hare running in the early 1990s, that Blair very quickly switched to talking about Climate Change not long after becoming PM.
This is shocking, truly shocking …
1). Because it is sickening, truthful, and fact filled.
2). More importantly more shocking that is on a US channel and NOT here.
and … obviously not on the BBC, ask yourselves why?
That is a tremendously powerful interview nogginator, thanks for posting it. I wonder why Jeremy Vine didn’t have her on his show today as the lead story? Oh yes! I forgot, David Beckham’s daughter is four and was filmed using a dummy – much, much, more important a subject to analyze.
Incidentally, there is a case due to come to trial next year; which could be the biggest one yet involving a RoP sex slavery gang, this one in Halifax.
Among all the grievance hustling types on BBC speed-dial…this group you tell us of has NEVER had a place on the BBC….Womans Hour/ Newsnight and all those other platforms for stoking the conscience of the nation.
Why do the BBC reckon I need to know all about Kids Company…Welfare and Immigration charities….but not one dickie bird about MARIAS…is it `cos the victims are white-and female.
Let alone the Muslim and black girls who may well be getting targeted by the BBCs “Men Of Destiny”.
M.A.R.I.A.S deserve our full support-and we need to rub the BBCs Guardians noses in the reasons why Toni has to set up a charity like this in our own country in 2015.
Guess we`ll not be hearing from her on the BBC…but we know now.
Ta nog.
That is a devastating point that Toni makes in the interview; about Muslims convicted of this kind of crime who are described as not being Muslim, because they’ve behaved in this way. They are sent to prison where they are provided with an Imam, prayer mat and time to pray, given halal meat and not given pork to eat to comply with their religion. If they aren’t Muslims: why would they conform to the tenets of Islam in such a way?
Also, what a statistic – “Muslims make up 4% of the population of the U.K. yet are 24% of the London prison population, mostly for violence, drugs and prostitution”; that should give anyone with an ounce of sense, cause for concern about what we’ve let / are continuing to let into our country.
Re Al s post
Yes, checked on BBC News for “Halifax grooming gang” only two results, one about the BNP!!!
Guess the worlds finest newscaster must have missed this bit,
low interest in Al BBC land
erm … , apparently only the beginning., these two from the local Halifax rag The Courier
March “Child sexual abuse ring in Halifax: 25 men charged”
June “Fifteen more men in court over Halifax grooming case”
Mirror – “Britain’s biggest child sex grooming gang thought to have been busted after cops arrest 45 men”
“It is claimed four girls – some as young as 13 – were abused by the alleged paedophiles over a number of years and officers said they could swoop on even more suspects.”
Recognise anything familiar?
“A court order was made preventing the press from publishing the full addresses of any of the defendants.
The men who appeared in court and the charges they face are as follows:
Hedar Ali,, 35, of Cheshire, two counts of rape and two counts of trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation.
Fasil Mahmood, 35, of Halifax, sexual activity with a child under 16 and supply of a class B drug
Zameer Asif, 24, of Halifax, sexual activity with a child; Mohammed Ramzan, 34, of Bradford, conspiracy to engage in sexual activity with a child under 16, rape and trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation
Khalid Zaman, 37, of Bradford, conspiracy to engage in sexual activity with a child under 16, two counts of rape and supply of a class B drug
Ataf Ali, 32, of Bradford, conspiracy to engage in sexual activity with a child under 16 and voyeurism
Mohammed Fiaz Askar, 32, of Bradford, conspiracy to engage in sexual activity with a child under 16
Aesan Pervez, 26, of Halifax, three counts of sexual assault
Mansoor Akhtar, 23, of Huddersfield. two counts of sexual activity with a child under 16 and the supply of a class B drug
Furgaan Ghafar, 30, Derby, sexual activity with a child under 16
Aftab Hussain, 35, of Halifax, sexual grooming, sexual assault and sexual activity with a child under 16
Talib Saddiq, 29, of Halifax, two counts of sexual activity with a child under 16
Amaar Ali Ditta, 25, of Halifax, two counts of sexual activity with a child under 16
Sikander Malik, 30, of Halifax, sexual activity with a child under 16
Akbar Aziz Hussain, 29, of Halifax. sexual activity with a child under 16 and supply of a class B drug
Azeem Subhani, 23, of Halifax, two counts of sexual activity with a child under 16
Tahir Mahmood, 42, of Halifax, three counts of sexual activity with a child under 16 and sexual assault
Mohammed Ahmed, 41, of Halifax, sexual activity with a child under 16
Haaris Ahmed, 31, of Halifax, sexual activity with a child under 16 and supply of a class B drug
Taukeer Butt,, 29, of Halifax, four counts of sexual activity with a child under 16
Arshad Majid, 24, of Shipley, sexual activity with a child under 16
Christopher Mulqueen-Bennett, 36, of Newport, sexual activity with a child under 16
Muhammed Asim Janjuha, 33, of Bradford, rape
Haider Ali, 39, of Halifax, rape, sexual activity with a child under 16 and causing a child under 16 to engage in sexual activity without
Sikander Ishaq, 30, of Halifax, sexual activity with a child under 16.
Many of the defendants, who were all on bail, covered their faces and mouths as they arrived at court ”
The BBC does its bit to rehabilitate the criminal classes:
“Vicky Pryce, the Greek born economist who attracted media headlines on her conviction for perverting the course of justice over speeding points incurred by her former husband, Chris Huhne, nominates Melina Mercouri as a great life at a time when Greece is facing huge economic and political pressures.”
I wonder when Carol Thatcher will be granted ‘parole’ by the BBC?
Sorry, haven’t had time to read all of the comments so maybe my point has been discussed at length. As I am listening to Tuesday’s PM programme I am heartily sick of the wall-to-wall coverage of Corbyn & the Labour party. There seems far too much coverage of it on every news programme. Since the election the news seems to permanently about the Labour leadership, except for a flurry of coverage around Osborne’s budget there has been very little mention of the Conservatives.
Does anyone know the comparative hours the BBC news has devoted to Labour & the Conservatives? It seems heavily skewed to me.
Often once Feedback goes off air (like it has now) the BBC goes full out for left wing propaganda for a week or two hoping that people will forget just before Feedback comes back again. Feedback though is a useless complaint opportunity, any criticism is brushed aside with the person criticising made to look like a bigot.
And, of course, each interview with the Labour candidates and their supporters is accompanied by lots of mostly unsubstantiated, and certainly unchallenged, kicks at the current governing party. No right of reply, no balance and absolutely no rebuttal from the Beeboid presenters, nor anyone else for that matter.
Now, what happened to the Charter commitment to unbiased coverage of political issues ? Yeah, right, that’ll be the day !
It’s remarkable isn’t it? What use to be called “living within your means” and was seen as a positive thing, is now called “austerity” and is viewed by Al Beebus et al as an absolutely terrible thing.
It appears that the Slavery drama ‘Roots’ is going to be remade in the USA, and already the BBC is cock a hoop about it.
The last time Roots was shown it caused considerable racial tensions, and that was at a time when there weren’t those mischief makers and stirrers around.
God only knows what the BBC will make of this when it airs, and I feel certain that they will seek to buy and air it at peak times. Of course any racial problems / riots will be encouraged, and non of it will be the fault of the BBC, but the nasty white people they hate so much.
You can just see it coming. Time to board up the windows and doors when it does air.
Community cohesion? well we all know that means forcing every other group to accept they have to allow Muslims do what ever they want, and Black people most often don’t fit into that category.
If you watch the Al BBC, and you d think it was already bloody running … with their drama over Ferguson and poor unarmed, “gentle giant” M Brown.
(see that vid of him beating an old guy? and the shopkeeper)
I should imagine those most fearful will be edge-of-town electrical retailers; funny how those ‘protesting against racism’ always seem to feel the need to kick in plate glass windows and steal flat screen tellies and Playstations.
I dunno,must be some kind of ‘race thing’ that as an over-privileged white male I just don’t understand…
Funny you should say that.
AliBaba radio Wales this morning ‘today will be the ‘Hottest Day of the ….(wait for it) ….Week!’ Adding that the weekend will be cooler. We all know what that means.
I couldn’t possibly rub it in any more by posting that down in the south-east we are, at least, having a summer this year. If I didn’t want to upset all those in the west and north of the UK, I could point out how dry the ground is and that lawns & grass are now looking a bit burnt and there’s been an early harvest. How could I have the heart to possibly make things worse for you?
Doh! But I just did. Sorry.
Am being punished as I type. It is cool here and raining right now. Not long after a Met guy said on BBC R4 that most of us will have a fine day. His office however provided the correct weather forecast to the BBC weather site … except, it rained here an hour earlier than stated. Never mind. Can’t win all the time. Another broadcast on the BBC (via the Met Office) who presents something rather different from the information on the BBC web-site provided by …
… the Met Office.
As the old RAF types used to say ‘What goes up, must come down’. Unless you work for the BBC where the facts of evaporation and precipitation and a few other inconvenient bits of science can be left at the back of desk drawer somewhere in a little used office in those plush new premises.
So why, with Climate Change getting a mention once or twice this week on R4 (& the BBC web-site) did not Justin Webb ask Ed Vaizey, when talking of DAB radio, about the energy hungry nature of digital broadcasting? Why did Justin not point out that DAB radio uses up to 20 times more energy for the listening device than analogue radio. He could then have asked the Minister if DAB radio meets the criteria and passes the Government test for sustainability. He could have done.
The BBC/Met Office weather forecast continues to perform miserably where I am in the South East, too. Even if I were being kind I couldn’t pretend it has been any better than 90 per cent wrong so far this week.
It is clear that the software the Met Office is using doesn’t work and that claims about improving accuracy are bogus.
A properly impartial BBC would, of course, be investigating this. Instead it simply carries on with the lies.
Deputy prosecutor general Eva Moren told reporters: “The two suspects are both from Eritrea. They have been living at an asylum centre,” she said, adding that the pair knew each other. “We know nothing about the motive yet, the investigation will have to determine that,” she said.
Police increased security at asylum centres across Sweden, including at the centre where the two suspects resided in Arboga, 35 miles from Västerås.
Don’t be silly. The police are there to protect the asylum seekers from the evil ‘far right’, that have killed approximately zero people in Sweden this year.
As is likely the response by others on this site I have been utterly appalled and enraged by the stories in the Daily Mail, today, concerning health tourism by foreigners, with the exploitation especially frequent with Africans and Eastern Europeans. According to the Mail’s investigations, this cynical scam of obtaining and using the NHS cards by those with no right has been largely ignored due to reasons of local authority finances and political correctness i.e. NHS officials turning a blind eye for fear of being branded racist. Indeed, one eminent surgeon estimated that this disgusting abuse of our NHS by foreign freeloading swindlers could be costing taxpayers up to 3 billion; and even worse, that the government has known about this but has failed to do ANYTHING!
So, my point is this: why the F*** has the BBC not spent the required hours reporting on this unforgivable scandal? Is it not meant to be there as a representation of the public at large’s interests? Is it not responsible for highlighting taxpayer concerns? No, it’s more interested in reporting on Jeremy’s Labour leadership campaign and garnering sympathy for those criminals at Calias. If a story, no matter how serious, portrays enrichers in a bad light, then it is taboo for the cultural Marxists at the BBC. What a disgrace!
The BBC is not there for any other reason except to help manage the turning of old England into a ‘ liberal dreamstate’ which the liberal elite believes is not only the inevitable result of a marxist analysis of history but a quasi religious imperative bought about by the same analysis of history from the perspective of the insane.
It is increasingly out of control and by that I mean it is bordering on open distortions of the truth and the suppression of reality to fit that distortion.
So feverish have the pods involved become that they are unable to understand or cope with alternative viewpoints.
You name them they are all exhibiting these tendencies.
They cling to odd fantasies and their behaviour is bizarre. The church service from Calais, the obsession with Corbyn , the obsession with climate change, Obama, the wilder insanities of EU spokesmen( and these need a special section all to themselves.)
The ignoring of important speeches like Hammond’s on the possible nightmare future facing Europe. It goes on and on and the tempo is increasing.
In the last years of the USSR even the spokesman for the communist regime knew it was a huge lie and literally insane.
I fear our media liberals and in particular the BBC/Guardian axis of insanity has not reached that point and perhaps never will.
Owen Jones/Giles Fraser are the near perfect examples of body snatched pods . Soon there will be many like them and Vine, Derbyshire, Wark, Marr,Snow, and – I could go on and on .
As the contradictions in their lunatic approach to events begin to make it obvious that we are being lied to or misled then we could see the whole liberal world view implode.
But we need to remember that they are the propaganda arm of a state apparatus that is verging on the insane as well and beginning to suffer from the same contradictions of liberalism and political correctness. Makes them dangerous.
They’re only dangerous if people are consuming their product, I believe that they know that audiences are in decline hence the rapid rise in their despiration, they know the game is very nearly up.
Sadly there are a lot of people who are seriously hard of thinking and still lap up the shite they produce, its these people that need educating.
I disagree. They are dangerous because they monopolise consensus even, or especially, when dissenting individuals opt out.
You can refuse to sup with the devil, but this particular devil has the power to stop you inviting anyone else over to tea.
He sits on the communication lines like a troll, making Chinese-whisper magic and mangling all the messages.
You can’t just opt-out, you need to opt-in, to telling everyone where the bonfire of lies is being held.
The single most important thing about Biased BBC is telling people about it. This site is the nearest thing to a proper Have Your Say that the BBC has, whether it likes it or not. Everyone should know about it, so how do you spread the news?
Tonight’s ‘One Show’. (Can’t find a comment elsewhere.) Another trip to Savile Town, Dewsbury (97-100% ‘British Muslims’ and home to some of our dearly-departed terrorists). On the previous One Show visit, we were joyfully informed that Sharia Law operates there (in an unspecified way), whilst tonight we had a Vicars vs Imams community football match. Note the beaming smile of the referee and upbeat tone of the commentary. It is noticeable also that the Imams didn’t have time to change, having no doubt just rushed from the mosque. Enjoy! http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p02zbwll
AliBaba telly reporting “Sixth-form colleges in England say they have had to cut the number of science and foreign language courses they offer, because of financial pressures.”
Perhaps these colleges should cut the courses teaching ‘mickey mouse’ subjects such as media, drama, arts, theology, sociology etc, and spend their money on teaching subjects that will be of real benefit to the students when they leave school. How about plumbing, bricklaying, engineering electronics and carpentry subjects to name but a few? – apprenticeships.
Heaven forbid! We can’t have them being trained to do the jobs that we British are supposedly “too lazy to do”. What excuse would the “hardworking migrants” have to come here to “work and pay taxes (cough,splutter)” and contribute to the “prosperity” of our “wonderful muticultural, vibrant and diverse society”?
Since the time of Blair, we have had an egalitarian ethic of sending all school leaving children to ‘Uni’ despite their educational skills. Many of these kids are ‘numpties’ who would be far better off getting themselves straight into a job at 16, earning themselves some money instead of storing up a chunk of debt for their future.
Instead, they go and study the ‘soft option’, ‘mickey mouse’ courses that are unusable in the real world. This gives them an unrealistic expectation of the career they are hoping for, unless its for a vacancy in AliBaba broadcasting.
Every day I see many of these ‘Ologists’ working hard as bar staff, shop workers and waiters in the retail world and I feel genuinely sorry for them.
We’re beginning to notice a pattern in the BBC’s use of the word controversial
This morning Louise Minchin and Bill mincing sit on the licence-funded red sofa. Our Bill headlines a news report on a “Controversial Detention Centre” for migrants.
Danny Shaw is the BBC home affairs journo who brings us the report, re-emphasising the word by tellling us that this centre has been “controversial” since its opening several years ago. I guess controversy must have been in-built – some rogue element included on the architect’s blue prints?
Controversial now appears to be established in BBC newspeak as a red flag indicator for politicians, poliices and now institutions of which the BBC does not approve.
Had to laugh when Bill asked the African ‘refugee’ wheeled on to give her sob story if she intended ever returning to whichever hellhole she’d emerged from..?
She replied she was in full-time education here in the UK now, thanks all the same.
More of my taxes spent on encouraging the great international free-for-all.
This morning’s Today was wibbling on about some bust-up between the Chelsea manager and their doctor. Of course, they had to bring up the fact that said doctor is a woman and all were agreed that she wouldn’t have been treated like that were she a man. How disgracefully sexist of them to make that assumption.
Jim Naughtie then added another “ism” by stating about Jose Mourinho, “…and when you add in a Latino temperament”. Isn’t that a bit of stereotyping based on ethnicity? Imagine if he’d said something stereotyping black people? Or certain favoured religions? Better still, imagine some unknown UKIP member had said it. Can anyone doubt the BBC’s reaction in that case?
One is almost tempted to make a complaint, just to get back at them with their own tactics, but unlike those on the left I have better things to do.
Your place on the thing that they circulate around somewhere another in several months to do nothing that anyone pays attention to having fought tooth and nail to avoid even that, is assured.
However, when you share the inevitable here, the wince that will be heard in W1A will stay make it worth it. And the cheers from your peers.
Apparently the entire Chelsea medical staff got a b*llocking, but because one of them is Woman, she has been singled out for special sympathy, equality only works one way it seems…
Perhaps I should tell James Naughtie that we Wimmin don’t need the beeb riding to our rescue under the spurious guise of chivalry.
It’s also on BBC social media, and doing really well there too.
Not sure the BBC really has the pulse of those they claim to speak for much.
And here are a few other gems from their FB feed, all getting savaged by a clearly unimpressed public…
BBC News
He’s worked as a crocodile farmer, “bull catcher” and grazier
‘Crocodile Dundee’ MP backing Australia gay marriage
Seems JonDon & crew have been stirred in action again. Maybe it was the ‘bull-catching’ that did it?
BBC News
Those poor bereft bunnies
Hundreds of rabbits suffering lonely lives
Could be worse. Think mixymatosis. Jon… you’re up again!
BBC News
According to Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, Mr Modi has hurt the pride of Biharis by casting aspersions on him
Why India’s Bihar is taking DNA samples to spite Modi
Not like the BBC will grab any opportunity to cast nastertiums back at Mr. Modi, eh?
BBC News
“If you don’t have a diverse and inclusive workforce – you end up not making good decisions.” http://bbc.in/1MmHs7d
In our latest Summer In The City video, we look at one US police department’s struggle to recruit more black officers.
Like they have all been so good so far.
BBC News
Why cat clips rule the internet
Seriously… BBC ‘News’.
And, of course, like the last one wasn’t enough, an old favourite race-bating meme gets aired in a new guise:
BBC News
14 hrs · Edited ·
“Some people can mourn in private. A normal family can. But he has to try to mourn and grieve in front of the world.”
One year on from Michael Brown’s death in #Ferguson, Missouri, BBC’s Jessica Lussenhop spent the day with his father.
Jessica, love… the Pulitzer for over-emoting BS is sooooo close. Keep it up and it’s yours.
Try to believe at least one unbelievable thing before breakfast
BBC invited guest expert on school truancy: “One young child I know of… appeared to be missing school for five weeks – when I looked into the case we found it was due to bullying. His mother had been putting him in school uniform and sending him to school, but he had been hiding in the toilets and not attending classes”
Five weeks? Really?
Please, Miss, little Johnny’s been living in the boy’s loos!
Well that’s his and his mother’s story, I guess. Faced with the chance of a fine for truancy, they would.
Either it’s a case of that old British Colditz spirit of ingenuity and daring or I sense that old American term ‘BS’
The BBC attitude to such testimony : If it’s agenda-friendly then take it at face value. Don’t ask, don’t tell.
This is truly unbelievable but yet again the same debate that aired on Breakfast is rehashed on the VD show. I would not be at all surprised that it appeared at some point on Today and that it crops up on the narcissist Vine’s Radio 2 “debate” show or Newsnight later.
Either the BBC apparatchiks are running out of imagination or prefer to follow a tactic of repeatedly bludgeoning the British public into submission.
IS Bombers In UK Ready To Attack
“Islamic State is now focused on urging British would-be recruits to carry out “lone wolf” attacks in the UK instead of travelling to fight in Syria, Sky News has learned.”
A new strategy? a major departure?.
“Our IS contacts confirmed the group’s new policy for British and European jihadists is to stay in their countries”
Already reported in Sunday newspapers, you would like to think the BBC would show a flicker of interest.
Over a week ago, the BBC reported IS was predictable!
So no room on Al BBC main news page for it, aw never mind folks
“Ballot papers will begin to be sent out on Friday, and the result will be announced at a special conference on 12 September.”
“On Twitter, Labour apologised that the site had been down, with some users replying to say they were still experiencing problems.”
BBC : Labour’s PR department
Furthermore, I always take issue with the BBC breathlessly rushing to tell me what’s big on twitter and other social media – If the licence payer is actually interested they will already be aware and if they are not you can surely take it they are – by definition – not interested in what’s big in social media – or else they would indeed be on there – fair comment?
The BBC was talking up Jeremy Corbyn again on the Jeremy Vine show. Vine said that the deadline to vote for Corbyn had been extended to one hour after the Jeremy Vine Show ends. So you could listen to the Jeremy Vine Show, and still have the convenience of an hour to register to vote for Corbyn.
Al BBC radio reports, another 5 arrests in London … Terrorism charges, 3 from same family, more expected later.
I immediately thought after recent BBC reports, it was those pesky Buddhists … but alas
Yep! … its Islam again, and not the international society of non Islamic “lone wolves” either!.
Keeping it all in the family, getting more like the small number of “men of Pak heritage” that have, “nothing to do with Islam”
… that strangely doesn t explain why its Afghan, Somali, Bangladeshi, Syrian Iraqi and Turk as well … that are gang raping the million child victims
I’m surprised that the BBC hasn’t set up a TV lounge in Calais to keep the swarm entertained. They could then show back to back episodes of Bergerac to get the message across that the Channel Islands are British, and a lot closer to France than Dover.
I have just paid £180 for a ferry ticket to France which will include a seat where I can listen to the screams of unruly schoolchildren. Any chance of boarding a lorry or, better still, dressing up as a clergyman to obtain space with the BBC Songs of Praisers.
BBC south today had reports on women’s sport first and women’s sports was the majority make up of the sports section last night. SKY always has women presenters presenting sports and male sports. The new add for the premiership league on LBC has a woman promoting it with a sort of husky/ sexual voice that isn’t genuine like most female presenters and of course the intent is to ‘feminaz…..feminize the game. Today on ‘Five live’ a discussion was interrupted with important breaking news….I thought have all the immigrants in Calais returned home, has Yentob resigned, has a black man actually murdered a white man at last, have scientists discovered that there is no man made climate change, has the EU decided to end itself, has the transgendered/homosexual/lesbian and ‘other’ community admitted they are not normal after all. Has the Tower Hamlets ‘community’ decided to accept the ‘British’ way of life?
No the women’s cricket team has taken a wicket. I despair!
“South Today” was the biggest pile of doo-doos I remember when I was a kid in the seventies. Clearly it hasn’t got any better.
My dad called it “Southampton Today” as it rarely strayed beyond the Solent. I remember they had a live broadcast from the “Havant Festival” (yes really) But the Brighton Festival (second to Edinburgh)? Never got a mention. Just a photo…I’m not kidding.
Jenny Murray was one of their presenters. Married to a naval officer she would tell uninterested viewers when his submarine was coming in. I bet the soviets found that useful.
She also patronized viewers letters (remember them?) who had the audacity to complain about the crapness of BBC South Today. The BBC hasn’t changed at all it seems.
My dad who had spent a full day working his nads off in a filthy workshop just switched over to Fred Dinnage on Southern and then at 7 kicked off to the pub.
Served up the BBC’s patronizing shit and then being forced to pay for it I now understand now why.
I wouldn’t mind so much if there was any sign that women’s sport was popular among audiences. Clearly, though it isn’t and equally clearly it is a deliberate initiative by broadcasters to ‘enlighten’ the great unwashed.
This sort of de haut en bas patronising hogwash is so barefaced that it beggars belief.
Then again, even sports fans (sorry) can see right through it and perhaps it will make them view other media propagandising for what it is.
Watching AliBaba telly headlines.
The cracks are appearing in the EU dream. The Greeks can’t cope with the invasion and the economic crisis. The arguments that were expounded that ‘immigrants are good for the economy’ have disappeared in a puff of smoke.
The EU is calling on the rest of Europe for help.
All AliBaba telly is worried about is the health care we give to pregnant immigrants at Yarl’s Wood.
What about the health care of the British people ?
Time for a swift exit out of this ‘failed state’.
You should have voted UKIP.
Police in central Sweden have increased security at refugee accommodation centres after two Eritrean asylum seekers were arrested on suspicion of murdering two people at an Ikea store. Local officials feared a backlash from “dark forces” who wanted to exploit the case, police chief Per Agren said.
FFS, BBC. Presumably, those mythical ‘dark forces’ are many times worse than the religious, knife-wielding murderers..? The BBC doesn’t say. It just says what it wants and assumes we’ll take ‘Auntie’s’ word for it: the BBC says it, so it must be true, right..?
It seems the Swedish police have taken lessons from their UK cousins who, in turn, seem to be run by and for the liberal media. Don’t worry about the original crime – instead, create a fuss about the mythical backlash. Even if it never comes. and never has.
Always the threat from the mythical extreme Right. Where are they? They don’t exist.
But of course mass rapists, bombers, shooters who ARE in plain site. You know the ones that rape young girls, murder cartoonists, blow up bus and tube travelers, jogging soldiers, Jewish shoppers and now it seems furniture buyers are they not seen as “dark forces”?
No they aren’t dark forces at all. No.No.
Religion of Peace? We call those responsible “ROPists'” in our house.
Yes indeed, where are the extreme right, the racists? Hyping up the extreme right is standard practice for the corrupt left.
From the judge in the report on Tower Hamlets corruption.
‘The judge observed that this anti-racism was the ‘epitome of the thought processes’ of Rahman’s election agent. But the craving to hype up the EDL in order to establish their anti-racist credentials is the hallmark of all anti-racists. ‘If the EDL did not exist’, the judge continued, ‘truly, in Tower Hamlets… like Voltaire’s God, it would be necessary to invent it’.
The BBC seems still to be operating on a self-fulfilling prophecy basis, almost willing the reaction they keep predicting so often, so they can really ramp up the heat.
Eventually something will happen. And they will milk it. But they will be the ones to blame, as they have lead in clamping down the lid for so long as they stoke the fire below.
If ‘dark forces’, unchallenged, is their best effort now, they really have lost the plot.
Not a question of bias but aren’t Radio 5 Live’s trailers/programme links dire?
They give amateurs a bad name. Perhaps an infant class somewhere could bang out better ones while waiting for the morning bell, though as the bar is on the ground it perhaps wouldn’t give enough of a challenge for them.
I paid my £3 to vote in the Labour leadership election so I could vote for the 21st Century’s answer to Michael Foot Jeremy Corbyn and consign Labour to history. And in true left-wing fashion I had a telephone call to make sure I was ‘genuine’ and has no such plans.
I as asked why I paid my £3 did I vote Labour in the last election, why didn’t I join the Labour Party etc. I gave them what they wanted to hear. Democracy in practice!
Bailout for Greece, times look tough says the BBC.
But wait: the Island of Kos has just received 5,000 migrants bringing a total number of wealth producing migrants to 124,000. With immigration running at this level the benefits to the Greek people must be astronomic; scientists, doctors, teachers, skilled workers and engineers, not to mention athletes, will rejuvenate the Greek economy to the point where all debts will be rapidly settled.
“In 2008 a poll showed that 63% of Dutch are worried by the influence of Islam in W.Europe and 57% believe large scale immigration into the Netherlands, to be the biggest mistake ever in Dutch history.”
The Dutch are the only Europeans with some sense on this subject. The future for Europe is terrifying, I am glad I’m in my early sixties, but I fear for my grandchildren.
I’m worried, too, Phil. War, suffering and bloodshed more horrific than the appalling terrors of WW2 are all headed our way; I’d say within the next thirty years. The blame will be laid at the door of Cultural Marxists and their stubborn adherence to the doctrines of multiculturalism.
It will be the greatest mistake our elite makes to underestimate the fear of the grandparents for their grandchildren. It is a really powerful motivator and as a grandfather I know from talking to my peers just how worried we are getting.
Our grandchildren are a visible sign of our continuing future. Any existential threat to them is like a direct threat to us. Worse in fact.
Time for another article by a BBC Expert on WW2, this time on the fact that hardly anybody could speak Japanese at the start of WW2. The author of this article is a Nick HIGHAM.
I read it with a sense of incredulity. At no point did it mention the Breaking of the Japanese Cyphers at Bletchley Park, or the intensive language lessons completed in 6 months in various classrooms around there. I may be a Friend of Bletchley Park, but I would expect even the BBC intern to try and research the subject properly. I did a quick google search using the words ‘ Bletchley Park Japanese Section’ and even Wikepdia gave me an excellent answer about Hut Seven, and the work done by the linguists and code breakers on Japanese Naval Codes.
The BBC does now have a story ‘Ferguson CCTV shows shot suspect Tyrone Harris ‘with gun” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-33873751, but note the use of quotes and ‘a video apparently showing’ with the repetition of the father saying ‘his son did not have a gun and was running away from police when he was shot’.
Er, was the father even present? From another report the answer is no. “From what I heard he was there with some friends and the friends had a confrontation and they started shooting at the friend and he just happen to be at the wrong place at the wrong time,” Harris Sr. said.” http://www.kmov.com/story/29753318/suspected-shooters-father-speaks-out-after-officer-involved-shooting
So just to be clear, in a highly volatile situation the BBC is repeating controversial hearsay as if it was first hand. Does the BBC want to incite a riot?
Did you know:
That Canada has just had one of it’s coldest summers on record?
That Newfoundland has just had one of it’s coldest July’s on record?
That Iceland has just had one of it’s coldest summers on record?
That Ireland has had it’s coldest summer for 35 years?
That Scotland has had it’s coldest summer for 43 years?
That the U.K. has so far this year had a record number of “Frost days?
That the U.K. has had a “frost day” in every month of 2015 the last time this happened was in the ’80’s?
That Norway is having one of it’s coldest summers for 50 years?
That Finland is likely to have it’s coldest summer on record?
That Sweden is looking like having it’s coldest summer for 45 years?
Cold in it Mr Harrabin. Time for your bath Mr Harrabin.
Just watched “Are our Kids tough enough?” where a group of Year 9 students are educated using Chinese methods by Chinese teachers. It was very clear where the sympathies of the programme makers were as the behaviour of the students very quickly went down the pan. The learning by rote, expectations of good behaviour, patriotism and authoritative manner of the Chinese Teachers didn’t suit the BBC. The key moment, when you could literally sense the programme makers sympathies draining away, came when one of the teachers suggested it was the generous British welfare system that exacerbated the children’s sense of entitlement and led to bad attitudes. Ha ha ha ha ha!!
Extreme hostility just shown to Amber Rudd, by Breakfast BBC’s house eunuch on the subject of fracking. Accompanied by film of Anti frackers. God forbid we come up with a solution to telling the Middle East where to poke its oil.
In other news Mourinho “sexism” row rumbles on, no mention made of Male team Dr also getting criticised by Chelsea boss.
“However badly you did in your ‘A’ Levels, you could still end up on the BBC Breakfast sofa”
BBC presenters were competing for bragging rights this morning as to which of them did worst in their exams.
Our sporting friend Ore Oduba seems to have the best results ahead of Beaky Nugent and today’s house eunuch Charlie Stayt (in case you were interested)
Dumbing down meets arrogance with the implication that securing a place for your arse on the red sofa is a great achievement. Stars in your eyes, kids out there? More like BBC the goal if you ain’t got talent.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Sarnie beckons, but time for a few snippets of other news…
If I were Al, I’d avoid standing near curbs around W1A when busses approach. They need a sacrifice. It’s not like they can’t make up the numbers:
‘”more senior leaders at the BBC than in the Chinese communist party”
Given the BBC’s current handling of FoIs, one to pursue, but with the Chinese Communist party as its model, what chance has anyone?
Especially finding out where money is spent:
‘Partners In Crime, BBC1’s version of Agatha Christie’s attempt at Cold War hokum, finished its first “story” with 4.5m viewers – meaning some 2 million who watched the opener didn’t follow through.’
I lasted 10 minutes of the first effort. Money well wasted.
How does TWATO explain giving over TWENTY MINUTES at the top of its programme to the prospects , or otherwise, of Jeremy Corbyn and the puffed up Corbymania they insist is really real….really!
I really don`t need Baroness Ashtons hubby and Permatan Hain to debate Labour Party “ways forward” gratis…if the sad labour lefties no longer can rent a pub room in SW1…that`s THEIR problem.
There is NO excuse for Labour policy being discussed on news bulletins-they lost the election like Liberals did…they are a dead parrot, sucking off the straw induced flatus of the BBC and Guardian.
Rest of us hate them-and watch now for the “Labour didn`t cause the economic mess, so defend all that Hain sat through” meme.
Hain blames the bankers-as if Labour didn`t set up THEIR regulatory regime(or lack of).
Sorry Labour losers-whether it was Brown, Blair and Banks-or Banks, Blair and Brown…it was you…Labour must never be forgiven or forgotten.
No wonder the BBC like the Nigerian supply teacher-they did worse to the nation, and hope we`ll all become Giles Fraser-types of Creeping Christians…nah!
Is Peter Hain still alive ? Was he ever really alive ?
I don’t know if it’s been mentioned before, but is this true? Naughtie used the word semi-deliberately, in my opinion, and couldn’t stop himself. Champagne? Good God.
Interesting that he’s merely a “newsreader”.
More worm problems from the BBC.
More Enrichment News-not SO FAR reported on B BC:-
The 2 people stabbed in Ikea in Nothern Sweden were the RANDOM victims of 2 Eritrean Asylum-Seekers (B BC trnslation :2 MEN).
Now come on guys, you weren’t suspecting this , were you???
Summer is a coming and a going….
It must have been summer – Lord Melvyn Bragg left the building in the second week of July and is not expected back until late in September. I blame all this talk of migration and the the bad influence of all those acedemics he mixes with. Part timers- eh?
Coldest summer in Scotland for 30 years – did I hear that right on our BBC? Or did I hear ‘worst’ summer, or was that ‘wettest’ ? Anything will do but the agenda-busting ‘coldest’, I guess.
The SNP really are a party of all the tartan-talents. Their enviroment minister couldn’t help himself but invoke ‘climate change’ and ‘extraordinary weather events’.
I recall Chistopher Lee had a similar belief in the weather gods in the Wickerman (1973). Lord Summer Isle wasn’t that his character?
Someone please break to the Scots, the weather doesn’t know when we’ve been naughty.
Carol Kirkwood blames the shifting jet stream and something about cold Atlantic waters – I didn’t quite catch what she said, she didn’t dwell on it.
Now here’s a quick thought experiment – can you imagine what the BBC would have been like were we to have just had a hot summer? You probably needn’t bother – a reasonable summer next year (and we’re over due for one) and the Beeb will just about bust its bloomers.
Gardeners World seems to have stopped advising viewers to plant draught tolerant gardens, to deal with our increasingly Mediterranean conditions, and gone back to dealing with box blight and snails on your Hostas…
Drought tolerant as the other reads as draft tolerant !
Apologies for pedantry I do realise it’s a slip of the fingers which the chell specker wouldn’t pick up.
Oh bugger! Do you mean I have dug up all my plants and spent a fortune on planting cacti for nothing?
You’re going to have to shift all those date palms, smartish.
Need to make room for some rehabilitated Leylandii!
The BBC can’t stop itself from conflating ‘the weather’ with so-called ‘man-made climate change’. It honestly thinks the two are one and the same. The difference is that one genuinely exists and the other is a chimera – albeit a very, very useful one.
Yes, that’s right. Funny thing, you would think after all those programmes they make outdoors: Open Country, Coast, etc., etc., they would realise that indeed weather can be a component of ‘climate’ but only after a settled pattern of many years and then only in retrospect. Also that ‘climate’ is highly subjective: one person’s tolerable, pleasant climate may leave someone else scrabbling for an extra layer after sitting still for just five minutes.
The BBC must have visited here at some time:
Just thought I’d do a quick check. Yes. They have articles about Inverewe on the w/s, as recently for 2012 & 2010. The BBC are not very good at paying attention to their own programmes & web-site! Really, not a very good understanding of ‘climate’ & ‘climate change’ then at the BBC overall.
I always thought it interesting that having joined in with the Conservatives, who set the Global Warming hare running in the early 1990s, that Blair very quickly switched to talking about Climate Change not long after becoming PM.
Ah, but there’s probably a bitter winter to survive, first, and spiced up with the possibility of power shortages.
This is shocking, truly shocking …
1). Because it is sickening, truthful, and fact filled.
2). More importantly more shocking that is on a US channel and NOT here.
and … obviously not on the BBC, ask yourselves why?
That is a tremendously powerful interview nogginator, thanks for posting it. I wonder why Jeremy Vine didn’t have her on his show today as the lead story? Oh yes! I forgot, David Beckham’s daughter is four and was filmed using a dummy – much, much, more important a subject to analyze.
Incidentally, there is a case due to come to trial next year; which could be the biggest one yet involving a RoP sex slavery gang, this one in Halifax.
Among all the grievance hustling types on BBC speed-dial…this group you tell us of has NEVER had a place on the BBC….Womans Hour/ Newsnight and all those other platforms for stoking the conscience of the nation.
Why do the BBC reckon I need to know all about Kids Company…Welfare and Immigration charities….but not one dickie bird about MARIAS…is it `cos the victims are white-and female.
Let alone the Muslim and black girls who may well be getting targeted by the BBCs “Men Of Destiny”.
M.A.R.I.A.S deserve our full support-and we need to rub the BBCs Guardians noses in the reasons why Toni has to set up a charity like this in our own country in 2015.
Guess we`ll not be hearing from her on the BBC…but we know now.
Ta nog.
That is a devastating point that Toni makes in the interview; about Muslims convicted of this kind of crime who are described as not being Muslim, because they’ve behaved in this way. They are sent to prison where they are provided with an Imam, prayer mat and time to pray, given halal meat and not given pork to eat to comply with their religion. If they aren’t Muslims: why would they conform to the tenets of Islam in such a way?
Also, what a statistic – “Muslims make up 4% of the population of the U.K. yet are 24% of the London prison population, mostly for violence, drugs and prostitution”; that should give anyone with an ounce of sense, cause for concern about what we’ve let / are continuing to let into our country.
Re Al s post
Yes, checked on BBC News for “Halifax grooming gang” only two results, one about the BNP!!!
Guess the worlds finest newscaster must have missed this bit,
low interest in Al BBC land
erm … , apparently only the beginning., these two from the local Halifax rag The Courier
March “Child sexual abuse ring in Halifax: 25 men charged”
June “Fifteen more men in court over Halifax grooming case”
Mirror – “Britain’s biggest child sex grooming gang thought to have been busted after cops arrest 45 men”
“It is claimed four girls – some as young as 13 – were abused by the alleged paedophiles over a number of years and officers said they could swoop on even more suspects.”
Recognise anything familiar?
“A court order was made preventing the press from publishing the full addresses of any of the defendants.
The men who appeared in court and the charges they face are as follows:
Hedar Ali,, 35, of Cheshire, two counts of rape and two counts of trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation.
Fasil Mahmood, 35, of Halifax, sexual activity with a child under 16 and supply of a class B drug
Zameer Asif, 24, of Halifax, sexual activity with a child; Mohammed Ramzan, 34, of Bradford, conspiracy to engage in sexual activity with a child under 16, rape and trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation
Khalid Zaman, 37, of Bradford, conspiracy to engage in sexual activity with a child under 16, two counts of rape and supply of a class B drug
Ataf Ali, 32, of Bradford, conspiracy to engage in sexual activity with a child under 16 and voyeurism
Mohammed Fiaz Askar, 32, of Bradford, conspiracy to engage in sexual activity with a child under 16
Aesan Pervez, 26, of Halifax, three counts of sexual assault
Mansoor Akhtar, 23, of Huddersfield. two counts of sexual activity with a child under 16 and the supply of a class B drug
Furgaan Ghafar, 30, Derby, sexual activity with a child under 16
Aftab Hussain, 35, of Halifax, sexual grooming, sexual assault and sexual activity with a child under 16
Talib Saddiq, 29, of Halifax, two counts of sexual activity with a child under 16
Amaar Ali Ditta, 25, of Halifax, two counts of sexual activity with a child under 16
Sikander Malik, 30, of Halifax, sexual activity with a child under 16
Akbar Aziz Hussain, 29, of Halifax. sexual activity with a child under 16 and supply of a class B drug
Azeem Subhani, 23, of Halifax, two counts of sexual activity with a child under 16
Tahir Mahmood, 42, of Halifax, three counts of sexual activity with a child under 16 and sexual assault
Mohammed Ahmed, 41, of Halifax, sexual activity with a child under 16
Haaris Ahmed, 31, of Halifax, sexual activity with a child under 16 and supply of a class B drug
Taukeer Butt,, 29, of Halifax, four counts of sexual activity with a child under 16
Arshad Majid, 24, of Shipley, sexual activity with a child under 16
Christopher Mulqueen-Bennett, 36, of Newport, sexual activity with a child under 16
Muhammed Asim Janjuha, 33, of Bradford, rape
Haider Ali, 39, of Halifax, rape, sexual activity with a child under 16 and causing a child under 16 to engage in sexual activity without
Sikander Ishaq, 30, of Halifax, sexual activity with a child under 16.
Many of the defendants, who were all on bail, covered their faces and mouths as they arrived at court ”
… I bet
On Bail !
They should all be deported to the stagnant pond that they came from after serving ‘hard labour’ in jail .
Where’s George R these days? Miss his presence and forensic analysis of the BBC’s Left-wing bias.
The BBC does its bit to rehabilitate the criminal classes:
“Vicky Pryce, the Greek born economist who attracted media headlines on her conviction for perverting the course of justice over speeding points incurred by her former husband, Chris Huhne, nominates Melina Mercouri as a great life at a time when Greece is facing huge economic and political pressures.”
I wonder when Carol Thatcher will be granted ‘parole’ by the BBC?
Sorry, haven’t had time to read all of the comments so maybe my point has been discussed at length. As I am listening to Tuesday’s PM programme I am heartily sick of the wall-to-wall coverage of Corbyn & the Labour party. There seems far too much coverage of it on every news programme. Since the election the news seems to permanently about the Labour leadership, except for a flurry of coverage around Osborne’s budget there has been very little mention of the Conservatives.
Does anyone know the comparative hours the BBC news has devoted to Labour & the Conservatives? It seems heavily skewed to me.
Often once Feedback goes off air (like it has now) the BBC goes full out for left wing propaganda for a week or two hoping that people will forget just before Feedback comes back again. Feedback though is a useless complaint opportunity, any criticism is brushed aside with the person criticising made to look like a bigot.
And, of course, each interview with the Labour candidates and their supporters is accompanied by lots of mostly unsubstantiated, and certainly unchallenged, kicks at the current governing party. No right of reply, no balance and absolutely no rebuttal from the Beeboid presenters, nor anyone else for that matter.
Now, what happened to the Charter commitment to unbiased coverage of political issues ? Yeah, right, that’ll be the day !
Shouldn’t the Labour Party be paying rent for all the air-time they’re getting?
And will the hours be totted up and subtracted from time allowed for party-political broadcasts over the next year, say?
More loony propaganda from the bBBC, aimed at brainwashing da yoof. Heartbreaking that an 18-year-old chav, his ‘partner’ and their illegitimate kid might have to live within their means, like the rest of us do.
It’s remarkable isn’t it? What use to be called “living within your means” and was seen as a positive thing, is now called “austerity” and is viewed by Al Beebus et al as an absolutely terrible thing.
I did notice towards the end of the Newsbeat article the usual “The Labour Party says……”. They are like a bloody stuck record.
Oh Shit !
It appears that the Slavery drama ‘Roots’ is going to be remade in the USA, and already the BBC is cock a hoop about it.
The last time Roots was shown it caused considerable racial tensions, and that was at a time when there weren’t those mischief makers and stirrers around.
God only knows what the BBC will make of this when it airs, and I feel certain that they will seek to buy and air it at peak times. Of course any racial problems / riots will be encouraged, and non of it will be the fault of the BBC, but the nasty white people they hate so much.
You can just see it coming. Time to board up the windows and doors when it does air.
Community cohesion? well we all know that means forcing every other group to accept they have to allow Muslims do what ever they want, and Black people most often don’t fit into that category.
If you watch the Al BBC, and you d think it was already bloody running … with their drama over Ferguson and poor unarmed, “gentle giant” M Brown.
(see that vid of him beating an old guy? and the shopkeeper)
Didn’t it turn out that the writer of ‘Roots’, supposedly based on fact, made it up? Why the hell would you want to remake that?
“Everywhere on Earth and throughout history, blacks are known for manual labour and failure.”
I should imagine those most fearful will be edge-of-town electrical retailers; funny how those ‘protesting against racism’ always seem to feel the need to kick in plate glass windows and steal flat screen tellies and Playstations.
I dunno,must be some kind of ‘race thing’ that as an over-privileged white male I just don’t understand…
They steal the tellies, because they like to watch the unwavering BBC support for the thieving bastards.
Anyone pick up news of this attack on AliBaba telly?
It caused some disruption on the London underground today.
Ears peeled for further details, we can all probably take a guess as to which ‘group’ the perpetrator belongs, but we won’t hear in on the bBC.
I’m not totally sure – but I think that Sky did mention “Asian appearance” in their panic reporting this afternoon.
Has the ‘penny dropped’ ?
Ah… but…. it has been ‘hottest eva’ in a certain convolutedly-bordered corner of Europe, according to BBC Weather on twitter, so all is settled still.
Funny you should say that.
AliBaba radio Wales this morning ‘today will be the ‘Hottest Day of the ….(wait for it) ….Week!’ Adding that the weekend will be cooler. We all know what that means.
I couldn’t possibly rub it in any more by posting that down in the south-east we are, at least, having a summer this year. If I didn’t want to upset all those in the west and north of the UK, I could point out how dry the ground is and that lawns & grass are now looking a bit burnt and there’s been an early harvest. How could I have the heart to possibly make things worse for you?
Doh! But I just did. Sorry.
Am being punished as I type. It is cool here and raining right now. Not long after a Met guy said on BBC R4 that most of us will have a fine day. His office however provided the correct weather forecast to the BBC weather site … except, it rained here an hour earlier than stated. Never mind. Can’t win all the time. Another broadcast on the BBC (via the Met Office) who presents something rather different from the information on the BBC web-site provided by …
… the Met Office.
As the old RAF types used to say ‘What goes up, must come down’. Unless you work for the BBC where the facts of evaporation and precipitation and a few other inconvenient bits of science can be left at the back of desk drawer somewhere in a little used office in those plush new premises.
So why, with Climate Change getting a mention once or twice this week on R4 (& the BBC web-site) did not Justin Webb ask Ed Vaizey, when talking of DAB radio, about the energy hungry nature of digital broadcasting? Why did Justin not point out that DAB radio uses up to 20 times more energy for the listening device than analogue radio. He could then have asked the Minister if DAB radio meets the criteria and passes the Government test for sustainability. He could have done.
But he did not.
The BBC/Met Office weather forecast continues to perform miserably where I am in the South East, too. Even if I were being kind I couldn’t pretend it has been any better than 90 per cent wrong so far this week.
It is clear that the software the Met Office is using doesn’t work and that claims about improving accuracy are bogus.
A properly impartial BBC would, of course, be investigating this. Instead it simply carries on with the lies.
No wonder why the BBC haven’t wanted to carry on reporting on the stabbing murders in Ikea Sweden.
Deputy prosecutor general Eva Moren told reporters: “The two suspects are both from Eritrea. They have been living at an asylum centre,” she said, adding that the pair knew each other. “We know nothing about the motive yet, the investigation will have to determine that,” she said.
Police increased security at asylum centres across Sweden, including at the centre where the two suspects resided in Arboga, 35 miles from Västerås.
Sound of a stable door slamming…???
Don’t be silly. The police are there to protect the asylum seekers from the evil ‘far right’, that have killed approximately zero people in Sweden this year.
I think that Robert Peston needs a haircut and I don’t mean a financial one
As is likely the response by others on this site I have been utterly appalled and enraged by the stories in the Daily Mail, today, concerning health tourism by foreigners, with the exploitation especially frequent with Africans and Eastern Europeans. According to the Mail’s investigations, this cynical scam of obtaining and using the NHS cards by those with no right has been largely ignored due to reasons of local authority finances and political correctness i.e. NHS officials turning a blind eye for fear of being branded racist. Indeed, one eminent surgeon estimated that this disgusting abuse of our NHS by foreign freeloading swindlers could be costing taxpayers up to 3 billion; and even worse, that the government has known about this but has failed to do ANYTHING!
So, my point is this: why the F*** has the BBC not spent the required hours reporting on this unforgivable scandal? Is it not meant to be there as a representation of the public at large’s interests? Is it not responsible for highlighting taxpayer concerns? No, it’s more interested in reporting on Jeremy’s Labour leadership campaign and garnering sympathy for those criminals at Calias. If a story, no matter how serious, portrays enrichers in a bad light, then it is taboo for the cultural Marxists at the BBC. What a disgrace!
The BBC is not there for any other reason except to help manage the turning of old England into a ‘ liberal dreamstate’ which the liberal elite believes is not only the inevitable result of a marxist analysis of history but a quasi religious imperative bought about by the same analysis of history from the perspective of the insane.
It is increasingly out of control and by that I mean it is bordering on open distortions of the truth and the suppression of reality to fit that distortion.
So feverish have the pods involved become that they are unable to understand or cope with alternative viewpoints.
You name them they are all exhibiting these tendencies.
They cling to odd fantasies and their behaviour is bizarre. The church service from Calais, the obsession with Corbyn , the obsession with climate change, Obama, the wilder insanities of EU spokesmen( and these need a special section all to themselves.)
The ignoring of important speeches like Hammond’s on the possible nightmare future facing Europe. It goes on and on and the tempo is increasing.
In the last years of the USSR even the spokesman for the communist regime knew it was a huge lie and literally insane.
I fear our media liberals and in particular the BBC/Guardian axis of insanity has not reached that point and perhaps never will.
Owen Jones/Giles Fraser are the near perfect examples of body snatched pods . Soon there will be many like them and Vine, Derbyshire, Wark, Marr,Snow, and – I could go on and on .
As the contradictions in their lunatic approach to events begin to make it obvious that we are being lied to or misled then we could see the whole liberal world view implode.
But we need to remember that they are the propaganda arm of a state apparatus that is verging on the insane as well and beginning to suffer from the same contradictions of liberalism and political correctness. Makes them dangerous.
They’re only dangerous if people are consuming their product, I believe that they know that audiences are in decline hence the rapid rise in their despiration, they know the game is very nearly up.
Sadly there are a lot of people who are seriously hard of thinking and still lap up the shite they produce, its these people that need educating.
I disagree. They are dangerous because they monopolise consensus even, or especially, when dissenting individuals opt out.
You can refuse to sup with the devil, but this particular devil has the power to stop you inviting anyone else over to tea.
He sits on the communication lines like a troll, making Chinese-whisper magic and mangling all the messages.
You can’t just opt-out, you need to opt-in, to telling everyone where the bonfire of lies is being held.
The single most important thing about Biased BBC is telling people about it. This site is the nearest thing to a proper Have Your Say that the BBC has, whether it likes it or not. Everyone should know about it, so how do you spread the news?
”Sadly there are a lot of people who are seriously hard of thinking.” Some people actually think Eastenders and Coronation Street is real.
Tonight’s ‘One Show’. (Can’t find a comment elsewhere.) Another trip to Savile Town, Dewsbury (97-100% ‘British Muslims’ and home to some of our dearly-departed terrorists). On the previous One Show visit, we were joyfully informed that Sharia Law operates there (in an unspecified way), whilst tonight we had a Vicars vs Imams community football match. Note the beaming smile of the referee and upbeat tone of the commentary. It is noticeable also that the Imams didn’t have time to change, having no doubt just rushed from the mosque. Enjoy! http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p02zbwll
Were they using a football or a severed head? I didn’t bother to look.
AliBaba telly reporting “Sixth-form colleges in England say they have had to cut the number of science and foreign language courses they offer, because of financial pressures.”
Perhaps these colleges should cut the courses teaching ‘mickey mouse’ subjects such as media, drama, arts, theology, sociology etc, and spend their money on teaching subjects that will be of real benefit to the students when they leave school. How about plumbing, bricklaying, engineering electronics and carpentry subjects to name but a few? – apprenticeships.
Heaven forbid! We can’t have them being trained to do the jobs that we British are supposedly “too lazy to do”. What excuse would the “hardworking migrants” have to come here to “work and pay taxes (cough,splutter)” and contribute to the “prosperity” of our “wonderful muticultural, vibrant and diverse society”?
Since the time of Blair, we have had an egalitarian ethic of sending all school leaving children to ‘Uni’ despite their educational skills. Many of these kids are ‘numpties’ who would be far better off getting themselves straight into a job at 16, earning themselves some money instead of storing up a chunk of debt for their future.
Instead, they go and study the ‘soft option’, ‘mickey mouse’ courses that are unusable in the real world. This gives them an unrealistic expectation of the career they are hoping for, unless its for a vacancy in AliBaba broadcasting.
Every day I see many of these ‘Ologists’ working hard as bar staff, shop workers and waiters in the retail world and I feel genuinely sorry for them.
BBC “The authorities say Mr Harris was armed and opened fire, but his father has described their account of events as “a bunch of lies”.” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-33858353
Twitter “Surveillance video shows Tyrone Harris pulling a gun out of his waistband.#Ferguson” http://twitter.com/PzFeed/status/631228183971528704
Internet 1
Odd. Usually the BBC treats twitter sources as unimpeachable straight to front page material.
Clearly parental testimony trumps factual evidence.
Was this unfortunate young man also a promising footballer by chance?
We’re beginning to notice a pattern in the BBC’s use of the word controversial
This morning Louise Minchin and Bill mincing sit on the licence-funded red sofa. Our Bill headlines a news report on a “Controversial Detention Centre” for migrants.
Danny Shaw is the BBC home affairs journo who brings us the report, re-emphasising the word by tellling us that this centre has been “controversial” since its opening several years ago. I guess controversy must have been in-built – some rogue element included on the architect’s blue prints?
Controversial now appears to be established in BBC newspeak as a red flag indicator for politicians, poliices and now institutions of which the BBC does not approve.
Had to laugh when Bill asked the African ‘refugee’ wheeled on to give her sob story if she intended ever returning to whichever hellhole she’d emerged from..?
She replied she was in full-time education here in the UK now, thanks all the same.
More of my taxes spent on encouraging the great international free-for-all.
Append controversial descriptor to suit internally, broadcast externally, then refer to it as if created elsewhere.
See: ‘critics are saying’.
BBc breakfast and this morning we have http://www.refugeewomen.co.uk/
To be honest I didn’t listen to closely. Oh dear how sad
This morning’s Today was wibbling on about some bust-up between the Chelsea manager and their doctor. Of course, they had to bring up the fact that said doctor is a woman and all were agreed that she wouldn’t have been treated like that were she a man. How disgracefully sexist of them to make that assumption.
Jim Naughtie then added another “ism” by stating about Jose Mourinho, “…and when you add in a Latino temperament”. Isn’t that a bit of stereotyping based on ethnicity? Imagine if he’d said something stereotyping black people? Or certain favoured religions? Better still, imagine some unknown UKIP member had said it. Can anyone doubt the BBC’s reaction in that case?
One is almost tempted to make a complaint, just to get back at them with their own tactics, but unlike those on the left I have better things to do.
You really should.
The circumlutions to the ‘about right’ reply would be worth the effort.
Risible, but still worth it.
Oh all right. You’ve persuaded me. 😉
Your place on the thing that they circulate around somewhere another in several months to do nothing that anyone pays attention to having fought tooth and nail to avoid even that, is assured.
However, when you share the inevitable here, the wince that will be heard in W1A will stay make it worth it. And the cheers from your peers.
Apparently the entire Chelsea medical staff got a b*llocking, but because one of them is Woman, she has been singled out for special sympathy, equality only works one way it seems…
Perhaps I should tell James Naughtie that we Wimmin don’t need the beeb riding to our rescue under the spurious guise of chivalry.
It’s also on BBC social media, and doing really well there too.
Not sure the BBC really has the pulse of those they claim to speak for much.
And here are a few other gems from their FB feed, all getting savaged by a clearly unimpressed public…
BBC News
He’s worked as a crocodile farmer, “bull catcher” and grazier
‘Crocodile Dundee’ MP backing Australia gay marriage
Seems JonDon & crew have been stirred in action again. Maybe it was the ‘bull-catching’ that did it?
BBC News
Those poor bereft bunnies
Hundreds of rabbits suffering lonely lives
Could be worse. Think mixymatosis. Jon… you’re up again!
BBC News
According to Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, Mr Modi has hurt the pride of Biharis by casting aspersions on him
Why India’s Bihar is taking DNA samples to spite Modi
Not like the BBC will grab any opportunity to cast nastertiums back at Mr. Modi, eh?
BBC News
“If you don’t have a diverse and inclusive workforce – you end up not making good decisions.” http://bbc.in/1MmHs7d
In our latest Summer In The City video, we look at one US police department’s struggle to recruit more black officers.
Like they have all been so good so far.
BBC News
Why cat clips rule the internet
Seriously… BBC ‘News’.
And, of course, like the last one wasn’t enough, an old favourite race-bating meme gets aired in a new guise:
BBC News
14 hrs · Edited ·
“Some people can mourn in private. A normal family can. But he has to try to mourn and grieve in front of the world.”
One year on from Michael Brown’s death in #Ferguson, Missouri, BBC’s Jessica Lussenhop spent the day with his father.
Jessica, love… the Pulitzer for over-emoting BS is sooooo close. Keep it up and it’s yours.
And all the football ‘experts’ they had on to discuss it were wimmin. Sigh.
Try to believe at least one unbelievable thing before breakfast
BBC invited guest expert on school truancy: “One young child I know of… appeared to be missing school for five weeks – when I looked into the case we found it was due to bullying. His mother had been putting him in school uniform and sending him to school, but he had been hiding in the toilets and not attending classes”
Five weeks? Really?
Please, Miss, little Johnny’s been living in the boy’s loos!
Well that’s his and his mother’s story, I guess. Faced with the chance of a fine for truancy, they would.
Either it’s a case of that old British Colditz spirit of ingenuity and daring or I sense that old American term ‘BS’
The BBC attitude to such testimony : If it’s agenda-friendly then take it at face value. Don’t ask, don’t tell.
This is truly unbelievable but yet again the same debate that aired on Breakfast is rehashed on the VD show. I would not be at all surprised that it appeared at some point on Today and that it crops up on the narcissist Vine’s Radio 2 “debate” show or Newsnight later.
Either the BBC apparatchiks are running out of imagination or prefer to follow a tactic of repeatedly bludgeoning the British public into submission.
Nothing sums the BBC up more than this …
IS Bombers In UK Ready To Attack
“Islamic State is now focused on urging British would-be recruits to carry out “lone wolf” attacks in the UK instead of travelling to fight in Syria, Sky News has learned.”
A new strategy? a major departure?.
“Our IS contacts confirmed the group’s new policy for British and European jihadists is to stay in their countries”
Already reported in Sunday newspapers, you would like to think the BBC would show a flicker of interest.
Over a week ago, the BBC reported IS was predictable!
So no room on Al BBC main news page for it, aw never mind folks
Will there be a Downton Abbey Movie?
Funny how there have never been any terrorist attacks on the BBC. I wonder why ?
There was that one on Frank. I think it was listed as friendly fire though.
Wasn’t that a Blue on Blue?
Are there any male presenters left on the BBC? They all seem to be women!
Well there’s Bill Turnbull, Nicky Campb… no, sorry, as you were…
‘…there’s Bill Turnbull, Nicky Campb… ‘
Failed stars used to become celebrity pantomine dames at the twilight of their careers.
They say everything is upside down these days.
The modern BBC guy looks like he’s just arrived from panto.
It has come to a situation where if I see a new white male presenter on the BBC, then I automatically assume he must be Gay.
ditto any female comic on BBC radio
Are there any female comics on BBC radio?
Not since the late, great, much-missed Linda Smith.
Up to a point. She was also a rabid Lefty. Which is why she was omnipresent on the BBC.
In the unlikely event that you remain in doubt as to whether the BBC acts as Labour’s mouth piece – you will be reassured by this prompt annoucement:
“Labour leadership voter registration deadline extended”
“Ballot papers will begin to be sent out on Friday, and the result will be announced at a special conference on 12 September.”
“On Twitter, Labour apologised that the site had been down, with some users replying to say they were still experiencing problems.”
BBC : Labour’s PR department
Furthermore, I always take issue with the BBC breathlessly rushing to tell me what’s big on twitter and other social media – If the licence payer is actually interested they will already be aware and if they are not you can surely take it they are – by definition – not interested in what’s big in social media – or else they would indeed be on there – fair comment?
If I was a Tory voter I would be lobbying my MP about it.
The BBC was talking up Jeremy Corbyn again on the Jeremy Vine show. Vine said that the deadline to vote for Corbyn had been extended to one hour after the Jeremy Vine Show ends. So you could listen to the Jeremy Vine Show, and still have the convenience of an hour to register to vote for Corbyn.
Al BBC radio reports, another 5 arrests in London … Terrorism charges, 3 from same family, more expected later.
I immediately thought after recent BBC reports, it was those pesky Buddhists … but alas
Yep! … its Islam again, and not the international society of non Islamic “lone wolves” either!.
Keeping it all in the family, getting more like the small number of “men of Pak heritage” that have, “nothing to do with Islam”
… that strangely doesn t explain why its Afghan, Somali, Bangladeshi, Syrian Iraqi and Turk as well … that are gang raping the million child victims
‘Are Hindu Nationalists a danger to other Indians’
I’m no expert but ‘Hindu Nationalists’ don’t seem to bother me. Unlike others I could mention.
Seems India has joined Australia as a black-balled nation there at the BBC
Whereas old school communist loyalties seem to have gone with China now copping a BBC black ball
BBC click-bait link reads : ‘Tales of Exile Fleeing China and finding a new home in Pakistan’
Ah, wonderful Pakistan, that shining light, that beacon of freedom and happiness.
‘Are Scottish Nationalists a danger to British citizens?’
“Docks shut down after illegal immigrants try to enter Southampton”
Can’t find any mention of this on BBC Hampshire and Isle Of Wight News pages. You have to wonder how many got away.
That was simply a matter of time. I’d be amazed if that, or trying to get across in small boats hasn’t been going on for some time.
I’d also be amazed if the BBC were first to report it.
I’m surprised that the BBC hasn’t set up a TV lounge in Calais to keep the swarm entertained. They could then show back to back episodes of Bergerac to get the message across that the Channel Islands are British, and a lot closer to France than Dover.
I have just paid £180 for a ferry ticket to France which will include a seat where I can listen to the screams of unruly schoolchildren. Any chance of boarding a lorry or, better still, dressing up as a clergyman to obtain space with the BBC Songs of Praisers.
BBC south today had reports on women’s sport first and women’s sports was the majority make up of the sports section last night. SKY always has women presenters presenting sports and male sports. The new add for the premiership league on LBC has a woman promoting it with a sort of husky/ sexual voice that isn’t genuine like most female presenters and of course the intent is to ‘feminaz…..feminize the game. Today on ‘Five live’ a discussion was interrupted with important breaking news….I thought have all the immigrants in Calais returned home, has Yentob resigned, has a black man actually murdered a white man at last, have scientists discovered that there is no man made climate change, has the EU decided to end itself, has the transgendered/homosexual/lesbian and ‘other’ community admitted they are not normal after all. Has the Tower Hamlets ‘community’ decided to accept the ‘British’ way of life?
No the women’s cricket team has taken a wicket. I despair!
“South Today” was the biggest pile of doo-doos I remember when I was a kid in the seventies. Clearly it hasn’t got any better.
My dad called it “Southampton Today” as it rarely strayed beyond the Solent. I remember they had a live broadcast from the “Havant Festival” (yes really) But the Brighton Festival (second to Edinburgh)? Never got a mention. Just a photo…I’m not kidding.
Jenny Murray was one of their presenters. Married to a naval officer she would tell uninterested viewers when his submarine was coming in. I bet the soviets found that useful.
She also patronized viewers letters (remember them?) who had the audacity to complain about the crapness of BBC South Today. The BBC hasn’t changed at all it seems.
My dad who had spent a full day working his nads off in a filthy workshop just switched over to Fred Dinnage on Southern and then at 7 kicked off to the pub.
Served up the BBC’s patronizing shit and then being forced to pay for it I now understand now why.
I wouldn’t mind so much if there was any sign that women’s sport was popular among audiences. Clearly, though it isn’t and equally clearly it is a deliberate initiative by broadcasters to ‘enlighten’ the great unwashed.
This sort of de haut en bas patronising hogwash is so barefaced that it beggars belief.
Then again, even sports fans (sorry) can see right through it and perhaps it will make them view other media propagandising for what it is.
Watching AliBaba telly headlines.
The cracks are appearing in the EU dream. The Greeks can’t cope with the invasion and the economic crisis. The arguments that were expounded that ‘immigrants are good for the economy’ have disappeared in a puff of smoke.
The EU is calling on the rest of Europe for help.
All AliBaba telly is worried about is the health care we give to pregnant immigrants at Yarl’s Wood.
What about the health care of the British people ?
Time for a swift exit out of this ‘failed state’.
You should have voted UKIP.
I did vote UKIP, so don’t blame me. 😎
Police in central Sweden have increased security at refugee accommodation centres after two Eritrean asylum seekers were arrested on suspicion of murdering two people at an Ikea store.
Local officials feared a backlash from “dark forces” who wanted to exploit the case, police chief Per Agren said.
FFS, BBC. Presumably, those mythical ‘dark forces’ are many times worse than the religious, knife-wielding murderers..? The BBC doesn’t say. It just says what it wants and assumes we’ll take ‘Auntie’s’ word for it: the BBC says it, so it must be true, right..?
Scrap the license fee now.
It seems the Swedish police have taken lessons from their UK cousins who, in turn, seem to be run by and for the liberal media. Don’t worry about the original crime – instead, create a fuss about the mythical backlash. Even if it never comes. and never has.
Perhaps the root of the problem is ‘that it never has’!
These “forces” are so dark, nobody has seen them yet. I’ll get my torch and look behind the fridge …….
Always the threat from the mythical extreme Right. Where are they? They don’t exist.
But of course mass rapists, bombers, shooters who ARE in plain site. You know the ones that rape young girls, murder cartoonists, blow up bus and tube travelers, jogging soldiers, Jewish shoppers and now it seems furniture buyers are they not seen as “dark forces”?
No they aren’t dark forces at all. No.No.
Religion of Peace? We call those responsible “ROPists'” in our house.
Yes indeed, where are the extreme right, the racists? Hyping up the extreme right is standard practice for the corrupt left.
From the judge in the report on Tower Hamlets corruption.
‘The judge observed that this anti-racism was the ‘epitome of the thought processes’ of Rahman’s election agent. But the craving to hype up the EDL in order to establish their anti-racist credentials is the hallmark of all anti-racists. ‘If the EDL did not exist’, the judge continued, ‘truly, in Tower Hamlets… like Voltaire’s God, it would be necessary to invent it’.
The BBC seems still to be operating on a self-fulfilling prophecy basis, almost willing the reaction they keep predicting so often, so they can really ramp up the heat.
Eventually something will happen. And they will milk it. But they will be the ones to blame, as they have lead in clamping down the lid for so long as they stoke the fire below.
If ‘dark forces’, unchallenged, is their best effort now, they really have lost the plot.
Not a question of bias but aren’t Radio 5 Live’s trailers/programme links dire?
They give amateurs a bad name. Perhaps an infant class somewhere could bang out better ones while waiting for the morning bell, though as the bar is on the ground it perhaps wouldn’t give enough of a challenge for them.
I paid my £3 to vote in the Labour leadership election so I could vote for the 21st Century’s answer to Michael Foot Jeremy Corbyn and consign Labour to history. And in true left-wing fashion I had a telephone call to make sure I was ‘genuine’ and has no such plans.
I as asked why I paid my £3 did I vote Labour in the last election, why didn’t I join the Labour Party etc. I gave them what they wanted to hear. Democracy in practice!
Bailout for Greece, times look tough says the BBC.
But wait: the Island of Kos has just received 5,000 migrants bringing a total number of wealth producing migrants to 124,000. With immigration running at this level the benefits to the Greek people must be astronomic; scientists, doctors, teachers, skilled workers and engineers, not to mention athletes, will rejuvenate the Greek economy to the point where all debts will be rapidly settled.
Hurrah for the enrichment of Kos. Hurrah!
I think Jose could be in trouble with Al Beeb after banning Eva Carneiro (a woman) from matches and training !
I wonder if the ‘trendy’ and ‘progressive’ Newsnight team will do a report on these types of findings?
“In 2008 a poll showed that 63% of Dutch are worried by the influence of Islam in W.Europe and 57% believe large scale immigration into the Netherlands, to be the biggest mistake ever in Dutch history.”
The Dutch are the only Europeans with some sense on this subject. The future for Europe is terrifying, I am glad I’m in my early sixties, but I fear for my grandchildren.
When will the BBC do a poll asking the same question I wonder?
I’m worried, too, Phil. War, suffering and bloodshed more horrific than the appalling terrors of WW2 are all headed our way; I’d say within the next thirty years. The blame will be laid at the door of Cultural Marxists and their stubborn adherence to the doctrines of multiculturalism.
It will be the greatest mistake our elite makes to underestimate the fear of the grandparents for their grandchildren. It is a really powerful motivator and as a grandfather I know from talking to my peers just how worried we are getting.
Our grandchildren are a visible sign of our continuing future. Any existential threat to them is like a direct threat to us. Worse in fact.
Time for another article by a BBC Expert on WW2, this time on the fact that hardly anybody could speak Japanese at the start of WW2. The author of this article is a Nick HIGHAM.
I read it with a sense of incredulity. At no point did it mention the Breaking of the Japanese Cyphers at Bletchley Park, or the intensive language lessons completed in 6 months in various classrooms around there. I may be a Friend of Bletchley Park, but I would expect even the BBC intern to try and research the subject properly. I did a quick google search using the words ‘ Bletchley Park Japanese Section’ and even Wikepdia gave me an excellent answer about Hut Seven, and the work done by the linguists and code breakers on Japanese Naval Codes.
The question is, was this work by Nick HIGHAM, incompetence or bias?
Maybe just incompetent bias? Or biased incompetence? This is Nick Higham after all.
The BBC does now have a story ‘Ferguson CCTV shows shot suspect Tyrone Harris ‘with gun” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-33873751, but note the use of quotes and ‘a video apparently showing’ with the repetition of the father saying ‘his son did not have a gun and was running away from police when he was shot’.
Er, was the father even present? From another report the answer is no. “From what I heard he was there with some friends and the friends had a confrontation and they started shooting at the friend and he just happen to be at the wrong place at the wrong time,” Harris Sr. said.” http://www.kmov.com/story/29753318/suspected-shooters-father-speaks-out-after-officer-involved-shooting
So just to be clear, in a highly volatile situation the BBC is repeating controversial hearsay as if it was first hand. Does the BBC want to incite a riot?
Good points Flexdream.
And if the video had shown no gun, it would have been accepted as fact by the BBC.
No ‘apparently not having a gun’ etc.
At present our media appear to be in the grip of a feminist silly season
The Evening Standard is a giveaway paper the plaything of a Russian oligarch
364 days a year its outlook ranges from metro-liberal soft-left to Corbynista
Then, the day before the General Election, it advised readers to vote Tory
Today it went full on Feminazi
Front page continued on page 6&7
Jowell: I’ll ban sexist adverts on tube
Page 3
Romola: In my industry it’s still acceptable to humiliate women. We need more power
Page 19 Quote of the day
C Criado-Perez (some Tweet she made having seen an obscure South African advert for BIC pens “Think like a man” or some such)
Pages 20 & 21
Feature: Author Kathy Lette sexual violence yada yada
Page 24
Female cricketers – PR stunt not actually playing the sport, of course
Back Page Sport
Ref called Chelsea doctor Eva onto the pitch
I know I missed at least one item from the list – Page 12 Assange set to be cleared as sex allegations expire
Not sure how to take that last one vis-a-vis the feminist point of view. And I’m not sure the Standard know either.
Before we get a new thread its worth putting this up for the info. of new visitors to this site. Don’t forget to tell your mates ……………….
Blood boiling again as the shameless BBC once more portrays these disgusting illegal vermin, as poor little victims.
Every one of these parasites thinks they have a Goddamn right to live in Europe,and the BBC does nothing to diminish this notion.
Did you know:
That Canada has just had one of it’s coldest summers on record?
That Newfoundland has just had one of it’s coldest July’s on record?
That Iceland has just had one of it’s coldest summers on record?
That Ireland has had it’s coldest summer for 35 years?
That Scotland has had it’s coldest summer for 43 years?
That the U.K. has so far this year had a record number of “Frost days?
That the U.K. has had a “frost day” in every month of 2015 the last time this happened was in the ’80’s?
That Norway is having one of it’s coldest summers for 50 years?
That Finland is likely to have it’s coldest summer on record?
That Sweden is looking like having it’s coldest summer for 45 years?
Cold in it Mr Harrabin. Time for your bath Mr Harrabin.
And not a word of that will we hear on the BBC.
What will it take, I wonder, to get rid of Harrabin and his cronies?
Just watched “Are our Kids tough enough?” where a group of Year 9 students are educated using Chinese methods by Chinese teachers. It was very clear where the sympathies of the programme makers were as the behaviour of the students very quickly went down the pan. The learning by rote, expectations of good behaviour, patriotism and authoritative manner of the Chinese Teachers didn’t suit the BBC. The key moment, when you could literally sense the programme makers sympathies draining away, came when one of the teachers suggested it was the generous British welfare system that exacerbated the children’s sense of entitlement and led to bad attitudes. Ha ha ha ha ha!!
Extreme hostility just shown to Amber Rudd, by Breakfast BBC’s house eunuch on the subject of fracking. Accompanied by film of Anti frackers. God forbid we come up with a solution to telling the Middle East where to poke its oil.
In other news Mourinho “sexism” row rumbles on, no mention made of Male team Dr also getting criticised by Chelsea boss.
Male lives don’t count ?
Interesting twitter reaction to this from @BBCNews:
Shale gas planning applications to be fast-tracked under government measures to crack down on council delays http://t.co/6ZBjrvlPgz
Seems the accuracy of this report may be open to question. Be interesting to see how this pans out if so.
And the author?? Roger Harrabin. It must hurt him
“However badly you did in your ‘A’ Levels, you could still end up on the BBC Breakfast sofa”
BBC presenters were competing for bragging rights this morning as to which of them did worst in their exams.
Our sporting friend Ore Oduba seems to have the best results ahead of Beaky Nugent and today’s house eunuch Charlie Stayt (in case you were interested)
Dumbing down meets arrogance with the implication that securing a place for your arse on the red sofa is a great achievement. Stars in your eyes, kids out there? More like BBC the goal if you ain’t got talent.