I am sure you will be delighted to know that BBC Radio 4 is to start up a new series of “The Reunion”. In the first thrilling episode …
“Sue MacGregor speaks to former detainees and the head of the guard force at Guantanamo Bay.
In 2002, a detention camp was hastily built in a remote corner of Cub, to house the men captured in America’s “war on terror”. Thirteen years later, it is still there. And in the intervening time, Guantanamo Bay has become a byword for controversy, a place Amnesty International called “the gulag of our time”.
As ever, the BBC presents the Islamists behind Gitmo bars as victims and represents the place of their captivity using the hyperbole from Amnesty. No mention of the fact that many of those released from the “gulag” have gone on to kill in the name of Jihad and no mention of the fact that there was good reason to keep them behind bars in the first place.
Through the prism of the BBC, people like Moazzam Beggs are true heroes, noble warriors for justice and equality and this programme will be one more propaganda tool for the Islamist scum that have been rightly incarcerated in such terrible conditions that they have all put on weight. Just like the Gulags, right Amnesty?
The BBC is now too large and aggressively out of control, in my opinion; mafia-like, ideological, political, no accountability and the most arrogant contempt for white, heterosexual Christians who hold any type of political views to the right-of-centre.
They seem to have sympathies for the IRA, SNP, Muslim extremists/terrorists, all ethnic minorities, the Black Power movement, illegal immigrants and migrants, far-Left socialists and communists, the Japanese Empire during the war, and every type of gender combination besides the traditional family unit.
Absolutely right-utter contempt is what the BBC spoozes out every day, for any of us British citizens, & mostly aimed against the white heterosexual as you say . Why on earth is this organisation spending money on a subject that really is now of little concern to most & has been in fact been well covered over many yrs. All it will do is to turn any who might have had sympathy well away & most likely change channels.
Agreed with what is after all not a sentiment but a statement of fact.
The BBC is beneath contempt. The tragedy is that this bunch of lefies give themselves enormous salaries as an an indication of their worth in their own eyes, and the position to brainwas innocent people.
I cannot understand why the conservatives do not spring clean this nest of socialists/commies and traitors to Western civilisation.
You must have got that wrong, the BBC told me that Obama was going to close the place, just after he hung his Nobel Peace Prize, (that went well didn’t it?), on the wall of the White House.
In years to come it will be ‘Obama, first black president – well he wasn’t a real black‘, the same as ‘Margaret Thatcher, first woman PM – well she wasn’t a real woman’.
How long will it be before the Calais Choristers get THEIR Reunion Programme.
Given the BBCs propensity to leave the wirecutters to hand,and the boot open…imagine no reunion will take longer than a week.
Sue McGregor….worrapatsy-clearly there IS long-term damage to your spine and mind,once you stay too long at the BBC.
Any neuroscientist care to peek?