There was a curious item on BBC Today this morning at 6.55am. . Mattia Toaldo, a policy fellow in the Middle East and North Africa Programme at the European Council on Foreign Relations, was brought on to advance the agenda that the UK has an obligation to “do more” to stabilise Syria.
Now you can argue that to’s and fro’s of that for all you want but what I found strange was that he stated that the number of migrants moving through Syria has increased from 40-50,000 to around 200,000 in recent times. How does he know? Who is documenting this information in the rubble of the Libyan State? Why does the BBC allow these figures to go unchallenged? We were also told that around 60% of migrants hitting the shores of Europe are “asylum seekers” apparently. No mention of why so many of these “asylum seekers” feel a need to escape France for Britain, of course.
Strikes me the BBC is out to create the narrative that since “we” created instability in Africa, “we” have an obligation to absorb the swarm.
Africa under colonial rule was the most stable it’s ever been. As soon as the Africans were left to fend for themselves the continent descended into chaos and anarchy.
As an aside, why is it always the British who are slandered for Africa? France, Spain, Belgium, Italy and Portugal all held sizeable portions of Africa. Belgium’s rule over the Congo was nothing short of horrific. It’s always us white British who should feel guilty, though.
Yes, that’s very true. Well said.
It’s always us white British who should feel guilty, though.
Because of this
Africa under British rule was far better governed then by Africans, or other European powers. Under British governance, Africans had access to the most advanced engineering, medicine and technology in the world.
This fact makes Britain the worst “racist” in the world – as it makes Africans look bad. Its Britain’s record of enlightened governance compared to anyone else, particularly compared to African rulers, that is the worst evil of all, in the eyes of multicultists and lefties.
Portugal got fingers burnt in late 1960s-mid-1970s Angola and left. Result?
27 years of war. Think it may still hold the awful world record, for number of refugees from one country. Not sure if Iraq or Syria have surpassed that yet.
To build a civilisation, one has to build. That is, a nation needs engineers, engineers and a surfeit of engineers. Once one has an infrstructure that is designed by the people, and maintained by the people who own it, the rest will follow. That has been the history of any civilised nation.
If a nation has an infrasructure built for it, it takes it for granted, and does not maintan it. Everything eventually falls apart. Even Britain took the infrsructure that the Romans built for Britain, for granted, simply because it was gifted. It took a new generatioin of Brits to build the stuff from their own intelligence and resources. Its a truism, once you have built it from your own sweat, you look after it.
Immigrants to Europe, particularly from Africa, and Muslims in general, have no respect or appreceation of the work that was done to make Britain an advanced country. So when they riot, they burn the infratructure. Heck, Africans they are even destroying and burning the shelters that Italy has built for tem. It is after all free, and no skin of their noses.
Its striking that we see award winning Africans runners, jumpers, footballers,musicians etc. But one hardly ever hears of outstanding African physicists, mathematicians and engineers. Why?
Agree-don’t think the UK created any instability-so much we gave them that took many away from Arab enslavement, but as soon as independance was given to a country it decended into chaos, & have seen that first hand. Corruption being the main culprit to the chaos they now endure. The invasion from N/Africa/ Middle East is fuelled by Islam, whose intention has always been to destroy the West. Those in the European governments know full well what they should do, but it appears that Lucifer is causing them to be blind.
Praise for the British Empire can come from unexpected quarters. A few weeks agoo, on a German chat show about the Greek crisis, a guest was saying if the Cypriots, Greeks afterall, can sort their crisis out why can’t the Greeks in Greece. Some German politician then replied that was because Cyprus had been a Btitish colony, the British left, but they kept a British-style administration. Everyone accepted this explanation. What has the British Empire ever done for us?
According to the latest statement by a government minister (I use the word government very loosely of course) the swarm is “marauding” now. So that all right, don’t do anything about it, just keep calling them names.
Mind you, I don’t know why there is all this fuss now over just a few thousand marauding campers from Calais swarming into the UK at the moment. We have after all let in a millions already over the last few years. We may as well give them all a brand new Boris bike and turn the tunnel into a cycle path complete with free money trees along the way. Oh we already have money trees for them…sorry.
Anyway, we have as much hope of Cameron and this so called government doing anything about the current invasion from France as King Harold did in 1066.
We are doomed I tell you!
All together folks…. Aly Snack Bar
I think you’re being a bit unfair to King Harold. He gave it his best shot – decisive victory at Stamforrd Bridge and then another major battle at Hastings. I’d rather fight and lose, than slowly watch the nation destroyed.
It’s the last battle that counts. That’s what did for Harold, the last battle.
And I couldn’t agree more I too would “rather fight and lose, than slowly watch the nation destroyed”, but when will the battles ever begin?
As far as I can see anyone resembling a leader who tries to start the battle has been locked up, sneered at or been accused of being a Nazi and a racist. Or even worse has been stupid enough to appear on BBC Question Time and been booed into oblivion.
Between the BBC (what an oxymoron) and The House of Commons (cowards and traitors the lot of them) they have truly scuttled HM Good Ship Great Britain. God rest her soul.
Never mind at least those of the but plug variety can now get married. At least that’s until the those of the other persuasion chuck ‘em off the roof and stone them. If you are of neither of those types (I guess that’s you and me) then I am sorry but our bus passes will be cancelled. It’s called the Liverpool Pathway!
But that’s another story.
Happy days la, la, la, la, ………………. Nurse, nurse….. where’s me tea? ….. and I need changing.
I would love to know what the Foreign Office knew about Syria in 2010-2011, what they were advising the Coalition Government to do and what the various views there were, and options considered, in Cabinet at the time.
The problems is, as many foretold at the time, that when invading Iraq for Gulf 2 the international community was making itself lawless. It became at that point a new Wild West but, mostly out east and down south.
Nasty as some of Assad’s cronies undoubtedly are, we should have used our influence with him to back the rule of law in Syria but we had cut the moral ground for doing so from under our feet with Iraq and then Libya. To think we were a Parliamentary vote away from helping IS/ISIL/Daish now seems amazing.
Cameron has a lot to answer for but I think our Civil Service should also be facing some awkward questions from the taxpaying public. And not just in the F&CO, either.
Yup, the 9am news headlines after the Today programme were keen to repeat that Cameron had call the Calais Flowers a “swarm”.
Thought that was so last month dears…but of course it never is when a Tory can be retried…and a La/iB oaf can be restimulated to hate.
This got tacked on to something that Philip Hammond was supposed to have said-but the BBC don`t play that, so who`d believe them anymore?
Funny eh?…Redwoods Welsh National anthem seems to be stocked in the BBC archives-but pictures of Balls in SS regalia seem not to be so easily made available.
24/7 Labour loafers and louchebags…our BBC, forever picking at scabs-as long as they are deemed to be so by a union.
SWARM-has the BBC a better word for a “Songs of Praise Community Choir” then that choose to warble in Calais?
A flock?…multitude..Muhammads Barney Army?
I heard on Today that amongst the putative asylum seekers were Nigerians fleeing from Boko Haram. Strange that they would prefer to walk across the Sahara, swim across the Med, walk across Europe and through a railway tunnel rather than get the bus to Abuja or Lagos. Strange also that no-one at the Beeb asked why not
Agreed. As shown in a YouTube video by “Britain First” migrants at Callais were interviewed by an ordinary everyday couple, who took it upon themselves to travel there by car and witness who the migrants are and why they want to come to England.
They interviewed many whose list of desperations certainly did not include any lack of money. Several of them are already rich. So why not purchase a plane ticket to come here legally? Could they not get a visa?
The bBC are now bed wetting over Hammond using the word ‘marauding’ to describe the illegal immigrants actions in Calais.
Scampering, leap frogging, mother may I?
Certainly not queuing like we British do.
Therefore contrary to British values, and fail citizenship criteria.
A ‘collecting’ of migrants?
Goes well, I would have thought, with Anglican involvement in a Calais Songs of Praise.
As I have observed before, the BBC are very poor at listening to their own output, watching their own programmes and remembering items on their website, all easily searchable – one would have thought – with their in-house systems. I was actually looking for a quicki Wiki on WW2 refugees (as there is a significant anniversary coming up) and stumbled upon this:
Strange mention in the Paper Review on Today about a “full-page advert taken out in the Guardian”.
This purports to tell the reader that the Danes welcome more immigrants to their country-and only someone with no human decency would oppose this.
Maybe the Guardian could tell their Calais congregation( no doubt that rag is free bedding, and loo roll for the vulnerable machete men over there innit?) that the Danish Left will soon be sending those buses along to bring them all home…folk , arts and sing songs all on demand.
But no cartoons though eh lads?
What crap-hell, even Naughtie had to say that it wasn`t clear who was paying for this page of posturing.
I imagine it`ll be Father Abraham…or the good folk at Carlsberg or Danish bacon…both of who could do with these exciting new opportunities to sell direct to IS.
Just heard some woman called Madeleine Sumption speaking about undocumented BBC drug mules, nannies and downstairs rentiers…the Tories are going to scare them off with the likes of Theresa Mays pashmini and bad body language at the dole office.
That name, Sumption, sounds cosy doesn`t it?…any relation to Jonathan?
I digress though-she`s a mouthpiece for Oxford Migration Observatory…no less, but all that flummery and crested tit stuff didn`t seem to give her any answers to just HOW MANY of them there are working illegally?
Not a clue-but both she and TWATO Shaun could agree that it would be less than any figure given us by Migration Watch-not Oxford , you see!
Biased BBC peddling smal figures re immigrants-and I now know that people in Oxford are now paid to “ring them”…to “tag them”-and to count them in and out as they swim gaily up the Isis…or maybe fly overhead from an ivory tower of fluffy nice things.
Very OMO eh?…self loving autoeroticists like this lady, her firm and the BBC…and cleans whiter than white any unpleasantness from the likes of Andrew Green and Nigel Farage.
At least I can now observe them all coming and going from a tower in Oxford…rose tinted specs and fingers of one hand only mind!
Maybe the Met or union bosses could tell us how many immigrants are working illegally?-they always pump up their figures by a factor of ten don`t they?
I’m sure the lady was challenged with something like ‘But the UK is already taking in 600,000 immigrants per year, putting great pressure on our infrastructure. Aren’t we doing enough already?’
Wasn’t she?
Typical EU obfuscation in an attempt to create guilt feelings in us in the hope we can be bullied into accepting all the illegal immigrants they can force on us.
Syria, along with the Lebanon, were both previously under French Colonial control, but shhh, don’t mention the massive French Empire, or the Belgian Empire, or the German, or the Portuguese and various other European Empires, only the nasty British ever had an Empire.
Once France rescinded control over Syria as soon as the Cold War raised it’s head Syria came one of it’s pawns and came under the strong influence of the Soviet Union which propped up the regime which, until recently, retained control of the Country.
The EU would never consider pointing the finger at France and demand the French should do something about Syria for fear of upsetting the poor dears, besides, they know full the French would only act if they thought it was on France’s best interest. That is something our politicians could well do with getting the backbone to copy instead of grovelling before everybody.
When it comes to Russia, the EU are well aware that the Russians would simply tell the Brussels Eurocracy to go – fill your own blank in because I suspect the reply would be most undiplomatic and probably publishable.
That being the case the EU, to shift attention from their own pathetic failures to protect their own borders now want to claim that all the problems are of Britain’s making and that we should be the ones to shoulder all the consequences.
We should give them much the same response they would receive from both France and Germany and in words which would not translate into any of the other languages of the EU.
Many comments blame Cameron & the ‘useless’ government for not doing anything about this. Perhaps they are correct, but I think the criticism a bit harsh & the situation a bit more complex. The government’s problem is the judiciary here who counter any moves by the Home Office to actually do anything, I’m sure Teresa May would love to repatriate every illegal migrant (as would the Treasury & the DWP). British judges use the European Human Rights Act as a reason to block any move that might inconvenience a failed immigrant. So the underlying problem is Europe.
To solve this the government must scrap the EHRA & rewrite it as a British human rights act, worded in such a way that judges cannot come to bizarre & warped decisions. But now the real problem looms, the BBC. Any attempt to scrap the European human rights act would be like a red rag to a bull for the Beeb, no politician would even be allowed to get away with it. Imagine the Today programme if this was seriously put forward!
I take your point, but it doesn’t really matter what the government does, they are going to be attacked by the BBC and various lefties regardless.
Surely instead of trying to pander to people who hate them, and this country, and will never vote for them in a million years they should try and appeal to disgruntled ex Tories (and a few ex Labour no doubt) by re writing the EHRA and reinstating common sense.
When we can start chucking people out and their entire families with them, people might actually start to believe in the rule of law, and fairness again.
It could well work in their favour, but I think after being afraid of being called the nasty party, they don’t have the stomach for standing up to, what amounts to a load of sixth form rabble.