A black teacher is stabbed by a teenager of Pakistani background who shouts ‘nigger’ and ‘black bastard’ as he does so. It’s a ‘racially motivated’ attack.
It is well known that there is a level of racial tension between the two communities.
But what does the BBC do, apart from ignore the race of the attacker? It interviews an Asian teacher about the racism in schools (08:10) he has suffered as a teacher. Sue at Is the BBC biased? also noticed the disconnect between events on the ground and the BBC’s reaction as the major issue that arises from the case is not racism towards teachers, I imagine most people already recognise that there is some of that going on ( why is the BBC committing its prime-time slot at 08:10 to already established truths?), but that it highlights the racism that almost endemic between the two communities.
The BBC has looked at the subject before in this 2006 report Rise of UK’s ‘inter-ethnic conflicts’ so you might ask why they are being so circumspect about it now, trying to divert attention away from the real issues and onto some almost abstract notion of racism in general in schools. The answer is almost certainly to do with the heightened tensions and controversies around Islam, immigration and asylum seekers today. The BBC does not want to put a spotlight on the problems that having ever increasingly diverse and separate communities results in when it is spending so much time banging the drum for immigration and multi-culturalism.
Just at a time when such issues really need to be openly debated in a rational manner the BBC instead attempts to play down and cover up the problems and dangers that come from such vast numbers of immigrants suddenly turning up in a community. Not only that but in order to silence them or scare anyone else into silence or risk being publicly ‘shamed’ as a racist, the BBC also resorts to alarmist and threatening scaremongering denouncing those who oppose open borders as racists or as people who are inciting racial tensions by inflammatory language…the BBC of course deciding what is and what is not inflammatory.
The real hilarity in the interview began when Laura Pidcock, education manager at Show Racism the Red Card, came on and said that we shouldn’t condemn or judge pupils who were being racist, in fact we should allow them to be racist (I’m pretty sure that’s what she was suggesting!). You could hear Jim Naughtie starting to huff and puff. She said the pupils should have a safe place to express themselves and we must not criminalise them for their racism but understand it and the events in their lives that led them to think and behave like this.
Of course what could the BBC find to object to in that approach, after all that is the approach they take to dealing with Muslim extremism, radicalisation and terrorism?…..understand, explain away, don’t condemn, in fact allow it to continue so that Muslims don’t feel alienated and besieged.
Later in a different segment of the programme (08:50) we heard the BBC interviewer raising the suggestion that we shouldn’t over-react to ‘controversial’ subjects, in this case a book about the Holocaust, because by over-reacting there is a danger that we close down debate and don’t explore the the issues properly.
Does he mean such as the way the BBC over-reacts to anyone who even hints that it might just be sensible to limit immigration, or at least have a debate about it, by calling them a Nazi and accusing them of recklessly inflamming anti-immigrant feeling?
Try to get this on msm comments page but it didn’t get past the censors in this land of free speech.
I remember way back when I actually used to watch Eastenders, and ‘Chelle Fowler was dating Clive Tavernier a black chap, for anyone not au fait with Eastenders.
In one episode his family referred to her as “Clives bit of pork” A sexist, derogatory and highly racist description of a white Woman who dates black men (only used about white Women by certain sections of the black community)
I was gobsmacked that this nasty little remark slipped through without so much as a raised eyebrow.
Especially considering the writers of ‘Stenders like to portray everyone having a drink with the Asian Doctor in the local, and a knees up with people from every walk of life, race and religion on someone’s Birthday, Wedding, House warming etc.
But of course the narrative in Eastenders tends to be, the white characters are dopey, fat, criminal losers. Much like any other programme, either fictional or fly on the wall, tends to portray the white working class.
I wonder how many beeboids use the C word (chav) in a sneering derogatory way, while at the same time getting their knickers in a twist over the use of the word swarm. I’ve been called a chav, as I come from a working class white family and speak with a London accent, and I’ve used it about others, as it doesn’t offend me.
Its the hypocrisy of the so called liberal left who decry the use of certain words, when it suits them, and then dismisses racist language when it doesn’t fit their world view, as with the cheeky little scamp who just knifed his teacher.
Won’t last long, but this page has an article about the “Tribe of publicity” surrounding Michael Brown (right hand side). Not on the main page
The actual page it links to talks of a society of grieving families. No mention of the “T” word
Now THAT’S racist
As a member of the cowed community I was slightly surprised to hear a spectator at a cricket match in the local public park call out loudly, (as the BBC would say if I had said it) “Stop playing like an F-word-ing Black N-word”). Needless to say neither he, nor the players, would have been suspected of being related to me.
I can’t imagine any member of my ‘community’ daring to use such language in public, (without the aid of an excess of drink), such is the opprobrium, (if not legal action), that would be heaped upon us.
Personally I am glad that our New Britons feel safe enough to freely express their opinion using their adopted language, something that I’m sure the BBC would strongly approve off. It is a shame that it is a freedom that the rest of us have had taken away, the BBC being in the vanguard of that movement.
The insidious creation of so-called ‘safe spaces’ in our universities is a clear example of totalitarianism at work, encouraged by progressives as a means to shut down all ‘debate’ and opinion that is not ‘approved’.
North Korea is a ‘safe space’ in exactly the same way. No dissent, no individual expression, no criticism, will be tolerated.
Our universities are a disgrace and an insult to freedom of thought and expression.
Great post OW.
Sorry, no, it is not a “great” post.
“progressives” how many times do I need to point out that these Grade A C***s are not progressive?
In the same manner that the “elite” are actually traitors who are the scum of the planet.
Do not use their perverted terminology, the English language has one million words to describe these ****s.
I believe this single issue, above almost every other, has exposed the BBC’s biased agenda and irresponsible cherry picking of facts beyond doubt. I think we should keep this particular conversation burning until the BBC accept the error of their ways, but that could mean we talk about it ad infinitum.
What has been so revealing about this whole horrid affair is the Beeb’s reluctance to let us know the ethnicity of the perpetrator. I’ve only discovered that the youngster is “Asian” from looking at this site and reading it in the papers.
The Beeb’s attitude to race is simply schizophrenic. They remind us endlessly about the racial identity of people involved in events that have taken place on the other side of the Atlantic. How many times do we have to hear the mantra, “unarmed black man shot by white policeman”? It seems to be the most important aspect of the story. And it goes on for years. I’ve never noticed the BBC delve a little deeper into the reasons of a shooting; ie the black man was a bullying brute with a history of violence. it simply acts as a cheerleader for ethnic resentment both here and around the world.
Just imagine that this poor teacher had been attacked by a white pupil. Do you think they would be so coy in revealing the thug’s race? His whole community would be under the spotlight. Diane Abbot would be in front of the cameras, breathlessly telling us what a foul lot we all are. And the sainted Doreen Lawrence would soon grace us with her withering opinions.
“And the sainted Doreen Lawrence would soon grace us with her withering opinions. ”
Thank heavens for small mercies… at least we’ve been spared that.
My suspicions about the “background” of the perpetrator were raised by the relatively low-key reporting of this crime. That, and the fact that the likes of Saint Doreen had not been invited on screen to pontificate about it.
I see also that the Ikea suspects turn out to be Eritreans. Why am I not surprised?
Likewise the BBC seem to have quietly forgotten about the stabbing murders in Ikea Sweden:
Deputy prosecutor general Eva Moren told reporters: “The two suspects are both from Eritrea. They have been living at an asylum centre,” she said, adding that the pair knew each other. “We know nothing about the motive yet, the investigation will have to determine that,” she said.
Police increased security at asylum centres across Sweden, including at the centre where the two suspects resided in Arboga, 35 miles from Västerås.
The victims family should sue the Swedish prime minister, after all he imported them.
In all honesty I thought it was a white kid that had done this, whilst I was watching the BBc news. I turned over to Sky news and oh the rat was out of the bag straight away I’m sure they even named him at one stage. We were swapping over as the M56 was closed by a gas tanker fire and one of the family was driving via this to us. This really was a nasty underhand and calculated piece of “journalism”. As I commented on different blog this does not seem to have gone un-noticed by others. As for the IKEA murders I had a look round the internet trying to confirm what I suspected. Despite telling us the ages of the alleged suspects other facts were strangely missing. I did find a rumour that the suspects were as I thought. What would we do if we had to rely on the BBc to bring us the news?
Just had a glance at today’s Sun which reports that the Judge ruled that in the interests of national and international interests the assailant’s identity should not be revealed. Dare I suggest that the BBC are not alone in covering up the M angle, but it may be responded to Mr Multiculture in Downing Street or the Jihadist loving lassie in the Home Office.
Strangely enough, his colleague had no problems identifying the individual who killed the Leeds teacher
They must do things differently Oop North, but slightly left of Bra’ford
The area that school was is West Bowling (BD5). Anyone who knows Bradford knows the makeup of the local population, so knew it was unlikely to be a white kid
From the BBC all we can see are 2 articles filed yesterday that tells only of the stabbing, Nothing has been updated since to show the identity of the murderers. They do however state in one of the articles that one person was arrested, under this photo below, but nothing of their identity which they surely know by now, but prefer not to update.
Police have arrested a man on suspicion of murdering the two shoppers
While these articles were written under the EUROPE section of their World webpages, there is nothing about this story under that heading right now.
We’ll see if they ever get round to making clear just who the criminals are. Since I’m willing to bet that they are probably Muslims as well. which makes it less likely that the BBC ever will.
Iraqi archbishop: US more concerned about image of Islam than victims of persecution
Archbishop Warda said: “All the statements (by U.S. government and media) have not condemned strongly what damage it is doing. What they are saying is just ‘This is not the true Islam. This is violating the picture of Islam.’ The issue for them is the image of Islam, but none of these statements speak about the victims, about what has been done to the victims, they are not even mentioned. And that is one of the questions our people have.”
This is the main issue for all Western governments – no matter what Muslims do, or what the imam’s preach, or what is the written canon of Islam, it is important, nay vital, that the public image of Islam as the RoP is maintained.
What the purpose of maintaining the fiction that Islam is a peaceful religion, is something we have yet to determine.
The thing is they keep the ‘True Islam’ well and truly hidden.
AliBaba radio Wales this morning are going flat out in Merthyr Tydfil promoting immigration and the benefits of multiculturalism. They interview locals and include one or two who not very articulate and who are anti immigration.
Given the imminent mass invasion of Great Britain and the pending vote to get out of Europe, does anyone get the feeling that AliBaba broadcasting has an agenda to stay in Europe and is preparing us to take more immigrants despite our ‘so called’ PM’s promise of cutting the numbers down?
Given the coverage of these topics locally and nationwide, is it an agenda that is driven from the very top?
UIKP polled very strongly in Merthyr Tydfil at the last general election.
“..and include one or two who not very articulate and who are anti immigration”
SOP for the BBC. Maintain the figleaf of impartiality by quoting from both sides but be very selective as to the calibre you let on for each side.