Having heard the BBC reporting all day that a teenager had been convicted of stabbing a black teacher in a ‘racially motivated’ attack I, possibly along with most people, assumed that the attacker was white.
Not so. What the BBC fails to mention is that he was of Pakistani background…as the Guardian, the Mirror and Sky point out. The court has ordered that the boy’s name not be released but that doesn’t stop his ethnic origins being mentioned…and they are relevant to the report….as Sky reports he ‘could not handle being disciplined by a black man.’
Of course I should have known better, for if he had of been white the BBC would almost certainly have said so.
The BBC isn’t so shy when it comes to making allegations and naming names of white police officers as it continues with its Ferguson reporting and keeps up the narrative of innocent black youths gunned down by racist white cops The consequences of that type of inflammatory and inaccurate reporting such as using the Michael Brown case as the prime example of police racism when we know that wasn’t at all true, can be seen on the streets of Ferguson right now as yet more disturbances break out and police are shot at and respond by shooting the attacker.
Is the BBC ‘maintaining civic society and citizenship’ or helping to stir up inter-communal conflict?
I think we ALL know the answer to that one…
“Is the BBC ‘maintaining civic society and citizenship’ or helping to stir up inter-communal conflict?”
A sticking plaster applied to a sore can work.
However, the BBC seems determined to keep applying them to ensure the whole rotten thing festers away.
The result, which is inevitable, will not be pretty.
From Ferguson to this case, the BBC is front and centre driving division whilst cack-handedly trying to screw down any pressure release mechanisms.
That the UK is forced by its government to pay for such a self-destructive entity is bizarre.
Inter-communal conflict, bang on the nail. That is exactly what this self appointed public conscious organisation is doing, and in many ways, to much of the uninfomred is considered the final word. How far we are sinking into the mire of socialist liberalism.
BBC lying by omission.
The BBC has many ways of dealing with the real truth, modifying it so that it reads like “their” truth, in the hope that it will become “our” truth.
But it is not restricted to the BBC, police corrupting crime statistics, NHS corrupting health statistics and “losing” records, local government covering up mass rapes, “immigration” control having no statistics. Teachers and examiners corrupting exam standards for decades. The whole public sector is not fit for purpose.
Includes some other people who, allegedly, work for us, MPs, who are traitors.
Then there is the EU, zillions of our contributions gone God knows where.
I can’t see what relevance Ferguson has to us in the UK but the BBC went beyond its selective reporting of events in the USA to try and stir up trouble in the UK via The Jeremy Vine Show – ‘Are you a Black UK Innocent, have YOU been attacked by the police?’ – throwing in chip-carrying Bonnie Greer for good measure.
The BBC is playing a dangerous game in its use of partial reporting designed to prove to the emotional ‘minorities’ that everything ‘bad’ happens to them but nothing ‘bad’ happens to the Wicked Whites – ‘white privilege’, another American import, like Bonnie Greer.
Another slogan, they love their slogans ” black lives matter.” So white lives don’t matter then ?
It is racist to say that white lives matter. The race hustlers have gone to town on this. Welcome to Orwell’s dystopia.
If America is sooo waaycist, how come Obama is president then ?
because obongo is gay and Muslim, cant get more diverse than that
he is also a major communist,
Yes indeed, good old George’s predictions are coming home to roost.
I think Bonnie Greer and the other one, Yappin Alibaba Brown spend their lives in a TV studio.
I tried to put this on the comments for the daily mail article on this stabbing. Guess what!
“if he had of been white the BBC would almost certainly have said so”
Inefficient journalism Alan, one otiose word present.
Clue, it has the same initial letter as your Christian name.
Who knew that Islam was hideously racist?
The Saudis maintain that the Koran came to them and their Arab tribes in THEIR classical Arabic…so God speaks purest of all to Saudis.
yes, they can smile and wave at blacks, Asians and even red bearded misfits from the Anglosphere-but none of these will ever attain the classical perfection and likeness of Muhammad.
So the second stage of the Caliphate will deal with the negroes, Asians and whites…second-class Muslims or dead ones?
NO wonder our King Saud Pakistani lad thinks as he does-they largely do if they`re the right caste of Saudi Arab.
Having heard the BBC reporting all day that a teenager had been convicted of stabbing a black teacher in a ‘racially motivated’ attack I, possibly along with most people, assumed that the attacker was white
From the time this incident in Bradford was reported, I had bo doubt that was the act of a Muslim – presumably a teenager..
Because we all know of the BBC’s bias I assumed this was another Islamist attack. Nice to have it confirmed and to know I’ve still got it where these liars by omission are concerned. I, and I assume most other people with any intelligence, treat all BBC news as if it’s lies, Labour propaganda or Islamist bunk.
It appears that our cousins across the Irish Sea may agree with you………