The BBC censored the identity of the murderers of two Swedes at an Ikea store. The BBC has now come up with a narrative that allows them to reveal the truth about who killed the Swedes whilst managing to paint the murderers as motiveless madmen and asylum seekers as the real victims of the murders.
The real big issue revealed by the murders? Sinister Swedish ‘dark forces’ that are set to attack the asylum seekers. The BBC has no problem with asylum seekers attacking Swedes, members of the ‘Dark Forces’ or not.
Sweden Ikea knife attack: Security boosted at refugee centres
Police in central Sweden have increased security at refugee accommodation centres after two Eritrean asylum seekers were arrested on suspicion of murdering two people at an Ikea store.
Local officials feared a backlash from “dark forces” who wanted to exploit the case, police chief Per Agren said.
Only when they have set the scene of asylum seekers under attack do we get to hear about the dead...’A mother and son died in the knife attack which took place inside an Ikea store in Vasteras on Monday.‘…and that’s it…oh wait there’s more….the BBC has worked really hard to let us know something about them…they were… “ordinary shoppers” .
The murders were dismissed as ” an act of madness.” No motive, no blame, no responsibility. Not the immigrant’s fault. As Mark Mardell might say we have a senseless tragedy perhaps devoid of deeper meaning.
“An act of madness” then?
Do the truly mad go about in pairs? I don’t think so.
They could be right ? – they’re all Mad . 70 virgins and all that .
There is worse, the Eritreans who commited this barbaric attack were faile dasylum seekers, choosing to spend a decade in Swedens soft well funrished prisons, three good meals a day and a chance to learn Swedish and English.
And there is more, witnesses have said the woman was BEHEADED> Official Swedish sources are still covering up this information, as are the various official British media.
As with other stories, the truth will out, if only eventually.
I just can’t figure out how the authorities and media appear to feel defaulting to ostrich mode will help when clearly deployed on such a selective basis.
The second victim is trust. A word the BBC in particular has made mockery of.
That’s the good thing about this site, its faster than AliBaba broadcasting with the news and its uncensored.
Keep up the good work whoever runs it !
Sweden is the default example of how socialism can work when debating with socialists (or anyone politically naive enough to soak up rose-tinted bulls**t) so it’s only natural that the BBC would twist the narrative to suit a socialist agenda.
Save for the fact that Sweden is one of the most free market and business friendly nations on earth (Len McCluskey would have a coronary), it is also one of the most racist. So the BBC face a conundrum in how to report a negative story emanating from a land that socialists use as a yardstick of their ideology so that it seems like Swedish government is protecting its citizens.
Google ‘woman beheaded in Sweden’ and see what you can find .
Simples .
Racist against ethnic Swedes I presume you mean?
Self loathing i even mor ea featur eof Swedes than native Brits.
”As Mark Mardell might say we have a senseless tragedy.” Or that other phrase, ” they were in the wrong place at the wrong time.”
Last week the BBC gave great prominence to the utterings of Sweden’s obscure Justice and Migration minister after he criticised David Cameron’s comments on the Calais crisis (see Perhaps he should put his own house in order first before criticising others…
Incidentally, the BBC report stated that last year Sweden accepted 30,000 asylum seekers whereas Britain ‘only’ accepted 10,000, the implication being that Sweden is doing three times as much. This conveniently ignored two factors: firstly, some would be migrants to Sweden prefer to use the term ‘asylum seeker’ as it guarantees automatic entry from certain countries e.g. Syria. Secondly, asylum seekers constitute only a small percentage of the overall numbers swarming into Britain, which are far higher than in Sweden. For instance, immigration into Sweden in 2009 was 102,280 whereas in Britain there were 567,000 – more than five times as many. It could be argued that Sweden has a smaller overall population than Britain so the demographic impact is comparable, but it is also the case that the country is far larger, with a lower population density and hence a lot more space to accommodate then.
England is the most densely populated country in the EU. We should not be taking in any more migrants, at the very least, until we have organised some way to cope with them.
What has happened to the people that work in the media?
The BBC is the top of a pyramid of lies and obfuscation that trickle down to the humblest of local papers. Two of the thickest left wing ideologues I ever heard both happened to be professors (no less) of journalism. But can that account for the almost total lack of honesty and objectivity that is evident across all strands of our media today.
Could it be that rather dull, easily led youngsters are drawn to media studies?
It’s not just this country. How often do we have to rely on the internet to uncover the ‘real’ truth behind major US stories. And came across this disgraceful example from Sweden a couple of weeks ago.
It seems to be an international conspiracy to misinform people. What happened to honesty?
‘What has happened to the people that work in the media?’
Good question. Listened to both the Ken Livingstone and Jack Straw interviews on the TOADY prog this a.m. and was amazed at the incompetence and/or lack of general & political knowledge on the part of the presenter.
Definitely not worth £145-50.
‘What has happened to the people that work in the media?’
Most of them left ‘Uni’ with their heads stuffed full of socialist ideals, They have never had real jobs and are completely out of touch with ordinary working people.
Lots of them are in AliBaba telly.
Move along nothing to see here. It will be interesting to see if this story ever re-surfaces.
Several blogs are carrying these photos which appear like a beheading of one of the victims. It will need further verification, but this kind of inquiry should be done by a large news organization. Unfortunately the UK does not have a large news broadcaster – just a multiculty propaganda outlet.
After reading the links people have posted it appears Sweden is a very racist country, it’s very anti white.
The Swedish power elites are carrying out genocidal policies on its own people, they may not be shooting people in the head, but they are laying out the conditions for the their own extinction, like the Swedish foreign minister tellling Syrians, ” If you all want asylum we’ll grant it.” There’s 24 million Syrians, 9 million Swedes.
There were 9 million Swedes. There are now only 8,999,998 after IKEAgate.
Not for nothing has the ‘Stockholm Syndrome’ been noted.
It may well be renamed the Swedish syndrome.
When you actually think about it what’s happening in Sweden, the turning upside down of society, 2 + 2 = 5 etc etc, is what happened to France in 1789 and Russia in 1917.
The Charlie Hebdo massacre seems such a distant memory now…just as the BBC would wish.
Oh, St Stephen Laurence was mentioned last week…..funnily enough Kris Donald and Charlene Downes weren’t.
If I were cynical I would suspect bias in the BBC!
Sweden again. That country is hopeless -literally. Well on the way to failed state status.
Apparantly after Lesotho it is the rape capital of the whole world.
Don’t go there and stop regarding it as part of Western Europe.
It will soon be someplace else and I have to say the Swedes have bought it on themselves.
Liberalism +fantasy+ a tendency towards tyrrany = a failed state.
The evil ‘far right’ in Sweden posted messages criticising immigration on the underground platforms. But, as the UK Independent point out, thousands of good Swedes displayed their anger at the mistreatment of the immigrants.
Dark forces.
Best to combat them with pale forces.