The BBC is having a few problems with consistency when it comes to knife attacks.
A teenager with a ‘Pakistani background’ stabs a black teacher in a racially motivated attack and the BBC covers up his race prefering to let people think this was ‘yet another’ racist attack by a white person…a version of events given ‘credence’ by the Today programme’s subsequent decision to then interview an Asian teacher who tells us that he has suffered racism thus suggesting it is a problem of white racism….the interview was clearly intended to be a counter to what the BBC knows are the critics of its failure to report on the truth about the Pakistani youth’s racist behaviour rather than a genuine look at racism.
A deadly knife attack in Sweden gets little BBC attention, or rather there is a big hole in the BBC’s reporting…just who were the attackers?
The Guardian reveals that the attackers were Eritrean asylum seekers……
The two people killed in the attack on Monday in the central town of Västerås were a 55-year-old woman and her 28-year-old son, police said on Tuesday.
Deputy prosecutor general Eva Moren told reporters: “The two suspects are both from Eritrea. They have been living at an asylum centre,” she said, adding that the pair knew each other. “We know nothing about the motive yet, the investigation will have to determine that,” she said.
Why would the BBC not want to highlight the identity of asylum seeking murderers?
In contrast on the Greek island of Kos immigrants are flooding, swarming?, ashore at an unmanageable rate…the authorities warn of impending violence...the BBC concentrates on a police officer who slaps an immigrant whilst holding a knife…..doesn’t stab him, doesn’t even threaten to stab him or even wave the knife threateningly, and certainly doesn’t murder anyone……
Police officers used batons and sprayed fire extinguishers as they tried to impose order on the crowds. It comes after an officer on Kos was suspended for slapping one man while brandishing a knife. Authorities are struggling with a rapidly growing number of migrants who have arrived hoping for a better life.
The BBC has his picture…
And reports more on this serious incident…
A policeman on Kos was suspended on Monday after he was caught on camera striking a migrant.
The footage shows him roughly pushing back migrants outside a local authority building in Kos, slapping one man across the face as he shoves others, telling them to get back behind a line he has drawn on the pavement with the knife.
Why would the BBC hide the identity of asylum seeker knife murderers? Why would the BBC hide the identity of a ‘Pakistani background’ racist knife attacker? In contrast why would the BBC be more than happy to highlight a police officer holding a knife slapping an immigrant?
The BBC is clearly trying to manage the news and prevent people from seeing the truth, stopping them from making their own judgemnts about events that relate to immigration and any downsides to it.
The BBC has a pro-immigration, pro-immigrant agenda that it seeks to impose whether that involves going to war with the government and smearing them by saying they are racists inflaming hatred towards immigrants or by faking the news in order to manipulate the Public’s perceptions and hence their opinions about immigration.
The BBC is getting itself into ever deeper waters by its politicisation of the news and its hijacking of its own services to use in its own interests.
When will the politicians genuinely wake up and take a long hard look at just how corrupt, overly powerful and dangerous the BBC now is?
The BBC has long been on the pro-‘migrant’ cheerleading team, along with its friends in the ‘borderless’ EU and its colleagues at The Guardian and Jon Snow’s very personal progressive left fiefdom over at Channel 4 news.
These common purpose chums see nothing at all dodgy, questionable or intellectually immoral about ‘gaming’ the news and the way they choose to report it – especially when it concerns one of their pet projects, such as immigration, climate change or the EU, etc.
Indeed, so corrupt has our msm media become, especially the BBC and CH4, that they can reasonably expect to receive an annual industry gong or two for their dissembling efforts on behalf of what they still, rather quaintly (if entirely inaccurately), think of as ‘journalism’.
The state of genuine inquiry, journalistic integrity and any semblance of so-called ‘impartiality’ in the British broadcast and printed media is laughable at best, stunningly absent at worst, with the publicly-funded BBC, of course, setting the (incredibly low) standards for all others to follow when it comes to just how partial and invested a news provider can actually be, whilst at the same time lying in public about its self-professed ‘impartiality’.
They might be kidding themselves, but they are not fooling the rest of us. Scrap the license fee now.
“common purpose chums ” Like theses?
“which counts amongst its donors the BBC’s Children in Need appeal,”
How do you let everyone know that, if you want to genuinely Have Your Say, come to Biased BBC?
To repossess a part of the BBC’s corporate apparatus on behalf of all its viewers and listeners in this way would be to remove part of its ability to manufacture phony consensus all the time.
At the moment we only have two possible ways (1) To mention on a live TV broadcast. Or (2) To mention in a Party Political Broadcast, which at the moment is the only TV program broadcast on the BBC which is independent of the BBC’s corporate apparatus.
So you can see why it must be very important for the BBC to keep any UKIP/Tory supporters or members from being invited on to a live TV show such as the One Show.
But I have noticed that it could be possible to mention the existence of on Sky News, Five News or RT UK, in certain relevant situations.
Also, I have noticed that RT UK is as anti-EU as UKIP at the moment, but for different reasons. But sadly, RT UK has restored its bias against Climate Change Sceptics due to a Russian need for the EU to oppose fracking.
North west were covering another “racist” attack from the past not so long ago with the emphasis on “racist”. Of course I’d heard a completely different version of what happened, not on main stream media of course. Because the perpetrator of what was regardless a vicious murder was white we had the works. ,
Firstly, there’s no such thing as ‘racism’ no one knows what it is, and a word without a definition has no meaning.
If anyone here would care to have a stab at a definition, then post it & I can guarantee I can prove it wrong by examples which show otherwise.
I do wonder about this officer and the knife. The film is carefully cut, and I doubt very much that he took such a scruffy looking blade from his home and his colleagues & superiors just ignored it!
Much more likely that he has confiscated the knife from one of the migrants and has no where to store it.
We do not hear or see what provokes the officer to strike the migrant, and I’m sure the BBC likes it that way, how many UK residents can speak Greek anyway?
Yet again we see the BBC reporting on a video with comments which can neither be verified or justified.
They have done this even on films of the Police which have turned out to show something different to their claims.
Ian Tomlinson – described by the lying Boris Johnson as ‘an orgy of cop bashing. (Remember Freddie Patel too?)
Then there was the G20 protest when a Police Sgt was seen striking a woman. The BBC was quick to condemn wheeling out the usual lefties like Shami Chakrabati to add to their outrage.
Then it turned out that the officer Delroy Smellie was black, which embarrassed them, and then a female district judge found no excessive force had been used.
There are plenty of other examples when the BBC have done this, finding white officers guilty, including the notorious Mark Duggan video, only to be proved wrong later.
As expected though, the BBC never admits it gets it wrong, it’s a pathological condition known as ‘left wing denial’.
I have been told that when the BBC reports in or on foreign languages they are under no obligation to provide transcripts of accurate translations of material broadcast and ‘reported’ upon, possibly also without context.
Hence the viewer has to trust their integrity.
Good luck with that.
Right, Racist/Racism of course has nothing to do with one’s culture or religious ideology, but as ever these 2 words are thrown around always out of context to the correct meaning. Sad BBC
I would say ‘racism’ is the hatred expressed by a person or persons towards another person or persons based solely on the colour of their skin or origin.
Racism is anything perceived by any non-white person as racist. It’s a bit like saying “Witch!” The accusation proves the crime.
No matter how extreme or ridiculous you make your definition, I will always be able to prove it wrong !
A racist is someone who thinks that Human Races exist. As most people think that Human Races do exist, then most people are racists.
The scientific evidence shows that Human Races do exist. The best and most obvious visible example is the colour of skin of different indigenous groups of people. Also, I have known surgeons who could correctly identify a persons racial group, solely from an X-ray.
So I would say that almost everyone is a racist. There is evidence of a unique exception. But these genuine non-racists are brain damaged people who cannot even identify their own mother, in an identity line up.
Isn’t a racist someone who has an irrational fear, dislike or hatred, of people of a different race to their own? Not exactly a characteristic of someone who has a genuine concern of uncapped and unsustainable immigration – concerns voiced by all UK citizens, not just ‘white people’.
Then there was the poor sweet unarmed teenager who was shot by the police in the USA.
Don’t mention the immigrants!. The bBC FORGOT to fully develop the Swedish story about the murder of swedes by Eritrean asylum-seekers.
Here is just one mention of the story: Oh the bBC mention the story they just leave out the bit about who the suspects are!
Behind the Beeboid scenes, the loathsome Danny Cohen in particular, will be desperate for Jeremy Corbyn to become Labour supremo….Hence Cohen and his goons will ensure that the entire BBC corporation is fully en-message, to willfully campaign, and through any means necessary, to elect the erstwhile Comrade into setting his Trotsky feet through the doors of number ten……
Then – and finally – The BBC and in particular the slimy Cohen, can assume their dream position as the twenty first century Pravda of the world…..
I am presuming the police officer took the knife from the youth after requests to hand in any weapons perhaps, hence the slap?
I heard that piece on Today and was lost for words. The news reports were no more revealing. Does the fact he’s under eighteen prevent them from revealing his ethnicity?
Here he is being arrested –
It doesn’t appear to stop the newspapers revealing it. What’s the BBC’s excuse? (Silly question …..)
The restraint showed by Israeli forces arresting two boys for throwing stones, is quite astonishing.
I cant imagine American cops putting up with this kind of behaviour.
Lol, and that looks like an anti-Israeli site showing examples of police ‘brutality’. Notice the muzzies have all the ‘progressive’ buzz-words on the tip of their lying tongues.
Perhaps the Guardian or the BBC run evening classes in Common Purpose gobbledygook for them.
Here’s some more on that Ikea ‘stabbing’ from Breitbart London
“After the stabbing on Monday, the store reopened this morning. News Agency AFP reports Swedish police have been “tight-lipped” over what precisely happened in the store, and have refused to confirm various claims in the local and global media, from the identity of the victims and perpetrators, the exact nature of the murder weapons, to whether it was a beheading. There are unconfirmed suggestions in the fringe press that the killers shouted “Allah Akbar” as they struck.”
How much, if anything, of this has the BBC reported?
(I no longer watch or listen to any BBC out put so I wouldn’t know)
I read that the BBC claims that such and such a % of the people trust the corporation but that this figure is somewhat lower than ten or 20 years ago. Well its no wonder that it is lower ! Surely anyone who reads the press ( Guardian excepted) or sees news from sources other than the BBC, must have realised that the BBC news doesn’t match with other sources in some very distinct and consistent ways. Immigration/race has been an issue , there are several others, which the BBC has been so biased and PC that it has become a parody of itself.
The BBC will seek to suppress any news which tells a story that doesn’t fit with the BBC narrative that immigration is good , we all get on famously, Islam is the ROP, if there are any problems its white folks who are the cause of them. Equally it promotes and lies about any story real or fictional , that fits with its narrative. The people of the UK have been sold this rubbish for years and years by the BBC whilst at the same time being subjected to ever more immigration which the BBC advocates at every opportunity.
The BBC has failed the country ,in fact it has done untold harm to the UK, it doesn’t deserve our trust nor does it deserve our money . Please Mr Whittingdale liberate us from the lies of the BBC and allow the truth to be told.
The Changes was a BBC kids sci-fi TV series in which everyone in Britain goes crazy smashing up machinery. Everyone, that is, apart from a group of Sikhs!
The DVD box set I have includes a documentary about Sikhs and how The Changes was produced to shed light on their way of life and to dispel any myths or prejudices against them. Nothing wrong with that, apart from making everyone else look stupid!
Sorry if this off topic, but I think this is an important example of BBC propaganda which is still a mainstay of their position of unqualified and self-righteous moral positioning. Bearing in mind this series was made in 1975, and kids are are easier to indoctrinate than adults, this should be yet another blatant example of how the BBC push their social agenda on us all, even those of us who are otherwise open and tolerant towards people of all races and nationalities.
I remember that series well as it was filmed around the West Country, close to my then home.
I have to say that although I recall the Sikhs I don’t recall the agenda (I was only 9) I was more taken by the premise of the series, man turning against machine, something that we are probably closer to today than we were in 1975, with technology monitoring our almost every move. Looking back he program was quite heavy for kids, something better suited for Play For Today.
Now I don’t doubt the agenda, but hopefully no bBC output has ever indoctrinated me. Re-watching old bBC programs the agenda’s become all to apparent, I’m currently watching Goodnight Sweetheart which ran from 1993 to 1999, we’ve reached 1995 and anti Tory/Major jibes occur almost every episode, along with staples such as interracial relationships.
Most may just be waking to bBC bias, but it has been happening for decades.
It was happening as far back as the 1950s, notably when a communist cell including Ewan MacColl (he wrote The Ballad Of Stalin among other memorable ditties) was allowed by the BBC to broadcast the polemical Radio Ballads.
You can trace a a surprising amount of what has happened politically since to the dire influence of MacColl and his comrades – not just an awful lot of very bad ‘folk’ music.
His late daughter was also a darling of the bBC.
Eastenders being the perfect vessel for BBC subliminal propaganda under the banner of ‘artistic licence’.
Oh the BBC eh?
Only they would say that Shell executives had “been on a journey” before they decided to drill in the Arctic.
If only Charles Manson could have called on that defence!
I`m neither for or against, until I get the facts-which the BBC is never going to give us,so I`ll go elsewhere-but for Justin Webb this morning to read that out was priceless.
Psychobabble and NLP is now being used by hard hatted earth rapists-mockingly I hope-and the BBC faithfully repeat their words.
Probably best to get that phrase in Arabic and Chinese-so we can understand the rubric before we`re led out to the van or the souk square!
A word in defence of the BBC.
The put on some bit of guff about Chinese teachers trying to teach stuff in Liphook,Hants-alright it concocts some “competition” between the Chinese system of teaching-and the British “Let it all hang out” childminding equivalent.
But big truths are there-if not in Confucian analect.
Discipline is weak and status based, presided over by a few teaching-hating metrosexual fops.
But they love the GB tracksuits, the company songs , the free food and the arts and minds bullshit…North Korean compliance, but with zero content to teach.
The tears of the Chinese teacher made me despair-she wants to teach important things, and isn`t used to being stabbed in the back by Blairs moniters…and the front by smart arse smartphones cretins.
The Chinese bloke actually had stuff to teach that mattered-but no kid could listen or follow him, being so didactic.
When he gave them toys and puzzles though-they liked that.
His school rates him highly back home, his maths would dwarf 95% of the State ciphers now on holidays-but nobody here gives a damn…so we`ll be serving fish and chips to the Chinese kids as they graduate…our kids can fleece them in a rickshaw if they can work out how much more to charge is required.
Good viewing-very depressing-and that is a GOOD school…you should see the others…Ann Maguire and our Nigerian supply bloke are mere portents.
The word racism did have a very simple meaning once, i.e. to discriminate on grounds of race. Unfortunately, politics has a bad habit of rendering the most precise definitions meaningless.
I think it was at some point in the sixties that the leaders of the black power movement decided, in order justify their own racism, that black people couldn’t be racist. This was because (apparently) it wasn’t about race at all, but about power. The left loves that one. And then over time the definition became more and more vague. Now even antipathy between two people of different nationalities, even if they are both the same race can be described as racist. Of course language evolves over time, but that is very different from subverting the meaning of words for political ends.
But what the hell, it’s a good shouty word to fire at anyone who doesn’t share your opinion. Great to use if your in the audience of QT and don’t have a plausible argument. In fact it even works if you’re on the panel.