Eric Pickles says that political correctness is allowing electoral fraud by immigrants to continue unchecked…
In Tower Hamlets, police and council staff failed to tackle intimidation – often in foreign languages – both inside and outside polling stations. Just as we have seen with child sexual exploitation in places such as Rochdale and Rotherham, institutionalised political correctness can lead to the state turning a blind eye to criminal conduct. But the law must be applied equally and fairly to everyone. Integration and good community relations are undermined by the failure to do so.
As a minister, I found within Whitehall a complete reluctance by officials to take action on the warnings from local councillors and journalists of systematic corruption in the Tower Hamlets mayoral administration. Yet when I subsequently sent forensic investigators into Tower Hamlets, they quickly found shocking financial irregularities. These were only the tip of the iceberg – further cases of alleged planning irregularities and financial misconduct couldn’t be followed up due to documents disappearing or written records not being kept.
Across the country, electors from abroad are not properly checked to ensure that they qualify to vote when they register. Fraudulent registration is frequently tied to illegal immigration, as illegal migrants sign up to make it easier to get credit or a mobile phone. Such illegality feeds through to further crimes, such as benefit and housing fraud.
Our nation has a proud heritage as the mother of Parliaments, yet the worrying and covert spread of electoral fraud threatens that reputation. While all politicians want high turnouts, we cannot sacrifice integrity and confidence in our democracy through misplaced political correctness or woolly concerns over “political engagement”. It is time to awake from our state of denial and take action against the electoral crooks who threaten our elections.
The Guardian at least reports Pickles’ statement but dodges around mentioning any link to immigration. The BBC has so far completely ignored Pickles…..but then the BBC has always tried to downplay the events in Tower Hamlets, for a long time ignoring the revelations by Andrew Gilligan in the Telegraph about Rahman and his associates.
An astonishing and very obvious pattern is apparent in the BBC’s recent coverage of any news report that has any link to immigration that reflects badly on the BBC’s own philosophy of immigration as a good thing.
A Pakistani background youth stabs a black teacher and the BBC covers up his ethnicity and encourages people to think this was a case of white racism.
Two people are murdered in Sweden by asylum seekers and the BBC hides their identity until they come up with a narrative to draw attention away from the immigrants….the real danger not being immigrants stabbing people but an alleged backlash against such murders by Swedes…..laughably those famous ‘Dark Forces’.
Then we had Phillip Hammond, the Foreign Secretary, saying Europe will economically and socially implode under the weight of mass immigration…the BBC again avoided mentioning his words until, once again, they came up with a narrative that tried to counter what he said….the BBC resorting to in essence calling him a racist who was inflaming anti-immigrant hatred with his dangerous rhetoric..his ‘tone’.
And now they ignore a serious issue raised by Eric Pickles about electoral fraud, immigration and the threats to democracy.
Well, ignoring it for now….what narrative will they come up with when they do eventually report his words? Will he be demonising immigrants for faults that are inherent in the system or using a ‘tone’ that incites anti-immigrant paranoia? Probably.
This all tracks back to the simple, quite unavoidable fact that we only ever get the ‘news according to the BBC’ from the BBC, rather than a factual, objective, impartial examination of events.
That this poltically biased, compromised, intellectually and morally corrupted organisation is permitted to exact an annual poll tax off the entire viewing public (by demanding money with menaces) in order to continue with its liberal left fascist agenda is a modern scandal that really does beggar belief.
The BBC continues to stick two fingers up to its legal requirement for impartiality; indeed, as many have noted here it seems to become daily more aggressively left wing and appears not to care how many recognise this fact as it turns itself into a conspicuous cheerleader for the Labour Party, a brazen advocate for our continued membership of the EU, a campion of the thousands of illegal immigrants (all of them according to the BBC, ‘political refugees’) a ceaseless champion of the EU aspiration towards a ‘borderless Europe’ and a fiercely aggressive pro-CAGW advocate prepared publicly to admit that it will not air the views of anyone who dares voice climate dissent on its preferred narrative of the greatest scientific fraud in history.
As if this were not enough, the hateful Corporation still persists in indulging in wilful misdirection and obfuscation when it comes to issues relating to the self-proclaimed Religion of Peace. Whether it’s by slyly refusing to reveal the nationalities (and by obvious implication the religion) of hundreds of child molesters in the UK, or by withholding the identities, racial origin and/names of those responsible for horrific knife/bomb attacks on ordinary members of the public, the BBC is engaged in nothing short of wilful deception and lying by omission.
The BBC is a total disgrace and a genuine enemy of truth in journalism. It is an anachronism hopelessly compromised by its overwhelming left-leaning progressive political agenda and is no longer interested in reporting objectively on the world around it; it has become instead a the UK’s best-funded advocating organisation, which now sees its role as political, and in the service of a left-liberal common purpose agenda.
This would be perfectly acceptable if the entire UK viewing public were not being forced to pay for it under threat of criminal sanction for refusal to do so. Until such time as as the BBC is forced to become a digital subscription service – paid for only by those who actually wish to receive its political messaging – it must be criticised, held up to scrutiny and called-out on its blatant left wing bias at every opportunity.
Good comment. I would however take you to task regarding your description of “wilful misdirection and obfuscation”. You are too kind to the BBC. The correct terminology is “suppression of the truth”.
The correct terminology is “blatant bullshitting”
I agree entirely.
What to do about it that’s the problem. No-one has the guts to take on the liars and charlatans because of the the furore it would create leading to even more lies as they cover up what they are doing.
Fortunately, most thinking people know of the bias of the BBC and their agenda and treat all their reports with the contempt they deserve.
That’s not to say that they should be allowed to continue reporting as they currently do, indeed something should be done to curb them now.
If they can’t be closed down at least they should be made to provide information regarding the bias of the reporting journalist.
A sort of a health warning on thebackground and political leaning of the editor and reporters involved.
The BBC continues to stick two fingers up to its legal requirement for impartiality; indeed, as many have noted here it seems to become daily more aggressively left wing and appears not to care how many recognise this fact…
In total agreement. The BBC now remind me of the third Blair government in all its arrogant pomp, believing they’ll go on forever because nobody will properly hold them to account.
I think its agenda over the last few years has moved dramatically more leftwards, though, and is now more aligned to the sub-Marxist Greens and SNP than Labour.
Last night Channel 5 did a sting operation on Benefit fraud and it included two white,one black and two Pakistani individuals.
What are the chances of the BBC doing an expose on benefit fraud let alone exposing non whites ?
I must watch it on catch up.
On Tuesday night they did a bed and breakfast “hotel” which settled for portraying the stories of four or five short, and not so short, term residents without, to me, resorting to any “message” subliminal or not.
Yes, food banks did get shown, but they were doing exactly what they were set up to do, helping people with short term problems.
Now, whenever any atrocity happens you can assume that it will be by the rop unless the bbc say it is by white Brits.
If it is done by whitey then it is their headline news.
If it is not reported or done by our enrichers then the bbc will avoid any mention of the perpetrators or try to deceive the public as in the Pakistani origin schoolboy stabbing the teacher.
When this was reported, the whole Country must have thought it was whitey doing the stabbing given the manner of the reporting.
Strangely enough, it was the guardian that let the cat out of the bag.
Same with the Swedish ikea stabbings.
When they go to Calais they must take ages rooting about amongst the Doctors and Scientists there looking for a woman to interview.
Climate change propaganda is never questioned.
If a UKIP member farts in a train it’s headline news.
Rotherham is buried as is the many other Muslim industrial scale rape and abuse of our little girls still going on.
As you all know, there are so many examples of the bbc bias that to list them would take all day.
The bbc is run by a cabal of ‘chemical Ali’s’, that smiling rogue during the Iraq war. Putting out its own agenda regardless of the truth.
Will anyone do anything about it? I doubt it. Look at the response when Farage pointed out the biased audience in the pre election debates. The question time ‘selected’ audiences are still full of Corbyn wannabes.
Now, more are looking to the Internet for the truth. The bbc has been found out.
Try Breitbart London for a more honest news service.
I was out drinking with a couple of pals yesterday who I’d not seen in a while. We got onto the teacher stabbing and I mentioned the fact the BBC had withheld the fact the perpetrator was of Pakistani origin. One of the guys was genuinely shocked as he believed that from all he’d heard he must have been white. I wasn’t shocked at all to learn he gets his news almost exclusively from the BBC.
Fatty pickles knows that Political Correctness is hiding all kinds of ills but there’s no way leftie Dave – the man who point blank refused to believe anything could be wrong with the Batmans charit, authorising a further £3 million of public funds to be released just a few days before it failed?
Cameron is certainly NOT a Tory !
There is no way on Gods earth that he will allow any erosion of Political Correctness.
Nor will Daves friend Lying Boris when he becomes leader, and don’t think he won’t because he went to Eton and is the annointed successor.
Correct Thoughtful-David Cameron is no Tory-
In 2012 Britain had a glimpse of its own dystopia, when riots erupted in London, Manchester & Birmingham. The country was given the vision of what might be to come in a country where financial markets buckled, the economy flatlined, unemployment rose, public services were cut, inequality increased, the basics of life became more expensive and pensions became meaner. DC however insisted that the burning and looting were, for the most part the result of pure criminality. Adding that ‘the disorder was not caused by race, poverty or the cuts, but by behaviour-people with a twisted moral code, people with complete absence of self-restraint.’ Unbelievable.
Like many other leaders of the UK the tendency has been one of delusion about the challenges the nation faces.Clear from what one reads that Britain is in deep troubleand ready to blow, as it might well do if immediate action is not taken to reverse current laws on immigration.
Cameron once said that there were “none sicker than the EDL”. What Dave? Not even those sexual sadists in Oxford, Rochdale, Derby, Rotherham, Sheffield, Peterborough, Bradford, Telford, Bristol etc etc etc?
Why don’t you describe them in such a way? You f*****g coward!
The sentences handed down to convicted rioters by the courts have been more draconian than previously thought but nearly three-quarters of those appearing in court had criminal records.
Oddly, when one of Rahman’s keenest supporters – Ken Livingstone – was interviewed on Today this morning about the wonder which is Corbyn, Webb (?) passed up the opportunity to drift slightly off-piste (as he tends to do when interviewing non-lefties) to ask Ken about Pickles’ article on electoral fraud. This would have been an interesting journalistic question – and an enlightening (I guess) non-answer – rather than what was a 10 minute predictable bore-fest on internal Labour affairs.
Yet another example of a BBC interviewer carefully avoiding questions which would undermine the narrative.
Will the BBC ever answer the question, ‘How many millions of migrants can the UK absorb? Is there a limit? When does immigration go bad?’
There is no answer from the BBC regarding this. I suspect their real answer would be that as the British Empire ‘exploited’ the third world, it’s now payback time.
Jeremy Hunt seems unable to answer that question either. I’ve asked him numerous times, as my local MP. He doesn’t seem to be able to tell me how importing millions of people from low consumption countries, to our high consumption country, fits in with his governments ‘green’ policies either.
They’re stacking houses on every scrap of land that becomes available, yet building no infrastructure to cope otherwise.
Increased traffic, lack of housing, health, education, crime, public transport, have I missed anything out ?
Just about everything we pay taxes for, is affected by immigration, but when the BEEB are agonising over the lack of primary school places for kids or indeed secondary school places and Uni places, the “I” word is never, ever mentioned.
“Will the BBC ever answer the question..?”
It would be a start if they even acknowledged the question exists, and bothered to ask it.
Ah yes lovely enriched Tower Hamlets, my Father in Law, an ex-docker still lives there. The no ball games signs on his estate are also in Bangladeshi, which is nice.
A very awkward situation arose a few years back when some of the enrichers decided that it was no longer acceptable for the local gay pub, The White Swan, to hold its strippers night.
Hmm Gay rights v Islam what a dilemma.
This is an old story from 2013 so it may have been discussed here before, apologies in advance if it has, but its worth another look in my opinion.
Tower Hamlets is a terrifying portent of things to come. I travel often on the 277 bus that transits from the surreal affluence of Canary Wharf to the hedonistic metrosexual yuppies of South Hackney via what is essentially and increasingly a dingy border town on the North Western frontier.
Every year there are more and more fully veiled very young (how young?) women pregnant and struggling to cope with a full pushchair and toddlers. Also more and more young men dressed for the madrassa. They don’t speak in English.
It is impossible to reconcile the values of this community with those of its immediately adjacent neighbours and what is most striking of all is that no-one is even trying any longer.
The BBC’s coverage is so wilfully wrong that it must be deliberate. But how? Are there editorial guidelines advocating obfuscation and deceit in the interests of community cohesion; or are they just so in the cult of multi-culturalism they self-censor – and what is ever going to make it stop?
To be fair to the leftie newspapers, both the Guardian and Independent have sent reporters to investigate vote rigging and phantom voters. The Guardian guy was threatened by Muslim gangs and told to ‘go away’ or words to that effect,while the Independent reporter was actually beaten up.
Does not I am afraid seemed to have changed the head in sand attitude of either paper toward Muslims in TH or Birmingham or Slough where vote rigging and corruption of our once proud voting system is similarly trashed.
Wish the BBC would send a team down; I suppose if they were warned off or assaulted they would blame some Right Wing Nazis for inflaming the poor Muslims
Yes ,historic Brick Lane renamed Bangla Town.I have lived and worked in the Borough over the years and sad to see the decline into a suburb of Bangladesh.Mind you Ilford is going the same way.
Id like to see the BBC do a serious documentary about the changing culture in the East End from a White British perspective .Not something that focuses on racism and white flight. An acknowledgement that rapid change is happening but i wont hold my breath.
I used to live just off ‘Brick lane’ some 30 years ago, until I moved to the small but growing village I now live in, growing in population and ‘ethnicity’ ( only one coloured man when I moved here now hundreds of IT Indians ).
I would take my wife to Brick Lane every year or so for a ‘memory lane’ thing for me and an experience for her. However we both noticed that it became more unfriendly and less cosmopolitan as the years went by, the aggression of the ‘locals’ ( Indians ) blocking your route on the pavement to get you into their restaurants became quite a chore for us, we no longer go there.
There was a fantastic Jewish bakery at the top of the lane that cooked fantastic bagels that I pretty much lived on. Having not been there for some ten years I oft wonder if it is still there or has been otherwise banished?
Anybody know?
The last time I was there about a year ago the bagel shop was still doing a great business.
Most of the ‘Indians’ you describe are indeed Bangladeshi. There are really very few Indian restaurants run by Indians in the UK, and if you ever find one you will see the difference.
Indians are usually very successful students and business people and very well integrated.
Teddy Bear
Thank you for your response, I used the word ‘Indian’ because in those days anyone from that ‘remote’ part of the world was, we didn’t differentiate amongst different regional areas from that continent. You say Indians are usually successful, yes because everything is stacked in their favour. I have hundreds of Indians in my village in IT clearly they have to be conversant in English yet we have thousands of our own qualified IT workers struggling to get work but our government years ago had a pact with India allowing thousands of their IT workers to work here…. pushing ours in no mans land.
Look at our NHS ( or INHS ) whereby it is full of Indians ( and others from that continent ) because our people cannot afford to learn the trade here and work here due to being undercut by foreign labour.
I fundamentally disagree with you, the playing field level Indians by and large could not survive here except for curry houses and corner shops.
Its not so much that British people cannot afford to become doctors and nurses as that there simply arent enough trainign places to take on every one who wantts to qualify in these professions. There is no shortage of applicants.
Every government has failed to provid eenouggh medical training places and the current one ha scut nurse training further – madness when we are short of them!
Then we import.
Aerfen, you can add dentists to that list. There is a long standing arrangement it seems to turn down British applicants for medicine, nursing and dentistry and make up the shortfall by immigrants and to make the NHS dependent on immigration.
Jerry – I know it’s difficult to generalize on a country the size of India, but we should be careful not to ‘lump’ them all together like they do at the BBC with the ‘Asian’ term.
One important difference between Indians and the surrounding countries like Bangladesh and Pakistan, who are generally thought of as Indians, is the culture they come from.
One would starve to death before they’d kill a cow.
One would kill you for believing differently to them.
I know which one enriches our society.
You might want to ask those running the curry houses and corner shops where exactly they come from.
Just as an aside, I too grew up in the East End close to Brick Lane and thought at the time they were all ‘Indians’, which is how they were described 😉
Now I know there’s a big difference.
I agree Teddy Bear. Virtually all of the Indians I encounter are polite, dress in Western clothes and speak in English. They also smile, enjoy a drink and generally enjoy life. Compare and contrast …….
I can remember the area before Maurice Cutler gave away so many of the newly built council properties to the Bangladeshi immigrant families because their need was greater (large families) than those, like some of my workmates whose parents and grandparents had lived there for decades and suffered death and destruction of their home from German bombers. All the unfulfilled promises of new homes until the mid 1970s and then they were just ignored; unless they protested and marched like those from the Isle of Dogs, then you were branded racist.
The change from waiting list to ‘needs based’ allocation had an horrific impact on the foreignisation of council housing, so unfair!
Everyone can understand ‘waiting lists’ its the old British way, queue and you get there in the end.
The BBC’s conduct is tantamount to sedition. Will Mr Pickles explain why it has not been shut down? Funding is no longer the issue – we are being subjected to a constant flow of propaganda which actively assists our enemies and threatens our state. Turn off the transmitters until they can be taken back for the nation.
Oh dear, is my ‘tone’ wrong? Are my eyes swivelling?
So be it. My only concern is to somehow rid ourselves of this ‘Wormtongue’ in our midst, as Tolkien would have instantly recognised.
Edit: before I got so angry, I meant to say – it is so important that a mainstream politician has so straightforwardly endorsed what so many have been saying for some time, and have been thoroughly vilified and marginalised for saying it. That Mr Pickles’ remarks have not been reported adequately by the BBC is very dangerous for them.
Quite agree, Stuart.
It is quite clear from the above posts, and the wish of the majority of the people of the United Kingdom, the message to Mr David Cameron, Prime Minister is ‘GET A GRIP’ on immigration.
It could not be more clear.
Pickles is a total prat. He is typical of the useless British political class who identify a problem , talk about it, but do sweet FA. He was in power as a Government minister and did nothing. As I said, he is a prat.