The BBC brought us (08:30….and repeated during the day) a woeful tale of the growing ‘tension and anger’ in Kos as immigrants flood in and the situation spirals ‘out of control’.
Couldn’t help thinking that this is the same BBC that promotes open borders and no limits on migrant numbers, and about the number of times that we have been told of the huge economic benefits and the blessed diversity that migrants bring to a country….why is Kos not happy to be awash with migrants? Surely its economy should be booming and its inhabitants expressing delight at the cosmopolitan atmosphere so may different migrants bring to the island.
Of course the BBC was using the problems on Kos as lever to apply pressure on ‘Europe’ to speed up the entry of migrants… thought that to do so would just increase the flow even more…and why are these migrants coming from the perfectly safe, and Muslim, country of Turkey when so many of them, we are told, are from Syria and Afghanistan?
Could it be that migrants are not really interested in asylum and safety but money as Migration Watch suggests, as does the aggressive attitude of the, what I thought, rather ungrateful to be safe on Kos migrants?
The main motivation to cross the channel is not to seek asylum (France is a safe country) but the ambition to work illegally in Britain and send money home. Furthermore, these migrants calculate, correctly, that they are very unlikely to be deported to their home countries. The report traces the decline in the credibility in the UK immigration system over the past twenty years and calls for early action to reverse the perception that, once across the channel, these migrants are home and dry.
The travel firm Thomson announced that profits would be down due to the effect of the terrorist attack in Tunisia…you could hear the sneer in the voice of the BBC news reader as she read out the number of dead and then said Thomson was blaming their deaths for its profits fall.
However on the flip side the BBC is happy to use Thomson’s profit’s plight to push a pro-immigration fast tracking of migrants off the island of Kos...Thomson boss: Greece needs help to tackle migrant ‘tragedy’.
We hear that …
It is time for European governments to help Greece deal with the migrant issue, coming as it does hard on the heels of the economic crisis.
“Here we have another tragedy unfolding in terms of those migrants and we have to have empathy and sympathy for them……I think the Greek authorities are doing all they can to be thoughtful and caring towards these migrants and process them through the system so they can go from the islands to the mainland where it will be easier to assist them.”
“I worry about the publicity putting people off going to the Greek islands,” Mr Long said.
“Those poor unfortunate migrants are located at the moment in Kos town and we have hotels throughout the island.”
“Therefore I hope the Greeks are able to process [the migrants] and I’m sure other European governments will look at ways of helping them through this difficult situation with so many migrants arriving at the same time.”
Hmmm….Cameron is castigated for de-humanising migrants with the word ‘swarm’ and yet a business boss who wants to get rid of migrants asap so he can continue to pull in the profits from his hotels on Kos is fine and dandy?
I guess when something coincides with a BBC interest anything goes and hang posturing on the moral high ground.
Elsewhere on the BBC we have a wonderful, heartwarming tale of a welcome ‘on the buses’ from a German, immigrant, bus driver to other immigrants…..the BBC of course holding it up as an example for us all…
Germany: Bus driver’s migrant speech goes viral
A German bus driver has garnered nationwide media attention after pausing to give a welcome speech to a group of migrants on his bus.
Sven Latteyer made the impromptu announcement as was driving around the quiet Bavarian town of Erlangen, with about 15 young foreigners – some from Africa – on board, the local Nuernberger Nachrichten paper reports. A fellow passenger recounts that the driver grabbed his microphone and said, in English: “Excuse me ladies and gentlemen from all over the world on this bus, I want to say something. I want to say welcome. Welcome to Germany, welcome to my country.” He then signed off with: “Have a nice day!”
The speech was greeted with stunned looks followed by laughter and applause, “including from the Germans”, the passenger says. “One of the African lads wiped a tear from his eye.”
Mr Latteyer says that he felt moved to make the speech by the experience of his brother-in-law, who fled the Kosovo conflict in the 1990s, and his grandfather, who was wounded in World War Two.
Curiously the BBC hasn’t bothered with this genuine and probably more important news story from Germany…
EU Immigration Crisis: German Police Want Border Controls In Europe To Address Migrant Flow
Germany’s police union is calling for a return to passport controls along the border to combat a growing migrant crisis in the country and across the continent, Agence France-Presse reported. The chairman of the German Police Union Tuesday made the argument for re-regulation along inter-European borders, saying it is a good idea from a policing standpoint.
From a policing point of view, a return to border controls would be the best of all measures,” said Rainer Wendt, the chairman of the German Police Union. “Germany should not take the threat of bringing back [border] controls off the table too readily.” Police have already ramped up security checks along some inter-European train lines, highways and at international airports.
Wonder why the BBC does not think you ought to know about the German police’s concerns about a ‘growing migrant crisis’.
The BBC: misusing taxpayers money to promote its very unambiguously political messaging on what it disingenuously refers to as ‘migrants’ (illegal immigrants to the rest of us here in the real world).
It really is a disgrace. The BBC quite literally uses its publicly-funded dominance of the UK broadcast media to advantage its relentless progressive agenda, which – inevitably – includes an aggressively pro-immigration slant to everything the Corporation ever has to say on the issue.
As Johnny said here yesterday, the BBC never asks the right questions, always somehow avoids the awkward questions and does its level best to steer clear of straying ‘off-piste’ when discussing the underlying outcomes and implications of this illegal immigrant crisis, for fear of harming the agreed narrative on what it stubbornly calls these ‘political refugees’.
These ‘political refugees’ (according to the BBC, all of them doctors, lawyers, teachers, architects and fashion designers, etc) are unfortunately easy to confuse with hoodied, thuggish-looking types malevolently stalking the Channel Tunnel entrance, presumably looking to buy a valid ticket into Britain. As far as the BBC is concerned there is not a suggestion of criminality about any of them. One assumes they carry their graduate degrees in advanced trigonometry about with them, as the BBC is so ready to accredit them all with some kind of specialised educational standard.
To underline this BBC ‘fact’ (and do remember that ‘facts’ and the BBC rarely coincide with each other) BBC reporter drones regularly and very selectively pull individuals out of the immigrant swarm (the sh*t hole the BBC likes to call ‘the jungle’ that the illegal immigrants have created in which to loiter about in, defacing the French countryside in the process, because where these criminals go they leave nothing but ruin in their wake), to offer up their sob stories to what the BBC assumes to be a receptive, sympathetic UK viewership/listenership.
And so it all goes on. And I wonder why the BBC does this? Why abandon all journalistic credibility to agressively push a clearly partisan, entirely uncritical, pro-immigrant agenda? What’s in it for them? Hatred of the UK? Hatred of British values, our laws, our very way of live? A wish to stamp out all traces of British culture where they might still exist..?
The one thing I do know – and I think we all know it here – is that the BBC is ideologically incapable of objective reporting on the so-called ‘migrant crisis’. It just can’t ask the right questions (because it doesn’t want to) so instead it merely reduces itself to the undignified role of a conspicuous cheerleader for the unfolding catastrophe, working as hard as it can to complement its fellow travellers in the UN and the EU.
Agreed, basically.
It is astonishing, and baffling, to observe the inundation of the BBC under a tide of prejudice and sheer bigotry. The way in which this Corporation has been so utterly diverted from reporting the truth, to becoming the arbiter of truth, is an object lesson in decadence transmogrifying into tyranny.
The BBC has become a Pravda-like gate-keeper of what is fit, safe, and desirable to be broadcast.
In assuming the role of ‘Big Brother’, it appears to think, like the original, like all tyrants in fact, that it is performing a great service to the people of Britain.
It believes, like all dictators, in ‘cohesion’, ‘stability’, ‘peace’, ‘safety’. It also believes, like all dictators, that it is itself the best interpreter of such values for everyone else – the kind, guiding hand of ‘Big Brother’ indeed, steering us through challenging times and asking of us only that we hold its hand and trust its superior judgement.
Totalitarianism can be a very attractive option to a population that has been taught to mistrust its own judgement and ability to deal with risk and uncertainty. A population that has been led into decadence has also lost its ability to distinguish truth from falsehood, and is a sitting-duck for slavery.
Who is the BBC now serving? I don’t really know – there appear to be vestiges of the old relationship with our government in some of the stories – the otherwise inexplicable about-turn in attitude to Zimbabwe, for instance.
But mostly, the BBC seems to be driven by a bewildering series of adopted agendas – the EU, Climate Change, unrestricted immigration, and others.
What on earth connects these? Perhaps the only connection is funding – follow the money. That doesn’t seem entirely plausible, though, and I remain baffled. Everyone has their own theory, I’m sure, but serious investigation has yet to displace mere speculation, I think – rather like the Historic Child Sexual Abuse arena..
But mostly, the BBC seems to be driven by a bewildering series of adopted agendas – the EU, Climate Change, unrestricted immigration, and others.
What on earth connects these?
Add anti-fracking, anti-all fossil and nuclear fuels, anti-nuclear weapons, anti-capitalist, pro-Palestine and pro-animal rights (relying on memory here so there may be more….) and you’ve got the Green Party manifesto, a sub-Marxist agenda for Britain.
There’s your connection.
You forgot all the gender issues, there..
I don’t know if Greens lean towards polymorphous perversity, but they do seem attracted to authoritarianism, so maybe you’re right.
Worth a look at their manifesto on the Green Party website if you haven’t done so already, Stuart.
Click to access Green_Party_2015_General_Election_Manifesto.pdf
Horrorshow. Not even Orwell could have foreseen it. As for Monty Python….
What on earth connects these?
It is worth first looking at the psychology of many working in the media – especially what we call left.
There are parallels between them and radical Islamists. They both suffer from an inferiority complex due to lack of independent vision or thinking, and instead of trying to develop it they jump on the bandwagon offered to them that there existing way of thinking is correct and everybody else is wrong.
The only real difference between them is the vehicles used but both couldn’t really care less about the impact that they have on society or other human beings.
The BBC use any and every issue that makes it appear as if they are caring and concerned to gain a moral superiority in their own eyes, but their hypocrisy is consistently evident, besides the real negative effects of their agenda.
Since the more power they can attain gives them further belief in their own ‘intelligence’, they will follow any path that they believe will give them more. For the BBC it is the hegemonic desire to be the worlds propaganda outlet. If you now look at any and all of the agendas you already identify you will see the link.
A radical Muslim will cut your head off to achieve dominance.
The BBC will shut off your brain to do the same.
For the BBC – LEFT = Lies Evading Factual Truths
One reason might be pure greed for money. More inward migration = more households = more Licence Fees income. The fact that that Licence Fee may form part of a Benefits package whether unemployed Brit or eventually unemployed incomer and come from taxation will have occurred but tax, “that is good tax, it is investing in the country”. (Until it’s Corbyn-style 50% & 60% Upper Bands when the £300K+ p.a. presenting class will tell us it’s a pointless tax and it “won’t bring much in.”)
Another reason may be: liberal Leftism is not just a political creed, it is a lifestyle thing. The BBC hierarchy, who set the news agenda and many of the presenters who relay it to the public will not think to question it because ‘everyone does it’. They either assume that because their little enclaves in Barnes, Muswell Hill, Chalk Farm, Dulwich,
Wimbledon or further afield in Hertfordshire or Buckinghamshire or the Surrey Hills are relatively unpressured, untouched by increasing numbers seeking accommodation that its not a problem anywhere else in the UK. Or that it is ‘a problem that the Government should do something about’. Then that provides them with something to cavil over, nit pick & place accusation and blame. The Fourth Estate derives its position, wealth & influence from having a place behind the other three.
[An aside: I remember the WatO Presenter, I think it was the late Nick Clarke, throw a real big wobbly on the programme where early on in the first Blair administration, Tony Blair announced he was going to go round the country seeking out the views of the people on what they wanted his government to be dealing with. The outburst made me look at the radio with surprise. I couldn’t fathom it and wasn’t used to hearing such things from the BBC, especially from Nick Clarke. Then I twigged. He was upset that the BBC (and perhaps the other media) were being usurped by Blair going direct to the people, they were being cut out of the loop. That was the BBC’s place: to mediate between God & Man, er, I mean Government & the People.]
Another reason that links to the liberal Lefty lifestyle, whether the person has a ‘faith’ (Protestant/Catholic/Jewish/other) or is more likely atheistic or agnostic is that a liberal attitude to immigration as well as other prime Left inclinations or policies is a form of ‘doing alms’ that might otherwise be part of, say, Christian charitable giving and care. The well paid Editor or Producer or Grade X or Y or Z administrator can feel good about themselves by ‘being kind to would be immigrants’.
When you become your own god, you have to find your own way to do away with your own sins.
Adopting a fashionable moral code is their way to absolve themselves. “Bless you my son!” “Bless you my daughter!” they may say or think to themselves as they emote over the migrants’ plight.
The BBC cares not a fig for jounalistic crediblity, and indeed following their orders from those that control Europe; the Global Elitist bankers/global finacial operators, IMF World bank, Fed reserve, Bank of England & the mighty conglomerates, who all indeed wish to wipe out all traces of British culture, and command the BBC follow this line of attack. As mentioned before, you can fool some of the people some of the time but not all of the people all of the time-‘When injustice becomes Law, Rebellion bcomes duty’, are we not getting close?
And I wonder why the BBC does this? Why abandon all journalistic credibility to agressively push a clearly partisan, entirely uncritical, pro-immigrant agenda? What’s in it for them? Hatred of the UK? Hatred of British values, our laws, our very way of live? A wish to stamp out all traces of British culture where they might still exist..?
Most or all of the above. It’s also a matter of power. No doubt BBC campaigners believe that encouraging the invasion of the UK by the third world will result in those third worlders, when they become eligible to vote, helping the BBC’s fellow lefties in the Labour Party to attain political power.
That the third worlders might have a different agenda would not even occur to BBC ideologues. Surely they would demonstrate undying gratitude to the left for its unstinting support for their invasion? And surely they would want to help ensure that the future of their benefactors at the BBC would be secure in partnership with a left-wing government?
The BBC seems incapable of absorbing the lesson of the last election – that the untrustworthy and rudderless left (led by imbeciles like Miliband) is in a minority in the UK, even given the extent of the third world invasion thus far. The BBC cannot handle the bitter reality of Labour’s thrashing. After all, the BBC did all it could – sneering at the Tories and UKIP while promoting Labour – to try to lift the party back into power.
Of course, there is an even more sinister aspect to the BBC’s support for the invasion – the hope among the Muslims and Muslim sympathisers at the BBC that the invaders will considerably swell Muslim ranks in the UK and thus hasten its transformation into part of the Islamic Caliphate.
In more sensible times, BBC staff would have been put up against a wall and shot.
”A German bus driver has garnered nationwide media attention after pausing to give a welcome speech to a group of migrants on his bus.” Sounds like the village idiot.
Doorman is their word for it
Sorry it’s doorfman
”Mr Latteyer says that he felt moved to make the speech by the experience of his brother-in-law, who fled the Kosovo conflict in the 1990s.” So he’s got a dog in this fight.
”Wonder why the BBC does not think you ought to know about the German police’s concerns about a ‘growing migrant crisis’.” The Corporate Media is based on emotion, manipulation and contrived sob stories to pull at your heart strings not on reason or logic.
Not just reason or logic, David. They should be investigating, seeking out what is happening, asking questions, establishing facts and reporting them without fear or favour.
Oh, how convenient; let’s blame the English ‘mafia’ for the crisis!
I sure would like to know the ethnicity and religious beliefs of these alleged smugglers. I bet, if they exist, they’re from Londonistan.
This story must have been held in suspension for several days now by the BBC, pending a suitable angle, which has now been found. Compare the, entirely appropriate, condemnation of smugglers using British-plated vehicles, with the almost complete failure to investigate and condemn the smugglers using Libyan or Turkish registered vessels to cross the Med, and moreover, commit numerous atrocities upon their passengers along the way.
Not to mention the simple arithmetic needed to add up the total cost of passage stumped up by each and every one of these desperate migrants – by all accounts amounting to over £10,000? I wish I could afford that kind of desperation.
Also, surely the plates on these British vehicles would immediately single them out for filtration by the authorities at either end of the tunnel or ferry crossing, making them completely ineffective at smuggling. If the plates have been seen, they have been seen, and the whole operation can be countered very simply. Plates can obviously be changed, but an escort to the point of embarkation would perhaps make that difficult? The French authorities are never usually reluctant to pull vehicles over for inspection, so alternate identities could be discovered quite easily?
Is this story actually true at all?
One migrant, who said he had spent £15,000 so far on trying to reach the UK …
Guessing plans for RoI were not probed in much depth?
Sky News was aggressively accosted by one of these Brits. He was certainly British but of West Indian or Pakistani origin.
“But Mr Dhersin said that a man there had shown him a gun and threatened to rape a reporter he was with.”
‘Nuff said.
He no doubt reported this to the police who came and made arrests, no?
‘Asian’ and ‘English Mafia’, just another way to Camouflage the true perpetrators.
Would that “Asian” be Muslim?
A lesson from history for our politicians and the BBC. Can we send them back?
To do anything like Ike did here and now, the HR act has to be scrapped….none will do it, so we are stuck with the problem.
Alan wrote
The main motivation to cross the channel is not to seek asylum (France is a safe country) but the ambition to work illegally in Britain and send money home. Furthermore, these migrants calculate, correctly, that they are very unlikely to be deported to their home countries.
One needs to figure out the cost for each invaders ( migrant) to come to Europe.
From Eritrea, Somalia and point south, it is around £15,000. For Syria etc, it may be a little less.
Look at these invaders. If they had access to that kind of money, they would be living like lords.
No way could they get that kind of money as a loan.
The only explanations is that the money they need to come over to Europe has come from their relatives in Europe – particularly the UK.
Consider a Somali/Eritrean Muslim family living in UK. Its large, with lots of children. Because of the large family, they must be “earning” somewhere around £30,000 tax free. As the cost of living is very low for them, there is a substantial sum of disposable money available to fund a male relative to the UK. Once the relative is in the UK, he is shown by his family how to extract even more lolly from Benefits. He now sends for his family, and soon there is a surplus of money to fund even more relatives.
NCBBB , You can buy a piece of good land the size of a football pitch in these countries for about £500. The equivalent of £15000 in, say , Somalia, is about £500,000 in UK. So big money. Strange that the BBC do not investigate and report more !!
No decent advocate asks a question either that he doesn’t know the answer to or, worse, knows that the answer will damage his case. Accordingly, the BBC – an advocacy organisation rather than a news organisation – doesn’t ask questions the answer to which will damage the Narrative. Accordingly, no awkward questions are asked of or about Moslems, no awkward questions are asked of “asylum seekers” and, certainly, very few awkward questions are posed to Corbyn or his supporters.
These impoverished asylum seekers were so pleased to reach Europe that they recorded the event with selfies on their iPhones.
Poor children, they are obviously starving. And look at those mothers (see them?) dressed in rags, protecting their swollen-bellied malnourished, shrapnel-wounded babies from the raging seas. We who look on, are indicted by their misery. Repent, repent, and take these waifs to your bosom!
Actually, they are simply joyful at the wonderful spectacle of the Perseids as they light up our night skies – look, a meteor shower! Ah, the privilege of being informed by the BBC, who alone can unite the nation and its visitors in staring at the sky while stepping into the path of the Juggernaut.
Actually, that’s going too far. Much too far.
That’s joy on their faces. Not ‘jihadi-joy’, not ‘mendacious, take me to the benefits counter joy’, but just pure and simple joy. The same kind of feeling we might experience when we have achieved the seemingly impossible, something we have been through great peril to reach. It unites them with us, it doesn’t split them off as alien invaders.
There may well be criminals, jihadis, scroungers, miscreants of all sorts mixed up with this tide of humanity. It certainly poses a terrible threat to the stability and security of our nation, through consequences that no-one really understands right now. But there surely must be some hint of opportunity bound up in it too? We can’t simply paint ourselves into a paranoid corner where we see evil at every turn, and lose our dignity and cultural inheritance, ironically, in the very act of defending it?
I see now how people get radicalised, how their viewpoint gets steadily distorted until they are capable of seeing black as white. I understand something I didn’t before, and I hope I never again lose sight of common humanity as the consequence of pursuing a seductive thread of truths which are just too simple.
Mea culpa.
Maybe I missed something, but has anyone asked that when these migrants ‘wash up’ on Kos isn’t a tad strange that they all seem to be equipped with new matching life-jackets?
No doubt the very next thing they did was unroll their prayer mats and pray facing Mecca.
But I guess we wont be seeing any photos of that.
During the Fuel Crisis of 2000 the government of the day sent in the army because it itself felt threatened.
It was prepared to use the army against its own citizens .