Have a read of this cloying PR for Joe Biden from the BBC’s Jon Sopel. I can’t imagine the BBC bigging up a GOP contender in this way and to honest Sopel’s view
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Have a read of this cloying PR for Joe Biden from the BBC’s Jon Sopel. I can’t imagine the BBC bigging up a GOP contender in this way and to honest Sopel’s view
Yes, it is sickeningly pro-Biden but at least Sopel points out some of Hillary Clinton’s faults. If only broadcasters had done that with Obama in 2008.
I did not know that Biden was still alive.
Even now ,the BBC can find no fault with Obama. In 2008 he was their Messiah and I don’t think their view has changed one bit.
Yes, Sopel does suggest that Hillary Clinton may be facing a few problems. But nowhere has Sopel – or the BBC – spelle3d out how serious these problems are.
There are signs now that her campaign is finally being derailed by the scandal of her refusing to use State Department email servers while she was Sec of State, and instead setting up a titally insecure email server at her own home. It now appears that the server carried lots of secret info – as of course it would, she was privy to everything that was happening around the world.
Now how come I know that – and others here probably know that ? – whereas Jon Sopel’s job in the US probably costs us £500,000 a year counting overheads, but he has utterly failed to inform us of the severity of the problems. ANYONE keeping tabs on the US political scene knows how bad things now look for Hillary – she could, certainly should – be prosecuted. But of course the corrupt Obama machine has played slow on all the Clinton problems, whereas they instantly thrashed General David Petraus for a far lesser problem.
Here’s the SP – all straighforward, much of it has been out there for months now :