The Jewish Chronicle has some serious concerns about Jeremy Corbyn’s associates:
We are certain that we speak for the vast majority of British Jews in expressing deep foreboding at the prospect of Mr Corbyn’s election as Labour leader.
Because, although there is no direct evidence that he has an issue himself with Jews, there is overwhelming evidence of his association with, support for — and even in one case, alleged funding of — Holocaust deniers, terrorists and some outright antisemites.
If Mr Corbyn is not to be regarded from the day of his election as an enemy of Britain’s Jewish community, he has a number of questions which he must answer in full and immediately. The JC asked him earlier this week to respond. No response has been forthcoming.
The Jewish Chronicle goes on to say:
In a nation where, thank heavens, racism and extremism are now regarded as beyond the pale, it is little short of astonishing that a man who chooses to associate with racists and extremists is about to become leader of one of our two main parties and could conceivably become Prime Minister.
Strong stuff. You might think that such powerful sentiments as this ‘expressing deep foreboding at the prospect of Mr Corbyn’s election as Labour leader‘ would immediately find themselves being reported by the BBC. Certainly if this had been said by a Muslim organisation about a leader with close associations to the EDL you can pretty much guarantee the BBC would be giving it plenty of coverage and Nicky Campbell would be dusting off his tired old phrases about the wonders of Islam whist expressing shock that someone so obviously connected to an ‘Islamophobic’ organisation could have the opportunity not only to lead a political party but perhaps to be Prime Minister.
However the BBC has shown not the slightest interest, despite a Labour MP also raising the same concerns…
Jeremy Corbyn was accused of being an anti-Semite by one of Labour’s most senior politicians last night as a series of party grandees rounded on the hard-Left candidate.
Ivan Lewis, the shadow Northern Ireland secretary, attacked Mr Corbyn’s “anti-Semitic rhetoric” and said the party must have “zero tolerance” for such views.
Mr Lewis said he was “saddened” that people on the Left of the party had failed to take a “no ifs, no buts” to anti-Semitism.
The Guardian reports it….Jewish Labour MP hits out at Jeremy Corbyn’s record on antisemitism, as do many other publications, even the FT and the Times of Israel.
Here is the BBC’s report on Corbyn and his critics….from 23:00 last night:
Labour leadership: Jeremy Corbyn ‘not bothered’ by rivals’ criticism
Not a single mention of the suggestions either that he is anti-Semitic or has a too close association with those who are despite the Jewish Chronicle’s claims being made two days ago and other Media reports coming out earlier today.
Why would the BBC not report such serious allegations? As said, if he had been accused of being ‘islamophobic’ he would have been headline news on the BBC….so why not when he is accused of being anti-Semitic?
Maybe the BBC is just making sure of its facts…..but we know that the BBC is usually so quick off the mark with anything relating to race, religion and immigration and that when it is slow to report something it is usually because it thinks the news will undermine one of its own social or political messages and therefore the story needs to be reworked to present a more suitable narrative that twists the story to make good bad and bad good such as when the Foreign Secretary, Phillip Hammond, said mass immigration would lead to social and economic instability the BBC at first refused to report his words in full and when they finally came to do so it was only because they had worked out their narrative…that Hammond was stirring up anti-immigrant hatred wth his ‘rhetoric’ and ‘tone’. They had absolutely no interest in investigating the issues he raised preferring instead to dismiss them out of hand with an allusion that Hammond had ‘something of the night’ about him thrown in for good measure.
I await with interest the line the BBC takes on the Corbyn anti-Semitism story…..will they ignore it, or seek to undermine it or perhaps even report it straight?
Perhaps the title should be: Jeremy Corbyn Islamophilic?
I await with interest the line the BBC takes on the Corbyn anti-Semitism story…..will they ignore it, or seek to undermine it or perhaps even report it straight?
If it’s reported extensively elsewhere, they might eventually be dragged, kicking and screaming, to report it.
If so, 97% of the report will be devoted to strongly defending Corbyn and 3% to allegations of his anti-Semitism – and doubt will be cast on the 3% in the same breath.
What interests me most about this story is the assertion of anti-Semitism:
Ivan Lewis, the shadow Northern Ireland secretary, attacked Mr Corbyn’s “anti-Semitic rhetoric” and said the party must have “zero tolerance” for such views.
There must surely be overwhelming evidence of Corbyn’s anti-Semitism for such a direct accusation to be made.
The Labour Party is in a sorry state if the most popular figure in the race for leadership is a racist, far-left fool who looks like he’s just emerged from a homeless shelter and who favours policies that would drag the UK down.
I don’t think the BBC have any love for Corbyn, but are prepared to fall behind him if & when he wins the Labour leadership.
The BBC are Blairite to the core, and they know Corbyn is unelectable.
Better for them an electable Labour party than a leader who is so far to the left he’s met the other side and become a Fascist !
Better for them an electable Labour party than a leader who is so far to the left he’s met the other side and become a Fascist !
Interesting point. But given the BBC’s consistent history of trying to sway elections to suit its bias, will it then try to subtly undermine Corbyn while praising a more suitable candidate for Labour leadership?
Maybe it’s ‘not news’ ((c) A. Newsroom Tealady) or, if it is, there wasn’t space across the BBC reporting estate, what with all the critical stories that need to take precedence.
Off to BBC Facebook later. It will be intetesting which transgender skateboarding turtle has caught their fancy more.
These bastards at the newsroom ,or news agenda room , don`t drink tea , its mocha , choca , latte ,or smoothies , they even have a Cafe Nero, at New Broadcasting House . Don`t forget tea is grown by Indians, ( Hindu`s} ,the wrong sort of religion . They even hated a few Sikhs , helping out their English brothers, during the Somerset floods .Talk about being racist .
I’m sure it’s just an innocence omission. They’ll be all over it like a cheap suit tomorrow, you’ll see.
An interesting project, possibly for some graduates with nothing better to do, would be an assessment of the air-time given to the Labour party and its aspiring leaders since the election as a percentage of overall political news coverage.
In reality, although Jeremy Corbyn hogs the headlines, there are two elephants in Auntie’s bedroom. One is that whoever may be elected leader, the Labour party stands no chance of success in 2020 – the inference being that provided Corbyn can be eliminated (though not in a Stalinist sense, of course) any one of the others would be capable of leading Newish Labour towards a bright new dawn.
And the other elephant, studiously ignored in the hope that it will go away, is UKIP. If the current situation regarding immigrants, legal or otherwise, and the increasing pressure on infrastructure this is creating, is not properly managed – which will involve some pretty draconian decisions to have any effect – then like it or not the UKIP message will inevitably have the strongest appeal. The BBC, like all liberal-left organisations, prefers to take no account of human nature.
Justin Webb, however was more than happy to quote “Twenty Jewish Rabbis” who said Camerons use of the swarm word was “appalling”.
Could be used to skewer and shout over Cameron himself after all-so the Jews are of use in this case.
But when it comes to Corbyns long-held hatred of Israel-like Livingston, being a Lefty usually brings the whole package of anti-Semitism?…well, he`ll not deign to discuss “personal attacks”.
Any effort to argue consequences of voting for Corbyn as being “personal” suits the flaccid, jackboot Left…they`ve never had to discuss a policy, and have their Hope Not Hate Brownshirts ready, should they be needed.
Very Animal Farm…Corbyn is just a Baader Meinhof wannabe-and is just Russell Brand with an O Level.
I read that the American Aid Worker captured by IS was given as a sex slave to one of their leaders and the head of IS used to visit often to rape her. I wonder at which point she realised Islam is not a religion of peace and that the Western leaders had lied to her? Also I noticed in the original article a picture of poor Alan Henning with one finger raised. I wonder if he knew it’s significance or whether as I believe he was being suckered by his fellow ‘aid’ convoy passengers?
Glad you remembered Alan Henning and the likes.
There wasn`t a church hereabouts that was not praying for him last October for one weekend.
A good friend of Islam, don`t harm him was the gist of the liberal response.
Fat lot of good it did him.
He`s on no-ones prayer list now, his name forgotten.
But they care-they really do!
Noted too that Womans Hour spent time telling us about the Gay Pride event in Jamaica-oh, how nice.
Do you think we have to wait for Castro to die, before they gleefully skip along to Cuba to see the same “progress”?
Cue tumbleweed…typical lefty blowhard hypocrites.
@”WE” I repeat “WE” launched a UAF group from Islington. We launched it from the Finsbury park mosque”…
How is Jeremy Corbyn even a member the Labour party?
Typical old leftie ideologue imagining he’s as pure as the driven snow because of his little victories back in the 70s and 80s.
Meanwhile he rubs shoulders with worst of the Israel-hating Islamic fascists. There’s nothing to distinguish him from the despicable Ken Livingstone. What worries me is that Livingstone was popular enough to become London mayor.
Well, I’m encouraged that the rest of the UK is not London.
Haven’t heard much from the UAF lately. Perhaps they can’t find any fascists to oppose. In that case, somebody should hand them a mirror.
Note that Corbyn tells us that many groups attended the UAF meetings in assorted mosques locally…and that the mosques are happy to let other groups use their facilities.
Funnily enough though-among the many groups he cites as being on board with UAF…he seems not to have mentioned the Jews, the Jewish groups.
Do you really think that a mosque would let a Jew meet there with fellow Jews-even as part of a UAF coalition?
But on he spouts like a chocolate fountain…pathetic, but at least this toxic brand of Labour we all know(indeed I was a part of in the 80s!) is now smoked out and in the open.
No Smoking though of course.
Maybe the BBC could get Barbara Plett to cover this story.
Just goes to prove what’s been obvious for a long time,and denied for a long time, that the terrorist supporting BBC is anti-semitic too.
Interesting theory but I can’t see Cohen or Yentob qualifying as goyim.
But they still have to toe the BBC line if they want to keep there jobs, and there are some self-hating Jews today and in history.
Too true. Years ago I had a dispute on this very site with an Israeli whose son worked for the BBC as a photographer when I questioned him as to how his son could possibly work for an organisation that pumped out propaganda against the Jewish State, thereby providing comfort and support to Israel’s enemies.
There’s no shortage of Jewish enemies of Israel.
Catch the Jew! byTuvia Tenenborm is a must-read on that subject.