Maximus Cockupitus


Amused to read this comment under Aaqil Ahmed’s interesting post on Jesus the migrant…

4. Posted by Tim

on 14 Aug 2015 15:13

Wonderful to see how scholarly BBC entertainment is reporting this! “The Dean of Durham, Decanus Borealis, wrote in a blog:”. Does no one know that Decanus Borealis means Northern Dean! The Dean of Durham’s name is Michael Sadgrove!

And indeed he is right, the BBC did name the Dean of Durham as ‘Decanus Borealis’ without noting it is in fact his blogger name….

Prominent figures from the Church of England have defended the programme including the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, who tweeted: “The love of Christ is freely offered to all, celebrated everywhere, for everyone to know, well done #SongsOfPraise and @giles_fraser”

The Dean of Durham, Decanus Borealis, wrote in a blog: “I’m glad that SOP can be there to give the migrants air-time in a broadcast forum where it would be so easy to pretend they don’t exist.”

[He is of course a Guardian reader]

And here he is, Michael Sadgrove…or as he is better known now….

Decanus Borealis

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6 Responses to Maximus Cockupitus

  1. chrisH says:

    Jesus would NOT have pushed himself to the head of a lawful process where others less young and male would have to be pushed to the back of his queue.
    Simple rubbish…and our dopey CofE might know that Jesus told his followers NOT to push themselves into the highest place at table, but to assume a lowly one-then wait to be asked further up the hierarchy.
    Not that these lamebrains would see that as a Christian imperative-be legal, DON`T push your weight around and women, children widows first…NOT angry druggie blade-carrying flotsam who send women and kids, old and genuine refugees to the back.
    Wonder if Giles would choose to be priest in residence at the Calais pop-up “church”?…Russell Brand and Pussy Riot could join him as long as they`re promised a font to piss into.


    • Lobster says:

      I suppose the maxim “women and children first” wouldn’t have cut much ice if the Titanic had been full of asylum seekers.
      Perhaps “cut much ice” wasn’t the most appropriate expression regarding the Titanic, but you know what I mean …….


    • john in cheshire says:

      The leaders of the CofE don’t preach the Bible and neither do those in the RC church. They are like the Pharisees and Sadducees and Jesus essentially damned them with his words to them. The bbc love their pet Christians because the judgement of God and the Salvation that only Jesus Christ can give is anathema to them, they don’t want to hear the truth and they won’t get it from them. I’d say God help them but I suspect that he’s already washed His hands of them all.


  2. Cassandra says:

    Pontius Pilate: I have a vewy gweat fwiend in Wome called ‘Biggus Dickus’….. I’ve had enough of this wowdy webel sniggewing behaviour. Silence! Call yourselves Pwaetowian guards? You’re not – Seize him! Seize him! Blow your noses and seize him!


  3. Richard Pinder says:

    Sounds a bit loony to me. So He is glad that Songs of Praise can be there to give the migrants air-time in a broadcast forum where it would be so easy for the BBC to continue to pretend that the swarm in Calais does not exist.

    That type of loony left mindset is rather revealing, as it seems to imply that the Moslem swarm does not exists, and the women and children left behind do not exist, and all because the BBC needs to pretend they do not exist because of Political Correctness.


  4. Nibor says:

    Would the Good Lord allow that swarm at Calais unto his Kingdom of Heaven , all of them , no questions asked ?