They’re right, absolutely right. Owen Jones, Mehdi Hasan, the Cardiff stooges. They’re all right.
The BBC is right wing. The Guardian is just to the left of the Telegraph. The Pope is Muslim. It’s all so obvious now.
Alex, when you stated…‘How can anyone possible say that the BBC isn’t massively biased to the left? It’s plain for all to see!’ in the comments, you too are wrong. So wrong.
I know this because my eyes have been opened. A whole new world has been shown to me, a world where the Truth really does exist and the News is not manipulated by sinister vested interests for their own nefarious purposes.
Russia Today is now my news provider of choice. A more upstanding, professional and ethical broadcaster would be hard to find. Think not? Here’s a couple of samples of their work that persuaded me without doubt that RT is, IS, the only broadcaster with integrity and the balls to take on the Establishment…
The BBC, pah,….faking chemical weapons attacks, whinging about Frankie Boyle making an anti-Semitic joke, not allowing comedians to make rude jokes about bankers and UKIP…the BBC’s a joke itself!
Oh thou must forgive me my foul contemptible intellectual and moral ignorance; the BBC is but noble and faithful in its duties. I must drink from its bountiful cup and partake in its goodness!
On a less Shakespearian note, what sodding planet is that lunatic Max Keiser living on? The Guardian, ‘just a little bit less to the right of the Telegraph’? lol.
“The BBC is right wing. The Guardian is just to the left of the Telegraph. The Pope is Muslim. It’s all so obvious now.”
Your second point is accurate. The Guardian is just to the left of the Telegraph, although I would express it the other way around. The Telegraph is now just to the right of the Guardian. The old Torygraph is dead, todays Telegraph is solidly behind Dave’s New Labour Party.
Indeed. I also note that people of a left, or far left thinking seem to love the BBC. People on the right do not. This cannot be a result of being impartial and treating both sides equally.
Also the BBC’s language is interesting when describing people or organisations equi-distant from the centre. For example, they have no problem calling the EDL or UKIP “far right” or “right wing extremists” whereas those who support Jeremy Corbyn are merely described as “having the left wing ideals of Corbyn”. They very very rarely use “far left” and never ever use “left wing extremist” to describe Corbyn and his band of Marxist/Leninist followers.
Mehdi Hasan, the lying muslim. What is the punishnment imposed by Allah for intentionally attempting to mislead and telling lies?
Does anyone know?
The millionaire socialist (if that is possible) -Owen Jones is a wilful Anti British Broadcasting Corporation poodle. They pay his wages to say such tripe.
Er…Hasan would be congratulated by Allah for lying to the infidel, it is written to do so, called taqqiya.
“What is the punishnment imposed by Allah for intentionally attempting to mislead and telling lies?”
That depends entirely upon who he is lying to. If he is lying to other Muslims of the same sect, then the punishment is severe.
If he is lying to non-Muslims, Khuffirs, infidels, unbelievers etc… Then he is merely upholding his Islamic duty to mislead the unbeliever, and this is not considered wrong. The non-believer is considered to be too unintelligent to recognise truth anyway, so lying to them is not Haram. In fact, non-believers are thought of as being lower than cattle in the overall scheme of things, so it is impossible to do anything wrong to a non-believer. It is acceptable to be kind and generous to non-believers, IF this can be useful to the furtherance of the Islamic faith, but it is not necessary.
Mehdi Hasan, the lying muslim. What is the punishnment imposed by Allah for intentionally attempting to mislead and telling lies?
None if it furthers Islam. Taqiyya I believe is the watchword for dealings with Muslims.
The reason it is happening is they’ve always gotten away with it.
It was the same with a Muslim mortar attack on a Muslim market in Sarajevo which was reported as a Serb attack and triggered a massive US response.
They always get away with it, so they are getting more brazen about it.
It was the same with a Muslim mortar attack on a Muslim market in Sarajevo which was reported as a Serb attack and triggered a massive US response.
This attack was used to justify dismembering Yugoslavia, and handing over Serbian territory to Islam.
This attack, along with allowing millions of Muslims to settle in the West, is the greatest war crime against the West. The tragedy is that it was done by our politicians.
All the hundreds of thousands of Europeans who sacrificed their lives to defend Christendom against the Islamic Jihad on Europe, died in vain. They never could have imagined that their descendants would do such a vile traitorous act.
I cant think of any appropriate punishment for a crime of this magnitude.
It seems an old interview (the Keiser-Boyle one)
Keiser has always been a maverick but his dislike of bankers and Goldman Sachs in particular is well known. I do not disagree with him. Boyle had a few interesting things to say but his view is old left and this is not the way things are going now. However he probably dislikes Cameron no more than many of us on here.
He did make a very valid point about Jimmy Saville and the reluctance of the BBC to deal with the allegations.
The BBC calls three Labour party contenders “Right Wing”. So Jeremy Corbyn must be the “middle of the road” contender. The left-wing parties, Communists, Socialist Workers and Greens have now been decimated by defections to the Labour party, so as to vote for the “middle of the road” candidate. The Tories represent the “far-Right“, while UKIP are now so far to the right that they have done a “twirl” and returned Libertarianism back to the Left of politics for the first time in a hundred years. So I am now a raving “Libertarian lefty“, and the BBC are now right-wing “Liberal fascists“. And all without moving an inch.
That is a remarkable attempt to apply logic to the delusional, fantasy faux logic of the lefty. Personally, I prefer to replace their faux logic with real logic, which destroys their arguments, rather than try to crowbar logic into their delusions, but I admire the way you applied logic to ridicule their fantasies.
Did Max Keiser really claim that the BBC is right wing??? Why the hell are the BBC not lobbying to have themselves privatised then? The BBC is CORPORATIST! Part state funded, part private funded (by overseas sales) part funded by the EU. It channels tax-payer’s money to private production companies run by cronies or relations of people at the BBC and they use all legal means at their disposal to minimise or avoid tax. It is a classic example of left-wing corporatism.