Songs of Praise sang forth last night to great joy.
We heard that there was a Sudanese migrant ‘called Daniel, who claimed to have fled the war-torn country after being persecuted for being protestant; he said he tried to cross the Channel every night ‘under trains’.’
Now as there are around 50 million Sudanese, North and South. Is the BBC suggesting we re-home all these people…surely all must be suffering like Daniel in a such a war torn region?
Damien Thompson in the Mail notes ‘Sorry to sound cynical, but the script glossed over one rather inconvenient but unavoidable fact about the camp: it is overwhelmingly Muslim.’
Which echoes my own cynicism about Aaqil Ahmed’s motives which I noted earlier…
‘Ahmed is of course Muslim…far be it from me to suggest an ulterior motive, but I have yet to hear a Muslim in the public sphere who doesn’t use his job to promote Islam. Mishal Husain said she would use her position on the Today programme to improve people’s perceptions of Islam and Baroness Warsi in her role as minister for faith promoted the idea of more influence and a bigger role for religion in society knowing that promoting Christianity meant the government would also be obliged to do the same for Islam and provide it with similar privileges and powers. A slightly more sophisticated version of ‘my enemy’s enemy’.
Ahmed knows that many, if not the majority, of illegal migrants and those claiming to be asylum seekers are Muslim…any chance he has stitched together this programme to promote migration and thence to further increase the Muslim population of Britain?’
The Songs of Praise programme seems, on the surface, to be a nice, heartwarming tale about migrants keeping the faith in difficult conditions but the reality is that this is a hard edged political stunt by the BBC as it tries to make a powerful statement in order to influence immigration policy, and there is that subtext about Muslim migration….dismiss it or not, it’s there.
The BBC in an even more obvious attempt to intervene in the immigration debate with an attempt to prick our consciences with the usual arm-twisting guilt-inducing tear-jerking emoting that passes for journalism at the BBC tells us that the migrants are ‘wonderful and beautiful people’.
The BBC reveals that we should all be horrified by Calais and that we should all leap into action to help out:
Thousands of migrants are camped in and around Calais. A handful of British people can be found there too. What are they doing? Matthew Wright grew tired of shouting at the TV. “I got sick of hearing the excuses and the lack of action,” says Wright, 45. “This isn’t an immigration crisis – it’s a humanitarian crisis.”
Calais migrants making nightly bids to cross the Channel have attracted negative press coverage in the UK. Prime Minister David Cameron has promised the UK will not become a “safe haven” for them.
So painting Cameron as the nasty Tory denying them a ‘safe haven’. Are they entitled to such a ‘safe haven’ anyway?
The BBC has the answer…and tries to twist the guilt into the credulous, they hope, reader….
But Wright believes the British public will do more and more to help the migrants: “I know how generous British people are.”
Then we have another volunterr who is ashamed of Britain…
“I used to have a quiet pride that Britain was more liberal than most countries, but now there is a worrying strand of xenophobia running through social media and the press,” he adds
So anyone who wants to control immigration is maligned as xenophobic….who’s the fascist?
Don’t forget how terrific all the migrants are..
‘Morphew-Hedges says she knew people who wanted to help the migrants, but many were too “scared of the unknown” to make the journey.
“You don’t know what you’re going to find. We have found wonderful, beautiful people and we really want to help.”‘
Never mind that they had just told us that the women don’t feel safe in the camp…why would that be? Surely wonderful and beautiful people don’t go around raping and attacking women!
And those security measures…they are a danger to the migrants…much like the Israeli security barrier is a danger to terrorists…how awful!
‘Every night hundreds of migrants risk their lives to reach the UK via trains and ferries from Calais. Some say new security measures mean it is now too dangerous – though most still harbour hopes of crossing.’
And of course yet another BBC junket for Giles Fraser….the Occupy patron saint who is now wealthier than ever on the fertile fruits of his TV evangelising. Just think of all those hair shirts he can buy.
Ahmed is a MUSLIM.
Ideal person to head a religous sector of the BBC . If he’d been Christian he might feel constrained by a belief in the Ten Commandments to follow the one that says “thou shalt not bear false witness”.
Muslims are encouraged to lie by their prophet’s words.
The BBC is full of those that bear false witness, ergo right man for the job.
The BBC don’t recognise the lies they tell so he’s ideal for the job.
Thing is, his Koran also encourages and even orders that he must kill non-believers and demean the role of womankind so is this the next step after he gets all his jihadists from Calais into UK?
‘We have found wonderful, beautiful people and we really want to help.”‘ Sounds like the invaders all have halo’s above their heads.
One thing is for certain, that church tent thing made out of blankets and curtains, it’s a miracle it hasn’t collapsed.
… or succumbed to one of the variety of other sorry ends that can befall Christian churches surrounded by those of another faith, often along with the poor souls within, if identified as from the wrong team.
If and when it does, you can be sure the Beeb will be first on the scene to report it. Oh, what’s that? Jeremy Corbyn’s eating a bacon sandwich? Well, no time for anything else, then.
“it is overwhelmingly Muslim”
Because the Muslims threw the Christians into the sea.
With anyone else who was not a Muslim.
Which includes people who describe themselves as Muslims. but who are, apparently, the “wrong” kind of Muslims.
Muslims have been behaving like the dregs of the planet since the creation of Islam to this day. c1400 years.
This is evidence enough for me. Muslims are the enemy. All Muslims, and here I do the defining. So Muslims have to be expelled from the West. Then we can deal with the traitors who imported/supported this.
All I ask is that you simply take a minute to consider the following, if you can be bothered: The BBC’s wall-to-wall coverage of and orgasmic excitement over the rise of Corbyn; their special treatment of Muslims and their censorship thereof; their pro-immigration and EU reporting; their left-wing bias ‘comedy’; their Question (but no real answers) Time audiences; the questionable activities of some of their employees (e.g. rent-a-gob Yentob and Batwoman with the bowl of fruit on her head); the testimony of former employees as to the ‘innate bias’ within the corporation; their Songs of Praise poopaganda episode; their obsession with Black Power; their playing down of the Japan’s barbaric action in WW2; the amount of money the corporation spends on copies of the Guardian…. ad infinitum.
How can anyone possible say that the BBC isn’t massively biased to the left? It’s plain for all to see!
You mean the Sudanese are at war again? What’s new? Is it the Muslim north versus the black non-Muslim south again? I suggest that we leave these silly people who cannot get on with each other to stew.
I do wish that the BBC would explain why these ” wonderful, beautiful people” are so desperate to leave France. Risking your life to flee a war-torn Syria or Sudan I can understand, but such desperation to leave France really deserves a BBC programme all to itself.
Even Breitbart a bit prone to understatement:
“mainstream political parties are starting to wake up to the fact that forcing people to keep quiet about one of the most pressing subjects of the day is causing increasing resentment”
Luckily, here we have a government and media establishment dedicated to keeping us properly informed, so no chance of a pressure cooker situation due to a culture of political denial and media censorship:
Why do all those reporting on the migration crisis within the countries where the hordes are gathering, speak in such hushed tones ? Why do the cameras always linger on the children ? If its to tug at our heart strings its not working. ‘Desperate’ is the new buzz word by all members of the media and we’re all becoming immune to it. The French people during WW2 were desperate and formed the Resistance, so why aren’t these peoples staying put and fighting to help restore their own countries ? What happens when the middle east is empty, Africa is empty and their populations are in Europe ? something no-one has answered. In the not too distant future Europe will be one big refugee camp.