The most popular boys name in England and Wales is….Oliver with 6,649 lucky lads so named, whilst Muhammed just squeaks into the top 100 with 7,240 lucky lads with various spelllings of said name as the BBC tells us.
The BBC gawd bless ’em, still hiding uncomfortable truths as they see it….
What’s in a name?
Born in 2014
6,649 Olivers – most popular boys name
5,327 Amelias – most popular girls name
- “Mohammed” and common variations of in top 100: 7,240
- Chart places “Harper” has moved up in a decade: 3,636
The ONS itself barely mentions Muhammed and hides the name way down its statistics briefing.
The BBC happily reports what the ONS said without question despite other reports clearly stating that Muhammed is top…and the figures, reported as you can see by the BBC, saying that.
The entries are in, the numbers crunched, and the top 100 boys’ names of 2014 have been unveiled!
For the first time at BabyCentre UK, the name Muhammad has topped the list, when alternate spellings such as Mohammed are included. Meanwhile, Oliver is holding fast in second place.
How is it that an organisation like the Baby Centre can get it right and the BBC with all its resources, and the facts in front of them, can’t? Or rather won’t.
The Spectator asks the same question about the ONS’ similar reluctance to admit that Muhammed is top of the list…
Why doesn’t the Office of National Statistics want us to know that Mohammed is the most popular boys’ name in England and Wales? Yesterday, it put out its annual survey of the top 10 baby’s names. In 2014, it reported, the most popular boys’ names were Oliver, Jack and Harry. This contrasts somewhat with a similar survey by the website BabyCentre last December which claimed that the most popular boys’ name was now Mohammed.
Ten years ago, the ONS was quite happy to announce in its press release that Mohammed – then apparently the preferred spelling — had entered the top 20 most popular baby’s names. But now it seems it has become shy of informing us that it is now the single most popular boys’ name in England and Wales.
It does seem that once again the news is being ‘managed’ so that we only get to hear what they want us to hear in the hope we don’t realise what is going on. When Germany is facing the prospect of over 750,000 asylum seekers, not general migrants, and they will be mostly Muslim, you have to start asking questions about the effects importing large numbers of people with such a radically different set of beliefs and values into Europe will have on society.
That of course is the question the ONS and the BBC want to stop you asking. They certainly won’t be asking it themselves.
Somebody should draw a cartoon about it.
”It does seem that once again the news is being ‘managed.” Like those planted contrived stories, German politician adopts 2 Eritreans and the German bus driver, a simpleton, welcomes a bus load of invaders.
German politician adopts 2 Eritreans
I bet he’s got them doing a bit of uphill gardening
Just now on FaceBook.
BBC News
1 hr ·
Breaking news: Once you pop, you can’t stop
But no, it’s not connected with this story.
The strange thing is, only a few years ago ,you couldn’t stop the bBC from screaming from the highest minaret that Mohammed came second in the UK for new names and even mentioned that it would be soon Nbr1
Muhammad second most popular name
that was in 2007 and last year the bBC came out with this news story:
Norway: Mohammed most common men’s name in Oslo
and now???????
His Grace Archbish Cranmer also spells it out :
And me…yesterday, before many 🙂
But it’s also the most used boy’s name in many countries including Israel! And the world.