The Conservative’s Liz Truss was completely outnumbered on ‘Any Questions’, the rest of the panel were of the left or giving left wing answers and the BBC presenter, Ritula Shah didn’t show a great deal of steel in challenging any of their answers.
The audience was either packed with Corbyn supporters or they were just a very loud component of the audience and the questions seemed designed around Corbyn’s concerns or to enable him to justify his position on issues like ISIS.
Interesting how they all, Truss apart, wanted to open the borders but refused to put numbers on this….it was a bit of an ‘ethical fashion parade’ with Toynbee, Corbyn and historian Dan Jones taking the easy and cowardly stance of open borders, flaunting their compassionate credentials….none of them wanted to say the truth about the dangers of mass migration as they live in fear of being labelled racists…which is the intended effect behind the barrage of abuse that descends upon anyone in public life who suggests limiting immigration.
Interesting that they completely dismiss the majority view and sneer at the majority who want to control immigration. For all the Left’s talk of equality and listening to the voice of the people it seems that isn’t the case when the interests of the people don’t coincide with the Hampstead progressive’s interests.
It was a disgracefully unbalanced programme, nothing new! Next week we can look forward to…Billy Bragg! Yawn, nothing new again!
PS Dead Ringers was another disgraceful left-fest, nothing new…
Anarchy ruled on the programme tonight and the Chair was the worst offender!
BBC output, agenda, ethos, management via deliberate recruitment, is seismically skewed to the third of the nation who are the liberal left minority. This minority broadcasting stance takes precedence and is strongly resented by the majority of audiences who are politically ‘centre’ and ‘right of centre’. Any Questions is guaranteed weekly to epitomize this.
I am as disgusted with the Tories in their lack of action as I am with the Anti British left wing Labour loving BBC.
This programme as a good example of political bias. It’s wrong, so very wrong!
How can the Tories continue to remain so silent. For God’s sake why don’t they challenge the Anti BBC. Why is it only up to people on this site to stand so alone!
The Tories are showing themselves to weak, cowardly and spineless.
Cameron believes that being weak, cowardly and spineless is how to ‘modernise’ his Party.
Yes , the Tories are showing themselves to be anything BUT conservative in their policies.
My own view as to why they won’t take the BBC on or clip its wings is as follows:-
1.They are basically scared of the power of the BBC/LibLeft Junta.
2. They think they will need its publicity arm to fool/scare the people
into voting pro-Europe when the Referendum arrives.
They have thrown away the one chance when they could have holed the BBC below the waterline .
The people of England will not forget this.
Vote UKIP then, no excuse.
Funny you should say that ……………
If Mars made a Mars bar that tasted of onions Mars would go bust very quickly.
The BBC can put out rubbish like Any Questions with a panel the combined brains of which would not be out of place in an infants school and know that we, the muppets paying for it can do nothing.
Contempt for your customers soon puts a firm out of business . In the case of the BBC it is probably a job requirement.
But you are not required by Law to buy Mars Bars or to pay for them even if you wish to eat another kind of chocolate bar. That is the difference.
‘For evil to exist (BBC), good men do nothing’ – Edmund Burke
Maybe not be his exact quote but close.
Whittingdale, Cameron, Osborne backed down under threats from Hall (BBC) recently on Budget day. Weak,weak,weak Tories.
Jesse Norman MP, new chair of the culture committee, recently penned a biography of his avowed hero, Burke.
Maybe he could pass a few copies round?
i happened to catch about 15 minutes of this tripe today in the car.
If it was a parody of left wing propaganda masquerading as balanced output it would be considered WAY EXAGGERATED.
I defy anybody to listen to this one sided rubbish and attempt to justify this.

The BBC clearly believe they can produce their propaganda without hindrance and silence any critics. They should look at history to see what has happened to those who thought the same. Especially with the increasing problems brought about as a result of it.
PS: It’s not I’m a celebrity get me out of here.
It always fascinates me how the left can completely ignore the plight of our own people, in this case hard working British farmers, but the hordes of African immigrants camped out at Calais can reduce them to hand wringing and tears. This response was pretty unanimous throughout the panel but particularly vivid with the poisonous Polly. PC Polly told us that farmers were nearly all Tories, that they received huge benefits from Europe and didn’t need to pay their taxes on time. On the other hand the poor besieged migrants should all immediately be brought over to Blighty and we should all feel thoroughly ashamed of ourselves. It sounded from the audience response as though the roof was going to come off. Polly went on to lecture us about how much the Germans and Swedes had done for these impoverished people and said that the government should ignore the public’s concern over these invaders and simply do the right thing.
Yep. I’m sure that would make a lot of sense and would in no way encourage thousands more to set off on the dangerous sojourn across seas and continents.
Gormless bint!
Polly, of course, knows all about poverty from personal experience.
Polly who owns other properties outside of England/London- ‘a true socialist’ is correctly referred to in a previous post by Jeff as PC Polly. I do wish an audience question would be something like,-
Ms Toynbee, is it possible to have freedom of speech whilst still being a strong supporter of political correctness?