There are two sides to immigration. The BBC only wants you to see one.
The BBC is becoming ever more dishonest and political as it reports on immigration. ‘Reports’ is in retrospect the wrong word as the BBC is not reporting but broadcasting pro-immigration propaganda. It has decided immigration is good and uses its massive resources and uniquely privileged and powerful position to provide an entirely false narrative about immigration painting a picture of benign immmigrants integrating successfully, being hugely appreciative of the opportunities and sanctuary provided by the countries they have made their way to. The BBC also tries to close down debate by making any criticism of the free flow of immigrants a dangerous business. If you should be thinking of voicing any concerns about immigration be aware that the BBC will launch an attack upon you. Be prepared to be labelled Far Right, and extremist, a Nazis, an Islamophobe, a bigot, a racist.
The BBC has set itself up in direct opposition to the government and to the majority view of the population which increasingly thinks immigration is the major concern of our time.
The Mail reports ‘The charities using YOUR money to sabotage all efforts to rein back migration: How a cabal of tax-payer funded groups is waging a vicious war on ministers trying to solve the Calais crisis‘ but the real culprit in the sabotaging of immigration policy is the BBC.
The BBC has declared war on the government going so far as to try and label ministers, inculding the Prime Minister, as racists intent on stirring up hatred against immigrants. The BBC was clearly intending in its attacks on Hammond and Cameron to turn the public against them and to as a result limit and control what Ministers say on the subject.
The BBC doesn’t confine itself to attempting to control what can and can’t be said by politicians about immigration it also tries to manipulate the public’s thoughts with an endless stream of tales that either paint a picture of immgrants as wonderful, loved by the communities they impose themselves upon, or tales of desperation, of danger, of migrants abandoned by a greedy, selfish and heartless West, the BBC ramping up the guilt, insinuating that we are failing morally unless we open the borders to what would be unlimited numbers of immigrants.
The BBC seems to have more reporters on the borders than the UK has border staff. Their coverage with its insidious moralising is relentless. On Friday (13:20) we heard, in a breathless report from a gauche BBC reporter, tales of migrants fleeing ‘persecution’, ‘fear’ driving them to seek refuge, journeys which are increasingly unsafe, having to live in forests braving the dangers of bears, wolves and snakes and yet she tells us , they bravely keep trying…..these were Syrian Kurds coming from Turkey which has declared them ‘enemies’ of the State. A term that deserves consideration for similar groups that want to set up their own states within a state. The BBC reporter was highly inventive in conjuring up images of desperation and danger…a small girl fell off a rope she was playing on and hit the ground only to get up and carry on regardless without any fuss. The BBC reporter’s interpretation? She could not imagine the suffering the little girl must have gone through in her life that meant she could walk away from the accident and treat it as if it was a normal occurrence. I kid you not.
Nick Darlington in the comments has spotted the same BBC emotive reporting trying to manipulate the viewers perceptions. In this case it is the classic BBC tactic of contrasting ‘intelligent’, charming, articulate immigrants with what the BBC hopes are unattractive, uneducated, ignorant and prejudiced people who are voicing opposition to immigration…..
BBC Breakfast this morning had a report on the different approach which Sweden takes to the ‘Migrant Crisis’. Cue interview with a smart well dressed well groomed couple posing on a jetty on a Swedish lake (fjord perhaps) saying how lovely it is and how welcoming Sweden is. Then a brief clip of a member of a ‘hard right’ opposition party in a gloomy suburb saying that over 50% there were immigrants creating ghettos and who did not attempt to integrate or even learn the language…… Switch swiftly back to our couple posing in the sunshine, the low sun casting a glow around them ‘Do you speak any Swedish?’ to which the man replies in Swedish to our awe-struck reporter Graham Satchel who has to ask what it meant (Nice to meet you apparently)… Wow. Final word from the local mayor – Britain should do the same as Sweden – if immigrants can make it there they should be allowed to stay. That’s us told then. Another BBC-supplied wind up to start my day.
The BBC clearly intends to portray the image of anyone who opposes immigration as stupid, racist and ignorant…therefore being opposed to immigration is based upon a lack of knowledge and most likely an innate hatred of foreigners….and you’re not like that are you? You re if you oppose immigration though…says the BBC.
But the BBC’s narrative on Sweden has always been a lie. We know full well that anti-Semitism is rampant in Sweden and it is coming from Muslim immigrants in the main. The BBC tries to ignore that.
Remember this from the BBC.…a provocatively pro-immigration piece of propaganda that was intended to ‘Through research and advocacy, the At Home in Europe project focuses on advancing equality for groups that are excluded from the mainstream of civic, political, and cultural life in Western Europe—including Europe’s Muslims and white working-class communities.‘
The question is what is the BBC not telling us?
The Spectator says…
The anti-immigration Sweden Democrats are now the no1 force in Sweden, polls show
I’ve just returned from three weeks in Sweden, and saw this for myself. Sweden’s openness is eating itself. The government is visibly losing control; there are beggars not just outside the tube exits and coffee shops of Stockholm but the provincial supermarkets in the south.
The real problem is that one in five Swedes now support this party [Sweden Democrats], because no one else seems willing to talk about immigration. It’s the perfect way to make a bad problem a lot worse.
Or how about the Express:
As Sweden burns, is it time to rethink our immigration policy
Sweden was a nation in flames last week as tensions over immigration flared after the death of a 69-year-old man shot by police as he brandished a machete in the immigrant dominated Stockholm suburb of Husby. Sweden’s great multicultural experiment is in jeopardy as Swedes question whether they are paying the price for having one of the most generous welfare systems in Europe.
The Swedish industrial workers Bergsjon was planned for no longer live there. Today it is inhabited mostly by immigrants, many of them refugees, of a hundred nationalities.
A few years ago, the mayor of Gothenburg declared, “The prospects of turning Bergsjon into a normal Swedish neighborhood are almost nil.”
Sweden’s biggest immigration problem may be a matter not of crime, unemployment and Islamic radicalism but of something else altogether: that its newcomers understand perfectly well what this system erected in the name of equality is and have decided it doesn’t particularly suit them.
Thousands of refugees from Iraq and Syria have settled there recently. Many of them are Muslim — and the ethnic tension is palpable.
“Often they don’t want to come here and change,” he says. “They want to change us. And we don’t want to be changed. So that’s a conflict.”
In many cases, the people attacking Jews are Muslim immigrants.
“Almost exclusively, they have some sort of background in the Middle East,” says Aron Verstandig, a leader in Stockholm’s Jewish community.
Or this:
Journalist Documents Anti-Semitism In A Swedish City
Over the past few years, the Swedish city of Malmo has earned a reputation for anti-Semitism. Members of Malmo’s small Jewish population say that walking in some of the city’s Muslim neighborhoods wearing a skull cap, a kepah, is to risk verbal abuse and possibly worse. Well, that risk has now been documented by Swedish television journalist Petter Ljunggren. Ljunggren wore a cap and also a Jewish star pendant in Malmo while secretly filming. One scene captures him fleeing a group of increasingly agitated young men as eggs are thrown at him from nearby windows. Later, a young man from that neighborhood describes how on that night, he’d gotten a text telling him to egg the Jews.
SIEGEL: Now, this is not the old problem of anti-Semitic, neo-Nazi skinheads. This is anti-Israel sentiment that is turned into outright anti-Semitism. Do I have that right? And how common would you say that is?
LJUNGGREN: It’s – you are right. And it’s common enough to be a big problem. It’s not all Muslims or all Middle Eastern men in Malmo – not at all. But there are so many that it’s a problem. And it’s not only on an individual basis either. There are groups. And it’s an acceptance of anti-Semitism. It’s an acceptance of hatred of Jews in some environments. And that’s a big problem.
The BBC twists everything in order to discredit critics of immigration.
In this interview with a Sweden Democrat politician which is clearly intended to disprove his contentions, the BBC suggests that racists are attracted to the party because the party is anti-immigrant and makes claims that, the BBC thinks, are false… claims that immigrants are behind a rise in crime are false and creating a malign anti-immigrant view based on distorted claims about crime….but are they?
Immigrants behind 25% of Swedish crime
In a report studying 4.4 million Swedes between the ages of 15 and 51 during the period 1997-2001, the council found that immigrants were overrepresented in Sweden’s crime statistics.Immigrants were also three times more likely to be investigated for assault and five times more likely to be investigated for sex crimes.
The report is based on statistics for those “suspected” of offences for reasons of comparison, but Stina Holmberg of the Council for Crime Prevention said that there was “little difference” in the statistics for those suspected of crimes and those actually convicted.
Norway is little different:
Rape charges in the capital are spiraling upwards, 40 percent higher from 1999 to 2000 and up 13 percent so far this year. Police Inspector Gunnar Larsen of Oslo’s Vice, Robbery and Violent crime division says the statistics are surprising – the rising number of rape cases and the link to ethnic background are both clear trends. But Larsen does not want to speculate on the reasons behind the worrying developments. While 65 percent of those charged with rape are classed as coming from a non-western background, this segment makes up only 14.3 percent of Oslo’s population. Norwegian women were the victims in 80 percent of the cases, with 20 percent being women of foreign background.
Alarmed at last week’s police statistics, which revealed that in 68% of all rapes committed this year the perpetrator was from an ethnic minority, leading Muslim organisations have now formed an alliance to fight the ever-growing problem of young second and third-generation immigrants involved in rape cases against young Danish girls. Promising demonstrations and an information campaign, Babar Baig from Minhaj ul Quran said that Islam totally condemns rape and the violation of women. ‘We feel very strongly that as a Muslim youth organisation, we have a responsibility to speak out about this problem,’ said Baig, whose organisation, alongside the Union of Muslim Students (FASM) and the Organisation of Pakistani Students and Academics (OPSA) announced demonstrations in Copenhagen, Odense and Århus.
Or this:
Sweden’s 3rd largest city hit by multiple blasts, police plead for help to tackle violence spike
Four grenade attacks this week have rocked Malmo, the third largest city in Sweden, prompting police to sound an alarm over the increasing violence. Multiple explosions, shootings and arson struck the city, which has a large migrant population.
This week’s unrest continues a series of numerous shootings, explosions and arsons that have occurred since the beginning of the year in Malmo, infamous for high crime rates, multi-ethnic and gang-related violence.
Police said they believe this week’s explosions are linked with the court sentencing of three young men on July 10 for their roles in the Christmas Eve bombing in Rosengard – the city district which has been dubbed by media as Sweden’s “most notorious refugee ghetto.” The Financial Times reported that nine out of 10 in Rosengard have a foreign background.
So when the BBC suggests that the Sweden Democrat’s claims about immigrants bringing higher crime rates to Sweden it is apparent that the BBC is trying to sweep things under the carpet and smear the Sweden Democrats as racists peddling lies in order to discredit the reports…when in fact they are merely telling the truth about crime in Sweden…and, as shown, a similar phenomenon in other countries.
In December 2011 a Swedish mother-of-two was subjected to a brutal gang-rape by 12 Afghan immigrants in a refugee camp in Mariannelund. Reports stated “The rape was oral, anal and vaginal sometimes with three rapists inside her at the same time while everybody was cheering and clapping. The gruesome rape marathon lasted for 7 hours. 11 suspect may have been involved taking turns while drinking and getting high on drugs. The asylum seekers were cheering and clapping their hands during the rape marathon while calling the victim “whore” and “slut”.”
AliBaba radio in Wales this morning cover the migrants in Calais, the narrative continues with the migrants ‘giving up’ because of the increased security fences. The ‘jungle turning into a mess, some migrants are now going to claim asylum in France (we all know what that will mean). The emphasis on the word ‘desperation’ by the reporters is getting to sound more desperate by the minute.
Roll on some female professor of ‘Migration’ who sounds very ‘desperate’ to get the message over that we should be doing more for these ‘desperate’ people. She even blames us for removing the dictators in the Middle East that kept the despotic nations under control. Wheel on another professor of terrorism who tells us we are too ready to use the word terrorism because it has a different meaning in different countries.
More and more ‘desperate’ propaganda from AliBaba broadcasting who know full well from their own blog site that the people of Britain desperately, (dare I use the word) want our borders closed. Meanwhile the Italians rescue thousands more off the coast of Libya. AliBaba is in the game of ‘re-educating’ the people of Britain, and has been for years.
THe Yazidis are a closed community , but don’t get condemned by the BBC for not being open to outsiders . Others in the world like Red Indians , tribes in Africa , Aborigines etc also like to keep to themselves . Far from censoring such attitudes , the BBC foreign staff love to go over and show fascinated interest in these people .
It’s alright to be in a closed ” community ” so long as there is mileage in it for the BBC to do a documentary about it .
For other people in the world , their lot is to be hosts to any and all who make it , by hook or by crook , to their land . Borders shouldn’t be there .
Funnily enough the BBC believes in borders when it comes to taxes . You can’t decide that your own government isn’t on your side and pay your taxes to someone else outside your border . Look at the Beeboids attitude to tax avoiders who establish bases outside our borders .
As I watch these swarms of illegal immigrants or invaders forcing their way into Britain., some questions arise.
1. Why are they so desperate to come to the UK, and not France say.
2. How do they manage to raise thousands of pounds required for the journey from Eritrea/Somalia/ Afghanistan, considering that these people are illiterate and very poor.
Estimate cost.
1. Two thousand pounds for journey by truck, and food – all at inflated cost, for journey from Somalia to Libya.
2. £6000 for a place on the boat.
3. £1500 for a place on a truck to get into the UK.
That’s approximately £10,000. This is huge amount of money in Eritrea, Sudan or Somalia.
Its highly unlikely that any money lender will give that kind of money to a young man whose aim is to leave the country, even if the family was held as a “mortgage” guarantee. In any case a starving family is not a good mortgage guarantee..
My guess is that this money is coming out of the Benefits money in the UK. Consider for a moment the case of an ordinary Eritrean/Somali family in the UK. 80 to 90% are unemployed or unemployable. Even the employed are on Benefits of some sort. Given that the ordinary Somali family is quite large, with a large number of children, then the Benefits coming into the family kitty is likely to be in excess of £30,000.
As the family is living in social housing, and fed on Benefits, there is a large pot of disposal “income”.
I believe a Somali/Eritrean family, wishing to bring in more family (to increase family income), hands over £12,000 or so in cash to the Halawa system. Minus transfer charges, the money is handed over to a young fit male in Somalia/Eritrea, , to attempt the journey to Europe or Britain. For the journey a mobile phone with international roaming, is essential equipment.
The money is not expenditure gone forever, but an investment in scamming the Benefit system. Besides, it brings in more soldiers of allah, for the time when they will be needed. Win win.
I have no evidence to support my thoughts but when considering who benefits from the invasion of the West by muslims, those individuals, agencies and countries that appear to always be at the forefront of these activities must be considered as key providers of the funds to bring them here. Names such as the fake charity foundations set up by George Soros, the massive funding of muslim organisations by Saudi Arabia and other arab states.
What contribution do Somali immigrants make to Britain?
Just the Somali community is costing is costing Britain some £1bn each year. This does not include the cost of education and health care, which Somalis need more then the rest.
Other articles such
point out that Somalis have emmigrated from Netherlands and Sweden to Britain because of better Benefits. This secondary immigration from EU countries uch as Sweden will become a real problem for Britain.
We don’t seem to realize how close we came to sink in perpetual barbarity, just as the Islamic world is. We don’t seem to realise, that had it not been for the brave Christian soldiers at Vienna, Lepanto and Potiers, there would be no Western civilisation. Or for that matter, art, music, engineering and science, and all the rest that Western civilisation is, which has become the envy, and template for the rest of the world.
Edward Gibbon noted five signs that presaged the collapse of the Roman Empire:
1) Ostentatious displays of wealth.
2) A preoccupation with sex.
3) A huge gap between the rich and the poor.
4) Freakishness in the arts and outlandish enthusiasms pretending to be creativity.
5) A strong desire to live off the state.
All these traits are exhibited in present day society. In addition we have allowed tens of millions of Muslims to settle deep within Europe. How utterly stupid (stupid beyond measure) can our idiot politicians get.
1) ”Ostentatious displays of wealth.” BBC management, Chris Patten etc etc.
2) ”A preoccupation with sex.” degenerates Graham Norton, Stephen Fry etc etc.
3) ”A huge gap between the rich and the poor.” BBC ”stars” Jonathan Ross, etc etc
4) ”Freakishness in the arts and outlandish enthusiasms pretending to be creativity.” Alan Yentob, Kirsty Squawk.
5) ”A strong desire to live off the state.” BBC.
Just a normal day in the Grant household !
Anyone who was born and still lives in a very high immigrant area knows only too well the downside and no amount of BBC propaganda will change that.
But do they feel “enriched”? That is the burning question…
I am sure that Cameron will weather the comments from the BBC regarding his remarks on immigration. He is on their side, and will rely on the BBC to support his position on EU membership, softly softly approach on Islam and reluctance to deport those with terrorist links. BBC just calls him back into line from time to time.
It is the power of the BBC to set the national news agenda and suppress any other views or comment by simply not reporting them that is so concerning. Even ex BBC executives are worried that over 70% of UK news and current affairs consumption is from the BBC. Plurality of news and views is essential to healthy democracy and because of the near monopoly of the BBC we certainly don’t have this in the UK. The BBC is run by members of the liberal elite and it is only the liberal world view and narrative that makes it onto the airwaves via the BBC. Immigration is an excellent example of how the BBC is totally out of step with concerns of the majority of ordinary Brits who do not share their liberal elite views. It is vital for the health of British democracy that the elected government slashes the power of the BBC so that the a few hundred people in the corporation are no longer able to dictate to the country how we should think, what our values should be , what policies our government should adopt .The time has come to free the country of the overweening arrogance and anti democratic power of the BBC.
The Vikings were infamous for raping and looting, seems like the Third World invaders now squatting in Sweden and Norway are carrying on that tradition.
Seems like Sweden is now a communist country, ” workers of the world unite” has been replaced with ” equality, die-versity, progressive,” all other views are prohibited or suppressed.
How on Earth do these invaders from Eritrea, Sudan, Somalia etc etc get £10,000 to pay the smugglers ? Shouldn’t the bbc be asking these questions ?
There is no argument about The BBC’s culpability. They are a national disgrace. But the fact is, irrespective of the BBC propaganda machine, all political parties have ridden roughshod over the public for decades on the issue of immigration. I can’t think of any single issue in my lifetime where the democratic process has been so ill served.
Twenty years ago, quite apart from people who were here legally, no one could even estimate the numbers of illegal immigrants – and certainly no government either Conservative or labour have made any real attempt to remove them. How could they with a whole industry of immigration lawyers, at the taxpayer’s expense, thwarting their efforts at every step? The problem is now completely out of control.
And why are they here? Is it because of a deep affection for the British way of life or a respect for the values of Western civilisation? Apparently not.
And the result: We are now living in a civilisation that is going backwards. If we import people in vast numbers from backward and brutal societies, we too become backward and brutal. Whole cities, or parts of cities are now facsimiles of the third world. We now have “British” citizens performing FGM, free speech has been undermined, we have the practices of medieval religion encroaching more and more into everyday life – their stupidity and ignorance celebrated by the BBC. The list is endless.
We have become victims of our own liberal tolerance – something I once held dear, as the whole foundation of a free society. But that free society is now under threat.
”Austrian intelligence says US organizations are funding immigration into Europe. An anonymous employee from the Austrian Defense Office, which is operated by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Defense, says that some groups in the USA are paying smugglers to get more African and Middle Eastern immigrants into Europe.
“Traffickers demand exorbitant sums to bring refugees to Europe illegally. The conditions are often very poor, but still a transport does currently cost 7000-14000 Euro…” the Austrian Defense Office employee told
“There are insights that organizations from the US have created a co-financing model and contribute substantial amounts to trafficker’s costs.”
“Not every refugee from North Africa has 11,000 euros in cash. Nobody asks where the money comes from.”
The employee said that there was a “strict news blackout” on how the African and Middle Eastern immigrants were able to pay the traffickers fees.
If this is true, then it means various anti-White groups have resorted to paying for non-White illegal immigrants, instead of legal ones, all so they can make White Europeans a vanishing minority.”
U.S subversive organisations funding the invaders,” could that be Billionaire creep George Soros ?
I like to think that the BBC’s increasingly hysterical pro-immigration agit -prop is an indication that they know their time is nearly up . Is their something their not telling us? .I read in this mornings Mail on Sunday ( along with Hitchens excellent critique of labours education fraud) that the supressed Savil report is likely to be more damming than originally thought and there are more revelations about BBC favourite, Camila Batshitcrazy using ‘charity’ money to fund legal defence of illegal immigrants- Are those hong-kong flu infected chickens coming home to roost-I do hope so
Sorry to be pedantic but there is a difference between they’re,there and their.
I get terrible trouble with spelling correction as I write.. Much worse from a mobile, not to mention transatlantic ‘corrections’!
They’re is?
No doubt everyone has already read this:
Some graphic descriptions of the damage done to the West by these unwanted invaders.
Without much explanation of the underlying cause.
Promoting immigration promotes Marxism, Socialism and the Labour Party.
That Labour Party which was given the big thumbs down by the electorate recently.
Despite all reports of the demise of the Labour party, if enough of the unwashed scum from the slums of fifth
world Africa are allowed to vote, The Labour Party and its clones elsewhere in Europe will form Governments in perpetuity.
As previously stated here. Who Votes Labour? Those on benefits, public sector workers and non-whites. The non-productive, the barely productive, and the counter-productive.
To reverse this tide events must occur which involve the deaths of considerable numbers of the invaders.
Suggestion #1, we have a whip round on BBBC to send a gunboat to the Med. and sink every boat that even looks as
though it contains non-whites. If this seems a bit harsh, so be it. It is them or us so it has to be them, them and the traitors within.
I have many more suggestions.
Thank you for promptly responding to my request to widen the edit window.
Not just deceit there is a deficit in the balance of broadcast opinion. Where are the counter opinions?
The implication from the BBC and our politicians is that we will all rise up and slaughter immigrants in their beds if there is the slightest whiff of a counter opinion. Where is the evidence for this?
If 0.01% of supermarket milk was found to be contaminated it would be withdrawn from sale, the ‘risk’ would be deemed to be too great. What is the risk to our culture from migrants? “Just a minority, not a mainstream viewpoint, don’t tar them all with the same brush etc.”. That is the ‘official’ view of migrants. Yet when it comes to the indigenous British the ‘official’ line is that there are 49 million brown shirts just waiting for a casual ‘off-message’, anti-immigrant report to take to the streets.
This is, of course, ridiculously offensive to the indigenous, a slur of the type that would NEVER be made against the BAME ‘communities’.
I believe there is now an overwhelming tide building up, of rational public sentiment against unrestrained mass immigration.
I have now heard many people expressing (guardedly) their opposition to the current open-borders policies which are being perpetrated on countries throughout the EU, but particularly those wealthy nations who have liberal benefits frameworks in place.
I have heard the most surprising people carefully joining in this opposition. This is new, and represents, I think, the closest we have come in Britain to a majority consensus in some years, certainly since the Falklands campaign.
The BBC and its supporters, fellow travelers and controllers cannot now stop this consensus from stabilising and extending. What they can do is to obstruct and delay its legitimate public expression. The effect of this will only be to turn what could be a sensible, open discussion of views into a bloody field of avoidable conflict.
If they do not understand this, then they are afflicted with the kind of stupidity which legendarily propels lemmings over cliffs. If, as I suspect, they understand very well the effect of keeping a lid on what will then become a pressure-cooker of public anger, then the question is, Why?
It is hard to see how they would think they are serving the interests of the British public in this, so whose interests are they serving? Who is it that stands to benefit by letting internal conflict rip apart British society?
I don’t really want the opportunity to find out – I would much rather the BBC was simply dismembered very rapidly and completely and with immediate effect, so that the damage already done to our national interest can be mitigated and, in time, reversed.
Liberalism has invested so much in creating a fantasy world that to admit to themselves that the invasion of Europe’s borders is neither getting any public support nor is a rational way to conduct affairs would be to deny the absurd basis of non discriminatory liberalism, fantasy equality politics, fantasy morality and the denial of historical precedents anywhere anytime.
So I see no conspiracy but lunacy. These are pod people bodysnatched by an absurd late 20th century cult centered in the universities, schools and liberal professions.
So you are correct. They deny and obscure because they can and because they control the media and it’s hangers on.
I think that the latest foiled attack on the train has shaken them. Not so completely as to make them sane but enough to make the pods uneasy.
Even the dumbest must have realised that pure chance and courage averted what could have been an appalling slaughter of innocent people. Then things would have been different. We might ask why the number of invaders on Europe’s frontiers have suddenly grown. Whether Isis is directly responsible and why our leaders are so indolent in the face of real danger.
What is now muted and muttering would become a clamour and as is the way of things real change would have come swiftly and without any warning. This is how humans behave and all the liberal fantasies in the world are not going to change things.
The pods need to turn back into real humans before it is too late for them.
What is difficult about the SAS going along the north African coast from one end to the other, destroying the trafficers’ boats as they go ? And then repeating the performance as many times as required ? Problem solved ?
Too busy looking at comments on social media for hate crimes.