The memo has gone out to all and sundry at the BBC….pump out the pro-immigration propaganda at every opportunity…and they listened.
I caught this little exchange (2 hrs 4 mins) between a BBC sports presenter and British runner Rabah Yousef….
‘Rabah, you’re proudly wearing Great Britain across your vest, you were born in the Sudan and came to Britain and had to seek asylum, how much does it mean to you to be here with those two words on your chest?’
Blatantly clear what message she intends us to get because this wasn’t really about Rabah Yousef, it was about all those other asylum seekers heading this way.
Now Rabah Yousef has certainly worked hard and done well for himself and for British athletics, and has picked up an impressive amount of colloquial English…..but he’s not an asylum seeker, more of a draft dodger to be blunt, as he admits….he came to the UK and saw the opportunities on offer here and decided he wanted some of that….as the Telegraph tells us…..
Excelling both on the track and in jumping disciplines, it was on what should have been a routine trip with the Sudanese junior athletics team at the age of 14 that he made a sudden decision that would change the course of his life.
Stopping off in Sheffield for a training camp en route to the World Junior Championships in Jamaica, the young teenager made a break for it. He ran away, he hid and he lied – all in the name of becoming a better athlete.
“Athletics in Sudan was cut-throat,” the 28-year-old says. “They recruit you into the military and if you don’t train they threaten you. It sounds like they want the best for people but they did things that I didn’t think they should.
“I hadn’t thought about staying in Britain at all before I left Sudan but when I came here and saw the facilities and coaches I decided to give it 100 per cent to stay here and achieve my goals.”
So he had no thoughts about seeking ‘asylum’ before he saw the streets of the UK paved with gold….and only then decided he needed the protection that only a rich country like the UK could offer.
And why flee Sudan? After all British Muslims head out there for an education...before joining ISIS:
Most of the British students at UMST were the children of British-Sudanese parents who are successful UK doctors. They had sent their children to Khartoum to study medicine because they wanted them to reconnect with their African and Islamic roots, before returning to work as doctors in Britain. Nine British-Sudanese students and recent graduates disappeared from Khartoum in March, flying to Turkey, and then crossing over to Syria. Seven more followed in June, although two were detained in Turkey and returned to Khartoum.
Now I don’t blame him for seeing the bright lights and being dazzled, why not grab the opportunity if it’s offered to improve your life, who wouldn’t?…My objection is to the BBC’s glorification and misleading sexing up and exploitation of his story. He wanted a better life, he took the chance to get that, good luck to him, end of.
His story though is being used as a shining example of what can be achieved by ‘asylum seekers’…therefore, the BBC is suggesting, we should allow in more, no limit suggested, and that such generosity would result in an endless supply of brilliant runners or somesuch that will enrich and enhance our nation.
Trouble is of course he’s not really an asylum seeker, nor can the country support endless numbers of immigrants, nor do we need countless numbers of 400m runners, however brilliant.
This isn’t an argument from the BBC it’s pure emoting and manipulation of the audience’s perceptions. There is no genuine attempt from the BBC to discuss the real issues around immigration be they a matter of resources, culture or politics. This is just ambush tactics by the BBC, spraying pro-immigration graffiti across the airwaves catching people unawares and they hope, unthinking.
And whilst we’re here….Rabah lied to the immigration service in order to get asylum and yet no one raises an eyebrow. Contrast that with another famous asylum seeker, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who was chased from Europe by the liberals and the Left because she was a critic of Islamic values and culture….
Secrets and lies that doomed a radical liberal
Ayaan Hirsi Ali championed the rights of Islamic women and warned of the dangers to Holland from refugees. Now she must leave the country after being accused of lying her way in, writes Jason Burke in Rotterdam
‘Rabah, you’re proudly wearing Great Britain across your vest, you were born in the Sudan and came to Britain and had to seek asylum, how much does it mean to you to be here with those two words on your chest?’
Nationality is not a question of travel documents being stamped, it’s more than that, it’s about being rooted to the native land, who’s ancestors go back hundreds of years,
It all smacks of desperation now. Either that or ignorance and that is all the same to the average BBC staffer.
Desperate in their ignorance of reality, of the culture of this country, of our history, of Western civilisation.
Time to give up on all of them and accept that in this war with the cultural marxists the liberal media is our enemy.
They are everywhere controlling the media, the state sponsored quangos, the charities, the law, the universities etc etc.
They really think they have us beat-us conservatives.
Dream on all of you who would lie ,cheat and strive to bring down my country. The aborted attempt at a train massacre shows just how close we are in Europe to disaster and to an awful reality coming in to our European homelands. There is absolutely no sense our liberal elite grasp this or of what to do now.
Instead we get these endless feelgood titbits of just how wonderful our new multiethnic, multifaith , multi sexed, multi this and multithat world is and will be if only we are really really nice .
Rabah Yousef has done great for himself by taking advantage of the facilities that Britain created for Britons. These facilities are the fruits of the work of several generations of hard and intelligent work. Rabah Yousef just took them.
How has he paid back the UK for such a huge gift? Nothing. He has won a few medals, and lots of money, but has in no way contributed to the wealth of Britain. He, and his family, if he has one in the UK, continue to be a parasites on the UK.
Ditto Mohammed Farah.
‘Rabah, you were born in the Sudan and came to Britain and had to seek asylum, how much does it mean to you to be here with those words on your chest?’
What, Sainsburys ?
Do the BBC ever interview immigrants granted asylum who then commit serious crimes ?
No one can dispute that illegal immigrants are good at running ! They also excel at the Calais fence vault and the long jump.
The Beeb are becoming more odious and desperate with every passing day.
No one can dispute that illegal immigrants are good at running !
But what else can they do?
Black Africa has never produced any civilisation. To build a civilisation requires intelligence on a wide scale. To maintain and expand it requires even more. Athletics & sports are the only human products that Africa exports.
All around Africa, the once reasonable British run colonies have collapsed, or are in the process of doing so, leading to mass starvation and poverty. The “migrant crisis” of millions of Black Africans travelling across Africa to Libya, are a consequence and testament to the fact that de-colonisation, no matter how liberal and feel good, has been a catastrophic failure for the ordinary African.
Surely South Africa should be the shining beacon for black Africans escaping war and starvation rather than Europe..
Ayaan Hirsi Ali, indeed – her story just doesn’t fit, does it?
What it does do is highlight the hypocrisy which cares not a jot for those whose plight is allegedly so important to all those ‘reporters’.
They are just meat for the ‘progressive’ sausage-machine, forcing them into the skin of a political narrative.
And if they don’t fit the narrative, like Ayaan, then they are ‘forgotten’, abandoned to the mercies of the very same authorities that are being simultaneously pilloried and vilified.
And in Ms Hirsi Ali’s case, not just forgotten, but turned into an un-person, whose mouth is stuffed with rags by the same ‘liberals’ whose tender consciences are so affected by the ‘running men’ of Kos and Calais.
Re: Hirsi Ali
Laurence Auster has something to say about Ms Ali
I have pointed out many times, based on her own words (see this, this, this, this, this, and this), that the Somali-Dutch Islam critic Ayaan Hirsi Ali, now ensconced at the “conservative” American Enterprise Institute, is no friend of the West—unless we define the West as radical liberalism. She is openly hostile to Christianity, which she lumps with Islam as a generic “theocracy” that threatens liberty, and she has indicated repeatedly that she wants to ban conservative and Christian political parties, including immigration restriction parties, in Europe, leaving Europe powerless and voiceless before the Islamic invasion. I’ve also criticized Robert Spencer, who is a Catholic and calls himself a conservative, for uncritically embracing and approving this enemy of Christianity, whom he calls his “hero.”* I’ve criticized the mainstream conservative Islam critics who fatuously believe that the defense of the West against radical Islam requires such “allies” as Ali, an attitude that implies that we lack the ability and the moral legitimacy to defend ourselves.
Hirsi Ali’s wants to open up Islam by allowing millions of Muslim women to settle in the West, hoping that like her, they will reject Islam, and thus bring about the Reformation of Islam.
Television ”’historian” and wannabe intellectual Nail Ferguson is married to her, what ever gets you off I suppose,
LA replies:
”Central to Ali’s strategy is that it is the West that must reform Islam along the lines she wishes. Muslims come to the West, and not only do they become a major problem and threat in the West, but the “reform” Muslims tell us tell us that WE must change the Islamic world as well because THEY are unable to do it on their own. What a great bargain Muslim immigration is for us.”
Regarding the medical students heading off to Sudan, I would point out that the reason they did this was because they couldn’t get offers from British universities. I am very familiar with students applying to medical schools in the UK and have been asked about alternatives when they do not get offers. Overseas there are a number of options. Sudan would appeal to the Sudanese because they have homes and economic assets there. The Sudanese live parallel lives in both countries as they are rich enough to do so. And rich enough to pay for medical school for their children. These children will have been academically pretty weak but that is not a problem in Africa and Asia because the determination to study medicine is not academic strength. You can study what you want because you are rich and from the elite. Being a doctor in Sudan does not pay but UK will recognise the qualification.
What worries me when I see African or Pakistani/Muslim doctors is that most of the academic curricula is devoted to Islamic studies. What little time is spent in medical studies, is taught by sub-standard teaches.
Fortunately, we are lowering our standards to catch up with Sudan/Pakistan.
I don’t know about the Sudan but I have considerable knowledge of and contacts in medicine in India. There are many fine doctors, surgeons, hospitals and medical schools. But it is also a country where a complete set of bogus certificates and accreditations to ‘prove’ that you are a doctor can be purchased for 2.5 lakh rupees (about £2500). It would not be a total surprise if similar arrangements prevailed in other Third World countries.
Ian, I live in Gambia. It is the same there. Recently, the government has set up the first medical school in the country. It will make no difference. Most of the doctors in Gambia are trained in UK or USA and then go back to Gambia to cheat their own people. I was in a clinic one day and it was hot, no electricity, a lot of dust , 50 people in a small waiting room. Real poverty. The doctor arrived in a brand new Mercedes. What the F is that about ? There is only one African doctor in Gambia I would trust and his father is Welsh ! Anyway, it would be fertile ground for a fearless, investigative BBC documentary . LOL !
Now our future Labour Party leader is calling for “women-only” railway carriages. He claims that it is to stop women getting beaten up on trains. He is Lying! He wants it because his extremist muslim controllers are demanding it.
It is a disgusting attack on human rights and is catering to the violent minority. To say Corbyn is evil is understating the case.