The BBC hates Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus and apparently Sikhs. It loves Muslims regardless of what they do.
Hate? Well maybe that is too strong a word but the BBC is perfectly willing to attack the foundations of almost all religions, to attack their credibility, authenticity and integrity and to charge a religion with accusations of violence and hatred towards other religions….well, towards Islam. No such criticism is directed towards Islam and its teachings or towards its adherents who say they commit violence in the name of Islam, but the BBC insists they don’t.
On the Today programme (08:30) we had yet another example of this double standard where Sikhs were the target of BBC censure…
There’s been a spate of unpleasant scenes at weddings held in Sikh temples involving couples where only one partner is Sikh. The weddings are being interrupted by uninvited guests who object to inter-faith weddings. We speak to Shamsher Singh, spokesperson for the National Sikh Youth Foundation, and Anita Kapoor, former member of the Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education.
Justin Webb was sat in judgement and pronounced that such actions by Sikhs were ‘unpleasant and nasty’ (kind of reminds me of the Muslim Mishal Husain saying that Christianity was deeply unpleasant and backward…wonder about her reaction to Humphrys saying the same about Islam should he ever dare to).
The Sikh spokeman responded that Sikhs, especially second and third generation in this country, were becoming more religious and wanted to follow their religion more strictly.
Justin Webb couldn’t help himself and butted in with the exclamation ‘Just like Muslims’…only to rapidly forget he said that…as the obvious conclusion would be that Muslim ‘extremists’ and ‘radicals’ were merely Muslims who wanted to adhere more strictly to their religion and to live a life devoted to its teachings….and the BBC has spent an awful lot of time and energy trying to persuade us that these extremists and radicals are not in fact Muslims…they are ‘perverters’ of the religion.
Webb then compounded his error by suggesting the Sikhs who wanted to live by the strict tenets of their religion were culturally more Punjabi and those who were more flexible were culturally British. So we can take it from that that following such religions is not ‘British’ and impacts negatively upon society bringing ‘unpleasant and nasty’ cultural practises to the UK?
I await a similar response to Muslims who wish to impose their religion upon the world in its fundamental form…oh, hang on we’ve not only seen that in the Uk with the Trojan Horse scandal but we’ve also seen the BBC response…which was at first to deny there was any such scandal, then to admit it may have been happening but it’s really all a lot of fuss about nothing driven by racists, Islamophobes and paranoia, and finally complete acceptance but with the suggestion that perhaps if that’s what Muslims want they should be allowed to get on with it…after all weren’t Ghandi, Churchill and Mandela all once extremists too??!!!
No, can’t really see a BBC presenter or reporter stating that Islam is deeply unpleasant, backward, violent or nasty. No problem with labelling other religions in that way though.
Those who lie need good memories.
“Islam is deeply unpleasant, backward, violent or nasty”
Islam is also the biggest laugh on the planet, here are zillions of Grade A twats believing all this nonsense.
Al-Beeb is really missing an opportunity. Besotted with ethnic programmes, especially “comedies”, they need to consider a remake of Fawlty Towers with an Islamic slant, or should that be slope?
Gourmet Night.
Time – the present (635AD).
Location – A mosque, somewhere in occupied Europe.
Season – at the end of Ramawhatever. when everyone is starving.
Mohammed, the Halal Chef and part-time clit cutter.
Mohammed, the Syrian waiter, a Julian Clary poof-alike, who carries a parachute and has bought the entire Kids Company wardrobe.
Mohammed, the former terrorist, who likes dressing in frocks. Mohammed owns an unreliable Austin Chieftain tank
whose unreliability (the tank, not Mohammed) provides much of the humor (U omitted to help US sales).
Mohammed, the guest from Calais.
Mohammed, the second guest, from an undisclosed background.
Mohammedina – the wife of the chef, an ugly, miserable, clit free bitch who wears an M&S bag on her head.
(an unspoken joke here, they do not realise the Jewish origins of M&S).
Mohammedina – the mosque receptionist, an ugly, miserable, clit free bitch who wears an M&S bag on her head.
Mohammedina – the daughter of Mohammedina, a pre-pubescent ugly, miserable, clit free bitch who wears an M&S bag on her head.
Mohammedina – a guest from Mecca, an ugly, miserable, clit free bitch who wears an M&S bag on her head. Mohammedina is a feminist, who removes her bag. This action causes apoplexy in Mohammed. Mohammedina’s head is displayed, on a silver dish, as the highlight of this gastronomic feast.
Banquetina – a waitress. Banquetina is a beautiful young white female. Mohammed’s lust, or should that be
Mohammedsss’s lust? causes mass slaughter of/by the Mohammeds as they vie for the honor (another US plug) of being the first to rape her.
The above is only a fragment, the plot is not fully worked out yet.
Please comment on the suitability of this work for further improvement.
Do not spare your criticism, if this is rubbish please say so.
I am not going to behead you for speaking the truth.
Islam is a comedy goldmine. I mean how many jokes can just be created from the story of Mohammed flying to Jerusalem and back at night on a horse with a human face? This stuff is way funnier than Christianity.
He flew on a buraq, no less. Here’s a picture of one
Incidentally, the story behind it – The Night Journey – doesn’t actually mention Jerusalem by name. Jerusalem may be referenced several dozen times in the Bible and several hundred times in the Torah and Jewish scripture but in the Qu’ran there are precisely zero references.
Why no assurances that not all Sikhs disrupt weddings and those that do are not in any way representative of the majority of Sikhs who don’t?
Surely the disruption has nothing to do with proper Sikhism, and is the work of a ‘Sikhist’ minority.
Mohammed was pig.
How and why authorities, even Israel do their very best to defend Islam, and lock up those who criticise Islam.
Well Worth reading.
“The BBC contacted numerous Muslim females who married outside their faith, but all were decomposing on Cumbrian river banks”
A Mohamid comedy show might start with his views on Satan. See vid.
More specifically, and worth discussion – perhaps with the BBC Head of Religious Broadcasting – the problem of Satan farting when Muslims pray. That would be a bit of a bugger in Muslim Songs of Praise.;theme=30