BBC complaints are sent to a Capita office in Darlington that also does the TV licensing job for the BBC. The complaints are then forwarded to a 400 strong Capita office in Belfast that deals with complaints under an audience services contract with the BBC that is due to lapse on 31st March 2016.
In 2014/15 the Crapita office received 259,886 complaints, of which 583 complaints where sent on to the BBC, the 30 strong BBC Editorial Complaints Unit in London. Letters from “BBC Complaints” are mostly from Capita employees, some of these Capita employees are former BBC staff, but most are Capita employees who have never been employed by the BBC. Senior staff in the Belfast office are: Head of Communications and Complaints: Keith Jones, Complaints Manager: Lee Rogers, Senior Complaints Advisers: Paul Moseley and Sarah Greatrex, and Complaints Advisers: David Larner and Sean Moss.
The Capita moderation services operation for the BBC is the largest online comment censorship setup in the UK. Only comments that the company are unable to classify in accordance with the published guidelines and house rules are passed on to the BBC’s Online Moderation Services team based in Salford, for a decision of whether or not to implement censorship. Moderation services team leader Paul Wakely also try’s to steer the blog discussions by posting new developments within the threads, or reminding people of the original topic. And finally, the BBC’s Nick Reynolds closes down the Internet Blog comments. More information about other people in these service teams is available for a Government Review submission.
Now Chris Briant is calling the Governments review a con, while the real con is the BBC’s own shadow review being advertised on the BBC TV channels as we speak. This BBC con is meant to divert Review submissions to the BBC’s crapita system, where your submission would be binned if it was critical, or eventually submitted to the Government review by the BBC, if you praise the BBC.
So thanks Geoff, as all it needed was for me to ask the right people, the right questions. And with the BBC’s poor record on Freedom of Information requests, it might be better to submit requests to Capita in future.
Wow! Names, places, organisation – an eye-opener for me.
Knowing you’re likely to be modded off if your views do not serve the Corp’s purposes, half the point of sending comments is simply to ruffle their feathers slightly and at least give them an internal reminder that they’re so out of tune with their audiences. You stand no chance of an open conversation with the inmates, but you might think at least you could grab their attention for a millisecond.
If they don’t even reach the BBC itself, there seems no point whatever in corresponding with some dead-and-buried outsourcing organisation who might as well be operating out of the Phillipines for all the corporate accountability they possess.
Given a choice between submitting your opinion to be treated to the attentions of an industrial-sized shredder, and sending them to BiasedBBC, I know which I prefer. Really, what is the point!
Richard, I am impressed that you have been able to find such detail and thank you for putting it on this blog. I explains why our complaints are answered as they frequently are, ie by a formula which is ‘we, the BBC know best, now get lost’. I have always tried to pose complaints as questions but usually am so cross that what I thought was a closed question has enough of a gap for the usual response. Message to self ‘must try harder’
What’s the betting one or more of the above are the rabid and aggressive pro bBC ‘commentors’ on the Digital Spy forums, certain names do keep cropping up. Remember Digital Spy is often used as a reference for showbiz news on the Radio 2 afternoon show.
Mikw could be Michelle Wiggins, she is a capita employee based in Belfast. As you can see she started posting shortly after Capita got its contract in April 2006.
The BBC have said that they will cease using the Met office as a source for weather predictions….cue the hapless, wretched Harrabins head spinning off and exploding….i hope.
“The US is in the midst of a barbecue boom. But as television programmes and restaurants celebrate mostly white pitmasters, are the cuisine’s African-American roots being forgotten? ”
So they find an elderly Black guy working in his fast food take away joint and MOAN that he isn’t being lionised by the clearly waycist Americans (death to America!)
When there’s nothing to moan about make something up!
Historical accusations of Waycism include Gershwin’s Porgy & Bess and Longfellow’s Hiawatha yet the BBC have no difficulty in broadcasting either of them, now either these accusations were entirely wrong – in which case we can have no confidence in any of todays calls, or the BBC are total hypocrites only interested in name calling when it suits them, and having no real respect for the tool of oppression ‘racism’ actually is.
This article about ISIS and the Islamist inspired war in that region will have you laughing out loud, so silly is it.
Did you know that we should be thanking the wonderful ISIS for their special contribution to the fight against global warming (amongst many other things)!
Apparantly it’s true!
Although I dare say attempting to return the world to the state of the Middle ages would inevitably cause a slow down in greenhouse gas emissions.
One good thing about that though – no electricity – no BBC !
“But in nearby Lebanon, there was a “drastic” rise of up to 30% of the same pollutant, thanks to the influx of refugees. The scientists say that this was very unusual as economic growth in Lebanon declined significantly at the same time. “
So if we want a ‘greener’ Europe we shouldn’t be taking in any refugees?
The BBC still believe global warming is a recent, man-made phenomenon, as per Mann’s hockey stick graph (which totally obliterated the Medieval Warm Period).
And just when you thought the BBC wouldn’t try to copy the US mega successful ‘Transparent’ series being shown on Amazon they’ve decided to produce some propaganda of their own.
Unlike the US series it almost certainly will want to moralise, oppress, and force left wing views down viewers throats.
Charity race for children’s hospice where runners dress in drag is ‘a hate crime’
A transgender charity has reported the fun run to the police, saying “We do not need to give the bigots any more ammunition”
Saw on SKY News a mob of invaders in Calais screaming ” We want to live, we want to live,” translated ” We want a 50 inch television set, an I-phone and a years subscription to SKY sports.” Who knew France was suffering from war, famine and persecution ? I’d like to live too, in Monte Carlo, do you think if I turned up at their border they’d give me a villa for free or tell me to get lost ? Meanwhile charities, useful idiots with heads full of mush Tim Woolrich are giving the invaders bicycles. The bongo madness continues.
1min 50 …
Beebot – Aren t you helping migrants get into the UK?
Iain Duncan Smith, – absolutely I am.
I remember,” you better get on your bike” you see
… its our new policy, marvellous!
A modest gem of a programme tucked away on BBC4 last Sunday evening. A programme that gradually broke out of, & was critical of, our national broadcaster’s self-imposed straitjacket of multicultural PC mediocrity. It gave an English scholar, historian, & ‘celebrity’ museum director not only the chance to take a tour through his many life achievements, but also the opportunity to comment on the current state of the nation state, & bemoan its cultural destruction by politically motivated vandals. He was witty, erudite & entertaining.
When Lucy(Worsley) met Roy: Sir Roy Strong at 80
A few comments I jotted down:
‘The BBC has lost it…Toadying to the lowest aspects of society.’
‘Western Europe is weak at the moment’ he said with deep regret, before going on to stress the paramount importance of the Classical influence we derived from Ancient Greece & our Christian tradition.
‘Blair & New Labour were anti-history’ (We all know why)…’I despise the dregs of Blairism’…I am utterly sick of PC.
‘With England, Scotland, Ireland & Wales we HAD A DIVERSITY, in unity. A common heritage, little left of it now.’
He stressed the crucial ‘importance of our heritage’ as a binding force that immigrants, such as the Jews & Huguenots could identify with yet still retain their traditions, whereas now, ‘multiculturalism divides.’
At the end he said he was an ‘unashamed monarchist…loyal to Queen & Country & all it stood for.’
There was much more that made for a quietly uplifting programme. A very rare sensation, these days.
Mmm. ‘Hidden away’ indeed. R4, Sunday evening. Rather like ‘A point of View’, which carried a short series of talks by Roger Scruton – high-powered, in much the same vein as Mr Strong. I really recommend finding them if you can, but all these ‘counterbalancing’ views, however eminent their protagonists, are inevitably hidden. I guess in this way they serve to buttress the laughable pretension to impartiality, without ever being at risk of being heard by most people.
This morning President Hollande presents medals to those brave chaps who tackled the Muslim maniac ( gunmen on the BBC ) intent on killing as many people as possible. This afternoon President Hollande calls for all members of the EU to take their fair share of migrants. These migrants are overwhelmingly Muslim and we have been told that ISIS are mixing in as many fighters as they can to cause mayhem later. Is this man incredibly stupid?
The Germans, Swedes and Austrians seem to be indulging in some sort of masochistic competition to see who is the “Humanitarian Superpower” in Europe. The Germans already had 250,000 outstanding asylum applications before they decided to let 800,000 more in to date. Asylum reception centres are being subject to arson attacks and “peace loving” Muslims are causing the German authorities problems by rioting. At the reception centre in Suhl, for example, there was a mass riot because the Syrian “refugees ” accused an Afghan of desecrating a Koran. Secret ISIS supporters? The media is full of morality tales about simple Bavarian folk discovering their humanity and volunteering to help asylum seekers at an empathetic and human level. Seeing desperate children smile is all the reward we want. In the next momemt, however, there are calls for the hard-hearted British to take their fair share. Unfortunately, simple-minded, Pollyannism will leave everyone worse off. Ma Merkel as Chancellor must swear an oath to avert harm from the German people. Promoting cultural suicide is a strange way of keeping this promise.
The Swedes have long ago gone insane. The German elite is presumably guilt ridden after the war and Merkel is ex East anyway and the Austrians likewise. I don’t believe a word of it – the news coming from those countries. Trouble on the way I fear.
Something very odd happened to Merkel a few months ago. Within the space of a few short weeks, she went from describing Islam as ‘incompatible with Western culture’ to condemning the anti Islamisation protests and has never condemned Islam since.
No one really knows what happened but my money is on her having been offered sums significantly large enough by Sunni Oil Rich states to have a permanent change of heart.
“When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.” -Sherlock Holmes
Today Ma Merkel has been visiting Marxloh/Duisburg. 60% of the population are immigrants. Turks from yesteryear and a recent influx of hyperenrichers from Bulgaria and Rumania. Lebanese crime families are also well represented. Essentially, this is a no-go area for police as they are attacked regularly when they try to prevent street disorder and other forms of cultural expression which are illegal in Germany. Even when presented by evidence like this, Merkel will continue to exhort the German people to welcome any number of “desperate” people into the country and call anyone who thinks this is complete and utter madness ” hard-hearted” or a Nazi. Supposedly, the real reason for this obsession with “being a country open to immigration” is the projected population aging and lack of young people to look after the gaga. But unless immigrants have discovered the secret of eternal youth, they too will grow old and need care. This is just the logic of a Ponzi scheme applied to demographics.
I see BBC are having a series of interviews of potential labour leaders over the next few days Liz kendall being the first today.
Strange how no other political party searching for a new leader has had open access to the BBC like labour who are basically pushing Labour politics for free at prime time viewing down our throats.
Perhaps the BBC should be asking the Labour Party daily what proportion of the 600,000 or so have voted, and as that increases decrease the amount of free publicity awarded.
They have obviously set themselves up for rather large questioning of their (lack of) coverage of the next Tory campaign.
BBC must be gloating. Hammond accepts the Obama/Kerry/BBC view on the Iran deal.
‘The foreign secretary acknowledged there were no guarantees the Iranian regime would not pursue a nuclear weapons programme in the future, but “you have to make a judgement”.
“My judgement is that whatever Iran has or hasn’t been doing in the past, the regime, the Iranian people, have come to the conclusion that pursuing, or being believed to pursue, an illegal military nuclear programme just imposes too great a cost on Iran,” he said.’
Peace in our time eh. No mention of serious criticism of the deal, how the nuclear sites will be scrutinised or not.
He probably thinks Shia and Sunni think the same about everything. Far from the truth. There seems to be a strong streak of wishing to hasten the end of times in Shia thought. Nuclear weapons make it easier to bring about the end of the world and letting Iran off the hook was about as stupid as it gets .
I note that Five Live got all moralistic in reporting Usain Bolt’s win over “two times drug cheat” Justin Gatlin.
Now, don’t get me wrong, I firmly believe that those who are caught flouting the drugs or blood doping rules should be banned for life.
However, as the rules stand, that is not the case and thus Gatlin has served his time and is entitled to race. Not that it has stopped the “impartial” BBC hyping up the Good v Evil angle.
Telling that Gatlin wouldn’t give Auntie an interview after the event.
Also telling how they never refer to Christine Ohuruogu as;
“the athlete who committed a doping violation and was banned from competing” or
“the athlete who threatened to leave Britain and compete for another country if her Olympic ban wasn’t lifted”.
Or Mo Farah as “the athlete who happily took funding from the British taxpayer in his early career but upped and moved to the USA to avoid paying UK tax once he’d made it big”.
Maybe it’s just me but I seem to recall that recently Jeremiah Corbynus equated the actions of American soldiers with those of the evil scum, ISIS. Now, forgive me if I’m wrong but surely for a potential leader of the opposition to cast such despicable slurs is worthy of major news and controversy. However, the BBC don’t see to have mentioned it in any detail. I ‘wonder’ why? Could it be that the yoghurt-knitting arts and crafts brigade at the BBC agree with JC?
I see the spineless, pathetic grovelling BBC are calling those scum Islamic State ‘so-called Islamic State’. I’m sorry but these SCUM ARE ‘ISLAMIC’ and so are the dozens of other terrorist groups across the world who seek to impose Islam on others.
I wonder if the BBC would exercise this type of lily-livered caution (cowardice) if a Buddhist, Christian, Hindu or Jewish terror group went around causing evil mayhem the world over? No; there would ZERO use of the term ‘so-called’. The BBC, Sky News and Channel Snore really are a pathetic bunch of politically correct bum lickers.
Islam is causing untold horrors the world over, but yet the Left are so craven, so petrified of getting beaten up by Muslim extremists they hide behind these pitiful PC excuses and euphemisms; I suppose deep down they probably do know that Islam poses the biggest threat to world peace humanity has faced since Hitler, but to admit this would be to confess to their own abject gutlessness, feebleness, treachery, irresponsibility and downright foolishness. The far-Left really are disgusting in every way.
What does it take for the BBC to realise that there is one hell of a problem with Islam and extremist and terrorist behaviour?
Islam IS extreme … its totalitarian, that view of Islam which does not necessarily entail violence
Islam IS terrorism … “Mohamhead, perfect example for adherents to follow – “I have been made victorious with terror” Bukhari (4.52.220)
Islam is Islam, accept no imitations … Islamic State the clues in the name
And that would be the name which must never be spoken without some kind of qualification by the BBC? Or the one which our toadying corrupt MPs at the behest of the Saudis would like to change to ‘Daesh’ ?
Exactly… most of us on this site also realise that there is one hell of a problem with the BBC too. Perhaps we should play them at their own game and refer to them as the ‘so called British Broadcasting Corporation’ or more precisely the ‘so called British’ Broadcasting Corporation because there is not much pro- real Britain emanating from it these days, and even less pro-English. Their insidious influence over recent years almost has one feeling reluctant to claim Englishness or Britishness for fear of upsetting someone who is not.
Amongst all the increasingly overt bias, omission of obvious news items, Corbynitis, continual excuses for islamic terrorism, etc, etc. that so enrages, there are occasional gems that show the BBC can produce good things. I mention yesterday’s beautifully conducted interview of Roy Strong by Lucy Worsley on BBC 4.
Caught five minutes of the simon mayo show on radio two earlier. The beeb financial expert was talking about the Chinese financial collapse and he said that people were putting their money into the euro, as it had had its problems but had now turned the corner and was a safe bet.i myself have no idea if this is true but I can’t see it, can anyone enlighten me to the truth, or was this pure bbbc pro euro bs?
Brett, Looking purely at today, the Euro continued to slide against the Pound but there was a small rally in mid- afternoon, so no real evidence of the BBC pundits statement. However, there is an argument that the Euro is at a low and it is a good time to buy. Personally, I would continue to hold pounds. But time will tell. The BBC always gloat when markets generally fall and tend to go quiet when they rise again. Peston was on BBC News at 6 talking his usual crap. History proves he almost always gets it wrong.
Thanks grant, I assumed that it was bs, and as I am typing this, peston is doing his camp ,over dramatic, patronising thing on news at ten… never ends eh?
Yes, Peston is one of those wealthy left-wing ideologues who tries to fit reality into his political view. On the BBC website now the heading on his article is “Will we all get poorer ? “. My answer is ” Well you won’t, but the rest of us will if we get another Labour government “.
Channel 5 tonight 10pm Muslim drag queens. ”Powerful documentary meeting members of Britain’s clandestine Muslim drag queen community. How do gay Muslims publicly reconcile their sexuality with their cultural identity and traditions?” Meanwhile over on BBC 1. Trans Sexual Stories. Absolutely no agenda.
None of these tambourine tapping gender equality crusaders ever seem to openly confront this flagrant Islamic fascism towards the gay community. Too busy picking on easy targets, I suppose, like Christian B & B owners and bakers. I wonder what would happen if Adam and Steve turned up at a mosque in East London demanding gay and transgender rights? They’d no doubt be arrested for racist hate crimes!
Feminazis and militant gay rights brigades are all petrified of confronting Muslim over their third attitudes towards gays and minority groups. Probably for the same reasons that the police and social services were too cowardly to confront Muslim paedo gangs in Rotherham.
Look east tonight, resume the daily puff piece on jezza corbyn , apparently he is so popular that the planned venue in Cambridge had to be cancelled because it doesn’t hold enough people. But why is he such a phenomenon? Wheeled on expert says it’s because he always gives straight answers and people like him for it. Thats lovely, bbbc, ask him about his terrorist friends and sympathy then , no?
Corbyn mania ,if that is what it is amongst the perenially upset liberal classes, does show that it is very easy for a demagogue to rise to prominence.
By that token a seriously impressive conservative realist could equally rise to a position of power very fast. All it takes is events. And those events are looking more and more likely.
If Corbyn makes leader then it will validate this theory.
Delicious article by Quentin Letts about the BBC cancelling its £30m p.a. contract with the Met Office. (Letts was viciously criticised – including death threats – by climate alarmists after a fairly innocuous programme he presented a month ago.)
A taste of Nemesis for the overblown and out-of-kilter Met Office.
Lovely comment from the Bishop Hill site (by golf-charlie) –
“If the Met Office had spent zero money trying to prove global warming, and concentrated on weather forecasts, they might have remembered what they were actually supposed to do.
If someone is employed to pick up litter in Hyde Park, you do not expect them to appoint themselves “Big Game Hunter”, and spend other peoples money patrolling The Serpentine lake protecting the public from Great White Sharks, especially if they get so engrossed, they forget to pick up any litter.”
Up to now Harrabin and the other alarmists at the BBC have had easy access to the Met Office for supporting comments and onterpretations on their Warmist nonsense. Now that relations look to be a bit frosty, maybe Harrabin will not get such easy support.
I see the Moroccan gentleman carrying an automatic rifle and nearly 300 rounds of ammunition, travelling on the high speed train in France is still described as a “suspected terrorist” – WTF?
Presumably to be defined simply as a “terrorist”, he’d have needed to shoot 40 or 50 people dead or caused the train to derail – and killed everyone on board.
Seems as if the go to places now to get your weapons are parks near stations in Brussels. The BBC appear to believe the “suspected terrorist” and what his lawyer is telling the world.
Next we will hear than Iran just happened to find a couple of ready made nuclear weapons behind the kitchen door of the newly opened British Mission in Tehran and removed them for safe keeping. They will believe that as well.
I noticed another thread of ‘thinking’ on this from the BBC yesterday. The incident was described as a ‘botched’ act of terrorism. This insinuates some odd kind of blame attaches to the individual for not succeeding in carrying out his act of religious slaughter (or ‘robbery’). It also inserts a weird ‘natural disaster’ note into the account, again.
Churchill knew the value to morale of daring to ridicule your enemies. This is not like that – it is I think a deliberate attempt to demean and diminish the heroism of those who risked their lives to tackle the terrorist, by making him less of a terrorist and more of a candidate for the Darwin awards. This happened with the ‘shoe bomber’ in the wake of 9/11.
There is obviously a lot of thought going into all the BBC’s reporting now, but I don’t know if it is explicit and intelligent, or if it just flows automatically from the power of a skewed world-view to infest every tiny mote of an utterance.
Where has the Islamic Bangkok Bomber gone BBC?
ever since that was revealed Al BBC interest has waned.
Even the fave BBC “lone wolf” tag has failed, seeing as he has at least 10
compatriots in genocidal Islamic terror.
A “possible Islamist” connection was the last I heard on the ministry of truth a few days ago.
The Islamic cabal enablers in the enemedia, and No10 are literally racing each other to the bottom of the Islamic sand pit, they are pitiful, traitors quislings and cowards,
No10 does not have a single vertebrae between the lot of them, they consistently malign and hammer the poorest/most vulnerable in our society, our own people, whilst lining their own pockets
off of the back of them, and selling off what their parents built and spilled blood for.
They are up the Islamic petrodollar arse as far as they can get, and allow Islamic infiltration because of it, its filthy lucre … they are a disgrace
To be fair, there’s only so much space and time across scores of TV and radio channels and online pages to properly address the labour leader election, so clearly certain ‘non news’ ((c) A. Newsroom Tealady) stories outside BBC agenda remit will inevitably fall foul of BBC editorial integrity triage.
“The Tube strike that was supposed to start tonight, now, isn’t”
Do we detect a note of regret from Asad Ahmad on BBC London News this morning?
Most Londoners are heartily sick of being held to ransom by a tiny group of politically motivated wannabe-Bob-Todd union barons. Our views are not sufficiently reflected by our BBC. Asad Ahmad could have cracked a smile when he delivered what is basically good news.
….But that wasn’t all, the female presenter was white minority, the guest was Indian (Baskhar) and the presenter of the first report was the Asian actor from Eastenders, I believe doing a report on 1970’s Asian immigrants, the TV didn’t stay on long enough to find out.
It’s not the people, its the agenda, excluded I certainly felt!
Sometimes the BBC takes an argument right to the very edge, but fails to make the leap.
On Radio 4 Today an article about why Islamic state is not Mediaeval. The interviewee made a good case as to why they were fully modernised, using all modern communication devices, weaponry, and techniques, he suggested that as soon as anything is invented, there’s a malign mind seeking a way to use it for harm.
They actually suggested that ISIS were worse than mediaeval because of this use of technology. It was just the lack of that oh so obvious question which spoiled it. If not Mediaeval thinking then what is driving ISIS?
Of course the BBC are still pedalling the lie that ISIS are ‘perverting Islam’, but never ever will they explore how that is happening, in my opinion, because they know that they are not, and its the peaceful Muslims who are perverting their faith.
Anyone see the travesty of a programme about the Indian railways – ‘World’s Busiest Railway’, specifically in Bombay (sorry, Mumbai…) last evening?
I have seen several documentaries about the subject in the last couple of years, all of them excellent.
Last night we had the Three Amigos (Dan Snow, Robert Llewellyn, and the awful Anita Rani) “showing us around”, assisted in an uncharacteristically weak way, by John Sergeant (who was good in his own programme about the subject, previously)…
I have to say that I thought I was watching a kid’s programme, a la Blue Peter, so patronisingly puerile was it. Ms Rani was particularly difficult because a). she talked too much (as did Mr. Snow), b) she seemed aggressive and shouty and intimidating, and Robert Llewellyn’s contribution left me thinking he was teaching primary school kids. They all appeared to “present” in a manner which seemed to acknowledge that their audience was a bunch of stupid cretins.
My immediate impression was that I could have gleaned all I needed to know by simply watching, if they had all shut the fuck up.
I shan’t be bothering with the rest of the series.
I switched off after 20 minutes. I agree with you . It was puerile and an insult to the viewer. If this is what the BBC spends taxpayers money on then it needs to be called to account. Rubbish I would not have inflicted on my grandchildren.
Its celebrate India season on the beeb, so I guess there will be more of this sort of thing going on.
Perhaps in Indian version of bake off, will that Naan have a soggy bottom ? Or strictly come Bollywood, maybe Country file will do an edition from rural India, is that Suttee causing global warming ?
I had to laugh at Mastermind the other night, one bloke whose specialist subject was Stalin only got 6 points (he didn’t even know that Uncle Joe’s nickname was Uncle Joe !)
But in the general knowledge round he got the easiest questions possible, an average twelve year old could have answered them. I’m guessing its not bias, as I suppose had someone else been as stupid as him they’d have gone first in the general knowledge and got the same questions, but people who seem a bit lefty do seem to get an easier ride.
Paranoia ? It’s hardly surprising given the sometimes quite subtle way the beeb skew things in a certain direction.
The David Lammy Mastermind was quality viewing, but then all the “celebrity” editions are dumbed down to such a degree that its embarrassing, even more so when you come across as so catastrophically stupid, as Lammy did.
He also famously tweeted to complain about “”silly innuendo about the race” and “crass and unnecessary” about a reporter questioning whether black or white smoke would becoming from the Vatican chimney when a new Pope was elected.
BBC1 1 o’clock news. Amazingly the big rise in the FT100 was the second item on the headlines. Second to the Labour leadership contest, of course ! Yawn…………
Listening to Five Live and a”special” Labour leadership hustings.
Interviews with a couple of audience members and yes, yes, they all came across very well indeed (one wonders how the British electorate could have been so blinkered as to have not voted in the party in May).
Correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t recall a “special” hustings during the recent Liberal Democrat contest or when Cameron was elected as Tory leader?
Why does Labour get a “special” dispensation?
Is it because the BBC is the Labour Party’s mouthpiece? Erm, yes
Nor any such sympathy over UKIP’s leadership troubles in months past. Indeed, UKIP, and its four million voters, seems to have been banished from the air by the BBC, which continues to lavish concern and support on a party which, as everyone else knew long ago, is perhaps the most incompetent bunch of clowns ever to have strutted the stage of British politics.
And there’s a thing. If Labour can’t even run its own leadership election, how can anyone in his or her right mind believe it can be fit to run the entire country?
“UKIP, and its four million voters, seems to have been banished from the air by the BBC” – HIGNFY last night (Best of 2014) had just the one recurring theme. Any guesses?
‘If Labour can’t even run its own leadership election, how can anyone in his or her right mind believe it can be fit to run the entire country?’
As the termite-riddled coach and knackered horses the BBC hitched itself to before the actual election that mattered to the voting public, Labour is their only hope to avoid facing the realities of being a media broadcaster in the internet age.
Hence the BBC has to get Labour in somehow, or at the very least propped up as a puppet opposition through whom BBC political activism can be voiced. Clearly the BBC is a bit appalled at how dire the front men and ladies are, but that’s all they have to work with.
Hence, telling it as often as they can and hope no one notices the reality.
Reminds me of the Ralph Miliband episode; front page on most of the media on day one then for the next FIVE days only front page on two outlets. If I were to let slip that the Guardian was one, can you guess the other? The rest lost interest after two days but these two thought it something the whole world wanted to know all about. But then their world does not appear to extend much beyond Islington and W1A
There are brief moments when I have a very slight hint of sympathy for the Labour Party over the mess it has made of the leadership election – but I soon get over it.
For the past couple of years the BBC’s political commentators have been extolling the benefits of open primary elections. Their theory being that you get a better outcome if you don’t restrict the voting to your own supporters. The Labour Party was taken in by the snake oil salesmen and adopted the idea for its leadership election – you don’t have to be a member of the party to choose its next leader, just pay the £3. The predictable result is chaos; proving how unfit for responsibility Labour politicians are.
We are making fun of them for being gullible, but we shouldn’t forget the “political experts” who sold them the idea.
Oh dear Sir Lenny Of Unfunny is bleating again. If he is so keen for all this diversity why doesn’t he set up a BAME entertainment industry where they can please themselves, thing is you can bet that such an organisation wouldn’t allow any reverse diversity.
I don’t know what Sir Len sees when he switches on the bBC, or indeed ITV or Sky, but to me all seem proportionality over diverse. As I said yesterday, back in the early 80’s before he mixed it with Elton and co he was funny and no one noticed his colour.
Whatever the guy has become a millionaire within such a ‘racist’ industry
Ah, “diversity”……… of the favoured buzzwords of the metropolitan latte-swigging elite, who use it as an excuse for any amount of anti-white prejudice and propaganda. Wasn’t there an all-black dance troupe who referred to themselves as “Diversity”, who were about as diverse as half a dozen peas in a pod, and may even have been quintuplets? They won one of these dreadful talent shows (natch) on the basis that they jumped around and were black and were therefore worthy of adulation and reward.
I recall from my years in Africa that, not only are their populations “hideously black”, but that you virtually never saw a white face on TV.
Maybe “Sir” Len would like to set up a campaign for a bit more “diversity” over there.
Or a bit more “diversity” at the Beeb might be welcome, come to that. White, anglo-saxon male, heterosexual presenters appear to have become virtually an endangered species.
Why doesn’t Lenny Henry tell Africa to have more die-vesity, because Africans would quickly realise it was an anti black scam to ethnically cleanse them from their homelands,
This is not “multiculturalism”; it is not “progress”; it is not “diversity”, and it’s not any other silly buzzword. It is simply White Genocide, because they are trying to make us a minority everywhere. Genocide is not about the methods you use, it’s about what you are trying to achieve.
A few other gems from MG tx to Sir Lenny’s latest whinge (I have to say this comment was funny: “Feedback yesfuture – Why is no one congratulating the BBC for doing its best to over represent sex offenders on their pay roll – a rather literal interpretation of ring fencing? Personally, with Calais still the outrage du jour, mentioning ring fencing as a good thing seems… brave):
Ah, so cheaper settled science is being sought? Nifty.
Again, even the Graun readers appear to have reached places BBC market talents cannot reach:
“FrostAndFire – I assume “value for money” simply means “cheaper”. I suspect what most viewers would like is “accurate”, which some bargain weather forecaster isn’t going to provide.”
Actually, in this case, getting BBC-approved rubbish cheaper seems a deal. If you still pay the licence fee.
I wonder why no one has dared expose the lie that is ‘Equality’?
Equality as the Fascist left use it is nothing more than a disguise to allow the illegal use of ‘positive discrimination’ which they were aghast to find was outlawed by non other than the EU and the ‘uman rights act.
So to get around the laws they sought a new word – which they are very good at doing, and have been for some time (separate discussion material here!). Nothing is what at first glance it appears to be everything the left has been doing for the past few decades is a façade to disguise some pretty unpleasant goings on.
Whenever I’m asked by some credulous starry eyed young loon “don’t you believe in equality?” because they’ve believed everything they’re told, they are amazed and confused when they are told the truth which lies behind the lie.
Equality means being equal from top to the bottom, the good with the bad, the rough with the smooth. It does not mean finding a few top jobs for a specified quota of favoured minorities.
How about getting a few more homeless Black people, or women, or Muslims? (ever see a homeless Muslim?) Because that’s the reality of equality.
Just remember when the left decide on a new word just look behind it to find which dirty little secrets it’s hiding.
The solution to alleged racism is always racism. If a selection panel is white and apparently favours white people, then the solution is more black people on the panel. This solution ‘works’ by adding racist blacks to cancel out the racist whites. Once the panel is full of racists of all backgrounds, it becomes ‘representative of society’. The BBC, and other left-wing organisations, never explain things in this way though?
And here I was naively thinking that the solution might be to have non-racists on the panel!
A few years ago I chaired a selection panel that didn’t appoint a candidate from the sub-continent. There was a formal complaint of racial discrimination which put the HR department in a panic until I pointed out that the candidate we had appointed was female, black and from Zimbabwe. In that game of Top Trumps I won.
Only conservatives want to know or worry about the weather. BBC/liberals have much more important things on their minds like climate climate and change change.
All the silly viewers and listeners need to know is that it is getting warmer!
More sob sob about the wave of illegal immigrants from mid day BBc news.. You can tell where they are/ been by the copious piles of rubbish that accompany them. The storyline about Germany accepting them with open arms starts to crumble as their correspondent tells us about neo-Nazis and a growing wave of anti-immigrant feeling in Germany but of course reassures us they are the very small minority.
I find that very improbable (not your comment, Cassandra, but the sentiment expressed by the BBC), but if the Germans really have become that gullible then we honestly need to pull up the drawbridge now.
Throughout history, this blessed aisle has enjoyed a moat that at 22 miles wide at its narrowest has served quite well, if not always totally effectively. Certainly it has made getting what happens over there over here more tricky to effect. Especially when not to our tastes. The Germans may recall the last time this was no bad thing.
I have however noticed, of late, that some market rate talents in politics and supportive media on both sides are now doing their best to resolve this once and for all.
Any xenophobic comments will be severely dealt with.
Now move over and let us re-populate your country with easily-manipulated and gullible Third World peasants, who will be much easier for us to control than that pesky old, educated proletariat. Just hurry up and die out, will you, so we can get on with achieving the new socialist utopia, with us as the priveleged elite.
Not sure if this is exactly what is meant by giving them a warm welcome, but I’m sure that I’ve just heard on R2 3pm news that a building designated for immigrants in Germany has been burnt down.
Anyone catch the discussion on this morning’s Today bemoaning the fact that Sky & BT between them have the rights to the Ashes? Behind it, but unsaid, seemed to be a disbelief that Auntie wasn’t simply handed the rights. I don’t think they could understand the concept of “you want it, you pay for it”. It was, I thought, somewhat brave of them to bemoan the fact that BT & Sky would bundle their product and effectively make you pay for things you didn’t want before you could get the bits you actually wanted, but no-one was around to point out where that sort of thing could lead.
Now, I’m not a cricket fan, so quite honestly the Ashes does nothing for me. Perhaps that’s why I couldn’t grasp why it was that BT getting the 2017/18 Ashes and Sky getting the 2019 Ashes means, according to Justin & Co that you’d need to be paying both of these companies at the same time to watch the Ashes. Couldn’t you take out a contract with BT for the first, then move to Sky afterwards? Does the BBC not understand free market competition, or is it that I don’t understand cricket?
A year or two ago I would have had no hesitation saying that the loss of free real-time TV coverage of the cricket is much less concerning than the prospect of losing TMS, which was an unalloyed joy to listen to. Unfortunately, since the sainted Peter Baxter stepped down, the 5-livation of TMS under the new producer has greatly diminished its appeal. Blowers and Aggers are thankfully still there, and of course Tuffers, who has surprised many of us by being perfectly tuned to the ethos of the programme, and is a huge asset. But Michael Vaughan (of the appalling diction and afflicted by verbal diarrhoea), Graham Swann (so much stupidity and self regard), Ed Smith (largely ignoring his primary job of ball-by-ball commentary, and just wanting a 20 minute discussion) are all hard to take. Indeed, on many occasions switching off is the only refuge.
Last Friday, the BBC celebrated the first two female trainees to graduate as US Army Rangers although the US military ‘has yet to lift a ban on women serving in the fighting force’, Laura Bicker eagerly reports. There is also a plan to allow women ‘access to almost all US military posts’. So, all well and good for the BBC and their brand of feminism.
They don’t seem to be so keen, however, when it comes to reporting the fate of U.S. Green Beret Sgt. 1st Class Charles Martland, described by many of his teammates as the ‘finest soldier they have ever served alongside’ and who is being kicked out of the US Army ‘after he got in trouble for shoving an Afghan police commander accused of raping a boy and beating up his mother’. Neither have they reported on the case of US Navy Lieutenant Commander Tim White who ‘returned fire with his own private weapon during the Islamic jihadist attack upon his Naval Reserve Center’ and who would subsequently, but for a loud public outcry, have faced US military charges.
It appears that, as long as you don’t act like a soldier, there’s a place for anyone in Obama’s ‘fundamentally transformed’ military; what a splendid model for Cameron, the BBC and a ‘fundamentally transformed’ Britain.
In the mad world of liberal left unreality women must serve in every role in the armed forces however unsuited they are. Equality trumps utility every time.
This is civilisational absurdity and yet another marker on the road to the destruction of our culture. Obama does not care about the West or it’s survival . That has been clear for some time.
As goes the USA so will our armed forces. Expect the usual idiots to start wiling and Cameron to say -what a good idea-.
When I joined the Army men had to run a mile and half as a squad in something like 13 minutes and then another mile and half in 11.30. This was while wearing boots. Then we went over to running shoes and the time was dropped down to 10.30. However and a big however women were given 13.30 minutes to do the same . Now before I go on, I understand fully well that women are not built like men and that there are things we can do well, that they can’t and things that do extremely well, that we can’t. In other words we are different. No more so than in putting a pack on your back and tabbing. Years ago as a young lad, I put my name down for an army expedition, off I went to Wales with hundreds of others for 18 people to go to Italy. Guess what I got picked, bloody hard work as all I did for a fortnight was put a bergan on my back and tab. People dropped out on a daily basis and then there was only 18 of us left.
That to me exemplified Darwin’s law of evolution . If a woman is fit enough to pass selection, then good for her. But the fact remains not many will pass the grade, just as not many men pass the grade. Diluting the passmark only helps the enemy and that fact should be driven home at anybody who wants to wear Green/Red or Sand
I shouldn t worry NNN,
… it won t be long before its exactly the same over here. with our forces
I mean if they remember to supply them properly in the first place, that is.
“It appears that, as long as you don’t act like a soldier, there’s a place for anyone in Obama’s ‘fundamentally transformed’ military; what a splendid model for Cameron, the BBC and a ‘fundamentally transformed’ Britain.”
We’re already there. Don’t forget Sergeant Alexander Blackman.
Can anybody please explain why the bBC hasn’t bothered reporting the murder of a 79 year old Muslim in East London who was stabbed to death last night at around 6pm. Also in the attack 13,11 and 2 year old children were stabbed. Anybody know why the bBC hasn’t reported this attack ? Bethnal Green murder: Man held over killing of ‘kindly uncle’ and stabbing of children
OK, by way of disclosure, when it comes to the BBC and surveys, I’m a bit dubious, and perhaps even more so when it is BBC surveys about themselves. It is possible that, in this, I am not alone…
‘A perceived lack of quality from the BBC’s rivals was also a common complaint. Mr O’Donnell said: “The weather on ITV is Mickey Mouse. You can tell that the person who’s reading it doesn’t understand it. Whereas when you watch it on the BBC they clearly know what they’re talking about and put the script together from the research they’ve done. It’s quite a profound difference. I now think the BBC is incredibly good value. I’d probably willingly pay even more. I’m actually quite a good ambassador for the BBC now.”
Bites lip. Especially if Mr. O’D is a Met Office employee.
I’ve got to admit that BBC weather people can wave their arms around very convincingly. I’m not sure that it’s anything to do with understanding though. I think they’ve just been taught to talk and ‘flap’ at the same time – like Donald Duck.
‘I’m a BBC Employee, Get Me In There’ continues, another bBC ‘star’ joins…. (I’m sure someone pointed out earlier that this woman was everywhere). Tick.
Possibly OT (for now), but it would be interesting to see who in the media may, in a unique way, find the necessary funds to provide full coverage of such a colourful celebration of diversity…
Unsure of the connection between the Radio Times and the bBC, always thought it was a bBC publication, if so this bit of ‘propaganda’ won’t be a surprise. (I don’t believe in any way that the ‘two-thirds’ were ever anti licence).
“Two-thirds of viewers opposed to the licence fee changed their minds after just nine days without BBC services”
BBC Pop Up
2 hrs · Where are we going next? Daily hint: This nation has more than one time zone. More hints here:
2hrs in, and still not a soul cares enough to post. Nor could I care enough to find out where next for our gallant latest team of BBC licence fee siphons.
PM on Radio 4 tonight dutifully informs us that the latest illegal immigrants migrants arriving on the Greek island of Lesbos – already struggling to cope with an out-of-control influx of economic scroungers migrants – are ‘getting angry’ at the lack of facilities they have been greeted with.
What were they expecting? A handful of benefits and a council house?
WATO spoke to “refugee” from Northern Iraq who said he’d paid 6000 euro for the trip. When asked his destination he replied the UK where he would work for 5 or 6 years and then go back. Absolutely no challenge from the Beeb front man. And they still call them asylum seekers!
I watched Lucy Worsley interview with Sir Roy Strong and it was very good. Well done BBC for putting on a hour long programme in which an eminent figure from the arts said that the BBC had lost its way, New Labour had destroyed the notion of nationhood in Britain, had also wrecked the education system and that multiculturalism was garbage. I agree with him on all points.
I noted that Lucy seemed uncomfortable with some of his more caustic remarks about New Labour and Blairism as he put it. I also noted that she made a telling slip of the tongue when talking about his time as director of the V & A. She said that it was in the 80’s when he had to sack a lot of staff because of cuts to the V&A government grant, ie when the Tories were in power. He corrected her and said actually it was 1977 when the socialists were in power that the axe fell. She then tried to smear Lady Thatcher but he said that it was Lady T who in fact gave him what he wanted and freed the V& A from government control and so allowed him to run it more like a business. He did this by telling a positive anecdote about Lady T. Later he said that when immigrants previously arrived in Britain they assimilated and adopted the values of their new home , whilst maintaining many of their traditions.He cited the Huguenots and the Jews as examples. He reflected that sadly this wasn’t happening with the current waves of immigrants. Presumably this is one of his major problems with multiculturalism. He also spoke strongly ( forgive the pun) of how he loved the ideas , culture , law and civilisation that Britain had given to the world and deeply regretted that these things were now despised in the country of their birth. Another swipe at Blairism as he puts it.
Somehow I don’t think that the BBC got what they expected!! But well done to them for putting on a programme on which such a doyen of the British arts establishment rubbished just about everything that the corporation now stands for!
Lucy Worsley started in the time-honoured Albeeb style of declaring that she had always been a great fan of Dr. Strong.I was suspicious at this as I had read that she has hard left views .
I believe that, nevertheless and in true snide BBC fashion, she had stored up her leftist ammunition against Strong in the form of anti-Thatcher remarks in the knowledge that he was a true traditionalist.
She certainly displayed her hive Albeeb mentality on this occasion but Strong trounced her on all counts.
He trashed Blair ,Brown ,Multiculturalism ,and Diversity.
Pure joy to see the Leftist out-manouevred .
Usually , the views antithetical to the Leftist/Cultural Marxist view would not have made it to broadcast.
Let’s have more of Roy Strong ,and Roger Scruton ,and Delingpole ,and Farage and……let’s have a list of other favourite sons and daughters made up by Biased BBC contributors?
Guido currently featuring BBC Item ‘PEOPLE CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT BBC’:
On the most populous blog in the land, followed by some MPs, political media reporters, there is not one of the fast streaming posts that is in support of the organisation.
One assumes the BBC itself will be registering this?
Surely this tells us that people like ‘media’ rather than the BBC ! The BBC is so dominant in the UK that switching it off leaves a big hole. Of course if the switch off was permanent the hole would quickly be filled. But as new media companies spring up and grow the dominance of the BBC is slowly reducing.
But the BBC should be pleased because when they are forced to become a subscription service they should have no shortage of customers who are addicted to their leftist lies and propaganda. However the longer they leave the move to subscription the more competition will eat into their ‘captive’ audience, who are increasingly realising that the BBC doesn’t represent their views or care about them at all. So come on BBC trust your own research and take the plunge into the world of subscription.
Oh I should warn you that you won’t get a penny from me!
In the car this afternoon I hear BBC reporter Daniel Sandford refer to Harvey Proctor thus “he was a right, right, right Conservative MP” on 5 Live, and then later on PM on Radio Four he referred to him as “a very right-wing (former) MP”.
I don’t recall Lord Janner being similarly described as to which particular wing of the Labour party he was attached, given the similarity of accusation, and of course, its relevance to the story.
Then I get home to hear Vicky Young on the Six o’clock BBC news doing a hagiographic piece about Yvette Cooper…..
“..the CV is impressive, and in Cambridge today Ms. Cooper drew a large crowd, keen to show she was up to the fight.”
Then cut to a brief shot of her speech, getting cheers when she says she’d relish taking on David Cameron. Then Vicky runs down her CV in more detail and mentions her ‘eye-catching policies’ including universal child care and a cut in corporation tax. She then does a one to one with her and lets her drone on about feminism etc., and tails the piece with more worthy propaganda. No mention of the expenses difficulties of course, when she and her fat **** of a husband were claiming left ring and centre for all sorts, flipping homes and putting the Tesco bills at the feet of the electorate.
I switched on the radio just before 4 pm this afternoon and thought I’d try Radio 4. I caught the end of what sounded like an interesting programme on Nell Gwyn and thought I’d struck lucky for an interesting hour of radio. Then the continuity announcer told me that the next programme was Thabiso Mohare talking to South African writers about writing in post-apartheid South Africa, followed by a programme on George Washington Williams, who wrote the first history of African Americans .
It seemed that I’d just missed today’s BBC programme for British listeners. Thank God for Planet Rock.
Caught a bit of the George Washington Williams story. Apparently he was a liar and and an adulterer, the rogue! Just part of his free spirit.
Our expert was apologetic about the Republican party being anti-slavery and the Democrats pro, but then they sort of flipped over in more recent times, so that’s all right then. Also some difficulties about race, ‘white’ people thought they were a different race to ‘black’ people, (they aren’t) but ‘black’ people are a different race to ‘white’ people, (of course). Some ‘blacks’ in the north got to fight against slavery in the civil war, (no mention of the free ‘blacks’ in the south who also fought in the civil war though).
Then to top it all our hero went and died in non-exotic Blackpool so we got a few titters about that until they realised that this programme might actually be heard by people in Blackpool so a bit of backtracking, (politicians even have conferences there!). Quite appropriate really, BLACKpool! Not-PC so not funny.
More has to be done for migrant rights, says a UN expert, fully reported by the BBC as if there was no alternative to his proposals.
Migration is here to stay, is the message. Deal with it.
Three/four shot dead in France – in a traveller camp. Not reported by the state broadcaster here who will make a decision whether to describe it as a racist far right hate crime, or something that will have to presented in such a way as to prevent a backlash – a criminal matter not connected with terrorism, as the Telegraph reports from the local police.
Lucy PevenseyMar 9, 21:27 Weekend 8th March 2025 The plot thickens
FlotsamMar 9, 21:22 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Graham Greene wrote a brilliant novel, “The Comedians” (does anyone read books any more?). It was about a bunch of…
DeborahMar 9, 21:21 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Dr John Campbell on YouTube has reviewed some Covid vaccination research which may have indicated that the vaccine has compromised…
tomoMar 9, 21:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Oh yeah, that’s a good idea…
atlas_shruggedMar 9, 21:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Five Years On, the UK Refuses to Learn the Lessons of the Covid Catastrophe The US has changed direction…
Capita – BBC Audience Services, Belfast
BBC complaints are sent to a Capita office in Darlington that also does the TV licensing job for the BBC. The complaints are then forwarded to a 400 strong Capita office in Belfast that deals with complaints under an audience services contract with the BBC that is due to lapse on 31st March 2016.
In 2014/15 the Crapita office received 259,886 complaints, of which 583 complaints where sent on to the BBC, the 30 strong BBC Editorial Complaints Unit in London. Letters from “BBC Complaints” are mostly from Capita employees, some of these Capita employees are former BBC staff, but most are Capita employees who have never been employed by the BBC. Senior staff in the Belfast office are: Head of Communications and Complaints: Keith Jones, Complaints Manager: Lee Rogers, Senior Complaints Advisers: Paul Moseley and Sarah Greatrex, and Complaints Advisers: David Larner and Sean Moss.
The Capita moderation services operation for the BBC is the largest online comment censorship setup in the UK. Only comments that the company are unable to classify in accordance with the published guidelines and house rules are passed on to the BBC’s Online Moderation Services team based in Salford, for a decision of whether or not to implement censorship. Moderation services team leader Paul Wakely also try’s to steer the blog discussions by posting new developments within the threads, or reminding people of the original topic. And finally, the BBC’s Nick Reynolds closes down the Internet Blog comments. More information about other people in these service teams is available for a Government Review submission.
Now Chris Briant is calling the Governments review a con, while the real con is the BBC’s own shadow review being advertised on the BBC TV channels as we speak. This BBC con is meant to divert Review submissions to the BBC’s crapita system, where your submission would be binned if it was critical, or eventually submitted to the Government review by the BBC, if you praise the BBC.
So thanks Geoff, as all it needed was for me to ask the right people, the right questions. And with the BBC’s poor record on Freedom of Information requests, it might be better to submit requests to Capita in future.
Wow! Names, places, organisation – an eye-opener for me.
Knowing you’re likely to be modded off if your views do not serve the Corp’s purposes, half the point of sending comments is simply to ruffle their feathers slightly and at least give them an internal reminder that they’re so out of tune with their audiences. You stand no chance of an open conversation with the inmates, but you might think at least you could grab their attention for a millisecond.
If they don’t even reach the BBC itself, there seems no point whatever in corresponding with some dead-and-buried outsourcing organisation who might as well be operating out of the Phillipines for all the corporate accountability they possess.
Given a choice between submitting your opinion to be treated to the attentions of an industrial-sized shredder, and sending them to BiasedBBC, I know which I prefer. Really, what is the point!
Richard, I am impressed that you have been able to find such detail and thank you for putting it on this blog. I explains why our complaints are answered as they frequently are, ie by a formula which is ‘we, the BBC know best, now get lost’. I have always tried to pose complaints as questions but usually am so cross that what I thought was a closed question has enough of a gap for the usual response. Message to self ‘must try harder’
What’s the betting one or more of the above are the rabid and aggressive pro bBC ‘commentors’ on the Digital Spy forums, certain names do keep cropping up. Remember Digital Spy is often used as a reference for showbiz news on the Radio 2 afternoon show.
You might find this interesting.,6065.0/nowap.html
It alludes to one over exuberant pro bBC chap doing 8+ hour days on the site, being paid to do so??
Mikw could be Michelle Wiggins, she is a capita employee based in Belfast. As you can see she started posting shortly after Capita got its contract in April 2006.
The BBC have said that they will cease using the Met office as a source for weather predictions….cue the hapless, wretched Harrabins head spinning off and exploding….i hope.
Is it so the BBC can now report on the Met Office’s role in ‘climate science’ with due impartiality?
(A herd of pigs just swooped down and shat all over the patio windows.)
Is there no tiny niche of Waycism in the US that the revolting BBC won’t attempt to winkle out and attack?
“The US is in the midst of a barbecue boom. But as television programmes and restaurants celebrate mostly white pitmasters, are the cuisine’s African-American roots being forgotten? ”
So they find an elderly Black guy working in his fast food take away joint and MOAN that he isn’t being lionised by the clearly waycist Americans (death to America!)
When there’s nothing to moan about make something up!
Historical accusations of Waycism include Gershwin’s Porgy & Bess and Longfellow’s Hiawatha yet the BBC have no difficulty in broadcasting either of them, now either these accusations were entirely wrong – in which case we can have no confidence in any of todays calls, or the BBC are total hypocrites only interested in name calling when it suits them, and having no real respect for the tool of oppression ‘racism’ actually is.
Sometimes the BBC inadvertently produces a comedy article in its attempts to produce ‘serious’ left wing propaganda.
This article about ISIS and the Islamist inspired war in that region will have you laughing out loud, so silly is it.
Did you know that we should be thanking the wonderful ISIS for their special contribution to the fight against global warming (amongst many other things)!
Apparantly it’s true!
Although I dare say attempting to return the world to the state of the Middle ages would inevitably cause a slow down in greenhouse gas emissions.
One good thing about that though – no electricity – no BBC !
“But in nearby Lebanon, there was a “drastic” rise of up to 30% of the same pollutant, thanks to the influx of refugees. The scientists say that this was very unusual as economic growth in Lebanon declined significantly at the same time. “
So if we want a ‘greener’ Europe we shouldn’t be taking in any refugees?
The BBC still believe global warming is a recent, man-made phenomenon, as per Mann’s hockey stick graph (which totally obliterated the Medieval Warm Period).
And just when you thought the BBC wouldn’t try to copy the US mega successful ‘Transparent’ series being shown on Amazon they’ve decided to produce some propaganda of their own.
Unlike the US series it almost certainly will want to moralise, oppress, and force left wing views down viewers throats.
Transgender sitcom Boy Meets Girl ‘will raise profile’
Note – Not transgender sitcom will be a great watch and will make you smile, that’s not the objective – you have to be ‘educated’.
There’s always an agenda with the BBC, and these days they have no need to even hide it.
Charity race for children’s hospice where runners dress in drag is ‘a hate crime’
A transgender charity has reported the fun run to the police, saying “We do not need to give the bigots any more ammunition”
Sometimes you really do have to pinch yourself.
Saw on SKY News a mob of invaders in Calais screaming ” We want to live, we want to live,” translated ” We want a 50 inch television set, an I-phone and a years subscription to SKY sports.” Who knew France was suffering from war, famine and persecution ? I’d like to live too, in Monte Carlo, do you think if I turned up at their border they’d give me a villa for free or tell me to get lost ? Meanwhile charities, useful idiots with heads full of mush Tim Woolrich are giving the invaders bicycles. The bongo madness continues.
1min 50 …
Beebot – Aren t you helping migrants get into the UK?
Iain Duncan Smith, – absolutely I am.
I remember,” you better get on your bike” you see
… its our new policy, marvellous!
What do you call an invader on a bicycle ? answer, a crime spree.
A modest gem of a programme tucked away on BBC4 last Sunday evening. A programme that gradually broke out of, & was critical of, our national broadcaster’s self-imposed straitjacket of multicultural PC mediocrity. It gave an English scholar, historian, & ‘celebrity’ museum director not only the chance to take a tour through his many life achievements, but also the opportunity to comment on the current state of the nation state, & bemoan its cultural destruction by politically motivated vandals. He was witty, erudite & entertaining.
When Lucy(Worsley) met Roy: Sir Roy Strong at 80
A few comments I jotted down:
‘The BBC has lost it…Toadying to the lowest aspects of society.’
‘Western Europe is weak at the moment’ he said with deep regret, before going on to stress the paramount importance of the Classical influence we derived from Ancient Greece & our Christian tradition.
‘Blair & New Labour were anti-history’ (We all know why)…’I despise the dregs of Blairism’…I am utterly sick of PC.
‘With England, Scotland, Ireland & Wales we HAD A DIVERSITY, in unity. A common heritage, little left of it now.’
He stressed the crucial ‘importance of our heritage’ as a binding force that immigrants, such as the Jews & Huguenots could identify with yet still retain their traditions, whereas now, ‘multiculturalism divides.’
At the end he said he was an ‘unashamed monarchist…loyal to Queen & Country & all it stood for.’
There was much more that made for a quietly uplifting programme. A very rare sensation, these days.
Mmm. ‘Hidden away’ indeed. R4, Sunday evening. Rather like ‘A point of View’, which carried a short series of talks by Roger Scruton – high-powered, in much the same vein as Mr Strong. I really recommend finding them if you can, but all these ‘counterbalancing’ views, however eminent their protagonists, are inevitably hidden. I guess in this way they serve to buttress the laughable pretension to impartiality, without ever being at risk of being heard by most people.
Yes I thought it was excellent
Here’s the Sir Roy Strong interview
This morning President Hollande presents medals to those brave chaps who tackled the Muslim maniac ( gunmen on the BBC ) intent on killing as many people as possible. This afternoon President Hollande calls for all members of the EU to take their fair share of migrants. These migrants are overwhelmingly Muslim and we have been told that ISIS are mixing in as many fighters as they can to cause mayhem later. Is this man incredibly stupid?
The Germans, Swedes and Austrians seem to be indulging in some sort of masochistic competition to see who is the “Humanitarian Superpower” in Europe. The Germans already had 250,000 outstanding asylum applications before they decided to let 800,000 more in to date. Asylum reception centres are being subject to arson attacks and “peace loving” Muslims are causing the German authorities problems by rioting. At the reception centre in Suhl, for example, there was a mass riot because the Syrian “refugees ” accused an Afghan of desecrating a Koran. Secret ISIS supporters? The media is full of morality tales about simple Bavarian folk discovering their humanity and volunteering to help asylum seekers at an empathetic and human level. Seeing desperate children smile is all the reward we want. In the next momemt, however, there are calls for the hard-hearted British to take their fair share. Unfortunately, simple-minded, Pollyannism will leave everyone worse off. Ma Merkel as Chancellor must swear an oath to avert harm from the German people. Promoting cultural suicide is a strange way of keeping this promise.
The Swedes have long ago gone insane. The German elite is presumably guilt ridden after the war and Merkel is ex East anyway and the Austrians likewise. I don’t believe a word of it – the news coming from those countries. Trouble on the way I fear.
Something very odd happened to Merkel a few months ago. Within the space of a few short weeks, she went from describing Islam as ‘incompatible with Western culture’ to condemning the anti Islamisation protests and has never condemned Islam since.
No one really knows what happened but my money is on her having been offered sums significantly large enough by Sunni Oil Rich states to have a permanent change of heart.
“When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.” -Sherlock Holmes
Once the 800,000 German asylum seekers are processed and given documents, is there anything to stop them travelling to other parts of the EU?
Will they have the same EU rights as everyone else?
Today Ma Merkel has been visiting Marxloh/Duisburg. 60% of the population are immigrants. Turks from yesteryear and a recent influx of hyperenrichers from Bulgaria and Rumania. Lebanese crime families are also well represented. Essentially, this is a no-go area for police as they are attacked regularly when they try to prevent street disorder and other forms of cultural expression which are illegal in Germany. Even when presented by evidence like this, Merkel will continue to exhort the German people to welcome any number of “desperate” people into the country and call anyone who thinks this is complete and utter madness ” hard-hearted” or a Nazi. Supposedly, the real reason for this obsession with “being a country open to immigration” is the projected population aging and lack of young people to look after the gaga. But unless immigrants have discovered the secret of eternal youth, they too will grow old and need care. This is just the logic of a Ponzi scheme applied to demographics.
I see BBC are having a series of interviews of potential labour leaders over the next few days Liz kendall being the first today.
Strange how no other political party searching for a new leader has had open access to the BBC like labour who are basically pushing Labour politics for free at prime time viewing down our throats.
I have already voted, and doubtlessly many more.
Perhaps the BBC should be asking the Labour Party daily what proportion of the 600,000 or so have voted, and as that increases decrease the amount of free publicity awarded.
They have obviously set themselves up for rather large questioning of their (lack of) coverage of the next Tory campaign.
BBC must be gloating. Hammond accepts the Obama/Kerry/BBC view on the Iran deal.
‘The foreign secretary acknowledged there were no guarantees the Iranian regime would not pursue a nuclear weapons programme in the future, but “you have to make a judgement”.
“My judgement is that whatever Iran has or hasn’t been doing in the past, the regime, the Iranian people, have come to the conclusion that pursuing, or being believed to pursue, an illegal military nuclear programme just imposes too great a cost on Iran,” he said.’
Peace in our time eh. No mention of serious criticism of the deal, how the nuclear sites will be scrutinised or not.
How the hell would that idiot Hammond know what the Iranian people think ?
He probably thinks Shia and Sunni think the same about everything. Far from the truth. There seems to be a strong streak of wishing to hasten the end of times in Shia thought. Nuclear weapons make it easier to bring about the end of the world and letting Iran off the hook was about as stupid as it gets .
I note that Five Live got all moralistic in reporting Usain Bolt’s win over “two times drug cheat” Justin Gatlin.
Now, don’t get me wrong, I firmly believe that those who are caught flouting the drugs or blood doping rules should be banned for life.
However, as the rules stand, that is not the case and thus Gatlin has served his time and is entitled to race. Not that it has stopped the “impartial” BBC hyping up the Good v Evil angle.
Telling that Gatlin wouldn’t give Auntie an interview after the event.
Also telling how they never refer to Christine Ohuruogu as;
“the athlete who committed a doping violation and was banned from competing” or
“the athlete who threatened to leave Britain and compete for another country if her Olympic ban wasn’t lifted”.
Or Mo Farah as “the athlete who happily took funding from the British taxpayer in his early career but upped and moved to the USA to avoid paying UK tax once he’d made it big”.
Maybe it’s just me but I seem to recall that recently Jeremiah Corbynus equated the actions of American soldiers with those of the evil scum, ISIS. Now, forgive me if I’m wrong but surely for a potential leader of the opposition to cast such despicable slurs is worthy of major news and controversy. However, the BBC don’t see to have mentioned it in any detail. I ‘wonder’ why? Could it be that the yoghurt-knitting arts and crafts brigade at the BBC agree with JC?
Last I’m Sorry I Haven’t A Clue of the present series finaled on two anti Labour jokes spoken by Susan Calman.
I believe much is scripted now, so who wrote them we shall probably never know, but one must suspect their employment at the BBC may be short lived.
A good edition in my book.
Jack Dee a worthy successor to Humph, in my book.
Elocution test for foreign correspondent applicants at the BBC:
‘Please could you read the 4 words printed on this sheet’
‘Hoy noy broyn coy’
‘You’ll do nicely’.
I see the spineless, pathetic grovelling BBC are calling those scum Islamic State ‘so-called Islamic State’. I’m sorry but these SCUM ARE ‘ISLAMIC’ and so are the dozens of other terrorist groups across the world who seek to impose Islam on others.
I wonder if the BBC would exercise this type of lily-livered caution (cowardice) if a Buddhist, Christian, Hindu or Jewish terror group went around causing evil mayhem the world over? No; there would ZERO use of the term ‘so-called’. The BBC, Sky News and Channel Snore really are a pathetic bunch of politically correct bum lickers.
Islam is causing untold horrors the world over, but yet the Left are so craven, so petrified of getting beaten up by Muslim extremists they hide behind these pitiful PC excuses and euphemisms; I suppose deep down they probably do know that Islam poses the biggest threat to world peace humanity has faced since Hitler, but to admit this would be to confess to their own abject gutlessness, feebleness, treachery, irresponsibility and downright foolishness. The far-Left really are disgusting in every way.
What does it take for the BBC to realise that there is one hell of a problem with Islam and extremist and terrorist behaviour?
Islam IS extreme … its totalitarian, that view of Islam which does not necessarily entail violence
Islam IS terrorism … “Mohamhead, perfect example for adherents to follow – “I have been made victorious with terror” Bukhari (4.52.220)
Islam is Islam, accept no imitations … Islamic State the clues in the name
“Islamic State the clues in the name”
And that would be the name which must never be spoken without some kind of qualification by the BBC? Or the one which our toadying corrupt MPs at the behest of the Saudis would like to change to ‘Daesh’ ?
Exactly… most of us on this site also realise that there is one hell of a problem with the BBC too. Perhaps we should play them at their own game and refer to them as the ‘so called British Broadcasting Corporation’ or more precisely the ‘so called British’ Broadcasting Corporation because there is not much pro- real Britain emanating from it these days, and even less pro-English. Their insidious influence over recent years almost has one feeling reluctant to claim Englishness or Britishness for fear of upsetting someone who is not.
Amongst all the increasingly overt bias, omission of obvious news items, Corbynitis, continual excuses for islamic terrorism, etc, etc. that so enrages, there are occasional gems that show the BBC can produce good things. I mention yesterday’s beautifully conducted interview of Roy Strong by Lucy Worsley on BBC 4.
Caught five minutes of the simon mayo show on radio two earlier. The beeb financial expert was talking about the Chinese financial collapse and he said that people were putting their money into the euro, as it had had its problems but had now turned the corner and was a safe bet.i myself have no idea if this is true but I can’t see it, can anyone enlighten me to the truth, or was this pure bbbc pro euro bs?
Brett, Looking purely at today, the Euro continued to slide against the Pound but there was a small rally in mid- afternoon, so no real evidence of the BBC pundits statement. However, there is an argument that the Euro is at a low and it is a good time to buy. Personally, I would continue to hold pounds. But time will tell. The BBC always gloat when markets generally fall and tend to go quiet when they rise again. Peston was on BBC News at 6 talking his usual crap. History proves he almost always gets it wrong.
Thanks grant, I assumed that it was bs, and as I am typing this, peston is doing his camp ,over dramatic, patronising thing on news at ten… never ends eh?
Yes, Peston is one of those wealthy left-wing ideologues who tries to fit reality into his political view. On the BBC website now the heading on his article is “Will we all get poorer ? “. My answer is ” Well you won’t, but the rest of us will if we get another Labour government “.
Channel 5 tonight 10pm Muslim drag queens. ”Powerful documentary meeting members of Britain’s clandestine Muslim drag queen community. How do gay Muslims publicly reconcile their sexuality with their cultural identity and traditions?” Meanwhile over on BBC 1. Trans Sexual Stories. Absolutely no agenda.
None of these tambourine tapping gender equality crusaders ever seem to openly confront this flagrant Islamic fascism towards the gay community. Too busy picking on easy targets, I suppose, like Christian B & B owners and bakers. I wonder what would happen if Adam and Steve turned up at a mosque in East London demanding gay and transgender rights? They’d no doubt be arrested for racist hate crimes!
Feminazis and militant gay rights brigades are all petrified of confronting Muslim over their third attitudes towards gays and minority groups. Probably for the same reasons that the police and social services were too cowardly to confront Muslim paedo gangs in Rotherham.
Look east tonight, resume the daily puff piece on jezza corbyn , apparently he is so popular that the planned venue in Cambridge had to be cancelled because it doesn’t hold enough people. But why is he such a phenomenon? Wheeled on expert says it’s because he always gives straight answers and people like him for it. Thats lovely, bbbc, ask him about his terrorist friends and sympathy then , no?
Corbyn mania ,if that is what it is amongst the perenially upset liberal classes, does show that it is very easy for a demagogue to rise to prominence.
By that token a seriously impressive conservative realist could equally rise to a position of power very fast. All it takes is events. And those events are looking more and more likely.
If Corbyn makes leader then it will validate this theory.
Has the BBC mentioned that Corbyn comes from a wealthy family and was brought up in a large house in Wiltshire ?
Delicious article by Quentin Letts about the BBC cancelling its £30m p.a. contract with the Met Office. (Letts was viciously criticised – including death threats – by climate alarmists after a fairly innocuous programme he presented a month ago.)
A taste of Nemesis for the overblown and out-of-kilter Met Office.
Lovely comment from the Bishop Hill site (by golf-charlie) –
“If the Met Office had spent zero money trying to prove global warming, and concentrated on weather forecasts, they might have remembered what they were actually supposed to do.
If someone is employed to pick up litter in Hyde Park, you do not expect them to appoint themselves “Big Game Hunter”, and spend other peoples money patrolling The Serpentine lake protecting the public from Great White Sharks, especially if they get so engrossed, they forget to pick up any litter.”
Up to now Harrabin and the other alarmists at the BBC have had easy access to the Met Office for supporting comments and onterpretations on their Warmist nonsense. Now that relations look to be a bit frosty, maybe Harrabin will not get such easy support.
I see the Moroccan gentleman carrying an automatic rifle and nearly 300 rounds of ammunition, travelling on the high speed train in France is still described as a “suspected terrorist” – WTF?
Presumably to be defined simply as a “terrorist”, he’d have needed to shoot 40 or 50 people dead or caused the train to derail – and killed everyone on board.
Seems as if the go to places now to get your weapons are parks near stations in Brussels. The BBC appear to believe the “suspected terrorist” and what his lawyer is telling the world.
Next we will hear than Iran just happened to find a couple of ready made nuclear weapons behind the kitchen door of the newly opened British Mission in Tehran and removed them for safe keeping. They will believe that as well.
Damn, I knew I had mislaid my AK47 somewhere.
Not enough dead commuters, clearly, to meet rigorous BBC ‘reporting’ requirements.
It will be interesting to see what ‘analysis’ by an arch moral-relativist such as Mishal Husain can produce down the line.
I noticed another thread of ‘thinking’ on this from the BBC yesterday. The incident was described as a ‘botched’ act of terrorism. This insinuates some odd kind of blame attaches to the individual for not succeeding in carrying out his act of religious slaughter (or ‘robbery’). It also inserts a weird ‘natural disaster’ note into the account, again.
Churchill knew the value to morale of daring to ridicule your enemies. This is not like that – it is I think a deliberate attempt to demean and diminish the heroism of those who risked their lives to tackle the terrorist, by making him less of a terrorist and more of a candidate for the Darwin awards. This happened with the ‘shoe bomber’ in the wake of 9/11.
There is obviously a lot of thought going into all the BBC’s reporting now, but I don’t know if it is explicit and intelligent, or if it just flows automatically from the power of a skewed world-view to infest every tiny mote of an utterance.
It was the terrorist’s fault for not being professional enough. Better training required.
Where has the Islamic Bangkok Bomber gone BBC?
ever since that was revealed Al BBC interest has waned.
Even the fave BBC “lone wolf” tag has failed, seeing as he has at least 10
compatriots in genocidal Islamic terror.
A “possible Islamist” connection was the last I heard on the ministry of truth a few days ago.
The Islamic cabal enablers in the enemedia, and No10 are literally racing each other to the bottom of the Islamic sand pit, they are pitiful, traitors quislings and cowards,
No10 does not have a single vertebrae between the lot of them, they consistently malign and hammer the poorest/most vulnerable in our society, our own people, whilst lining their own pockets
off of the back of them, and selling off what their parents built and spilled blood for.
They are up the Islamic petrodollar arse as far as they can get, and allow Islamic infiltration because of it, its filthy lucre … they are a disgrace
To be fair, there’s only so much space and time across scores of TV and radio channels and online pages to properly address the labour leader election, so clearly certain ‘non news’ ((c) A. Newsroom Tealady) stories outside BBC agenda remit will inevitably fall foul of BBC editorial integrity triage.
“The Tube strike that was supposed to start tonight, now, isn’t”
Do we detect a note of regret from Asad Ahmad on BBC London News this morning?
Most Londoners are heartily sick of being held to ransom by a tiny group of politically motivated wannabe-Bob-Todd union barons. Our views are not sufficiently reflected by our BBC. Asad Ahmad could have cracked a smile when he delivered what is basically good news.
The BBCs ‘One Show’ finally got there last night, a female presenter and a black male presenter!
….But that wasn’t all, the female presenter was white minority, the guest was Indian (Baskhar) and the presenter of the first report was the Asian actor from Eastenders, I believe doing a report on 1970’s Asian immigrants, the TV didn’t stay on long enough to find out.
It’s not the people, its the agenda, excluded I certainly felt!
You know more than I do….your telly clearly stayed on longer than the two minutes mine did!
Sometimes the BBC takes an argument right to the very edge, but fails to make the leap.
On Radio 4 Today an article about why Islamic state is not Mediaeval. The interviewee made a good case as to why they were fully modernised, using all modern communication devices, weaponry, and techniques, he suggested that as soon as anything is invented, there’s a malign mind seeking a way to use it for harm.
They actually suggested that ISIS were worse than mediaeval because of this use of technology. It was just the lack of that oh so obvious question which spoiled it. If not Mediaeval thinking then what is driving ISIS?
Of course the BBC are still pedalling the lie that ISIS are ‘perverting Islam’, but never ever will they explore how that is happening, in my opinion, because they know that they are not, and its the peaceful Muslims who are perverting their faith.
The BBC never ask why terrorists are not perverting any other faith than Islam ?
Not exactly bias (but perhaps it might be…)…
Anyone see the travesty of a programme about the Indian railways – ‘World’s Busiest Railway’, specifically in Bombay (sorry, Mumbai…) last evening?
I have seen several documentaries about the subject in the last couple of years, all of them excellent.
Last night we had the Three Amigos (Dan Snow, Robert Llewellyn, and the awful Anita Rani) “showing us around”, assisted in an uncharacteristically weak way, by John Sergeant (who was good in his own programme about the subject, previously)…
I have to say that I thought I was watching a kid’s programme, a la Blue Peter, so patronisingly puerile was it. Ms Rani was particularly difficult because a). she talked too much (as did Mr. Snow), b) she seemed aggressive and shouty and intimidating, and Robert Llewellyn’s contribution left me thinking he was teaching primary school kids. They all appeared to “present” in a manner which seemed to acknowledge that their audience was a bunch of stupid cretins.
My immediate impression was that I could have gleaned all I needed to know by simply watching, if they had all shut the fuck up.
I shan’t be bothering with the rest of the series.
Dumbing down has descended to a new level.
I switched off after 20 minutes. I agree with you . It was puerile and an insult to the viewer. If this is what the BBC spends taxpayers money on then it needs to be called to account. Rubbish I would not have inflicted on my grandchildren.
Its celebrate India season on the beeb, so I guess there will be more of this sort of thing going on.
Perhaps in Indian version of bake off, will that Naan have a soggy bottom ? Or strictly come Bollywood, maybe Country file will do an edition from rural India, is that Suttee causing global warming ?
I can hardly contain myself.
I had to laugh at Mastermind the other night, one bloke whose specialist subject was Stalin only got 6 points (he didn’t even know that Uncle Joe’s nickname was Uncle Joe !)
But in the general knowledge round he got the easiest questions possible, an average twelve year old could have answered them. I’m guessing its not bias, as I suppose had someone else been as stupid as him they’d have gone first in the general knowledge and got the same questions, but people who seem a bit lefty do seem to get an easier ride.
Paranoia ? It’s hardly surprising given the sometimes quite subtle way the beeb skew things in a certain direction.
Anyway he still never won, so happy days.
Remember David Lammy? Tee-hee…
The David Lammy Mastermind was quality viewing, but then all the “celebrity” editions are dumbed down to such a degree that its embarrassing, even more so when you come across as so catastrophically stupid, as Lammy did.
He also famously tweeted to complain about “”silly innuendo about the race” and “crass and unnecessary” about a reporter questioning whether black or white smoke would becoming from the Vatican chimney when a new Pope was elected.
…and he’s considered a Labour golden boy.
Who acceded to the English throne at the age of 9 on the death of his father Henry VIIIth in 1547?
“Erm…….Henry VIIth?
Yeah, that’s right Dave, Henry VIIth
Thick as fuckin pigshit.
FT 100 up 2.74 % so far today. Should be headline news on BBC lunchtime ?
BBC1 1 o’clock news. Amazingly the big rise in the FT100 was the second item on the headlines. Second to the Labour leadership contest, of course ! Yawn…………
Listening to Five Live and a”special” Labour leadership hustings.
Interviews with a couple of audience members and yes, yes, they all came across very well indeed (one wonders how the British electorate could have been so blinkered as to have not voted in the party in May).
Correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t recall a “special” hustings during the recent Liberal Democrat contest or when Cameron was elected as Tory leader?
Why does Labour get a “special” dispensation?
Is it because the BBC is the Labour Party’s mouthpiece? Erm, yes
Nor any such sympathy over UKIP’s leadership troubles in months past. Indeed, UKIP, and its four million voters, seems to have been banished from the air by the BBC, which continues to lavish concern and support on a party which, as everyone else knew long ago, is perhaps the most incompetent bunch of clowns ever to have strutted the stage of British politics.
And there’s a thing. If Labour can’t even run its own leadership election, how can anyone in his or her right mind believe it can be fit to run the entire country?
“UKIP, and its four million voters, seems to have been banished from the air by the BBC” – HIGNFY last night (Best of 2014) had just the one recurring theme. Any guesses?
Whatever it was, they would be impartial. Apparently.
‘If Labour can’t even run its own leadership election, how can anyone in his or her right mind believe it can be fit to run the entire country?’
As the termite-riddled coach and knackered horses the BBC hitched itself to before the actual election that mattered to the voting public, Labour is their only hope to avoid facing the realities of being a media broadcaster in the internet age.
Hence the BBC has to get Labour in somehow, or at the very least propped up as a puppet opposition through whom BBC political activism can be voiced. Clearly the BBC is a bit appalled at how dire the front men and ladies are, but that’s all they have to work with.
Hence, telling it as often as they can and hope no one notices the reality.
Reminds me of the Ralph Miliband episode; front page on most of the media on day one then for the next FIVE days only front page on two outlets. If I were to let slip that the Guardian was one, can you guess the other? The rest lost interest after two days but these two thought it something the whole world wanted to know all about. But then their world does not appear to extend much beyond Islington and W1A
There are brief moments when I have a very slight hint of sympathy for the Labour Party over the mess it has made of the leadership election – but I soon get over it.
For the past couple of years the BBC’s political commentators have been extolling the benefits of open primary elections. Their theory being that you get a better outcome if you don’t restrict the voting to your own supporters. The Labour Party was taken in by the snake oil salesmen and adopted the idea for its leadership election – you don’t have to be a member of the party to choose its next leader, just pay the £3. The predictable result is chaos; proving how unfit for responsibility Labour politicians are.
We are making fun of them for being gullible, but we shouldn’t forget the “political experts” who sold them the idea.
Oh dear Sir Lenny Of Unfunny is bleating again. If he is so keen for all this diversity why doesn’t he set up a BAME entertainment industry where they can please themselves, thing is you can bet that such an organisation wouldn’t allow any reverse diversity.
I don’t know what Sir Len sees when he switches on the bBC, or indeed ITV or Sky, but to me all seem proportionality over diverse. As I said yesterday, back in the early 80’s before he mixed it with Elton and co he was funny and no one noticed his colour.
Whatever the guy has become a millionaire within such a ‘racist’ industry
Ah, “diversity”……… of the favoured buzzwords of the metropolitan latte-swigging elite, who use it as an excuse for any amount of anti-white prejudice and propaganda. Wasn’t there an all-black dance troupe who referred to themselves as “Diversity”, who were about as diverse as half a dozen peas in a pod, and may even have been quintuplets? They won one of these dreadful talent shows (natch) on the basis that they jumped around and were black and were therefore worthy of adulation and reward.
I recall from my years in Africa that, not only are their populations “hideously black”, but that you virtually never saw a white face on TV.
Maybe “Sir” Len would like to set up a campaign for a bit more “diversity” over there.
Or a bit more “diversity” at the Beeb might be welcome, come to that. White, anglo-saxon male, heterosexual presenters appear to have become virtually an endangered species.
Why doesn’t Lenny Henry tell Africa to have more die-vesity, because Africans would quickly realise it was an anti black scam to ethnically cleanse them from their homelands,
This is not “multiculturalism”; it is not “progress”; it is not “diversity”, and it’s not any other silly buzzword. It is simply White Genocide, because they are trying to make us a minority everywhere. Genocide is not about the methods you use, it’s about what you are trying to achieve.
How come Lenny Henry never dates black Women ? The racist brute !
There aren’t many rich and/or famous male blacks who do.
In Africa, where I live, it is every black man’s dream to have a white woman !
A few other gems from MG tx to Sir Lenny’s latest whinge (I have to say this comment was funny: “Feedback yesfuture – Why is no one congratulating the BBC for doing its best to over represent sex offenders on their pay roll – a rather literal interpretation of ring fencing? Personally, with Calais still the outrage du jour, mentioning ring fencing as a good thing seems… brave):
You have to wonder if, when Hugs wrote ‘don’t say anything stupid’, she didn’t have Danny in mind.
Ah, so cheaper settled science is being sought? Nifty.
Again, even the Graun readers appear to have reached places BBC market talents cannot reach:
“FrostAndFire – I assume “value for money” simply means “cheaper”. I suspect what most viewers would like is “accurate”, which some bargain weather forecaster isn’t going to provide.”
Actually, in this case, getting BBC-approved rubbish cheaper seems a deal. If you still pay the licence fee.
He looks very smug and self satisfied in that photo.
I wonder why no one has dared expose the lie that is ‘Equality’?
Equality as the Fascist left use it is nothing more than a disguise to allow the illegal use of ‘positive discrimination’ which they were aghast to find was outlawed by non other than the EU and the ‘uman rights act.
So to get around the laws they sought a new word – which they are very good at doing, and have been for some time (separate discussion material here!). Nothing is what at first glance it appears to be everything the left has been doing for the past few decades is a façade to disguise some pretty unpleasant goings on.
Diversity quotas? = Positive discrimination
Equality = Positive discrimination.
Whenever I’m asked by some credulous starry eyed young loon “don’t you believe in equality?” because they’ve believed everything they’re told, they are amazed and confused when they are told the truth which lies behind the lie.
Equality means being equal from top to the bottom, the good with the bad, the rough with the smooth. It does not mean finding a few top jobs for a specified quota of favoured minorities.
How about getting a few more homeless Black people, or women, or Muslims? (ever see a homeless Muslim?) Because that’s the reality of equality.
Just remember when the left decide on a new word just look behind it to find which dirty little secrets it’s hiding.
The solution to alleged racism is always racism. If a selection panel is white and apparently favours white people, then the solution is more black people on the panel. This solution ‘works’ by adding racist blacks to cancel out the racist whites. Once the panel is full of racists of all backgrounds, it becomes ‘representative of society’. The BBC, and other left-wing organisations, never explain things in this way though?
And here I was naively thinking that the solution might be to have non-racists on the panel!
A few years ago I chaired a selection panel that didn’t appoint a candidate from the sub-continent. There was a formal complaint of racial discrimination which put the HR department in a panic until I pointed out that the candidate we had appointed was female, black and from Zimbabwe. In that game of Top Trumps I won.
“a formal complaint of racial discrimination”
How racist of them to demand that race should be a consideration when offering somebody a job.
Only conservatives want to know or worry about the weather. BBC/liberals have much more important things on their minds like climate climate and change change.
All the silly viewers and listeners need to know is that it is getting warmer!
Let 13-year-old Rowan explain white feminism to you.
‘White feminism’ explained by Rowan Blanchard, 13,
Don’t understand the term “white feminism”? Let this 13-year-old explain.
Tempted. Should I? Or wait for the Sir Lenny version? Dilemma time.
Sir Len is always banging on about coming from Dudley as well, surely its only a matter of time before he accuses the rest of the World of Dudleyism.
What do we want, Bovril.
When do we want it, now.
One o’clock news (BBC 1)
“The German newspaper “Bild” carries the headline ‘Welcome migrants! “, which I think speaks on behalf of all German people.”
Objective reporting?
More sob sob about the wave of illegal immigrants from mid day BBc news.. You can tell where they are/ been by the copious piles of rubbish that accompany them. The storyline about Germany accepting them with open arms starts to crumble as their correspondent tells us about neo-Nazis and a growing wave of anti-immigrant feeling in Germany but of course reassures us they are the very small minority.
”tells us about neo-Nazis”
I’ve never actually seen a neo nazi before, seen hundreds of thousands of invaders though,
I find that very improbable (not your comment, Cassandra, but the sentiment expressed by the BBC), but if the Germans really have become that gullible then we honestly need to pull up the drawbridge now.
Throughout history, this blessed aisle has enjoyed a moat that at 22 miles wide at its narrowest has served quite well, if not always totally effectively. Certainly it has made getting what happens over there over here more tricky to effect. Especially when not to our tastes. The Germans may recall the last time this was no bad thing.
I have however noticed, of late, that some market rate talents in politics and supportive media on both sides are now doing their best to resolve this once and for all.
I do wish they wouldn’t.
Correction, “The German newspaper “Bild” carries the headline ‘Welcome migrants! “, which I think speaks on behalf” of the owner of the paper.
I thought it was an order.
“You VILL welcome ze Migrants, schweinhund!!!”
Any xenophobic comments will be severely dealt with.
Now move over and let us re-populate your country with easily-manipulated and gullible Third World peasants, who will be much easier for us to control than that pesky old, educated proletariat. Just hurry up and die out, will you, so we can get on with achieving the new socialist utopia, with us as the priveleged elite.
Not sure if this is exactly what is meant by giving them a warm welcome, but I’m sure that I’ve just heard on R2 3pm news that a building designated for immigrants in Germany has been burnt down.
Anyone catch the discussion on this morning’s Today bemoaning the fact that Sky & BT between them have the rights to the Ashes? Behind it, but unsaid, seemed to be a disbelief that Auntie wasn’t simply handed the rights. I don’t think they could understand the concept of “you want it, you pay for it”. It was, I thought, somewhat brave of them to bemoan the fact that BT & Sky would bundle their product and effectively make you pay for things you didn’t want before you could get the bits you actually wanted, but no-one was around to point out where that sort of thing could lead.
Now, I’m not a cricket fan, so quite honestly the Ashes does nothing for me. Perhaps that’s why I couldn’t grasp why it was that BT getting the 2017/18 Ashes and Sky getting the 2019 Ashes means, according to Justin & Co that you’d need to be paying both of these companies at the same time to watch the Ashes. Couldn’t you take out a contract with BT for the first, then move to Sky afterwards? Does the BBC not understand free market competition, or is it that I don’t understand cricket?
A year or two ago I would have had no hesitation saying that the loss of free real-time TV coverage of the cricket is much less concerning than the prospect of losing TMS, which was an unalloyed joy to listen to. Unfortunately, since the sainted Peter Baxter stepped down, the 5-livation of TMS under the new producer has greatly diminished its appeal. Blowers and Aggers are thankfully still there, and of course Tuffers, who has surprised many of us by being perfectly tuned to the ethos of the programme, and is a huge asset. But Michael Vaughan (of the appalling diction and afflicted by verbal diarrhoea), Graham Swann (so much stupidity and self regard), Ed Smith (largely ignoring his primary job of ball-by-ball commentary, and just wanting a 20 minute discussion) are all hard to take. Indeed, on many occasions switching off is the only refuge.
Don’t complain. Save it for when Claire Balding joins the boys.
You’ve just triggered a conniption fit !
Last Friday, the BBC celebrated the first two female trainees to graduate as US Army Rangers although the US military ‘has yet to lift a ban on women serving in the fighting force’, Laura Bicker eagerly reports. There is also a plan to allow women ‘access to almost all US military posts’. So, all well and good for the BBC and their brand of feminism.
They don’t seem to be so keen, however, when it comes to reporting the fate of U.S. Green Beret Sgt. 1st Class Charles Martland, described by many of his teammates as the ‘finest soldier they have ever served alongside’ and who is being kicked out of the US Army ‘after he got in trouble for shoving an Afghan police commander accused of raping a boy and beating up his mother’. Neither have they reported on the case of US Navy Lieutenant Commander Tim White who ‘returned fire with his own private weapon during the Islamic jihadist attack upon his Naval Reserve Center’ and who would subsequently, but for a loud public outcry, have faced US military charges.
It appears that, as long as you don’t act like a soldier, there’s a place for anyone in Obama’s ‘fundamentally transformed’ military; what a splendid model for Cameron, the BBC and a ‘fundamentally transformed’ Britain.
In the mad world of liberal left unreality women must serve in every role in the armed forces however unsuited they are. Equality trumps utility every time.
This is civilisational absurdity and yet another marker on the road to the destruction of our culture. Obama does not care about the West or it’s survival . That has been clear for some time.
As goes the USA so will our armed forces. Expect the usual idiots to start wiling and Cameron to say -what a good idea-.
When I joined the Army men had to run a mile and half as a squad in something like 13 minutes and then another mile and half in 11.30. This was while wearing boots. Then we went over to running shoes and the time was dropped down to 10.30. However and a big however women were given 13.30 minutes to do the same . Now before I go on, I understand fully well that women are not built like men and that there are things we can do well, that they can’t and things that do extremely well, that we can’t. In other words we are different. No more so than in putting a pack on your back and tabbing. Years ago as a young lad, I put my name down for an army expedition, off I went to Wales with hundreds of others for 18 people to go to Italy. Guess what I got picked, bloody hard work as all I did for a fortnight was put a bergan on my back and tab. People dropped out on a daily basis and then there was only 18 of us left.
That to me exemplified Darwin’s law of evolution . If a woman is fit enough to pass selection, then good for her. But the fact remains not many will pass the grade, just as not many men pass the grade. Diluting the passmark only helps the enemy and that fact should be driven home at anybody who wants to wear Green/Red or Sand
I shouldn t worry NNN,
… it won t be long before its exactly the same over here. with our forces
I mean if they remember to supply them properly in the first place, that is.
“It appears that, as long as you don’t act like a soldier, there’s a place for anyone in Obama’s ‘fundamentally transformed’ military; what a splendid model for Cameron, the BBC and a ‘fundamentally transformed’ Britain.”
We’re already there. Don’t forget Sergeant Alexander Blackman.
Can anybody please explain why the bBC hasn’t bothered reporting the murder of a 79 year old Muslim in East London who was stabbed to death last night at around 6pm. Also in the attack 13,11 and 2 year old children were stabbed. Anybody know why the bBC hasn’t reported this attack ?
Bethnal Green murder: Man held over killing of ‘kindly uncle’ and stabbing of children
Its not as if the story wasn’t reported by everybody else::
Murder inquiry launched after man stabbed to death in Tower Hamlets
Pensioner murdered and three children injured in stabbing
Man Killed And Children Stabbed In London
Pensioner killed and three children stabbed in Tower Hamlets
Murder probe as pensioner stabbed to death and children injured
Man arrested as two kids stabbed and pensioner dead
Murder probe in Bethnal Green after man and children stabbed
But from the bBC…nothing. Anybody have any ideas?
‘But from the bBC…nothing. Anybody have any ideas?’
Weeeeeeelll…. it could be it’s ‘not news’ ((c) A. Newsroom Tealady), or there was no space.
Or….. it could be that renowned BBC editorial integrity kicking in again. The one that specialises in omission.
They do seem highly selective on what gets pushed, and what not.
Some may call that propaganda backed by censorship.
Could it be that any suspect is not “hideously white” ?
A 31 year old man was arrested and charged. Too young to give his name.
OK, by way of disclosure, when it comes to the BBC and surveys, I’m a bit dubious, and perhaps even more so when it is BBC surveys about themselves. It is possible that, in this, I am not alone…
Cue a musical interlude:
‘A perceived lack of quality from the BBC’s rivals was also a common complaint. Mr O’Donnell said: “The weather on ITV is Mickey Mouse. You can tell that the person who’s reading it doesn’t understand it. Whereas when you watch it on the BBC they clearly know what they’re talking about and put the script together from the research they’ve done. It’s quite a profound difference. I now think the BBC is incredibly good value. I’d probably willingly pay even more. I’m actually quite a good ambassador for the BBC now.”
Bites lip. Especially if Mr. O’D is a Met Office employee.
Karma, you minx….
I’ve got to admit that BBC weather people can wave their arms around very convincingly. I’m not sure that it’s anything to do with understanding though. I think they’ve just been taught to talk and ‘flap’ at the same time – like Donald Duck.
‘I’m a BBC Employee, Get Me In There’ continues, another bBC ‘star’ joins…. (I’m sure someone pointed out earlier that this woman was everywhere). Tick.
Someone also recently pointed out (as you have in a fun way) that the BBC seems a wee bit stuck for anyone outside the BBC pool to perform.
Tone & Rona next as Dread and Whinger?
Or, better yet, Danny and Evan doing the Diversity Tango.
She’s the awful loud-mouth part-fronting the Indian Railway crap currently on BBC 2.
She’s even worse on Countryfile, where she knows nothing and all she can say is ‘amazing’. Typical bBBC box-ticking rubbish.
Possibly OT (for now), but it would be interesting to see who in the media may, in a unique way, find the necessary funds to provide full coverage of such a colourful celebration of diversity…£100-cover-event?
“BBC Deprivation Study”
Unsure of the connection between the Radio Times and the bBC, always thought it was a bBC publication, if so this bit of ‘propaganda’ won’t be a surprise. (I don’t believe in any way that the ‘two-thirds’ were ever anti licence).
“Two-thirds of viewers opposed to the licence fee changed their minds after just nine days without BBC services”
We’re going to be posting the Labour leadership candidates’ policies for young people today. Here’s Corbyn’s.
And the bestest best bit is…. there are three more others to pack out the week!!!!!
Wondering what other permutations and combos the BBC can concoct to keep this lame duck contest in the public eye.
Not sure how many respondents to this are typical Newsbeatnicks, but let’s say Jezza’s wisdom not striking a chord as yet.
Speaking of respondents (actually….):
BBC Pop Up
2 hrs ·
Where are we going next? Daily hint: This nation has more than one time zone. More hints here:
2hrs in, and still not a soul cares enough to post. Nor could I care enough to find out where next for our gallant latest team of BBC licence fee siphons.
Hope they have a soooper time.
PM on Radio 4 tonight dutifully informs us that the latest
illegal immigrantsmigrants arriving on the Greek island of Lesbos – already struggling to cope with an out-of-control influx ofeconomic scroungersmigrants – are ‘getting angry’ at the lack of facilities they have been greeted with.What were they expecting? A handful of benefits and a council house?
Oh, wait –
The BBC: Common Purpose is busy, busy, busy…
I think they were expecting their cruise liner to be there, ready to whisk them off to Athens for onward transmission.
But it’s still busy with the last lot.
WATO spoke to “refugee” from Northern Iraq who said he’d paid 6000 euro for the trip. When asked his destination he replied the UK where he would work for 5 or 6 years and then go back. Absolutely no challenge from the Beeb front man. And they still call them asylum seekers!
The BBC lionising the invaders:
Oh how brave the little darlings are!
If the journey is so perilous then how come so many are getting through?
I watched Lucy Worsley interview with Sir Roy Strong and it was very good. Well done BBC for putting on a hour long programme in which an eminent figure from the arts said that the BBC had lost its way, New Labour had destroyed the notion of nationhood in Britain, had also wrecked the education system and that multiculturalism was garbage. I agree with him on all points.
I noted that Lucy seemed uncomfortable with some of his more caustic remarks about New Labour and Blairism as he put it. I also noted that she made a telling slip of the tongue when talking about his time as director of the V & A. She said that it was in the 80’s when he had to sack a lot of staff because of cuts to the V&A government grant, ie when the Tories were in power. He corrected her and said actually it was 1977 when the socialists were in power that the axe fell. She then tried to smear Lady Thatcher but he said that it was Lady T who in fact gave him what he wanted and freed the V& A from government control and so allowed him to run it more like a business. He did this by telling a positive anecdote about Lady T. Later he said that when immigrants previously arrived in Britain they assimilated and adopted the values of their new home , whilst maintaining many of their traditions.He cited the Huguenots and the Jews as examples. He reflected that sadly this wasn’t happening with the current waves of immigrants. Presumably this is one of his major problems with multiculturalism. He also spoke strongly ( forgive the pun) of how he loved the ideas , culture , law and civilisation that Britain had given to the world and deeply regretted that these things were now despised in the country of their birth. Another swipe at Blairism as he puts it.
Somehow I don’t think that the BBC got what they expected!! But well done to them for putting on a programme on which such a doyen of the British arts establishment rubbished just about everything that the corporation now stands for!
Yes ,the Roy Strong interview was a classic.
Lucy Worsley started in the time-honoured Albeeb style of declaring that she had always been a great fan of Dr. Strong.I was suspicious at this as I had read that she has hard left views .
I believe that, nevertheless and in true snide BBC fashion, she had stored up her leftist ammunition against Strong in the form of anti-Thatcher remarks in the knowledge that he was a true traditionalist.
She certainly displayed her hive Albeeb mentality on this occasion but Strong trounced her on all counts.
He trashed Blair ,Brown ,Multiculturalism ,and Diversity.
Pure joy to see the Leftist out-manouevred .
Usually , the views antithetical to the Leftist/Cultural Marxist view would not have made it to broadcast.
Let’s have more of Roy Strong ,and Roger Scruton ,and Delingpole ,and Farage and……let’s have a list of other favourite sons and daughters made up by Biased BBC contributors?
Guido currently featuring BBC Item ‘PEOPLE CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT BBC’:
On the most populous blog in the land, followed by some MPs, political media reporters, there is not one of the fast streaming posts that is in support of the organisation.
One assumes the BBC itself will be registering this?
Now I see Guest Who above, who misses nothing it seems, has already picked this Guido blog up – sorry for duplication.
Some things can always bear being repeated 😉
Surely this tells us that people like ‘media’ rather than the BBC ! The BBC is so dominant in the UK that switching it off leaves a big hole. Of course if the switch off was permanent the hole would quickly be filled. But as new media companies spring up and grow the dominance of the BBC is slowly reducing.
But the BBC should be pleased because when they are forced to become a subscription service they should have no shortage of customers who are addicted to their leftist lies and propaganda. However the longer they leave the move to subscription the more competition will eat into their ‘captive’ audience, who are increasingly realising that the BBC doesn’t represent their views or care about them at all. So come on BBC trust your own research and take the plunge into the world of subscription.
Oh I should warn you that you won’t get a penny from me!
In the car this afternoon I hear BBC reporter Daniel Sandford refer to Harvey Proctor thus “he was a right, right, right Conservative MP” on 5 Live, and then later on PM on Radio Four he referred to him as “a very right-wing (former) MP”.
I don’t recall Lord Janner being similarly described as to which particular wing of the Labour party he was attached, given the similarity of accusation, and of course, its relevance to the story.
Then I get home to hear Vicky Young on the Six o’clock BBC news doing a hagiographic piece about Yvette Cooper…..
“..the CV is impressive, and in Cambridge today Ms. Cooper drew a large crowd, keen to show she was up to the fight.”
Then cut to a brief shot of her speech, getting cheers when she says she’d relish taking on David Cameron. Then Vicky runs down her CV in more detail and mentions her ‘eye-catching policies’ including universal child care and a cut in corporation tax. She then does a one to one with her and lets her drone on about feminism etc., and tails the piece with more worthy propaganda. No mention of the expenses difficulties of course, when she and her fat **** of a husband were claiming left ring and centre for all sorts, flipping homes and putting the Tesco bills at the feet of the electorate.
I switched on the radio just before 4 pm this afternoon and thought I’d try Radio 4. I caught the end of what sounded like an interesting programme on Nell Gwyn and thought I’d struck lucky for an interesting hour of radio. Then the continuity announcer told me that the next programme was Thabiso Mohare talking to South African writers about writing in post-apartheid South Africa, followed by a programme on George Washington Williams, who wrote the first history of African Americans .
It seemed that I’d just missed today’s BBC programme for British listeners. Thank God for Planet Rock.
Caught a bit of the George Washington Williams story. Apparently he was a liar and and an adulterer, the rogue! Just part of his free spirit.
Our expert was apologetic about the Republican party being anti-slavery and the Democrats pro, but then they sort of flipped over in more recent times, so that’s all right then. Also some difficulties about race, ‘white’ people thought they were a different race to ‘black’ people, (they aren’t) but ‘black’ people are a different race to ‘white’ people, (of course). Some ‘blacks’ in the north got to fight against slavery in the civil war, (no mention of the free ‘blacks’ in the south who also fought in the civil war though).
Then to top it all our hero went and died in non-exotic Blackpool so we got a few titters about that until they realised that this programme might actually be heard by people in Blackpool so a bit of backtracking, (politicians even have conferences there!). Quite appropriate really, BLACKpool! Not-PC so not funny.
More has to be done for migrant rights, says a UN expert, fully reported by the BBC as if there was no alternative to his proposals.
Migration is here to stay, is the message. Deal with it.
Three/four shot dead in France – in a traveller camp. Not reported by the state broadcaster here who will make a decision whether to describe it as a racist far right hate crime, or something that will have to presented in such a way as to prevent a backlash – a criminal matter not connected with terrorism, as the Telegraph reports from the local police.
Oooh. Is this the coldest August eva? And will it be snowing in Scotland on Sept’ 1st?
Bloody Global Warming at work again by the look of it. I hope it doesn’t get any warmer or we’ll be freezing our nuts off.