Hmmm serious death threats … I mean the best thing for her, is wait till she has a holiday, grab her at the airport
bang her straight in prison, one notorious with extremist Islamic fanatics, and let her get attacked, before banging her in solitary … for her own safety, oh and while she s there tell her they can t guarantee her families safety.
… and make sure she has no armed protection either … as its her own fault … for upsetting Islam, she bought on herself
Apologies folks … I was thinking about Tommy Robinson, sheesh! … must he, be the wrong colour!
Isn t that “waycist” …
did he remove all black, one legged, Somali speaking, cross dressing, bisexual, gypsy,
illegal immigrants, that may be offended about ageism, sexism, racism and any other-isms
that may feel micro-aggressions against themselves, even including micro-insults that may
be imperceptible to the naked eye, but are part of inbuilt institutional “waycism”
… why the hell not! … isn t that discriminatory!.
He really is a gift that never ceases to give, isn’t he?
Of course, there was a time when such a claim would seem at best irresponsible, if not erring on instigating discord, but since Dave & Theresa have shown that threatening to kick off gets rewarded, maybe Al is simply playing the game?
Imagine a comedy sketch where the subject was a man with disabilities. It would never make it on the BBC. But in one of the great pieces of comedy ever W.C. Fields took up the challenge. He focused on a blind man with a cane. He did it by posing the blind man (who incidentally in the movie was also a Hotel detective) as a danger. On second thoughts, the BBC might just permit it if the victim was a member of UKIP.,
Blatant bias on tonights “New Tricks’. The gang investigating the murder in 1989 of a city banker describe his like as ‘one of Thatcher’s footsoldiers, whilst the rest of the country was on this uppers, they were doing their Loadsamoney thing…’
Strange this, not the 1989 I remember, but it does confirm to any sub 40 year old viewer that everything they’ve been told by the bBC about Mrs T is true….drip, drip
It’s the same right across the BBC’s output. The real damage to the nation is done subliminally – from middle class housewives taking the undetectable poison via The Archers, to the multi-culti codswallop of children’s TV, to tripe like New Tricks.
It is relentless, endless and will not be stopped until the BBC is closed down.
GC, the BBC output for children is unbelievable, the diversity is overpowering – it’s a wonder British kids don’t think they are in the minority here already watching that painfully inclusive PC guff.
I’m sure English kids know they are in a minority, the huge worry is that they think this is both right and desirable and they are the ones that have to assimilate to others of an alien culture.
In the end the USSR’s state propaganda outfits imploded through their complete lack of credibility. It will be the same with the BBC.
Every day more and more of us stop listening to it’s crap.
New Tricks in it’s infancy was pretty good but over the years PC has ruined it, poor actors are it’s cast and I sadly include Nicholas Lyndhurst of the fab ‘ only Fools and Horses’ fame. I have commented below on New Tricks before seeing your post.
Our Present government is going to ‘get tough’ on illegal migrant workers, they intend to jail them. This will probably be in far better living conditions than they will be accustomed to. At what cost ? More Jails ? Who pays ?
No mention of deportation. ‘Smoke and mirrors’.
Its not the workers, its those that ’employ’ them they need to get tough on. Raid at random any take away in any city center and you’ll have a bloody good chance of collaring a few illegals.
We have already had segregation in places of worship, now the plan is segregation on our transport system – women only carriages!
“It comes after British Transport Police (BTP) figures suggested sexual offences recorded on trains and at stations have risen 25% to a record level” . Elephant in the room? ………
BBC Website today ” FT 100 set to fall ” . Beyond belief ! The BBC can predict the markets ! Did anyone see Peston on BBC1 News at 6 yesterday. I think he is mentally ill. He did not apologise for getting everything wrong on Monday and was spouting even more crazy bollocks. The markets are recovering but the BBC is in freefall !
‘ New Tricks’ sadly now gone totally down the pan since the departure of Denis Waterman and of course James Bolam. Last night was set in the eighties in the city and was centred around the ‘yuppie’ era.
Apart from the UCOS boss being a young female, she is now in a wheelchair.. the disabled and gender bit sorted.
The victim they were focused on was ‘Asian’, how many ‘Asians’ trading in the city in the eighties remains a mystery to me.
This Asian was the prime suspect in a crime but of course later exonerated as a hapless victim of white male brutality.
We also got the obligatory rape of a woman ( by a white man of course ) and she was apparently helpless even though she became ‘independent’ and became a ‘self empowering’ escort of her own volition.
The era of this episode being in the greedy eighties ( or successful eighties ! ) revolved around a group of narcissistic males who had a ‘vulgar’ love of money ( wouldn’t we all like shed loads of the stuff just as those at the BBC do ! ) . Their idol was of course the increasingly vilified Margaret Thatcher ( well she is dead you know ) and rather predictably the bust of her that we saw on occasions was smashed to pieces eventually, clearly symbolic in intent.
Much of what the media put out now and the BBC in particular is propaganda /agenda with a ‘story’ entwined, this of course doesn’t work as what the result is, is a messy compromise that is both cringing, predictable and boring to watch, although I do watch certain things it is purely to ‘spot the propaganda’ which is the only ‘interest’ that is offered.
I would suggest anyone who says the BBC is bias to the right just watch this episode on catch up, and smell the less than fresh coffee.
I see that Greg Rutherford has achieved what only 4 other athletes have ever achieved in Britain. On the BBC Sport site this remarkable feat is on the front page! But it is below the story that the African Farrah is through to the 5k final. Farrah hasn’t won the event but he is now in the final. Rutherford has won his event and he is one of only 5 athletes ever to hold Olympic, World, European and Commonwealth titles at the same time. But his achievement ranks behind that of the African getting into a final in the eyes of the BBC!
But Rutherford is white so the BBC won’t like his story anywhere near as much as that of the African. Just another example of the BBC trying to tell us what is best ,what we should think etc etc.
Looks like someone in the BBC News Room has the knives out for Alan Yentob.
According to the Radio 4 Today program, he was heavily involved in a letter sent to civil servants threatening dire consequences if “Kids Company” were to close. These threats included that of wide scale rioting, attacks on government buildings and adverse mental health reactions. They were so self important they believed that the closure would be to kids as similar to the death of a parent or even the entire extended family!
This letter was used to gain an extra £3 million of funding from the credulous & spineless David Cameron who should probably be made to pay this money from his own funds.
The document was written in language that civil servants across government described as “absurd”, “hysterical” and “extraordinary”.
Yentob is unapologetic but if this was any other sphere than the ridiculous BBC it would be difficult to see how he could survive, yet we all know his snout is firmly in the trough, and he’s going nowhere.
Yentob in an unbelievable story in the Mail Online where he demanded money with menaces from the government.
He suggested that if ‘kids co’ didn’t get 3 million there was a ‘ high risk of arson attacks’ on government buildings. How rather strangely precise in his prediction!
This is pure unadulterated incitement, there is no way he can deduce that from any logic.
It has become absolutely clear since the Tory election victory The labour BBC has realized they cannot attain power despite their bombardment of daily propaganda, what we now have is a rather ominous sinister and anti democratic attempt to incite a violent revolution to bring down a democratically elected governemnt no more no less, I am convinced of it.
In 2009 his pension pot worth £6.3m, giving an annual retirement income of £216,667 for the rest of his life. This is one of the biggest pensions in the public sector. That was 2009 figure!
Women only segregation? Where did that come from in a leadership election?
Has Mr Corbyn an Islamification agenda as well? Womens safety has certainly decreased in the areas where the influx of the Religion of Peace have strongholds, (like Rotherham, Manchester and all the other mainly Labour areas).
It’s just that Corbyn wants to put the idea on (presumably nationalised) rails.
Hmmmm… what sort of problem is our ‘friend’ Al Jezza trying to solve here?
Where in the world is women only segration deemed as necessary? Let’s just randomly google a Middle Eastern city – say Cairo – and the word segregation
‘Cairo’s women-only metro carriages reveal Egypt tensions’ (that one is from the BBC as recently as March 2015). By the way, why don’t BBC links ever contain the headline words?
Of course the BBC are predisposed to take seriously every utterance of the leftist J Ilyich Corbyn – something to do with their Charter, I guess – you know, in just the same fair and balanced way they are predisposed to trash any idea that comes from the dreaded right. So this cockamamy notion is given full debating rights on the Victoria-I’m-Still-Away-On-My-Hols Derbyshire Show today.
Thinking about it what could be better for the bBC than a drama that delves back into the past to allow them to create their version of history and Britain for an audience that possibly weren’t even born, last night’s episode was a classic case of such.
What a blatant BBC pro-immigration feature. Oh, the courage of immigrant migrants. They have to put up with the following hardship amongst many whilst making their way to Germany and the UK. See this extract:-
“”Besides, there are regularly too many people for the carriages, leaving the police with the unenviable task of deciding who will be allowed to board and who will have to sleep another night on the platform.””
I stuck this in a different thread but think it more appropriate here co I copied it:-
Now our future Labour Party leader is calling for “women-only” railway carriages. He claims that it is to stop women getting beaten up on trains. He is Lying! He wants it because his extremist muslim controllers are demanding it.
It is a disgusting attack on human rights and is catering to the violent minority. To say Corbyn is evil is understating the case.
Eddy BoothMar 10, 00:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Investor in Alastair Campbell’s son’s football betting syndicate ‘dies before receiving his £160,000 back’ after saying: ‘Are you just hoping…
JohnCMar 10, 00:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Syria leader vows to hunt down those responsible for bloodshed ‘A UK-based monitor said 830 civilians were killed in…
JohnCMar 10, 00:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun An astonishing story of how deep the EU Leftist cancer has…
JohnCMar 9, 23:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney wins race to succeed Trudeau and vows to stand up to Trump Good God – I started…
Eddy BoothMar 9, 23:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I just don’t like him. And I was suspicious of the new vax from the start myself. I don’t trust…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
Notice that the Al BBC … essential pin up,
Malala after having her diary on the Al BBC
and her UK exams grades results.
Now has two permanent 24 hr armed guards!
Hmmm serious death threats … I mean the best thing for her, is wait till she has a holiday, grab her at the airport
bang her straight in prison, one notorious with extremist Islamic fanatics, and let her get attacked, before banging her in solitary … for her own safety, oh and while she s there tell her they can t guarantee her families safety.
… and make sure she has no armed protection either … as its her own fault … for upsetting Islam, she bought on herself
Apologies folks … I was thinking about Tommy Robinson, sheesh! … must he, be the wrong colour!
I cannot stop laughing at the BBC’s award winning joke at the Edinburgh Fringe. Ha ha ha, oooh,, he he .
The winning joke was: “I just deleted all the German names off my phone. It’s Hans free.”
Nothing about wimmin, effnics, Moslems, but I assume a few UKIP jokes will emerge.
Isn t that “waycist” …
did he remove all black, one legged, Somali speaking, cross dressing, bisexual, gypsy,
illegal immigrants, that may be offended about ageism, sexism, racism and any other-isms
that may feel micro-aggressions against themselves, even including micro-insults that may
be imperceptible to the naked eye, but are part of inbuilt institutional “waycism”
… why the hell not! … isn t that discriminatory!.
He really is a gift that never ceases to give, isn’t he?
Of course, there was a time when such a claim would seem at best irresponsible, if not erring on instigating discord, but since Dave & Theresa have shown that threatening to kick off gets rewarded, maybe Al is simply playing the game?
Dear old Botney. If he hadn’t been born, Peter Cook would have to have created him.
Peter Cook RIP. Now there was a real comedian !
GCooper, are you, by any chance, related to the late and great Tommy Cooper ? I was watching some video clips of him last night.
Tommy : Doctor, I have broken my arm in several places.
Doctor : Well, don’t go to these places.
No way would Tommy be allowed on the BBC today. Just not “edgy” enough.
Imagine a comedy sketch where the subject was a man with disabilities. It would never make it on the BBC. But in one of the great pieces of comedy ever W.C. Fields took up the challenge. He focused on a blind man with a cane. He did it by posing the blind man (who incidentally in the movie was also a Hotel detective) as a danger. On second thoughts, the BBC might just permit it if the victim was a member of UKIP.,
Blatant bias on tonights “New Tricks’. The gang investigating the murder in 1989 of a city banker describe his like as ‘one of Thatcher’s footsoldiers, whilst the rest of the country was on this uppers, they were doing their Loadsamoney thing…’
Strange this, not the 1989 I remember, but it does confirm to any sub 40 year old viewer that everything they’ve been told by the bBC about Mrs T is true….drip, drip
Another case of remote>stand by button>press.
It’s the same right across the BBC’s output. The real damage to the nation is done subliminally – from middle class housewives taking the undetectable poison via The Archers, to the multi-culti codswallop of children’s TV, to tripe like New Tricks.
It is relentless, endless and will not be stopped until the BBC is closed down.
GC, the BBC output for children is unbelievable, the diversity is overpowering – it’s a wonder British kids don’t think they are in the minority here already watching that painfully inclusive PC guff.
I’m sure English kids know they are in a minority, the huge worry is that they think this is both right and desirable and they are the ones that have to assimilate to others of an alien culture.
In the end the USSR’s state propaganda outfits imploded through their complete lack of credibility. It will be the same with the BBC.
Every day more and more of us stop listening to it’s crap.
But why is it undectable by some, but so obvious to others?
New Tricks in it’s infancy was pretty good but over the years PC has ruined it, poor actors are it’s cast and I sadly include Nicholas Lyndhurst of the fab ‘ only Fools and Horses’ fame. I have commented below on New Tricks before seeing your post.
Our Present government is going to ‘get tough’ on illegal migrant workers, they intend to jail them. This will probably be in far better living conditions than they will be accustomed to. At what cost ? More Jails ? Who pays ?
No mention of deportation. ‘Smoke and mirrors’.
Its not the workers, its those that ’employ’ them they need to get tough on. Raid at random any take away in any city center and you’ll have a bloody good chance of collaring a few illegals.
We have already had segregation in places of worship, now the plan is segregation on our transport system – women only carriages!
“It comes after British Transport Police (BTP) figures suggested sexual offences recorded on trains and at stations have risen 25% to a record level” . Elephant in the room? ………
Who’s going to stop an attacker getting in the carriage? The police?
It’ll concentrate the targets with an absence of ‘ordinary’ men in the carriage to deter.
Another Left Wing ‘haven’t thought it through but get the sound-bite message out’ tactic.
BBC Website today ” FT 100 set to fall ” . Beyond belief ! The BBC can predict the markets ! Did anyone see Peston on BBC1 News at 6 yesterday. I think he is mentally ill. He did not apologise for getting everything wrong on Monday and was spouting even more crazy bollocks. The markets are recovering but the BBC is in freefall !
‘ New Tricks’ sadly now gone totally down the pan since the departure of Denis Waterman and of course James Bolam. Last night was set in the eighties in the city and was centred around the ‘yuppie’ era.
Apart from the UCOS boss being a young female, she is now in a wheelchair.. the disabled and gender bit sorted.
The victim they were focused on was ‘Asian’, how many ‘Asians’ trading in the city in the eighties remains a mystery to me.
This Asian was the prime suspect in a crime but of course later exonerated as a hapless victim of white male brutality.
We also got the obligatory rape of a woman ( by a white man of course ) and she was apparently helpless even though she became ‘independent’ and became a ‘self empowering’ escort of her own volition.
The era of this episode being in the greedy eighties ( or successful eighties ! ) revolved around a group of narcissistic males who had a ‘vulgar’ love of money ( wouldn’t we all like shed loads of the stuff just as those at the BBC do ! ) . Their idol was of course the increasingly vilified Margaret Thatcher ( well she is dead you know ) and rather predictably the bust of her that we saw on occasions was smashed to pieces eventually, clearly symbolic in intent.
Much of what the media put out now and the BBC in particular is propaganda /agenda with a ‘story’ entwined, this of course doesn’t work as what the result is, is a messy compromise that is both cringing, predictable and boring to watch, although I do watch certain things it is purely to ‘spot the propaganda’ which is the only ‘interest’ that is offered.
I would suggest anyone who says the BBC is bias to the right just watch this episode on catch up, and smell the less than fresh coffee.
You lasted longer than me this time! See my post above.
This is why Waterman left, the grit, realism and PC freeness of The Sweeney and Minder put this program to shame.
I see that Greg Rutherford has achieved what only 4 other athletes have ever achieved in Britain. On the BBC Sport site this remarkable feat is on the front page! But it is below the story that the African Farrah is through to the 5k final. Farrah hasn’t won the event but he is now in the final. Rutherford has won his event and he is one of only 5 athletes ever to hold Olympic, World, European and Commonwealth titles at the same time. But his achievement ranks behind that of the African getting into a final in the eyes of the BBC!
But Rutherford is white so the BBC won’t like his story anywhere near as much as that of the African. Just another example of the BBC trying to tell us what is best ,what we should think etc etc.
“Hideously white “
Hideously ginger.
Looks like someone in the BBC News Room has the knives out for Alan Yentob.
According to the Radio 4 Today program, he was heavily involved in a letter sent to civil servants threatening dire consequences if “Kids Company” were to close. These threats included that of wide scale rioting, attacks on government buildings and adverse mental health reactions. They were so self important they believed that the closure would be to kids as similar to the death of a parent or even the entire extended family!
This letter was used to gain an extra £3 million of funding from the credulous & spineless David Cameron who should probably be made to pay this money from his own funds.
Here are some quotes from the BBC report:
The document was written in language that civil servants across government described as “absurd”, “hysterical” and “extraordinary”.
Yentob is unapologetic but if this was any other sphere than the ridiculous BBC it would be difficult to see how he could survive, yet we all know his snout is firmly in the trough, and he’s going nowhere.
I wonder if Cameron will ever apologise for his stupidity ? Not just Kids Company, I mean everything !
How the BBC get ‘floods’ and ‘disaster’ in the same headline.
11 Dead is not a Disaster. Heavy rain is not Floods.
Anti-Air Show and the ‘effects’ of Global Warming combined.
Yentob in an unbelievable story in the Mail Online where he demanded money with menaces from the government.
He suggested that if ‘kids co’ didn’t get 3 million there was a ‘ high risk of arson attacks’ on government buildings. How rather strangely precise in his prediction!
This is pure unadulterated incitement, there is no way he can deduce that from any logic.
It has become absolutely clear since the Tory election victory The labour BBC has realized they cannot attain power despite their bombardment of daily propaganda, what we now have is a rather ominous sinister and anti democratic attempt to incite a violent revolution to bring down a democratically elected governemnt no more no less, I am convinced of it.
Wow Yentob is really worth something to the BBC.
In 2009 his pension pot worth £6.3m, giving an annual retirement income of £216,667 for the rest of his life. This is one of the biggest pensions in the public sector. That was 2009 figure!
see a couple of posts up with a link to the BBC story
Women only segregation? Where did that come from in a leadership election?
Has Mr Corbyn an Islamification agenda as well? Womens safety has certainly decreased in the areas where the influx of the Religion of Peace have strongholds, (like Rotherham, Manchester and all the other mainly Labour areas).
Hmm, not a bad idea, women only coaches, can we have black, muslim and ethnic British only coaches then ?
Or better still – Non-Muslim Airlines?
‘Women only segregation’
Corbyn’s soundbite today is not a complete outlier in terms of Labour Party policy
It’s just that Corbyn wants to put the idea on (presumably nationalised) rails.
Hmmmm… what sort of problem is our ‘friend’ Al Jezza trying to solve here?
Where in the world is women only segration deemed as necessary? Let’s just randomly google a Middle Eastern city – say Cairo – and the word segregation
‘Cairo’s women-only metro carriages reveal Egypt tensions’ (that one is from the BBC as recently as March 2015). By the way, why don’t BBC links ever contain the headline words?
Of course the BBC are predisposed to take seriously every utterance of the leftist J Ilyich Corbyn – something to do with their Charter, I guess – you know, in just the same fair and balanced way they are predisposed to trash any idea that comes from the dreaded right. So this cockamamy notion is given full debating rights on the Victoria-I’m-Still-Away-On-My-Hols Derbyshire Show today.
New Tricks
Thinking about it what could be better for the bBC than a drama that delves back into the past to allow them to create their version of history and Britain for an audience that possibly weren’t even born, last night’s episode was a classic case of such.
BBC News Website:
What a blatant BBC pro-immigration feature. Oh, the courage of immigrant migrants. They have to put up with the following hardship amongst many whilst making their way to Germany and the UK. See this extract:-
“”Besides, there are regularly too many people for the carriages, leaving the police with the unenviable task of deciding who will be allowed to board and who will have to sleep another night on the platform.””
I stuck this in a different thread but think it more appropriate here co I copied it:-
Now our future Labour Party leader is calling for “women-only” railway carriages. He claims that it is to stop women getting beaten up on trains. He is Lying! He wants it because his extremist muslim controllers are demanding it.
It is a disgusting attack on human rights and is catering to the violent minority. To say Corbyn is evil is understating the case.
I see that others above beat me to this.