“As for Dylann Roof? You —-! You want a race war —-? BRING IT THEN YOU WHITE —-!!!”
The BBC is getting into its stride..it’s now found an angle to twist the narrative on the killing of two unarmed white TV reporters by a black man….he was angry about the Dylann Roof murder of nine black people in Charleston earlier this year….the BBC now seem to think, in this updated report, that it is safe to mention race as he is now officially a ‘victim’…however indirectly….
Police said his utterances on social media the previous evening suggested the attack was pre-planned.
ABC News has meanwhile revealed that it received a 23-page fax, apparently sent by Flanagan on Wednesday morning, in which he claimed his anger had been “building steadily”.
The fax said the attack was intended to avenge the Charleston shootings earlier this year – a suspected hate crime in which a white gunman killed nine parishioners at an African-American church.
The rambling fax also complained of racial discrimination, harassment and bullying in the workplace, and professed admiration for the perpetrators of gun massacres at a US school and university.
The question is though…is Bryce Williams, aka Flanagan, a terrorist? The BBC was quick to ask such questions about Roof…..
Americans ask if Charleston suspect ‘terrorist’ or ‘crazy’?
Is the suspect in the attack which killed nine people at an African-American church in Charleston, South Carolina being treated differently because he is white?
That’s what many argued online. After the arrest of 21-year-old Dylann Roof, several images went viral comparing the way the case has been talked about – and how the suspect was treated by police – to other incidents involving black people accused of much less serious crimes. Here are some of the most shared.
The Telegraph reports, the BBC doesn’t, what the ‘manifesto’ to ABC News from Williams actually said:
“Why did I do it? I put down a deposit for a gun on 6/19/15. The Church shooting in Charleston happened on 6/17/15,” he wrote in what he described a “Suicide Note for Friends and Family”.
“What sent me over the top was the church shooting,” he wrote. “And my hollow point bullets have the victims’ initials on them.”
“As for Dylann Roof? You —-! You want a race war —-? BRING IT THEN YOU WHITE —-!!!”
Bryce wants a race war and he presumably killed these two white people as his own little part in that. He’s a terrorist just as Roof was.
I’m guessing the BBC will come down on the ‘crazy’ verdict for this one…or we’ll find out Williams is actually white…just like George Zimmerman is…not…..and the two white victims are actually black…just like blond, white skinned Rachel Dolezal.
Very little mention of possible motives on 10 O clock news. The real issue is all to do with gun crime. That hateful interview by Jon Sopel with Saint Barrack was replayed AGAIN with the President expressing his frustration at not being able to reform US gun laws.
So there you have it; it’s the fault of the NRA.
“the President expressing his frustration at not being able to reform US gun laws.”
I’m going to be pedantic here, but it’s a point to keep in mind when watching any BBC report.
Using the verb “reform” gives a positive spin to what is being said – after all “reform” is good. A neutral term without spin would be to call it “change” and negative spin would be to talk about increased “restrictions”. The BBC plays this game all the time; the classic examples were the reports during the General Election when Ed Miliband “announced” Labour policies while Davis Cameron “defended” Conservative policies.
What the BBC supports is reported with positive words while what it dislikes is described in negative terms. It’s the BBC’s version of subliminal advertising. The BBC no longer recognises the principles of unbiased reporting and neutrality.
An excellent and astute comment. This is precisely how the BBC (and the rest of the Cultural Marxists) use and distort language.
Excellent RJ.
Why not give us a study of this-lists and numbers.
I do it informally, but you`ve hit something important here.
Language is key-well done, thanks for reigniting this with me.
Craig and Sue will be proud…they were the first to show me some groundrules-not forgotten them.
This is an online MOOC in Journalist Studies-and could stuff the BBC.
Excellent RJ.
This is why the bBC has to go. Instead of reporting the news, the bBC puts a racial spin on things which makes the murderer into the victim.
The Guardian has from the onset reported this story honestly. For example they make no bones about informing us that Vester Lee Flanagan had anger issues:
Virginia gunman was told by TV station to seek medical attention, memos say
Vester Flanagan, the gunman who killed two journalists in Virginia, was told by his bosses to seek medical help after colleagues at the television station where he worked with his victims repeatedly complained about him, according to memos obtained by the Guardian.Several flare-ups were detailed in internal messages from Dan Dennison, then the news director of WDBJ7, that were sent to Flanagan and copied to senior colleagues. Flanagan on Wednesday morning shot dead reporter Alison Parker and cameraman Adam Ward. Flanagan, who died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound later on Wednesday, was reprimanded for “lashing out” at a colleague and for his “harsh language” and “aggressive body language” while working as a reporter.
They inform you that he was a troubled person:
Virginia TV shooter Vester Lee Flanagan was a ‘disturbed’ and ‘unhappy man’
So, why did he shoot that young reporter, Because he believed she had him fired for being a racist, this he posted on his twitter account after the shooting:
and yet the bBC tries to make this black thug into the victim.
The BBC seems incapable of simply reporting known facts as they transpire as news, then STFU until any more is brought out to get beyond the what, when, where and how to the why.
It explains them always being behind the curve. Then disgorging a bunch of ‘analysis’ and whatiffery if distractions are required.
It seems they all disappear up a back passage to huddle in Frankie Howerd for hours on lines to take; what (or who… victims, usually being dead are collateral) gets sidelined or boosted to serving what is clearly the most important thing: the narrative.
Just seems remarkable no one has accidentally hit the ‘nothing to do with…’ default key. Yet.
The man who started the slogan ” black lives matter ” claimed to be mixed race, this wasn’t true, he’s white, so he’s a liar and a race hustling fraud.
Shaun King is his name of the Race Hustler. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3205042/He-s-no-Rachel-Dolezal-Shaun-King-s-wife-defends-husband-claims-lied-race-family-member-CONFIRMS-parents-white.html
Racist, homosexual, religious fanatic, with a gun … what could possibly go wrong?
Ace of Spades blog points out the obvious:
“The media very softly plays Muslim terrorism stories. Why? Well, they always say they want to avoid “backlash” — something which has been aggressively warned against 100,000 times for all three times it’s actually happened…
Which is why I’m a bit astonished that the media offers no cautiousness whatsoever in reporting white murders of black people. In those cases, they don’t seem concerned about igniting ugly fires in the hearts of a less-mentally stable black person — in those cases, they seem to take the position of, ‘Whatever might wind up happening to white people because of this, so what, they kinda had it coming.”
President Obama seems strangley reticent about mentioning race – black or white – in this instance. He is usually all over the racial angle when the roles are reversed re perpetrator/victim. How odd……The BBC bite size revision site constantly tells (indoctrinates) our children that Prejudice = Privilege + Power. In this Communist way, poor old whitey is always the aggressor / oppressor and never the victim. As we see here. Anyone would think the Left wanted to eradicate the white race for the sins of building a Christian, capitalist civilisation. Can any one think of any other reason for the strange double standards exhibited by the Left? Again and again and again ad infinitum?
I wonder whether Obama feels that if he had non-identical twins they’d look like Parker and Ward?
Maybe that’s why he’s so reticent…..
Paul Weston
Obama showed his true political stance making this an issue of guns just as much as the loss of two civilians. Why was his concern not about the hatred that is being pent up by black people against whites… rhetorical!
The reason there is such an attack on ( legal not’s forget ) gun ownership in the USA is because of the rather large multi culti swamp looming large in white America. The KKK is enjoying a resurgence at present, whatever their historical roots that don’t apply some 50 – 60 years on, the reality is that whites feel and are under threat so banning guns is good for Obama and co because Mr White will adhere to the law but Mr Black won’t … just another step toward white genocide.
Ram Z Paul is the best commentator on the goings on in America and I urge all here to subscribe to his site on ‘You Tube’.
Re gun control.Why cannot Obama make an another executive order?
Gay black man murders two white people. BBC on hand to cover the backlash from whites. Riots and looting inevitable.
Oh wait a minute, he was forced to kill innocent white straights because of racist and homophobic discrimination. Well, that is OK then.
Let us have a discussion on banning the gay flag.