Biased BBC reader Robin writes…
What’s the Point of Britain’s existence?
Tell a BBC type and liberal/left person that the Foreign Office should be reduced by 95% and Britain should give up its Security Council seat at the UN ( India as a replacement ?) and see them be speechless for a minute .
It does work I can vouch for that .
For what you are doing is advocating diminishing their Rightful Place in the world , which is the one time you see them being – hold your seats – nationalist . A word they hate unless Scottish or Irish precedes it . To be fair they are not nationalistic in those two more honest sense of the word . The liberal / left have to sophisticate any patriotism they have in the greater scheme of internationalism while maintaining their Rightful Place .
Their Rightful Place is to have power in world events and to do this they need the British state to have ” influence ” .
The BBC have never asked why Britain should have influence . Why Britain and not say Indonesia, Brazil or Algeria ? There has to be a reason – so what is the reason ? Is Britain superior to others or conversely are the others inferior to Britain ? The BBC never say or ever ask , would the answer be embarrassing to the liberal/left ?
As the liberal/left don’t like Britain as it was or as it is now why do they want it to excist ? I can only conclude they want the British state and some of its institutions to ;
Levy taxes
Initiate equality programmes
Equalise wealth
Social engineer
Be a base for organisations that work to do the above
To do the above in the wider world via British ‘influence’ .
Let’s take another paradox of the liberal/left . They believe inequality of wealth within the world is wrong , but then tell us that mass immigration into Britain increases our wealth ! Note they don’t condemn our increased wealth , they tell us it’s a Good Thing . Again something missed by the BBC .
I don’t know what the BBC want instead of Britain and the people here , and I doubt if they would be honest enough to tell us .
”the Foreign Office should be reduced by 95%” and replaced by a telephone and a fax machine, it’ll save £100 million on the cocktail bill alone.
^ 🙂
They do a job for us on the trade front. Seriously, there is scope for combining Dept. of Trade w/ F&CO and slimming down a much reduced Dept for Education in its old separate ministry.
”What’s the Point of Britain’s existence?” To be a boarding house for the riff raff of the world.
This will be seen as a VERY controversial post, but in my view SOME of the background to Anthropogenic Global Warming and, especially ‘Climate Change’ is all about maintaining a sort of First World (although it may not be the best phrase to use) hegemony over the rest of the globe. And us. “WE KNOW what is BEST for you.”
[capitals used for emphasis, not shouting, as I cannot get the codes for italics, bold & underline, to work properly on this site.]
At least you are having a discussion which is more than the BBC wants .
I will also be controversial and propose that Britain stops trying to be a policeman , adjudicator , social worker to the rest of the world and reverts to Splendid Isolation that served us best before the First World War .
Also that the civil servants and politicians realise that foreigners aren’t impressed with our sense of fair play , and then want to emulate us , but just take advantage of us .
What good has Britain’s “influence” ever done for us ?