Well, Friday arrives and so does this new OPEN thread to see us off into the wide blue yonder of the weekend! Here is where you detail that latest and most egregious BIAS!
Seems Sue Perkins is gunning for a seat on the BBC diplomacy droits du seigneur high table on the back of profile secured watching the vital service of cakes being baked.
Not really making it easy for John Whittingdale to hand the BBC all it wants on a plate quietly so’s no one notices.
It may not come with full Eurovision Song Contest entry rights, a starry blue number plate or seats in the EU parliament (these listed in order of significance) but Syria is now effectively in the EU thanks to German unilateral efforts.
All that Syrians have to do – or anyone else for that matter chucking their papers and kidding on they are Syrian – is to follow the Gold Rush (Deutsch Goldrausch?) and fetch up in the homeland of Augustus Gloop for their very own Golden Ticket (plus one? plus all their family and anyone who knows them? ) next stop… anywhere they fancy within the EU.
So, of the 800,000 Germany is looking forward to receiving even 10% of these coming on to Britain will increase our current total refugee claimers by a factor of four. That’s without Cameron being shamed into taking even more by some more direct route.
And do we think this news is going down in the minds of potential migrants?
We know what happened to the sales of Wonka Bars – they went up and up and up!
Solving the ‘Migrant Crisis’? Merkel is exacerbating the problem.
The BBC and their fellow travellers on Channel 4 are now in full gear nightly campaigning against our recently elected Government’s policy on migrants. The campaign is professional, well funded by the taxpayer and dressed up as news – making it all the more insidious is the additional fact that it hides behind the notion of BBC trust.
Ultimately the liberal lefties doing this are self-defeating because it further corrodes the concept of fair and balanced. Unfortunately for us they will do an awful lot of damage in the meantime unless the PM stands up to them. He does not have a good track record.
Bad records – that’s about where we started with this. Syria nul points. Germany nul points. BBC nul points.
What the BBC doesn’t ever tell you, and I expect that people in the UK don’t know, is that Germany does not deal with Asylum Seekers in the same way we in the UK do.
As you might expect the UK is lazy and hopeless, awarding something referred to as ELR extraordinary leave to remain. This lasts the claimants lifetime and any children gain UK citizenship.
Germany does not give lifelong residence though. It gives 5 years at a time, and if the situation in the home country has changed, then back the refugees go! This makes much more sense and is much easier for the German people to support. A place of safety while a country is too dangerous, but only while it remains dangerous.
Another point the BBC doesn’t seem keen on people knowing is that people fleeing war or unrest are NOT covered by the asylum convention, they do not qualify for refugee status, although it is obvious they cannot be returned until the conflict ceases.
The other issue is the actual people who are trying to get asylum from Syria. These are the Muslims who were protesting against being ruled by what they regarded as heretical non Muslims the Yazidis. The BBC are proposing to allow into Britain a group of people who rose up against their rulers on religious intolerance grounds, lost and then ran away ! The thoughts of what they will do here doesn’t seem to have crossed their hive minds.
That’s very interesting Thoughtful, especially with regard to Germany, but you are not quite accurate regarding those fleeing war. They do not have an automatic right, but they may still have a right:
Article 1. A (2) defines a refugee as someone who ‘… owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion (Convention grounds), is outside the country of his nationality and is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country; or who, not having a nationality and being outside the country of his former habitual residence is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to return to it.’ As opposed to people fleeing due to indiscriminate widespread disruption of public order or generalized violence (OAU 1969 definition). However, in most cases conflict and persecution exist along side; therefore people who are fleeing from armed conflict will in most cases fit within the definition of a refugee found in the 1951 Convention as can be seen in the case of the on-going internal conflict in Somalia.
i’m surprised the BBC and Channel 4 news vans aren’t directly employed smuggling them all back to the UK !
‘Our new camera team of Undu, Moga, Gesh and Himani’
This is the bit the BBC don’t want you to know. Germany might be taking in 800 thousand ‘migrants’ (illegal, economic scroungers to the rest of us), but what percentage of that 800 thousand, once armed with their precious EU papers, intend to stay there and what percentage intend, instead, to travel on to…oh, I dunno, maybe Britain?
It’s all about getting the EU passport. That’s the golden ticket they are all after; it opens all the doors and grants them amnesty from their true status as economic scavengers. So all they have to do is to plead ‘asylum’ and the traitors within the EU will give them the keys to the kingdom (for their own nefarious reasons).
The BBC is piling on the bullsh*ttery big-time at the moment. The ’71 dead’ in the back of a truck in Austria is, sad to say, a gift from heaven to BBC troglodytes – just the kind of tragic story these weasels need to keep spinning their ‘heart-rending’ tales of ‘migrant suffering’. For the BBC it’s all about something they call ‘people trafficking’ (and what the rest of us call illegal immigration). The BBC wants us to see all ‘migrants’ as ‘victims’; that’s its mission. The Corporation just has to keep pushing the victimology of ‘migrants’ and it feels it can ‘nudge’ the entire viewing/listening public towards its preferred narrative on the issue.
What the BBC is doing (e.g. not explaining any counter arguments, implications for us in the UK and Europe, or the real reasons why the vast majority of so-called ‘migrants’ are heading towards Europe) is tantamount to an organised, wilfully misleading and obfuscating propaganda operation.
End the license fee now. The BBC is an absolute disgrace.
I just want someone to tell me, be it the bBC or Government me when enough immigration is enough, were’re told this isn’t going to end soon, what is the ultimate figure the EU think both the UK and Europe can accommodate? The whole of Northern Africa? What sort of place will Europe be to live in once we’ve been outnumbered? Definitely not the diverse utopia we were promised.
Lastly they hate Christianity yet love the benevolence of it, why not head for a safe Muslim country? I think I’ve answered my own question there…
Allowing an asylum seeker in is one thing, but if asylum is refused then they don’t get any papers at all, and as I pointed out Syrians don’t qualify as refugees.
If Germany is administering the asylum treaty correctly, and so far as I’ve seen there’s no evidence to show they aren’t, then economic migrants will be weeded out and returned whence they came.
Even refugees do not gain citizenship status, they can apply for a passport but it isn’t the same one a citizen gets, with the country they claimed asylum from specifically excluded.
then economic migrants will be weeded out and returned whence they came.
How can they b weeded out?
How can they be sent back to a country that is in turmoil? European courts will not allow it. In any case, the “migrants” have already thrown their documents in the sea, so where is one to send them back to?
Go along to any of the many immigration courts in the UK and listen to a few of the cases, you’ll soon find out how they are weeded out!
As for returning people with no documents, you’d be surprised how soon they reveal where they’re really from when the threat of sending them to some trouble spot they don’t want to go to becomes all too real!
The French actually bill the country they have come from for the cost of their false asylum claim. That is something we should be doing as enough money coming from African dictators personal reserves mean they won’t tolerate their people travelling to Europe doing this.
Good – that sounds more hopeful. I would just like to see all this spelled out clearly by Mr Brokenshire or whoever – there is no reason the rules shouldn’t be completely transparent.
Thoughtful – Sounds good in theory but in practice, the record is otherwise.
Let me think as an illegal migrant in say Somalia. Estimate I need somewhere around £10,000 min, to get to Germany. If the chances of being returned back to Somalia are 90%, no way will I take on the trip. That would mean a total loss of £10,000 which I would have to pay back – how? In any case, no one is going to loan me that kind of money when they know they cant get it back.
What about 50% chance that I would be returned to Somalia? No good, too risky.
What about 20% chance that I would be returned to Somalia? No good again, too risky.
What about 10% chance that I would be returned to Somalia? Hmmm. Worth a think over.
What about 1% chance that I would be returned to Somalia? Yes, its a go. And even if I’m returned back, I can try again, and get through.
You are assuming that those migrants and their backers are assessing risks in a rather simple-minded and only superficially rational way.
We know that people in general adopt different decision-strategies in situations where they either have incomplete information, or the impacts or opportunities associated with different outcomes are so diverse that any calculation is uncertain.
I believe there have been many studies of gambling behaviour which have observed deeper rationales behind apparently senseless behaviours. In formal games, ‘breaking the odds’ is generally just an unrealisable fantasy. Even simulating these games with artificial intelligence requires the use of a complex heuristic apparatus, or an imponderable neural learning network.
However, in the migration scenario, where there are many open-ended opportunities to innovate and create different odds ‘on the run’ so to speak, it is highly probable that we will see exactly the sort of behaviour being shown throughout the routes into Europe.
What this means is that it is very difficult to imagine any successful appeal to would-be migrants and their communities, to ‘rationally abandon’ the migration scenario, even if the odds of succeeding are, from our point of view, very low. It seems a more successful option would be to offer a coherent alternative scenario to those communities, a ‘stay at home’ or at least ‘stay where you are’ alternative, with generous community-building and support in situ and only offered in exchange for a long-term commitment on their part to making it work. It would even be worth exporting some Western industry to the ME or sub-Saharan Africa in order to provide economic nuclei around which prosperous and stable societies might emerge. This amounts to economic colonisation, and it might need to be accompanied by political colonisation, supported by military stabilisation forces. However, I don’t see any long-term alternative – we need to be proactive in a way we haven’t been since the 18th century.
The trouble is Islam. To get an effective self-governing, tolerant and restained, and well mannered people, they would have to abandon Islam, and adopt say Christianity – just as the Vikings did. In essence the Ann Coulter option.
According to ZDF/ARD Syrians are being welcomed as asylum seekers. It is claimed that 99 % of “asylum seekers” from the Balkans are returned but are the main cause of the system being overloaded. While it is true that the residence permit period is limited to 3 years, the holders obtain a Niederlassungserlaubnis without time limit as long as no objections are raised about their status. According to Welt.de , the removal figures are inversely correlated to the number of applications. In 2004, maximum removals of 23,000 vs 35,000 applications while at end of 2014, 5713 removals vs 200,000 applications. As there were 250,000 undecided applications at the beginning of 2015, it’s not surprising that massive bureaucratic effort is not being deployed making checks on expiry of the Aufenhaltserlaubnis. Once you’re accepted, you’re there for as long as you want.
The 800,000 is merely the initial entries. They will call their family – number in the tens. We are looking at 8 million each year for the future, if there is one to look forward to.
The EU is fast becoming a failed experiment in the building of an artificial state. Al Beeb promotes the EU while our Prime Minister wants our nation to commit suicide by remaining in its open borders. Its not looking good.
”Sir” Lenny Henry is on the cover of the Radio Times looking smug, he said of his appearance on The Black and White Minstrel Show back in the 1970s it was ”obligatory,” Hmm, did they hold a gun to his head ? nah, Henry is an uncle Tom and now he’s trying to readdress his past by becoming a Race Hustler.
A young black man, his mind poisoned by the BBC’s constant promotion of Henry’s accusations of faux racism, might well hold a gun to someone’s head one day.
Lenny Henry might be portrayed as a chameleon, changing his appearance to suit his background. As the BBC has changed Lenny Henry has changed to extend & preserve his career. He might not even believe what he says (and he has good reason not to) but it’s what he believes his BBC bosses want to hear, and lets face it, he has a lot more direct insight into the thinking of those bosses than we do.
There is an article in today’s Telegraph entitled ‘The BBC’s power and privilege are safe under David Cameron’. In the article Fraser Nelson makes some mild criticism of the BBC and remarks that the BBC has the potential to abuse its power? Perhaps he hasn’t actually consumed any of the BBC’s output for the past several decades but surely any journalist must know that the BBC abuses its position every single day to promote its leftist values and to further entrench its monopolistic position as by far the biggest provider of ‘news’ in the UK.
I can only see a two reasons why any Tory would value the BBC. Firstly, it may help head off the SNP and Scottish Independence, and secondly, it does help keep the lid on anti Muslim feeling in the country. Of course I think that England and Wales would be better off without the Scots and that keeping the lid on anti Muslim feeling is only going to make the eventual, inevitable explosion bigger. (But perhaps all governments have no clue what to do about Muslims and hope that the Muslim problem will magically disappear . They should of course realise that letting in thousands more is only going to make the issue worse and bring it to a head sooner.)
The list of things that any Tory should despise the BBC for is much longer, their opposition to any and all attempts to modernise the public services, efforts to get the deficit under control, attempts to limit immigration, attempts to improve education, attempts to modernise the NHS, attempts unwind the UK from the Human Rights Acts and replace it with a UK version, attempts to renegotiate our position in Europe. The list goes on and on, in fact the BBC opposes just about everything that the government wants to do.
So why leave the BBC’s power and privileges intact? Surely freeing up the country from the non stop propaganda of the BBC is worth the fight given how they organise and promote opposition to the governments agenda for change.
But more fundamentally, how can any democracy be comfortable with one news and current affairs provider being in such a dominant position. If Mr Murdoch had half the power of the BBC there would be an outcry. Why can’t the Tories bring the dangerous, monopolistic , anti democratic, position of the BBC to everyone’s attention as the first step in dealing with the over mighty corporation?
I suspect that Mr Cameron is leaving the sodding bbc untouched because he wants to use it for his propaganda campaign during the Referendum to ensure we stay in the EU.
I would add another reason, and one I see as the main one.
The majority of politicians believe that given the real decline of this nation following years of failed policies that have led to it, they need a propaganda outlet that makes them believe that they are still ruling a great nation.
The BBC fits the bill, and with its hegemonic agenda, can only feed this illusion more.
If one lacks real vision to deal with the problems within, then one clings to an illusion.
They are entwined in a deeply descending spiral. A death pact.
There was a programme about Ladybird books on BBC 4 the other night, it was more of a cultural and social history of Britain in the 1950s, 60s and 70s. ( That country has now been destroyed and it’s never coming back.) A die-versity free zone, effniks aren’t into books, also it didn’t have Stephen Fry, Clare Balding or flavour of the month Lenny Henry in it either. It was fantastic. http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b03mp53s/timeshift-series-13-5-the-ladybird-books-story-the-bugs-that-got-britain-reading
David Non BBc but I recovered some books from my Mothers loft that had been left during my travels. Amongst them A ladybird “easy-reading “book. People at work The Sailor. From 1967 at the cost of 2 and 6 . Obviously it probably never be re printed to day as there is zero diversity.
The racist Lenny Henry,- yet another millionaire socialist hypocrite. Use your money Lenny and go and feed the deprived (red nose day) instead of getting others to do it for you.
”’ Celebrities” when doing charity work they ask the public to send money, while they themselves don’t, yet they get all the praise. It’s good public relations.
Always so illuminating to see how these left-liberal hypocrites actually live. Isn’t it fantastic? Life must be great for these perpetual bottom feeders, snouts buried deep into the public purse of the license fee.
Jesus, either of those properties could house entire boatloads of pitiful ‘migrants’.
Listening to the news on Radio 2 this morning I started to empathise with citizens of the former East Germany when listening to their state broadcasters. The news was filled with the usual libtard rubbish: Obama and gun laws blah blah blah, Migrants in the Med etc etc etc, Pubs being given listed status because of their importance in women’s lib der der der……. The whole thing quickly became a blur and I was struck by how little relevance any of it had to real life.
The BBC would never do research into what are the rules in other countries in relation to citizenship, asylum status, granting of nationality, leave to remain, social security, housing and other benefits etc for fear it might reveal how much easier life is in the UK.
One exception might be nationality because countries like Holland and Sweden know once they give (EU) citizenship to a migrant the chances are they’ll leg it to the UK.
That explains all our Dutch Somalis and Swedish Syrians.
At different points during the day yesterday I saw coverage of the immigration figures by both BBC and ITV News and to be honest, there was very little difference between the two.
So I thought I’d switch to Sky News, which I rarely watch. Blimey! They went to Luton and the report opened with the startling fact that less than 50% of the population there describe themselves as white British.
They interviewed a bloke who’d settled there some time ago from the Middle East who had been running a veg stall on the market for a number of years. He thought immigration was out of control and action needed to be taken. Interestingly, he said crime had rocketed as a result of an influx of Eastern Europeans.
There was a Polish lady who worked in a caff who was settled here with her family and no, she wouldn’t be going back to Poland no matter what.
Then there was the Polish bloke who had been here for 4 years and had never worked. ‘Will you be going back to Poland then?’ he was asked. He turned his head away, unable to conceal the smile on his face. ‘No’, he replied. ‘Why not?’ he was asked. ‘Because my wife and children are here’. That smile – it was if he thought the question was so stupid the interviewer must be an idiot (which he was to some degree as it was claimed the bloke lived off handouts and food from kitchens for the homeless – so what do his ‘family’ do?)
So, much more balanced than either the BBC or ITV but still lacking in rigour e.g. no questions about benefits or whether they send money back to their home country.
I though exactly the same, why didn’t our intrepid interviewer ask that question?
She wasn’t referred to ‘wife’ she was referred to as ‘ex-wife’ so either they spilt before he left Poland and came over to find her, or she turfed him out after being housed by the kind local authority because they have kids, but now we have to house him as well. Plenty of benefits heading into that household, child/housing you name it.
Whatever, the smugness on his face was slap-worthy, scruffy b’stard. Still immigration is good for the country….
‘Terror girl, 16, claimed she sketched bomb-making recipe after watching Blue Peter’
Oh, how things have changed for the youth of today.
Mummy, Daddy, I’ve just been watching BBC Newsround and I’m so incensed by Western foreign policy in the Middle East. I’ve got this list of items here off the internet – have we got any of this stuff in the cupboard under the kitchen sink?
What is it with muslims and telling porkies? (Ooops, should I have said that?)
No matter how ludicrous and implausible the lie they always think they will get away with it.
The government has decided to extend the cull of Badgers, however all day long on ‘ 5 Live ‘ we have been repeatedly told that ‘Independent experts ‘ have found that the cull makes no real difference. The reports have been spun in such a way to convince you that the government is wrong and the ‘experts’ presumably consisting of Brian May and Brian May clones are right.
We will get more and more of this alternative ‘ expert ‘ stuff from the left media as a way of undermining government.
Who? … Former UK Gov scientific adviser says results of the trials prove culls are not an effective way of controlling bovine TB
Or … Failed, ineffective and inhumane, UK’s biggest review of the links between badgers and tuberculosis in cattle, said on Monday.
These folks wearing Brian May wigs then?.
The key is apparently to develop a vaccine in the long term, and in the short term to use better “biosecurity” measures to prevent cattle from coming into contact with sources of the disease.
The results indicate that 84 per cent of outbreaks are caused by … “the movement of infected cattle”, “by infected fields or other wildlife” and by the” failure of tests to detect diseased cattle”.
What is it with Tories enjoying the death of medium size mammals? Foxes, Badgers, erm pensioners, claimants who are sanctioned … the list goes on
IDS must be punching the air
If the badgers are not culled , there will be no English cows left producing English milk , I guess you will be happy buying UHT EU milk in future, for your latte`s.
Listening to the 6pm news and it includes the incessant attempted heart string tugs in respect of the (im)migrant crisis.
A reporter from Kos plays us the cheers that go up when an “illegal” boat reaches the shore and explains how difficult it is not to get swept along in the moment………
……..but then an amazng thing. The reporter explains that’s he’s more than happy to allow several of these (im)migrants to come and live with him, his wife and two daughters in his North London pad. And he’s also willing to give up his job so Abdul from Syria can take it up.
What’s more, a dozen other homes in his area, including several belonging to politicians, are to become “come one, come all” guest houses for the (im)migrants. The politicians promised to lay off family members as researchers/assistants so the jobs could be given to illegals.
Presenters Tony Livesey and Anna Foster agree to get on board and resign live on air so that Aisha from Eritrea and Ishmail from Bangladesh can make a start in the roles on Monday. The show’s editor and producer follow suit to loud cheers. It’s difficult to not get swept along in the moment. And then, and then, and then………………
………I fall off the setee having momentarily drifted off just in time to hear the topic of Stephen Nolan’s phone-in will be “what can be done about the (im)migrant crisis?…..
Driving back, 5Live 6pm news has the daily propaganda on the wave of illegal immigrants, first the news of the dead in Austria, and some in the hold of a boat … a “wake up call” for europe on their plight bleats the Beebot …
Incorrect, this was bound to happen, at sometime simply through sheer numbers its happened before, its imperative that, you cut, the “carrot”, keep processing keep accepting them, the numbers will balloon,
Al BBC Flips to more illegal immigrants, this time cheering as they land in Italy and Kos, “its hard not to get, all caught up in the atmosphere” bleats the Beebot … WTF, maybe in BBC-land, not putting the bunting out in Kos coastal villages I notice.
I hate the BBC
I hate Channel 4
I hate ITV
I hate Sky
I hate social meeja
I hate the Daily Mail
I hate the Red Tops
I hate, in particular, the Guardian
I am growing to hate the Daily Telegraph
Did I mention that I hate the BBC?
Oh, and the Muslim “faith” is on the list, too
Now, Messrs. useless, corrupt, diversity-trained, modern-day excuses for policemen, come and find me, if you can…
You might like the top definition of Misanthropy in the Urban Dictionary misanthropy
The natural allergic reaction had by an intelligent, thinking person when confronted by a world of tribalized, reactionary proto-humans. A condition characterized by a need for solitude, and skepticism about the nobility of one’s fellows. Hatred and mistrust of man (and woman) kind. The state of being misanthropic.
My misanthropy is founded on the evidence: most people, most of the time, are pin-headed bottom feeders…I want nothing to do them.
David Brims, I think that you left a link for the “end of the white people ,or some such on the last thread. I have looked for it bur I cant find it. Any chance you could point me in the right direction as I have time to view now. (Thanks for babysitting grandad)
Irony alert yesterday morning. The news item was concerning the fact that a billion people had been on facebook on a single day. Certainly an interesting point among all the usual migrant/climate change nonsense. Justin Webb was interviewing some social media geek reporter from the states and asked him whether we should be worried that too much power and influence might be wielded by one large media organisation. I spat out my rice crispies – oh the irony!
There are a lot of weak minded leftist fools on ‘Thought for the Day’, blithering out their platitudes on a regular basis. One of the absolute worst is John Bell of the Iona Community. A smug presence whose contentious nonsense is safe from rebuttal on the TFTD slot. He was on yesterday, dealing with the theme of ‘dialogue’. He gave 2 examples of situations where , rather than listening respectfully to one’s opponents, certain groups used loudspeakers to make their point and ignore dialogue (boo!)
Who were these errant groups? The first were the South Koreans who were spreading their capitalistic so-called freedom message to the poor North Koreans. The second were the evil camp guards at Guantanamo who played western music to the detainees which wasn’t ‘their culture’.
So there you have it from Rev Bell folks – we shouldn’t be forcing western values via loudspeaker on North Korea or Al Qaeda. Rather we should get into some real ‘dialogue’ with them. Another great message from the BBC to undermine our culture.
Doesn’t the bloody fool realise that the South Korean broadcasts are aimed at the North Korean troops guarding the border. There are no civilian North Koreans anywhere near the border. But here we have this Marxist fool bemoaning the suffering of the North Korean Army. BooHoo
It’s not just our culture anymore, it’s our entire civilisation that is now at stake….And the hard left morons of whom the BBC so adore, are at the forefront of this hatred, hiding behind the ridiculous premise of “progressive” and “humanitarian” to spread their disgusting rhetoric and treachery…
The BBC still does not report on this
Extremism ‘a threat to British way of life’ warns Theresa May – Yorkshire Post
Home Secretary Theresa May pledges government fight against “Islamist extremism” and “neo-Nazi extremism http://www.heraldscotland.com/politics/13625132.Extremism__threat_to_UK_way_of_life___says_Theresa_May/
So that’s Islamic fascist wannabe mass murderers … and
looks like … erm, those that point them out, then? or maybe she means Iain Drunken Smith
Mrs May was speaking as she visited Birmingham, which in recent years has witnessed its fair share of Islamist terror plots and the murder of a Muslim pensioner at the hands of a far-right extremist.
” it was here, in 2013, that Mohammed Saleem, an 82-year-old British Muslim, was murdered – a murder driven by a Neo-Nazi extremist who tried to bomb mosques in Wolverhampton” http://www.expressandstar.com/?attachment_id=1015801
Hmm so lets just add this up …
that’s how many Neo Nazi, Muslim pensioner attacks?, and …
How many Islamic Extremist, wannabe mass murderers?, or attacks?, or plots, ? or arrests?, in schools, in university, in airports, in the “community”
If memory serves me right that neo-Nazi extremist wasn’t even British, he was Ukrainian. Note, the implication he is British. Note, also that the victim is described as a ‘British muslim’ when, in fact, it is much more likely he was a Pakistani muslim with British citizenship. Either way, I’m happy to say, no actual Britons were involved.
I see Billy Bragg is on R4’s Any Questions yet again.
Is there anyone in the country who actually buys this talentless bore’s musical fumblings? Is there anyone who can suggest a single reason why we are endlessly treated to his incoherent political opinions week in, week out?
Aside, of course, from the fact that he is a deluded Maxist half-wit, like so many at the BBC.
And, before ye all forget…left the diversity and multi-cult enclave of Dagenham he espouses…..for all-white Dorset…..the clot is a typical lefty…..brainless and simple in his outlook.
Newsnight focusing on the really important issues of the day, no not the genocide of Northern Europe, yet again the bloody Labour leadership. At great expense to the licence payer it has commissioned a focus group fronted by Ipsos Mori of former Labour voters. Jeez I wouldn’t trust these thickos to walk my dog, let alone vote for a Labour leader or even worse vote in a GE.
The program fronted by arch leftie O’Brien the treats the Labour party in all seriousness, importance and with a sense of their right to govern when in reality they’re completely irrelevant.
Yes, it’s hard to imagine that Labour any longer matters to anyone but teachers, crazed trade unionists, public sector ‘workers’, Guardianistas and the BBC.
Not bias so much as headbanging stupidity: earlier I was half listening to the football waffle on 5Live while i was cooking my dinner, they went to a report on some women’s hockey game by the obligatory female commentator/reporter, Sara Orchard I think her name was. Now I wasn’t exactly paying attention (obviously), but I’m sure I heard her say ‘England’s taliswoman‘ (my emphasis).
I’d suggest giving this stupid bint an etymological dictionary, but I don’t suppose she’d know what it was for.
Good pun-a fine codeword for Magreb Islamic nutters that France and its neighbours see too many of.
S`pose ours would be the Thali Men.
Reckon there`s a new Esperanto here!
This was my father’s belief,
And this is also mine:
Let all the corn be of one sheaf
And all the grapes be of one vine
Ere our children’s teeth are set on edge
By bitter bread and wine.
Final verse of ‘The Stranger within my Gate’ by Rudyard Kipling.
Ok top story Police are searching for a bird dressed as a pillar box who has taken her kids to Amsterdam because they think she is going to Syria what has this got to do with the UK news on Saturday morning – I don’t give a stuff and neither does anyone else.I will help with her airfare if they want me to
Sack-cloth and ashes for the BBC, oh, woe is us – some stupid woman somewhere has taken her kids somewhere else, and the BBC are in a panic. The hundreds of thousands of incoming undesirables have somehow escaped the attention of the BBC. Or, rather, they haven’t…
Excitement over scores and hundreds dying to get this way.
Excitement over a few inspired to go back to rejoin the fun.
Maybe Newsnight could have one of those round tables or the Jezza Vine show an unfiltered vox-pop putting these two groups together to thrash out their choices in relative headings?
“The Ballad Of Jihadi John And Yoko” (with sincere apologies to Mr Lennon)
Standing in the dock at Southampton,
Trying to get to Syria or Iraq.
The man from the Met said, “You’ve got to turn back”.
You know they didn’t even give us a chance.
Christ you know it ain’t easy,
You know how hard it can be.
The way things are going
They’re going to come back and crucify me.
Finally made the plane into Paris,
Honey mooning down by the Seine.
Jeremy Bowen called to say,
“You can make it O.K.,
You can get married in Gibraltar, which belongs to Spain”.
Christ you know it ain’t easy,
You know how hard it can be.
The way things are going
They’re going to come back and crucify me.
Drove from Paris to the Amsterdam Hilton,
Casing out targets for a week.
Murdoch newspapers said, “Say, what are they doing over here?”
The BBC, “They’re only trying to get us some diversity”.
Christ you know it ain’t easy,
You know how hard it can be.
The way things are going
They’re going to come back and crucify me.
Saving up your benefits for a rainy day,
Bringing up all nine kids on British charity.
Last night three of wives said,
“Oh boy, when you’re dead
You’ve gotta take a lot of them with you
So strap this on and don’t – think!”
Made a lightning trip to Vienna,
plastic explosives stuffed in a bag.
The right-wing newspapers said, “BBC’s lost its head,
They look just like two pillar boxes in drag”.
Christ you know it ain’t easy,
You know how hard it can be.
The way things are going
They’re going to come back and crucify me.
Caught the early plane back to London.
AK47 hid in a sack.
The men from the BBC said, “We wish you success,
It’s good to have the both of you back”.
Christ! you know it ain’t easy,
You know how hard it can be.
The way things are going
They’re going to crucify me.
The way things are going
They’re going to crucify us all.
BBC doesn’t ask where the father is. Syria perhaps?
And the BBC never asks, why are over 90% of the incomings lone males? Where are their wives and kids? If you were fleeing death, would you take your family? I would.
Oh the BBC are not happy the flame headed Rebecca Brooks might be reappointed to head news corps in the UK by their demon Rupert Murdoch.
On they wheel some rent a gob from ‘hacked off’ to talk about his dismay, and how no other company would re-instate someone who lost them so much money.
Well I got news for you. Take a look at the public sector, and Lyn Homer who has cost the tax payer many millions having wrecked every department she’s headed, and rather than being fired or asked to resign (as Brooks was) she’s been moved to an even more complex department which she has then gone on to plunge into crisis !
We have seen people at the BBC cost it multi millions and stay there until the court of public opinion has forced them to go, so lets not assume it’s only the private sector which looks after people on odd base’s.
I have to admit I personally find Brooks a distasteful woman, I’m sure that the accounts those who worked for her are accurate, and she’s hideous, but it is a private company and I don’t have to buy their product, unlike the BBC which I am forced to pay for whether I want it or not !
Hacked Off is just a front organisation for a democracy-hating consortium of leftist activist groups hell-bent on authoritarian censorship and destruction of the right-wing press.
Little wonder the BBC hand them the Common Purpose megaphone at any opportunity. What’s not to like about the BBC having 100% news coverage instead of its measly 70%?
At the May 17 event, numerous Left-wing speakers outlined their view of how the “public good” or the “public interest” as defined by a press regulator, should override freedom of expression.
Jacqui Davis, from Keep our NHS Public, said the media should be obliged to “stand up for the NHS”. Jacqui Hunt, from Equality Now, called for the regulator to ban Page 3, impose compulsory training for male journalists and require all reports on domestic violence to be “sensitive”.
Other groups described as “partner organisations” by Hacked Off’s website include the newly-established Youth Media Agency, which complained that the media’s “discriminatory” coverage of the August 2011 riots “singled out children and young people as the rioters” (72 per cent of those arrested were under 25) and Trans Media Watch, which condemns newspapers for “stigmatising” transsexuals. Alleged examples of discrimination, which Trans Media Watch wants to ban, included a reference to the Bois de Boulogne, a park in Paris, as “containing transsexual prostitutes”.
Another Hacked Off “partner” is Engage, an “anti-discrimination” group including Islamist sympathisers and whose staff have justified the killing of British soldiers. Engage was exposed by The Sunday Telegraph, in what it would no doubt protest to a regulator was “discriminatory” reporting.
The net migration figures are an irrelevance, 636,000 people moved here last year and 307,000 left. I would think most of those leaving will be Brits escaping the rot; and most of those coming here will be the flotsam of the Third World of Africa and the Middle East or from the Second World that is Eastern Europe.
The main point is that we are losing more and more of our own people and they are being replaced by foreigners: it isn’t like for like. The skilled and talented folk who are exiting stage left, are being substituted by twice their number by human rubbish entering stage right.
Biased Broad Crescent Breakfast … on Al Beeb 1, outdoing itself with propaganda this morning
News … po faces as … everybody get concerned about Islamic adherent plus 4 kids in tow off to Syria?
…. yes! …… and?
Sport …. Moh, Moh, more Moh … oh yea and Moh
Onto … 15 minutes of propaganda about the “wonderful” UAE,
Looks like the obligatory Muslim Beebot “dressing up the pig” about the erm “fantastic” holiday destination.
Onto … the papers, with a reject from the Arabian Nights Panto, oops! apologies its Ibrahim Mogra only missing the curly slippers, got the sofa Beebots going all dewey eyed, and transfixed in awe, over
his fallacious crap about “umanity” to erm … illegal immigrants
The narrative, the intimation of course, wonderful Islam educating us about “umanity” … the only thing missing is a free Quran giveaway!
…. utter, utter, intelligence insulting garbage
I was hoping Dame McKellen might have at least something to say about the gay rights of those living (and dying) under the dead hand of the Religion of Peace™… alas, not a word.
I guess gay muslims don’t really count, then. I have no other way to explain why luvvies like McKellen pretend they don’t exist and never – ever – seem to have anything to say on the systematic murder of homosexuals by Islamic State, in the name of Islam, under Sharia law.
Everytime the BBC moan about some scum headlng back to their ISland, you can only feel that this is a few less people who can give them some news…a few less agitprop Shi`its who will blather something about benefit cuts, houses not being big enough or racism…what`eva!
A few less traitors and leeches scoot…but the BBC loses a few potential allies and talking slitscreens.
What chance next time she’s on as the BBC’s speeddial rentagob she’ll be hauled over the coals for it? Yet an eminent, Nobel-laureate scientist gets hounded out of his job for making a light-hearted joke that some panywaist found ‘offensive’.
In another TV interview, she said of white men: “I don’t like them. I want them to be a lost species in a hundred years.”
She also described white working-class people as “stupid”, “vicious” and “scum” in a 2009 column that was later ridiculed by journalist Rod Liddle:
“It was white working-class people who fought against fascism and racism in the Second World War, and white working-class people who battled fascism and racism on the streets.”
‘Fascism and racism’ – that’s you, Ms Alibaba Brown. The self-damning evidence is there for all to see.
Alibaba might also reflect that it is these white men that made Britain a free, democratic and tolerant country that welcomed her parents as Asian refugees in the 70s, fleeing the black terror of Idi Amin’s racist, psychopathic gangster dictatorship.
Hand, feed and bite comes to mind, bordering on treachery.
Radio 2 1pm news main point, in an over authoritative stern voice our presenter announces “IN THE LAST FEW MINUTES….” I thought the Queen had died, but no it turns out Mo Farrah has won some running race.
It seems its quite an achievement, but main point of the news? Drip, drip …
Ed Stourton, on Any Questions (R4 Fri/Sat) introduced Priti Patel MP (Conservative) as ‘on the right’ compared to Peter Oborne (ex-Daily Telegraph), Simon Danczuk MP (Labour) and Billy Bragg (Whatever).
But is she?
Glottal stops apart, what I heard from her mouth seemed to be straight New Labour. The way she spoke, the words she used, the way she ‘ducked & dived and bobbed & weaved’ was pure Yvette Cooper, Caroline Flint or Lucy Powell.
Is there a factory somewhere, knocking out clones, for installation in the House of Commons as MPs? I think we should be told.
Yes I thought she managed to speak quite a bit without actually saying anything. Pure Yvette.
Also she has the irritating habit which many politicos seem to have adopted of prefacing each reply with ”Look,…’
Is this something they are being trained to do at stepford politician finishing school, because they all seem to be at it – Priti, Yvette, Stella Creasy etc. etc. etc.
It is becoming as irritating as ‘So…’
BBC – Police in Bangkok say they have arrested a man in connection with a bomb that killed 20 people in the Thai capital nearly two weeks ago. .. The man? … , a foreigner?, was arrested in Nong Jok on the outskirts of Bangkok, a police spokesman said.
BBC – Arrest made in hunt for Bangkok bomber, Thai police have arrested a man in connection with the bombing of the Erawan Shrine, which killed 20 people.
Some people still question whether this was a jihad attack. Well, let’s see.
A Muslim from Turkey travels to Thailand and helps blow up a Hindu shrine.
He must have been motivated by local political concerns, right?
Or maybe he intended to carry out a robbery?
Or perhaps Adem Karadag is “mentally ill
R Spencer
British authorities have absolutely no idea what to do about the phenomenon of whole families of Muslims leaving Britain to travel to the Islamic State, because they refuse to face what motivates these families to make such a move.
… And so there will be many, many more cases like this one
R Spencer
The Telegraph headline – bbc two boss admits she is terrified of Chris Evans presenting Top Gear. If that terrifies her, poor dear, may God help her if she’s ever in a real situation where normal people would be justified in being terrified; such as maybe travelling to Calais by road, or maybe telling the truth about islam in front of a muslim. Of course this is just free advertising for their replacement car show and the Telegraph, fools that they are, have been only too willing to oblige.
Today’s Telegraph is a laughably poor shadow of its former self. The online site invariably includes a couple of puff pieces for BBC programmes (has anyone else noticed the frequency of references to Poldark with obligatory topless pictures of the male (Boo!) lead). Don’t get me started about their rolling coverage of all things Bake-off.
The political opinion pieces, I won’t call them reports, are little different these days from the rest of the mainstream North London/Metropolitan groupthink we are force fed. This might give a clue towards their apparent unquestioning support of the BBC.
Still at least it’s free. Just in case anyone is daft enough to pay them a subscription all you have to do is delete your cookies and browsing history once you reach the “monthly limit”, then start reading again assuming you can find anything worth the effort.
I notice setting up a new internet radio thingy that from the list of largely inappropriate and irrelevant channels (Christmas carols network??) That the BBC have an Afghanistan service which it is possible to listen to over the internet. I don’t speak Pashtu so not much point in listening but it makes me shudder to think what crap they might be broadcasting. Probably an open invitation to travel to the West complete with wheelchair where they would be welcomed with open arms !
What makes it worse is that you & I are being forced to pay for it all with threat of imprisonment if we refuse !
Anyone heard anything on this?
Of course I checked in to the ministry of truth … as usual … squat!
last thing I could find is more waffle from F ” Ironsides “Gardiner,
BBC – “measures are in train that could seriously disrupt their supply of recruits. In co-ordination with Washington and other NATO allies, Turkey is now considering imposing a buffer zone along part of its 700-mile common border with Syria”
“considering”? … hmmm … woulda, coulda, shoulda and all that.
Maybe Obama s still all … ISIS bad – Assad Badder, he is cooperating with the Saudis, Turkey, wants Assad out,
… and well, the largest terrorist threat on the planet? …. pah! no problem !
What could go wrong eh!
The BBC headline is this:
“Virginia man dies in jail after arrest for stealing snacks” with a picture of a smiling black male.
Inference? He was arrested for a petty matter of stealing food to feed his family. Murdered in custody.
Reality? He died of natural causes brought on by long term mental illness.
But you have to read into the feature to discover that.
Misleading and mischievous reporting by the BBC. They would not have been interested had he been white. And the same happens to whites, but you wouldn’t know it.
As for earthquakes, Durham University’s definitive survey of all induced earthquakes over many decades concluded that “almost all of the resultant seismic activity [from fracking] was on such a small scale that only geoscientists would be able to detect it” and that mining, geothermal activity or reservoir water storage causes more and bigger tremors.
Your untouchable BBC – telling lies for its 28gate mates, because it can
If life in the UK became intolerable in 20 years or less for the Christian British population and they faced extermination, how receptive to British asylum seekers would the following countries be:-
R4 PM had much hand wringing and Lyse Doucet going on and on about the journalists imprisoned in Egypt.
Do any of us really care?
They worked for Al Jazeera.That is an outfit funded by Qatar. No friend of the West despite appearances.
Very worked up were the Beeboids. I am willing to bet 90% of people in England could not care less.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Seems Sue Perkins is gunning for a seat on the BBC diplomacy droits du seigneur high table on the back of profile secured watching the vital service of cakes being baked.
Not really making it easy for John Whittingdale to hand the BBC all it wants on a plate quietly so’s no one notices.
Germany welcomes Syria into the EU
It may not come with full Eurovision Song Contest entry rights, a starry blue number plate or seats in the EU parliament (these listed in order of significance) but Syria is now effectively in the EU thanks to German unilateral efforts.
All that Syrians have to do – or anyone else for that matter chucking their papers and kidding on they are Syrian – is to follow the Gold Rush (Deutsch Goldrausch?) and fetch up in the homeland of Augustus Gloop for their very own Golden Ticket (plus one? plus all their family and anyone who knows them? ) next stop… anywhere they fancy within the EU.
So, of the 800,000 Germany is looking forward to receiving even 10% of these coming on to Britain will increase our current total refugee claimers by a factor of four. That’s without Cameron being shamed into taking even more by some more direct route.
And do we think this news is going down in the minds of potential migrants?
We know what happened to the sales of Wonka Bars – they went up and up and up!
Solving the ‘Migrant Crisis’? Merkel is exacerbating the problem.
The BBC and their fellow travellers on Channel 4 are now in full gear nightly campaigning against our recently elected Government’s policy on migrants. The campaign is professional, well funded by the taxpayer and dressed up as news – making it all the more insidious is the additional fact that it hides behind the notion of BBC trust.
Ultimately the liberal lefties doing this are self-defeating because it further corrodes the concept of fair and balanced. Unfortunately for us they will do an awful lot of damage in the meantime unless the PM stands up to them. He does not have a good track record.
Bad records – that’s about where we started with this. Syria nul points. Germany nul points. BBC nul points.
What the BBC doesn’t ever tell you, and I expect that people in the UK don’t know, is that Germany does not deal with Asylum Seekers in the same way we in the UK do.
As you might expect the UK is lazy and hopeless, awarding something referred to as ELR extraordinary leave to remain. This lasts the claimants lifetime and any children gain UK citizenship.
Germany does not give lifelong residence though. It gives 5 years at a time, and if the situation in the home country has changed, then back the refugees go! This makes much more sense and is much easier for the German people to support. A place of safety while a country is too dangerous, but only while it remains dangerous.
Another point the BBC doesn’t seem keen on people knowing is that people fleeing war or unrest are NOT covered by the asylum convention, they do not qualify for refugee status, although it is obvious they cannot be returned until the conflict ceases.
The other issue is the actual people who are trying to get asylum from Syria. These are the Muslims who were protesting against being ruled by what they regarded as heretical non Muslims the Yazidis. The BBC are proposing to allow into Britain a group of people who rose up against their rulers on religious intolerance grounds, lost and then ran away ! The thoughts of what they will do here doesn’t seem to have crossed their hive minds.
That’s very interesting Thoughtful, especially with regard to Germany, but you are not quite accurate regarding those fleeing war. They do not have an automatic right, but they may still have a right:
Article 1. A (2) defines a refugee as someone who ‘… owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion (Convention grounds), is outside the country of his nationality and is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country; or who, not having a nationality and being outside the country of his former habitual residence is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to return to it.’ As opposed to people fleeing due to indiscriminate widespread disruption of public order or generalized violence (OAU 1969 definition). However, in most cases conflict and persecution exist along side; therefore people who are fleeing from armed conflict will in most cases fit within the definition of a refugee found in the 1951 Convention as can be seen in the case of the on-going internal conflict in Somalia.
i’m surprised the BBC and Channel 4 news vans aren’t directly employed smuggling them all back to the UK !
‘Our new camera team of Undu, Moga, Gesh and Himani’
They probably are!
“…next stop… anywhere they fancy within the EU.”
This is the bit the BBC don’t want you to know. Germany might be taking in 800 thousand ‘migrants’ (illegal, economic scroungers to the rest of us), but what percentage of that 800 thousand, once armed with their precious EU papers, intend to stay there and what percentage intend, instead, to travel on to…oh, I dunno, maybe Britain?
It’s all about getting the EU passport. That’s the golden ticket they are all after; it opens all the doors and grants them amnesty from their true status as economic scavengers. So all they have to do is to plead ‘asylum’ and the traitors within the EU will give them the keys to the kingdom (for their own nefarious reasons).
The BBC is piling on the bullsh*ttery big-time at the moment. The ’71 dead’ in the back of a truck in Austria is, sad to say, a gift from heaven to BBC troglodytes – just the kind of tragic story these weasels need to keep spinning their ‘heart-rending’ tales of ‘migrant suffering’. For the BBC it’s all about something they call ‘people trafficking’ (and what the rest of us call illegal immigration). The BBC wants us to see all ‘migrants’ as ‘victims’; that’s its mission. The Corporation just has to keep pushing the victimology of ‘migrants’ and it feels it can ‘nudge’ the entire viewing/listening public towards its preferred narrative on the issue.
What the BBC is doing (e.g. not explaining any counter arguments, implications for us in the UK and Europe, or the real reasons why the vast majority of so-called ‘migrants’ are heading towards Europe) is tantamount to an organised, wilfully misleading and obfuscating propaganda operation.
End the license fee now. The BBC is an absolute disgrace.
I just want someone to tell me, be it the bBC or Government me when enough immigration is enough, were’re told this isn’t going to end soon, what is the ultimate figure the EU think both the UK and Europe can accommodate? The whole of Northern Africa? What sort of place will Europe be to live in once we’ve been outnumbered? Definitely not the diverse utopia we were promised.
Lastly they hate Christianity yet love the benevolence of it, why not head for a safe Muslim country? I think I’ve answered my own question there…
”what is the ultimate figure the EU think both the UK and Europe can accommodate?” When the country is 100% black and muslim.
I’m not so sure your fears are well founded.
Allowing an asylum seeker in is one thing, but if asylum is refused then they don’t get any papers at all, and as I pointed out Syrians don’t qualify as refugees.
If Germany is administering the asylum treaty correctly, and so far as I’ve seen there’s no evidence to show they aren’t, then economic migrants will be weeded out and returned whence they came.
Even refugees do not gain citizenship status, they can apply for a passport but it isn’t the same one a citizen gets, with the country they claimed asylum from specifically excluded.
then economic migrants will be weeded out and returned whence they came.
How can they b weeded out?
How can they be sent back to a country that is in turmoil? European courts will not allow it. In any case, the “migrants” have already thrown their documents in the sea, so where is one to send them back to?
Turkish immigrants went to Germany in the 1960s were called ”guest workers,” they’ve been ”guests” for the last 50 years !!
The Germans never change. They wanted cheap labour from Turkey and they got it !
Sort of replacement for the Jews !!! Germans ! Ha !!
How can they be weeded out?
Go along to any of the many immigration courts in the UK and listen to a few of the cases, you’ll soon find out how they are weeded out!
As for returning people with no documents, you’d be surprised how soon they reveal where they’re really from when the threat of sending them to some trouble spot they don’t want to go to becomes all too real!
The French actually bill the country they have come from for the cost of their false asylum claim. That is something we should be doing as enough money coming from African dictators personal reserves mean they won’t tolerate their people travelling to Europe doing this.
Good – that sounds more hopeful. I would just like to see all this spelled out clearly by Mr Brokenshire or whoever – there is no reason the rules shouldn’t be completely transparent.
Thoughtful – Sounds good in theory but in practice, the record is otherwise.
Let me think as an illegal migrant in say Somalia. Estimate I need somewhere around £10,000 min, to get to Germany. If the chances of being returned back to Somalia are 90%, no way will I take on the trip. That would mean a total loss of £10,000 which I would have to pay back – how? In any case, no one is going to loan me that kind of money when they know they cant get it back.
What about 50% chance that I would be returned to Somalia? No good, too risky.
What about 20% chance that I would be returned to Somalia? No good again, too risky.
What about 10% chance that I would be returned to Somalia? Hmmm. Worth a think over.
What about 1% chance that I would be returned to Somalia? Yes, its a go. And even if I’m returned back, I can try again, and get through.
You are assuming that those migrants and their backers are assessing risks in a rather simple-minded and only superficially rational way.
We know that people in general adopt different decision-strategies in situations where they either have incomplete information, or the impacts or opportunities associated with different outcomes are so diverse that any calculation is uncertain.
I believe there have been many studies of gambling behaviour which have observed deeper rationales behind apparently senseless behaviours. In formal games, ‘breaking the odds’ is generally just an unrealisable fantasy. Even simulating these games with artificial intelligence requires the use of a complex heuristic apparatus, or an imponderable neural learning network.
However, in the migration scenario, where there are many open-ended opportunities to innovate and create different odds ‘on the run’ so to speak, it is highly probable that we will see exactly the sort of behaviour being shown throughout the routes into Europe.
What this means is that it is very difficult to imagine any successful appeal to would-be migrants and their communities, to ‘rationally abandon’ the migration scenario, even if the odds of succeeding are, from our point of view, very low. It seems a more successful option would be to offer a coherent alternative scenario to those communities, a ‘stay at home’ or at least ‘stay where you are’ alternative, with generous community-building and support in situ and only offered in exchange for a long-term commitment on their part to making it work. It would even be worth exporting some Western industry to the ME or sub-Saharan Africa in order to provide economic nuclei around which prosperous and stable societies might emerge. This amounts to economic colonisation, and it might need to be accompanied by political colonisation, supported by military stabilisation forces. However, I don’t see any long-term alternative – we need to be proactive in a way we haven’t been since the 18th century.
The trouble is Islam. To get an effective self-governing, tolerant and restained, and well mannered people, they would have to abandon Islam, and adopt say Christianity – just as the Vikings did. In essence the Ann Coulter option.
According to ZDF/ARD Syrians are being welcomed as asylum seekers. It is claimed that 99 % of “asylum seekers” from the Balkans are returned but are the main cause of the system being overloaded. While it is true that the residence permit period is limited to 3 years, the holders obtain a Niederlassungserlaubnis without time limit as long as no objections are raised about their status. According to Welt.de , the removal figures are inversely correlated to the number of applications. In 2004, maximum removals of 23,000 vs 35,000 applications while at end of 2014, 5713 removals vs 200,000 applications. As there were 250,000 undecided applications at the beginning of 2015, it’s not surprising that massive bureaucratic effort is not being deployed making checks on expiry of the Aufenhaltserlaubnis. Once you’re accepted, you’re there for as long as you want.
Thanks ID.
The 800,000 is merely the initial entries. They will call their family – number in the tens. We are looking at 8 million each year for the future, if there is one to look forward to.
The EU is fast becoming a failed experiment in the building of an artificial state. Al Beeb promotes the EU while our Prime Minister wants our nation to commit suicide by remaining in its open borders. Its not looking good.
”Sir” Lenny Henry is on the cover of the Radio Times looking smug, he said of his appearance on The Black and White Minstrel Show back in the 1970s it was ”obligatory,” Hmm, did they hold a gun to his head ? nah, Henry is an uncle Tom and now he’s trying to readdress his past by becoming a Race Hustler.
A young black man, his mind poisoned by the BBC’s constant promotion of Henry’s accusations of faux racism, might well hold a gun to someone’s head one day.
An example
Decades of Cruel Liberalism Created Vester Flanagan’s Victim Mentality
It’s interesting to note that the less funny he becomes, the more he feels the need to raise his profile by banging on about race.
No it’s far worse than that.
Lenny Henry might be portrayed as a chameleon, changing his appearance to suit his background. As the BBC has changed Lenny Henry has changed to extend & preserve his career. He might not even believe what he says (and he has good reason not to) but it’s what he believes his BBC bosses want to hear, and lets face it, he has a lot more direct insight into the thinking of those bosses than we do.
Being black has got him where he is.
New from the BBC TV Licensing Blog:
– Culture Secretary Denies Plans to Dismantle the BBC
– Reader Letter: Bullying Capita TV Licensing Court Presenter
There is an article in today’s Telegraph entitled ‘The BBC’s power and privilege are safe under David Cameron’. In the article Fraser Nelson makes some mild criticism of the BBC and remarks that the BBC has the potential to abuse its power? Perhaps he hasn’t actually consumed any of the BBC’s output for the past several decades but surely any journalist must know that the BBC abuses its position every single day to promote its leftist values and to further entrench its monopolistic position as by far the biggest provider of ‘news’ in the UK.
I can only see a two reasons why any Tory would value the BBC. Firstly, it may help head off the SNP and Scottish Independence, and secondly, it does help keep the lid on anti Muslim feeling in the country. Of course I think that England and Wales would be better off without the Scots and that keeping the lid on anti Muslim feeling is only going to make the eventual, inevitable explosion bigger. (But perhaps all governments have no clue what to do about Muslims and hope that the Muslim problem will magically disappear . They should of course realise that letting in thousands more is only going to make the issue worse and bring it to a head sooner.)
The list of things that any Tory should despise the BBC for is much longer, their opposition to any and all attempts to modernise the public services, efforts to get the deficit under control, attempts to limit immigration, attempts to improve education, attempts to modernise the NHS, attempts unwind the UK from the Human Rights Acts and replace it with a UK version, attempts to renegotiate our position in Europe. The list goes on and on, in fact the BBC opposes just about everything that the government wants to do.
So why leave the BBC’s power and privileges intact? Surely freeing up the country from the non stop propaganda of the BBC is worth the fight given how they organise and promote opposition to the governments agenda for change.
But more fundamentally, how can any democracy be comfortable with one news and current affairs provider being in such a dominant position. If Mr Murdoch had half the power of the BBC there would be an outcry. Why can’t the Tories bring the dangerous, monopolistic , anti democratic, position of the BBC to everyone’s attention as the first step in dealing with the over mighty corporation?
Maybe Climate Change is top trump in the BBC/Cameron relationship.
I suspect that Mr Cameron is leaving the sodding bbc untouched because he wants to use it for his propaganda campaign during the Referendum to ensure we stay in the EU.
I would add another reason, and one I see as the main one.
The majority of politicians believe that given the real decline of this nation following years of failed policies that have led to it, they need a propaganda outlet that makes them believe that they are still ruling a great nation.
The BBC fits the bill, and with its hegemonic agenda, can only feed this illusion more.
If one lacks real vision to deal with the problems within, then one clings to an illusion.
They are entwined in a deeply descending spiral. A death pact.
There was a programme about Ladybird books on BBC 4 the other night, it was more of a cultural and social history of Britain in the 1950s, 60s and 70s. ( That country has now been destroyed and it’s never coming back.) A die-versity free zone, effniks aren’t into books, also it didn’t have Stephen Fry, Clare Balding or flavour of the month Lenny Henry in it either. It was fantastic. http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b03mp53s/timeshift-series-13-5-the-ladybird-books-story-the-bugs-that-got-britain-reading
David Non BBc but I recovered some books from my Mothers loft that had been left during my travels. Amongst them A ladybird “easy-reading “book. People at work The Sailor. From 1967 at the cost of 2 and 6 . Obviously it probably never be re printed to day as there is zero diversity.
Lenny Henry’s £ 3 million pound house in Berkshire, my God it’s a mansion !! and his £ 2.3 million cliff top villa in Cornwall. Even effniks can’t stand die-versity and do White Flight. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-1192925/Dawn-French-Lenny-Henry-drop-asking-price-home-650-000-lavish-mansion-fails-sell.html
The racist Lenny Henry,- yet another millionaire socialist hypocrite. Use your money Lenny and go and feed the deprived (red nose day) instead of getting others to do it for you.
Most people I know can’t stand the hypocrite!
”’ Celebrities” when doing charity work they ask the public to send money, while they themselves don’t, yet they get all the praise. It’s good public relations.
And Red Nose seems to have been about as much use as Live Aid (recurring)
It wont surprise me that celebs actually charge for their measly efforts. If not charge, demand expenses.
Terry Wogan got £9,000 pounds for hosting Children in Need, one days work. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-439875/Wogan-celeb-paid-Children-In-Need.html
Amazing.I liked Terry Wogan.
Always so illuminating to see how these left-liberal hypocrites actually live. Isn’t it fantastic? Life must be great for these perpetual bottom feeders, snouts buried deep into the public purse of the license fee.
Jesus, either of those properties could house entire boatloads of pitiful ‘migrants’.
How about it, Lenny? Dawn..?
Listening to the news on Radio 2 this morning I started to empathise with citizens of the former East Germany when listening to their state broadcasters. The news was filled with the usual libtard rubbish: Obama and gun laws blah blah blah, Migrants in the Med etc etc etc, Pubs being given listed status because of their importance in women’s lib der der der……. The whole thing quickly became a blur and I was struck by how little relevance any of it had to real life.
Have all the evil white rascists started the rioting and looting across the usa yet, after the shooting of the two hideously white news people?
Totally non BBC, but I m posting it here … when you watch it you ll know why..
… keep saying it folks … it won t be long
Check out the summary of todays episode of BBC1 afternoon drama “Doctors”:
Niamh helps a trans woman who questions her decision to live as a woman. Karen gives Rob a much-needed wake-up call.
Ha ha ha ha ha.
The BBC would never do research into what are the rules in other countries in relation to citizenship, asylum status, granting of nationality, leave to remain, social security, housing and other benefits etc for fear it might reveal how much easier life is in the UK.
One exception might be nationality because countries like Holland and Sweden know once they give (EU) citizenship to a migrant the chances are they’ll leg it to the UK.
That explains all our Dutch Somalis and Swedish Syrians.
BBC News
1 hr ·
That’s an-udder fine mess I’ve gotten into
Cow gets head stuck in chair
FaceBook was, as you might imagine, impressed.
The other big story was the truck victims, who ‘might’ be Syrian.
No word on quite what they were still fleeing from between Syria and the location of their unfortunate trip conclusion.
At different points during the day yesterday I saw coverage of the immigration figures by both BBC and ITV News and to be honest, there was very little difference between the two.
So I thought I’d switch to Sky News, which I rarely watch. Blimey! They went to Luton and the report opened with the startling fact that less than 50% of the population there describe themselves as white British.
They interviewed a bloke who’d settled there some time ago from the Middle East who had been running a veg stall on the market for a number of years. He thought immigration was out of control and action needed to be taken. Interestingly, he said crime had rocketed as a result of an influx of Eastern Europeans.
There was a Polish lady who worked in a caff who was settled here with her family and no, she wouldn’t be going back to Poland no matter what.
Then there was the Polish bloke who had been here for 4 years and had never worked. ‘Will you be going back to Poland then?’ he was asked. He turned his head away, unable to conceal the smile on his face. ‘No’, he replied. ‘Why not?’ he was asked. ‘Because my wife and children are here’. That smile – it was if he thought the question was so stupid the interviewer must be an idiot (which he was to some degree as it was claimed the bloke lived off handouts and food from kitchens for the homeless – so what do his ‘family’ do?)
So, much more balanced than either the BBC or ITV but still lacking in rigour e.g. no questions about benefits or whether they send money back to their home country.
I though exactly the same, why didn’t our intrepid interviewer ask that question?
She wasn’t referred to ‘wife’ she was referred to as ‘ex-wife’ so either they spilt before he left Poland and came over to find her, or she turfed him out after being housed by the kind local authority because they have kids, but now we have to house him as well. Plenty of benefits heading into that household, child/housing you name it.
Whatever, the smugness on his face was slap-worthy, scruffy b’stard. Still immigration is good for the country….
Poles will integrate, but Muslims never will. The Iranian Muslim regards Poles coming to the UK as people who delay the eventual conquest of Britain.
Remember how you could never find two empty squeezy liquid bottles and a yard of sticky backed plastic?
‘Terror girl, 16, claimed she sketched bomb-making recipe after watching Blue Peter’
Oh, how things have changed for the youth of today.
Mummy, Daddy, I’ve just been watching BBC Newsround and I’m so incensed by Western foreign policy in the Middle East. I’ve got this list of items here off the internet – have we got any of this stuff in the cupboard under the kitchen sink?
What is it with muslims and telling porkies? (Ooops, should I have said that?)
No matter how ludicrous and implausible the lie they always think they will get away with it.
They do get away with it because there are plenty of morons willing to believe it. See BDS, Pallywood, ‘Religion of Peace’, etc.
How can you deport migrants that have no paperwork to state where they are from?
The government has decided to extend the cull of Badgers, however all day long on ‘ 5 Live ‘ we have been repeatedly told that ‘Independent experts ‘ have found that the cull makes no real difference. The reports have been spun in such a way to convince you that the government is wrong and the ‘experts’ presumably consisting of Brian May and Brian May clones are right.
We will get more and more of this alternative ‘ expert ‘ stuff from the left media as a way of undermining government.
Who? … Former UK Gov scientific adviser says results of the trials prove culls are not an effective way of controlling bovine TB
Or … Failed, ineffective and inhumane, UK’s biggest review of the links between badgers and tuberculosis in cattle, said on Monday.
These folks wearing Brian May wigs then?.
The key is apparently to develop a vaccine in the long term, and in the short term to use better “biosecurity” measures to prevent cattle from coming into contact with sources of the disease.
The results indicate that 84 per cent of outbreaks are caused by … “the movement of infected cattle”, “by infected fields or other wildlife” and by the” failure of tests to detect diseased cattle”.
What is it with Tories enjoying the death of medium size mammals? Foxes, Badgers, erm pensioners, claimants who are sanctioned … the list goes on
IDS must be punching the air
If the badgers are not culled , there will be no English cows left producing English milk , I guess you will be happy buying UHT EU milk in future, for your latte`s.
Codswallop. The government is simply caving in to one of its key supporting pressure groups – no different to Labour caving in to the unions.
Listening to the 6pm news and it includes the incessant attempted heart string tugs in respect of the (im)migrant crisis.
A reporter from Kos plays us the cheers that go up when an “illegal” boat reaches the shore and explains how difficult it is not to get swept along in the moment………
……..but then an amazng thing. The reporter explains that’s he’s more than happy to allow several of these (im)migrants to come and live with him, his wife and two daughters in his North London pad. And he’s also willing to give up his job so Abdul from Syria can take it up.
What’s more, a dozen other homes in his area, including several belonging to politicians, are to become “come one, come all” guest houses for the (im)migrants. The politicians promised to lay off family members as researchers/assistants so the jobs could be given to illegals.
Presenters Tony Livesey and Anna Foster agree to get on board and resign live on air so that Aisha from Eritrea and Ishmail from Bangladesh can make a start in the roles on Monday. The show’s editor and producer follow suit to loud cheers. It’s difficult to not get swept along in the moment. And then, and then, and then………………
………I fall off the setee having momentarily drifted off just in time to hear the topic of Stephen Nolan’s phone-in will be “what can be done about the (im)migrant crisis?…..
Hmmmm, I can suggest a few places to start
Driving back, 5Live 6pm news has the daily propaganda on the wave of illegal immigrants, first the news of the dead in Austria, and some in the hold of a boat … a “wake up call” for europe on their plight bleats the Beebot …
Incorrect, this was bound to happen, at sometime simply through sheer numbers its happened before, its imperative that, you cut, the “carrot”, keep processing keep accepting them, the numbers will balloon,
Al BBC Flips to more illegal immigrants, this time cheering as they land in Italy and Kos, “its hard not to get, all caught up in the atmosphere” bleats the Beebot … WTF, maybe in BBC-land, not putting the bunting out in Kos coastal villages I notice.
I have decided that I am guilty of hate crime.
I hate the BBC
I hate Channel 4
I hate ITV
I hate Sky
I hate social meeja
I hate the Daily Mail
I hate the Red Tops
I hate, in particular, the Guardian
I am growing to hate the Daily Telegraph
Did I mention that I hate the BBC?
Oh, and the Muslim “faith” is on the list, too
Now, Messrs. useless, corrupt, diversity-trained, modern-day excuses for policemen, come and find me, if you can…
Old Goat
I diagnose misanthropy, think I’m heading that way as well!
Having just half watched part of what is euphemistically called the “Channel 4 News”, I highly recommend misanthropy – it’s therapeutic.
You might like the top definition of Misanthropy in the Urban Dictionary
The natural allergic reaction had by an intelligent, thinking person when confronted by a world of tribalized, reactionary proto-humans. A condition characterized by a need for solitude, and skepticism about the nobility of one’s fellows. Hatred and mistrust of man (and woman) kind. The state of being misanthropic.
My misanthropy is founded on the evidence: most people, most of the time, are pin-headed bottom feeders…I want nothing to do them.
Add to the list: all forms of collectivism; ie socialism,fascism,communism, marxism, greenism; and croney capitalism.
Can’t agree more old goat. Maybe, there is something in the theory that some of us are from a superior alien intelligence after all!
David Brims, I think that you left a link for the “end of the white people ,or some such on the last thread. I have looked for it bur I cant find it. Any chance you could point me in the right direction as I have time to view now. (Thanks for babysitting grandad)
It’s on the Le Crackpot Rides Again Thread biasedbbc.tv/blog/2015/08/26/le-crackpot-rides-again/
The man who made the video is Tim Murdock ( Horus the Avenger ) He also made Anti Racist Hitler, this is his website. whiterabbitradio.net
Try searching for ‘The End Game – Full White Genocide documentary on Youtube – it might be what you’re looking for
Irony alert yesterday morning. The news item was concerning the fact that a billion people had been on facebook on a single day. Certainly an interesting point among all the usual migrant/climate change nonsense. Justin Webb was interviewing some social media geek reporter from the states and asked him whether we should be worried that too much power and influence might be wielded by one large media organisation. I spat out my rice crispies – oh the irony!
Has anyone actually verified this claim by Facebook? The BBC just seemed to accept it as a fact with no scepticism applied at all.
I must say, it seems beyond belief to me.
There are a lot of weak minded leftist fools on ‘Thought for the Day’, blithering out their platitudes on a regular basis. One of the absolute worst is John Bell of the Iona Community. A smug presence whose contentious nonsense is safe from rebuttal on the TFTD slot. He was on yesterday, dealing with the theme of ‘dialogue’. He gave 2 examples of situations where , rather than listening respectfully to one’s opponents, certain groups used loudspeakers to make their point and ignore dialogue (boo!)
Who were these errant groups? The first were the South Koreans who were spreading their capitalistic so-called freedom message to the poor North Koreans. The second were the evil camp guards at Guantanamo who played western music to the detainees which wasn’t ‘their culture’.
So there you have it from Rev Bell folks – we shouldn’t be forcing western values via loudspeaker on North Korea or Al Qaeda. Rather we should get into some real ‘dialogue’ with them. Another great message from the BBC to undermine our culture.
Doesn’t the bloody fool realise that the South Korean broadcasts are aimed at the North Korean troops guarding the border. There are no civilian North Koreans anywhere near the border. But here we have this Marxist fool bemoaning the suffering of the North Korean Army. BooHoo
It’s not just our culture anymore, it’s our entire civilisation that is now at stake….And the hard left morons of whom the BBC so adore, are at the forefront of this hatred, hiding behind the ridiculous premise of “progressive” and “humanitarian” to spread their disgusting rhetoric and treachery…
The BBC still does not report on this
Extremism ‘a threat to British way of life’ warns Theresa May – Yorkshire Post
Home Secretary Theresa May pledges government fight against “Islamist extremism” and “neo-Nazi extremism
So that’s Islamic fascist wannabe mass murderers … and
looks like … erm, those that point them out, then? or maybe she means Iain Drunken Smith
Mrs May was speaking as she visited Birmingham, which in recent years has witnessed its fair share of Islamist terror plots and the murder of a Muslim pensioner at the hands of a far-right extremist.
” it was here, in 2013, that Mohammed Saleem, an 82-year-old British Muslim, was murdered – a murder driven by a Neo-Nazi extremist who tried to bomb mosques in Wolverhampton”
Hmm so lets just add this up …
that’s how many Neo Nazi, Muslim pensioner attacks?, and …
How many Islamic Extremist, wannabe mass murderers?, or attacks?, or plots, ? or arrests?, in schools, in university, in airports, in the “community”
more sycophantic drivel
If memory serves me right that neo-Nazi extremist wasn’t even British, he was Ukrainian. Note, the implication he is British. Note, also that the victim is described as a ‘British muslim’ when, in fact, it is much more likely he was a Pakistani muslim with British citizenship. Either way, I’m happy to say, no actual Britons were involved.
I see Billy Bragg is on R4’s Any Questions yet again.
Is there anyone in the country who actually buys this talentless bore’s musical fumblings? Is there anyone who can suggest a single reason why we are endlessly treated to his incoherent political opinions week in, week out?
Aside, of course, from the fact that he is a deluded Maxist half-wit, like so many at the BBC.
And, before ye all forget…left the diversity and multi-cult enclave of Dagenham he espouses…..for all-white Dorset…..the clot is a typical lefty…..brainless and simple in his outlook.
Newsnight focusing on the really important issues of the day, no not the genocide of Northern Europe, yet again the bloody Labour leadership. At great expense to the licence payer it has commissioned a focus group fronted by Ipsos Mori of former Labour voters. Jeez I wouldn’t trust these thickos to walk my dog, let alone vote for a Labour leader or even worse vote in a GE.
The program fronted by arch leftie O’Brien the treats the Labour party in all seriousness, importance and with a sense of their right to govern when in reality they’re completely irrelevant.
Yes, it’s hard to imagine that Labour any longer matters to anyone but teachers, crazed trade unionists, public sector ‘workers’, Guardianistas and the BBC.
The country could do without most of them.
All of a sudden I think of the Golgafrinchams and their ‘B’ Ark. Actually that would explain a lot.
Oh for such an ark, and a piece of cheese on a string, to lead them into it..
Not bias so much as headbanging stupidity: earlier I was half listening to the football waffle on 5Live while i was cooking my dinner, they went to a report on some women’s hockey game by the obligatory female commentator/reporter, Sara Orchard I think her name was. Now I wasn’t exactly paying attention (obviously), but I’m sure I heard her say ‘England’s taliswoman‘ (my emphasis).
I’d suggest giving this stupid bint an etymological dictionary, but I don’t suppose she’d know what it was for.
Islam had it’s own Thalysman the other day, until apprehended on a train…
Good pun-a fine codeword for Magreb Islamic nutters that France and its neighbours see too many of.
S`pose ours would be the Thali Men.
Reckon there`s a new Esperanto here!
The sort of thing you won’t be hearing about on the BBC: Sweden. See Europe’s future and weep.
Posted before, but worth repeating:
This was my father’s belief,
And this is also mine:
Let all the corn be of one sheaf
And all the grapes be of one vine
Ere our children’s teeth are set on edge
By bitter bread and wine.
Final verse of ‘The Stranger within my Gate’ by Rudyard Kipling.
Very astute man, that Kipling.
Ok top story Police are searching for a bird dressed as a pillar box who has taken her kids to Amsterdam because they think she is going to Syria what has this got to do with the UK news on Saturday morning – I don’t give a stuff and neither does anyone else.I will help with her airfare if they want me to
Sack-cloth and ashes for the BBC, oh, woe is us – some stupid woman somewhere has taken her kids somewhere else, and the BBC are in a panic. The hundreds of thousands of incoming undesirables have somehow escaped the attention of the BBC. Or, rather, they haven’t…
You just beat me to it Lock13. Honestly, do they seriously think anybody gives a shit? Five less parasites in the country, is my attitude.
Unbelievable and the police are all over it apparently. Since when was it a crime to fly out of London
And what will Plod do with them if and when they get them back? Send them on some kind of awareness course, like they do with speeding drivers?
Saves them having a fine and six points on their koran.
Sort of a bizarre ‘win-win’ in Beebworld.
And yet another statistical ‘balance’ result.
Excitement over scores and hundreds dying to get this way.
Excitement over a few inspired to go back to rejoin the fun.
Maybe Newsnight could have one of those round tables or the Jezza Vine show an unfiltered vox-pop putting these two groups together to thrash out their choices in relative headings?
Encouraging lots more of this should help get those net migration figures down a bit, eh Dave?
“The Ballad Of Jihadi John And Yoko” (with sincere apologies to Mr Lennon)
Standing in the dock at Southampton,
Trying to get to Syria or Iraq.
The man from the Met said, “You’ve got to turn back”.
You know they didn’t even give us a chance.
Christ you know it ain’t easy,
You know how hard it can be.
The way things are going
They’re going to come back and crucify me.
Finally made the plane into Paris,
Honey mooning down by the Seine.
Jeremy Bowen called to say,
“You can make it O.K.,
You can get married in Gibraltar, which belongs to Spain”.
Christ you know it ain’t easy,
You know how hard it can be.
The way things are going
They’re going to come back and crucify me.
Drove from Paris to the Amsterdam Hilton,
Casing out targets for a week.
Murdoch newspapers said, “Say, what are they doing over here?”
The BBC, “They’re only trying to get us some diversity”.
Christ you know it ain’t easy,
You know how hard it can be.
The way things are going
They’re going to come back and crucify me.
Saving up your benefits for a rainy day,
Bringing up all nine kids on British charity.
Last night three of wives said,
“Oh boy, when you’re dead
You’ve gotta take a lot of them with you
So strap this on and don’t – think!”
Made a lightning trip to Vienna,
plastic explosives stuffed in a bag.
The right-wing newspapers said, “BBC’s lost its head,
They look just like two pillar boxes in drag”.
Christ you know it ain’t easy,
You know how hard it can be.
The way things are going
They’re going to come back and crucify me.
Caught the early plane back to London.
AK47 hid in a sack.
The men from the BBC said, “We wish you success,
It’s good to have the both of you back”.
Christ! you know it ain’t easy,
You know how hard it can be.
The way things are going
They’re going to crucify me.
The way things are going
They’re going to crucify us all.
BBC News Website:
Mother and kids depart to Syria.
BBC doesn’t ask where the father is. Syria perhaps?
And the BBC never asks, why are over 90% of the incomings lone males? Where are their wives and kids? If you were fleeing death, would you take your family? I would.
Yes, and notice we are told that the police ‘fear’ they have gone to Syria. Not the word I would use.
Well, we are talking a politico-media establishment whose national broadcast trumpet managed ‘branded’ for ‘hailed’.
Odd plod and Aunty didn’t opt for the ‘has learned’ route on this
Oh the BBC are not happy the flame headed Rebecca Brooks might be reappointed to head news corps in the UK by their demon Rupert Murdoch.
On they wheel some rent a gob from ‘hacked off’ to talk about his dismay, and how no other company would re-instate someone who lost them so much money.
Well I got news for you. Take a look at the public sector, and Lyn Homer who has cost the tax payer many millions having wrecked every department she’s headed, and rather than being fired or asked to resign (as Brooks was) she’s been moved to an even more complex department which she has then gone on to plunge into crisis !
We have seen people at the BBC cost it multi millions and stay there until the court of public opinion has forced them to go, so lets not assume it’s only the private sector which looks after people on odd base’s.
I have to admit I personally find Brooks a distasteful woman, I’m sure that the accounts those who worked for her are accurate, and she’s hideous, but it is a private company and I don’t have to buy their product, unlike the BBC which I am forced to pay for whether I want it or not !
Hacked Off is just a front organisation for a democracy-hating consortium of leftist activist groups hell-bent on authoritarian censorship and destruction of the right-wing press.
Little wonder the BBC hand them the Common Purpose megaphone at any opportunity. What’s not to like about the BBC having 100% news coverage instead of its measly 70%?
At the May 17 event, numerous Left-wing speakers outlined their view of how the “public good” or the “public interest” as defined by a press regulator, should override freedom of expression.
Jacqui Davis, from Keep our NHS Public, said the media should be obliged to “stand up for the NHS”. Jacqui Hunt, from Equality Now, called for the regulator to ban Page 3, impose compulsory training for male journalists and require all reports on domestic violence to be “sensitive”.
Other groups described as “partner organisations” by Hacked Off’s website include the newly-established Youth Media Agency, which complained that the media’s “discriminatory” coverage of the August 2011 riots “singled out children and young people as the rioters” (72 per cent of those arrested were under 25) and Trans Media Watch, which condemns newspapers for “stigmatising” transsexuals. Alleged examples of discrimination, which Trans Media Watch wants to ban, included a reference to the Bois de Boulogne, a park in Paris, as “containing transsexual prostitutes”.
Another Hacked Off “partner” is Engage, an “anti-discrimination” group including Islamist sympathisers and whose staff have justified the killing of British soldiers. Engage was exposed by The Sunday Telegraph, in what it would no doubt protest to a regulator was “discriminatory” reporting.
Hacked off shitebags said nothing about the Daily Mirror phone hackings.
The net migration figures are an irrelevance, 636,000 people moved here last year and 307,000 left. I would think most of those leaving will be Brits escaping the rot; and most of those coming here will be the flotsam of the Third World of Africa and the Middle East or from the Second World that is Eastern Europe.
The main point is that we are losing more and more of our own people and they are being replaced by foreigners: it isn’t like for like. The skilled and talented folk who are exiting stage left, are being substituted by twice their number by human rubbish entering stage right.
And the irony is that when some of the ‘flotsam’ are ‘feared’ to be heading to Syria its bad news.
Let ’em go, just don’t em back in, they’re an enemy of this country.
Better they raise their kids as jihadists over there rather than here.
Biased Broad Crescent Breakfast … on Al Beeb 1, outdoing itself with propaganda this morning
News … po faces as … everybody get concerned about Islamic adherent plus 4 kids in tow off to Syria?
…. yes! …… and?
Sport …. Moh, Moh, more Moh … oh yea and Moh
Onto … 15 minutes of propaganda about the “wonderful” UAE,
Looks like the obligatory Muslim Beebot “dressing up the pig” about the erm “fantastic” holiday destination.
Onto … the papers, with a reject from the Arabian Nights Panto, oops! apologies its Ibrahim Mogra only missing the curly slippers, got the sofa Beebots going all dewey eyed, and transfixed in awe, over
his fallacious crap about “umanity” to erm … illegal immigrants
The narrative, the intimation of course, wonderful Islam educating us about “umanity” … the only thing missing is a free Quran giveaway!
…. utter, utter, intelligence insulting garbage
I was hoping Dame McKellen might have at least something to say about the gay rights of those living (and dying) under the dead hand of the Religion of Peace™… alas, not a word.
Sir Ian McKellen: Fight not over on gay rights
I guess gay muslims don’t really count, then. I have no other way to explain why luvvies like McKellen pretend they don’t exist and never – ever – seem to have anything to say on the systematic murder of homosexuals by Islamic State, in the name of Islam, under Sharia law.
Everytime the BBC moan about some scum headlng back to their ISland, you can only feel that this is a few less people who can give them some news…a few less agitprop Shi`its who will blather something about benefit cuts, houses not being big enough or racism…what`eva!
A few less traitors and leeches scoot…but the BBC loses a few potential allies and talking slitscreens.
Bigoted old woman proposes solution to migrant crisis.
What chance next time she’s on as the BBC’s speeddial rentagob she’ll be hauled over the coals for it? Yet an eminent, Nobel-laureate scientist gets hounded out of his job for making a light-hearted joke that some panywaist found ‘offensive’.
In another TV interview, she said of white men: “I don’t like them. I want them to be a lost species in a hundred years.”
She also described white working-class people as “stupid”, “vicious” and “scum” in a 2009 column that was later ridiculed by journalist Rod Liddle:
“It was white working-class people who fought against fascism and racism in the Second World War, and white working-class people who battled fascism and racism on the streets.”
‘Fascism and racism’ – that’s you, Ms Alibaba Brown. The self-damning evidence is there for all to see.
And you a BBC favourite too. Tsk.
Alibaba might also reflect that it is these white men that made Britain a free, democratic and tolerant country that welcomed her parents as Asian refugees in the 70s, fleeing the black terror of Idi Amin’s racist, psychopathic gangster dictatorship.
Hand, feed and bite comes to mind, bordering on treachery.
Good point.
Radio 2 1pm news main point, in an over authoritative stern voice our presenter announces “IN THE LAST FEW MINUTES….” I thought the Queen had died, but no it turns out Mo Farrah has won some running race.
It seems its quite an achievement, but main point of the news? Drip, drip …
But could he push a granny in a wheelbarrow from Afghanistan to Hungary ?
They should introduce that as an event for the Rio Olympics DB.
Main point again R2 3pm news now hailing him as the ‘Greatest BRITISH Sportsman of all time’ WTF?
Would that be the Mo Farrah who was born in Mogadishu and lives in America? Eddy ‘The Eagle’ Edwards has more right to that title than him.
He’s about as British as a £ 3 pound note.
Ed Stourton, on Any Questions (R4 Fri/Sat) introduced Priti Patel MP (Conservative) as ‘on the right’ compared to Peter Oborne (ex-Daily Telegraph), Simon Danczuk MP (Labour) and Billy Bragg (Whatever).
But is she?
Glottal stops apart, what I heard from her mouth seemed to be straight New Labour. The way she spoke, the words she used, the way she ‘ducked & dived and bobbed & weaved’ was pure Yvette Cooper, Caroline Flint or Lucy Powell.
Is there a factory somewhere, knocking out clones, for installation in the House of Commons as MPs? I think we should be told.
Yes I thought she managed to speak quite a bit without actually saying anything. Pure Yvette.
Also she has the irritating habit which many politicos seem to have adopted of prefacing each reply with ”Look,…’
Is this something they are being trained to do at stepford politician finishing school, because they all seem to be at it – Priti, Yvette, Stella Creasy etc. etc. etc.
It is becoming as irritating as ‘So…’
BBC – Police in Bangkok say they have arrested a man in connection with a bomb that killed 20 people in the Thai capital nearly two weeks ago. .. The man? … , a foreigner?, was arrested in Nong Jok on the outskirts of Bangkok, a police spokesman said.
BBC – Arrest made in hunt for Bangkok bomber, Thai police have arrested a man in connection with the bombing of the Erawan Shrine, which killed 20 people.
Elsewhere –
Thai police arrest Turkish Muslim suspect over Bangkok Hindu shrine bombing
Main Bangkok Islamic jihad bombing suspect Mohamed Museyin arrested, bomb-making materials in apartment
Some people still question whether this was a jihad attack. Well, let’s see.
A Muslim from Turkey travels to Thailand and helps blow up a Hindu shrine.
He must have been motivated by local political concerns, right?
Or maybe he intended to carry out a robbery?
Or perhaps Adem Karadag is “mentally ill
R Spencer
British authorities have absolutely no idea what to do about the phenomenon of whole families of Muslims leaving Britain to travel to the Islamic State, because they refuse to face what motivates these families to make such a move.
… And so there will be many, many more cases like this one
R Spencer
The Telegraph headline – bbc two boss admits she is terrified of Chris Evans presenting Top Gear. If that terrifies her, poor dear, may God help her if she’s ever in a real situation where normal people would be justified in being terrified; such as maybe travelling to Calais by road, or maybe telling the truth about islam in front of a muslim. Of course this is just free advertising for their replacement car show and the Telegraph, fools that they are, have been only too willing to oblige.
Today’s Telegraph is a laughably poor shadow of its former self. The online site invariably includes a couple of puff pieces for BBC programmes (has anyone else noticed the frequency of references to Poldark with obligatory topless pictures of the male (Boo!) lead). Don’t get me started about their rolling coverage of all things Bake-off.
The political opinion pieces, I won’t call them reports, are little different these days from the rest of the mainstream North London/Metropolitan groupthink we are force fed. This might give a clue towards their apparent unquestioning support of the BBC.
Still at least it’s free. Just in case anyone is daft enough to pay them a subscription all you have to do is delete your cookies and browsing history once you reach the “monthly limit”, then start reading again assuming you can find anything worth the effort.
I notice setting up a new internet radio thingy that from the list of largely inappropriate and irrelevant channels (Christmas carols network??) That the BBC have an Afghanistan service which it is possible to listen to over the internet. I don’t speak Pashtu so not much point in listening but it makes me shudder to think what crap they might be broadcasting. Probably an open invitation to travel to the West complete with wheelchair where they would be welcomed with open arms !
What makes it worse is that you & I are being forced to pay for it all with threat of imprisonment if we refuse !
“the BBC have an Afghanistan service”
In another couple of years that will be a UK domestic service.
Deleted – duplicated post when I tried to edit the original.
Anyone heard anything on this?
Of course I checked in to the ministry of truth … as usual … squat!
last thing I could find is more waffle from F ” Ironsides “Gardiner,
BBC – “measures are in train that could seriously disrupt their supply of recruits. In co-ordination with Washington and other NATO allies, Turkey is now considering imposing a buffer zone along part of its 700-mile common border with Syria”
“considering”? … hmmm … woulda, coulda, shoulda and all that.
Maybe Obama s still all … ISIS bad – Assad Badder, he is cooperating with the Saudis, Turkey, wants Assad out,
… and well, the largest terrorist threat on the planet? …. pah! no problem !
What could go wrong eh!
BBC at it again, promoting stories which have no wrong doing by anyone, but are still obviously racist !
Thanks for posting, Thoughtful.
The BBC headline is this:
“Virginia man dies in jail after arrest for stealing snacks” with a picture of a smiling black male.
Inference? He was arrested for a petty matter of stealing food to feed his family. Murdered in custody.
Reality? He died of natural causes brought on by long term mental illness.
But you have to read into the feature to discover that.
Misleading and mischievous reporting by the BBC. They would not have been interested had he been white. And the same happens to whites, but you wouldn’t know it.
Why should the BBC even be reporting this? Would we expect CNN to report on the death of someone in custody in the UK?
The answer being ‘Because it fuels their race agenda’.
Here are the facts about fracking the BBC – particularly BBC North West – don’t want you to know:
As for earthquakes, Durham University’s definitive survey of all induced earthquakes over many decades concluded that “almost all of the resultant seismic activity [from fracking] was on such a small scale that only geoscientists would be able to detect it” and that mining, geothermal activity or reservoir water storage causes more and bigger tremors.
Your untouchable BBC – telling lies for its 28gate mates, because it can
If life in the UK became intolerable in 20 years or less for the Christian British population and they faced extermination, how receptive to British asylum seekers would the following countries be:-
Saudi Arabia
These are all Islamic states from whom we have accepted Asylum seekers. Surely, they would reciprocate the favour in 20 years time or less??
Just a hopeful thought. Would the BBC/Left have a comment? Have they thought about this?
They’d kill us, if they could, and take our women and children as slaves. You know? Just like Mohammad used to back in the day – nice man.
R4 PM had much hand wringing and Lyse Doucet going on and on about the journalists imprisoned in Egypt.
Do any of us really care?
They worked for Al Jazeera.That is an outfit funded by Qatar. No friend of the West despite appearances.
Very worked up were the Beeboids. I am willing to bet 90% of people in England could not care less.