Well, Friday arrives and so does this new OPEN thread to see us off into the wide blue yonder of the weekend! Here is where you detail that latest and most egregious BIAS!
“That is an outfit funded by Qatar. No friend of the West”
Really? So the Emir who just handed over £27 million to Tony Bliar isn’t our friend? Then I wonder what on earth he would be giving all that money to our ex prime minister for exactly?
No not really irony, the real point is the monstrous question why anyone would hand over so much money to an ex British PM for apparently nothing much in return?
There are some very clever people around and well able to disguise misdeeds as something more innocent. Doesn’t help the suspicion that Blair was in the pocket of the Sunni Muslim oil rich Arabs, and the promotion of Islam stems from this.
People on here observe the symptoms, they seem unable to put their finger on the cause though. Even Alibhai Brown has been talking about the Arabs pumping money into the West for the promotion of Islam, why is it so difficult to see?
And does Dirty Deed Dave serve the same paymasters? All the phony talk about ending state mutliculturalism, cutting muslim immigration, standing up to Islamic extremism, and going hell for leather to keep in the EU and supporting Turkey’s application for membership. Add to that sharing Obama’s pretend war on ISIS who nextdoor to Turkey will be able to flood Europe with devout members of the real ROP.
‘Wake up and smell the coffee’ all you Tory supporters!
Cameron promised to get the immigration figures down.
Farage warned of the impending invasion but was pilloried for it.
Vote UKIP. Spread the word to your Conservative MPs.
Essex Man, ‘What’s UKIP going to do?’
Well, in 2015 they issued a manifesto for the election and I have extracted the pertinent part of it for your perusal…….
‘TO REFORM OUR IMMIGRATION SYSTEM UKIP WILL: • Take back control of our borders • Put a five-year moratorium on immigration for unskilled workers, which will enable the unemployed already living here to find work and those already working to see wage growth • Introduce an Australian-style points based system to manage the number and skills of people coming into the country, treating all citizens of the world on a fair and equal basis as a welcoming, outward-looking country • Tackle the problem of sham marriages. These policies are essential if we are to give our country the breathing space it desperately needs from mass uncontrolled immigration, create harmonious, integrated communities, and catch up on building the essential infrastructure needed to sustain our growing nation.’
Cameron is not ‘waving’ any wand. He has already laid his cards on the table by saying he wants to remain ‘in’. Not a very good bargaining position.
They would need to win a referendum still , & also having a points based system means more immigration. Deporting refugee`s may have us in the International courts too , for human rights violations .Farage can go on about saying we can do this & that , but in reality its all talk , he would be unable to do much at all .
“Armando Iannucci was invited to have a “chat” about his worries (BBC Future). He said he had enjoyed his dinner conversation with an equally concerned Sue Perkins.”
Note the final group Bake Off photo. The muslim contestant wearing a hijab is placed right in the middle and at the front of the group. So obvious. Bias? You bet.
Started as a fairly enjoyable show, no great shakes, even a little Brit eccentric.
Now the diversity, bake off, has gone all “progressive” … they just can t help it.
This year gushing over Islamic baker? …. last year po faces as the diversity shoe in didn t win.
… have to ruin everything … no need for bloody hijabs, on this show … or, at all actually.
What s the chances, on a upcoming Islamic cooking, no travel, naaaa maybe both, show
I smell a rat, not a cake.
BBC Breakfast and it’s not just Alice Through the Looking Glass with Tony Blair (the BBC’s favourite Sunday newspaper front page – natch)
– seems we got it wrong about those lazy Club Med nations…. Siesta (translation into British : afternoon nap) ‘could and ‘may’ be good for you, ‘experts’ say. Now over to Professor Nico Nuvva Ten Percent, I think, satirically to myself, and low and behold the BBC fit the thought to the action and we get an Ozzie Ardiles sound-a-like doctor advising us Brits to just chill out.
Could and May – they sound like an old music hall act
They are getting so familiar, I’m beginning to warm to them.
What might Shakespear have said…?
‘Could and may, experts say,
‘Tis just a pair of jesters well worth the Licence, we have to pay’
Amusingly moments before the 8 o’clock news BBC eyes-wide-shut-in-wonder techy show ‘Click’ crescendos with the exclaimation ‘In the future we may be able to choose our own reality’
It’s already here mate, care of the News Channel
Top head line is about three young children of migrants rescued and recovering.
Now this is an odd one. The media reflex reaction – for example – to an earthquake killing 500 is to focus day two, three and four head lines on the rescue of one or two souls trapped under the rubble. So the style and feel of this story is quite familiar. But with no pictures and no live action the BBC is working the second-hand testimony of some Austrian doctor very hard indeed to make this one stick. Who knows – an hour or two from death…? 45 minutes to launch WMDs…?
Well that was Tony Blair and where we came in to this whole thing.
Sunday Morning Live, BBC 1
Has immigration eroded British values?, Has it helped create a diverse and enriching culture?, Beebot asks
…. wait for it Bonnie Greer
Is there too much panic around rape? A controversial new book claims that a ‘rape culture’ myth has been created in the country?
… 😀 you literally couldn t make it up
…. are we to have the usual over represented, over vocal, Islamic contingent on the panel today?
Maybe we should ask editor, Kuljinder Khaila, or head of programming Aquil Ahmed, or the guy on Twitter Tommy Sandhu
Where? … has the public s vote gone eh!
… one too many votes of the 95% variety, against Al BBC narrative?
would have been very interesting this morning
Why put yourself through that tosh every Sunday morning? Something much better on ITV4 – The Professionals! Gritty, British and un PC, men were men and women were women, horror of horrors, people were smoking in a pub in this mornings episode, who’d have thunk it?
What are British Values asks AlBeeb?
Well they should know, because they and their liberal comrade educationalists have been airbrushing it out of our culture and history for the last forty years.
Al Beeb and many of our politicians live in a London-centric bubble and think that ‘outer Great Britain’ should be the same as that multicultural Londonistani soup that does not reflect life in ‘real’ Great Britain, and by that I mean Scotland, Ireland, Wales and the shires of England, Devon, Cornwall, Somerset, the countryside and the villages of North England. Thousands of years of history and heritage that have cemented this nation together against all adversity.
You don’t need to dig very deep to find it, but perhaps its a little far too deep for the so called pc, ‘British’ broadcaster?
The “define British values” ploy is so typical of the twisted logic you get from the BBC in its neverending propgaganda campaign to brainwash the indigenous population into believing thirdworlding is wonderful. It is difficult , if not impossible, to find a precise definition for any abstract concept, be it value, justice, evil, truth or beauty. As we cannot immediately define “British values” or “English values”, the BBC would have us believe there is no such thing as Englishness and if we do not really know what Englishness is, how can be complain that mass immigration makes us less English? We are simply confused children making a fuss about nothing. Becoming and being English, however, is a process of learning how to be English by imitating and being influenced by English parents, and others, in an English community. This is simply tradition or the transmission of culture down the generations. It is a lived process. Customs and mores are not values in the phiosophical sense.
The “define British values” ploy is so typical of the twisted logic you get from the BBC in its neverending propgaganda campaign to brainwash the indigenous population into believing thirdworlding is wonderful. It is difficult , if not impossible, to find a precise definition for any abstract concept, be it value, justice, evil, truth or beauty. As we cannot immediately define “British values” or “English values”, the BBC would have us believe there is no such thing as Englishness and if we do not really know what Englishness is, how can be complain that mass immigration makes us less English? We are simply confused children making a fuss about nothing. Becoming and being English, however, is a process of learning how to be English by imitating and being influenced by English parents, and others, in an English community. This is simply tradition or the transmission of culture down the generations. It is a lived process. Customs and mores are not values in a philosophical sense.
Why is the dim and hateful American immigrant Bonnie Greer even in his country? She’s not an asylum seeker, highly skille dmigrant or EU citizen, so who let her in?
AlBeeb feature a lorry driver bemoaning the state of delays at the woeful chunnel. At the same time they feature French police getting ‘tough’ and ‘playing tag’ with illegal immigrants. The cost to the British economy is high while the people of Britain are suffering from austerity. What is Theresa the appeaser saying? “Freedom to move to a job” – not to look for work benefits.
Theresa is merely stating Tory party policy. Import workers at the cheapest possible price – screw the British people as much as possible by making finding work impossible and then blaming them for it and stopping their benefits. At the same time make it as difficult as possible for the imported workforce to become entitled to UK benefits.
Watch for changes in this BBC travel piece. Living in: The world’s greatest walled cities
Jerusalem comes second on the list, without being located inside a country but at least without the usual boilerplate about settlement being illegal although Israel denies it.
OTOH expect outrage from the the BBC Hate Israel brigade. neighbourhoods are often dictated by nationality or religion – though some areas are more mixed than others. English and French speakers often flock toward trendy German Colony, tranquil Katamon or upscale Rechavia, all just a few kilometres west of the Old City. That’s Jewish French and English speakers although the BBC would never acknowledge the continuing move by the Arab middle class into Jewish areas.
‘(Ian) Hislop adds that Assange went on to claim that Private Eye was “part of a conspiracy led by the Guardian which included journalist David Leigh, editor Alan Rusbridger and John Kampfner from Index on Censorship – all of whom ‘are Jewish’… “I pointed out that Rusbridger is not actually Jewish, but Assange insisted that he was ‘sort of Jewish’ because he was related to David Leigh (they are brothers-in-law),” writes Hislop.’
‘Riding to the defence of Jeremy Corbyn this week was Independent columnist Yasmin Alibhai Brown, who denounced attacks made on him by “hard Zionists”. Some of his friends, she pointed out, were “conscientious and ethical British Jews” such as the late cricket writer Mike Marqusee and Ken Loach (both strong critics of Israel). Ken Loach Jewish? Only on Planet Alibhai Brown. The left-wing film director may have a Jewish son-in-law, actor Elliot Levey, but as Loach’s production company confirmed, he is not about to make up a minyan near you.’
Perhaps, just to simplify things, the Left could ask for actual Jews to identify themselves – maybe by wearing a badge of some sort? And those just vaguely related to Jews by marriage or some such – them too.
It’s amazing that the subtle anti-semitism practised by the left (i.e. always attack Israel but claim it is nothing to do with it being a Jewish state) has morphed into this overt anti-semitism with impunity. After all, left-wing actors like Mel Gibson and left-wing politicians like Luivingstone and Galloway have been getting away with blatant anti-semitism for years so now it can become mainstream and acceptable. Although not Jewish I have enough Jewish blood in me to be worried about what will happen when the left-wing/muslim alliance take over this country. Frightening!
You often hear the, obfuscation that
“nothing against jews I love jews, I even have jewish friends … its the apartheid state of Israel, its the Zionists” etc etc.
This was repeated only last week by the man with the most secretive Muslim identity in the world
G Allahway on national radio.
1/. Zionism is simply the wish,(by Jewish people, but not exclusively) to be in the homeland of the Jewish people Israel, the Holy land … and nothing at all wrong with it
Muslims don t like it, because they want to rule the world, their world view is fascist insanity.
2/. It is also a substitute word for ‘Jew’ used by anti-semites who, for whatever reason, wish to hide their racist intent, usually,(but not exclusively) by Islamic adherents, G Allahway being one of the most prolific offenders
Below old George “feels threatened” by the Jewish flag … but himself rants, and incites about Israel free zones
… ow queer!
The reason they talk about Zionism & Zionists, is because it is illegal to mention their hatred in terms of Jews and they would run the risk of arrest.
This year the Students Union banned Gays and Jews from their conference – along with applause. Of course they didn’t actually say it like that, they banned Zionists, and gays who identified as ‘black’, effectively the same thing though.
How long before they’re strutting through the streets in jack boots and smashing the windows of Jewish owned shops?
The funny thing is that they seem completely shocked when the scale of their idiocy is revealed to them.
When even the moderate ones are admitting they are morons, what does that make the more extreme ones?
The season of shop window smashing is underway. Guardian inspired feminazis of Class War’s Women’s Death Brigade rejoice in damage to the Jack the Ripper Museum in Cable Street. These feminists can be seen opposing criticism of muslim pedo gangs as Islamophobic. Watch out Jewish shops; they support the Pally claim that Israel is an apartheid state.
I just googled ‘bbc nigerian woman nhs quintuplets’ and got back………….nowt.
How strange for a broadcasting corporation that otherwise gets well on its high horse of indignation over budget shortfalls in the NHS, especially at election time.
I just saw an advert for the drama Lenny Henry wrote about his life. WTF! Is the BBC completely incapable of producing something (anything) which is of interest or relevance to 85% of the people who are forced to fund them?
The gauche seemingly dense multimillionaire who runs Pimlco Plumbing was on the 1.00am news saying much the samething.
Maybe its just me but isn’t need for more immigrants, self defeating, more immigrants = more homes = more plumbers, much like more immigrants = more sick people = more doctors/nurses, can anyone not see this? Oh and they don’t get old!
It was my experience at uni that Hong Kong engineers were here quite briefly, to learn and qualify before going straight back to practice building the Asian Tiger economy.
No problem with that. It’s those not funding the education system here and remaining to practice with few skill sets than a sense of entitlement who are more of a concern, as you point out.
Um, apropos the comments about the hijab wearer on Bake-off, I’m just waiting for the first one on Strictly ! and who gets to partner her. It’ll happen, mark my words. We already have over-diversity on the commercial breaks, to appease everyone whatever their skin colour or religion, but anyone watching the tele in this country wouldn’t guess we are 80% white.
This was never more evident then when I was watching the early morning BBC news, that was being anchored by Louis Minchin and Naga Munchetty. The story was focusing on the WW1 commemorations, and Ms Minchin mentioned that her Gt Uncle was in the military and had died during combat. Ms Munchetty sat silent. Most migrants and their second generations have no knowledge of history because there was no participation.
Radio 4 this morning outraged by the fence in Hungary being completed, so thy trawl around Europe’s most far left ministers trying to find condemnation. They find it from the French but fail to mention that Hollande is perhaps the most hated PM in French history.
They wheel on another Labour rent a gob who in the Fascists tradition is completely full of criticism and hate, but when asked what the Hungarians should do can come up with nothing, this takes about 5 questions and every time it’s asked the Fascists begins criticising, until stopped by Humphries – “what should they do” the answer comes back, “they should just let them in” !
This whole section of the Today program was peppered with propaganda, and untruths, when Humphries introduced the article he made no mention of the number of Asylum seekers, and suffixed it by saying “many of whom are destitute and desperate” Why did he say that unless it was to deliberately make listeners sympathetic.
The BBC is still referring to Syrian migrants even though they are not because the refugee convention specifically excludes them, there is still no questioning the truth of where they might have come from.
All in all it’s typical BBC spin and lies designed to paint the picture the BBC wants to paint, anything but the truth
I wonder what the statistics are for crimes committed in the U.K. by “asylum seekers” and “refugees”. Like that one from Iraq a few years back who ran over the little girl and fled leaving her dying under the car; I think he didn’t even have a driving licence. He was never deported, of course, because he’d had two kids with an English scrag and his “human right” to a family life overrode everything and (in this case literally) everybody else.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
“That is an outfit funded by Qatar. No friend of the West”
Really? So the Emir who just handed over £27 million to Tony Bliar isn’t our friend? Then I wonder what on earth he would be giving all that money to our ex prime minister for exactly?
I assume irony here. Blair is no friend of this country . Qatar is Muslim Brotherhood influenced. and I do not think that outfit is pro Western .
No not really irony, the real point is the monstrous question why anyone would hand over so much money to an ex British PM for apparently nothing much in return?
There are some very clever people around and well able to disguise misdeeds as something more innocent. Doesn’t help the suspicion that Blair was in the pocket of the Sunni Muslim oil rich Arabs, and the promotion of Islam stems from this.
People on here observe the symptoms, they seem unable to put their finger on the cause though. Even Alibhai Brown has been talking about the Arabs pumping money into the West for the promotion of Islam, why is it so difficult to see?
I have long said Blairs rewards are for dirty deeds done. Who his paymasters are is the 20000$ question.
Dirty deeds done dirt cheap. Apart from the cheap bit.
And does Dirty Deed Dave serve the same paymasters? All the phony talk about ending state mutliculturalism, cutting muslim immigration, standing up to Islamic extremism, and going hell for leather to keep in the EU and supporting Turkey’s application for membership. Add to that sharing Obama’s pretend war on ISIS who nextdoor to Turkey will be able to flood Europe with devout members of the real ROP.
‘Wake up and smell the coffee’ all you Tory supporters!
Cameron promised to get the immigration figures down.
Farage warned of the impending invasion but was pilloried for it.
Vote UKIP. Spread the word to your Conservative MPs.
Whats Ukip going to do ? Wave a magic wand?
Well since Tories are abusing our trust almost as badly as Labour w ecan only turn to UKIP in hope. Have you go a better suggestion?
Take us out of Europe, unlike that vapid half-wit Cameron, who is going to campaign to keep us shackled to the museum of socialism.
”Whats Ukip going to do ? Wave a magic wand? ” Essex my simple soul, no my child, just deport them.
Essex Man, ‘What’s UKIP going to do?’
Well, in 2015 they issued a manifesto for the election and I have extracted the pertinent part of it for your perusal…….
‘TO REFORM OUR IMMIGRATION SYSTEM UKIP WILL: • Take back control of our borders • Put a five-year moratorium on immigration for unskilled workers, which will enable the unemployed already living here to find work and those already working to see wage growth • Introduce an Australian-style points based system to manage the number and skills of people coming into the country, treating all citizens of the world on a fair and equal basis as a welcoming, outward-looking country • Tackle the problem of sham marriages. These policies are essential if we are to give our country the breathing space it desperately needs from mass uncontrolled immigration, create harmonious, integrated communities, and catch up on building the essential infrastructure needed to sustain our growing nation.’
Cameron is not ‘waving’ any wand. He has already laid his cards on the table by saying he wants to remain ‘in’. Not a very good bargaining position.
Click to access UKIP.pdf
They would need to win a referendum still , & also having a points based system means more immigration. Deporting refugee`s may have us in the International courts too , for human rights violations .Farage can go on about saying we can do this & that , but in reality its all talk , he would be unable to do much at all .
BBC News Website:-
“Armando Iannucci was invited to have a “chat” about his worries (BBC Future). He said he had enjoyed his dinner conversation with an equally concerned Sue Perkins.”
Of course, Frankie Boyle is there.
Note the final group Bake Off photo. The muslim contestant wearing a hijab is placed right in the middle and at the front of the group. So obvious. Bias? You bet.
Started as a fairly enjoyable show, no great shakes, even a little Brit eccentric.
Now the diversity, bake off, has gone all “progressive” … they just can t help it.
This year gushing over Islamic baker? …. last year po faces as the diversity shoe in didn t win.
… have to ruin everything … no need for bloody hijabs, on this show … or, at all actually.
What s the chances, on a upcoming Islamic cooking, no travel, naaaa maybe both, show
I smell a rat, not a cake.
Any chance of a bacon sandwich, luv?
Islamic baker?
Sounds like the sort of place the Gay bully-boys could ask for a cake to be made celebrating their “wedding”.
Sounds like opportunity for a local shop offering ‘special stuff”.
Hope matzo or chametz are not in the competition then.
You should see how the guys in my special unit put the holes in the bagels, no consistency whatsoever.
”The muslim contestant wearing a hijab is placed right in the middle and at the front of the group.” Mixed race woman next to her. That’s our future.
I hope she washes her hands – its not very popular among moslem nurses.
Rather giving a new meaning to Great British, isnt it? Just what the BBC intends.
BBC Breakfast and it’s not just Alice Through the Looking Glass with Tony Blair (the BBC’s favourite Sunday newspaper front page – natch)
– seems we got it wrong about those lazy Club Med nations…. Siesta (translation into British : afternoon nap) ‘could and ‘may’ be good for you, ‘experts’ say. Now over to Professor Nico Nuvva Ten Percent, I think, satirically to myself, and low and behold the BBC fit the thought to the action and we get an Ozzie Ardiles sound-a-like doctor advising us Brits to just chill out.
Could and May – they sound like an old music hall act
They are getting so familiar, I’m beginning to warm to them.
What might Shakespear have said…?
‘Could and may, experts say,
‘Tis just a pair of jesters well worth the Licence, we have to pay’
Amusingly moments before the 8 o’clock news BBC eyes-wide-shut-in-wonder techy show ‘Click’ crescendos with the exclaimation ‘In the future we may be able to choose our own reality’
It’s already here mate, care of the News Channel
Top head line is about three young children of migrants rescued and recovering.
Now this is an odd one. The media reflex reaction – for example – to an earthquake killing 500 is to focus day two, three and four head lines on the rescue of one or two souls trapped under the rubble. So the style and feel of this story is quite familiar. But with no pictures and no live action the BBC is working the second-hand testimony of some Austrian doctor very hard indeed to make this one stick. Who knows – an hour or two from death…? 45 minutes to launch WMDs…?
Well that was Tony Blair and where we came in to this whole thing.
Sunday Morning Live, BBC 1
Has immigration eroded British values?, Has it helped create a diverse and enriching culture?, Beebot asks
…. wait for it Bonnie Greer
Is there too much panic around rape? A controversial new book claims that a ‘rape culture’ myth has been created in the country?
… 😀 you literally couldn t make it up
…. are we to have the usual over represented, over vocal, Islamic contingent on the panel today?
Maybe we should ask editor, Kuljinder Khaila, or head of programming Aquil Ahmed, or the guy on Twitter Tommy Sandhu
Where? … has the public s vote gone eh!
… one too many votes of the 95% variety, against Al BBC narrative?
would have been very interesting this morning
Why put yourself through that tosh every Sunday morning? Something much better on ITV4 – The Professionals! Gritty, British and un PC, men were men and women were women, horror of horrors, people were smoking in a pub in this mornings episode, who’d have thunk it?
PS no public vote = bias by omission.
What are British Values asks AlBeeb?
Well they should know, because they and their liberal comrade educationalists have been airbrushing it out of our culture and history for the last forty years.
Al Beeb and many of our politicians live in a London-centric bubble and think that ‘outer Great Britain’ should be the same as that multicultural Londonistani soup that does not reflect life in ‘real’ Great Britain, and by that I mean Scotland, Ireland, Wales and the shires of England, Devon, Cornwall, Somerset, the countryside and the villages of North England. Thousands of years of history and heritage that have cemented this nation together against all adversity.
You don’t need to dig very deep to find it, but perhaps its a little far too deep for the so called pc, ‘British’ broadcaster?
The “define British values” ploy is so typical of the twisted logic you get from the BBC in its neverending propgaganda campaign to brainwash the indigenous population into believing thirdworlding is wonderful. It is difficult , if not impossible, to find a precise definition for any abstract concept, be it value, justice, evil, truth or beauty. As we cannot immediately define “British values” or “English values”, the BBC would have us believe there is no such thing as Englishness and if we do not really know what Englishness is, how can be complain that mass immigration makes us less English? We are simply confused children making a fuss about nothing. Becoming and being English, however, is a process of learning how to be English by imitating and being influenced by English parents, and others, in an English community. This is simply tradition or the transmission of culture down the generations. It is a lived process. Customs and mores are not values in the phiosophical sense.
The “define British values” ploy is so typical of the twisted logic you get from the BBC in its neverending propgaganda campaign to brainwash the indigenous population into believing thirdworlding is wonderful. It is difficult , if not impossible, to find a precise definition for any abstract concept, be it value, justice, evil, truth or beauty. As we cannot immediately define “British values” or “English values”, the BBC would have us believe there is no such thing as Englishness and if we do not really know what Englishness is, how can be complain that mass immigration makes us less English? We are simply confused children making a fuss about nothing. Becoming and being English, however, is a process of learning how to be English by imitating and being influenced by English parents, and others, in an English community. This is simply tradition or the transmission of culture down the generations. It is a lived process. Customs and mores are not values in a philosophical sense.
Why is the dim and hateful American immigrant Bonnie Greer even in his country? She’s not an asylum seeker, highly skille dmigrant or EU citizen, so who let her in?
The value, and dominance of the BBC in local media is easily explained:
NEWS:A man’s has been left with life threatening head injuries, after being assaulted in Redditch. 1 man’s been arrested.
They could have got away with it but for that Craig and his darn facts…
One could ask a BBC spokesperson for thoughts on this odd skew, but they do seem to go coy at such times.
Or this too..
It’s in their DNA. Hugs said so, so it must be tru.
AlBeeb feature a lorry driver bemoaning the state of delays at the woeful chunnel. At the same time they feature French police getting ‘tough’ and ‘playing tag’ with illegal immigrants. The cost to the British economy is high while the people of Britain are suffering from austerity. What is Theresa the appeaser saying? “Freedom to move to a job” – not to look for work benefits.
Why does this surprise anyone?
Theresa is merely stating Tory party policy. Import workers at the cheapest possible price – screw the British people as much as possible by making finding work impossible and then blaming them for it and stopping their benefits. At the same time make it as difficult as possible for the imported workforce to become entitled to UK benefits.
Good old Tory policies !
Watch for changes in this BBC travel piece.
Living in: The world’s greatest walled cities
Jerusalem comes second on the list, without being located inside a country but at least without the usual boilerplate about settlement being illegal although Israel denies it.
OTOH expect outrage from the the BBC Hate Israel brigade. neighbourhoods are often dictated by nationality or religion – though some areas are more mixed than others. English and French speakers often flock toward trendy German Colony, tranquil Katamon or upscale Rechavia, all just a few kilometres west of the Old City. That’s Jewish French and English speakers although the BBC would never acknowledge the continuing move by the Arab middle class into Jewish areas.
The Grand Jew-finders of the Left
A bit of a pattern emerging here?
‘(Ian) Hislop adds that Assange went on to claim that Private Eye was “part of a conspiracy led by the Guardian which included journalist David Leigh, editor Alan Rusbridger and John Kampfner from Index on Censorship – all of whom ‘are Jewish’… “I pointed out that Rusbridger is not actually Jewish, but Assange insisted that he was ‘sort of Jewish’ because he was related to David Leigh (they are brothers-in-law),” writes Hislop.’
‘Riding to the defence of Jeremy Corbyn this week was Independent columnist Yasmin Alibhai Brown, who denounced attacks made on him by “hard Zionists”. Some of his friends, she pointed out, were “conscientious and ethical British Jews” such as the late cricket writer Mike Marqusee and Ken Loach (both strong critics of Israel). Ken Loach Jewish? Only on Planet Alibhai Brown. The left-wing film director may have a Jewish son-in-law, actor Elliot Levey, but as Loach’s production company confirmed, he is not about to make up a minyan near you.’
Perhaps, just to simplify things, the Left could ask for actual Jews to identify themselves – maybe by wearing a badge of some sort? And those just vaguely related to Jews by marriage or some such – them too.
It’s amazing that the subtle anti-semitism practised by the left (i.e. always attack Israel but claim it is nothing to do with it being a Jewish state) has morphed into this overt anti-semitism with impunity. After all, left-wing actors like Mel Gibson and left-wing politicians like Luivingstone and Galloway have been getting away with blatant anti-semitism for years so now it can become mainstream and acceptable. Although not Jewish I have enough Jewish blood in me to be worried about what will happen when the left-wing/muslim alliance take over this country. Frightening!
You often hear the, obfuscation that
“nothing against jews I love jews, I even have jewish friends … its the apartheid state of Israel, its the Zionists” etc etc.
This was repeated only last week by the man with the most secretive Muslim identity in the world
G Allahway on national radio.
1/. Zionism is simply the wish,(by Jewish people, but not exclusively) to be in the homeland of the Jewish people Israel, the Holy land … and nothing at all wrong with it
Muslims don t like it, because they want to rule the world, their world view is fascist insanity.
2/. It is also a substitute word for ‘Jew’ used by anti-semites who, for whatever reason, wish to hide their racist intent, usually,(but not exclusively) by Islamic adherents, G Allahway being one of the most prolific offenders
Below old George “feels threatened” by the Jewish flag … but himself rants, and incites about Israel free zones
… ow queer!
The reason they talk about Zionism & Zionists, is because it is illegal to mention their hatred in terms of Jews and they would run the risk of arrest.
This year the Students Union banned Gays and Jews from their conference – along with applause. Of course they didn’t actually say it like that, they banned Zionists, and gays who identified as ‘black’, effectively the same thing though.
How long before they’re strutting through the streets in jack boots and smashing the windows of Jewish owned shops?
The funny thing is that they seem completely shocked when the scale of their idiocy is revealed to them.
When even the moderate ones are admitting they are morons, what does that make the more extreme ones?
The season of shop window smashing is underway. Guardian inspired feminazis of Class War’s Women’s Death Brigade rejoice in damage to the Jack the Ripper Museum in Cable Street. These feminists can be seen opposing criticism of muslim pedo gangs as Islamophobic. Watch out Jewish shops; they support the Pally claim that Israel is an apartheid state.
I just googled ‘bbc nigerian woman nhs quintuplets’ and got back………….nowt.
How strange for a broadcasting corporation that otherwise gets well on its high horse of indignation over budget shortfalls in the NHS, especially at election time.
Quite! And can you image the field day the BBC would have had if she had been refused treatment? We’d never heave heard the end of it!
African population to go from 800 Million to 1.5 Billion by 2050, better build more homes in Europe to house them all.
I just saw an advert for the drama Lenny Henry wrote about his life. WTF! Is the BBC completely incapable of producing something (anything) which is of interest or relevance to 85% of the people who are forced to fund them?
“Here is a play wot I wrote. About me. Are you going to commission it, or are you racists?”
SKY News paper review, a simpleton from the Huffington Post, ” We need migrants to boost the economy.” Groan.
Owen Bennet is the name of the village idiot.
Think positive – If he left, the village would have to find a new idiot!
Not that I have any problem with your description.
The gauche seemingly dense multimillionaire who runs Pimlco Plumbing was on the 1.00am news saying much the samething.
Maybe its just me but isn’t need for more immigrants, self defeating, more immigrants = more homes = more plumbers, much like more immigrants = more sick people = more doctors/nurses, can anyone not see this? Oh and they don’t get old!
Perhaps the point is that all immigrants are not equal? Does anyone really object to more engineers from Hong Kong arriving on our shores?
It was my experience at uni that Hong Kong engineers were here quite briefly, to learn and qualify before going straight back to practice building the Asian Tiger economy.
No problem with that. It’s those not funding the education system here and remaining to practice with few skill sets than a sense of entitlement who are more of a concern, as you point out.
Funny how the media get all right-wing and business minded when they can sell the financial benefits of immigration.
Charlie Mullins claims also that he has never had a face lift…he is 61…Hmmm
Um, apropos the comments about the hijab wearer on Bake-off, I’m just waiting for the first one on Strictly ! and who gets to partner her. It’ll happen, mark my words. We already have over-diversity on the commercial breaks, to appease everyone whatever their skin colour or religion, but anyone watching the tele in this country wouldn’t guess we are 80% white.
This was never more evident then when I was watching the early morning BBC news, that was being anchored by Louis Minchin and Naga Munchetty. The story was focusing on the WW1 commemorations, and Ms Minchin mentioned that her Gt Uncle was in the military and had died during combat. Ms Munchetty sat silent. Most migrants and their second generations have no knowledge of history because there was no participation.
Radio 4 this morning outraged by the fence in Hungary being completed, so thy trawl around Europe’s most far left ministers trying to find condemnation. They find it from the French but fail to mention that Hollande is perhaps the most hated PM in French history.
They wheel on another Labour rent a gob who in the Fascists tradition is completely full of criticism and hate, but when asked what the Hungarians should do can come up with nothing, this takes about 5 questions and every time it’s asked the Fascists begins criticising, until stopped by Humphries – “what should they do” the answer comes back, “they should just let them in” !
This whole section of the Today program was peppered with propaganda, and untruths, when Humphries introduced the article he made no mention of the number of Asylum seekers, and suffixed it by saying “many of whom are destitute and desperate” Why did he say that unless it was to deliberately make listeners sympathetic.
The BBC is still referring to Syrian migrants even though they are not because the refugee convention specifically excludes them, there is still no questioning the truth of where they might have come from.
All in all it’s typical BBC spin and lies designed to paint the picture the BBC wants to paint, anything but the truth
I wonder what the statistics are for crimes committed in the U.K. by “asylum seekers” and “refugees”. Like that one from Iraq a few years back who ran over the little girl and fled leaving her dying under the car; I think he didn’t even have a driving licence. He was never deported, of course, because he’d had two kids with an English scrag and his “human right” to a family life overrode everything and (in this case literally) everybody else.