Last day of the month but the first OPEN THREAD of the week! If the BBC is being biased (and when isn’t it?) then here is where you detail it and we can discuss.
At the end of the last open thread a poster tried to find BBC coverage of a rather egregious abuse of the NHS system by a health tourist. It appears a ‘not news’ ((c) A. Newsroom Tealady) story in the BBC narrative world.
Old time TV entertainers used to be known and loved for their catchphrases. Say it three times on primetime TV and – if the public took you, your act and your catchphrase to their hearts – you might soon hear it repeated in the pubs, the workplaces and the school yards. Powerful stuff.
Who can forget BBC political commentator Norman Smith’s classic somewhat camp ‘But Labour say…’
Well there’s a new kid on the block. Younger, geekier, Ross Hawkins. This new up and coming BBC political act cut his teeth on Leveson and was gifted hours of screen time trying to embroil the PM and trash his employer’s rival Murdoch.
Our Ross borrows part of his mentor Smith’s catchphrase this morning and turns it up to eleven…..
‘But, but , but…’ He scoffs in reply to a George Osborne announcement on submarines. Three times he buts!
According to Ross Hawkins (he must have his finger firmly clamped on the public’s pulse here) the Scots won’t like the nuclear deterrent and – again according to our Ross – Jeremy Corbyn is winning English and Welsh (Ross doesn’t forget the Welsh) over to his ant-nuclear agrument. So there. I could say ‘But, but, but’ – but where’s my right of reply to such certain BBC wisdom care of our Ross?
This morning BBC London’s Asad Ahmad came out with odd formulation : “We want you to enjoy the Notting Hill Carnival”
Rather taken aback I was unclear whether he was speaking here on behalf of BBC London or perhaps the wider BBC?
Were his kind thoughts for our pleasure in the – likely somewhat damp – street celebrations coming from our national broadcaster as a corporation or perhaps simply from the staff employed there?
I’m afraid I assume the worst. It was most likely simply an example of virtue signalling. Carnival is a good liberal progressive thing – right?
Whereas… oh, let’s say the Royal Jubilee for example…. that was an opportunity for Sandi Toksvig and Paloma Faith to be paid a bob or two by the BBC and to suggest ‘Pass the Royal Sick Bag’
Fair comment, I guess, because we don’t all agree on the merits of the Royals. Whereas – Carnival… who could possibly have any reservations about that? Certainly not the BBC.
I’ve repeatedly suggested it is moved out of West London to Hackney or thereabouts: a much more appropriate venue. They can then take care of lawlessness by their own kin.
Before opening the link from David Brims on the Notting Hill Carnival, I had a bet with myself that once again there would be a picture of a British Bobby jigging about with the ethnics. Sure enough, the picture was there – British police doing their bit for da community relations and dancing with the natives.
I wonder DB, when the Beeb cover an event that is predominantly favoured by whites – jubilee celebrations, military parades and memorial services, country fairs etc; they always find the obligatory members of some ethnic minority or other to film or photograph. Yet they aren’t so sedulous in including footage or pictures of whites in “diverse” events such as the “carnival” in Notting Hill.
In view of the £100 fee for photographers & journalists, I had to laugh at the foot of the page you link to, David, there is an appeal from the BBC for photographs and Tweets from the public.
Obviously trying to economise at the BBC by cutting back on paying 2x£100 for a photographer and a journalist at today’s event!
[Sorry, w/site software has stuck this four slots lower down!]
The dance is traditional “Mapouka” from W. Africa. But no African policeman would demean himself to join in. If this photo was shown there, Africans would assume that the British police are degenerate animals. Er……………..
” Danny and the Human Zoo is a fictionalised account of Lenny Henry’s life as a teenager in 1970s Dudley. The story centres on Danny Fearon, an impressionist, and his working-class Jamaican family, as he rises to ‘fame’ as a stand-up ‘comedian’.
When Danny wins a local talent competition, he soon finds himself working the comedy circuit. Audiences can’t get enough and applaud Danny as he effortlessly morphs into Mohammed Ali, Tommy Cooper and Frank Spencer, eventually hitting the big time on TV. But an unscrupulous agent takes advantage of Danny and FORCES him to star in The Black and White Minstrel Show. Danny hits rock bottom. Having made his name by becoming other people, Danny has to save himself by finding out who he really is.” An Uncle Tom I think.
SKY News paper review, neurotic Vincent Graff, he looks a bit like Scott, was wittering on, ” Why are British people who live in Spain called ex pats while Africans in Calais are called migrants ?” ok Vince. there’s a colony of African ex pats in Calais, and it shows, they’ve turned the place into a tip.
”Why are British people who live in Spain called ex pats while Africans in Calais are called migrants“?
Because the British expatriates have no intention of claiming asylum or citizenship in Spain, while Africans in Calais are trying to escape from both their homeland and France, so as to claim asylum and British citizenship, and all the benefits that this provides them, such as Hotel accommodation, legal help and luxuries provided to them by the many left-wing charities funded by David Cameron.
”Why are British people who live in Spain called ex pats while Africans in Calais are called migrants“?
It depends upon where you are standing. To Spanish people the British ex pats are probably ‘migrants’. To Africans left behind in the homeland the lorry jumpers are probably ’emigrees’ or even ‘ex pats’.
In certain ‘B’ action movies, there is often an obligatory scene where the hero is either dragged to, invited or observes the criminal capo’s luxury villa complex, which always has a bunch of pneumatic bimbos in various states of undress wandering about doing, well, nothing very much.
It’s a fascinating job. Get up, wander about doing not very much all day, and that’s about it. Admittedly the pay seems good, and the perks generous.
They remind me of the Eloi classes we now have in the politico-media establishment.
So long as their cosy little luxury bubble, surrounded by gates and guards, is untroubled, all is well, and they can indulge further sociological meddling to feel good about themselves.
But then reality intrudes in the form of betrayal from within or outside assault. And all the pretty bimbos become collateral damage decorating the poolside.
Isolated as they are, do BBC staff, even at senior level, not on occasion find themselves mixing with the hoi polloi? Walking a street, flying in a plane, watching a show in a packed auditorium.
Does it never occur to them that the consequences of idealism can also visit up on them too?
Or are they simply reassured that the right kind of security at their swing doors will keep the wrong kind of Charlotte Church at bay.
I’m reminded of this perplexing story concerning Shelagh Fogarty (later employed by BBC Five Live and slightly famous for screaming live on air when attcked by, of all things, a mouse. Also for crossing a union picket line during a strike and soon after for NOT being sacked by the BBC (honestly, she wasn’t sacked) but left to persue her career, elsewhere.
So many issues were involved here – this is one that really ought to have been the subject of a pulic inquiry
It would have given us some valuable insights into the workings of the liberal media, the PC Police and the street culture of modern youth. It was 2008
Radio 4 this morning outraged by the fence in Hungary being completed, so thy trawl around Europe’s most far left ministers trying to find condemnation. They find it from the French but fail to mention that Hollande is perhaps the most hated PM in French history.
They wheel on another Labour rent a gob who in the Fascists tradition is completely full of criticism and hate, but when asked what the Hungarians should do can come up with nothing, this takes about 5 questions and every time it’s asked the Fascists begins criticising, until stopped by Humphries – “what should they do” the answer comes back, “they should just let them in” !
This whole section of the Today program was peppered with propaganda, and untruths, when Humphries introduced the article he made no mention of the number of Asylum seekers, and suffixed it by saying “many of whom are destitute and desperate” Why did he say that unless it was to deliberately make listeners sympathetic.
The BBC is still referring to Syrian migrants even though they are not because the refugee convention specifically excludes them, there is still no questioning the truth of where they might have come from.
All in all it’s typical BBC spin and lies designed to paint the picture the BBC wants to paint, anything but the truth
Said Labour Rent a Gob is one Claude Moraes who has a made a very good living, at our expense, out of Refugee causes and was a BBC regular whenever they were looking for a sympathetic voice. He is, of course, now on the EU Gravy Train and still at our expense.
I don’t think there is any “perhaps” about Hollande – he IS the most hated French president in history. He’s only jealous because he didn’t think of the fence idea first, and anyway he wouldn’t stand a chance of surrounding the wole of France with razor wire…
Hollande hands out medals to US marines and a Brit for preventing slaughter on a French train. But manages to appease the muslims by arresting this group of protestors for daring to hang their offensive banner over the railway near the spot where the shooter was stopped. They are still in prison and calls are being made to protest their arrest. Way to go M. Hollande, remember try to encourage more US tourists to protect your socialist paradise.
All this shows what a farce the EU is. The German public broadcasters have been putting the UK, Poland, Hungary, Holland, the Baltics and the US on the naughty step because they are not taking their “fair share” of asylum seekers and not showing the proper level of “European solidsrity”, whatever that might be. UK is hard-hearted and does not want any immigration at all, the Poles are descriminating against Muslims as they will only accept Christian refugees, Holland has lost its openness and the Great Satan caused all the problems in the first place and is not taking any refugees. Yet Germany boasts that it wants to be a “humanitariaan superpower” and needs immigration to keep its economy on track. If that’s the case it should be thanking the UK, US, Hungary, Poland, the Baltics for foregoing their claim on this valuable resource. Germany has simply created a “rod for its own back” and is now flailing around for ways out of what could be very unpleasant developments.
Germany is a conflicted nation in many ways. Trapped by its past, it has no way to defend itself against enemies, or even friends such as the EU, France, America or Britain. All are out to make Germany pay for its past, and have done so for the last 60 years or more.
With the illegal migrants, Germany would like to do what Poland and Hungary are doing, but again cannot. So they have decided to make the best of it, and accept all the illegal migrants they can. This is has the advantage that they cannot be faulted, and more importantly, Germany gets the chance to play the morally superior against those who have been rubbing German noses for over 60 years. They also hope that by taking these migrants, they will wash the stain of Nazism for good. Free at last.
German calculations may also consider that given the German work ethic, & compared to the lazy, incompetant and mostly illiterate migrants, the migrants will soon find their way to England, where the Benefit river flows far more peacefully.
I don’t think many ordinary Germans are conflicted, even Helmut Kohl, many years ago, talked about “die Gnade der späten Geburt” . Sixty years on the guilt trip begins to grate somewhat, even for non-Germans. It is those who are inveterate multiculturalists that are conflicted. The BBC, ARD, ZDF are all purveyors of the same leftist worldview. The German media and the political elite are surprised, horrified and terrified by phenomena like PEGIDA and the “tone” of the debate on the social media. Vulgar people dare to express distaste for being subsumed into a Muslim subculture. How impertinent! The hoi polloi should simply listen respectfully to the wise words and grand strategems of their betters. Thank God for UKIP otherwise we would no doubt now be in a halo-polishing competion with Germany, cheered on by the BBC, to take in more Syrian refugees. At least the BBC is not exhorting us to share our homes and personally mentor the 300,000 new arrivals in our country as German TV is asking their public to do with Syrian refugees.
Yes, there are already arson attacks everyday on reception centres. The media would have the German public believe it’s some Neonazi conspiracy, but disgruntled locals is the more likely explanation. I was premature in thinking that there would be no calls on the BBC to outdo the Germans in goodness. Yvette Cooper was on the World at One whining how far behind the Germans we were. National pride was at stake, Kindertransport, blah, blah, let’s commit cultural suicide as only true Brits can. Completely nauseating.
Yvette Cooper on today’s TWAT-O lectures us that we should make a distinction between refugees/ asylum-seekers and immigrants. I agree. It’s easy.
If they flee war and cross one border, they’re refugees. If they choose to travel further, they’re economic migrants.
Many migrants are coming over from Turkey. Turkey is not at war, therefore all migrants from Turtkey are economic migrants.
The reality is that these migrants do not wish to live in Turkey – a fellow Islamc country. What these Muslium migrants are fleeing from is Islam. However, once safely ensconced in the West, they cpnveniently forget what made them flee, assign false narratives about Islam, and then continue the Jihad in the West, as mandated by the Koran.
Sunday evenings on the Beeb are becoming little more that mutl-culti propaganda. It’s both painful and predictable. I don’t usually watch Casualty, having a healthy fear of hospitals, but last night I did give it a quick squint. It was choc full of lefty cliches. Decent black nurses being abused and assaulted by ghastly, tattooed white chavs. Every scene is handled with the subtlety of a sledge hammer and you sit waiting for “the message” to be hammered home.
Then there was the dreadful series, Partners in Crime, loosely based on the short stories by Agatha Christie…very loosely. Poor Agatha must be spinning in her urn. Apart from hapless David Walliams being unable to act his way out of a paper bag the top scientist who had been kidnapped was black. This series is set in the 1950’s, post war Britain and our leading atomic expert is a “person of colour,” to use the vernacular. I sat there laughing, it’s the only response other than hurling my size tens at the tv.
This week we’ve got the Lenny Henry story to enjoy / endure. I have no doubt we’ll be regaled by foul white racists, lovable West Indian folk, and Lenny’s decent family struggling to make it in a hostile environment. Please God spare us. I don’t know anyone who is remotely interested in Britain’s unfunniest comedian, but the BBC force him into our lives whether we want him or not.
The trouble with the BBC is we don’t have to watch it, but we do have to pay for it.
As I said yesterday, I’m on a diet of The Professionals, The Sweeney and MInder from ITV4 recorded through the day, mix in a bit of Dads Army and the episode of Reginald Perrin shown on Saturday it does me. Both DA and RP have paid for themselves many times over and others products of ITV, yet as you point out I still have to pay!
Last nights, ITV drama with Ray Winstone (IMO your plastic bag analogy could apply here?) wasn’t much better then Partners in Crime with the products of miscegenation matching the adverts in between.
There have been several discrepancies in ‘keeping up the numbers’. In the episodes of Merlin, the lady Guinevere was played by a mixed race actress – this in the times before 1066 ! And then in Endeavour, he was shown to have a romantic interest in a black nurse – not very likely in the mid 1960’s.
Daily Service today from a ‘black’ Catholic Chruch in Bristol full of asylum seekers and refugees from Africa. A long standing immigrant black vicar from Dominica and a British curate boasting how they pay for high court injunctions to prevent rejected illegals beign deported, i.e facilitating illegal immigrants.
The BBC love this kind of stuff. What is noticeable every time they interview these trafficked people the interviewees always claim not to know how they happened to come to Britain! What bull! Apparently mysteriosus benefactors suddenly turn up and offer them the opportunity to come here, or just give them a ticket,or sometimes just the opportunity to come to Europe, and low and behold they land in Heathrow! Why the hell doesnt the BBC grill them a bit about how much they paid, who the traffickers were, what nationality etc? Those are the questions in the public interest.
One mysterious benefactor is a man called David Cameron, he is British and has used cutbacks in Government spending on the British people to massively increase the funding of foreign projects which probably include the trafficking, tickets, hotel accommodation and legal aid for foreigners brought to Britain.
“”The (Border) controls have been agreed with Austria’s neighbours Germany, Hungary and Slovakia, Austrian officials said.
“”The Austrian checks appear to undermine the EU’s Schengen system, which normally allows unrestricted travel. But in exceptional circumstances countries can reintroduce border controls under Schengen.””
“”A spokesman for police in Austria’s easternmost state of Burgenland told the BBC that they had 54 officers on duty round the clock.””
“Helmut Marban said the checks are not border controls – which would be against Schengen laws – but a police action against people smuggling.””
The above is interesting. We now have international and co-ordinated border controls within the EU. They are technically not breaking EU laws if only of a temporary nature. But the incoming will continue. Then what?
Also, note how the Germans have masked out the faces of the incomings, including the kids. This takes away the emotive pulls on the viewers heart-strings and favoured by the BBC. The BBC, who are soooo pro-immigration.
No debate allowed, move on, nothing to see here….we the BBC have decided what is going to happen.
‘the days when SML used to dare to conduct view polls, which almost invariably would produced outcomes like 90% against mass immigration and 10% for mass immigration’
Lucky their corporate existence is unique enough to ignore such silly things that other media need to attempt. Looking at ABC ratings in the press can offer an insight into what the actual public prefers, and the BBC in print (The Graun) is not too high.
That all said, rigging propaganda still further with blatant censorship is not really going to enhance the trust reputation that exists in positive figures in the minds of the BBc high command and politicians brain dead enough to only read their PR output.
Hmm. “Editors Picks” are a fairly recent addition to that page, I think. Trying to deflect from how things are going.
I got modded off merely for pointing out that the comments showed the BBC attempts to influence us through concentrating on women and children or accepting every sob story as gospel weren’t working. Off topic, apparently. Yeah, sure. Rather ironic then to see comment 229 (Simply shocking! We are able to watch children, women and men die while only being worried about ‘our standard of living’?) make it as one of the Picks. I believe the standard phrasing is “men, women and children” but perhaps that wouldn’t have caught the Editor’s eye.
Have just read a reader’s letter in the paper by a volunteer who takes dementia patients for dental visits. Last week she took an elderly lady in her 90’s for a check up. The receptionist immediately asked for the £19.50 fee. At the same time she waved through two Eastern European young men because they said they were on benefits and the treatment was free . ITS STORIES LIKE THIS THAT MAKE ME WEEP. In Germany the indigenous peoples are now publicly showing resentment about whats happening with migrants swamping their country – who wouldn’t, with 800,000 people being taken in. Give it a couple of years, and we’ll be reading about the ghettoes of migrants in Germany causing uproar.
Oh dear that Qur’an fragment in Birmingham is proving more than problematic for the BBC and the Islamophiles.
It might well prove that Islam is indeed a false religion and that Mo or Uthman copied an existing text.
“Keith Small, from the University of Oxford’s Bodleian Library, added: ‘This gives more ground to what have been peripheral views of the Koran’s genesis, like that Muhammad and his early followers used a text that was already in existence and shaped it to fit their own political and theological agenda, rather than Muhammad receiving a revelation from heaven.”
How is that going to fit with the nutters who believe everyone who doesn’t accept this tome of evil as being the truth and perfect is some how a criminal guilty of some phobia or other?
The BBC have covered it on TWATO, but they invited on the usual apologist who explained it all away as being a reused page.
There’s nothing on the website, and I think it’s going to take some time with the BBC holding several meetings before its content is decided.
You are right, they rushed this story out with undisguised glee, however now the custodians of the fragment are going to have to be very careful with it, as every Muslim in the world will be wanting to destroy it, as they can’t have anything which puts a crack into the certainty of their fragile faith.
This is the thing – you can attack Christianity without the religion falling apart, however an attack on Islam by its nature means the whole ideology collapses in on itself. Once a central person sets himself up as being perfect, and Gods messenger, any proof he wasn’t proves the whole thing as being false.
Yep! … he only dreamt it too …
but that’s enough … to make it the third, or
is it fourth most erm “holy” site in Islam
… you couldn t make this garbage up
Obviously Islam is a construct, probably Mohamhead too
What better way to get, thousands of the ignorant, to get fanatical
… god says so
Yes, I can recommend the book “Did Mohammed exist” by Robert Spencer which raises several doubts as to the historical accuracy of the so-called (why don’t the BBC use that phrase I wonder?) prophet Mohammed’s existence.
The basic premise is that there are zero references to him in books/records from the period. On the other hand, the existence of Jesus is well supported (regardless of who he exactly was) by many cross-references to him in accounts from the period when he was supposed to have existed.
There seems to be no similar accounts from the period which substantiate the existence of someone called Mohammed doing what he is supposed to have done. It seems quite possible that the Koran and the story of Mohammed were made up a couple of centuries later. Shock, horror.
Exactly why anyone would want to make up Islam and foist it on the world I will leave as an exercise for the reader.
I think Keith Small might be needing a stab vest in the near future, or a Kevlar cravat, if he carries on making statements like that. The followers of the Religion of Peace tend not to react so peacefully to people who say such things – especially kafirs.
BBC Watch a bit optimistic here. The BBC ‘must’ do a lot of things, but knows it really doesn’t have to as there is no one willing or able to make them. So it doesn’t.
Hence the reply as shared.
However, the BBC making up what it wants as it goes along to feature or ignore as it suits is not exactly a surprise
Just for fun and for a heads up for the inevitable weather reports here are a few forecasts for the coming winter:
Very Weather: it may be much Snowier, and Colder due to rare SUPER 2016 El Nino due to hit later this year.
Kasims Weather: A New Era of COLD Modern El Nino Into 2016? To Rival 1962/3 Harsh Snow?
Chorley Weather: This means that although low pressure’s will sweep in, cold air will be wrapped in the systems which could produce snow at times, particularity the further north you are. Overall I think an averaged winter is the call for now with the potential for colder periods. I just cant see the Mild outcome at the minute.
Gavsweathervids: a wetter, stormy winter could be more likely across the UK and Europe rather than a colder, drier winter. Milder than average temperatures would probably also be favoured from this pattern.
Netweather: During the last El Niño event in 2009/10, northern Europe, including the UK, experienced an exceptionally cold winter. However, that winter also coincided with a solar-minimum – which is know to increase the likelihood of cold winters.
So, it should be stressed that El Niño does not automatically mean a cold winter for the UK, because history bears evidence that this has not always been the case during past events. So we can perhaps dismiss the attention-grabbing headlines from the tabloids recently, suggesting Britain will be sent into a deep freeze and will get battered by fierce snow storms in winter 2015/16.
Probably the first early winter forecast many on the site will have seen, and although not all are out yet, and certainly not firmed up, there is a common theme you’re going to hear a lot about – the exceptionally strong El Nino which has developed. This can mean one of two things for the UK, both of them extreme. Either we will have an exceptionally mild winter or an exceptionally severe one. The likely hood of an average winter is much reduced. It might well be that the UK is split between the two as it was a few years back with the East being hit particularly hard.
Most sites are saying that El Nino is NOT affected by any climate change, so be aware of the alarmists claiming it is! The warm late summer in South Western Europe is a consequence of El Nino so nothing to do with global warming – again watch for those claiming it is.
Those warmists will pick on anything, and blame it on global warming. If, after this coming El Nino fails to make any difference to the already fraudulent global temperatures, they will be really stuffed. They’re relying, desperately, on it so they can shriek “It’s getting warmer, told you so”.
Why do the bBC sell us the pretence that Radio is live. Anyone listening to Steve Wright this afternoon will realise that although the show appears ‘live’ and our genial host says nothing to the contrary, its obviously not as there is zero interaction with the travel woman as there normally is.
No problem with it not being live, but as the medium of radio is a ‘one to one’ thing with the listener, I find it wrong that 1) They don’t tell us and 2) Shouldn’t the country’s most listened to station be live 24/7, not reduced to a commercial sounding station where the DJ has pre-recorded the bits between the records.
It was once the DJ’s job to read the traffic reports, going back to those days would at least ensure the show is live….
A man has been shot dead by police in north London. The 43-year-old white man was shot outside a flat on the sixth floor of Picardy House, an 11-storey former local authority building in Enfield.
If he had been black, the bBBC wouldn’t have told us, and we’d have been left in the dark. Until the rioting started.
Or even more pertinent – compare the riots following the shooting of Mark Duggan to riots following the butchery of Soldier Lee Rigby.
Double standards or what ?
The BBC are very quiet on this one. Maybe they’re uncomfortable with the idea that banging on about institutional racism within the police, as they have been known to do on the odd occasion, might actually cause some people to have an irrational hatred of police officers…
Much is currently being made on the BBC and elsewhere of the ‘unprecedented movement of peoples’ unlike, apparently, anything since WW2. In fact there is no comparison with the situation at the end of WW2 since the people involved were overwhelmingly European or Far Eastern, seeking to relocate to their various places of birth and, also in the overwhelming majority of cases, succeeding without in any way affecting or destabilising established social groups or behaviour.
There is also much made of the previous goverment’s admitted intention to ‘rub the right’s nose in diversity’, deliberate actions which have caused genuine and continuing upset – but it started long before New Labour and was largely orchestrated by such statesman-like figures as the then Anthony Wedgewood-Benn and Richard Crosland. The masterplan of the Attlee government was to go along, enthusiastically, with the US intention of dismantling the British Empire and as part of this to start ‘physically apologising’ for having the temerity to rule half the world – very largely benignly, though you wouldn’t think so today.
The reason fed to a war-weary population was that losses of manpower had been grievous and needed urgent replacement. Essentially, a noble and necessary ambition, except that it was neither noble nor necessary.
Military and civilian losses – not including the flu epidemic – during WW1 were just under 1 million, or between 1.8 and 2.2 of the UK population at the time, and yet we as a nation managed to get back to full production without the help of any major influx and despite the worst depression ever experienced.
Military and civilian losses during WW2 were actually far lower, 450,000 or 0.94 of the population, but yet we opened our nation’s doors and have not only never closed them, they are wedged (no pun intended) that way.
An interesting point and while I am happy to agree about the part played by imbeciles like Benn and Crossland, the sad fact is that the Tories were also gung-ho for immigration, sadly even Enoch Powell was an advocate for it, before realising the error of his ways.
It’s worth bearing this in mind when we hear Tory supporting groups like the IOD, last week advocating even greater levels of immigration so that they can more easily line their pockets. The same applies in the States, where big business shills for importing Mexico (apparently all of it) for similar reasons.
The sad truth is that neither the Tories nor Labour are willing to shut the doors. Which is why the both need to go.
The biggest movement of people was caused by – wait for it! Fear of Islam !! It happened after WWII when the evil Jinah founded the state of Pakstan (the I was added later to make pronunciation easier).
An estimated 14 million people were displaced and a further 1 million killed. Countless women were raped, some were killed by the fathers just in case they were raped!
” Unfortunately, it was accompanied by the largest mass migration in human history of some 10 million. As many as one million civilians died in the accompanying riots and local-level fighting, particularly in the western region of Punjab which was cut in two by the border. “
There was the most pathetic and infantile report, today, on the continuing swarms of illegal immigrants loitering at Calais; the lame and spineless reporter was, as usual, painting the stereotypical BBC sympathetic picture of poor downtrodden immigrants (always failing to mention, of course, that these hobos have travelled through countless safe nations to get to Calais and therefore have no business being there). Anyway, at the end of the foul report the buffoon squeezed in a few seconds of interview footage with a lorry driver who said that he and his colleagues felt very much threatened on a daily basis by an increasingly aggressive bunch of illegals; the poor chap was evidently worried and even stated that knives had been brandished! At this point the reporter looked non-plussed and the footage was cut and so the news reader swiftly moved onto the next story. It was utterly pathetic and one could tell the reporter just didn’t want to discuss the real issue here: that violent, unwanted enrichers are trying to threaten their way into our country. The ******* BBC should be on the side of our lorry drivers not the illegal chancers in Calais. I’m bloody sick of it!
I have no problem with those seeking genuine asylum, who can offer real services to our nation; however, I have serious problems with these useless stinkers threatening our lorry drivers!
The BBC would doubtless reply that it is always on the side of truth. Just like Pravda used to. It is pointless expecting the BBC to uphold any real British values or interests. Two generations of leftist indoctrination have left the BBc with a problem. A staff out of touch with the people it serves.
It is just getting more obvious the more desperate the BBC staff gets as their world starts to collapse around them.
The BBC along with other media had great fun claiming that Sarah Palin said “I can see Russia from my house.”, when she actually said “They’re our next-door neighbors. And you can actually see Russia, from land, here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska.”.
All must now be forgotten as the BBC website has a lengthy piece introduced thus Two islands in the Bering Straits are barely two miles apart but divided by the US-Russian border. Humphrey Hawksley visited one and looked across
I see that Obama has officially renamed Mount McKinley as Denali or somesuch. Riiight-on! Ticks all the boxes in a shallow leftie way as usual.
McKinley was a pro business Republican President with strong Ulster Scot/British roots so hardly a surprise that this useless fool wants to rename the mountain.
Yes, Sarah Palin is a perfect example of what the media can do to any politician who wanders into their sights. Nigel Farage is another. Both were excoriated by the BBC and other fellow travellers.
It’s a bit like Lady Thatcher and the “No such thing as society” “quote”, when she never said anything of the sort. It was one phrase taken entirely out of context.
Sorry not BBC bias but what a disgusting, far-Left extremist ‘news’ programme Channel 4 is. It is pure, unashamed far-Left propaganda. Epitomises the snooty, Westend London leftie scum who chat about radical socialist revolutions whilst sipping champagne, nibbling on cheese and biscuits and discussing contemporary theatre and opera. I loathe these odious, pretentious snobs who play at being commies. They really are scum of the lowest order!
On two occasions today I have watched reports – one in the BBC studio and one on the border of Austria/Hungary, with comments by two Refugee Charity workers, both Asian, possibly Pakistani or Indian. I found it incredible that these ‘reporters’ were decrying the lack of humanity being shown towards the migrants who had travelled on foot to reach safety and a new life etc etc etc. My point ? well one only has to look at the country of origin of these Asian reporters and see the abject poverty of their own peoples living beside drains and sheltering under corrugated iron and cardboard. The hypocrisy of these people is breath taking ! I wonder why there is never any rush by Asian’s abroad to return to their homeland and help out their fellow countryman scavenging rubbish tips to survive, yet they see fit to sit in our tv studios and pontificate how WE are not pulling our weight to help those now engulfing Europe. There will be such an uprising in this Country before long.
So Daley Thomson, is ticked off by Beeboid Logan for saying a female athlete ‘throws like a girl’ this of course alerts all the feminist self appointed Twitter trolls, who are quick to brand him ‘sexist’
Thomson should be glad he’s not white, or else it could have been career over at the bBC and be forever cast as a racist as the athlete in question appears to be of a similar colour…
I like Thomson, he’s one of the good guys who like Williams and Lynch have never made anything of their colour and we have never really noticed, unlike Henry who keeps reminding us….
In relation to the contretemps between Jimmy Krankie’s Party and the Chancellor about fuding our nuclear defence, R2 news refer to the “Westminster Government” – don’t they really mean H.M. Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northen Ireland and not just that of Westminster?
Yes well noticed. ‘The Westminster Government’ is of course, exactly the phrase used by Krankie’s National Socialists on a regular basis so no surprises there with the terminology adopted.
The BBC are it seems forever banging on about the Labour Party Leadership Election. (It’s probably the only Election that Labour can now be almost guaranteed to win).
But why aren’t the BBC demanding to know from Labour what their stance is on the current and on going Immigration Crisis that’s dominating politics?
Their silence is deafening. Labour are paid to be in opposition.
But, they can’t disagree with the swarms, and therefore remain silent. And anyway, the BBC are the vocal arm of the Labour party.
Utterly shocking story which has not been reported by the Paki loving BBC. Imagine sitting in your car at a posh shop, only to find someone has opened the door and dragged you off in to the bushes to rape you.
20 -30 years ago there would have been an outcry. and calls to have them sent back, or at least to have no further immigration, but thanks to the Fascist destruction of our country, we are so oppressed that we are afraid to speak out.
I use this store on occasion, it’s somewhere I used to feel safe, I now know that nowhere is safe from these animals.
Anywhere close to a major city has no future anymore. At least not as I and others understand the word. Time to recognize that London , Manchester and Birmingham and others are bound for no go status within a generation.
All my extended family and their offspring have left the cities.
The next stage will be the inevitable decision whether to leave the country. It is millions of individual decisions that really make and change history. The political class never grasp this and never have.
leave the country? for where? Where ever the lunatic (il)liberal left go, they wreck that country – forever with their rose tinted un thought out optimism as Margaret Becket admitted, they are morons who can only think in the now, and the future is someone elses problem.
All is not yet lost. Time will help us. Not England sadly as it is too small. Think of the Pacific North West over into Canada and east to the Dakotas. In a splintered USA which looks more and more likely that vast area is still almost empty and although a hard land will be well suited to us Europeans. ,
Alternatively Eastern Europe has a future still.
What makes you think Europeans will be allowed in? The US has its own divisions and there’s a lot of anti-European sentiment, particularly in the SW. Eastern Europe – maybe.
A more likely outcome, IMO, is civil war, then we’ll have to decide how far we’re prepared to go. We killed thousands of Germans between 1939 and 1945, many of whom must have been perfectly decent people, to avoid being dominated by a repugnant regime. They were probably better than what we have now.
An asylum seeker, or whatever you want to call it, murdered an elderly couple in Sicily. Hasn’t gone down too well by all accounts. Then there was the IKEA murder in Sweden. There’s a lot of pent up anger. Sooner or later something even worse will happen and all hell will break loose.
@Thoughtful, Cheadle rape mentioned this morning on BBC Radio Manchester. No description of attacker. You’d think ‘pockmarked Asian’ might be useful in finding the beast but there again, the BBC aren’t there to help the police, they’re there to cover up the crimes of their favoured minority. They’d have reported it if it’d been pockmarked white though …
Worked out well for lenny in the end though eh? I mean, hes not at all funny or cutting edge, couldn’t fill a phone box let alone the 02 , but…….but …..he still on the bbbc ! FUNNY old world eh!!!
Strange but all mention of the Birmingham Koran Fragment has been expunged from the BBC. It seems like a report slipped out at lunchtime regarding the false religion known as Islam but the BBC has managed to contain it and now everything is under control again.
The Koran date problem can be solved by hiring a Muslim scholar for the BBC. He will explain that it is a matter of understanding the context, as follows.
Scholar: the date of the Koran has to be seen in context.
Sceptic: explain the context.
Scholar: yada yada, Crusades, UK foreign policy, Islam is a religion of peace.
Sceptic: But you have not explained the fragment.
Scholar: You are not allowing me to explain, Muslims are peaceful, the Prophet…words of Allah, western imperialism…..
Room 101 tonight, a repeat I believe, our host Skinner says how he would like to believe in elfves and on a summers night whilst walking in the park would love to see one, when some unfunny lefty comedian guest adds ‘it sounds like the excuse a Tory MP night give.’ Cue howls of laughter…
Yea that’s right its only Tory MPs caught doing such eh? More bloody bias drip drip
.. and er Ron Davies ..
“The Sun reported that last Monday Mr Davies, 56, had engaged in a sex act in daylight with a stranger at Tog Hill, a picnic area eight miles north of Bath, Somerset. It was only 17 days after his third wife, Lynne Hughes, 36, had given birth to their first child, Gwenllian.”
To Ross Hawkins and “But, but, but…” for new BBC catchphrases I would like to add 5Live’s (especially Breakfast programme) frequent use of the phrase “More needs to be done about…” something, anything at which some two-person pressure group feels the government should be throwing more money.
We all know how bad the British weather forecasting by the Met Office can be, but are they now deliberately lying to us, in those forecasts, to cover up the lack of Global Warming? This morning on Radio Devon, we had our locality 5 day forecast and the temperatures during these forthcoming 5 days was going to start off with a high of 18 degrees and drop to a high of only 15 degrees by Friday. With a jaw dropping statement, we were also told that the night time temperature lows would be between 10 and 12 degrees for the same period. WHAT? You could have knocked both myself and my girlfriend down with a feather. With cold northerly wind/airstream taking over the country and with clear nights to follow (as correctly forecast) how on earth did they think that this would only give a “low” of 10 degrees? Lets talk about having another frost period shall we? Already tonight at just 22.30 temperatures in Devon are into single figures and most likely to reach just 4 degrees by the morning. With the dense cold air set to come in throughout the week expect even lower temperatures at night when the skies are clear. So how come the Met Office through the BBC are telling us it will only drop to 10 degrees? I know the Met Office forecasts can be bad, but this is simply lying to us. Agenda driven? You bet my arse it is.
I’ve lost count of the number of times this year when nights, predicted by our local BBC forecasters, to be ‘muggy’ and ‘uncomfortably warm for sleeping’ turned out to be unseasonably cool. A ‘muggy, uncomfortable night’ used to mean a night that was so humidly warm that you’d have little choice, if you wanted to sleep, but to open windows and throw off bed covers. This year weather forecasters seem to have assigned a new meaning to the word ‘muggy’ although I’m not sure I understand what it is yet. As we seem to have spent most of the ‘muggy’ night predictions for this year with our house windows on the latch and an extra blanket draped over the summer duvet would ‘colder than it should be at this time of year’ be an accurate description?
I suppose that we mustn’t forget, though, that we are all be called on to ‘celebrate’ global warming at the UN Climate Change ‘Festival’ to be held in November at Paris and, true to form and right on cue, up pipes ‘O-ba-ma’ with, ‘More drought; more floods; rising sea levels; greater migration; more refugees; more scarcity; more conflict.’ He claims that all of the above will be caused by global warming attributable to man, no matter that, as of today, most of the items on his list are a direct result of action that he, in concert with a tyrannical UN-EU-USA-Papal bloc, has taken against the humanity that the self-perceived Messiah claims he wishes to save.
On the lighter side, Mars may be too good for Obama but I’d certainly contribute to any campaign fund that would take him back to his own planet. Perhaps he’d be so kind as to take Merkel, Cameron and the BBC with him.
I have heard several times over the last couple of days how August has been the wettest one on record. Well usually for us harvest stops as August starts because every blasted day there seems to be rain. Well thank goodness this year early August was dry because otherwise our barley and rape would have rotted in the field. We have even got some of our wheat in the barn during the odd dry day in late August. Down south each time it has rained friends in London have said, ‘we have needed this rain’. None of this fits the wettest August on record narrative. Now if the BBC and Met Office had reported the dullest August on record I could have believed it because we seem to have had very little sunshine.
Al Beeb reports…. German Chancellor Angela Merkel says “Europe as a whole needs to move” on how to deal with refugees and migrants arriving in the EU. “If Europe fails on the question of refugees, then it won’t be the Europe we wished for”
A few thoughts come to mind – ‘horse and stable door’
There will be panic now, and a test of sovereignty EU -vs- GB. Will our so-called Prime Minister bend to her commands and concede to take in illegals because of the European Parliament’s total inability to secure its borders? Expect more propaganda in the next few weeks.
Merkel’s comments I thought were completely insane, trying to smear people who oppose the EU’s migrant policy (or lack of one) as neo nazis. Enoch Powell in his so-called Rivers of Blood speech said
“Those whom the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad. We must be mad, literally mad, as a nation to be permitting the annual inflow of some 50,000 dependants who are for the most part the material of the future growth of the immigrant-descended population. It is like watching a nation busily engaged in heaping up its own funeral pyre. So insane are we that we actually permit unmarried persons to immigrate for the purpose of founding a family with spouses and fiancés whom they have never seen.”
The EU and UK’s response has been completely psychotic; just consider France’s response to Hungary trying to secure the EU’s external border, describing it as “scandalous”, Hungary at least is trying to do something!
The BBC reports this morning, that Buraq Hussein Obama, is to appear on the Bear Grylls show!
Yep! … trekking across the Alaskan wilderness, “Tuh, harlaaht, climate change … y all”
Hope the plight of the “disappearing polar bears” is bought up …
considering its now turned to an infestation in some areas, one would hope he doesn t get eaten by one.
lordy lordy … Harribin, must be cock a hoop!
Imagine … what if he got lost? 😀
Barack Obama to test “survivor” skills on Bear Grylls show
Anyone got those contrasting pictures of bear chested Putin,
and “mummy dressed me” Obama going up the road on his
FBI safety approved push bike.
BBC news welcomes the launch of Nigel Farage’s ‘No’ campaign today with a certain amount of… how shall we say… negativity?
No surprise there
The theme emphasised again and again is ‘splits’ ‘division’ – afterall Farage is a ‘divisive figure’
Wait a minute, the ‘No’ campaign are ‘split’ about what exactly? Wanting Britain to exit the EU? They agree on that surely?
Whereas the rival Labour leadership contenders are massively ‘split’ over very important issues and outcomes – such as re-nationalisation, unilateral disarmament and exit from NATO – possibly even exit from the EU, although Corbyn has gone quiet on that one. Talk about ‘divisive’ – except the Labour leadership election is not cast by the BBC as a divisive campaign.
So according to the BBC, what is the problem with this ‘split’ EU campaign?
Seems it’s about rival quests for ‘donors, big business and celebrity endorsements’ – well, well, well.
Perhaps the BBC has given away what they think will be the battleground. Little to do with the voters or with a frank exploration of the issue – lots and lots to do with media manipulation.
Simply typing a transcript of the interview on Today would show the number of interruptions while Nigel was trying to answer. What it won’t show is the hostile tone employed during the interview, which sounded like the interviewer (Sarah? Mishal?) found it distasteful just speaking to him.
Oh, and the programme then lied in the subsequent news headlines: “Nigel Farage says he won’t work with the other ‘No’ groups in the forthcoming referendum”. He made it clear in his interview. He doesn’t want to take sides now and will work with whoever emerges as the official “No” grouping. Not that he won’t work with them.
To be fair, I don’t blame the BBC for giving Farage a tough interview -= I blame them for not doing the same for everyone else. The absurd sycophancy shown to the runners and riders in the Labour Farce of the Year Handicap Chase contrasts sharply with the ‘tell me, Mr Farage, do you prefer eating baby boys or baby girls? Or, perhaps kittens?’ style adopted his morning.
Here, here, though ‘tough’ should not involve huffing and puffing no matter who is across the table.
The BBC is no more than a coven of bitchy kindergardeners with BFFs and mortal enemies ebbing and flowing daily, only with a few constants subject to their populist ire.
What they are not is calm, measured, accurate, impartial professionals.
Yes, I agree. It is perfectly acceptable to press Farage on how many he would allow in. But if you do, it is essential that you ask Burnham (or whoever) ‘how many is too many?’ and that the BBC will never do.
The BBC at it’s left wing best with a story about someone called ‘Bartlomiej’ who along with his gang has been stealing the alcohol hand wash meant to protect us from NHS hospitals so they can drink it.
To the BBC as ever it’s just the story at face value – alcoholic ‘men’ stealing from the NHS. They can’t even bring themselves to consider that these are foreigners allowed into our country by the EU, and wrecking the health service. There’s no comment that they are in receipt of UK benefits and incapable of work, all because of the EU.
“University students arriving for the start of term are likely to face a concerted effort from a Yes campaign that wants to take advantage of political activists already in place on campuses across the country”.
Nigel Farage is referred to throughout the feature as ‘Mr Farage’ whereas everyone else has their first and second name.
As with the General Election, the BBC has started an early attack on ‘Mr Farage’. They have two years to destroy him, and they will be full on in their attacks from now onwards.
Of course, she was only Tweeting what no doubt the rest of her colleagues were thinking. Providing they don’t voice their opinions (only allow them to skew the coverage) no action will be taken to ensure proper balance in the BBC’s reporting.
Considering that UKIP proved to be quite popular in Wales in the last election by polling more votes than Plaid C. and the Limpdems, Al Beeb Wales were using the same negativity this morning , commentating that Farage was considered ‘divisive’.
Well I suppose getting out of the ‘failed’ European Union is pretty well ‘divisive’.
A good term for Al Beeb and Cameron to use in the propaganda against the voters who want out.
Nigel Farage given the usual hard time on “Today” this morning, stepping fairly nimbly aside from the inevitable traps being laid left, right and centre. They hate him, don’t they? Interruptions and sneering a-plenty – the hostility was tangible.
Yes, it was but, as I said a few comments back, I don’t mind that – providing everyone else gets the same time under the grill. And they don’t.
That aside, Farage was on poor form this morning. The interviewer asked him a question she knew he would not want to answer (how many immigrants he would allow into the country) and he ended up dancing around, avoiding giving an answer, sounding just like every other evasive, lying politician.
Farage should have anticipated that question and had an answer ready.
I agree – Farage lacked his usual good form and the sneering interviewer immediately smelled blood. One gets the distinct impression that Mr Farage doesn’t any longer have his heart in the fight. I dunno, maybe his defeat in the last General Election, perhaps the recent in-fighting in UKIP itself… he just doesn’t seem to be wholeheartedly ‘in the fight’ to stay out of the Europe any more.
The BBC can sense this. If it continues, they will exploit this.
Maybe Farage has realised that the daily reports of the illegals at our gate are doing his campaigning for him. The various media sources seem unable to grasp that instead of feeling compassion with each news report of dangerous criminal desperados trying to batter their way across Europe, most people (well the ones I speak to anyway) feel completely the opposite to compassionate.
Anger, fear and helplessness is more the prevailing attitude. Although most sane people realise that although the Tories were the lesser of the two evils at the general election, they will fight tooth and nail to keep us in Europe, meaning we are powerless to halt the swarm.
I genuinely believe that the more the narrative is skewed towards the “poor helpless human tide of misery” the more people are hardening their hearts and refusing to believe the lies being fed to us.
Things that struck me about today’s TODAY
The BBC may love Labour but not in Scotland they don’t. Mishal appeared to be trying to completely undermine Keziah Dugdale. She was not able to be as positive as she wanted & list all three of her education policies. Full marks to the latter though: her burst of speed talking got her through in the end. Interestingly Corbyn was name-checked several times but there was no “There are three other candidates available in the Labour leadership contest” afterward.
Farage was also under the cosh but just about wriggled through. His speed talking wasn’t up to speed and fast enough to overwhelm Sarah.
Mickey Dolenz and Peter Tork, talking all over everyone however, had their show promoted on the non-commercial BBC who just love to advertise things, so it seems. Why can they not take a limited amount of paid-for advertising and slash the TV Tax in half?
As pointed out by England’s Dreaming, the comments here are a delight, all the top ones anti EU and the worst rated the reverse. Catch the comment’s before they are gerrymandered!
Opened after work started. Almost a 1,000 by lunch. Few on narrative.
When this one gets yanked is anyone’s guess.
6. Posted by luigivampa
Any chance of a fact based review of the pros and cons of being in the EU. I’m tired of listening to the faecal content falling from the regulars mouths. I’d like a helpful analysis please. Any chance of that?
From the BBC? No. From the guy rigging the Charter stitch-up with them? No.
Trust and transparency my shiny metal Aston Martin.
And meanwhile on the Pravda website: Laura Kuenssberg: ‘Amazing moment’ in British politics. Not just another dreary Beeboid dirge on the Decline and Fall of Liebour, for we are also given the joyous news by Laura that she is our new Beeb Political Editor. Yeh ! An amazing moment in British politics indeed, accompanied by a nice pic of Laura standing tall in front of the Four Dwarves . So no fear now then of future Beeb left wing political bias. Meanwhile Nick R is off to the “Today” programme and that’s alright too.More taxpayers’ money well spent.
Obama on Toady … 2hrs 08mins
Climate Change …
The world MUST act, its beyond dispute.
We CAN have a legitimate conversation on How we HAVE to act
We CAN T deny the science… ROFL 😀
F-ck me … sounds like discredited climate fascist BBCs very own “orrible” Harribin
The two pronged attack on UKIP is getting underway: from the BBC / Government to the street thugs of the left. The photo here depicts an anti UKIP rally, and advertises a call to oppose the UKIP Conference planned for Doncaster. This is how the EU debate will be handled. Interesting that the NUT feature with the UKIP are racists bunch
As often commented on this site, it is worth noting the stories the Beeb doesn’t report.
On the migrant crisis we are given the positions of Germany and France. But there is an alternative view point. The EU central and east European countries are vehemently opposed to having non EU migrant quotas imposed upon them. Are we hearing this side of the debate on the BBC? Look for it in vain, the Beeb have a permanent reporter based in Prague, is he not submitting stories or are they being blue pencilled?
The BBC has no desire to flood Eastern EEurope with immigrants it is only Britian they wish to destroy.
IMO It si Britain that the EU wants to send its immigrants to first. This way they all learn to speak English. IN thirty forty years the US ofE will be an English speakign state and the children of these invaders will be able to be moved aroudn Europe wherever their labour is needed.
We are effectively the cheap language school of the USofE.
Possibly but England in particular is the one country and particularly the one native people the EU needs to subdue. Partly for historical reasons but mainly because the Eu fanatics know that their vision of a slave state and a docile people will fail unless the English are subdued.
Every single thing about the EU law, notion of individual freedom and attitude to country is counter to the deep seated English way. We have nothing in common with them, except we all share in a European civilisation. That is cultural not legal and not part of the body politic.
Every single action taken by the EU is with an eye on how to fool and trick us English.
Cameron is their man and never forget it.
A dose of VD?, on Al BBC … for me, no thanks
This week its having special reports on “all” the groups of people
who are considered, extreme and radical, with the Govs, Channel program
(part of Prevent).
Is this going to be, “equivalence” tv week? … where there isn t any.
1/. That will be an enormous erm “Radical ” Islamic problem
2/. and the miniscule erm “far right” faction, that due to idiots
like the BBC, and the incompetent traitors in No10, now apparently
includes UKIP and erm … anyone who shows completely valid concerns
about 1/.
I thought apart from the numbers question – an utterly biased one as Labour poltiicians wanting to let them in do not get repeatedly bombarded with that question – Farage did well. He was right to focus on the problem being the EUs readiness to take a broad definition of what makes a refugee. He was right to state how this means literally MILLIONS qualify for refugee status.
Having said that he should have prepared an answer, as it was a fairly predictable question.
Coming back to the remarkable 1 hour of Harry Enfield and Paul Whitehouse last night, one of the “questions from the audience ” was to the effect of ” Are you the kind of comedians who are too shit scared to tackle Islam ?”. Followed by a sketch where an elderly white man says to a woman in a burka ” You have beautiful eyes “. Something tells me that we won’t see Harry and Paul on the BBC again !
I was wondering in the Smashie & Nicey show how the got away with the “black music TOTPs ” bit, where both actors were “blacked up” . Did the BBc censor miss that. Although a reminder of when comedy programs were actually funny.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
At the end of the last open thread a poster tried to find BBC coverage of a rather egregious abuse of the NHS system by a health tourist. It appears a ‘not news’ ((c) A. Newsroom Tealady) story in the BBC narrative world.
Maybe it’s more than their job’s worth?
Seems CECUTT operating at peak arrogance still. It’s like they know John Whittingdale and his boss are no threat.
Old time TV entertainers used to be known and loved for their catchphrases. Say it three times on primetime TV and – if the public took you, your act and your catchphrase to their hearts – you might soon hear it repeated in the pubs, the workplaces and the school yards. Powerful stuff.
Who can forget BBC political commentator Norman Smith’s classic somewhat camp ‘But Labour say…’
Well there’s a new kid on the block. Younger, geekier, Ross Hawkins. This new up and coming BBC political act cut his teeth on Leveson and was gifted hours of screen time trying to embroil the PM and trash his employer’s rival Murdoch.
Our Ross borrows part of his mentor Smith’s catchphrase this morning and turns it up to eleven…..
‘But, but , but…’ He scoffs in reply to a George Osborne announcement on submarines. Three times he buts!
According to Ross Hawkins (he must have his finger firmly clamped on the public’s pulse here) the Scots won’t like the nuclear deterrent and – again according to our Ross – Jeremy Corbyn is winning English and Welsh (Ross doesn’t forget the Welsh) over to his ant-nuclear agrument. So there. I could say ‘But, but, but’ – but where’s my right of reply to such certain BBC wisdom care of our Ross?
Notting Hill Carnival pictures, not much die-versity in these photo’s, looks as if the city is under occupation.
The Notting Hill Carnival Sick Bag, anyone?
This morning BBC London’s Asad Ahmad came out with odd formulation : “We want you to enjoy the Notting Hill Carnival”
Rather taken aback I was unclear whether he was speaking here on behalf of BBC London or perhaps the wider BBC?
Were his kind thoughts for our pleasure in the – likely somewhat damp – street celebrations coming from our national broadcaster as a corporation or perhaps simply from the staff employed there?
I’m afraid I assume the worst. It was most likely simply an example of virtue signalling. Carnival is a good liberal progressive thing – right?
Whereas… oh, let’s say the Royal Jubilee for example…. that was an opportunity for Sandi Toksvig and Paloma Faith to be paid a bob or two by the BBC and to suggest ‘Pass the Royal Sick Bag’
Fair comment, I guess, because we don’t all agree on the merits of the Royals. Whereas – Carnival… who could possibly have any reservations about that? Certainly not the BBC.
I’ve repeatedly suggested it is moved out of West London to Hackney or thereabouts: a much more appropriate venue. They can then take care of lawlessness by their own kin.
St Kilda has more space.
Before opening the link from David Brims on the Notting Hill Carnival, I had a bet with myself that once again there would be a picture of a British Bobby jigging about with the ethnics. Sure enough, the picture was there – British police doing their bit for da community relations and dancing with the natives.
And the embarrassing spectacle of pasty-faced Brits trying to dance like Brazilians…..
I wonder DB, when the Beeb cover an event that is predominantly favoured by whites – jubilee celebrations, military parades and memorial services, country fairs etc; they always find the obligatory members of some ethnic minority or other to film or photograph. Yet they aren’t so sedulous in including footage or pictures of whites in “diverse” events such as the “carnival” in Notting Hill.
In view of the £100 fee for photographers & journalists, I had to laugh at the foot of the page you link to, David, there is an appeal from the BBC for photographs and Tweets from the public.
Obviously trying to economise at the BBC by cutting back on paying 2x£100 for a photographer and a journalist at today’s event!
[Sorry, w/site software has stuck this four slots lower down!]
Police presence felt at the Notting Hill Carnival. Welcome to the multiculture. You’r nicked sunshine.
Well, what can you say ? the youtube clip was embarrassing and pitiful, while the photo looks like Sodom and Gomorrah.
Looks like Plod is doing to her what she and her ilk are busy doing to our country.
And this is the respect they earn
The dance is traditional “Mapouka” from W. Africa. But no African policeman would demean himself to join in. If this photo was shown there, Africans would assume that the British police are degenerate animals. Er……………..
My favorite film is idiocracy and this looks like one of the deleted scenes.
Tonight at 9:00 PM Inspired by the life of Lenny Henry. Guess what I won’t be watching.
” Danny and the Human Zoo is a fictionalised account of Lenny Henry’s life as a teenager in 1970s Dudley. The story centres on Danny Fearon, an impressionist, and his working-class Jamaican family, as he rises to ‘fame’ as a stand-up ‘comedian’.
When Danny wins a local talent competition, he soon finds himself working the comedy circuit. Audiences can’t get enough and applaud Danny as he effortlessly morphs into Mohammed Ali, Tommy Cooper and Frank Spencer, eventually hitting the big time on TV. But an unscrupulous agent takes advantage of Danny and FORCES him to star in The Black and White Minstrel Show. Danny hits rock bottom. Having made his name by becoming other people, Danny has to save himself by finding out who he really is.” An Uncle Tom I think.
Why produce a fictionalised account? Surely if he is as good as he thinks he is, a real account would suffice.
Lenny Hennry being funny is the fiction bit.
Lenny Henry is about as funny as waking up in hospital and discovering you’ve just had a blood transfusion from George Michael.
I didn’t watch it.
SKY News paper review, neurotic Vincent Graff, he looks a bit like Scott, was wittering on, ” Why are British people who live in Spain called ex pats while Africans in Calais are called migrants ?” ok Vince. there’s a colony of African ex pats in Calais, and it shows, they’ve turned the place into a tip.
On his Twiiter account Vince Graff states that he’s a human being !! Gosh, and here was me thinking he was a vegetable.
I think you were right the first time.
”Why are British people who live in Spain called ex pats while Africans in Calais are called migrants“?
Because the British expatriates have no intention of claiming asylum or citizenship in Spain, while Africans in Calais are trying to escape from both their homeland and France, so as to claim asylum and British citizenship, and all the benefits that this provides them, such as Hotel accommodation, legal help and luxuries provided to them by the many left-wing charities funded by David Cameron.
”Why are British people who live in Spain called ex pats while Africans in Calais are called migrants“?
It depends upon where you are standing. To Spanish people the British ex pats are probably ‘migrants’. To Africans left behind in the homeland the lorry jumpers are probably ’emigrees’ or even ‘ex pats’.
In certain ‘B’ action movies, there is often an obligatory scene where the hero is either dragged to, invited or observes the criminal capo’s luxury villa complex, which always has a bunch of pneumatic bimbos in various states of undress wandering about doing, well, nothing very much.
It’s a fascinating job. Get up, wander about doing not very much all day, and that’s about it. Admittedly the pay seems good, and the perks generous.
They remind me of the Eloi classes we now have in the politico-media establishment.
So long as their cosy little luxury bubble, surrounded by gates and guards, is untroubled, all is well, and they can indulge further sociological meddling to feel good about themselves.
But then reality intrudes in the form of betrayal from within or outside assault. And all the pretty bimbos become collateral damage decorating the poolside.
Isolated as they are, do BBC staff, even at senior level, not on occasion find themselves mixing with the hoi polloi? Walking a street, flying in a plane, watching a show in a packed auditorium.
Does it never occur to them that the consequences of idealism can also visit up on them too?
Or are they simply reassured that the right kind of security at their swing doors will keep the wrong kind of Charlotte Church at bay.
‘the right kind of security at their swing doors’
I’m reminded of this perplexing story concerning Shelagh Fogarty (later employed by BBC Five Live and slightly famous for screaming live on air when attcked by, of all things, a mouse. Also for crossing a union picket line during a strike and soon after for NOT being sacked by the BBC (honestly, she wasn’t sacked) but left to persue her career, elsewhere.
So many issues were involved here – this is one that really ought to have been the subject of a pulic inquiry
It would have given us some valuable insights into the workings of the liberal media, the PC Police and the street culture of modern youth. It was 2008
Radio 4 this morning outraged by the fence in Hungary being completed, so thy trawl around Europe’s most far left ministers trying to find condemnation. They find it from the French but fail to mention that Hollande is perhaps the most hated PM in French history.
They wheel on another Labour rent a gob who in the Fascists tradition is completely full of criticism and hate, but when asked what the Hungarians should do can come up with nothing, this takes about 5 questions and every time it’s asked the Fascists begins criticising, until stopped by Humphries – “what should they do” the answer comes back, “they should just let them in” !
This whole section of the Today program was peppered with propaganda, and untruths, when Humphries introduced the article he made no mention of the number of Asylum seekers, and suffixed it by saying “many of whom are destitute and desperate” Why did he say that unless it was to deliberately make listeners sympathetic.
The BBC is still referring to Syrian migrants even though they are not because the refugee convention specifically excludes them, there is still no questioning the truth of where they might have come from.
All in all it’s typical BBC spin and lies designed to paint the picture the BBC wants to paint, anything but the truth
Said Labour Rent a Gob is one Claude Moraes who has a made a very good living, at our expense, out of Refugee causes and was a BBC regular whenever they were looking for a sympathetic voice. He is, of course, now on the EU Gravy Train and still at our expense.
I always cringed when Moraes came on – a total shill for unlimited immigration. Bad to have him back, weasel answers as usual to any hard questions.
I don’t think there is any “perhaps” about Hollande – he IS the most hated French president in history. He’s only jealous because he didn’t think of the fence idea first, and anyway he wouldn’t stand a chance of surrounding the wole of France with razor wire…
Hollande hands out medals to US marines and a Brit for preventing slaughter on a French train. But manages to appease the muslims by arresting this group of protestors for daring to hang their offensive banner over the railway near the spot where the shooter was stopped. They are still in prison and calls are being made to protest their arrest. Way to go M. Hollande, remember try to encourage more US tourists to protect your socialist paradise.
Fairly typical behaviour for a socialist once in power. They scream about ‘free speech’ until they get in, then the truncheons come out.
Don’t they Mr. Bliar?
Of course, over this side of the channel, we don’t need government to act as a censor. The BBC does the Left’s work for it, free and gratis.
All this shows what a farce the EU is. The German public broadcasters have been putting the UK, Poland, Hungary, Holland, the Baltics and the US on the naughty step because they are not taking their “fair share” of asylum seekers and not showing the proper level of “European solidsrity”, whatever that might be. UK is hard-hearted and does not want any immigration at all, the Poles are descriminating against Muslims as they will only accept Christian refugees, Holland has lost its openness and the Great Satan caused all the problems in the first place and is not taking any refugees. Yet Germany boasts that it wants to be a “humanitariaan superpower” and needs immigration to keep its economy on track. If that’s the case it should be thanking the UK, US, Hungary, Poland, the Baltics for foregoing their claim on this valuable resource. Germany has simply created a “rod for its own back” and is now flailing around for ways out of what could be very unpleasant developments.
Germany is a conflicted nation in many ways. Trapped by its past, it has no way to defend itself against enemies, or even friends such as the EU, France, America or Britain. All are out to make Germany pay for its past, and have done so for the last 60 years or more.
With the illegal migrants, Germany would like to do what Poland and Hungary are doing, but again cannot. So they have decided to make the best of it, and accept all the illegal migrants they can. This is has the advantage that they cannot be faulted, and more importantly, Germany gets the chance to play the morally superior against those who have been rubbing German noses for over 60 years. They also hope that by taking these migrants, they will wash the stain of Nazism for good. Free at last.
German calculations may also consider that given the German work ethic, & compared to the lazy, incompetant and mostly illiterate migrants, the migrants will soon find their way to England, where the Benefit river flows far more peacefully.
I don’t think many ordinary Germans are conflicted, even Helmut Kohl, many years ago, talked about “die Gnade der späten Geburt” . Sixty years on the guilt trip begins to grate somewhat, even for non-Germans. It is those who are inveterate multiculturalists that are conflicted. The BBC, ARD, ZDF are all purveyors of the same leftist worldview. The German media and the political elite are surprised, horrified and terrified by phenomena like PEGIDA and the “tone” of the debate on the social media. Vulgar people dare to express distaste for being subsumed into a Muslim subculture. How impertinent! The hoi polloi should simply listen respectfully to the wise words and grand strategems of their betters. Thank God for UKIP otherwise we would no doubt now be in a halo-polishing competion with Germany, cheered on by the BBC, to take in more Syrian refugees. At least the BBC is not exhorting us to share our homes and personally mentor the 300,000 new arrivals in our country as German TV is asking their public to do with Syrian refugees.
Germans are not conflicted. but Germany as a state, because of the establishment, is . Sooner or later this is going to lead to a lot of trouble.
What is Merkel playing at ?
What has changed her views in the last five years ? There is something strange going on here.
Yes, there are already arson attacks everyday on reception centres. The media would have the German public believe it’s some Neonazi conspiracy, but disgruntled locals is the more likely explanation. I was premature in thinking that there would be no calls on the BBC to outdo the Germans in goodness. Yvette Cooper was on the World at One whining how far behind the Germans we were. National pride was at stake, Kindertransport, blah, blah, let’s commit cultural suicide as only true Brits can. Completely nauseating.
Yvette Cooper on today’s TWAT-O lectures us that we should make a distinction between refugees/ asylum-seekers and immigrants. I agree. It’s easy.
If they flee war and cross one border, they’re refugees. If they choose to travel further, they’re economic migrants.
Many migrants are coming over from Turkey. Turkey is not at war, therefore all migrants from Turtkey are economic migrants.
The reality is that these migrants do not wish to live in Turkey – a fellow Islamc country. What these Muslium migrants are fleeing from is Islam. However, once safely ensconced in the West, they cpnveniently forget what made them flee, assign false narratives about Islam, and then continue the Jihad in the West, as mandated by the Koran.
Missed him for a while; still good value…
So much talent, so high the market rate. Plus perks…
Still, you can always ask for an explanation:
Just don’t expect the ever-transparent BBC to deign to offer one.
Speaking of asking the BBC for explanations…
Currently the answer to likely bbc wiggle is ‘No comment’. Seems likely.
Sunday evenings on the Beeb are becoming little more that mutl-culti propaganda. It’s both painful and predictable. I don’t usually watch Casualty, having a healthy fear of hospitals, but last night I did give it a quick squint. It was choc full of lefty cliches. Decent black nurses being abused and assaulted by ghastly, tattooed white chavs. Every scene is handled with the subtlety of a sledge hammer and you sit waiting for “the message” to be hammered home.
Then there was the dreadful series, Partners in Crime, loosely based on the short stories by Agatha Christie…very loosely. Poor Agatha must be spinning in her urn. Apart from hapless David Walliams being unable to act his way out of a paper bag the top scientist who had been kidnapped was black. This series is set in the 1950’s, post war Britain and our leading atomic expert is a “person of colour,” to use the vernacular. I sat there laughing, it’s the only response other than hurling my size tens at the tv.
This week we’ve got the Lenny Henry story to enjoy / endure. I have no doubt we’ll be regaled by foul white racists, lovable West Indian folk, and Lenny’s decent family struggling to make it in a hostile environment. Please God spare us. I don’t know anyone who is remotely interested in Britain’s unfunniest comedian, but the BBC force him into our lives whether we want him or not.
The trouble with the BBC is we don’t have to watch it, but we do have to pay for it.
Gave up on Partners In Crime after one episode.
As I said yesterday, I’m on a diet of The Professionals, The Sweeney and MInder from ITV4 recorded through the day, mix in a bit of Dads Army and the episode of Reginald Perrin shown on Saturday it does me. Both DA and RP have paid for themselves many times over and others products of ITV, yet as you point out I still have to pay!
Last nights, ITV drama with Ray Winstone (IMO your plastic bag analogy could apply here?) wasn’t much better then Partners in Crime with the products of miscegenation matching the adverts in between.
I glimpsed Casualtry too. Sadly many people are so blinkered they actually believe the white hate crap!
”in the 1950’s, post war Britain and our leading atomic expert is a “person of colour,” Comedy was it ?
Maybe it was a “Black Comedy”.
There have been several discrepancies in ‘keeping up the numbers’. In the episodes of Merlin, the lady Guinevere was played by a mixed race actress – this in the times before 1066 ! And then in Endeavour, he was shown to have a romantic interest in a black nurse – not very likely in the mid 1960’s.
Robin Hood – black Friar Tuck.
Daily Service today from a ‘black’ Catholic Chruch in Bristol full of asylum seekers and refugees from Africa. A long standing immigrant black vicar from Dominica and a British curate boasting how they pay for high court injunctions to prevent rejected illegals beign deported, i.e facilitating illegal immigrants.
The BBC love this kind of stuff. What is noticeable every time they interview these trafficked people the interviewees always claim not to know how they happened to come to Britain! What bull! Apparently mysteriosus benefactors suddenly turn up and offer them the opportunity to come here, or just give them a ticket,or sometimes just the opportunity to come to Europe, and low and behold they land in Heathrow! Why the hell doesnt the BBC grill them a bit about how much they paid, who the traffickers were, what nationality etc? Those are the questions in the public interest.
One mysterious benefactor is a man called David Cameron, he is British and has used cutbacks in Government spending on the British people to massively increase the funding of foreign projects which probably include the trafficking, tickets, hotel accommodation and legal aid for foreigners brought to Britain.
Would that be Essexman’s mate?
Seems more like Farage`s.
Time to send this out again to all our new readers – Tell your mates……
Roll up, roll up! Your comments are solicited by the BBC.
Migrant crisis: Austria holds suspected people smugglers
Thanks Roland.
An extract from your link:
“”The (Border) controls have been agreed with Austria’s neighbours Germany, Hungary and Slovakia, Austrian officials said.
“”The Austrian checks appear to undermine the EU’s Schengen system, which normally allows unrestricted travel. But in exceptional circumstances countries can reintroduce border controls under Schengen.””
“”A spokesman for police in Austria’s easternmost state of Burgenland told the BBC that they had 54 officers on duty round the clock.””
“Helmut Marban said the checks are not border controls – which would be against Schengen laws – but a police action against people smuggling.””
The above is interesting. We now have international and co-ordinated border controls within the EU. They are technically not breaking EU laws if only of a temporary nature. But the incoming will continue. Then what?
Also, note how the Germans have masked out the faces of the incomings, including the kids. This takes away the emotive pulls on the viewers heart-strings and favoured by the BBC. The BBC, who are soooo pro-immigration.
No debate allowed, move on, nothing to see here….we the BBC have decided what is going to happen.
Certainly the comments from those the BBC speak at are not really reflecting what the BBC staff keep trying to make people think, or claim the public says with carefully-selected vox-pops:
‘the days when SML used to dare to conduct view polls, which almost invariably would produced outcomes like 90% against mass immigration and 10% for mass immigration’
Lucky their corporate existence is unique enough to ignore such silly things that other media need to attempt. Looking at ABC ratings in the press can offer an insight into what the actual public prefers, and the BBC in print (The Graun) is not too high.
That all said, rigging propaganda still further with blatant censorship is not really going to enhance the trust reputation that exists in positive figures in the minds of the BBc high command and politicians brain dead enough to only read their PR output.
Roland Deschain
Compare ‘Editor’s pick’ with ‘Highest rated’ (likes) ! ……….
Hmm. “Editors Picks” are a fairly recent addition to that page, I think. Trying to deflect from how things are going.
I got modded off merely for pointing out that the comments showed the BBC attempts to influence us through concentrating on women and children or accepting every sob story as gospel weren’t working. Off topic, apparently. Yeah, sure. Rather ironic then to see comment 229 (Simply shocking! We are able to watch children, women and men die while only being worried about ‘our standard of living’?) make it as one of the Picks. I believe the standard phrasing is “men, women and children” but perhaps that wouldn’t have caught the Editor’s eye.
The video explains that asylum is only for people from Syria.
Now everyone, from Tunisia to Afghanistan, and Libya to Eritrea, can proudly say
“Je Suis Syrian”
There’s a thing; the comments got pulled at 4.30pm, just before the village fetes wrapped up.
I wonder if this one tipped it?:
675. Posted by dammit im mad
31 Aug 2015 16:22
The BBCs charter is up 22nd Sept if you want to give your opinion go to BBC/tomorrow
Have just read a reader’s letter in the paper by a volunteer who takes dementia patients for dental visits. Last week she took an elderly lady in her 90’s for a check up. The receptionist immediately asked for the £19.50 fee. At the same time she waved through two Eastern European young men because they said they were on benefits and the treatment was free . ITS STORIES LIKE THIS THAT MAKE ME WEEP. In Germany the indigenous peoples are now publicly showing resentment about whats happening with migrants swamping their country – who wouldn’t, with 800,000 people being taken in. Give it a couple of years, and we’ll be reading about the ghettoes of migrants in Germany causing uproar.
Oh dear that Qur’an fragment in Birmingham is proving more than problematic for the BBC and the Islamophiles.
It might well prove that Islam is indeed a false religion and that Mo or Uthman copied an existing text.
“Keith Small, from the University of Oxford’s Bodleian Library, added: ‘This gives more ground to what have been peripheral views of the Koran’s genesis, like that Muhammad and his early followers used a text that was already in existence and shaped it to fit their own political and theological agenda, rather than Muhammad receiving a revelation from heaven.”
How is that going to fit with the nutters who believe everyone who doesn’t accept this tome of evil as being the truth and perfect is some how a criminal guilty of some phobia or other?
The BBC have covered it on TWATO, but they invited on the usual apologist who explained it all away as being a reused page.
There’s nothing on the website, and I think it’s going to take some time with the BBC holding several meetings before its content is decided.
‘Qur’an fragment in Birmingham is proving more than problematic for the BBC’
Said at the time this was dodgy. The agenda-laden BBC just had to rush out and splash with this story. More fool them.
You are right, they rushed this story out with undisguised glee, however now the custodians of the fragment are going to have to be very careful with it, as every Muslim in the world will be wanting to destroy it, as they can’t have anything which puts a crack into the certainty of their fragile faith.
This is the thing – you can attack Christianity without the religion falling apart, however an attack on Islam by its nature means the whole ideology collapses in on itself. Once a central person sets himself up as being perfect, and Gods messenger, any proof he wasn’t proves the whole thing as being false.
You are all so cynical. What could possibly be deemed irrational or untrue about Mo pbuh arriving in Jerusalem on a flying horse?
Yep! … he only dreamt it too …
but that’s enough … to make it the third, or
is it fourth most erm “holy” site in Islam
… you couldn t make this garbage up
Obviously Islam is a construct, probably Mohamhead too
What better way to get, thousands of the ignorant, to get fanatical
… god says so
Yes, I can recommend the book “Did Mohammed exist” by Robert Spencer which raises several doubts as to the historical accuracy of the so-called (why don’t the BBC use that phrase I wonder?) prophet Mohammed’s existence.
The basic premise is that there are zero references to him in books/records from the period. On the other hand, the existence of Jesus is well supported (regardless of who he exactly was) by many cross-references to him in accounts from the period when he was supposed to have existed.
There seems to be no similar accounts from the period which substantiate the existence of someone called Mohammed doing what he is supposed to have done. It seems quite possible that the Koran and the story of Mohammed were made up a couple of centuries later. Shock, horror.
Exactly why anyone would want to make up Islam and foist it on the world I will leave as an exercise for the reader.
“Muhammad and his early followers used a text that was already in existence and shaped it to fit their own political and theological agenda,”
Yep. We call it the Bible.
Perhaps it was an extremely early edition of Mein Kampf. They seem to have a lot in common.
I think Keith Small might be needing a stab vest in the near future, or a Kevlar cravat, if he carries on making statements like that. The followers of the Religion of Peace tend not to react so peacefully to people who say such things – especially kafirs.
Remember the Hitler Diaries found in the 1980’s? The Times newspaper rushed in, bought them, serialised them and then found out they were fake.
Oxford’s Bodleian Library could find themselves suffering a Fatwa against them! There are always those of the RoP looking for such victimhood.
And who will the BBC support. There’s no way this will be reported objectively.
CECUTT and another winner…
BBC Watch a bit optimistic here. The BBC ‘must’ do a lot of things, but knows it really doesn’t have to as there is no one willing or able to make them. So it doesn’t.
Hence the reply as shared.
However, the BBC making up what it wants as it goes along to feature or ignore as it suits is not exactly a surprise
Just for fun and for a heads up for the inevitable weather reports here are a few forecasts for the coming winter:
Very Weather: it may be much Snowier, and Colder due to rare SUPER 2016 El Nino due to hit later this year.
Kasims Weather: A New Era of COLD Modern El Nino Into 2016? To Rival 1962/3 Harsh Snow?
Chorley Weather: This means that although low pressure’s will sweep in, cold air will be wrapped in the systems which could produce snow at times, particularity the further north you are. Overall I think an averaged winter is the call for now with the potential for colder periods. I just cant see the Mild outcome at the minute.
Gavsweathervids: a wetter, stormy winter could be more likely across the UK and Europe rather than a colder, drier winter. Milder than average temperatures would probably also be favoured from this pattern.
Netweather: During the last El Niño event in 2009/10, northern Europe, including the UK, experienced an exceptionally cold winter. However, that winter also coincided with a solar-minimum – which is know to increase the likelihood of cold winters.
So, it should be stressed that El Niño does not automatically mean a cold winter for the UK, because history bears evidence that this has not always been the case during past events. So we can perhaps dismiss the attention-grabbing headlines from the tabloids recently, suggesting Britain will be sent into a deep freeze and will get battered by fierce snow storms in winter 2015/16.
Probably the first early winter forecast many on the site will have seen, and although not all are out yet, and certainly not firmed up, there is a common theme you’re going to hear a lot about – the exceptionally strong El Nino which has developed. This can mean one of two things for the UK, both of them extreme. Either we will have an exceptionally mild winter or an exceptionally severe one. The likely hood of an average winter is much reduced. It might well be that the UK is split between the two as it was a few years back with the East being hit particularly hard.
Most sites are saying that El Nino is NOT affected by any climate change, so be aware of the alarmists claiming it is! The warm late summer in South Western Europe is a consequence of El Nino so nothing to do with global warming – again watch for those claiming it is.
Nearly forgot, here’s the forecast for Autumn
Those warmists will pick on anything, and blame it on global warming. If, after this coming El Nino fails to make any difference to the already fraudulent global temperatures, they will be really stuffed. They’re relying, desperately, on it so they can shriek “It’s getting warmer, told you so”.
Why do the bBC sell us the pretence that Radio is live. Anyone listening to Steve Wright this afternoon will realise that although the show appears ‘live’ and our genial host says nothing to the contrary, its obviously not as there is zero interaction with the travel woman as there normally is.
No problem with it not being live, but as the medium of radio is a ‘one to one’ thing with the listener, I find it wrong that 1) They don’t tell us and 2) Shouldn’t the country’s most listened to station be live 24/7, not reduced to a commercial sounding station where the DJ has pre-recorded the bits between the records.
It was once the DJ’s job to read the traffic reports, going back to those days would at least ensure the show is live….
Just what we’ve come to expect:
A man has been shot dead by police in north London. The 43-year-old white man was shot outside a flat on the sixth floor of Picardy House, an 11-storey former local authority building in Enfield.
If he had been black, the bBBC wouldn’t have told us, and we’d have been left in the dark. Until the rioting started.
Still waiting for the rioting and ‘backlash’ from the white community in Virginia after the tv station murders by a black man…………….
Or even more pertinent – compare the riots following the shooting of Mark Duggan to riots following the butchery of Soldier Lee Rigby.
Double standards or what ?
Sheriff blames ‘anti-police rhetoric’ for killing of white police officer –
The BBC are very quiet on this one. Maybe they’re uncomfortable with the idea that banging on about institutional racism within the police, as they have been known to do on the odd occasion, might actually cause some people to have an irrational hatred of police officers…
Much is currently being made on the BBC and elsewhere of the ‘unprecedented movement of peoples’ unlike, apparently, anything since WW2. In fact there is no comparison with the situation at the end of WW2 since the people involved were overwhelmingly European or Far Eastern, seeking to relocate to their various places of birth and, also in the overwhelming majority of cases, succeeding without in any way affecting or destabilising established social groups or behaviour.
There is also much made of the previous goverment’s admitted intention to ‘rub the right’s nose in diversity’, deliberate actions which have caused genuine and continuing upset – but it started long before New Labour and was largely orchestrated by such statesman-like figures as the then Anthony Wedgewood-Benn and Richard Crosland. The masterplan of the Attlee government was to go along, enthusiastically, with the US intention of dismantling the British Empire and as part of this to start ‘physically apologising’ for having the temerity to rule half the world – very largely benignly, though you wouldn’t think so today.
The reason fed to a war-weary population was that losses of manpower had been grievous and needed urgent replacement. Essentially, a noble and necessary ambition, except that it was neither noble nor necessary.
Military and civilian losses – not including the flu epidemic – during WW1 were just under 1 million, or between 1.8 and 2.2 of the UK population at the time, and yet we as a nation managed to get back to full production without the help of any major influx and despite the worst depression ever experienced.
Military and civilian losses during WW2 were actually far lower, 450,000 or 0.94 of the population, but yet we opened our nation’s doors and have not only never closed them, they are wedged (no pun intended) that way.
An interesting point and while I am happy to agree about the part played by imbeciles like Benn and Crossland, the sad fact is that the Tories were also gung-ho for immigration, sadly even Enoch Powell was an advocate for it, before realising the error of his ways.
It’s worth bearing this in mind when we hear Tory supporting groups like the IOD, last week advocating even greater levels of immigration so that they can more easily line their pockets. The same applies in the States, where big business shills for importing Mexico (apparently all of it) for similar reasons.
The sad truth is that neither the Tories nor Labour are willing to shut the doors. Which is why the both need to go.
The biggest movement of people was caused by – wait for it! Fear of Islam !! It happened after WWII when the evil Jinah founded the state of Pakstan (the I was added later to make pronunciation easier).
An estimated 14 million people were displaced and a further 1 million killed. Countless women were raped, some were killed by the fathers just in case they were raped!
The BBC know this to be the case because they have a page on it:
” Unfortunately, it was accompanied by the largest mass migration in human history of some 10 million. As many as one million civilians died in the accompanying riots and local-level fighting, particularly in the western region of Punjab which was cut in two by the border. “
There was the most pathetic and infantile report, today, on the continuing swarms of illegal immigrants loitering at Calais; the lame and spineless reporter was, as usual, painting the stereotypical BBC sympathetic picture of poor downtrodden immigrants (always failing to mention, of course, that these hobos have travelled through countless safe nations to get to Calais and therefore have no business being there). Anyway, at the end of the foul report the buffoon squeezed in a few seconds of interview footage with a lorry driver who said that he and his colleagues felt very much threatened on a daily basis by an increasingly aggressive bunch of illegals; the poor chap was evidently worried and even stated that knives had been brandished! At this point the reporter looked non-plussed and the footage was cut and so the news reader swiftly moved onto the next story. It was utterly pathetic and one could tell the reporter just didn’t want to discuss the real issue here: that violent, unwanted enrichers are trying to threaten their way into our country. The ******* BBC should be on the side of our lorry drivers not the illegal chancers in Calais. I’m bloody sick of it!
I have no problem with those seeking genuine asylum, who can offer real services to our nation; however, I have serious problems with these useless stinkers threatening our lorry drivers!
The BBC would doubtless reply that it is always on the side of truth. Just like Pravda used to. It is pointless expecting the BBC to uphold any real British values or interests. Two generations of leftist indoctrination have left the BBc with a problem. A staff out of touch with the people it serves.
It is just getting more obvious the more desperate the BBC staff gets as their world starts to collapse around them.
The BBC along with other media had great fun claiming that Sarah Palin said “I can see Russia from my house.”, when she actually said “They’re our next-door neighbors. And you can actually see Russia, from land, here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska.”.
All must now be forgotten as the BBC website has a lengthy piece introduced thus Two islands in the Bering Straits are barely two miles apart but divided by the US-Russian border. Humphrey Hawksley visited one and looked across
I see that Obama has officially renamed Mount McKinley as Denali or somesuch. Riiight-on! Ticks all the boxes in a shallow leftie way as usual.
McKinley was a pro business Republican President with strong Ulster Scot/British roots so hardly a surprise that this useless fool wants to rename the mountain.
Not quite as simple as you paint it, the campaign to change the name has been going on since 1975
Obama has gone for the non whitey, non British, non European name.
Yes, Sarah Palin is a perfect example of what the media can do to any politician who wanders into their sights. Nigel Farage is another. Both were excoriated by the BBC and other fellow travellers.
It’s a bit like Lady Thatcher and the “No such thing as society” “quote”, when she never said anything of the sort. It was one phrase taken entirely out of context.
Sorry not BBC bias but what a disgusting, far-Left extremist ‘news’ programme Channel 4 is. It is pure, unashamed far-Left propaganda. Epitomises the snooty, Westend London leftie scum who chat about radical socialist revolutions whilst sipping champagne, nibbling on cheese and biscuits and discussing contemporary theatre and opera. I loathe these odious, pretentious snobs who play at being commies. They really are scum of the lowest order!
On two occasions today I have watched reports – one in the BBC studio and one on the border of Austria/Hungary, with comments by two Refugee Charity workers, both Asian, possibly Pakistani or Indian. I found it incredible that these ‘reporters’ were decrying the lack of humanity being shown towards the migrants who had travelled on foot to reach safety and a new life etc etc etc. My point ? well one only has to look at the country of origin of these Asian reporters and see the abject poverty of their own peoples living beside drains and sheltering under corrugated iron and cardboard. The hypocrisy of these people is breath taking ! I wonder why there is never any rush by Asian’s abroad to return to their homeland and help out their fellow countryman scavenging rubbish tips to survive, yet they see fit to sit in our tv studios and pontificate how WE are not pulling our weight to help those now engulfing Europe. There will be such an uprising in this Country before long.
Some asshat Pakistani woman reporting for channel 4 in brightly coloured robes and headcovering.
So Daley Thomson, is ticked off by Beeboid Logan for saying a female athlete ‘throws like a girl’ this of course alerts all the feminist self appointed Twitter trolls, who are quick to brand him ‘sexist’
Thomson should be glad he’s not white, or else it could have been career over at the bBC and be forever cast as a racist as the athlete in question appears to be of a similar colour…
I like Thomson, he’s one of the good guys who like Williams and Lynch have never made anything of their colour and we have never really noticed, unlike Henry who keeps reminding us….
Female athlete = girl
Maybe she throws like a man. Now that would be a provocative.
In relation to the contretemps between Jimmy Krankie’s Party and the Chancellor about fuding our nuclear defence, R2 news refer to the “Westminster Government” – don’t they really mean H.M. Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northen Ireland and not just that of Westminster?
Yes well noticed. ‘The Westminster Government’ is of course, exactly the phrase used by Krankie’s National Socialists on a regular basis so no surprises there with the terminology adopted.
The BBC are it seems forever banging on about the Labour Party Leadership Election. (It’s probably the only Election that Labour can now be almost guaranteed to win).
But why aren’t the BBC demanding to know from Labour what their stance is on the current and on going Immigration Crisis that’s dominating politics?
Their silence is deafening. Labour are paid to be in opposition.
But, they can’t disagree with the swarms, and therefore remain silent. And anyway, the BBC are the vocal arm of the Labour party.
Utterly shocking story which has not been reported by the Paki loving BBC. Imagine sitting in your car at a posh shop, only to find someone has opened the door and dragged you off in to the bushes to rape you.
20 -30 years ago there would have been an outcry. and calls to have them sent back, or at least to have no further immigration, but thanks to the Fascist destruction of our country, we are so oppressed that we are afraid to speak out.
I use this store on occasion, it’s somewhere I used to feel safe, I now know that nowhere is safe from these animals.
Anywhere close to a major city has no future anymore. At least not as I and others understand the word. Time to recognize that London , Manchester and Birmingham and others are bound for no go status within a generation.
All my extended family and their offspring have left the cities.
The next stage will be the inevitable decision whether to leave the country. It is millions of individual decisions that really make and change history. The political class never grasp this and never have.
leave the country? for where? Where ever the lunatic (il)liberal left go, they wreck that country – forever with their rose tinted un thought out optimism as Margaret Becket admitted, they are morons who can only think in the now, and the future is someone elses problem.
Black countries for blacks
Asian countries for asians
White countries for everyone
All is not yet lost. Time will help us. Not England sadly as it is too small. Think of the Pacific North West over into Canada and east to the Dakotas. In a splintered USA which looks more and more likely that vast area is still almost empty and although a hard land will be well suited to us Europeans. ,
Alternatively Eastern Europe has a future still.
What makes you think Europeans will be allowed in? The US has its own divisions and there’s a lot of anti-European sentiment, particularly in the SW. Eastern Europe – maybe.
A more likely outcome, IMO, is civil war, then we’ll have to decide how far we’re prepared to go. We killed thousands of Germans between 1939 and 1945, many of whom must have been perfectly decent people, to avoid being dominated by a repugnant regime. They were probably better than what we have now.
An asylum seeker, or whatever you want to call it, murdered an elderly couple in Sicily. Hasn’t gone down too well by all accounts. Then there was the IKEA murder in Sweden. There’s a lot of pent up anger. Sooner or later something even worse will happen and all hell will break loose.
Why the f**k should whites have to move? Let all the Third Worlders p*** off back to where they or there ancestors came from.
I notice on the Manchester Evening News webpage one of the promoted stories is “13 forgotten stories of police brutality”. WTF.
Isn’t it owned by The Guardian?
@Thoughtful, Cheadle rape mentioned this morning on BBC Radio Manchester. No description of attacker. You’d think ‘pockmarked Asian’ might be useful in finding the beast but there again, the BBC aren’t there to help the police, they’re there to cover up the crimes of their favoured minority. They’d have reported it if it’d been pockmarked white though …
Worked out well for lenny in the end though eh? I mean, hes not at all funny or cutting edge, couldn’t fill a phone box let alone the 02 , but…….but …..he still on the bbbc ! FUNNY old world eh!!!
Strange but all mention of the Birmingham Koran Fragment has been expunged from the BBC. It seems like a report slipped out at lunchtime regarding the false religion known as Islam but the BBC has managed to contain it and now everything is under control again.
The Koran date problem can be solved by hiring a Muslim scholar for the BBC. He will explain that it is a matter of understanding the context, as follows.
Scholar: the date of the Koran has to be seen in context.
Sceptic: explain the context.
Scholar: yada yada, Crusades, UK foreign policy, Islam is a religion of peace.
Sceptic: But you have not explained the fragment.
Scholar: You are not allowing me to explain, Muslims are peaceful, the Prophet…words of Allah, western imperialism…..
Room 101 tonight, a repeat I believe, our host Skinner says how he would like to believe in elfves and on a summers night whilst walking in the park would love to see one, when some unfunny lefty comedian guest adds ‘it sounds like the excuse a Tory MP night give.’ Cue howls of laughter…
Yea that’s right its only Tory MPs caught doing such eh? More bloody bias drip drip
Geoff, maybe he meant Tory MPs like er… Cyril Smith and er… Greville Janner?
.. and er Ron Davies ..
“The Sun reported that last Monday Mr Davies, 56, had engaged in a sex act in daylight with a stranger at Tog Hill, a picnic area eight miles north of Bath, Somerset. It was only 17 days after his third wife, Lynne Hughes, 36, had given birth to their first child, Gwenllian.”
To Ross Hawkins and “But, but, but…” for new BBC catchphrases I would like to add 5Live’s (especially Breakfast programme) frequent use of the phrase “More needs to be done about…” something, anything at which some two-person pressure group feels the government should be throwing more money.
Just watched “25 years of Harry Enfield and Paul Whitehouse “. Can’t believe it got past the BBC censors ! Talk about politically incorrect !
We all know how bad the British weather forecasting by the Met Office can be, but are they now deliberately lying to us, in those forecasts, to cover up the lack of Global Warming? This morning on Radio Devon, we had our locality 5 day forecast and the temperatures during these forthcoming 5 days was going to start off with a high of 18 degrees and drop to a high of only 15 degrees by Friday. With a jaw dropping statement, we were also told that the night time temperature lows would be between 10 and 12 degrees for the same period. WHAT? You could have knocked both myself and my girlfriend down with a feather. With cold northerly wind/airstream taking over the country and with clear nights to follow (as correctly forecast) how on earth did they think that this would only give a “low” of 10 degrees? Lets talk about having another frost period shall we? Already tonight at just 22.30 temperatures in Devon are into single figures and most likely to reach just 4 degrees by the morning. With the dense cold air set to come in throughout the week expect even lower temperatures at night when the skies are clear. So how come the Met Office through the BBC are telling us it will only drop to 10 degrees? I know the Met Office forecasts can be bad, but this is simply lying to us. Agenda driven? You bet my arse it is.
I’ve lost count of the number of times this year when nights, predicted by our local BBC forecasters, to be ‘muggy’ and ‘uncomfortably warm for sleeping’ turned out to be unseasonably cool. A ‘muggy, uncomfortable night’ used to mean a night that was so humidly warm that you’d have little choice, if you wanted to sleep, but to open windows and throw off bed covers. This year weather forecasters seem to have assigned a new meaning to the word ‘muggy’ although I’m not sure I understand what it is yet. As we seem to have spent most of the ‘muggy’ night predictions for this year with our house windows on the latch and an extra blanket draped over the summer duvet would ‘colder than it should be at this time of year’ be an accurate description?
I suppose that we mustn’t forget, though, that we are all be called on to ‘celebrate’ global warming at the UN Climate Change ‘Festival’ to be held in November at Paris and, true to form and right on cue, up pipes ‘O-ba-ma’ with, ‘More drought; more floods; rising sea levels; greater migration; more refugees; more scarcity; more conflict.’ He claims that all of the above will be caused by global warming attributable to man, no matter that, as of today, most of the items on his list are a direct result of action that he, in concert with a tyrannical UN-EU-USA-Papal bloc, has taken against the humanity that the self-perceived Messiah claims he wishes to save.
On the lighter side, Mars may be too good for Obama but I’d certainly contribute to any campaign fund that would take him back to his own planet. Perhaps he’d be so kind as to take Merkel, Cameron and the BBC with him.
I have heard several times over the last couple of days how August has been the wettest one on record. Well usually for us harvest stops as August starts because every blasted day there seems to be rain. Well thank goodness this year early August was dry because otherwise our barley and rape would have rotted in the field. We have even got some of our wheat in the barn during the odd dry day in late August. Down south each time it has rained friends in London have said, ‘we have needed this rain’. None of this fits the wettest August on record narrative. Now if the BBC and Met Office had reported the dullest August on record I could have believed it because we seem to have had very little sunshine.
Al Beeb reports…. German Chancellor Angela Merkel says “Europe as a whole needs to move” on how to deal with refugees and migrants arriving in the EU. “If Europe fails on the question of refugees, then it won’t be the Europe we wished for”
A few thoughts come to mind – ‘horse and stable door’
There will be panic now, and a test of sovereignty EU -vs- GB. Will our so-called Prime Minister bend to her commands and concede to take in illegals because of the European Parliament’s total inability to secure its borders? Expect more propaganda in the next few weeks.
Merkel’s comments I thought were completely insane, trying to smear people who oppose the EU’s migrant policy (or lack of one) as neo nazis. Enoch Powell in his so-called Rivers of Blood speech said
“Those whom the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad. We must be mad, literally mad, as a nation to be permitting the annual inflow of some 50,000 dependants who are for the most part the material of the future growth of the immigrant-descended population. It is like watching a nation busily engaged in heaping up its own funeral pyre. So insane are we that we actually permit unmarried persons to immigrate for the purpose of founding a family with spouses and fiancés whom they have never seen.”
The EU and UK’s response has been completely psychotic; just consider France’s response to Hungary trying to secure the EU’s external border, describing it as “scandalous”, Hungary at least is trying to do something!
There’s a question posed at the end.
Given what has been outlined, a fair one to ask.
Sadly, the BBC does not appear to favour answering such questions when they do not suit, such is their unique commitment to transparency
The BBC reports this morning, that Buraq Hussein Obama, is to appear on the Bear Grylls show!
Yep! … trekking across the Alaskan wilderness, “Tuh, harlaaht, climate change … y all”
Hope the plight of the “disappearing polar bears” is bought up …
considering its now turned to an infestation in some areas, one would hope he doesn t get eaten by one.
lordy lordy … Harribin, must be cock a hoop!
Imagine … what if he got lost? 😀
I do hope Bear brings some delicacies for the President to eat during their trek.
Such as this:
Too close to the truth to be funny!
UN urges people to eat insects to fight world hunger:
Barack Obama to test “survivor” skills on Bear Grylls show
Anyone got those contrasting pictures of bear chested Putin,
and “mummy dressed me” Obama going up the road on his
FBI safety approved push bike.
BBC news welcomes the launch of Nigel Farage’s ‘No’ campaign today with a certain amount of… how shall we say… negativity?
No surprise there
The theme emphasised again and again is ‘splits’ ‘division’ – afterall Farage is a ‘divisive figure’
Wait a minute, the ‘No’ campaign are ‘split’ about what exactly? Wanting Britain to exit the EU? They agree on that surely?
Whereas the rival Labour leadership contenders are massively ‘split’ over very important issues and outcomes – such as re-nationalisation, unilateral disarmament and exit from NATO – possibly even exit from the EU, although Corbyn has gone quiet on that one. Talk about ‘divisive’ – except the Labour leadership election is not cast by the BBC as a divisive campaign.
So according to the BBC, what is the problem with this ‘split’ EU campaign?
Seems it’s about rival quests for ‘donors, big business and celebrity endorsements’ – well, well, well.
Perhaps the BBC has given away what they think will be the battleground. Little to do with the voters or with a frank exploration of the issue – lots and lots to do with media manipulation.
Cameron=BBC=Yes – the unholy alliance.
Simply typing a transcript of the interview on Today would show the number of interruptions while Nigel was trying to answer. What it won’t show is the hostile tone employed during the interview, which sounded like the interviewer (Sarah? Mishal?) found it distasteful just speaking to him.
Oh, and the programme then lied in the subsequent news headlines: “Nigel Farage says he won’t work with the other ‘No’ groups in the forthcoming referendum”. He made it clear in his interview. He doesn’t want to take sides now and will work with whoever emerges as the official “No” grouping. Not that he won’t work with them.
To be fair, I don’t blame the BBC for giving Farage a tough interview -= I blame them for not doing the same for everyone else. The absurd sycophancy shown to the runners and riders in the Labour Farce of the Year Handicap Chase contrasts sharply with the ‘tell me, Mr Farage, do you prefer eating baby boys or baby girls? Or, perhaps kittens?’ style adopted his morning.
Here, here, though ‘tough’ should not involve huffing and puffing no matter who is across the table.
The BBC is no more than a coven of bitchy kindergardeners with BFFs and mortal enemies ebbing and flowing daily, only with a few constants subject to their populist ire.
What they are not is calm, measured, accurate, impartial professionals.
Yes, I agree. It is perfectly acceptable to press Farage on how many he would allow in. But if you do, it is essential that you ask Burnham (or whoever) ‘how many is too many?’ and that the BBC will never do.
Well, I do wish the BBC would stop lying,was it makes it very hard to trust them.
Does no ‘professional’ in the edit suite ever have a slight pang as they deliberately skew the headline summaries to suit BBC corporate agenda?
Or are the all slaves to Jasmine?
The BBC at it’s left wing best with a story about someone called ‘Bartlomiej’ who along with his gang has been stealing the alcohol hand wash meant to protect us from NHS hospitals so they can drink it.
To the BBC as ever it’s just the story at face value – alcoholic ‘men’ stealing from the NHS. They can’t even bring themselves to consider that these are foreigners allowed into our country by the EU, and wrecking the health service. There’s no comment that they are in receipt of UK benefits and incapable of work, all because of the EU.
‘‘Bartlomiej’ who along with his gang has been stealing the alcohol hand wash’
BBC London tv news neglected to name this individual – but did manage to coin the priceless new phrase ‘street drinkers’
BBC News Website:-
“EU referendum: UKIP to launch own campaign”
“University students arriving for the start of term are likely to face a concerted effort from a Yes campaign that wants to take advantage of political activists already in place on campuses across the country”.
Nigel Farage is referred to throughout the feature as ‘Mr Farage’ whereas everyone else has their first and second name.
As with the General Election, the BBC has started an early attack on ‘Mr Farage’. They have two years to destroy him, and they will be full on in their attacks from now onwards.
Oh lor, are we to be treated to a barrage of Bunny one-liners when Jasmine Lawrence has a few idle moments on the studio tablet?
Where is Bunny these days ? I must admit – I miss her and her lengthy discourse ? (wink)
Was someone’s slip showing ?
Of course, she was only Tweeting what no doubt the rest of her colleagues were thinking. Providing they don’t voice their opinions (only allow them to skew the coverage) no action will be taken to ensure proper balance in the BBC’s reporting.
The comments section is good, enjoy it while you can.
Considering that UKIP proved to be quite popular in Wales in the last election by polling more votes than Plaid C. and the Limpdems, Al Beeb Wales were using the same negativity this morning , commentating that Farage was considered ‘divisive’.
Well I suppose getting out of the ‘failed’ European Union is pretty well ‘divisive’.
A good term for Al Beeb and Cameron to use in the propaganda against the voters who want out.
Nigel Farage given the usual hard time on “Today” this morning, stepping fairly nimbly aside from the inevitable traps being laid left, right and centre. They hate him, don’t they? Interruptions and sneering a-plenty – the hostility was tangible.
Hateful BBC.
I posted my comment above before I saw yours, but it’s interesting that we both noted the interruptions and hostility. It’s in their genes.
Yes, it was but, as I said a few comments back, I don’t mind that – providing everyone else gets the same time under the grill. And they don’t.
That aside, Farage was on poor form this morning. The interviewer asked him a question she knew he would not want to answer (how many immigrants he would allow into the country) and he ended up dancing around, avoiding giving an answer, sounding just like every other evasive, lying politician.
Farage should have anticipated that question and had an answer ready.
I agree – Farage lacked his usual good form and the sneering interviewer immediately smelled blood. One gets the distinct impression that Mr Farage doesn’t any longer have his heart in the fight. I dunno, maybe his defeat in the last General Election, perhaps the recent in-fighting in UKIP itself… he just doesn’t seem to be wholeheartedly ‘in the fight’ to stay out of the Europe any more.
The BBC can sense this. If it continues, they will exploit this.
Maybe Farage has realised that the daily reports of the illegals at our gate are doing his campaigning for him. The various media sources seem unable to grasp that instead of feeling compassion with each news report of dangerous criminal desperados trying to batter their way across Europe, most people (well the ones I speak to anyway) feel completely the opposite to compassionate.
Anger, fear and helplessness is more the prevailing attitude. Although most sane people realise that although the Tories were the lesser of the two evils at the general election, they will fight tooth and nail to keep us in Europe, meaning we are powerless to halt the swarm.
I genuinely believe that the more the narrative is skewed towards the “poor helpless human tide of misery” the more people are hardening their hearts and refusing to believe the lies being fed to us.
I think there’s some truth in this. The BBC is laying it on so thick that’s it’s actually hard not to laugh at some of their reporting on the crisis
Things that struck me about today’s TODAY
The BBC may love Labour but not in Scotland they don’t. Mishal appeared to be trying to completely undermine Keziah Dugdale. She was not able to be as positive as she wanted & list all three of her education policies. Full marks to the latter though: her burst of speed talking got her through in the end. Interestingly Corbyn was name-checked several times but there was no “There are three other candidates available in the Labour leadership contest” afterward.
Farage was also under the cosh but just about wriggled through. His speed talking wasn’t up to speed and fast enough to overwhelm Sarah.
Mickey Dolenz and Peter Tork, talking all over everyone however, had their show promoted on the non-commercial BBC who just love to advertise things, so it seems. Why can they not take a limited amount of paid-for advertising and slash the TV Tax in half?
Get rid of AlBeeb – period.
As pointed out by England’s Dreaming, the comments here are a delight, all the top ones anti EU and the worst rated the reverse. Catch the comment’s before they are gerrymandered!
It will be interesting to see what the “Editor’s pick” will be today ?
I have to say the quality of pro-EU posters is slipping.
Or is it someone here extracting the Michael?
Roland, it must be a piss-take, surely, unless the spelling of “harem” is a mistake ?
Opened after work started. Almost a 1,000 by lunch. Few on narrative.
When this one gets yanked is anyone’s guess.
6. Posted by luigivampa
Any chance of a fact based review of the pros and cons of being in the EU. I’m tired of listening to the faecal content falling from the regulars mouths. I’d like a helpful analysis please. Any chance of that?
From the BBC? No. From the guy rigging the Charter stitch-up with them? No.
Trust and transparency my shiny metal Aston Martin.
And meanwhile on the Pravda website: Laura Kuenssberg: ‘Amazing moment’ in British politics. Not just another dreary Beeboid dirge on the Decline and Fall of Liebour, for we are also given the joyous news by Laura that she is our new Beeb Political Editor. Yeh ! An amazing moment in British politics indeed, accompanied by a nice pic of Laura standing tall in front of the Four Dwarves . So no fear now then of future Beeb left wing political bias. Meanwhile Nick R is off to the “Today” programme and that’s alright too.More taxpayers’ money well spent.
No Comments allowed on Kuenssberg’s Blog though. Hope everyone protests this closing off of comment. Not setting a good ‘free speech’ example, is it?
Has LK really been on holiday for six weeks?!
Well it wasn’t for any cosmetic surgery…………..she looks like a Picasso
Obama on Toady … 2hrs 08mins
Climate Change …
The world MUST act, its beyond dispute.
We CAN have a legitimate conversation on How we HAVE to act
We CAN T deny the science… ROFL 😀
F-ck me … sounds like discredited climate fascist BBCs very own “orrible” Harribin
Two for one? … Farage interview straight after
The two pronged attack on UKIP is getting underway: from the BBC / Government to the street thugs of the left. The photo here depicts an anti UKIP rally, and advertises a call to oppose the UKIP Conference planned for Doncaster. This is how the EU debate will be handled. Interesting that the NUT feature with the UKIP are racists bunch
Everything I despair for in the UK in that picture.
Everything I despise in the U.K. in that picture (well, almost everything).
I always thought it was Doncaster Rovers not Doncaster United anyway?
If only I had a machine gun …
Doyle, try your local park !
As often commented on this site, it is worth noting the stories the Beeb doesn’t report.
On the migrant crisis we are given the positions of Germany and France. But there is an alternative view point. The EU central and east European countries are vehemently opposed to having non EU migrant quotas imposed upon them. Are we hearing this side of the debate on the BBC? Look for it in vain, the Beeb have a permanent reporter based in Prague, is he not submitting stories or are they being blue pencilled?
The BBC has no desire to flood Eastern EEurope with immigrants it is only Britian they wish to destroy.
IMO It si Britain that the EU wants to send its immigrants to first. This way they all learn to speak English. IN thirty forty years the US ofE will be an English speakign state and the children of these invaders will be able to be moved aroudn Europe wherever their labour is needed.
We are effectively the cheap language school of the USofE.
Possibly but England in particular is the one country and particularly the one native people the EU needs to subdue. Partly for historical reasons but mainly because the Eu fanatics know that their vision of a slave state and a docile people will fail unless the English are subdued.
Every single thing about the EU law, notion of individual freedom and attitude to country is counter to the deep seated English way. We have nothing in common with them, except we all share in a European civilisation. That is cultural not legal and not part of the body politic.
Every single action taken by the EU is with an eye on how to fool and trick us English.
Cameron is their man and never forget it.
A dose of VD?, on Al BBC … for me, no thanks
This week its having special reports on “all” the groups of people
who are considered, extreme and radical, with the Govs, Channel program
(part of Prevent).
Is this going to be, “equivalence” tv week? … where there isn t any.
1/. That will be an enormous erm “Radical ” Islamic problem
2/. and the miniscule erm “far right” faction, that due to idiots
like the BBC, and the incompetent traitors in No10, now apparently
includes UKIP and erm … anyone who shows completely valid concerns
about 1/.
I thought apart from the numbers question – an utterly biased one as Labour poltiicians wanting to let them in do not get repeatedly bombarded with that question – Farage did well. He was right to focus on the problem being the EUs readiness to take a broad definition of what makes a refugee. He was right to state how this means literally MILLIONS qualify for refugee status.
Having said that he should have prepared an answer, as it was a fairly predictable question.
Coming back to the remarkable 1 hour of Harry Enfield and Paul Whitehouse last night, one of the “questions from the audience ” was to the effect of ” Are you the kind of comedians who are too shit scared to tackle Islam ?”. Followed by a sketch where an elderly white man says to a woman in a burka ” You have beautiful eyes “. Something tells me that we won’t see Harry and Paul on the BBC again !
I was wondering in the Smashie & Nicey show how the got away with the “black music TOTPs ” bit, where both actors were “blacked up” . Did the BBc censor miss that. Although a reminder of when comedy programs were actually funny.