Last day of the month but the first OPEN THREAD of the week! If the BBC is being biased (and when isn’t it?) then here is where you detail it and we can discuss.
That case study, which goes into some detail about how 3,000 BBC members of staff were “talent mapped” and categorized, is no longer there. It seems to have been taken down since this request was filed. A rummage round the case studies part of the Leadership Foundation website reveals no mention of the BBC.
The Lord preserve us from Laura Kuenssberg ! I couldn’t understand a word she said before, with her strong accent, so one can only hope she has toned it down before she is a permanent fixture outside no. 10 !!!
I have nothing against accents per se, but I struggle with the Irish accent too, when the word ‘now’ becomes ‘nigh’ by the likes of Maxine Mulwhinney, Chris Brady, and Eammon Holmes. And don’t get me started on Lorraine Kelly with her ‘wee’ everything !!
I cannot imagine why the BBC hasn’t picked up on the announcement that the UN is going to investigate the evil Iain Duncan Smith’s welfare reforms for Disabled people which has allegedly resulted in the deaths of 10 000 people refused disability benefits. After all. most of the major news sheets have carried the story:
Mr T , 10,000 people have not died from getting , lower disability benefits. You are telling porkies , & are a victim of Corbynism . Even if that were true , you can get Mrs Balls to replace you 10,000. with her 10,000 swarms from the Middle East . I am sure you would welcome that .
What a stupid comment! Where did I say that I personally thought that 10 000 did die ? I even added allegedly because I actually don’t believe it myself.
If you want this site to be taken seriously you need to read what is written and first understand it in ALL its complexity, because a knee jerk reaction from something you want to be there but isn’t is going to make you look like an idiot – as in this case.
How would I know Grant? This is Biased BBC not Biased UN, the comment is about the lack of reporting on a story reported elsewhere and the possible reason for that.
Sorry, Thoughtful, I was not replying to your comment. I suppose I should have asked why does the BBC not report the UN’s lack of activity in criticising countries which have no social security benefits ? In this specific case , the BBC has a very patchy unprofessional news service and probably simply has not picked upon the IDS story.
Ideologically, the two are inseparable. The BBC treats the UN as beyond criticism – the IPCC, the UNCHR, its unashamed pro-Palestine and anti-Israel bias, mass immigration agenda, Agenda 21 (anti-capitalist, re-distributionsit) etc. etc. etc.
If you don’t believe the highly politicly motivated figure then one don’t use it 2 at least put in the bit about the benefit actually not being ‘refused’ but being stopped within six weeks either side of the date of death ! so you die and they stop your benefit? the evil sods !
There’s not long before the polls close, so naturally the BBC are having yet another interview with each of the four contenders.
The pitch is this : Chris Mason is having a nice chat as he gives the various Labour MPs a lift into Westminster.
This could be an off-shoot of the obnoxious Victoria Derbyshire Show as his car carries the dreaded VD logo.
Today it is Yvette Cooper’s turn. Hope the BBC got the right address – our Yvette and hubby Ed Balls are no strangers to house- flipping.
Our Chris keeps doing some odd body language signal, holding his open hand across his mouth whenever Yvette is speaking. I leave it to the psychologists to work that one out. Perhaps it was just the pressure of multi-tasking; driving; thinking; and interviewing. No such problems for super-boy Yvette – she thinks she is winning us all over by boldly telling us she was the first minister to take maternity leave – and then did it again for a second time. Lot of tutting in the department the second time, apparently. Sexist swines! Still, if ever she were PM… I’m sure she could job share – with some Scots woman, perhaps?
The BBC mutual love-in is never far off when they chat to Labour MPs. I’ll bet you watch Strictly and Bake Off quips our Chris. ‘Oh Doctor Who is my favourite’ says Yvette. Thank goodness we’ve arrived at Westminster – I’m getting car sick. Someone pass that old BBC sick bag Sandi Toksvig and Paloma Faith used for the Royal Jubilee.
She certainly talks bollocks, I bet a Brits on council waiting lists are chuffed to bits with her latest bit of disjoined thinking. Just what ‘king message is she sending out?
This is the woman who as housing minister wanted to bribe eldelry Londoners to leave their larger council homes and move to the seaside so that immigrant families could have ttheir housees.
Sounded remarkably similar to the BNPs policy of voluntary repatriation of immigrants. This would have supposedly had the effect of leading to retaliation from those who wanted to encourage them on their way. MRs Balls had apparently no concerns about the eldelry widow in East London with overcrowded Bangladeshi neighbours who fancied her house!
It sounds like that missing jhaidi women from London has been detained at the Turkish border.?
Why are we wasting police resources with this – what is stopping her having another go ?
Just watched a young woman on her way to Sweden, to start a new life.
Good for her ! I would love to have had my pick of countries to go to and start a new life 30 years ago. Canada would have been good, quite fancied California, or even Denmark would have been an option. Perhaps I should have pitched up with a rucksack and said I wanted to join my Great Aunt and her family in any of these countries. Sadly (and rightly) there were procedures to adhere to, which made migrating to these countries really difficult – unless I rode up the St Lawrence Seaway in a rubber dinghy !!! Now, mob numbers is the order of the day, huge numbers are getting their way, and to hell with the rest of the continent and authority.
According to the BBC, ‘She has left her mother in exile, in Turkey, to escape to Sweden’. I didn’t know that Turkey was a country that it was necessary to ‘escape from’.
Of course she was aided, abetted and accompanied by James Reynolds of the BBC. Perhaps the police should be taking some interest in Reynolds…as the authorities do in Egypt when journalists overstep the mark.
I heard this report yesterday on the World Service and today saw the video on the website. Of course she is a typical refugee; a single attractive 20 year old girl, speaks good English, no head scarf, who wouldnt want to welcome her? But as Number 88 says above, she gives the game away almost immediately when she says she has left “her mother in exile in Turkey” so she was NOT in Syria. Why didn’t the BBC reporter question her about this! She is an ILLEGAL immigrant and her and 100s of thousands like her aided and abetted by the likes of Merkel and the media will cause the peoples of the EU to to turn there backs on the minority of genuine refugees. Surely not the outcome that was envisaged.
She’s probably coming to Britain. The BBC always manage to find incursionists who choose Sweden or Germany, never Britain, France or even the Nettherlands. I know more are probably going for Sweden or Germany because of the ease of acceptance there, but the reality is they dont really want to go there, due to the language problems and for Sweden, the climate. I cannot believe people they ask don’t say Britain, and never even say somethign like, “I would prefer Britain but its too hard gettign in so I’m going to Sweden.” Of course the BBC wouldnt want us to hear that!
Last week I heard a woman interviewed in Arabic and alhough the translator said she was going to Germany, I clealry heard her say the word ‘London’!
I believe the BBC preprep them. Nothing is too low for them when pushing their Globalist open borders agenda.
There’s one baby in a crowd of hundreds of sullen men who are strangely without loved ones. The immigrants know that the BBC will use a photo of an upheld baby as propaganda for the Immigrant/BBC/Left cause to hopefully tug the heart strings. It’s a certainty.
BBC radio 4 PM is in full migration mode promoting the policy of open borders having masses of correspondent who believe that all who want to come should be allowed
Is Clive ‘sure’ Myrie getting above his pay grade ? just heard him refer to “his guests” – those who will help him read the newspaper headlines at 10.30. Is it just me ? but why do the BBC have this farce of a newspaper section – those who are reading them are paid to be articulate in their day job, but they can hardly string 2 sentences together once in front of the camera. Penny Smith is the worst, she is a complete embarrassment , then there is always Owen Wilson from the Guardian who is clearly invited to the xmas party, Richard Madeley loves the sound of his own voice, and then there are those who nobody has ever heard of. My 15 month old puppy could do a better job, as all they do is give a couple of comments of a story that’s already written. Bah !
According to our BBC reporter on the scene – the migrants outside Budapest Station ‘are protesting because the police are here’
Could it not also be because the Euro liberal broadcast press are there filming them?
One confused migrant pleads ‘I want to come to Europe – Statue of Liberty is here!’
No, that’ll be America – you know, the Great Satan, Guantanamo…?
Wait a minute, the last time I watched BBC Dateline London an Arab journo assured our Gavin Esler that the denizens of the Middle East pretty much hated the West?
Noted that Matt Frei on Channel 4 seemed to have a “vulnerable refugee” walking past him every seventy five seconds or so.
Mobile phone in hand-hi viz hijab or baby in arms.
AND the BBC and Channel 4 seemed to show the same footage of people traipsing over the border from Serbia into Hungary earlier…very pretty.
Does ANYBODY still trust these Pallywood ponces to give us any independent verifiable film anymore?
Very applicable to the thread “They lied when they denied” is the reporting of the weather through the BBC from our Met Office. Today, I have heard that the minimum temperature tonight will be 9 degrees. Not a hope. Try 4 degrees and lower. Here on Dartmoor two stations are reporting 7 degrees and the sun is still around. We had a frost last night which burnt my girlfriends garden tomatoes so she has taken them in to the greenhouse as I predict colder tonight. I do not normally read The Mirror, but this has already caught my eye from a few hours ago.
So an Indian Summer is it? Not a hope based on the temperatures this year on an already active El Nino. Make sure you have your tyre chains and anti freeze at the ready good people. There is no sunspot activity, pity the BBC or the Met Office can’t be bothered to look at the historical data they hold and what happens when there is no sunspot activity. But then, if they did and were to tell “the plebs”, Roger Harrabin would be out of a job and man made “Global Warming” leading to “Climate Change” would disappear as quickly as Roger Harrabin. If only.
“One of the coldest and wettest for 27 years”. Yup, “they” got that right didn’t they BBC? Care to report why they got it so wrong? In my dreams, BBC, in my dreams.
So the odious hairy bikers are just summing up their”most diverse trip ever” to poland, they conclude that the polish attitude is “we have an identity as a nation and nobody is going to change it”. Why is that ok for them and not the English you pair of fat bbbc lefty tossers?
We miss Clarissa and Jennifer so much. Always remember falling off the sofa laughing at them when they were cooking chicken and Jennifer turned to Clarissa and said in her fantastic accent ” remember Clarissa and old cock has the most flavour”. Must have been Ch4 I cannot give any credit to the bbc.
From Breitbart
A petition calling on the government to launch an independent review into the judicial treatment of ex-founder and leader of the English Defence Leader (EDL), Tommy Robinson
Did give “Frys English Delight” a fair go.(Radio 4, 9am,1/9/15)
Ejected though after 10 minutes.
There was me thinking that there might be a bit of science to Frys claim that “being bilingual” could help you.
No problem-maybe some stuff about languages, bit of neuroscience re processing and linguistics-do you dream in both tongues etc?
But this is the BBC-and this is Stephen Fry.
So 10 minutes in, we find out that bilingual types are “more empathetic”….but in the same way that taking drugs, being a football fan makes you more inclined to deal with similar types.
Unscientific and spurious.
Mind you, a good Harry and Paul did him over last night….botty bum bum.
Still emoting all over the airwaves about the situation in Hungary and as usual the liberal media is not averse to a bit of blatent propaganda. Carefully posed film clips etc. Hungarians = bad. Destitute Syrians= good.
The BBC hive seems to have forgotten that Hungarians, Poles and Czechs have long experience of a media that twists events and lies to them.
Not so easy now is it BBc hive drones. Like all liberal fantasies the fantasy that is open borders looks as if it will just collapse despite the BBc/Guardian / Continental media drones.
Consider this – a British woman takes her children on an overseas trip.
The only problem: this trip is without the approval of her husband.
Her husband contacts the Met Police – the family hale from East London.
Suddenly, on the say so of the woman’s husband, a major emergency alert is put out – reaching right across the European continent. Security personnel and indeed the civilian public are urged to be on the lookout for the woman and her children and to report their presence to authority. Their descriptions are publicised by the BBC
Presumably when the authorities catch up with the woman and her children the intention is that the family group will be held (against the will of the mother) – possibly in Turkey. They will be detained on unspecified charges. Now I say that she will be held on unspecified charges because I would be very very surprised if the mother is arrested and any actual charges under British law are brought against the woman when she is removed from Turkey or wherever and returned to these shores.
But, you may say to me, it is the safety of the children which are paramount.
Well, contrast this peculiar recent turn of events with the sort of case about which we came to be rather familiar in past years. A Muslim man who absconds from Britain with the children of his marriage and disappears abroad. Was there a sudden all points bulletin issued internationally by British police on the say so of the children’s mother every time this happened? No. Huge national headline news coverage? No. Prompt reaction internationally and particularly in Islamic counties such as Turkey or Egypt in response to the concerns of the British authorities and of the mother? No. Were men in such situations efficiently pursued and detained and the children safely reunited with their mothers? Of course not.
So, perhaps a question for feminists out there – what’s the difference between the recent case and those I have described?
The only difference I can detect is the weight given to the word and wishes of the father as against the word and wishes of the mother.
Luckily, having assured the professional, impartial, uncoflicted BBC that they would be safe under him, it’s likely he will be spared any cynical reporting, which for balance will be shared out not on his leadership opponents but other parties. Suitably filtered through the edit suite to leave out context if it helps the narrative.
The BBC is trustworthy like that, sources close to them have learned.
Migrant crisis: Thousands arrive in mainland Greece
Thousands of migrants are arriving in mainland Greece as the government prepares for talks on tackling the huge number of people reaching its shores. Two ships carrying more than 4,200 people travelled to Piraeus port at night after leaving Lesbos island.
The whole EU is struggling to deal with an unprecedented influx of migrants. Hundreds of people, mostly from the Middle East, remain stranded outside a railway station in Hungary after police stopped them travelling through the EU. The EU’s border control agency, Frontex, says 23,000 migrants arrived in Greece last week alone – an increase of 50% on the previous week.
Anyone care to place bets on where these 23,000 newly-arrived ‘cultural enrichers’ will choose to settle and start breeding? Greece? Sweden? Germany? Britain? Of course, with 23,000 a week arriving on Greece’s shores alone, one thing we can be certain of is that the muslim invasion is going really well (for them – for us, not so much).
As populations change, as muslims become an ever-increasing section of most western European countries, so will Islam increasingly wish to flex its muscle, becoming ever-more more vocal within western democracies, demanding change, demanding exceptions. We have to remember, their religion charges them all with a holy mission – a jihad, if you will. They won’t, of course ‘integrate’ into their host nations (when have they ever?), instead they will obey their Holy Instruction Book which tells them to conquer all unbelievers, to convert or to kill those who refuse. Not all of them will carry out their religious duty; most will simply stand by, but a few – and with Islam there are always a few – will be prepared to do their religious duty.
Meanwhile, the EU and the BBC welcome with open arms bigots, racists, homophobes, anti-semites and calls them ‘victims’ – the footsoldiers of the New Caliphate, harbingers of a future war. The scene is being set. All the actors are finding their marks. We live in very interesting times…
It seems clear to me that those arriving are being coached in media manipulation by someone. “We’re human too”, is frequently reported as the cry from some new arrivals. They didn’t all just think of that one themselves independently of each other. They know it increases by a huge magnitude the chances of being reported by the BBC to try to appeal to emotions over reason. The question is: who is doing the coaching? The BBC, or someone even more sinister?
I certainly wouldn’t put it past the BBC. Then again, there are plenty of reports of British far Left advocacy groups (I refuse to call them charities) who have been agitating and advising over in Calais.
You could be right, I think it was Sky News last night, a neuritic ‘invader’ was being interviewed, time and time again he used the word ‘baby’ and then told us his other ‘baby’ was was ill.
Did this sympathy seeking work on me? urm, no, but it seemingly did with our intrepid reporter.
It is pretty obvious the immigrant interviewees have been coached. But I had to laugh when one went off message and kept chanting “Statue of Liberty ” !
Radio 4 Bringing up Britain Mariella Frostrup on improving your childs IQ, and every single child featured with a high IQ is a Pakistani Muslim. And the drip drip goes on !
The Moaners hour wheels on a spokes loon (Cassandra Harrison Barnardo’s Deputy Director for Policy and Public Affairs) from Barnardos – remember them? They were the ones who refused to accept there was a problem with Pakistani Muslims raping young white girls. Today the loon in charge Jane Garvey was the one who was appearing to have difficulty with truth & reality. What did they expect would be discussed when they set the topic of Rotherham & Oxford ?
It was the naivety of Barnados which stood out, alas yet again. “we will be asking people in the night time economy to inform the authorities if they see something suspicious. People like Taxi drivers” !!!!!!!
Obviously the highly over paid loon from Barnardos has no insight into what she is talking about at all, and no idea that it’s the taxi driver who have been doing it ! It’s like putting the wolf in charge of the sheep !
Then there’s the lazy assumption that the current group of Fascists running Rotherham council and the Police will actually do something. There’s not a chance if they think they might be called that meaningless word ‘Waycism’ or think it might damage ‘cohesion’!
To make it all worse the hopeless Camoron has done a Kids Company and given Barnados £3.1 million to pick up the pieces in Rotherham.
You couldn’t make it up !
Utterly unbelievable and all proving that nothing has changed
Several of us yesterday pointed out the hostile interview with Nigel Farage on the Today programme. So, when the former Belgian Prime Minister and now MEP was brought on to agree that the UK should take in more “migrants” and that David Cameron is a jolly bad cove for not doing so (yet), you could expect, in the spirit of the BBC’s unique impartiality, that he would be pressed equally hard to explain how many the UK should take, what should happen when that quota was reached and so on. A sneering tone would also ensure equal treatment.
Hands up who thinks that happened. Nope, it was a nice cosy chat, as it always is when you’re on the BBC’s list of Approved Thoughts.
Re: Nigel Farage comment above …. and what a contrast when the same interviewer, Ms Montague, interviewed Chukka Umuna this morning. It was a mutual “Good Morning”, and then “How are you?” “I’m very well, thank you”. Very friendly, not hostile, and no fading out of her guest. In contrast, Nigel Farage was faded out repeatedly so that there would be no interruption at all of Montague’s questions. This exceptional ‘fading’ treatment of Farage should be something for Ofcom to investigate for political fairness.
Chukka is The Anointed One, as far as the BBC is concerned; he’s Labour’s (and by extension the BBC’s) secret weapon – once Labour get past the Jeremy Corbyn Show, Chukka will be the Leader-in-Waiting no more and will, as if by some miracle, have experienced a Damascene-like conversion against his previous (if somewhat mystifying) negative comments on becoming a Leadership figure.
Chukka has all the right traits (you really can tick the BBC boxes with him), as well as being a camera-friendly, ‘meeja’ professional. His schmooze is straight out of the Peter Mandelson Book of Spin, with a nod and wink to the cameras. The BBC know, of course, that their future is very safe in such a pair of hands.
On Breitbart London this morning there is an article about rioting Syrians in Germany which seems to have been caused by an Afgan chap ripping up a Koran .Perhaps it was the wrong kind of Koran! These folks were in a camp of 1200 mixed race/ethnicity and presumably pleased to be given shelter and food in the safety of a stable state were they have nothing to fear. It didn’t stop them behaving like Muslims do all over the world whenever they think their religion is not given the almighty respect they think it deserves.Those who want Europe to accept more of these people should think what it will be like when they go on the rampage about something as inconsequential to us ( not them), as defaming a religious book. How can we , with our values , be expected to live along these folks who take offense and then riot at things we wouldn’t bat an eye about? Suppose that we decided that we thought their ritual slaughter was offensive, which to many of us it is, and rioted about it? The consequences of having millions more of these religious fanatics in our country is too awful to contemplate and yet our stupid , craven and uncaring ( about us ) politicians are trying to persuade us to take more of them and make Europe even more multyculty and highly dangerous than it already is!
The final irony is that the Germans are now going to divide the camp into different ethnicities to keep the peace ! We, of course, are supposed to welcome any and all into our countries but they can’t be expected to live peacefully together.
I don’t expect that the BBC will ever mention any of this. If you want news and truth don’t expect the BBC to provide it.
When I saw the footage of protesting ‘migrants’ being kept out of that Hungarian train station yesterday (where did they get those placards..?) I thought to myself ‘this is a vision of what is to come’. Yesterday they were rioting outside a train station because the country they are in illegally has the temerity to question their legitimacy; six months from now they will be rioting on the streets because someone in their host nation (take your pick) said something ‘offensive’ about their Religion of Special Exceptions.
It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that these ‘migrants’ pack more than their rags into those rucksacks and tatty suitcases – and no amount of metal detectors or document-stamping exercises will expose the toxic ideology being smuggled wholesale into western democratic nations. No good will ever come from this – Islam has got form, after all.
This is what I don’t get. It’s so obvious what will happen that it doesn’t need explaining. It’s like getting a pet cat and assuming it’ll get on just fine with your pet mouse or Tweety Pie in the corner. So why do so many of our supposedly intelligent leaders carry on anyway when they must know where this leads?
I feel like I’m turning into a tin foil hat wearer, but there must be darker forces at work here. Even the most deluded leftie must be able to see the folly of what is happening, so why is it continuing.
Is the West so afraid of upsetting Saudi Arabia that we have just decided to let them invade us by way of a Muslim swarm ?
Actually Shelly, I don’t think the stupid left do realise the folly of their ways. They are so hyped up with their own sense of self-importance and moral-superiority over the **right** that they literally never look over their own shoulders at what is happening already. It certainly never occurs to them to ever try and predict future outcomes.
That would be racist !!!
I try and discuss with my lefty friends the outcomes of current political fashions, but it is water off a duck’s back. Nothing goes in. They haven’t time to listen as they are too busy shouting down my ‘fascist extreme right wing views’.
You see – they don’t need to listen, They already know what I am going to say and how to respond because they’ve read about people like me in the Guardian. If only I was as morally superior as them – it would save a lot of time as I’d never have to listen to what anyone else thought unless I knew beforehand they were an approved mouthpiece.
‘How can we , with our values , be expected to live along these folks who take offense and then riot at things we wouldn’t bat an eye about? ‘
Good question. How indeed. Our government will continue to uphold laws that will ensure that we live along these folks, do not complain, and put up with our vibrant multiculture.
A tiny handful of Britain First supporters have decided to march in Rotherham this weekend expressing their hostility to the mass rapes and cover ups in that town. I don’t know much about the politics of this outfit, other than their hostility to Islam. But they are going to be driven out and outnumbered by muslims, Trots, Socialists, Unions and of course Labour Party supporters, with backing from the cops. No need for the BBC to cover it, just another bit of muscle flexing from the left.
A possibility that, a mass attack is on the cards … which in essence says everything
These Islamic bastards, rape and threaten 1000s children, and their families
Somebody wants to really,(not obfuscate about it) protest about it, and they get threatened
The Police, the Government, the local Council, they are all as thick as thieves …
Perfect Sharia … get used to it eh!
So that’s, Rotherham police try to sabotage “Britain First” protest, while 160 officers facing claims they ignored grooming victims’ pleas
Rotherham Sex Scandal: More Than 160 Police Officers Under Investigation For Ignoring Victims
Its only got to take a couple of outrages in Europe on the scale of the 9/11 tragedy, and then we’ll see the backlash against the Muslim migrants begin. How long Germany will stand being overwhelmed by foreign peoples remains to be seen. Even the normal welcoming committees of the Left wing organisations aren’t evident. I wonder why.
Cameron on BBC 1 News at 1pm today stated that taking more immigrants into Europe was not the answer and that we should look at rebuilding their own countries. But I’m sure he’ll deal with the sea-gull problem first as it is easier.
A newspaper in Germany according to the BBC has called the UK the ‘slackers of Europe’ for not taking in any more migrants. I wonder of which political persuasion that paper was? Only the one newspaper? Not exactly a united media front.
The BBC’s report on the trains stuck in the tunnel for four hours by immigrants on the track banging on the windows did not criticise the immigrants. Instead, an apology from Eurostar was read in full. It’s as if Eurostar were at fault.
Could this be BBC blame transfer in action again?
Furthermore, the BBC reporter in Greece talked softly and sympathetically with the immigrants who were angry at not getting their chosen destination. Compare that to the tone of the BBC interview with Nigel Farage recently.
Leha, not so guilty that they won’t call the British “slackers”. I suspect the “post-war guilt” is a cover while they bide their time before their next stunt ! They are still the bully-boys of Europe.
Germany will eventually return to fascism – only this time it will be Islamic fascism, once the struggle towards to the Caliphate kicks off in earnest there. The numbers are stacking up, not much further to go…
How many are going to Qatar, or Saudi Arabia or the ,UAE, or Bahrain, or Kuwait …
Stands to reason, you know amongst the world’s richest countries, and all that
yet … none have opened their doors to Syrian refugees?
There all Muslim brothers right … pneumatically drilled into their brains from birth?
above any nationality, the erm … ummah!
I’d love to know how much ‘trending’ goes through a BBC ‘trend’ filter first.
One could ask, but the BBC seems a bit coy when cornered on detail, and like Laura K’s blog, their commitment to trust and transparency stays, with some irony, their little secret.
Turning wot some bloke rote in Iceland into BBC advocacy worldwide is but one way to project ambitions overseas.
The SWP and Corbynistas contact al-beeb and demand that they run garbage such as this, and of course our State broadcaster complies, as it’s always a sucker for left wing causes and protecting the poor or displaced…Unless of course those ‘poor people” are negating to pay their licence fee – at which point it hauls them through the courts often seeing them imprisoned..
This new ComRes poll shows 52% would favour scrapping the license fee and making the BBC fund itself, while just 41% back the current system. Most people think it should generate income from advertising while over a third support the introduction of a subscription model. If Netflix can do it…
Wild Bill • 21 minutes ago Interesting link. BBC say:
“Measured objectively – weekly reach, audience appreciation, investment in new British content, level of public trust, and value for money – the BBC performs well.”
In my world, if you have objective data you provide a reference so that the reader, if interested, can check on the methodology. I’m interested, because I strongly suspect it is made-up bollocks.
Luckily not a BBC HYS, so likely to stay open beyond 5pm in case any actual public get home and feel like chipping in.
To be fair, there may be a few rocket scientists in there.
Those Grads and Katushyas from Tower Hamlets to Westminster won’t guide themselves you know once Werner of Peenemunde has given them their ‘Get all around Europe free’ passports.
As is well known, the aforementioned rocketry does not require or have guidance system, so as to provide Mishal Husain and Tim Willcox satisfactory collateral stats for their bizarre senses of moral equivalence.
Now, buff soldiers of Islam well versed in making IEDs out of washing liquid bottles and sticky back plastic from the corner shop…. likely a few.
Ironic isn’t it these migrants once arrived in Europe seem to get a choice of country, yet us the citizens get zero choice as to who we have to share our birthright with.
Just got in and took the dog out, its fair to say I live in a fairly affluent area in the West Country, yet in my local park there were a group of immigrants, not too dissimilar from those we see in Calais, as loud as brass (if only I could understand what they were saying) and seemingly very happy with their new home, I wouldn’t trust them as far as I could throw them, obviously not working (4.30?) and quite sinister. Why TF should I have to share my area with scum like this? What choice have we the British been given?
The increase in migrants in my area have certainly been noticeable in the last six months, as I guess it has everywhere else in the UK.
All this lot flooding over the borders into Europe, ; how are they going to be paid for ? there cant be enough jobs for clearly mainly young men; houses aren’t going to be built quickly to house them all; tax payers aint going to be chuffed at having to pay for them either. The governments need to start thinking long term and start building some new prisons, because they sure as hell are going to need them if there are no jobs. No jobs breeds crime, drugs, prostitution. Then there is the cultural difference – no more needs to be said.
“houses aren’t going to be built quickly to house them all”.
I’ve been thinking about this problem and I may have an answer – comments welcome.
Firstly, all these people providing this multi-cultural enrichment need to be in a society that is already multi-cultural, so that they don’t feel like aliens. This means that they need to be housed in London.
Secondly, we need to provide a lot of temporary accommodation quickly, and so a camp of wooden huts needs to be built in a large open space. Hampstead Heath seems to be ideal. The camp doesn”t need to be fenced as the new-comers need to learn about British society, and so can go out every day to meet the locals, returning to the camp to sleep – unless they have been taken in by a friendly local. I’m sure that Hampstead will provide a warm welcome.
Thirdly, the camp will need a turnover of residents to make space for new campers, so a number of large houses will need to be acquired and converted to multiple occupation. Islington seems to have lots of large houses and should be an ideal location for a target of one converted house in every street. I am sure that the locals in Islington will be as welcoming as those in Hampstead.
These arrangements will solve the problem until such time as the government grows a pair.
I’d give it about a week.
It will be fascinating to see how the BBC reports such developments.
I did – and I highly recommend it.
My only beef is the cost of the health care (including a mutuelle insurance policy), and the knowledge that all those other immigrants won’t have to go through the hoops that I did, to become affiliated.
Can you IMAGINE all these hundreds of thousands who will eventually be given asylum and the necessary paperwork and passports, start to cross the channel because they are legally able to do so ? Its a totally frightening scenario that despite Germany offering to take in close to a million, any one or all of those could end up legally and permanently in this country.
And don’t forget when they do reach the land of milk & honey they will quickly invoke their ‘right’ to a family life, meaning Mrs & 6 baby parasites will tag along for the free ride at our expense. The legal scum, such as Cherie Blair and her cohorts, that represent this filth should be lined up with them.
SKY news reporter Mark Stone to Hungarian minister Zolton Kolvacs ” Can’t you see they’re DESPERATE refugees, women and children crying ????” So desperate in fact they’ve fled from 5 or 6 safe countries, Turkey, Greece, Macedonia, Serbia, Croatia, Hungary to get to Germany and Sweden. What a bunch of chancers.
Nice to know that the UNHCR either doesn’t know or is lying on the BBC regarding the refugee issue, on tonight’s PM on radio 4.
Edwin Edwards from the UNHCR was asked if the majority of people from Syria would be classed as refugees claimed that they would because of the level of fighting going on in Syria. Here however is the convention:
Article 1 of the Convention, as amended by the 1967 Protocol, defines a refugee as:
“A person who owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality and is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country; or who, not having a nationality and being outside the country of his former habitual residence as a result of such events, is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to return to it..”
Note that there is no provision for someone fleeing from war – civil or from an external enemy to claim refugee status.
Be aware of the weasel words though -” can anyone from Syria claim asylum” – anyone can claim it although claiming is not the same as having good grounds for doing so.
The problems with Syrians though is this:
“No Contracting State shall expel or return (‘refouler’) a refugee in any manner whatsoever to the frontiers of territories where his life or freedom would be threatened on account of his race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social or political opinion”
Obviously we cannot return people to a war zone as their lives and the lives of those transporting them would be at serious risk.
Debate on Radio 4 about comedy, and whether it’s too left wing
Out comes the beeboid who pronounces that listeners do not want to hear comedy that sounds like a guy & his right wing mates off on a stag do.
We don’t apparently want to hear comedy the like of Jeremy Clarkson with his racist sexist and homophobic attitudes or jokes, in fact listeners want the BBC to fight against such things.
Then she went back into her left wing bubble far away from the pressures of reality and what her audience really want which is anything but her !
Kuensberg in full hand wringing mode on the six o clock news this evening. Apparently only the hardest of hearts could fail to be moved by the plight of the people migrating to Europe. She suggested that one of the fears of allowing the current swarm in was that it may encourage economic migrants to follow them????? She seemed to be trying to portray Cameron as some sort of fascist. God knows how she would report it if he actually took positive steps to prevent them.
Al Beeb is stating that our Prime minister is under ‘growing pressure’ to take in more immigrants.
Growing Pressure from whom ? A Europe that does not represent a great majority of the people of Great Britain.
The propaganda emanating from AlBeeb is getting more ‘Desperate’ . Does Europe fund AlBeeb or is it funded by the British Licence payer ?
Al Beeb knows full well the feelings of the people of this country by the comments on their own website.
Best one can judge, some geezer from Iceland and a few thousand assorted hand-wringers being channeled by a few hundred Eloi in the BBC (and other broadcasters) who speak for the nation, apparently, and the Westminster bubble heads in their thrall.
The rest of the population, having voted democratically not so long ago, don’t seem to count too much.
The “Hungarian Government” seems to be coming in for some heavy handed treatment from our state broadcaster. They found a Hungarian lady the other night who was opposed to fences being put up. However, this is not some sort of fascist dictatorship creating a new iron curtain; but a centre right ruling party who won an election in a constitutional system based on the German Basic Law.
Al Beeb seems to be playing fast and loose with the way it presents these issues to suit it’s higher purposes.
Its not just that nasty right wing Hungarian government, none of the central and east European EU members are going to be bullied into taking economic migrants just because Germany unilaterally changed EU immigration policy.
The other day Milos Zeman the elected President of the Czech Republic and a SOCIALIST told people who had signed a petition in support of the migrants that they should take one into there home if they are so keen.
The BBC have for some time been trying to make out that Twitter represents the general view, but this takes the biscuit, for now….. Representative my arse! I see no mention of the hashtag #breakingintobritain
Remeber these filthy left-wing scum on Twitter were the very same idiots who genuinely thought that Miliband was going to walk up downing street on mat 8th.
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StewGreenMar 8, 22:20 Weekend 8th March 2025 @Digg & @Marky there is a huge problem in the UK in that when people are presented with info in…
JeffMar 8, 22:04 Weekend 8th March 2025 Hang on a sec’ Lucy, we don’t really know what’s happened yet. All I’m certain of is that this is…
diggMar 8, 22:00 Weekend 8th March 2025 That’s because the Eastern Europeans would be tooled up and might take some coppers down with them so best to…
StewGreenMar 8, 21:49 Weekend 8th March 2025 “Clap for Ukraine on Sunday” PRasNews item on ITV local news tonight “A couple from Southall in Nottinghamshire are calling…
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Fedup2Mar 8, 21:39 Weekend 8th March 2025 I wonder if Farage really thought importing a Muslim to be in charge of Reform would ‘detoxify ‘ it ?…
taffmanMar 8, 21:21 Weekend 8th March 2025 Warning : We are being invaded across the English Channel from France . Our government does nothing to defend us…
Lucy PevenseyMar 8, 21:09 Weekend 8th March 2025 They just can’t get enough of their Islam. Muhammad Ziauddin Taqiyya Yusuf vets all Deform party candidates and stabbed Rupert…
MarkyMarkMar 8, 20:48 Weekend 8th March 2025 ‘Amazing atmosphere’ at Windsor Castle Iftar event Iftars are open to everyone, regardless of faith and background. they are…
Hello hello, what’s going on here then ?
It will be interesting to see how Cameron wriggles out of this one. Good spot, Taffman .
What is all this fuss about the question ?
Do you want to be ruled by Europe ?
Great Britain and the European Union ………
‘IN’ or ‘OUT’
I wonder if that is actually ‘full, open and transparent’, or the BBC variety?
Market rate talent mapping and another odd BBC ‘black hole’…
Spencer Count left an annotation (25 August 2015)
That case study, which goes into some detail about how 3,000 BBC members of staff were “talent mapped” and categorized, is no longer there. It seems to have been taken down since this request was filed. A rummage round the case studies part of the Leadership Foundation website reveals no mention of the BBC.
How very odd.
Fortunately, it can be accessed via Google cache.
Fortunate indeed.
It gets better, too.
On Breitbart:
The ‘No Campaign’ Needs a ‘BBC Watchdog’ Operation, and a ‘Bias Hotline’
As some have already pointed out, though, how would you ensure this watchdog’s findings were brought to the attention of the wider public?
The Lord preserve us from Laura Kuenssberg ! I couldn’t understand a word she said before, with her strong accent, so one can only hope she has toned it down before she is a permanent fixture outside no. 10 !!!
I have nothing against accents per se, but I struggle with the Irish accent too, when the word ‘now’ becomes ‘nigh’ by the likes of Maxine Mulwhinney, Chris Brady, and Eammon Holmes. And don’t get me started on Lorraine Kelly with her ‘wee’ everything !!
I struggle / endure with the Ebonic accent.
Da for the, dem for them, ax for ask.
It’s the ‘Estuarine’ “neeow”, almost always from the female presenters, that I cannot stand. Plus the affected glottal stops to avoid ‘sounding posh’.
Bring back Charlotte Green!
I cannot imagine why the BBC hasn’t picked up on the announcement that the UN is going to investigate the evil Iain Duncan Smith’s welfare reforms for Disabled people which has allegedly resulted in the deaths of 10 000 people refused disability benefits. After all. most of the major news sheets have carried the story:
I know it’s a contentious area, and the UN have communist sympathisers, but this is a whole committee making a decision.
The point is why aren’t the BBC carrying the story ? Maybe it’s because the Guardian hasn’t so they don’t know about it !
Mr T , 10,000 people have not died from getting , lower disability benefits. You are telling porkies , & are a victim of Corbynism . Even if that were true , you can get Mrs Balls to replace you 10,000. with her 10,000 swarms from the Middle East . I am sure you would welcome that .
What a stupid comment! Where did I say that I personally thought that 10 000 did die ? I even added allegedly because I actually don’t believe it myself.
If you want this site to be taken seriously you need to read what is written and first understand it in ALL its complexity, because a knee jerk reaction from something you want to be there but isn’t is going to make you look like an idiot – as in this case.
Is the UN investigating the vast majority of countries which have no social security benefits whatsoever ? If not, why not ?
How would I know Grant? This is Biased BBC not Biased UN, the comment is about the lack of reporting on a story reported elsewhere and the possible reason for that.
Sorry, Thoughtful, I was not replying to your comment. I suppose I should have asked why does the BBC not report the UN’s lack of activity in criticising countries which have no social security benefits ? In this specific case , the BBC has a very patchy unprofessional news service and probably simply has not picked upon the IDS story.
This is Biased BBC not Biased UN…
Ideologically, the two are inseparable. The BBC treats the UN as beyond criticism – the IPCC, the UNCHR, its unashamed pro-Palestine and anti-Israel bias, mass immigration agenda, Agenda 21 (anti-capitalist, re-distributionsit) etc. etc. etc.
If you don’t believe the highly politicly motivated figure then one don’t use it 2 at least put in the bit about the benefit actually not being ‘refused’ but being stopped within six weeks either side of the date of death ! so you die and they stop your benefit? the evil sods !
Duncan Smith is hardly ‘evil’. Misguided perhaps at times but evil is ridiculous.
Not quite ALL the news where you are
Left-leaning London Evening Standard today go with:
‘Notting Hill Carnival: More than 400 arrested and eight police officers injured as street party hit by rise in violence’
Whilst the BBC give us:
‘Notting Hill Carnival crowds brave downpours’
A weather report?
‘Mohammed Hossain, of Anne Street, was working as a rickshaw driver in central London when the assault happened in the early hours of March 7.’
The Evening Standard add that Hossain 35 is ‘an Asylum-seeker of Plaistow’
He has been bailed pending sentence in October
Don’t expect the BBC to touch that story with a rickshaw pole.
Hmm I wonder if he is declaring his earnings as a rickshaw driver, I’m sure he won’t be claiming benefits or anything.
Amusing item just now on the News Channel
Labour Leadership Election, again
There’s not long before the polls close, so naturally the BBC are having yet another interview with each of the four contenders.
The pitch is this : Chris Mason is having a nice chat as he gives the various Labour MPs a lift into Westminster.
This could be an off-shoot of the obnoxious Victoria Derbyshire Show as his car carries the dreaded VD logo.
Today it is Yvette Cooper’s turn. Hope the BBC got the right address – our Yvette and hubby Ed Balls are no strangers to house- flipping.
Our Chris keeps doing some odd body language signal, holding his open hand across his mouth whenever Yvette is speaking. I leave it to the psychologists to work that one out. Perhaps it was just the pressure of multi-tasking; driving; thinking; and interviewing. No such problems for super-boy Yvette – she thinks she is winning us all over by boldly telling us she was the first minister to take maternity leave – and then did it again for a second time. Lot of tutting in the department the second time, apparently. Sexist swines! Still, if ever she were PM… I’m sure she could job share – with some Scots woman, perhaps?
The BBC mutual love-in is never far off when they chat to Labour MPs. I’ll bet you watch Strictly and Bake Off quips our Chris. ‘Oh Doctor Who is my favourite’ says Yvette. Thank goodness we’ve arrived at Westminster – I’m getting car sick. Someone pass that old BBC sick bag Sandi Toksvig and Paloma Faith used for the Royal Jubilee.
I would love Mrs Bollocks to get the Labour gig, she’s a bigger liability than Corbyn.
She certainly talks bollocks, I bet a Brits on council waiting lists are chuffed to bits with her latest bit of disjoined thinking. Just what ‘king message is she sending out?
This is the woman who as housing minister wanted to bribe eldelry Londoners to leave their larger council homes and move to the seaside so that immigrant families could have ttheir housees.
Sounded remarkably similar to the BNPs policy of voluntary repatriation of immigrants. This would have supposedly had the effect of leading to retaliation from those who wanted to encourage them on their way. MRs Balls had apparently no concerns about the eldelry widow in East London with overcrowded Bangladeshi neighbours who fancied her house!
It sounds like that missing jhaidi women from London has been detained at the Turkish border.?
Why are we wasting police resources with this – what is stopping her having another go ?
Just watched a young woman on her way to Sweden, to start a new life.
Good for her ! I would love to have had my pick of countries to go to and start a new life 30 years ago. Canada would have been good, quite fancied California, or even Denmark would have been an option. Perhaps I should have pitched up with a rucksack and said I wanted to join my Great Aunt and her family in any of these countries. Sadly (and rightly) there were procedures to adhere to, which made migrating to these countries really difficult – unless I rode up the St Lawrence Seaway in a rubber dinghy !!! Now, mob numbers is the order of the day, huge numbers are getting their way, and to hell with the rest of the continent and authority.
According to the BBC, ‘She has left her mother in exile, in Turkey, to escape to Sweden’. I didn’t know that Turkey was a country that it was necessary to ‘escape from’.
Of course she was aided, abetted and accompanied by James Reynolds of the BBC. Perhaps the police should be taking some interest in Reynolds…as the authorities do in Egypt when journalists overstep the mark.
I heard this report yesterday on the World Service and today saw the video on the website. Of course she is a typical refugee; a single attractive 20 year old girl, speaks good English, no head scarf, who wouldnt want to welcome her? But as Number 88 says above, she gives the game away almost immediately when she says she has left “her mother in exile in Turkey” so she was NOT in Syria. Why didn’t the BBC reporter question her about this! She is an ILLEGAL immigrant and her and 100s of thousands like her aided and abetted by the likes of Merkel and the media will cause the peoples of the EU to to turn there backs on the minority of genuine refugees. Surely not the outcome that was envisaged.
She’s probably coming to Britain. The BBC always manage to find incursionists who choose Sweden or Germany, never Britain, France or even the Nettherlands. I know more are probably going for Sweden or Germany because of the ease of acceptance there, but the reality is they dont really want to go there, due to the language problems and for Sweden, the climate. I cannot believe people they ask don’t say Britain, and never even say somethign like, “I would prefer Britain but its too hard gettign in so I’m going to Sweden.” Of course the BBC wouldnt want us to hear that!
Last week I heard a woman interviewed in Arabic and alhough the translator said she was going to Germany, I clealry heard her say the word ‘London’!
I believe the BBC preprep them. Nothing is too low for them when pushing their Globalist open borders agenda.
BBC News Website:-
There’s one baby in a crowd of hundreds of sullen men who are strangely without loved ones. The immigrants know that the BBC will use a photo of an upheld baby as propaganda for the Immigrant/BBC/Left cause to hopefully tug the heart strings. It’s a certainty.
Biased BBC? You bet..!
BBC radio 4 PM is in full migration mode promoting the policy of open borders having masses of correspondent who believe that all who want to come should be allowed
Does that included ISIS?
They ‘want’ to get to ‘Buck House because they ‘want’ to raise a flag there ?
Is Clive ‘sure’ Myrie getting above his pay grade ? just heard him refer to “his guests” – those who will help him read the newspaper headlines at 10.30. Is it just me ? but why do the BBC have this farce of a newspaper section – those who are reading them are paid to be articulate in their day job, but they can hardly string 2 sentences together once in front of the camera. Penny Smith is the worst, she is a complete embarrassment , then there is always Owen Wilson from the Guardian who is clearly invited to the xmas party, Richard Madeley loves the sound of his own voice, and then there are those who nobody has ever heard of. My 15 month old puppy could do a better job, as all they do is give a couple of comments of a story that’s already written. Bah !
According to our BBC reporter on the scene – the migrants outside Budapest Station ‘are protesting because the police are here’
Could it not also be because the Euro liberal broadcast press are there filming them?
One confused migrant pleads ‘I want to come to Europe – Statue of Liberty is here!’
No, that’ll be America – you know, the Great Satan, Guantanamo…?
Wait a minute, the last time I watched BBC Dateline London an Arab journo assured our Gavin Esler that the denizens of the Middle East pretty much hated the West?
Noted that Matt Frei on Channel 4 seemed to have a “vulnerable refugee” walking past him every seventy five seconds or so.
Mobile phone in hand-hi viz hijab or baby in arms.
AND the BBC and Channel 4 seemed to show the same footage of people traipsing over the border from Serbia into Hungary earlier…very pretty.
Does ANYBODY still trust these Pallywood ponces to give us any independent verifiable film anymore?
BBC Points West,
Wettest August, cliff errosion bla, bla bla
Local urgent ‘invader’ aid to Calais bla, bla, bla
How about some bloody non agenda local news?
Very applicable to the thread “They lied when they denied” is the reporting of the weather through the BBC from our Met Office. Today, I have heard that the minimum temperature tonight will be 9 degrees. Not a hope. Try 4 degrees and lower. Here on Dartmoor two stations are reporting 7 degrees and the sun is still around. We had a frost last night which burnt my girlfriends garden tomatoes so she has taken them in to the greenhouse as I predict colder tonight. I do not normally read The Mirror, but this has already caught my eye from a few hours ago.
So an Indian Summer is it? Not a hope based on the temperatures this year on an already active El Nino. Make sure you have your tyre chains and anti freeze at the ready good people. There is no sunspot activity, pity the BBC or the Met Office can’t be bothered to look at the historical data they hold and what happens when there is no sunspot activity. But then, if they did and were to tell “the plebs”, Roger Harrabin would be out of a job and man made “Global Warming” leading to “Climate Change” would disappear as quickly as Roger Harrabin. If only.
“One of the coldest and wettest for 27 years”. Yup, “they” got that right didn’t they BBC? Care to report why they got it so wrong? In my dreams, BBC, in my dreams.
So the odious hairy bikers are just summing up their”most diverse trip ever” to poland, they conclude that the polish attitude is “we have an identity as a nation and nobody is going to change it”. Why is that ok for them and not the English you pair of fat bbbc lefty tossers?
The Two Fat Ladies knock these two Boro fakes up for what they are.
We miss Clarissa and Jennifer so much. Always remember falling off the sofa laughing at them when they were cooking chicken and Jennifer turned to Clarissa and said in her fantastic accent ” remember Clarissa and old cock has the most flavour”. Must have been Ch4 I cannot give any credit to the bbc.
RP, and they were wonderfully politically incorrect ! Would never get on the BBC these days.
From Breitbart
A petition calling on the government to launch an independent review into the judicial treatment of ex-founder and leader of the English Defence Leader (EDL), Tommy Robinson
Did give “Frys English Delight” a fair go.(Radio 4, 9am,1/9/15)
Ejected though after 10 minutes.
There was me thinking that there might be a bit of science to Frys claim that “being bilingual” could help you.
No problem-maybe some stuff about languages, bit of neuroscience re processing and linguistics-do you dream in both tongues etc?
But this is the BBC-and this is Stephen Fry.
So 10 minutes in, we find out that bilingual types are “more empathetic”….but in the same way that taking drugs, being a football fan makes you more inclined to deal with similar types.
Unscientific and spurious.
Mind you, a good Harry and Paul did him over last night….botty bum bum.
I got confused by the ‘intelligent’ bi-lingual child who said that Lego (Danish) was ‘English’ but Playmobil (German) was ‘French’.
At least we got to hear Fry admit that there was something he couldn’t do!
Still emoting all over the airwaves about the situation in Hungary and as usual the liberal media is not averse to a bit of blatent propaganda. Carefully posed film clips etc. Hungarians = bad. Destitute Syrians= good.
The BBC hive seems to have forgotten that Hungarians, Poles and Czechs have long experience of a media that twists events and lies to them.
Not so easy now is it BBc hive drones. Like all liberal fantasies the fantasy that is open borders looks as if it will just collapse despite the BBc/Guardian / Continental media drones.
Dave S, Yes and these Eastern European countries also have a long experience of what it is like to be invaded !
Sharia Compliance
Consider this – a British woman takes her children on an overseas trip.
The only problem: this trip is without the approval of her husband.
Her husband contacts the Met Police – the family hale from East London.
Suddenly, on the say so of the woman’s husband, a major emergency alert is put out – reaching right across the European continent. Security personnel and indeed the civilian public are urged to be on the lookout for the woman and her children and to report their presence to authority. Their descriptions are publicised by the BBC
Presumably when the authorities catch up with the woman and her children the intention is that the family group will be held (against the will of the mother) – possibly in Turkey. They will be detained on unspecified charges. Now I say that she will be held on unspecified charges because I would be very very surprised if the mother is arrested and any actual charges under British law are brought against the woman when she is removed from Turkey or wherever and returned to these shores.
But, you may say to me, it is the safety of the children which are paramount.
Well, contrast this peculiar recent turn of events with the sort of case about which we came to be rather familiar in past years. A Muslim man who absconds from Britain with the children of his marriage and disappears abroad. Was there a sudden all points bulletin issued internationally by British police on the say so of the children’s mother every time this happened? No. Huge national headline news coverage? No. Prompt reaction internationally and particularly in Islamic counties such as Turkey or Egypt in response to the concerns of the British authorities and of the mother? No. Were men in such situations efficiently pursued and detained and the children safely reunited with their mothers? Of course not.
So, perhaps a question for feminists out there – what’s the difference between the recent case and those I have described?
The only difference I can detect is the weight given to the word and wishes of the father as against the word and wishes of the mother.
Sharia compliance – the vulture has landed.
Luckily, having assured the professional, impartial, uncoflicted BBC that they would be safe under him, it’s likely he will be spared any cynical reporting, which for balance will be shared out not on his leadership opponents but other parties. Suitably filtered through the edit suite to leave out context if it helps the narrative.
The BBC is trustworthy like that, sources close to them have learned.
Seems Bill Turnbull is putting down his earwig and off to spend more time with his pension.
Danny Cohen already working out how to ensure proper balance on the Breakfast sofa.
Sir Lenny or Ms. Balding?
Hopefully the happy house eunuch will be handed back his knackers along with his gold watch as he exists the BBC
If so, then eagerly awaited Daily Mail dismiss and tell – former Breakfast tv sofa bod slams oh-so-PC BBC
We wait in hopeful expectation
Migrant crisis: Thousands arrive in mainland Greece
Thousands of migrants are arriving in mainland Greece as the government prepares for talks on tackling the huge number of people reaching its shores. Two ships carrying more than 4,200 people travelled to Piraeus port at night after leaving Lesbos island.
The whole EU is struggling to deal with an unprecedented influx of migrants. Hundreds of people, mostly from the Middle East, remain stranded outside a railway station in Hungary after police stopped them travelling through the EU. The EU’s border control agency, Frontex, says 23,000 migrants arrived in Greece last week alone – an increase of 50% on the previous week.
More than 160,000 people have arrived in Greece so far this year – already surpassing last year’s total.
Anyone care to place bets on where these 23,000 newly-arrived ‘cultural enrichers’ will choose to settle and start breeding? Greece? Sweden? Germany? Britain? Of course, with 23,000 a week arriving on Greece’s shores alone, one thing we can be certain of is that the muslim invasion is going really well (for them – for us, not so much).
As populations change, as muslims become an ever-increasing section of most western European countries, so will Islam increasingly wish to flex its muscle, becoming ever-more more vocal within western democracies, demanding change, demanding exceptions. We have to remember, their religion charges them all with a holy mission – a jihad, if you will. They won’t, of course ‘integrate’ into their host nations (when have they ever?), instead they will obey their Holy Instruction Book which tells them to conquer all unbelievers, to convert or to kill those who refuse. Not all of them will carry out their religious duty; most will simply stand by, but a few – and with Islam there are always a few – will be prepared to do their religious duty.
Meanwhile, the EU and the BBC welcome with open arms bigots, racists, homophobes, anti-semites and calls them ‘victims’ – the footsoldiers of the New Caliphate, harbingers of a future war. The scene is being set. All the actors are finding their marks. We live in very interesting times…
“All the actors are finding their marks.”
It seems clear to me that those arriving are being coached in media manipulation by someone. “We’re human too”, is frequently reported as the cry from some new arrivals. They didn’t all just think of that one themselves independently of each other. They know it increases by a huge magnitude the chances of being reported by the BBC to try to appeal to emotions over reason. The question is: who is doing the coaching? The BBC, or someone even more sinister?
I certainly wouldn’t put it past the BBC. Then again, there are plenty of reports of British far Left advocacy groups (I refuse to call them charities) who have been agitating and advising over in Calais.
Sinister is the right word!
You could be right, I think it was Sky News last night, a neuritic ‘invader’ was being interviewed, time and time again he used the word ‘baby’ and then told us his other ‘baby’ was was ill.
Did this sympathy seeking work on me? urm, no, but it seemingly did with our intrepid reporter.
The Dutch PM has the right idea.
It is pretty obvious the immigrant interviewees have been coached. But I had to laugh when one went off message and kept chanting “Statue of Liberty ” !
Radio 4 Bringing up Britain Mariella Frostrup on improving your childs IQ, and every single child featured with a high IQ is a Pakistani Muslim. And the drip drip goes on !
The Moaners hour wheels on a spokes loon (Cassandra Harrison Barnardo’s Deputy Director for Policy and Public Affairs) from Barnardos – remember them? They were the ones who refused to accept there was a problem with Pakistani Muslims raping young white girls. Today the loon in charge Jane Garvey was the one who was appearing to have difficulty with truth & reality. What did they expect would be discussed when they set the topic of Rotherham & Oxford ?
It was the naivety of Barnados which stood out, alas yet again. “we will be asking people in the night time economy to inform the authorities if they see something suspicious. People like Taxi drivers” !!!!!!!
Obviously the highly over paid loon from Barnardos has no insight into what she is talking about at all, and no idea that it’s the taxi driver who have been doing it ! It’s like putting the wolf in charge of the sheep !
Then there’s the lazy assumption that the current group of Fascists running Rotherham council and the Police will actually do something. There’s not a chance if they think they might be called that meaningless word ‘Waycism’ or think it might damage ‘cohesion’!
To make it all worse the hopeless Camoron has done a Kids Company and given Barnados £3.1 million to pick up the pieces in Rotherham.
You couldn’t make it up !
Utterly unbelievable and all proving that nothing has changed
Not forgetting, of course, that the chief executive of Barnardo’s is a Mr Javed Khan. How odd.
Only a matter of time before Barnardo’s is rebranded with a new name .
Several of us yesterday pointed out the hostile interview with Nigel Farage on the Today programme. So, when the former Belgian Prime Minister and now MEP was brought on to agree that the UK should take in more “migrants” and that David Cameron is a jolly bad cove for not doing so (yet), you could expect, in the spirit of the BBC’s unique impartiality, that he would be pressed equally hard to explain how many the UK should take, what should happen when that quota was reached and so on. A sneering tone would also ensure equal treatment.
Hands up who thinks that happened. Nope, it was a nice cosy chat, as it always is when you’re on the BBC’s list of Approved Thoughts.
Re: Nigel Farage comment above …. and what a contrast when the same interviewer, Ms Montague, interviewed Chukka Umuna this morning. It was a mutual “Good Morning”, and then “How are you?” “I’m very well, thank you”. Very friendly, not hostile, and no fading out of her guest. In contrast, Nigel Farage was faded out repeatedly so that there would be no interruption at all of Montague’s questions. This exceptional ‘fading’ treatment of Farage should be something for Ofcom to investigate for political fairness.
Chukka is The Anointed One, as far as the BBC is concerned; he’s Labour’s (and by extension the BBC’s) secret weapon – once Labour get past the Jeremy Corbyn Show, Chukka will be the Leader-in-Waiting no more and will, as if by some miracle, have experienced a Damascene-like conversion against his previous (if somewhat mystifying) negative comments on becoming a Leadership figure.
Chukka has all the right traits (you really can tick the BBC boxes with him), as well as being a camera-friendly, ‘meeja’ professional. His schmooze is straight out of the Peter Mandelson Book of Spin, with a nod and wink to the cameras. The BBC know, of course, that their future is very safe in such a pair of hands.
And , most importantly, he is not “hideously white ” !
Did Ms Montague (she of the first class Labour harridan style) slip in a “we” this time?
On Breitbart London this morning there is an article about rioting Syrians in Germany which seems to have been caused by an Afgan chap ripping up a Koran .Perhaps it was the wrong kind of Koran! These folks were in a camp of 1200 mixed race/ethnicity and presumably pleased to be given shelter and food in the safety of a stable state were they have nothing to fear. It didn’t stop them behaving like Muslims do all over the world whenever they think their religion is not given the almighty respect they think it deserves.Those who want Europe to accept more of these people should think what it will be like when they go on the rampage about something as inconsequential to us ( not them), as defaming a religious book. How can we , with our values , be expected to live along these folks who take offense and then riot at things we wouldn’t bat an eye about? Suppose that we decided that we thought their ritual slaughter was offensive, which to many of us it is, and rioted about it? The consequences of having millions more of these religious fanatics in our country is too awful to contemplate and yet our stupid , craven and uncaring ( about us ) politicians are trying to persuade us to take more of them and make Europe even more multyculty and highly dangerous than it already is!
The final irony is that the Germans are now going to divide the camp into different ethnicities to keep the peace ! We, of course, are supposed to welcome any and all into our countries but they can’t be expected to live peacefully together.
I don’t expect that the BBC will ever mention any of this. If you want news and truth don’t expect the BBC to provide it.
And who better than the Germans to divide people into different ethnicities !
When I saw the footage of protesting ‘migrants’ being kept out of that Hungarian train station yesterday (where did they get those placards..?) I thought to myself ‘this is a vision of what is to come’. Yesterday they were rioting outside a train station because the country they are in illegally has the temerity to question their legitimacy; six months from now they will be rioting on the streets because someone in their host nation (take your pick) said something ‘offensive’ about their Religion of Special Exceptions.
It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that these ‘migrants’ pack more than their rags into those rucksacks and tatty suitcases – and no amount of metal detectors or document-stamping exercises will expose the toxic ideology being smuggled wholesale into western democratic nations. No good will ever come from this – Islam has got form, after all.
This is what I don’t get. It’s so obvious what will happen that it doesn’t need explaining. It’s like getting a pet cat and assuming it’ll get on just fine with your pet mouse or Tweety Pie in the corner. So why do so many of our supposedly intelligent leaders carry on anyway when they must know where this leads?
I feel like I’m turning into a tin foil hat wearer, but there must be darker forces at work here. Even the most deluded leftie must be able to see the folly of what is happening, so why is it continuing.
Is the West so afraid of upsetting Saudi Arabia that we have just decided to let them invade us by way of a Muslim swarm ?
Actually Shelly, I don’t think the stupid left do realise the folly of their ways. They are so hyped up with their own sense of self-importance and moral-superiority over the **right** that they literally never look over their own shoulders at what is happening already. It certainly never occurs to them to ever try and predict future outcomes.
That would be racist !!!
I try and discuss with my lefty friends the outcomes of current political fashions, but it is water off a duck’s back. Nothing goes in. They haven’t time to listen as they are too busy shouting down my ‘fascist extreme right wing views’.
You see – they don’t need to listen, They already know what I am going to say and how to respond because they’ve read about people like me in the Guardian. If only I was as morally superior as them – it would save a lot of time as I’d never have to listen to what anyone else thought unless I knew beforehand they were an approved mouthpiece.
It is very sad.
‘How can we , with our values , be expected to live along these folks who take offense and then riot at things we wouldn’t bat an eye about? ‘
Good question. How indeed. Our government will continue to uphold laws that will ensure that we live along these folks, do not complain, and put up with our vibrant multiculture.
A tiny handful of Britain First supporters have decided to march in Rotherham this weekend expressing their hostility to the mass rapes and cover ups in that town. I don’t know much about the politics of this outfit, other than their hostility to Islam. But they are going to be driven out and outnumbered by muslims, Trots, Socialists, Unions and of course Labour Party supporters, with backing from the cops. No need for the BBC to cover it, just another bit of muscle flexing from the left.
A possibility that, a mass attack is on the cards … which in essence says everything
These Islamic bastards, rape and threaten 1000s children, and their families
Somebody wants to really,(not obfuscate about it) protest about it, and they get threatened
The Police, the Government, the local Council, they are all as thick as thieves …
Perfect Sharia … get used to it eh!
So that’s, Rotherham police try to sabotage “Britain First” protest, while 160 officers facing claims they ignored grooming victims’ pleas
Rotherham Sex Scandal: More Than 160 Police Officers Under Investigation For Ignoring Victims
Jeremy Vine pre prog intro “Germany are taking hundreds of thousands of migrants, what makes us think they all want to come here?”
Indeed Jeremy, lets hope you remind your listeners that once issued with an EU passport what they are able to do….
Where does he think the thousands in Calais are trying to get to?
AlBeeb reporting “Migrants on track disrupt Eurostar”
Yet again – two trains had to turn back last night.
Has our Prime Minister ‘Got a grip’ yet?
I believe Dave still has his hands full sorting out the marauding Seagulls…
Shelly, I am sure the Mail fell for a spoof story from Private Eye. I mean , it cannot be true, surely ?
Hammond, Cameron have no more grip on the migrant issue than Whittingdale has on the BBC.
Nor any more interest in having one. It’s all a front – a complete pretense.
Its only got to take a couple of outrages in Europe on the scale of the 9/11 tragedy, and then we’ll see the backlash against the Muslim migrants begin. How long Germany will stand being overwhelmed by foreign peoples remains to be seen. Even the normal welcoming committees of the Left wing organisations aren’t evident. I wonder why.
Cameron on BBC 1 News at 1pm today stated that taking more immigrants into Europe was not the answer and that we should look at rebuilding their own countries. But I’m sure he’ll deal with the sea-gull problem first as it is easier.
A newspaper in Germany according to the BBC has called the UK the ‘slackers of Europe’ for not taking in any more migrants. I wonder of which political persuasion that paper was? Only the one newspaper? Not exactly a united media front.
The BBC’s report on the trains stuck in the tunnel for four hours by immigrants on the track banging on the windows did not criticise the immigrants. Instead, an apology from Eurostar was read in full. It’s as if Eurostar were at fault.
Could this be BBC blame transfer in action again?
Furthermore, the BBC reporter in Greece talked softly and sympathetically with the immigrants who were angry at not getting their chosen destination. Compare that to the tone of the BBC interview with Nigel Farage recently.
Farage starts the campaign, gets some coverage
So … Cameron trawls out the latest sound bite
Wouldn t trust that prick as far as I could throw George Osborne
Germany is still suffering from post-war guilt.
Leha, not so guilty that they won’t call the British “slackers”. I suspect the “post-war guilt” is a cover while they bide their time before their next stunt ! They are still the bully-boys of Europe.
Germany will eventually return to fascism – only this time it will be Islamic fascism, once the struggle towards to the Caliphate kicks off in earnest there. The numbers are stacking up, not much further to go…
“Trending” on the BBBC website…Read it and vomit, we all want to open the doors to them really.
Oh, Facebook says we should. That’s me convinced.
How many are going to Qatar, or Saudi Arabia or the ,UAE, or Bahrain, or Kuwait …
Stands to reason, you know amongst the world’s richest countries, and all that
yet … none have opened their doors to Syrian refugees?
There all Muslim brothers right … pneumatically drilled into their brains from birth?
above any nationality, the erm … ummah!
”How many are going to Qatar, or Saudi Arabia or the ,UAE, or Bahrain, or Kuwait … ? ” Zero.
I’d love to know how much ‘trending’ goes through a BBC ‘trend’ filter first.
One could ask, but the BBC seems a bit coy when cornered on detail, and like Laura K’s blog, their commitment to trust and transparency stays, with some irony, their little secret.
Turning wot some bloke rote in Iceland into BBC advocacy worldwide is but one way to project ambitions overseas.
Impartial news it is not.
The SWP and Corbynistas contact al-beeb and demand that they run garbage such as this, and of course our State broadcaster complies, as it’s always a sucker for left wing causes and protecting the poor or displaced…Unless of course those ‘poor people” are negating to pay their licence fee – at which point it hauls them through the courts often seeing them imprisoned..
Good luck on the boats making it to Iceland !
Also be funny when Ramadan falls at a time when there is no darkness !
What’s the Arabic for “ain’t life a bitch” ?
ليست الحياة العاهرة
God bless Google translate. Now they can all claim to speak English!
Here’s a Poll the BBC Didn’t Report
Of a few, my fave so far is:
Wild Bill • 21 minutes ago
Interesting link. BBC say:
“Measured objectively – weekly reach, audience appreciation, investment in new British content, level of public trust, and value for money – the BBC performs well.”
In my world, if you have objective data you provide a reference so that the reader, if interested, can check on the methodology. I’m interested, because I strongly suspect it is made-up bollocks.
Luckily not a BBC HYS, so likely to stay open beyond 5pm in case any actual public get home and feel like chipping in.
Have the bBC found a migrant that isn’t a highly qualified engineer/doctor/scientist yet? These certainly don’t fit the bill.
I like the Heineken vest, but isn’t that ever so slightly “haram”? You know, alcohol and all that.
Muslims can bend the rules if it’s all in furtherance of The Cause.
To be fair, there may be a few rocket scientists in there.
Those Grads and Katushyas from Tower Hamlets to Westminster won’t guide themselves you know once Werner of Peenemunde has given them their ‘Get all around Europe free’ passports.
I should clarify this was written more in satire.
As is well known, the aforementioned rocketry does not require or have guidance system, so as to provide Mishal Husain and Tim Willcox satisfactory collateral stats for their bizarre senses of moral equivalence.
Now, buff soldiers of Islam well versed in making IEDs out of washing liquid bottles and sticky back plastic from the corner shop…. likely a few.
Geoff, The UK needs more male nurses too !
Ironic isn’t it these migrants once arrived in Europe seem to get a choice of country, yet us the citizens get zero choice as to who we have to share our birthright with.
Just got in and took the dog out, its fair to say I live in a fairly affluent area in the West Country, yet in my local park there were a group of immigrants, not too dissimilar from those we see in Calais, as loud as brass (if only I could understand what they were saying) and seemingly very happy with their new home, I wouldn’t trust them as far as I could throw them, obviously not working (4.30?) and quite sinister. Why TF should I have to share my area with scum like this? What choice have we the British been given?
The increase in migrants in my area have certainly been noticeable in the last six months, as I guess it has everywhere else in the UK.
The more invaders a neighbourhood gets , the more a sense of alienation the native British gets, leading to white flight.
There will be nowhere left to flee to soon.
Same here in Wales .
”as loud as brass (if only I could understand what they were saying)” Being all rockets scientists I suppose rocket science stuff.
All this lot flooding over the borders into Europe, ; how are they going to be paid for ? there cant be enough jobs for clearly mainly young men; houses aren’t going to be built quickly to house them all; tax payers aint going to be chuffed at having to pay for them either. The governments need to start thinking long term and start building some new prisons, because they sure as hell are going to need them if there are no jobs. No jobs breeds crime, drugs, prostitution. Then there is the cultural difference – no more needs to be said.
“houses aren’t going to be built quickly to house them all”.
I’ve been thinking about this problem and I may have an answer – comments welcome.
Firstly, all these people providing this multi-cultural enrichment need to be in a society that is already multi-cultural, so that they don’t feel like aliens. This means that they need to be housed in London.
Secondly, we need to provide a lot of temporary accommodation quickly, and so a camp of wooden huts needs to be built in a large open space. Hampstead Heath seems to be ideal. The camp doesn”t need to be fenced as the new-comers need to learn about British society, and so can go out every day to meet the locals, returning to the camp to sleep – unless they have been taken in by a friendly local. I’m sure that Hampstead will provide a warm welcome.
Thirdly, the camp will need a turnover of residents to make space for new campers, so a number of large houses will need to be acquired and converted to multiple occupation. Islington seems to have lots of large houses and should be an ideal location for a target of one converted house in every street. I am sure that the locals in Islington will be as welcoming as those in Hampstead.
These arrangements will solve the problem until such time as the government grows a pair.
I’d give it about a week.
It will be fascinating to see how the BBC reports such developments.
I want to become a migrant, I fancy a villa in the south of France.
Can I become one too? I mean, Tuscany is soooo last year, dontcha know.
I did – and I highly recommend it.
My only beef is the cost of the health care (including a mutuelle insurance policy), and the knowledge that all those other immigrants won’t have to go through the hoops that I did, to become affiliated.
Can you IMAGINE all these hundreds of thousands who will eventually be given asylum and the necessary paperwork and passports, start to cross the channel because they are legally able to do so ? Its a totally frightening scenario that despite Germany offering to take in close to a million, any one or all of those could end up legally and permanently in this country.
And don’t forget when they do reach the land of milk & honey they will quickly invoke their ‘right’ to a family life, meaning Mrs & 6 baby parasites will tag along for the free ride at our expense. The legal scum, such as Cherie Blair and her cohorts, that represent this filth should be lined up with them.
SKY news reporter Mark Stone to Hungarian minister Zolton Kolvacs ” Can’t you see they’re DESPERATE refugees, women and children crying ????” So desperate in fact they’ve fled from 5 or 6 safe countries, Turkey, Greece, Macedonia, Serbia, Croatia, Hungary to get to Germany and Sweden. What a bunch of chancers.
Nice to know that the UNHCR either doesn’t know or is lying on the BBC regarding the refugee issue, on tonight’s PM on radio 4.
Edwin Edwards from the UNHCR was asked if the majority of people from Syria would be classed as refugees claimed that they would because of the level of fighting going on in Syria. Here however is the convention:
Article 1 of the Convention, as amended by the 1967 Protocol, defines a refugee as:
“A person who owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality and is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country; or who, not having a nationality and being outside the country of his former habitual residence as a result of such events, is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to return to it..”
Note that there is no provision for someone fleeing from war – civil or from an external enemy to claim refugee status.
Be aware of the weasel words though -” can anyone from Syria claim asylum” – anyone can claim it although claiming is not the same as having good grounds for doing so.
The problems with Syrians though is this:
“No Contracting State shall expel or return (‘refouler’) a refugee in any manner whatsoever to the frontiers of territories where his life or freedom would be threatened on account of his race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social or political opinion”
Obviously we cannot return people to a war zone as their lives and the lives of those transporting them would be at serious risk.
Debate on Radio 4 about comedy, and whether it’s too left wing
Out comes the beeboid who pronounces that listeners do not want to hear comedy that sounds like a guy & his right wing mates off on a stag do.
We don’t apparently want to hear comedy the like of Jeremy Clarkson with his racist sexist and homophobic attitudes or jokes, in fact listeners want the BBC to fight against such things.
Then she went back into her left wing bubble far away from the pressures of reality and what her audience really want which is anything but her !
Aunty knows best !
Kuensberg in full hand wringing mode on the six o clock news this evening. Apparently only the hardest of hearts could fail to be moved by the plight of the people migrating to Europe. She suggested that one of the fears of allowing the current swarm in was that it may encourage economic migrants to follow them????? She seemed to be trying to portray Cameron as some sort of fascist. God knows how she would report it if he actually took positive steps to prevent them.
Al Beeb is stating that our Prime minister is under ‘growing pressure’ to take in more immigrants.
Growing Pressure from whom ? A Europe that does not represent a great majority of the people of Great Britain.
The propaganda emanating from AlBeeb is getting more ‘Desperate’ . Does Europe fund AlBeeb or is it funded by the British Licence payer ?
Al Beeb knows full well the feelings of the people of this country by the comments on their own website.
‘Growing Pressure from whom ? ‘
Best one can judge, some geezer from Iceland and a few thousand assorted hand-wringers being channeled by a few hundred Eloi in the BBC (and other broadcasters) who speak for the nation, apparently, and the Westminster bubble heads in their thrall.
The rest of the population, having voted democratically not so long ago, don’t seem to count too much.
”don’t seem to count too much. ” nor do the 1400 victims in Rotherham
The “Hungarian Government” seems to be coming in for some heavy handed treatment from our state broadcaster. They found a Hungarian lady the other night who was opposed to fences being put up. However, this is not some sort of fascist dictatorship creating a new iron curtain; but a centre right ruling party who won an election in a constitutional system based on the German Basic Law.
Al Beeb seems to be playing fast and loose with the way it presents these issues to suit it’s higher purposes.
Its not just that nasty right wing Hungarian government, none of the central and east European EU members are going to be bullied into taking economic migrants just because Germany unilaterally changed EU immigration policy.
The other day Milos Zeman the elected President of the Czech Republic and a SOCIALIST told people who had signed a petition in support of the migrants that they should take one into there home if they are so keen.
I hear Bill is leaving BBc Breakfast after 15 years. I wonder what will replace him?
Apologies if posted already ,but some things deserve repeating
Dam you Dave666
The latest BBC propaganda:
The BBC have for some time been trying to make out that Twitter represents the general view, but this takes the biscuit, for now….. Representative my arse! I see no mention of the hashtag #breakingintobritain
Remeber these filthy left-wing scum on Twitter were the very same idiots who genuinely thought that Miliband was going to walk up downing street on mat 8th.