Hi all! I’ve been across in Sweden for a short break and just back so catching up with things. One of the additional downsides of catching early flights is listening to BBC world service news “briefings” so earlier this morning, around 4.30m, I was listening to a BBC report saluting the courage of those “brave’ Austrians who turned up to welcome a swarm of third world “refugees” in Vienna. The whole tone of this BBC report was PRO acceptance of illegal immigration and it really is disgraceful that they get away with this insidious propaganda.
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The BBC World Service is essentially Socialist Radio. I’ve been saying this for a while. During the wee small hours the BBC pumps out an unrelenting agenda of dogmatic ‘one worldism’ in which nations are no more than an illusion – we are, in fact, all a ‘collective’; borders are an insult and all ‘migration’ is, of course, good migration.
These chumps do it because they think nobody at home is actually listening. They reveal their true colours while they think our backs are turned and they do it on the public dime – because, to them, this is what the BBC is actually meant for.
The BBC are not socialist, They are unrelentingly corporatist, which is much worse. IF they were socialist, then they would create all their broadcastable content in-house, and none of the BBC staff would also have positions in, or private ownership of, private production companies. They use tax-payers money to pay for funding and running private production companies, of which they exploit every tax-dodging rule in the book to become privately rich, off the back of public funds. That is not socialism. It is corrupt corporatism.
Is it legal for the BBC to actively and positively promote, encourage or otherwise incite large scale criminal activity? Surely that is what the BBC is doing by constantly broadcasting a continuous barrage of nakedly-pro criminal immigration propaganda?
Why is it that they very carefuly scour the “refugee” camps to filter down to a few children which they immediately and very nievely accept, without any investigation, or corroboration whatsoever, have come from an active war-zone and have desperate experiences? Simple, to pull on the heartstrings of the soft, delusional liberal progressives. It is not independent, unbiased news, IT IS PROPAGANDA!
Where are the interviews with hordes of terrorists, rapists, child abusing child sex-slavery gangs and other assorted slovenly, scrounging scum who are also pouring across our non-existent borders? If the BBC were balanced, impartial and unbiased, then they would investigate and examine the so-called sob-stories from those children they claim to be from an active war zone… (Syria is NOT an active war zone… Only parts of it are and there have been people who are NOT at risk in Syria trying to get here) and why don’t they interview people who we do not want to come here too? WHERE IS THE BALANCE?
The BBC are desperately trying to deceive this country into believing that every single one of those illegal criminal entrants to our country is a genuine, proven, needy, poor abused refugee who will certainly die if we refuse them entrance from France.
Well, if France is so bloody dangerous, why are we still in the EU with them?
The BBC are blatantly pushing an entirely false narritive. They are lying their arses off for a nakedly unpatriotic political agenda. The BBC are an utter disgrace and should be completely closed down as an enemy of the British people.
The population of Syria is about 18 million. It wouldn’t surprise me if half that number of people have been claiming to come from that awful country, despite there being little perceptible difference in the number of people still living there.
I would have more sympathy for the BBC if they highlighted the plight of those REALLY living in abject poverty, like in the slums of Calcutta, and taking to task the Indian government for allowing it to continue. Those that are crossing from the hellhole of Turkey (er, hello ?), having paid thousands of Euros (lucky to have it), and don’t look exactly undernourished with their Smartphones, modern haircuts and trendy sportswear, are not that ‘desperate’ compared to those poor souls in caste ridden India. The BBC and the media in general should now realise that only they are sympathetic, everyone I speak to have no feelings, except they’re not wanted here, – funny how there’s a lack of roving reporters on the streets of Britain asking whether we should take in more migrants, because they know what the answer will be.