Migration madness at Budapest rail station
When Nigel Farage asked ‘”How many millions does Europe want to take? That really is the question.” Sarah Montague on the Today programme snapped back ‘Forget that’, her narrative being there should be no limit to immigration as there was a ‘moral obligation’ to help these refugees ‘from Syria’.
It’s remarkable how BBC employees, unelected but rather enamoured wth their job in the BBC which they seem to think gives them the right to malign others and pass judgement on their ‘morality’.
Libby Purvis in the Times yesterday, with no acknowledgement of her role at the BBC, told us that she ‘couldn’t be proud of a barbed-wired Europe.’ Really? Just how many migrants is she willing to take when they turn up at her own door…or will she, reluctantly no doubt, turn them away?
She tells us that they come ‘From the Middle East, Africa, Afghanistan come the migrants, asking only to stay alive, work, ask big Mama Europe for the basic rights they are denied at home.’
On that basis just about anyone from any country could come here. Billions.
She admits the factor that draws them here is that...’They know that once within the magic ring, Schengen means tney can travel freely’…..which is why it should be shut down immediately.
She asks ‘Why has Big Europe not moved in sharply with money and humanitarian aid?’…to create camps and reception areas in countries like Turkey and Iraq and Libya. But the UK has thrown £900 million towards helping the refugees and the UN is chucking money at them…and they spurn it and abandon safety in the camps and head to Europe on unnecessary, dangerous journeys to suckle on ‘Big Mama’s‘ teat direct….and we have to house, clothe, feed, educate, treat and police them and find room somewhere for them.
She says we should welcome the refugees with open arms and open borders and ‘To hell’ with anyone who says otherwise.
The arrogance of these BBC types knows no bounds. What is it about a job at the BBC that makes them think they are the only people with thoughts, values and beliefs that matter? A BBC paycheck seems to be a passport to sanctimonious sainthood in their eyes.
Maybe Jesus has come back to earth in the shape of Libby Purvis or Sarah Montague. Holier than thou the pair of them.
I agree completely with your views of the BBC presenters. Their arrogance is breathtaking and they do indeed think that only liberal left views, which they preach at every opportunity, have any moral validity and to hell with the consequences. As for us ordinary folk who don’t share their values , they think that we are all backward non progressives, either because we are thick or because we are evil and uncaring. It simply doesn’t bother them that the majority of people who have to pay for the BBC, or face a possible prison sentence, don’t agree with them. Their view is that they are above the common folk who pay their wages. Why a Tory government seems set to allow this leftist elite to force their views down our throats is beyond me.
Sneering Sarah Montague this morning could barely contain her distaste for Mr Farage on the Today interview. Helpfully for her, Nigel wasn’t at all on form, so she naturally moved in for the kill (no doubt Ms Husain was silently cheerleading her from the sidelines).
I guess the BBC can legitimately claim to have given the other side of the argument ample time to make their case, though. Mr Farage had the best part of perhaps 10mins BBC air time (prime time, too) this morning to get his points across. He could have done it. He should have done it. But he wasn’t really there – his arguments were poorly marshalled and his command of the facts left wanting. Ms Montague wasted little time punishing him.
Mr Farage will have to do better; this was a perfect opportunity to lay out the battleground, to spell out the essential arguments against the EU, against a ‘borderless Europe’ and why Europe should be worried by the so-called ‘migrant crisis’. Sadly, Mr Farage fluffed it. There are no two ways about it.
This time the BBC wins. Farage will have to do a lot better next time. The BBC have tasted blood, and you can bet they will be back for more.
Sadly, agreed. I don’t like having to say it but Mr Farage walked right into Montague’s trap and then flailed around while she poked him with a sharp stick.
The point isn’t that the BBC gave Farage a hard time – that’s what we pay them to do. The point is that they don’t give the other side of the argument anything more than a box of tissues to sob into and the promise of more of our money.
That’s bias.
In the short term perhaps it will seem to be not be a good thing for the conservative resistance but it is essential to refuse to engage with the BBC/liberal media now.
Firstly the liberal ascendancy will not like it and secondly events are going to make the conservative realist seem the only sane person around. Let the liberal media talk to itself. Refuse all contact .
We have the internet ( for now ) and this is where the debate will take place not on PM or Toady or in the Guardian.
The ordinary people in the small towns and the shires have made up their minds and the elite is fearful now. Time is on our side not theirs.
The trouble is, it’s always Nigel Farage. And the Ministry of Truth knows it. So, they pick on him again and again to go to an interview. And they want HIM, mainly. And, if he says he cannot do it, they will say that he had been invited and declined…….. They want him to break.
Would the bbc complain, I wonder, if millions of white Christians fled Europe and headed for, say, South Africa to claim asylum? How would the South African government respond; with open arms? Somehow I doubt it.
Or, would the BBC support the movement of the white European South Africans back to the lands of their forefathers, to escape the white genocide which is slowly occurring there?
Though I believe many ordinary Africans would like Whites to move back, so they can have jobs, food, clean water, electricity, and a half-decent adminstration and judicial service.
NCBBC, I live in Gambia and I can confirm that what you say is true.
Would Sarah Montague feel the same if the BBC decided to cut some of their own excessive and completely unjustifiable costs by employing one of those economic migrants to do her job instead?
I think they will change their tune once the danger of they and their daughters being gang raped, becomes a clear and present danger. The number of rapes of native girls has a direct correspondence with the number of Muslim males that one has in a society. Then we will hear how men are not doing their God ordained duty to defend womenfolk.
Here is a Scandinavian multicultural liberal hitting a reality check. Ouch!
“We are not obliged to destroy our own society. We must stop before that if we possibly can,” he says.
The communists are in control of the Scandinavian countries and they appear to be suffering from brain damage because I cannot otherwise understand why they are intent on destroying their own countries. But then I think many in the bbc, the guardian newspaper and the Labour Party have also suffered brain damage.
I think it will only change when the non integrating ghettos stretch to their residences.
Muslims love to integrate with young White girls. Who says they dont integrate?
A brief exposure of an essay that needs to be read in full. Germany’s Muslim Demograhic Revolution-Germany’s Muslim population is set to skyrocket by more than 700,000 in 2015, pushing the total number of Muslims in the country to nearly 6 million for the first time.
The surge in Germany’s Muslim population – propelled by a wave of migration unprecedented since the Second World War – represents a demographic shift of epic proportions, one that critics of the country’s open-door immigration policy warn will change the face of Germany forever. Of the 800,000 migrants and refugees arriving in Germany in 2015, at least 80% (or 640,000) are Muslim, according to a recent estimate by the Central Council of Muslims in Germany (Zentralrat der Muslime in Deutschland, ZMD), a Muslim umbrella group based in Cologne. In addition to security concerns (Islamic radicals are almost certainly trying to enter Germany disguised as refugees), they say, the surge in Muslim immigration will accelerate the Islamization of Germany, a process that is already well under way. Islam is the fastest growing religion in post-Christian Germany. This is evidenced by the fact that an increasing number of churches in Germany are being converted into mosques, some of which are publicly sounding calls to prayer (the adhan) from outdoor loudspeaker systems. The increase is such that some neighbourhoods in Germany evoke the sights and sounds of the Muslim Middle East.Islamic Sharia law is advancing rapidly throughout Germany, with Sharia courts now operating in all of Germany’s big cities. This “parallel justice system” is undermining the rule of law in Germany, experts warn, but government officials are “powerless” to do anything about it. At the same time, German judges are increasingly referring and deferring to Sharia law in German law courts.Spiralling levels of violent crime perpetrated by shiftless immigrants from the Middle East and the Balkans have turned parts of German cities into “areas of lawlessness” – areas that are de facto “no-go” zones for police. In Wuppertal, groups of bearded Muslim radicals calling themselves the “Sharia Police” have tried to enforce Islamic law on the streets by distributing yellow leaflets that explain the Islamist code of conduct in the city’s Sharia zones. For us today, what is at stake is Europe, the lifestyle of European citizens, European values, the survival or disappearance of European nations, and more precisely formulated, their transformation beyond recognition. Today, the question is not merely in what kind of a Europe we would like to live, but whether everything we understand as Europe will exist at all.”
That is a sample but should be enough to gird our Politicians into action of closing our borders to any immigrants that have not made specific claims to the authorities. If these immigrants now swarming into Europe have paid to be smuggled into Europe, their claims under Refugee Law would be rejected as illegal.
“…Of the 800,000 migrants and refugees arriving in Germany in 2015, at least 80% (or 640,000) are Muslim, according to a recent estimate by the Central Council of Muslims in Germany (Zentralrat der Muslime in Deutschland, ZMD), a Muslim umbrella group based in Cologne.”
This is the future that awaits all the nations of Europe. This is the future the BBC never wants to discuss. This the the future that is massing on the shores of continental Europe, staring with a mixture of envy and malevolence across the English Channel. This is the future that nightly attempts to steal its way into the Channel Tunnel, or into the back of container lorries heading for the south coast of Great Britain.
The BBC tells us that all these young muslim men are hapless, harmless architects, doctors, lawyers and teachers, all seeking asylum, all doubtless impatient to integrate into their host nation’s free democracies, to set aside their muslim bigotry, religious hate, homophobia, racism and worse…
That’s what the BBC tells us. Who knows, maybe they even believe it themselves.
But Germany – that canary in the mine – might be the first powder keg to explode. Or perhaps Sweden. France isn’t looking too stable, either.
This is the future.
And when that first country falls, and implements Sharia, do you think that the Muslim government and army of that nation will peacefully co-exist with it’s neighbours?
Lots on PM about migrants and how we should open our doors to them. Its been an endless offensive by the BBC for weeks now. There was also lots on PM about charity chuggers demanding ever more money from the public. Do you think that the BBC is the biggest chugger of all ?
There is a view within Labour that their party should not have to compromise it’s ideals for the sake of winning a General Election. In other words, if the Labour Party becomes only a pressure group, then so be it.
The same can be said of the BBC. They exist within their own left-wing political utopia and don’t represent the views of the British population.
Everytime I hear that weasel shit about “moral obligations”…I reach for my spud gun.
These godless atheist morons have spent their lives in banishing God from any public discourse.
There is no such thing as morality unless there`s a God Gold Standard as far as I can tell.
These chimps really should not use words that can`t and won`t define…abortions yes, euthansia yes-but murdering criminals-no, they must NOT be killed-as opposed to foetuses and oldies.
Let the likes of Montague explain THAT corkscrew ride of “morality”…utterly thick hippie renegades from the Montessori kindergarten…and we pay for their fetid conscience waving every day on Radio Gag,
“There is no such thing as morality unless there`s a God Gold Standard as far as I can tell.”
Since Jews, Christians & Muslims all worship the same God, but have been finding “moral” reasons to murder each other and different versions of themselves for centuries; your mythical “Gold Standard” is made of fools.
The only person responsible for your own particular moral code is you and you alone. Trying to offload that responsibility onto some imaginary god man in the sky is just cowardice hiding behind a thin veneer of vanity.
And you know it.