Just caught 5Live and they were talking about the migrants in Hungary where they have been prevented from travelling on the trains…a migrant told the credulous BBC presenter that the Hungarians were picking people by the colour of their skin to get on the train….‘Really?’ said our eager newshound….’They’re picking people by skin colour?!!’
You have to laugh, if it weren’t so serious, at the BBC employee’s utter desperation to find something, anything, to fling at anyone who dares to delay the march of the migrants, even if they have to make it up.
This is not surprising from the bBBC, raddled with racism: brown/ black skin = good; white skin = bad.
I’ve yet to see any white immigrants in the crowds. So, what’s the problem for the BBC?
BBC 1 News at 6 had a lady from Sudan, in Hungary, complaining that she had spent all her money on a train ticket but was not being allowed into the station. Beeboid failed to ask any of the obvious questions. Unbelievable !
The BBC has it in for Hungary.Not toeing the party line. Check out the Hungarian leader. Not at all the sort of vacillating politician so beloved of our useless media and politicos. The Guardian attempted a hatchet job at the end of July.
It is in Hungary and Poland and Slovakia and The Czech Republic where the liberal Western idiots will get there come uppance.
They are the real Europeans now not our lot and Merkel ,Cameron, and the Frenchman.
Ok, this is how I see it.
Things have changed. We are now way beyond bias in the media, the situation is one of wholesale news management. This includes omission, ‘tailoring’ and complete management of the non-news programming. I have given up spending too much time in wondering who is controlling all this – it doesn’t, perhaps, matter as much as the simple fact that it is happening.
What it implies is the important thing. Nobody bothers to control the news like this unless they have lost control of events themselves. It means that, whoever the powers are, they are no longer able to assert themselves effectively, and are approaching free-fall in the real world.
It may console us, that things are coming to such a pass, but it really shouldn’t. It could get worse.
If radial control (of communications from the centre outwards) does not succeed in calming down the domestic populations, then we will find peer-to-peer communications will be made increasingly difficult, and may effectively disappear altogether, as far as opinion media are concerned. The internet culture is almost complete now, and independent channels of contact are very simply turned off in a way that hasn’t been the case since mediaeval times.
When the Soviet Union fell, central control crumbled remarkably quickly, and the demos occupied the vacated space with little delay. However, at that time there was considerable external visibility and assistance in doing so, from the West. If the West itself is now staring into an existential abyss, there is no-one on the sidelines to lend a helping hand to a suppressed population. The nature of the oppression is too subtle, and indeed the population is itself widely painted into a corner as an oppressor.
In addition, much of the external world is hostile not just to Western governments, but also to the people themselves and their cultural institutions. If we are to survive and not simply observe the eclipse of our society helplessly, then we will need to be self-reliant in our attitudes. The first casualty of war has already fallen, but it will not be the last.
I agree completely. My thought are the same. If you read to the latest speeches coming out of Iran you soon realise the hatred they have for us and the West in general. That hatred is not just against governments but directly directed at us. The extreme hatred of Israel is also a warning to us. They are freely available and it is extraordinary that no comment is made in the MSM.
This crisis ,and that is what it is, has been a long time coming. I was talking about it in the 90s to friends and family but ignored.
I was much influenced in this by a Russian Jew who said that the West would lack the will to defend itself eventually against a revived Islamic attack. That the USA would leave Europe and that a revived Russia might, only might mind you, come eventually to the aid of a beleaguered West. One possible scenario.
The implications of Russian hegemony are of course unknown.
The collapse of liberalism is upon us and it will collapse quickly. That is always true of great change. I suggest we watch Hungary closely. As well as the other Eastern nations of Europe.
To return to the coming collapse of fantasy liberalism. It will affect all areas of our lives and at the moment I cannot see anything more clearly than that. Politics, ethics, morality, all economic actions etc.
You are right .The Powers that be are losing control and they know it. I suggest caution as a wounded beast is always dangerous. and our beast will resort to oppression in order to stave of it’s demise.
How long before real action against us dissidents is taken? The EU powers do not have that inbuilt notion of freedom that we in Britian have. I suspect the first actions against free men will come from Europe.
I always like to think of Homer’s telling of Odysseus retaking Ithica. Slowly and carefully and testing those he needs as allies before committing himself.
If we are to restore sanity to our Western world then that is how we must be.
Yes, it is we who are facing an existential crisis. The BBC and other juornos are not capable of thinking beyond the next headline..
If these mostly young males, well equipped by then ir families ,make it, then they will send for their fmilies. We are looking at millions, even tens of millions, every year, as family re-unification kicks in. Good bye Christian Europe and hello Sharia.
The reality is that these migrants do not wish to live in Turkey, a reasonably civilised Islamic country and a fellow Islamic country. No culture clash then.
In essence these Muslim migrants are fleeing from Islam. However, once safely ensconced in the West, they will conveniently forget what made them flee, assign false narratives about Islam, and then continue the Jihad in the West, as mandated by the Koran. By then Sharia will come about by normal electoral process, with some slaughter and blood, as the Koran warrants that conquest can be sealed only by blood.
I made this comment elsewhere, but I think it is specifically relevant to my comment above on the swamp of news management we are now forced to wade through on a daily basis. Reading it, it does seem extreme, but then I am extremely angry at being told what to think by broadcasters who claim a superiority in morality which I don’t think they possess.
“These civil-front invaders have swapped AK47s for babies, brandished above their heads as weapons.
“This is biological warfare of the cruellest kind, the cynical manipulation of Western morality by a population of ruthless criminals, the descendants of slavers and worse.
“They are the same people who beg at street corners in the ME, whose most valuable possession is a finely-honed ‘theatre of suffering’, which they use without hesitation or remorse, deliberately starving their children and clothing them in rags. They will even practise self-mutilation in their pursuit of alms.
“These rioters at our borders and transport hubs are going much, much further. They are intent on overwhelming our civil society by manipulating our collective and individual guilt and shame – they are using techniques which have been practised for centuries in their own primitive societies, to pursue an invasion which bypasses all our carefully developed defensive mechanisms.
“Next time someone thrusts a filthy and frightened young child in the face of a reporter, or a hysterical, pregnant woman, think:
‘Where is the NSPCC when it is needed? Where are our Social Services, all of a sudden? Where are all those agencies of society that busy themselves in policing our relationships for moral dereliction and neglect? Where are they in the face of naked, disgusting, exploitation by adults who make Dickens’ Fagin look like a saint?’
“Where indeed?? Whatever else they are, these ‘desperate’ individuals are disgusting and degenerate adverts for the very worst of humanity, who, unlike their victims, deserve no pity whatsoever from us. We should feel no guilt – we should feel extreme anger at their utter degradation and inhumanity.”