Both Jeremy Clarkson and Roy Chubby Brown are now censored by the BBC. But the popularity of Top Gear showed us that Jeremy Clarkson was by far the most popular comedian on the BBC.
I Prefer the clean and patriotic comedy of Ken Dodd, but if you like a bit of rude politically incorrect comedy, then see Roy Chubby Brown Live at the Spa Bridlington on Friday 18th September. Also Tim Vine is appearing at the Spa on Saturday 10th October. Vine is probably classed as right-wing by the BBC, due to his concentration on being funny, rather than regarding comedy as being an abbreviation for Communistically Educated Yarn. COM-ED-Y is officially imposed by the BBC on behalf of the Labour Party, represented at the BBC by Arthur Smith, the joint BBC/Labour Party, Chief COM-ED-Y Officer. That’s not a joke.
If you’d listened to PM today, you’d be aware that when it comes to comedy, Radio 4 “ensures the broadest spectrum of views are brought to the listener” (Like Russell Brand, they’re at their funniest when trying to be serious)
Starts at the 51:15 mark
Listening to Radio4 just after 12pm today I caught a segment from the programme Coming of Age
The Why Factor Episode 8 of 10 Listen in pop-out player Two girls, two stories, two very different outcomes. A party for one… a painful ordeal for another.
Mike Williams asks Why societies around the world, mark a single, special day as the point when childhood ends and adulthood begins?
The first part tells of a girl attaining adulthood with in her society in San Antonio, Texas. The second tells of a younger girl undergoing horrific FGM (female genital mutilation) after which she s considered an adult and will be married off.
Now from which society have you heard of this practice being perpetuated? One that some are still carrying it on in this country?
Would that be Muslims?
But who do the BBC consider relevant to use an example of this practise?
Teddy, to be fair , most muslims do not practice FGM. In Africa , some tribes practice it but some do not. For example , in West Africa, the Wolof tribe do not, even though most of them are muslim. The confusion arises where some African muslims think it is an Islamic practice. I do not think it is referred to in the Koran. However, I would not expect the BBC to understand these things, so they probably chose the Masai to be on the safe side.
Grant, I completely respect your desire to be fair. 🙂
There’s an excellent article here to shed more light on the subject, and does have reference to a passage in the Koran about it. Evidence shows that is also prevalent in some Middle Eastern areas.
One thing I’m sure we can both agree on right now, of the 20,000 girls who it is reckoned endure FGM each year in this country, I doubt many of them are from the Masai tribe.
Without details from the UK actually identifying if there is a religious thread to many of them, and I doubt any doing it will publish it as it’s too non PC, I’d say it’s a fair guess that the majority would link to the fundamentalist Islamic mentality.
Teddy, yes I do agree. The BBC need to explain why they do not do more to expose FGM in the UK and the UK Government and police need to explain why they are doing so little about FGM. So far as the Koran is concerned, there is a lot of debate about it among scholars, and I am not a Koranic scholar !
For the same reason that all those former colonies (and even one or two non British ones) chose to join the British Commonwealth, as it used to be known, on gaining independence.
We’re not perfect, but we’re not evil incarnate either.
”More than 12,000 people have shown their support for an Icelandic writer’s Facebook plea for her country to take in more refugees. That might not sound like a lot, but bear in mind the total population of Iceland is not much more than 300,000.
Bryndis Bjorgvinsdottir is offering a refugee a place to stay, The government of Iceland has said it will take in 50 asylum seekers this year.
Not everyone was supportive. “Islam is totally not compatible with Europe,” read one comment. But most of the comments were broadly positive about the refugees and about Bjorgvinsdottir’s initiative.
‘Shaming’ Arab countries
Four million Syrian refugees who have fled the war in their country, most have fled to countries – Turkey, Lebanon or Jordan. But despite their proximity to Syria, NO Syrians claiming asylum have been taken in by Saudi Arabia or other wealthy Gulf countries.” ( Seems the Saudis aren’t mugs.)
Something odd about Scandinavian people. Iceland of all places. I suppose so many generations of peace and plenty have blunted their survival instincts.
Marxism or Decadence ? the cause of Western weakness by Fjordman
” It is also true that not all those who undermine Western civilization through support for Multiculturalism and mass immigration do so out of a hidden political agenda. Some do it out of plain stupidity and vanity. “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s most open-minded of them all?” It’s a beauty contest for bored, Western intellectuals who use immigrants as a mirror to reflect their own inflated egos, a sport where they can nurse their vanity in the mistaken belief that denigrating your own cultural heritage is a sign of goodness and lack of prejudice.
I suspect that part of the craziness on display now stems from feelings of guilt because of affluence. I hear so many of these open border activists talk about “solidarity,” but in reality it’s all about me, me, me. They don’t show much solidarity with their own children and grandchildren who are going to inherit the Balkanized nightmare they leave behind. It’s all about making them feel good about themselves right now, without regard for future consequences of their actions. So their “solidarity” is really an extreme form of egotism and holier-than-thou self-exaltation. Besides, many of them have lived sheltered lives for so long that they honestly don’t understand that something bad can ever happen to them. They’ve never had to fight for their freedom or their prosperity, which had been ensured by others.”
”Something odd about Scandinavian people. Iceland of all places.” The further away whites live from Third Worlders the more naive, foolish and delusional they are.
“The further away whites live from Third Worlders the more naive, foolish and delusional they are.”
And the least affected …. for a while, at least.
Your previous post sums them up perfectly.
BTW – much fuss today over graphic pictures of the child washed up on a Turkish beach. Pictures of the murdered Fogel family might have had a similar effect, had anybody bothered to publish them.
How the likes of Iannucci can claim there is no liberal bias at the BBC with a straight face is beyond parody.
A little snapshot from tonight, BBC1 6 – 7pm.
News – sob story city and the plight of the immigrants. Laura Kuenssberg: “Even those with the hardest hearts blah blah……but David Cameron has said no………”
(small aside here – has anybody else noticed how these “refugees” seem so damn fit and healthy? – not a gaunt body in sight. And why oh why don’t they “flee” to the hugely wealthy Islamic states of Saudi, UAE, Qatar etc? And why isn’t every EU member fighting for them to stay in their country such is their positive economic impact and socially enriching influence?)
I digress.
Local news Look North – and it’s all Boy meets Girl the new groundbreaking transgender sitcom set in the North East. Starring a real life bloke who is now a woman we’re told . Erm, quite impossible my Y chromosome carrying mate.
Then a TV licence ad. Featuring a mixed race family, natch. Dark skins outnumbering whites, natch.
Then a swift taster of what’s to come on The One Show, Labour Party supporting left wing luvvie, Patrick Stewart.
The BBC – incessantly boiling the piss of a nation
Points West as similar, nothing newsworthy but they had to shoe in an migrant story, poor Tahir from the Sudan, clung to a bus and arrived in January now living comfortably in Swindon, plenty of time was given for him to tell us how bad Calais was.
We then move on to local aiders working in Calais, we hear about how cold and the flooding there.
1) Why does no one ever ask why they have passed through so many safe country’s to live like animals in Calais, because the bBC won’t admit that migrants have an unbreakable strong belief that the UK gives them everything for nothing, thats why!
2) We get this migrant shite continually in all our papers and news reports, why must local bBC always try and find a tenuous local link? Really I don’t give a flying F&*£! Just give us the bloody local news.
Points West covering Calais , I guess they are trying to import more viewers to the West Country . I`ll watch out for Look East ,covering Budapest next .
A well-fed mob of military-age males, each of whom has been funded to the extent of several thousand dollars to get there.
A 3-year-old child’s pathetic body, exposed to mortal risk by his family, in a manner which if it happened in the UK would have resulted in the parents being charged with neglect and reckless endangerment at the least, and possibly manslaughter, a disgusting abuse of their own child.
The images won’t be allowed to go away. Nor should they. They are images which will ultimately serve the truth. They need relentless exposure so that they can be wrested away from the wilful and wicked lies that currently surround them like a foul dictator’s bodyguard. The more they are seen, the more those lies will be shown for what they are and demolished.
Emotional blackmail is just that – blackmail. It is being perpetrated on us through the media, threatening us with moral opprobrium backed up by economic and political sanctions. The media are being used against their own audiences, to threaten and bully them. The BBC is at the forefront of this because of its domestic reach, but it is not alone.
Half the immigrant invasion is across Turkey. Turkey is a safe state. All arriving in the Greek Islands or across land borders in Eastern Europe should be returned to Turkey. None can be seen as asylum seekers because they have already reached the asylum of Turkey.
This whole problem at the eastern end of the Med should be shoved back down Turkey’s throat. If any nation is failing to deal with ISIS it is Turkey. The migrants there are all Muslims and should stay in a safe Muslim state.
I don’t think Turkey can be criticised when it’s taken in and supported over 1 million Syrian displaced people, start getting hostile with them and they might just open the floodgates !
Although we see asylum seekers, the numbers are nothing like as high as they are in countries which are the first safe one they enter.
Fleet Street Fox actually writes for the Daily Mirror not the Daily Mail which probably explains why she made such a fool of herself on Question Time a while ago.
She’s also often seen as a studio guest reviewing the newspapers and joins the long list of left-wing journos who have nothing to contribute because, basically, they’re a bit thick.
Added to that she looks a bit rough – the sort who probably doesn’t change her underwear that often.
I agree with all the above, but my language is a little more ‘tempered’; but I will say that Laura K has started off showing where her sympathies lay – not good.
Heard a news report about a tourist and his family queuing in Calais to get back home. Because of migrant activity – running riot on the motorway and breaking into lorries – all the car windows were shut. However, the 15 year old boy decided to open a window to get some air, and was immediately punched in the face by a migrant. The father gave chase, but had no chance of catching the sprinter who was worthy of an Olympic medal (so we know HIS country of origin then), and had to give up. Not a nice story, but only when there are more tales like this and when the first murder occurs will (hopefully) there be an overwhelming upsurge in the people of this country willing to give a NO vote to get out of Europe.
Those I have spoken to have all said how the Beeb reporters are showing too much sympathy and offering congratulations to those who ‘have made it’. I wonder how many of these reporters would like to have 4 families of migrants living next door to them !!! and as for the words ‘humanitarian crisis’ , only in the medias eyes as most people couldn’t give a monkeys unless they turn up on Britain’s doorstep.
Channel 4s ‘Breaking Into Britain’ actually filmed invaders breaking to lorries whilst drivers slept (without alerting them) and sat inside filming until they were discovered the next day.
The reporter was even prepared to take a slap from the Gendarme to lay on the ‘poor immigrant’ meme.
News at Ten is really pushing tonight to let in anyone who wants to come to Europe. Illegal immigrants in Hungary are all referred to as refugees when the number of economic migrants to refugees cannot be known. Germany described as “taking the lead” in letting in 800,000 immigrants without paperwork. Others might call it “cutting your own throat”. And once again an attempt is made to compare the current situation with taking in refugees in WW2. Right now Huw Edwards is speaking to an immigrant in Hungary and allowing him to claim he’s an engineer and no-one from Syria will cause trouble. (Unless of course someone flushes their Koran down the toilet.)
The only plus point is that the BBC’s agenda is becoming obvious to more and more people.
Of course, Syria is bursting at the seams with engineers and they are world renowned for their engineering prowess. Their inventions include… errm….errm….errm. I’m sure there must be something.
They never ask what type of engineer do they…….probably because these journos flunked maths/science…..i would ask these so-called ‘engineers’ simple o-level stuff, like how to find the current flowing in a circuit, the simple formula….basic geometric stuff….Newtons laws…if they can’t, they are lying bastards.
This is pure crisis management by a liberal media acting on instructions from on high. The reality is the elite in government and the media is losing control of the situation . In fact has lost control. Germany is a case in point. That many asylum seekers ( so called ) is bound to destabalize even a large nation .All Merkel can do is to utter inanities.
Like I said this is a real and rapidly growing crisis. The elites have no ideas at all. So hence the rubbish from C4 and the BBC. Nobody with half a brain cell is going to be taken in by it.
Please keep an eye on Hungary. That is where the nonsense will at last come to a head.
Isis is behind all this and the intention is to destabalize Europe .Who else is aiding them I leave to others to speculate but It is not hard to name the suspects.
Roland says ‘in Hungary … the number of economic migrants to refugees cannot be known’. But they are all economic migrants. They may have been refugees when they fled a war and crossed the first border into Turkey, a safe, Muslim, country. Every subsequent journey, and every border crossed, is their choice as illegal immigrants.
But does the bBBC tell us this? Of course not.
Fergal Keene is currently on and talking in hushed tones to a man with 7 children who wants to come and have an education for his kids. Perhaps dishing out condoms once they all arrive might be a start !
Because (according to Emma Thompson on Newsnight) we are racist not to take them in and give them board, food, education, etc.
There are only 3000 errrrr…refugees in Calais, she tells us. They have been through hell and we have plenty of room. Let them in.
She had a tear in her eye and a shaky voice. Great acting. I bet this evening she’s tucking into an organic foccacia, safely ensconsed in her Hampstead ivory tower. Love to ask her how many ahem refugees
she would be happy to accommodate round her place, feed, clothe, hand out her cash to, etc.
I also have strong views on the illegal immigrants but haven’t been invited on to Newsnight to address the nation – why does a left-wing, champagne guzzling luvvie get the chance?
Sorry, forgot to add that I’m English, male, middle-aged and hideously white…….not that that matters to the BBC.
Azila Bungalwala on the Papers on the News Channel is being eloquent about how unacceptable it is that we aren’t taking our share of ‘refugees’ and David Cameron’s remarks were not acceptable etc etc etc. Where is Yasmin Brown ? she hasn’t put her t’pennoth in yet,; all themselves migrants or 2nd generations who verbally decide who should come and live here. The Beeb dig up these extremely and very vocally articulate immigrants, pushing the idea forward that ‘the mood of the public is turning’ after seeing the pictures of the tragically drowned children – um, no it isn’t. Those kids parents are the ones responsible. Can you imagine any parent from this country dragging their kids in those conditions around Europe for their own ends ? Childline, Social Services and RSPCC would come down on them like a ton of bricks. Just shows how uncivilised these peoples and their culture are.
“Can you imagine any parent from this country dragging their kids in those conditions around Europe for their own ends ? Childline, Social Services and RSPCC would come down on them like a ton of bricks.”
Well quite. Just look at the bedwetting whenever some binliner-wearing traitor decides to take her kids on a fun-filled trip to Syria.
Yes, even Sky’s Press Review had the vacantly gurning Jackie Smith and some other media nonentity lamenting and wailing about the Bodrum body. They were parroting the same line about “a turning point”. Supposedly, this picture will be remembered for years to come as a key image, like the girl napalmed in the Vietman war. The presenter mentions that 90% of viewer “traffic” was sceptical and still they prattle on. A new Kindertransport is the way forward. Both say they “might well” be willing to take in Syrian families. What crap! Obviously, the usual media and luvvie suspects have got together to cynically push this ongoing exploitative tear jerker.
Some idiot, so-called ‘Tory political reporter’ on commercial television says that British people should take Syrian refugees into their homes and if they cannot do that, they should contribute money.
‘Mr political reporter’ is completely out of touch with the real world, the people of our nation are struggling to earn a crust, struggling to get a council home, struggling to get an appointment with their doctor or hospital and struggling to live on a mediocre pension.
There is a ‘desperate’ shortage of council houses and there are lists of British children waiting for adoption or fostering because our children’s homes overflowing.
Added to all that we have the present ‘Austerity’.
It all smacks of the ‘Band Aid’ propaganda of over thirty years ago, all orchestrated by a collective body of journalists with political ambitions. You could take a camera to any third world country and pull heart strings by showing dead bodies of children.
It is all propaganda.
I agree with him! Every loon who wants asylum seekers to be allowed into the UK should accommodate them in their own homes, regardless of overcrowding, and should feed and finance them for the duration of their stay. They should also be responsible for any compensation for any criminal activity the Asylum seekers commit !
I like the last bit – a bit like in China, where if you save somebody’s life, you’re responsible for any good (and bad) they commit later in life – they kill, you’re up for murder.
On BBC World News some Beeboid loon senses that “a turning point” in relation to Syrian refugees has been reached. A tsumami of empathy will soon be washing over Britain. A few minutes later “Cardiff Jihadi killed in Syria by US drone”. Maybe there should be an exchange program. All those loyal British Jihadis could make their way to the New Caliphate and deserving, prosecuted Christian Syrians could move into the vacated housing. I was surprised the BBC hadn’t invited a ” human rights lawyer ” to pillory the Great Satan’s extrajudical killing of an innocent British citizen who had not been found guilty by any court of any crime.
It’s the same cloying tone of voice that’s supposed to express and elicit deep compassion that nauseates me. It’s so obviously false. It’s impossible to watch even a BBC news bulletin withoout some self-appointed conscience of the nation droning forth. Strange Giles Frazier hasn’t been on prostrate with grief, wailing and rending his garments., A trusty NHS pulp sick bowl is now an essential viewing accessory.
Yes , remember the little kid who was from Southampton ,(forgot his name) in which our Police issued an EU arrest warrant ,for the Spanish to arrest his parents on an “abduction” charge .
Loving parents take child to safety (away from the criminally negligent NHS) and an international arrest warrant is issued.
Syrian family claims asylum in Turkey.
Syrian family decides Turkey isn’t good enough
Syrian family pays £1000s to people smugglers to illegally enter EU.
Members of Syrian family drown.
Syrian returns to Syria, without fear for his life, to bury family.
Call me heartless, but that chain of events is not my fault and I feel no guilt. After 37 years of watching misery porn on TV, I am also largely unmoved by the image of a dead child on a beach.
Personally, I think the father is to blame. He was calling the shots. He paid £1000s to travel to the EU, but didn’t spend another £100 on lifejackets or even £5 on armbands. His family would still be alive if he hadn’t left Turkey. Judging by his safe unmolested return to Syria, I imagine they’d all be living quite safely in Syria, if they hadn’t left.
Having said that, Merkel must also accept her role in the child’s death. If she is willing to accept unlimited Syrian refugees, she should allow them to fly in from Turkey. Instead, she claims to ‘care’ but would rather they drown.
….And perhaps the final question for tonight is, are our Members of Parliament in touch with the people of this nation or are they supine to the press and its liberal reporters who live in a media bubble completely out of touch with Real Britain?
Over to you Mr Prime Minister and all your Members of the House – whatever your political colours.
Perhaps because the Russian power elites aren’t anti Russian while the European power elites are anti European. To create a super state called the EUSSR you have to destroy all trace and memory of what was before, the sovereign independent nations based on ethnicity and Christianity. The Soviet Union destroyed Russian, Ukrainian, Cossack culture to create their workers paradise, the Chinese had the Cultural Revolution to create their perfect society. Same thing is happening here, this time mass immigration, die-versity, multiculturalism, hate speech crime laws, etc etc are the tactics.
I don’t know why the UK keeps getting singled out for non participation in taking their quota. What about Monaco, Liechtenstein, Spain, Portugal, San Moreno and Poland ??? Poland must have stacks of room, as most of the population is over here !!! Iceland apparently are willing to take a bus load, although the sight of a line of Muslim men with their arms around each other jumping up and down, might not be the Icelandic way of doing things, so may regret their offer.
The thatched African house in Calais ? that should go down really well in Milton Keynes or Potters Bar. Some enterprising entrepreneur will soon make a theme park out of them over here.
The BBC reveals itself as nothing less than a pro-migrant advocate organisation:
Migrant crisis: Pressure mounts as UK urged to ‘do more’
David Cameron is facing growing pressure at home and abroad for the UK to take in more of the many thousands of migrants fleeing to Europe. It comes after a picture of a dead boy lying on a Turkish beach sparked an outcry over the crisis’s human cost. Tory backbencher David Burrowes said the UK “should accept thousands, not hundreds” of people and a senior UN official said the UK could “do more”.
And so it goes on, using the image of the dead boy on a Turkish beach as its talisman. Absolutely shameless, but thoroughly predictable from the Corporation – and its fellow travellers on Channel 4.
Meanwhile, last night (and here) the fragrant Ms Emma Thompson, international politician and statesperson jobbing actor, is granted a free pass on last night’s Newsnight as she hectors the nation for its ‘racism’ in refusing to fling open the doors to welcome ‘thousands’ of illegal immigrants ‘refugees’. Mr Thompson is a public supporter of Labour. I’m sure that’s not an important detail.
I wonder how many of these ‘refugees’ Ms Thompson might be prepared to welcome into one of her doubtless spacious, well-appointed properties..?
No? Oh well.
Just for good measure, Ms Thompson, international climate scientist jobbing actor, reminded us all how great the dangers of the coming climate catastrophe are. I take it then that she will no longer be boarding those gas-guzzling jet airliners to travel the world to collect her obscenely inflated pay cheques for ‘acting’ in front of a few cameras for a few weeks every year..?
Maybe the ratcheting up of the media coverage is tied to the weather.
Autumn is here and winter looms. Thatched huts with tarp walls may inspire thoughts of cosy times in Syr… Somalia, but at this latitude in a few months may not be too comfy.
These guys need to be installed in a nice 3-bed in Kensington on the public tab PDQ.
Yep the “carbon footprint” of the film industry is pretty huge I would imagine.
But clever old Emma Thompson, she adopted an African teenager a while back, thus enabling her to step out of virtue signalling territory and into, “there I did it, so why can’t the rest of the country accommodate immigrants” moral high ground status.
I believe he went to Exeter University which wasn’t black enough for him, so she had a moan about that too.
She also protested about a Tesco local being opened too near her home, she prefers the artisan cheese shops and bakers you see, because of course everyone wants to pay a fiver for a half a pound of cheese.
In fact, she now appears to be just a professional moaner, with a lefty opinion on everything, I’m not sure why her opinions are any more relevant, than Ken Dodd, Lulu or Kenny Lynch, for instance, but there you go.
A child has died, thats bad, but the media has gone into propanganda overdrive on his. Can we really say for sure just how this child died? Remember certain ‘groups’ are kings of propaganda and not adverse to using children to further their aims…
Just had a look at the ,as bad as all the rest, MSN site running dead kid we must act story. The responses are overwhelmingly against looks like people may finally be wakening up. At least they are letting people comment on their reports unlike the BBc.
Because they don’t want to show the public how we will be enriched. A quick look on the internet reveals some interesting information on crime rates in Sweden but I expect the BBc will never run a balanced report on that. Any reported stories in this vein disappear faster than a fast thing. IKEA killings any Islamic terrorist Paris / Sydney etc., compare with the days and days of reporting on schoolgirls “feared” to have travelled to Syria.
BBc breakfast “The government is under mounting pressure to take migrants” Will the picture of a dead child change attitudes? Frankly from what I’ve seen on social media no!, The increasingly desperate wave of bias from the BBc continues. Interview with Oliver from the Independent who tells us Britain must do more. It even qualifies for serious faces on the sofa.
If anyone finds a BBC “comments” item open on this blatant attempt at moral blackmail please post a link.
Has a BBC reporter asked Mrs Balls what she would do with those still in the queue when everywhere has taken 10 families – because as sure as eggs is eggs the queue behind would be ever bigger.
In the past my understanding of “refugees” is that they usually wanted to return to their homes once the problem was over. Now it seems a “better life” is the aim.
Strange how all the media talk is now of Syrians, a better bet for tugging the heart strings. I’ll bet Italy is thoroughly cheesed off that the attention has moved from helping them with our African friends seeking a better life!
The BBC is much exorcised this morning by the story of a 14 year old who took a photograph of himself naked and sent it to a girl of the same age.
He has now been prosecuted for making & sharing an explicit image of a child even though the child was himself !
The BBC comments about the way that even trivial misdemeanours by children have been resulting in Police interventions and criminal records, and ponder why this has happened.
Far too many politicians come from a legal background, and it’s no surprise they view the law as a tool they can use, but the criminalisation of children was promoted by another lawyer – Tony Blair and his corrupt government. Of course the BBC completely fails to recall this happening – wonder why?
Meanwhile many paedophiles, usually from a certain ethnic background, are not prosecuted. The politicians, police and many civil servants suffer from complete moral inversion on so many issues.
I’ve been listening to BBC radio for much of the morning, between Radio Scotland and Radio 4. It’s been wave after wave of person saying we must take in some refugees. Anyone who equivocates in the slightest, such as saying we need to distinguish economic refugees from actual migrants is pushed by the interviewer to agree that we must do more. I’ve heard someone from Refugee Studies in Oxford say how the picture of a dead child has changed attitudes and caused a wave of sympathy that the government must listen to; I’ve heard a Thought For The Day telling me taking these people in is just like when he took in a lovely stray cat that needed a home; I’ve heard an interview with someone rescued as a child from Germany where he was guided towards saying that we’re no longer such a compassionate country; I’ve heard countless reports stating the horrors these people are fleeing from.
Nowhere did I hear expressed the concerns shown not just on this board but on the BBC’s own boards and even the Guardian: why are they coming to Europe and not other, safe Muslim countries; who might be orchestrating this; how many Isis sleepers and other terrorists might be lurking amongst them; why have so many left their wives and children behind if they’re in such mortal danger; are they really all doctors and engineers as they claim; are their sad stories actually true; where do they get their money from to pay the traffickers; why pay traffickers in the first place when a plane ticket would be cheaper and safer; why might UK residents feel that adding more Muslims to the population is not a good idea (that would raise many an awkward question for the BBC!); what terror in Turkey was that family fleeing that led their children to drown; how many people can we bring in to this country before the infrastructures cannot cope?
That’s just off the top of my head. I’m sure others can think of other pertinent questions that are being avoided or, if raised at all, dismissed as unimportant, racist or just “far-right”.
“why are they coming to Europe and not other, safe Muslim countries”
I wish people would think, or do a little research before putting fingers on keys, especially if they want to be taken seriously.
Turkey over 1 million Syrian displaced people plus around 100 K people from other countries
Lebanon 1.2 million Syrians
Jordan 620 000 Syrians
Egypt 500 000 Syrians
Iraq 300 000 Syrians
That took me a few seconds to find so why didn’t you ?
Why are they coming to Europe? Who says they are? only the BBC and their credulous left wing mates who will believe any old sob story they’re handed. and can’t accept reality even when it bites them on the arse !
The BBC carried this story of the mystery of a body in a wetsuit found on a beach in Southern Sweden. It turned out to be that of an asylum seeker who together with two others thought it might be a good idea to swim across the channel to England.
The story is magnificent in its ability to ignore the elephant in the room, all of the men were Jordanian, and all of them were claiming to be from Syria ! They even contacted the family in Jordan and found that this man had a university degree and a good career ahead of him.
The migrants at Calais are largely not who they claim to be and are by definition criminals, there are any number of people claiming to be fleeing Syrian, but who are coming from elsewhere.
The problem is the idea that Europe is a land of milk & honey where everyone is rich and the state hands out money like some kind of lady bountiful. They see the wealthy tourists with expensive camera gear, and think everyone in Europe is like that. No amount of government propaganda is going to change that, the only way is by the word of mouth coming from refugees, that Britain is a difficult country to get into and there are no streets paved with gold. Massive fines for those who employ illegal immigrants perhaps sufficient to make them destitute might stem their greed.
More than that I believe that any of the “British” people smugglers who are caught at it, should have all their assets seized including property, cars etc.
Probably never going to happen though.
Perhaps those who wish to be truly considered “thoughtful” should read the post properly before flying on to their own keyboards to be condescending to people whom they consider have posted something they disagree with. You know, you’d probably get a better discussion by saying politely what you disagree with instead of constantly coming on here with a belligerent attitude to those whose opinions might differ from yours.
I didn’t say no-one had gone to Muslim countries. What I said was that the BBC hadn’t aired the concerns noted on several boards. Many have asked why these migrants don’t go to other safe Muslim countries. Others have. Why not these? One would expect them to go to neighbouring countries, not all the way here. I haven’t heard the BBC address these concerns. As always, it’s entirely possible I’ve missed it but in such cases anyone is free to post a link and we can all decide for ourselves whether it represent bias or not.
In a ‘split’ that only the BBC could conjure, namely between the Westminster, W1A, Salford, Islington bubbles and the rest of the country, I was thinking a crisis of this magnitude could warrant a referendum to sort out what the nation actually wants.
But actually, back in May, we had an election that made it pretty clear. After the economy, immigration was the next biggest issue, and Labour, Limps and the BBC were utterly rejected.
However democracy being so last month, the political and media powers that be seem to have decided that with a four year window of opportunity, they can tell folk what’s best for them, and it’s not what they voted for.
What Cameron & The Tories are up to heaven knows; I can only presume that their fealty to the crumbling EU project has blinded them to the political reality of actually understanding what a majority electorate can do.
They had the same topics on Radio Leeds and I listened to the phone in for 10 or 15 minutes. Surprisingly the BBC allowed most callers to say what they felt and the majority felt that we didn’t want any of these migrants (they are not refugees in the true sense of the word) in our country. No doubt the BBC will dismiss all those folks as being racist biggots.
The latest ploy of the BBC to try and get the UK to open the doors is to claim that we have obligations under international law to take refugees and that all those coming from Syria are refugees and 50% of those coming from Libya are also refugees. In a week or so there will be an ruling by some international body or other that they are indeed refugees and that we have to take them. The BBC will then say how can the UK government disregard international law? The government will regretfully agree that it must comply and with deep regret open the doors. Perhaps this has been the plan all along by the government and the BBC to find a way to take loads of migrants in the face of the clear democratic wishes of the British people not to do so. If the government really doesn’t want take them they could of course appeal against the ruling or just ignore it. But they won’t because they are too frightened of the leftist establishment reaction ,orchestrated by the BBC, if they did. Surely the government should listen to the people, not to a few thousand high profile liberals!
If we feel that we are being forced to take more and more alien migrants then perhaps our boundless tolerance will snap. Then the government will really regret caving into the BBC et al.
Personally I think that we should be supporting Hungary and paying them to build the border fence and to police it. They are the front line , as often before , in saving Europe from Islamification.
Someone on Guido mentioned a similar phone-in from somewhere else in the country so I’m guessing this was discussed almost everywhere this morning. I didn’t listen to much of it myself as I just end up shouting at the radio and the neighbours already think I’m bonkers as it is. However, the one phrase used over and over was ‘the lifeboat is full’. It seems that BBC propaganda is failing to get through. They’ll have to ramp it up now … maybe, two dead kids or a woman or a family. If they’re looking for drowned immigrants they could always show those Christians chucked overboard by the muslims, I suppose …
BBC Breakfast Boy meets girl a “ground breaking” trans comedy. You just know the BBc is going to love this one. Apparently it’s hoping to change attitudes. Unfortunately the clip they show looks as funny as ebola. Another dire sit com but with a pc spin.
After taking a severe guilt bombing on the BBC news this morning I switched to Sky, now even though there is a lot of sympathy for the illegal immigrants on Sky at least they did attempt to show another side of the story. There was one section with someone whose name I didn’t catch, but who was at least saying what a lot of us are thinking, young, fit, lawless men etc, he also mentioned how many Bulgarians are worse off than the illegals cluttering up Budapest, who are better dressed and have nicer phones etc.
He also stated that there are a lot of opportunists who are economic migrants, pure and simple. I was gobsmacked to see another side to this given the propaganda we’ve been subjected to.
When they showed the station at Budapest being opened to let the illegals through, and the ensuing chaos, Eamonn Holmes even stated to one of the hand wringing paper reviewers “Would you want these people living next door to you ? ” It was quite refreshing.
A few days ago he interviewed Nigel Farage. He told Nigel Farage that it was his job as an interviewer to belittle and destroy him, but he couldn’t do that now. He said that a lot of what Nigel Farage had said about immigration was now being adopted by the other parties and found to be accurate.
I wish I could have as much faith in Sky News as you. All too often they revert to lefty ‘meeja’ types when they should be accurately and fairly reporting the facts, with arguments equally explored on all sides. I admit that on balance (and I am a long-time Sky subscriber) Sky News do marginally better than both the abysmal BBC and Channel 4 in at least attempting alternative narratives, but, as I said, Sky News tends to follow the herd far too often – and the margin of difference between it and those two others in tone is very slim.
I’d like to Sky to be prepared to markedly differentiate itself from the likes of the execrable BBC and CH4 by adopting a uniquely balanced and apolitical stance. Now, wouldn’t that be refreshing..?
My attitude to the photo of a dead child on a beach in Turkey is – blame Turkey for failing to welcome and accommodate its Muslim asylum-seeking neighbours.
The child’s death is NOT the fault of Europe, whatever the BBC and much of the media try to suggest.
Emotional blackmail is being used to suppress rational analysis.
Well said, the child’s death is really being used to ramp up the cause today. All those bleeding heart lefty’s are really being suckered in by this, what I believe to be propaganda.
I’m still waiting for those calling on us to accept more to tell us when exactly enough will be enough, it will never end if we do. Does our quality of life count for nothing? A quality of life hard fought for by our ancestors being freely given away.
“…Emotional blackmail is being used to suppress rational analysis.”
Bravo – perfectly sums up the weasel tactics of the thoroughly disreputable BBC propaganda machine. I mean, seriously – do they not imagine that we can see straight through their orchestrated idiocy?
blame Turkey for failing to welcome and accommodate its Muslim asylum-seeking neighbours.
What an idiotic ill informed and ignorant comment !
Turkey has taken over 1 million Syrians and over 100 000K from other countries! This site is supposed to be about BBC bias, they will be laughing up their sleeves at us, rightly now able to ignore those comments which do have a point because those without a brain are posting ridiculous and false comments like yours !
Engage brain (if you have one) before putting your fingers anywhere near the keys and do some research first! It only takes a second !
Yes, Turkey has no right under Turkish Law to prevent anyone leaving the country unless they suspect the person has committed a criminal offence. I believe that UK law is similar.
Have you not seen reports from Izmir, near the Turkish coast, where Syrian refugees are made to feel unwelcome ? You are the ignoramus. Turkey is a safe country, therefore the Syrians who have reached Turkey are safe.
If you want to argue that Europe should do more – via the UN – to help Turkey and Jordan and Lebanon with the burden of Syrian rewgees, that is fair and rational and just. But you give nil justification for the suggestion that Europe should take in huge numbers of “refugees”.
Just look at all the other photos – fit men, mostly under 40 – far fewer women and children. People basically seeking to invade Europe, sod international law, sod the lot of us.
You are being duped by the emotional pressure. Others would prefer to retain some semblance of our nation states, our borders, our common-sense.
Agree wholeheartedly, John. I suggest anyone being taken in by the BBC narrative that all these migrants are refugees should look at the plentiful footage of genuine refugees filmed during World War Two. Note how the majority of them are women, children and the elderly, with a smattering of disabled people. What the footage doesn’t show are well fed males aged between 18 and 30.
I just had a quick look on Amnesty internationals website, it mentions Turkey “hosting” very many displaced Syrians.
I’m not quite sure what that means, is “hosting” allowing them in only to move them on, or does it mean they have granted them leave to stay permanently ?
I felt I had to be a little ‘to the point’ thirdoption, because I would like those opinions on here which are well made to carry some weight, and to be respected and difficult for those who support the BBC to dismiss.
When someone posts an opinion which even I disagree with, and which is not supported by the facts, then I strongly feel the need to point that out.
Does anybody reckon that if Labour, ably assisted by the BBC, hadn’t taken the piss so much by flooding Britain with immigrants during the nineties and noughties, maybe the public may be a little more sympathetic?
Yep they decided to “rub the rights nose in diversity” which damaged the prospects of locals catastrophically.
To be an indigenous working class Londoner, who actually lives in London now is like being a giant Panda.
At a Christmas party in work last year the head of HR at my firm (which employs around 150 people) told me I was, and I quote “the only person in the company with a London accent” Which is probably a polite way of saying I’m as common as muck.
To be fair a lot of the other employees are middle class, or regional incomers, but still its quite something to be singled out like that.
The MSM have got their propaganda pot of gold this morning … BBC, LBC etc are simply lapping it up
All objective argument has gone, needed rationality considering the numbers vanished.
These relevant points gone in a puff of smoke.
Are the majority of migrants, erm refugees Islamic?
Islamic factions like Al Shabab, the profiteering from ISIS, driving masses, to traffickers, a lot of them funding ISIS
getting £1000s from these illegal migrants going back to ISIS … should the flow diminish – murder some more- flow restored, and all to be replaced by adherents flocking from all over the world to breed more terrorists, or sex slaves, or prepubescent girls.
Voila! … there s your restored Calliphate
These “migrants” vast majority, young and male are following the ISIS wish, for Hijra another Mohamhead fascist cracker, ie spread Islam by migration
How many are going to Qatar, or Saudi Arabia or Algeria … how about the UAE, or Bahrain, or Kuwait …
Stands to reason, you know amongst the world’s richest countries, and all that,.
Why are they not all migrants staying in Turkey? another Islamic Ummah … Turkey isn t at war,(apart from massacring Kurds, making more room for more the “right”Islam?)
yet … none of those “rich” nations have opened their doors to Syrian refugees? to migrants?
They re all “Muslim brothers” right … Islam – the most erm “charitable” and all that
They will tell you themselves, “above any nationality”, the all important erm … ummah!.
These are salient points, all lost in the press pack clamour over a photo.
“Why are they not all migrants staying in Turkey?”
How do you know that they aren’t? How do you know that ‘ALL’ of the migrants are actually Syrian, and not from some other country using Syria as an excuse? Just because the credulous BBC believes everyone’s claim without question does not mean that we should !
“How many are going to Qatar, or Saudi Arabia or Algeria … how about the UAE, or Bahrain, or Kuwait ”
Probably very few as the fighting is in the North and East meaning that flight to any of those countries would mean crossing territory controlled by ISIS. There are a large number in Iraq, and there probably are quite a few in those countries mentioned staying with relatives. Just because it hasn’t been reported doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened.
Bahrain has taken in so many Syrian migrants that the opposition has accused the government of trying to alter the countries demographics by mass migration !
“They re all “Muslim brothers” right … Islam – the most erm “charitable” and all that”
They’ve taken in an estimated 4 million people how much more do you want from them?
So many knee jerk reactions on here based on nothing more than ignorance and prejudice! Check your facts before posting – Google is easy to use and it’s free !
OK there 😀 … how much of the issue at hand could be construed as having an Islamic cause/s
I agree with much of your post, to quote you “probably”
My points are there and they are relevant
Asylum seeker, Migrant, Illegal Immigrant, the Refugee, the Economic which is which?
The aim is to get here, they ll say anything to stay, they just see strength in numbers,
T … for all of us in Europe
“Houston … we have a problem”
“Last week, for example, a BBC researcher called me, wanting to discuss the migration crisis. Would I talk by phone to her programme? Yes, I told her. In fact, I was at that moment volunteering in a hostel for underage migrants in Italy, so it would have a certain aptness. The moment I mentioned the hostel, I sensed the interest draining from her voice. She was after someone who would be, as it were, uncomplicatedly anti-immigrant. She wanted no nuance, no dash of humanity.”
Emma Thompson takes time off from saving the Arctic to solving the migration problem. Basically we are waycists. She points out that there are only 3000 in Calais, ‘that’s nothing’, she says, ‘we’ve got plenty of room for them’. Question fr Emma. Are you only considering 3000, but what about another 3 million who want to come here?
Lets hope that our police force pursue the foreign child rape gangs that have plagued our multicultural cities with the same alacrity as they did with the boy who sent a picture of his ‘free willy’ as a prank?
The media have been getting ‘very excited’ about it.
Don’t know about you lot, but I find this picture deeply worrying, just one boat into Athens, my they look happy. Is there a bigger platitude than tsunami? swarm no longer fits the bill.
He threw his wife and infant child onto a railway line and then jumped on top. It looks like he smacks the child in the head as well.
Apparently he ‘wanted to die’ and we’re supposed to feel sympathy.
Let’s just run through the facts:
1) His wife was holding his young child
2) His wife is five months pregnant
3) He ‘wanted to die’
4) He violently throws his pregnant wife and child to the floor – presumably so that they would die with him?
5) He demands to move to Europe.
All these young men………………. being spread across the European continent. How many children will they ‘father’ in the future. The Muslim religion is now well established.
Now the news is ramping up the “Government is under pressure to take in more refugees’ – er, by whom ?? suddenly overnight because of a tragic photograph, the authorities have GOT to be more compassionate. I haven’t seen anybody on the streets of the UK protesting this should be done, so its clearly the MEDIA who have gone into handwringing mode.
Sky news had an excellent interview with Andy Burnham this morning and tore him to shreds. An excellent interview, putting forward questions he really stumbled with and resorted to sound bites.
“Under Pressure” A nice vague statement. Under pressure from as you say Brissles who exactly. Everything I see on social media and the replies I’ve seen to this article (where permitted) don’t convey any “softening” of attitude I perceived we are fast moving to a situation where any criticism will be closed down, using a dead child for that purpose.. The media reporting is evolving to try and pull in sympathy using ever trick they know . I wonder what the media attitude would be in the near future reporting on the almost inevitable non integrating ghettos that will without doubt form in our inner cities if the minority get their way and open the doors.
I note an increasing acrimonious attitude by some posters on here. The squabbling is all after the event of course, the problem is at our door now and who does or does not take in the refugees, migrants, or whatever you want to call them, is now irrelevant.
There are no such things as borders now, the tide is too big. It is only a question of how long it takes to break them down, and then it will not take long before Europe is overrun. Swamped by a swarm of humanity as never seen before, and that will include the UK. All parts of the UK, including the highlands of Scotland and the Welsh valleys, as well as the little green villages of our land. Our cities are of course already overrun.
Whatever old flappy jaws Cameron says or does not say they will come and not via Calais, that is just a red herring. The rest of our good pals in the European criminal network will give them the EU papers (or little plastic card) they need to walk through our customs and then voilà, they can arrive legally, by the plane load, by the boat load.
There’s now’t we can do and as we know the media with the BBC in charge will be in full righteous how wonderful we are, hello and welcome, and here is your new house and TV and cash to keep you in the style to which you would like to be accustomed.
As for the numbers, it won’t be thousands, it will be millions. We have already had millions and there was no war in Pakistan or Poland or India or wherever else our invaders have come from during the recent Blair, Brown and Cameron years.
However, we need to understand why there all these wars and there is such a terrible refugee crisis because one thing is certain the BBC won’t tell you. I doubt if, with their adoration of the messiah Obama, they can even face the truth although it is plain to see.
Obama has supplied weapons and billions of dollars to rebels all the way from Syria across the Middle East to Libya and Africa. He has fermented trouble in the Ukraine, although the refugees there are of course going to Russia, thank goodness. Obama withdrew the troops on the ground from Iraq and Afghanistan and that left a war torn region to be taken over completely by Islamic terrorists.
This is fully and completely Obama’s doing, it is his legacy and make no bones about it we will have to pick up the tab along with all of the other many stable, for the moment, countries, including the USA. By the time he leaves office (if he does) then the Obama Messiah will have completed his task. The destruction of the civilised world. Well done Barry and the idiots that voted for him.
I do not recognise the U.S. involvement you describe in Syria.
I do recognise the way the BBC talked up the wonders of the “Arab Spring” when “undemocratic” leaders were removed, until Mr Assad was found to be of sterner stuff heading a much more multi-cultural country.
If any lesson is to be learned from all the non-Israel centric troubles in the Near East it is that moslems do not thrive in a democracy as we understand it. The only way to live in relatively peaceful countries is for them to be run by a “strong man” led government with a secret service to keep order among the potential revolters. You may believe that approach has been evident even in East London recently.
It may offend BBC sensitivities but that is the way it seems to be to me. Different ways seem to suit different peoples.
”I do not recognise the U.S. involvement you describe in Syria.” General Wesley Clark tells of how Middle East destabilization was planned as far back as 1991.
David, thanks for posting that. I hadn’t heard of that or come across it before.
It always amuses me how people – commenting on BBC Blogs and HYS – refer one minute to the people involved as Neo-Cons, then as Neo-Liberals and then switch to applying the tag ‘Far Right’. Perhaps Blair was driving the whole thing rather than ‘tagging along as George Bush’s poodle.’? Blair let something interesting slip during one of his Chilcott appearances. He said something to the effect that “We knew the oil price would not be affected.” I remember the moment Bush was told about 9/11 and how he registered no emotion, no apparent immediate concern or impact. Those things raise all sorts of questions.
It also leads to the question about whether advice from the Foreign Office was trumped by US wishes when Cameron sought to pitch in on the side of the Syrian rebels including IS.
” I remember the moment Bush was told about 9/11 and how he registered no emotion, no apparent immediate concern or impact. Those things raise all sorts of questions.” General Stubblebine on 9/11.
Interesting. By the way, in case anyone comes to this later, David, we should make clear that your post under mine makes it look like I was quoting M.Gen Stubblebine which I was not. He does not say that in the video.
I’d certainly go along with his first point about misplaced intelligence. I’m not so sure about the rest of it, especially when he gets a bit of a strange glint in his eye. I am aware that there are plenty of conspiracy theories about the 9/11 attacks. I hadn’t seen that film, so thanks for posting it. In fact I haven’t seen anything other than written suggestions of various conspiracies, including the standard wild-Metro-liberal/Islamicist one that it was all down to Mossad, so that video clip and the previous one with Wesley Clark will be filed away for the future.
As I seem to be gradually turning into a writer, it is also easy to come up with various scenarios for plots. If you ‘follow the money’ on Iraq (as well as Afghanistan), though, it is interesting to see who benefits the most and it doesn’t appear to be the USA.
“But Mr. Syrian (benefit of doubt), Europe law says you must register here in Hungary”
“What do you mean you don’t give a toss for laws you only want to take the jobs and money in Germany”
BBC News at Ten reporters said the man “fell” on the track and knocked the woman and baby to the ground. Footage on Sky shows the bloke deliberately dragged the woman to the ground with no thought that the baby in her arms could have bashed its head on the rails and then threw himself on top of her. Lying scum these BBC reporters.
She is five months pregnant. Later in this section the reporter says the woman is ‘not doing well’. So, he might have injured his unborn child. Let’s hope not. Maybe allow the wife and child in to avoid the violence evident in her domestic relationship?
This will all end in a War. Unless borders are immediately established cutting off Europe from the rest, then millions – regardless of whom they are, be they genuine asylum seekers, economic migrants and chancers, will be permanently on the move to get to Europe. Civil unrest will then be inevitable, as the indigenous populations will be fired up by right wing organisations versus protests by left wingers, and then the military will be involved. There is NO cut off date for this mass movement to stop – so come Christmas, or this time next year, or 5 years hence, Africa will be empty as will Afghanistan and Iraq. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if European Governments are right now involving the military in what steps and action to take should rioting begin.
I think you may be correct that some sort of civil war, possibly cross-border war, will happen, but I think the route to that inevitability will be somewhat more random. Germany is a powder keg of building resentments, likewise, Sweden, France, Greece, etc. Wherever there’s a fast-growing muslim immigrant population (and by that I mean illegal immigrants), there is scope for fireworks.
As the numbers of muslims arriving in free, democratic cultures grows exponentially, so their (mandated) refusal to integrate will spark calls from within Islam for them to assert ‘the rights of Islam’ over their hosts; to subvert the norms of a free, democratic society to better suit the inflexible prejudices of Islam. And this is where the pin gets pulled, so to speak. Fear is always Islam’s preferred route to power and control; fear of what will happen to any who dare oppose, criticize or speak out against its endless, menacing demands.
The burning question is just how much fear are native Europeans willing to endure as Islam grows stronger, steadily more strident, dangerously more assertive (thanks to those fast-growing numbers) in EU nations?
I have posted before, mostly on Nick Robinson’s Blog, that in future, most wars are likely to be internal, asymetric and most likely be a population at war with its government with various sub-authorities choosing sides. A dystopian thought, made worse by the thought that we now have lots of discharged service people in the UK who know how to handle weapons and where to get their hands on them.
I’m hoping that the Hungarians will actually nip this in the bud and stop the flow. Once word gets back down the chain, they’ll stop coming. The trouble is, they’ll all head for Italy and we’ll dutifully pick them up and transport them to shore.
It might be ‘getting distressing’ Mr Mates, but to be honest, I felt MORE distressed at seeing the pictures of a serviceman in my own country in a state of beheading !
Yes, you are absolutely right. How could the various Muslim atrocies in this country not have poisoned the well of goodwill the indigenous population may once have felt towards refugees. People are bound to be sceptical about the influx of 100,000s more Muslims, people who up to now have shown no respect for the British way of life. Cynically using the image of a dead child to push a political agenda only nauseates people. It is easy to manipulate the good-natured, but naive, in this way.
The icy, clinical questioning Eddie Mair reserves for politicians he doesn’t like i.e. any Tory or UKIPper, was predictably absent last night when he interviewed a chappie from the UNHCR, the UN’s refugee agency.
This representative of an organisation which actively funds then turns a blind eye to Hamas and its use of schools and hospitals in Gaza for its propaganda and terrorist activities, was allowed to play fast and loose with figures claiming that Europe is capable of taking in millions of ‘refugees’, the only proof being we’ve done it all before with….tens of thousands. Mair did not get a grip of the trick being played out by this oily fairground shyster (which cup is the ball under, Eddie?) and chose instead to listen respectfully whilst this internationalist (ref Agenda 21) juggled figures and examples through a stage mist of moral relativism.
And, as with any BBC ‘discussion’ we’ve heard on this topic, the fact that the UK has come under unprecedented strain through mass immigration over the past 15 years whilst Germany’s population has stagnated was conviently ignored.
Your BBC – the UN’s unofficial (for now) World Broadcaster
Anyway just in case anyone forgot how entrenched in the BBC “ethos” Emma Thompson is, click on the link and cringe along at the opening sequence to Thompson from 1988.
Yes folks, they gave her, her own series so that La Thompson and her cronies could put on a show which would make the average sixth form production of Guys and Dolls look professional.
If your toes don’t curl up with embarrassment I’ll give you your money back.
And she’s still stealing a living and being given a platform on OUR money.
No! … its just the superficial, and insincere, anything, and I mean anything for a soundbite manner of the twat.
Ex. Deserved questioning on the NHS … my deceased son etc.
Immigrant issue … my deceased son etc
Farage starts the campaign, this week gets some coverage
So … Cameron trawls out his latest “weathercock” sound bite
Wouldn t trust that twofaced prick as far as I could throw George Osborne
And Farage or any other politician does not , you think a Ukipper will wave his magic wand & all will be fine . Well ,who do you want to be PM ? Farage has stated ,if he is an MP ,he does not want to be a PM, so that leaves your old mate Corbyn . God help us .
Unfortunately I fear alBeeb will demand extra Winter Fuel payments for them so they can heat their tax payer funded mansions like a sauna and not properly integrate by wearing British overcoats! Plus that will accelerate climate change!
I have found a post in the Indy which is worth BBC journos copying.
How to blame the west for the destruction of ancient monuments by ISIS.Ever wonder why ISIS are blowing up ancient monuments? Well, ISIS are only partly to blame. The real reason is that wicked greedy western art dealers are to blame. Yada yada. Whatever crimes ISIS commit there is always an apologetic fellow travelling journalist willing to offset the blame and pin it on to the west.
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Both Jeremy Clarkson and Roy Chubby Brown are now censored by the BBC. But the popularity of Top Gear showed us that Jeremy Clarkson was by far the most popular comedian on the BBC.
I Prefer the clean and patriotic comedy of Ken Dodd, but if you like a bit of rude politically incorrect comedy, then see Roy Chubby Brown Live at the Spa Bridlington on Friday 18th September. Also Tim Vine is appearing at the Spa on Saturday 10th October. Vine is probably classed as right-wing by the BBC, due to his concentration on being funny, rather than regarding comedy as being an abbreviation for Communistically Educated Yarn. COM-ED-Y is officially imposed by the BBC on behalf of the Labour Party, represented at the BBC by Arthur Smith, the joint BBC/Labour Party, Chief COM-ED-Y Officer. That’s not a joke.
It’s encouraging to know there is someone else who thinks Arthur Smith is beyond a joke.
I didn’t know he was still alive !
I didn’t know he ever was.
Lobster, that is very cruel and I am trying not to laugh.
Do we have a Hitchens situation here? Vine is right wing? If so unlike his brother Jeremy who is clearly a left wing Beeboid.
If you’d listened to PM today, you’d be aware that when it comes to comedy, Radio 4 “ensures the broadest spectrum of views are brought to the listener” (Like Russell Brand, they’re at their funniest when trying to be serious)
Starts at the 51:15 mark
I completed the BBC Trust consultation questionnaire for the 10-year charter review. Even that is slightly biased !
Listening to Radio4 just after 12pm today I caught a segment from the programme Coming of Age
The Why Factor Episode 8 of 10
Listen in pop-out player
Two girls, two stories, two very different outcomes. A party for one… a painful ordeal for another.
Mike Williams asks Why societies around the world, mark a single, special day as the point when childhood ends and adulthood begins?
The first part tells of a girl attaining adulthood with in her society in San Antonio, Texas. The second tells of a younger girl undergoing horrific FGM (female genital mutilation) after which she s considered an adult and will be married off.
Now from which society have you heard of this practice being perpetuated? One that some are still carrying it on in this country?
Would that be Muslims?
But who do the BBC consider relevant to use an example of this practise?
A Masai tribal girl from East Africa
Teddy, to be fair , most muslims do not practice FGM. In Africa , some tribes practice it but some do not. For example , in West Africa, the Wolof tribe do not, even though most of them are muslim. The confusion arises where some African muslims think it is an Islamic practice. I do not think it is referred to in the Koran. However, I would not expect the BBC to understand these things, so they probably chose the Masai to be on the safe side.
Grant, I completely respect your desire to be fair. 🙂
There’s an excellent article here to shed more light on the subject, and does have reference to a passage in the Koran about it. Evidence shows that is also prevalent in some Middle Eastern areas.
One thing I’m sure we can both agree on right now, of the 20,000 girls who it is reckoned endure FGM each year in this country, I doubt many of them are from the Masai tribe.
Without details from the UK actually identifying if there is a religious thread to many of them, and I doubt any doing it will publish it as it’s too non PC, I’d say it’s a fair guess that the majority would link to the fundamentalist Islamic mentality.
Teddy, yes I do agree. The BBC need to explain why they do not do more to expose FGM in the UK and the UK Government and police need to explain why they are doing so little about FGM. So far as the Koran is concerned, there is a lot of debate about it among scholars, and I am not a Koranic scholar !
The BBC need to explain why they do not do more to expose FGM in the UK…
Lefty Top Trumps again, Grant – Islam trumps women’s rights (and just about everything else).
If ‘Sir’ Lenny Henry is so freaked out by waaycism why does he and his ilk choose to live amongst us ?
And and yet another of those questions the BBC never asks ‘If Britain is a racist country, why does everyone want to come and live here?’
For the same reason that all those former colonies (and even one or two non British ones) chose to join the British Commonwealth, as it used to be known, on gaining independence.
We’re not perfect, but we’re not evil incarnate either.
Is Songs of Praise coming from a Hungarian Railway station this week ?
LOL ! Don’t give the BBC ideas !
“Is Songs of Praise coming from a Hungarian Railway station this week ?”
You can depend on the BBC to give them a platform ………
I’ll get me coat ……
Lobster, LOL ! That just takes the ticket. You are almost as funny as a BBC comedian.
Grant LOL, He’s off the rails .
No, but they’re planning another remake of The Railway Children.
A promise from Iceland
”More than 12,000 people have shown their support for an Icelandic writer’s Facebook plea for her country to take in more refugees. That might not sound like a lot, but bear in mind the total population of Iceland is not much more than 300,000.
Bryndis Bjorgvinsdottir is offering a refugee a place to stay, The government of Iceland has said it will take in 50 asylum seekers this year.
Not everyone was supportive. “Islam is totally not compatible with Europe,” read one comment. But most of the comments were broadly positive about the refugees and about Bjorgvinsdottir’s initiative.
‘Shaming’ Arab countries
Four million Syrian refugees who have fled the war in their country, most have fled to countries – Turkey, Lebanon or Jordan. But despite their proximity to Syria, NO Syrians claiming asylum have been taken in by Saudi Arabia or other wealthy Gulf countries.” ( Seems the Saudis aren’t mugs.)
Something odd about Scandinavian people. Iceland of all places. I suppose so many generations of peace and plenty have blunted their survival instincts.
Marxism or Decadence ? the cause of Western weakness by Fjordman
” It is also true that not all those who undermine Western civilization through support for Multiculturalism and mass immigration do so out of a hidden political agenda. Some do it out of plain stupidity and vanity. “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s most open-minded of them all?” It’s a beauty contest for bored, Western intellectuals who use immigrants as a mirror to reflect their own inflated egos, a sport where they can nurse their vanity in the mistaken belief that denigrating your own cultural heritage is a sign of goodness and lack of prejudice.
I suspect that part of the craziness on display now stems from feelings of guilt because of affluence. I hear so many of these open border activists talk about “solidarity,” but in reality it’s all about me, me, me. They don’t show much solidarity with their own children and grandchildren who are going to inherit the Balkanized nightmare they leave behind. It’s all about making them feel good about themselves right now, without regard for future consequences of their actions. So their “solidarity” is really an extreme form of egotism and holier-than-thou self-exaltation. Besides, many of them have lived sheltered lives for so long that they honestly don’t understand that something bad can ever happen to them. They’ve never had to fight for their freedom or their prosperity, which had been ensured by others.”
David…scorching put-down of leftist rubbish…please send this to the Guardian…annoy the bastards.
beautifully put
”Something odd about Scandinavian people. Iceland of all places.” The further away whites live from Third Worlders the more naive, foolish and delusional they are.
“The further away whites live from Third Worlders the more naive, foolish and delusional they are.”
And the least affected …. for a while, at least.
Your previous post sums them up perfectly.
BTW – much fuss today over graphic pictures of the child washed up on a Turkish beach. Pictures of the murdered Fogel family might have had a similar effect, had anybody bothered to publish them.
How the likes of Iannucci can claim there is no liberal bias at the BBC with a straight face is beyond parody.
A little snapshot from tonight, BBC1 6 – 7pm.
News – sob story city and the plight of the immigrants. Laura Kuenssberg: “Even those with the hardest hearts blah blah……but David Cameron has said no………”
(small aside here – has anybody else noticed how these “refugees” seem so damn fit and healthy? – not a gaunt body in sight. And why oh why don’t they “flee” to the hugely wealthy Islamic states of Saudi, UAE, Qatar etc? And why isn’t every EU member fighting for them to stay in their country such is their positive economic impact and socially enriching influence?)
I digress.
Local news Look North – and it’s all Boy meets Girl the new groundbreaking transgender sitcom set in the North East. Starring a real life bloke who is now a woman we’re told . Erm, quite impossible my Y chromosome carrying mate.
Then a TV licence ad. Featuring a mixed race family, natch. Dark skins outnumbering whites, natch.
Then a swift taster of what’s to come on The One Show, Labour Party supporting left wing luvvie, Patrick Stewart.
The BBC – incessantly boiling the piss of a nation
Points West as similar, nothing newsworthy but they had to shoe in an migrant story, poor Tahir from the Sudan, clung to a bus and arrived in January now living comfortably in Swindon, plenty of time was given for him to tell us how bad Calais was.
We then move on to local aiders working in Calais, we hear about how cold and the flooding there.
1) Why does no one ever ask why they have passed through so many safe country’s to live like animals in Calais, because the bBC won’t admit that migrants have an unbreakable strong belief that the UK gives them everything for nothing, thats why!
2) We get this migrant shite continually in all our papers and news reports, why must local bBC always try and find a tenuous local link? Really I don’t give a flying F&*£! Just give us the bloody local news.
Points West covering Calais , I guess they are trying to import more viewers to the West Country . I`ll watch out for Look East ,covering Budapest next .
A well-fed mob of military-age males, each of whom has been funded to the extent of several thousand dollars to get there.
A 3-year-old child’s pathetic body, exposed to mortal risk by his family, in a manner which if it happened in the UK would have resulted in the parents being charged with neglect and reckless endangerment at the least, and possibly manslaughter, a disgusting abuse of their own child.
The images won’t be allowed to go away. Nor should they. They are images which will ultimately serve the truth. They need relentless exposure so that they can be wrested away from the wilful and wicked lies that currently surround them like a foul dictator’s bodyguard. The more they are seen, the more those lies will be shown for what they are and demolished.
Emotional blackmail is just that – blackmail. It is being perpetrated on us through the media, threatening us with moral opprobrium backed up by economic and political sanctions. The media are being used against their own audiences, to threaten and bully them. The BBC is at the forefront of this because of its domestic reach, but it is not alone.
Solid post SB.
Half the immigrant invasion is across Turkey. Turkey is a safe state. All arriving in the Greek Islands or across land borders in Eastern Europe should be returned to Turkey. None can be seen as asylum seekers because they have already reached the asylum of Turkey.
This whole problem at the eastern end of the Med should be shoved back down Turkey’s throat. If any nation is failing to deal with ISIS it is Turkey. The migrants there are all Muslims and should stay in a safe Muslim state.
Simples ?
I don’t think Turkey can be criticised when it’s taken in and supported over 1 million Syrian displaced people, start getting hostile with them and they might just open the floodgates !
Although we see asylum seekers, the numbers are nothing like as high as they are in countries which are the first safe one they enter.
Thoughtful, quite agree.
Yesterday, Fleet Street Fox, a Daily Mail journo, was gobbing off left, left and left of centre in this.
On questions of asylum she accused Turkey of being an oppressive regime people need to escape FROM.
This is a country the left, and our own PM have been actively trying to bring into the EU fold
Fleet Street Fox actually writes for the Daily Mirror not the Daily Mail which probably explains why she made such a fool of herself on Question Time a while ago.
She’s also often seen as a studio guest reviewing the newspapers and joins the long list of left-wing journos who have nothing to contribute because, basically, they’re a bit thick.
Added to that she looks a bit rough – the sort who probably doesn’t change her underwear that often.
I agree with all the above, but my language is a little more ‘tempered’; but I will say that Laura K has started off showing where her sympathies lay – not good.
Heard a news report about a tourist and his family queuing in Calais to get back home. Because of migrant activity – running riot on the motorway and breaking into lorries – all the car windows were shut. However, the 15 year old boy decided to open a window to get some air, and was immediately punched in the face by a migrant. The father gave chase, but had no chance of catching the sprinter who was worthy of an Olympic medal (so we know HIS country of origin then), and had to give up. Not a nice story, but only when there are more tales like this and when the first murder occurs will (hopefully) there be an overwhelming upsurge in the people of this country willing to give a NO vote to get out of Europe.
Those I have spoken to have all said how the Beeb reporters are showing too much sympathy and offering congratulations to those who ‘have made it’. I wonder how many of these reporters would like to have 4 families of migrants living next door to them !!! and as for the words ‘humanitarian crisis’ , only in the medias eyes as most people couldn’t give a monkeys unless they turn up on Britain’s doorstep.
Channel 4s ‘Breaking Into Britain’ actually filmed invaders breaking to lorries whilst drivers slept (without alerting them) and sat inside filming until they were discovered the next day.
The reporter was even prepared to take a slap from the Gendarme to lay on the ‘poor immigrant’ meme.
News at Ten is really pushing tonight to let in anyone who wants to come to Europe. Illegal immigrants in Hungary are all referred to as refugees when the number of economic migrants to refugees cannot be known. Germany described as “taking the lead” in letting in 800,000 immigrants without paperwork. Others might call it “cutting your own throat”. And once again an attempt is made to compare the current situation with taking in refugees in WW2. Right now Huw Edwards is speaking to an immigrant in Hungary and allowing him to claim he’s an engineer and no-one from Syria will cause trouble. (Unless of course someone flushes their Koran down the toilet.)
The only plus point is that the BBC’s agenda is becoming obvious to more and more people.
Of course, Syria is bursting at the seams with engineers and they are world renowned for their engineering prowess. Their inventions include… errm….errm….errm. I’m sure there must be something.
They never ask what type of engineer do they…….probably because these journos flunked maths/science…..i would ask these so-called ‘engineers’ simple o-level stuff, like how to find the current flowing in a circuit, the simple formula….basic geometric stuff….Newtons laws…if they can’t, they are lying bastards.
This is pure crisis management by a liberal media acting on instructions from on high. The reality is the elite in government and the media is losing control of the situation . In fact has lost control. Germany is a case in point. That many asylum seekers ( so called ) is bound to destabalize even a large nation .All Merkel can do is to utter inanities.
Like I said this is a real and rapidly growing crisis. The elites have no ideas at all. So hence the rubbish from C4 and the BBC. Nobody with half a brain cell is going to be taken in by it.
Please keep an eye on Hungary. That is where the nonsense will at last come to a head.
Isis is behind all this and the intention is to destabalize Europe .Who else is aiding them I leave to others to speculate but It is not hard to name the suspects.
Remind me which country caused the refugee crisis in WW2 ? I am thoroughly enjoying watching chickens coming home to roost !
Roland says ‘in Hungary … the number of economic migrants to refugees cannot be known’. But they are all economic migrants. They may have been refugees when they fled a war and crossed the first border into Turkey, a safe, Muslim, country. Every subsequent journey, and every border crossed, is their choice as illegal immigrants.
But does the bBBC tell us this? Of course not.
Seems Labour, The Guardian and the BBC designed a submarine.
It had no bulkheads, and when it sprung a leak it sank.
They of course were by then not in it.
Fergal Keene is currently on and talking in hushed tones to a man with 7 children who wants to come and have an education for his kids. Perhaps dishing out condoms once they all arrive might be a start !
And the British taxpayer should pay for his kids’ education because ……….?
Because (according to Emma Thompson on Newsnight) we are racist not to take them in and give them board, food, education, etc.
There are only 3000 errrrr…refugees in Calais, she tells us. They have been through hell and we have plenty of room. Let them in.
She had a tear in her eye and a shaky voice. Great acting. I bet this evening she’s tucking into an organic foccacia, safely ensconsed in her Hampstead ivory tower. Love to ask her how many ahem refugees
she would be happy to accommodate round her place, feed, clothe, hand out her cash to, etc.
What planet is she on?
”’What planet is she on? ” Planet anti white.
”’What planet is she on? ”
Uranus. Well, she certainly talks out of it.
I also have strong views on the illegal immigrants but haven’t been invited on to Newsnight to address the nation – why does a left-wing, champagne guzzling luvvie get the chance?
Sorry, forgot to add that I’m English, male, middle-aged and hideously white…….not that that matters to the BBC.
Wasn’t it Emma Thompson who disliked Exeter, because it wasn’t diverse enough for her London-honed tastes?
Azila Bungalwala on the Papers on the News Channel is being eloquent about how unacceptable it is that we aren’t taking our share of ‘refugees’ and David Cameron’s remarks were not acceptable etc etc etc. Where is Yasmin Brown ? she hasn’t put her t’pennoth in yet,; all themselves migrants or 2nd generations who verbally decide who should come and live here. The Beeb dig up these extremely and very vocally articulate immigrants, pushing the idea forward that ‘the mood of the public is turning’ after seeing the pictures of the tragically drowned children – um, no it isn’t. Those kids parents are the ones responsible. Can you imagine any parent from this country dragging their kids in those conditions around Europe for their own ends ? Childline, Social Services and RSPCC would come down on them like a ton of bricks. Just shows how uncivilised these peoples and their culture are.
“Can you imagine any parent from this country dragging their kids in those conditions around Europe for their own ends ? Childline, Social Services and RSPCC would come down on them like a ton of bricks.”
Well quite. Just look at the bedwetting whenever some binliner-wearing traitor decides to take her kids on a fun-filled trip to Syria.
Yes, even Sky’s Press Review had the vacantly gurning Jackie Smith and some other media nonentity lamenting and wailing about the Bodrum body. They were parroting the same line about “a turning point”. Supposedly, this picture will be remembered for years to come as a key image, like the girl napalmed in the Vietman war. The presenter mentions that 90% of viewer “traffic” was sceptical and still they prattle on. A new Kindertransport is the way forward. Both say they “might well” be willing to take in Syrian families. What crap! Obviously, the usual media and luvvie suspects have got together to cynically push this ongoing exploitative tear jerker.
Some idiot, so-called ‘Tory political reporter’ on commercial television says that British people should take Syrian refugees into their homes and if they cannot do that, they should contribute money.
‘Mr political reporter’ is completely out of touch with the real world, the people of our nation are struggling to earn a crust, struggling to get a council home, struggling to get an appointment with their doctor or hospital and struggling to live on a mediocre pension.
There is a ‘desperate’ shortage of council houses and there are lists of British children waiting for adoption or fostering because our children’s homes overflowing.
Added to all that we have the present ‘Austerity’.
It all smacks of the ‘Band Aid’ propaganda of over thirty years ago, all orchestrated by a collective body of journalists with political ambitions. You could take a camera to any third world country and pull heart strings by showing dead bodies of children.
It is all propaganda.
I agree with him! Every loon who wants asylum seekers to be allowed into the UK should accommodate them in their own homes, regardless of overcrowding, and should feed and finance them for the duration of their stay. They should also be responsible for any compensation for any criminal activity the Asylum seekers commit !
I like the last bit – a bit like in China, where if you save somebody’s life, you’re responsible for any good (and bad) they commit later in life – they kill, you’re up for murder.
On BBC World News some Beeboid loon senses that “a turning point” in relation to Syrian refugees has been reached. A tsumami of empathy will soon be washing over Britain. A few minutes later “Cardiff Jihadi killed in Syria by US drone”. Maybe there should be an exchange program. All those loyal British Jihadis could make their way to the New Caliphate and deserving, prosecuted Christian Syrians could move into the vacated housing. I was surprised the BBC hadn’t invited a ” human rights lawyer ” to pillory the Great Satan’s extrajudical killing of an innocent British citizen who had not been found guilty by any court of any crime.
Jacqui Smith would definitely take in a refugee…………she’d find dozens of ways to claim more on expenses by doing so.
Plus, it would give her husband someone to play with and he wouldn’t have to buy in porn anymore.
It’s the same cloying tone of voice that’s supposed to express and elicit deep compassion that nauseates me. It’s so obviously false. It’s impossible to watch even a BBC news bulletin withoout some self-appointed conscience of the nation droning forth. Strange Giles Frazier hasn’t been on prostrate with grief, wailing and rending his garments., A trusty NHS pulp sick bowl is now an essential viewing accessory.
Yes , remember the little kid who was from Southampton ,(forgot his name) in which our Police issued an EU arrest warrant ,for the Spanish to arrest his parents on an “abduction” charge .
Loving parents take child to safety (away from the criminally negligent NHS) and an international arrest warrant is issued.
Syrian family claims asylum in Turkey.
Syrian family decides Turkey isn’t good enough
Syrian family pays £1000s to people smugglers to illegally enter EU.
Members of Syrian family drown.
Syrian returns to Syria, without fear for his life, to bury family.
Call me heartless, but that chain of events is not my fault and I feel no guilt. After 37 years of watching misery porn on TV, I am also largely unmoved by the image of a dead child on a beach.
Personally, I think the father is to blame. He was calling the shots. He paid £1000s to travel to the EU, but didn’t spend another £100 on lifejackets or even £5 on armbands. His family would still be alive if he hadn’t left Turkey. Judging by his safe unmolested return to Syria, I imagine they’d all be living quite safely in Syria, if they hadn’t left.
Having said that, Merkel must also accept her role in the child’s death. If she is willing to accept unlimited Syrian refugees, she should allow them to fly in from Turkey. Instead, she claims to ‘care’ but would rather they drown.
….And perhaps the final question for tonight is, are our Members of Parliament in touch with the people of this nation or are they supine to the press and its liberal reporters who live in a media bubble completely out of touch with Real Britain?
Over to you Mr Prime Minister and all your Members of the House – whatever your political colours.
Russia has strong links with Syria .
Why is such a vast country not taking all the refugees from Syria ?
Why no noises about this coming from the EU ?
Perhaps because the Russian power elites aren’t anti Russian while the European power elites are anti European. To create a super state called the EUSSR you have to destroy all trace and memory of what was before, the sovereign independent nations based on ethnicity and Christianity. The Soviet Union destroyed Russian, Ukrainian, Cossack culture to create their workers paradise, the Chinese had the Cultural Revolution to create their perfect society. Same thing is happening here, this time mass immigration, die-versity, multiculturalism, hate speech crime laws, etc etc are the tactics.
A picture paints a thousand words, this is err, um, Europe.
I don’t know why the UK keeps getting singled out for non participation in taking their quota. What about Monaco, Liechtenstein, Spain, Portugal, San Moreno and Poland ??? Poland must have stacks of room, as most of the population is over here !!! Iceland apparently are willing to take a bus load, although the sight of a line of Muslim men with their arms around each other jumping up and down, might not be the Icelandic way of doing things, so may regret their offer.
Poland and the other CE EU members are not going to destroy (at least not yet) there countries by mass non European immigration.
It should be noted that the region has a good record of taking genuine refugees; taking 1000s of ex Yugoslavs and more recently Ukrainians.
The thatched African house in Calais ? that should go down really well in Milton Keynes or Potters Bar. Some enterprising entrepreneur will soon make a theme park out of them over here.
France a first world country descending into the third world.
Apologies if already posted, but from Guido a link about a poll.
This exposes the usual bBC lies about how we all love the bBC.
The BBC reveals itself as nothing less than a pro-migrant advocate organisation:
Migrant crisis: Pressure mounts as UK urged to ‘do more’
David Cameron is facing growing pressure at home and abroad for the UK to take in more of the many thousands of migrants fleeing to Europe. It comes after a picture of a dead boy lying on a Turkish beach sparked an outcry over the crisis’s human cost. Tory backbencher David Burrowes said the UK “should accept thousands, not hundreds” of people and a senior UN official said the UK could “do more”.
And so it goes on, using the image of the dead boy on a Turkish beach as its talisman. Absolutely shameless, but thoroughly predictable from the Corporation – and its fellow travellers on Channel 4.
Meanwhile, last night (and here) the fragrant Ms Emma Thompson,
international politician and statespersonjobbing actor, is granted a free pass on last night’s Newsnight as she hectors the nation for its ‘racism’ in refusing to fling open the doors to welcome ‘thousands’ of illegal immigrants ‘refugees’. Mr Thompson is a public supporter of Labour. I’m sure that’s not an important detail.I wonder how many of these ‘refugees’ Ms Thompson might be prepared to welcome into one of her doubtless spacious, well-appointed properties..?
No? Oh well.
Just for good measure, Ms Thompson,
international climate scientistjobbing actor, reminded us all how great the dangers of the coming climate catastrophe are. I take it then that she will no longer be boarding those gas-guzzling jet airliners to travel the world to collect her obscenely inflated pay cheques for ‘acting’ in front of a few cameras for a few weeks every year..?No? Oh well.
Maybe the ratcheting up of the media coverage is tied to the weather.
Autumn is here and winter looms. Thatched huts with tarp walls may inspire thoughts of cosy times in Syr… Somalia, but at this latitude in a few months may not be too comfy.
These guys need to be installed in a nice 3-bed in Kensington on the public tab PDQ.
Yep the “carbon footprint” of the film industry is pretty huge I would imagine.
But clever old Emma Thompson, she adopted an African teenager a while back, thus enabling her to step out of virtue signalling territory and into, “there I did it, so why can’t the rest of the country accommodate immigrants” moral high ground status.
I believe he went to Exeter University which wasn’t black enough for him, so she had a moan about that too.
She also protested about a Tesco local being opened too near her home, she prefers the artisan cheese shops and bakers you see, because of course everyone wants to pay a fiver for a half a pound of cheese.
In fact, she now appears to be just a professional moaner, with a lefty opinion on everything, I’m not sure why her opinions are any more relevant, than Ken Dodd, Lulu or Kenny Lynch, for instance, but there you go.
Why is the corporate media showing a dead body of a child washed up on a beach and not showing a picture of this ? A Swedish woman raped and murdered by an immigrant on their front pages.
A child has died, thats bad, but the media has gone into propanganda overdrive on his. Can we really say for sure just how this child died? Remember certain ‘groups’ are kings of propaganda and not adverse to using children to further their aims…
Just had a look at the ,as bad as all the rest, MSN site running dead kid we must act story. The responses are overwhelmingly against looks like people may finally be wakening up. At least they are letting people comment on their reports unlike the BBc.
Because they don’t want to show the public how we will be enriched. A quick look on the internet reveals some interesting information on crime rates in Sweden but I expect the BBc will never run a balanced report on that. Any reported stories in this vein disappear faster than a fast thing. IKEA killings any Islamic terrorist Paris / Sydney etc., compare with the days and days of reporting on schoolgirls “feared” to have travelled to Syria.
BBc breakfast “The government is under mounting pressure to take migrants” Will the picture of a dead child change attitudes? Frankly from what I’ve seen on social media no!, The increasingly desperate wave of bias from the BBc continues. Interview with Oliver from the Independent who tells us Britain must do more. It even qualifies for serious faces on the sofa.
If anyone finds a BBC “comments” item open on this blatant attempt at moral blackmail please post a link.
Has a BBC reporter asked Mrs Balls what she would do with those still in the queue when everywhere has taken 10 families – because as sure as eggs is eggs the queue behind would be ever bigger.
In the past my understanding of “refugees” is that they usually wanted to return to their homes once the problem was over. Now it seems a “better life” is the aim.
Strange how all the media talk is now of Syrians, a better bet for tugging the heart strings. I’ll bet Italy is thoroughly cheesed off that the attention has moved from helping them with our African friends seeking a better life!
I’ve left a suggestion and I’m expecting to be ignored.
The BBC is much exorcised this morning by the story of a 14 year old who took a photograph of himself naked and sent it to a girl of the same age.
He has now been prosecuted for making & sharing an explicit image of a child even though the child was himself !
The BBC comments about the way that even trivial misdemeanours by children have been resulting in Police interventions and criminal records, and ponder why this has happened.
Far too many politicians come from a legal background, and it’s no surprise they view the law as a tool they can use, but the criminalisation of children was promoted by another lawyer – Tony Blair and his corrupt government. Of course the BBC completely fails to recall this happening – wonder why?
Meanwhile many paedophiles, usually from a certain ethnic background, are not prosecuted. The politicians, police and many civil servants suffer from complete moral inversion on so many issues.
They have very short memories. Concerns were flagged up, by the media, at the time the law was introduced.
I’ve been listening to BBC radio for much of the morning, between Radio Scotland and Radio 4. It’s been wave after wave of person saying we must take in some refugees. Anyone who equivocates in the slightest, such as saying we need to distinguish economic refugees from actual migrants is pushed by the interviewer to agree that we must do more. I’ve heard someone from Refugee Studies in Oxford say how the picture of a dead child has changed attitudes and caused a wave of sympathy that the government must listen to; I’ve heard a Thought For The Day telling me taking these people in is just like when he took in a lovely stray cat that needed a home; I’ve heard an interview with someone rescued as a child from Germany where he was guided towards saying that we’re no longer such a compassionate country; I’ve heard countless reports stating the horrors these people are fleeing from.
Nowhere did I hear expressed the concerns shown not just on this board but on the BBC’s own boards and even the Guardian: why are they coming to Europe and not other, safe Muslim countries; who might be orchestrating this; how many Isis sleepers and other terrorists might be lurking amongst them; why have so many left their wives and children behind if they’re in such mortal danger; are they really all doctors and engineers as they claim; are their sad stories actually true; where do they get their money from to pay the traffickers; why pay traffickers in the first place when a plane ticket would be cheaper and safer; why might UK residents feel that adding more Muslims to the population is not a good idea (that would raise many an awkward question for the BBC!); what terror in Turkey was that family fleeing that led their children to drown; how many people can we bring in to this country before the infrastructures cannot cope?
That’s just off the top of my head. I’m sure others can think of other pertinent questions that are being avoided or, if raised at all, dismissed as unimportant, racist or just “far-right”.
“why are they coming to Europe and not other, safe Muslim countries”
I wish people would think, or do a little research before putting fingers on keys, especially if they want to be taken seriously.
Turkey over 1 million Syrian displaced people plus around 100 K people from other countries
Lebanon 1.2 million Syrians
Jordan 620 000 Syrians
Egypt 500 000 Syrians
Iraq 300 000 Syrians
That took me a few seconds to find so why didn’t you ?
Why are they coming to Europe? Who says they are? only the BBC and their credulous left wing mates who will believe any old sob story they’re handed. and can’t accept reality even when it bites them on the arse !
The BBC carried this story of the mystery of a body in a wetsuit found on a beach in Southern Sweden. It turned out to be that of an asylum seeker who together with two others thought it might be a good idea to swim across the channel to England.
The story is magnificent in its ability to ignore the elephant in the room, all of the men were Jordanian, and all of them were claiming to be from Syria ! They even contacted the family in Jordan and found that this man had a university degree and a good career ahead of him.
The migrants at Calais are largely not who they claim to be and are by definition criminals, there are any number of people claiming to be fleeing Syrian, but who are coming from elsewhere.
The problem is the idea that Europe is a land of milk & honey where everyone is rich and the state hands out money like some kind of lady bountiful. They see the wealthy tourists with expensive camera gear, and think everyone in Europe is like that. No amount of government propaganda is going to change that, the only way is by the word of mouth coming from refugees, that Britain is a difficult country to get into and there are no streets paved with gold. Massive fines for those who employ illegal immigrants perhaps sufficient to make them destitute might stem their greed.
More than that I believe that any of the “British” people smugglers who are caught at it, should have all their assets seized including property, cars etc.
Probably never going to happen though.
Perhaps those who wish to be truly considered “thoughtful” should read the post properly before flying on to their own keyboards to be condescending to people whom they consider have posted something they disagree with. You know, you’d probably get a better discussion by saying politely what you disagree with instead of constantly coming on here with a belligerent attitude to those whose opinions might differ from yours.
I didn’t say no-one had gone to Muslim countries. What I said was that the BBC hadn’t aired the concerns noted on several boards. Many have asked why these migrants don’t go to other safe Muslim countries. Others have. Why not these? One would expect them to go to neighbouring countries, not all the way here. I haven’t heard the BBC address these concerns. As always, it’s entirely possible I’ve missed it but in such cases anyone is free to post a link and we can all decide for ourselves whether it represent bias or not.
In a ‘split’ that only the BBC could conjure, namely between the Westminster, W1A, Salford, Islington bubbles and the rest of the country, I was thinking a crisis of this magnitude could warrant a referendum to sort out what the nation actually wants.
But actually, back in May, we had an election that made it pretty clear. After the economy, immigration was the next biggest issue, and Labour, Limps and the BBC were utterly rejected.
However democracy being so last month, the political and media powers that be seem to have decided that with a four year window of opportunity, they can tell folk what’s best for them, and it’s not what they voted for.
What Cameron & The Tories are up to heaven knows; I can only presume that their fealty to the crumbling EU project has blinded them to the political reality of actually understanding what a majority electorate can do.
Lunatic on Radio 2 is currently stating that she ‘would definitely take them into her home’
BBC Radio Manchester phone-in this morning.
1/ Are we taking in enough refugees?
2/ Are we doing enough? ( see question #1)
Not like the BBC to push an agenda …
They had the same topics on Radio Leeds and I listened to the phone in for 10 or 15 minutes. Surprisingly the BBC allowed most callers to say what they felt and the majority felt that we didn’t want any of these migrants (they are not refugees in the true sense of the word) in our country. No doubt the BBC will dismiss all those folks as being racist biggots.
The latest ploy of the BBC to try and get the UK to open the doors is to claim that we have obligations under international law to take refugees and that all those coming from Syria are refugees and 50% of those coming from Libya are also refugees. In a week or so there will be an ruling by some international body or other that they are indeed refugees and that we have to take them. The BBC will then say how can the UK government disregard international law? The government will regretfully agree that it must comply and with deep regret open the doors. Perhaps this has been the plan all along by the government and the BBC to find a way to take loads of migrants in the face of the clear democratic wishes of the British people not to do so. If the government really doesn’t want take them they could of course appeal against the ruling or just ignore it. But they won’t because they are too frightened of the leftist establishment reaction ,orchestrated by the BBC, if they did. Surely the government should listen to the people, not to a few thousand high profile liberals!
If we feel that we are being forced to take more and more alien migrants then perhaps our boundless tolerance will snap. Then the government will really regret caving into the BBC et al.
Personally I think that we should be supporting Hungary and paying them to build the border fence and to police it. They are the front line , as often before , in saving Europe from Islamification.
Someone on Guido mentioned a similar phone-in from somewhere else in the country so I’m guessing this was discussed almost everywhere this morning. I didn’t listen to much of it myself as I just end up shouting at the radio and the neighbours already think I’m bonkers as it is. However, the one phrase used over and over was ‘the lifeboat is full’. It seems that BBC propaganda is failing to get through. They’ll have to ramp it up now … maybe, two dead kids or a woman or a family. If they’re looking for drowned immigrants they could always show those Christians chucked overboard by the muslims, I suppose …
BBC Breakfast Boy meets girl a “ground breaking” trans comedy. You just know the BBc is going to love this one. Apparently it’s hoping to change attitudes. Unfortunately the clip they show looks as funny as ebola. Another dire sit com but with a pc spin.
After taking a severe guilt bombing on the BBC news this morning I switched to Sky, now even though there is a lot of sympathy for the illegal immigrants on Sky at least they did attempt to show another side of the story. There was one section with someone whose name I didn’t catch, but who was at least saying what a lot of us are thinking, young, fit, lawless men etc, he also mentioned how many Bulgarians are worse off than the illegals cluttering up Budapest, who are better dressed and have nicer phones etc.
He also stated that there are a lot of opportunists who are economic migrants, pure and simple. I was gobsmacked to see another side to this given the propaganda we’ve been subjected to.
When they showed the station at Budapest being opened to let the illegals through, and the ensuing chaos, Eamonn Holmes even stated to one of the hand wringing paper reviewers “Would you want these people living next door to you ? ” It was quite refreshing.
Eamonn Holmes is going up in my estimation.
A few days ago he interviewed Nigel Farage. He told Nigel Farage that it was his job as an interviewer to belittle and destroy him, but he couldn’t do that now. He said that a lot of what Nigel Farage had said about immigration was now being adopted by the other parties and found to be accurate.
Do you have a link?
I wish I could have as much faith in Sky News as you. All too often they revert to lefty ‘meeja’ types when they should be accurately and fairly reporting the facts, with arguments equally explored on all sides. I admit that on balance (and I am a long-time Sky subscriber) Sky News do marginally better than both the abysmal BBC and Channel 4 in at least attempting alternative narratives, but, as I said, Sky News tends to follow the herd far too often – and the margin of difference between it and those two others in tone is very slim.
I’d like to Sky to be prepared to markedly differentiate itself from the likes of the execrable BBC and CH4 by adopting a uniquely balanced and apolitical stance. Now, wouldn’t that be refreshing..?
My attitude to the photo of a dead child on a beach in Turkey is – blame Turkey for failing to welcome and accommodate its Muslim asylum-seeking neighbours.
The child’s death is NOT the fault of Europe, whatever the BBC and much of the media try to suggest.
Emotional blackmail is being used to suppress rational analysis.
Well said, the child’s death is really being used to ramp up the cause today. All those bleeding heart lefty’s are really being suckered in by this, what I believe to be propaganda.
I’m still waiting for those calling on us to accept more to tell us when exactly enough will be enough, it will never end if we do. Does our quality of life count for nothing? A quality of life hard fought for by our ancestors being freely given away.
Your final sentence nails it JA.
Absolutely, prepare for Bob and Midge to rattle out another Band Aid rehash…
‘There’s gonna be snow in Calais this winter, the greatest gift they’ll get this year is an EU passport’
“…Emotional blackmail is being used to suppress rational analysis.”
Bravo – perfectly sums up the weasel tactics of the thoroughly disreputable BBC propaganda machine. I mean, seriously – do they not imagine that we can see straight through their orchestrated idiocy?
blame Turkey for failing to welcome and accommodate its Muslim asylum-seeking neighbours.
What an idiotic ill informed and ignorant comment !
Turkey has taken over 1 million Syrians and over 100 000K from other countries! This site is supposed to be about BBC bias, they will be laughing up their sleeves at us, rightly now able to ignore those comments which do have a point because those without a brain are posting ridiculous and false comments like yours !
Engage brain (if you have one) before putting your fingers anywhere near the keys and do some research first! It only takes a second !
Yes, Turkey has no right under Turkish Law to prevent anyone leaving the country unless they suspect the person has committed a criminal offence. I believe that UK law is similar.
Have you not seen reports from Izmir, near the Turkish coast, where Syrian refugees are made to feel unwelcome ? You are the ignoramus. Turkey is a safe country, therefore the Syrians who have reached Turkey are safe.
If you want to argue that Europe should do more – via the UN – to help Turkey and Jordan and Lebanon with the burden of Syrian rewgees, that is fair and rational and just. But you give nil justification for the suggestion that Europe should take in huge numbers of “refugees”.
Just look at all the other photos – fit men, mostly under 40 – far fewer women and children. People basically seeking to invade Europe, sod international law, sod the lot of us.
You are being duped by the emotional pressure. Others would prefer to retain some semblance of our nation states, our borders, our common-sense.
Agree wholeheartedly, John. I suggest anyone being taken in by the BBC narrative that all these migrants are refugees should look at the plentiful footage of genuine refugees filmed during World War Two. Note how the majority of them are women, children and the elderly, with a smattering of disabled people. What the footage doesn’t show are well fed males aged between 18 and 30.
I just had a quick look on Amnesty internationals website, it mentions Turkey “hosting” very many displaced Syrians.
I’m not quite sure what that means, is “hosting” allowing them in only to move them on, or does it mean they have granted them leave to stay permanently ?
Thoughtful – why do you have to be so rude?
I felt I had to be a little ‘to the point’ thirdoption, because I would like those opinions on here which are well made to carry some weight, and to be respected and difficult for those who support the BBC to dismiss.
When someone posts an opinion which even I disagree with, and which is not supported by the facts, then I strongly feel the need to point that out.
Does anybody reckon that if Labour, ably assisted by the BBC, hadn’t taken the piss so much by flooding Britain with immigrants during the nineties and noughties, maybe the public may be a little more sympathetic?
As it stands, we’ve had more than enough
Agree 100%
Yep they decided to “rub the rights nose in diversity” which damaged the prospects of locals catastrophically.
To be an indigenous working class Londoner, who actually lives in London now is like being a giant Panda.
At a Christmas party in work last year the head of HR at my firm (which employs around 150 people) told me I was, and I quote “the only person in the company with a London accent” Which is probably a polite way of saying I’m as common as muck.
To be fair a lot of the other employees are middle class, or regional incomers, but still its quite something to be singled out like that.
Don’t worry about being singled out – be proud of it and don’t lose it.
Pandas are better protected.
The MSM have got their propaganda pot of gold this morning … BBC, LBC etc are simply lapping it up
All objective argument has gone, needed rationality considering the numbers vanished.
These relevant points gone in a puff of smoke.
Are the majority of migrants, erm refugees Islamic?
Islamic factions like Al Shabab, the profiteering from ISIS, driving masses, to traffickers, a lot of them funding ISIS
getting £1000s from these illegal migrants going back to ISIS … should the flow diminish – murder some more- flow restored, and all to be replaced by adherents flocking from all over the world to breed more terrorists, or sex slaves, or prepubescent girls.
Voila! … there s your restored Calliphate
These “migrants” vast majority, young and male are following the ISIS wish, for Hijra another Mohamhead fascist cracker, ie spread Islam by migration
How many are going to Qatar, or Saudi Arabia or Algeria … how about the UAE, or Bahrain, or Kuwait …
Stands to reason, you know amongst the world’s richest countries, and all that,.
Why are they not all migrants staying in Turkey? another Islamic Ummah … Turkey isn t at war,(apart from massacring Kurds, making more room for more the “right”Islam?)
yet … none of those “rich” nations have opened their doors to Syrian refugees? to migrants?
They re all “Muslim brothers” right … Islam – the most erm “charitable” and all that
They will tell you themselves, “above any nationality”, the all important erm … ummah!.
These are salient points, all lost in the press pack clamour over a photo.
“Why are they not all migrants staying in Turkey?”
How do you know that they aren’t? How do you know that ‘ALL’ of the migrants are actually Syrian, and not from some other country using Syria as an excuse? Just because the credulous BBC believes everyone’s claim without question does not mean that we should !
“How many are going to Qatar, or Saudi Arabia or Algeria … how about the UAE, or Bahrain, or Kuwait ”
Probably very few as the fighting is in the North and East meaning that flight to any of those countries would mean crossing territory controlled by ISIS. There are a large number in Iraq, and there probably are quite a few in those countries mentioned staying with relatives. Just because it hasn’t been reported doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened.
Bahrain has taken in so many Syrian migrants that the opposition has accused the government of trying to alter the countries demographics by mass migration !
“They re all “Muslim brothers” right … Islam – the most erm “charitable” and all that”
They’ve taken in an estimated 4 million people how much more do you want from them?
So many knee jerk reactions on here based on nothing more than ignorance and prejudice! Check your facts before posting – Google is easy to use and it’s free !
OK there 😀 … how much of the issue at hand could be construed as having an Islamic cause/s
I agree with much of your post, to quote you “probably”
My points are there and they are relevant
Asylum seeker, Migrant, Illegal Immigrant, the Refugee, the Economic which is which?
The aim is to get here, they ll say anything to stay, they just see strength in numbers,
T … for all of us in Europe
“Houston … we have a problem”
“Last week, for example, a BBC researcher called me, wanting to discuss the migration crisis. Would I talk by phone to her programme? Yes, I told her. In fact, I was at that moment volunteering in a hostel for underage migrants in Italy, so it would have a certain aptness. The moment I mentioned the hostel, I sensed the interest draining from her voice. She was after someone who would be, as it were, uncomplicatedly anti-immigrant. She wanted no nuance, no dash of humanity.”
From the same piece by Dan Hannan:
“…While we were in Messina, an Italian coastguard vessel put in with 693 boat people on board, mainly Eritreans. I have seen refugee columns before, and they tend to be made up disproportionately of women and children. But more than 80 per cent of the people disembarking here were young men – the classic indicator of economic migration.”
Words the BBC will never – ever – bring itself to say. Who needs facts when you have a ‘narrative’ to stick to..?
Emma Thompson takes time off from saving the Arctic to solving the migration problem. Basically we are waycists. She points out that there are only 3000 in Calais, ‘that’s nothing’, she says, ‘we’ve got plenty of room for them’. Question fr Emma. Are you only considering 3000, but what about another 3 million who want to come here?
Here is Emma, comparing us to Martians over our failure to support Greenpeace
Migrant crisis: Why Syrians do not flee to Gulf states
It’s a little easy going on the gulf states but the cartoon is priceless !
A very big desert and great distance are a couple of reasons, alongside strict visa requirements.
“Strict visa requirements”, something that this nation should have adopted a long time ago ?
Lets hope that our police force pursue the foreign child rape gangs that have plagued our multicultural cities with the same alacrity as they did with the boy who sent a picture of his ‘free willy’ as a prank?
The media have been getting ‘very excited’ about it.
Don’t know about you lot, but I find this picture deeply worrying, just one boat into Athens, my they look happy. Is there a bigger platitude than tsunami? swarm no longer fits the bill.
Fleeing war torn Turkey.
A sense of foreboding and trepidation has come over me, one shudders and trembles just looking at that photo.
It reminds me of D Day, and that was also an invasion.
Just filled this in I don’t think they will appreciate my comments though.
I filled it in too Dave, I think mine is destined for the BBC’s electronic dustbin.
Remember this guy?
He threw his wife and infant child onto a railway line and then jumped on top. It looks like he smacks the child in the head as well.
Apparently he ‘wanted to die’ and we’re supposed to feel sympathy.
Let’s just run through the facts:
1) His wife was holding his young child
2) His wife is five months pregnant
3) He ‘wanted to die’
4) He violently throws his pregnant wife and child to the floor – presumably so that they would die with him?
5) He demands to move to Europe.
No thanks.
All these young men………………. being spread across the European continent. How many children will they ‘father’ in the future. The Muslim religion is now well established.
Now the news is ramping up the “Government is under pressure to take in more refugees’ – er, by whom ?? suddenly overnight because of a tragic photograph, the authorities have GOT to be more compassionate. I haven’t seen anybody on the streets of the UK protesting this should be done, so its clearly the MEDIA who have gone into handwringing mode.
Sky news had an excellent interview with Andy Burnham this morning and tore him to shreds. An excellent interview, putting forward questions he really stumbled with and resorted to sound bites.
“Under Pressure” A nice vague statement. Under pressure from as you say Brissles who exactly. Everything I see on social media and the replies I’ve seen to this article (where permitted) don’t convey any “softening” of attitude I perceived we are fast moving to a situation where any criticism will be closed down, using a dead child for that purpose.. The media reporting is evolving to try and pull in sympathy using ever trick they know . I wonder what the media attitude would be in the near future reporting on the almost inevitable non integrating ghettos that will without doubt form in our inner cities if the minority get their way and open the doors.
I note an increasing acrimonious attitude by some posters on here. The squabbling is all after the event of course, the problem is at our door now and who does or does not take in the refugees, migrants, or whatever you want to call them, is now irrelevant.
There are no such things as borders now, the tide is too big. It is only a question of how long it takes to break them down, and then it will not take long before Europe is overrun. Swamped by a swarm of humanity as never seen before, and that will include the UK. All parts of the UK, including the highlands of Scotland and the Welsh valleys, as well as the little green villages of our land. Our cities are of course already overrun.
Whatever old flappy jaws Cameron says or does not say they will come and not via Calais, that is just a red herring. The rest of our good pals in the European criminal network will give them the EU papers (or little plastic card) they need to walk through our customs and then voilà, they can arrive legally, by the plane load, by the boat load.
There’s now’t we can do and as we know the media with the BBC in charge will be in full righteous how wonderful we are, hello and welcome, and here is your new house and TV and cash to keep you in the style to which you would like to be accustomed.
As for the numbers, it won’t be thousands, it will be millions. We have already had millions and there was no war in Pakistan or Poland or India or wherever else our invaders have come from during the recent Blair, Brown and Cameron years.
However, we need to understand why there all these wars and there is such a terrible refugee crisis because one thing is certain the BBC won’t tell you. I doubt if, with their adoration of the messiah Obama, they can even face the truth although it is plain to see.
Obama has supplied weapons and billions of dollars to rebels all the way from Syria across the Middle East to Libya and Africa. He has fermented trouble in the Ukraine, although the refugees there are of course going to Russia, thank goodness. Obama withdrew the troops on the ground from Iraq and Afghanistan and that left a war torn region to be taken over completely by Islamic terrorists.
This is fully and completely Obama’s doing, it is his legacy and make no bones about it we will have to pick up the tab along with all of the other many stable, for the moment, countries, including the USA. By the time he leaves office (if he does) then the Obama Messiah will have completed his task. The destruction of the civilised world. Well done Barry and the idiots that voted for him.
I do not recognise the U.S. involvement you describe in Syria.
I do recognise the way the BBC talked up the wonders of the “Arab Spring” when “undemocratic” leaders were removed, until Mr Assad was found to be of sterner stuff heading a much more multi-cultural country.
If any lesson is to be learned from all the non-Israel centric troubles in the Near East it is that moslems do not thrive in a democracy as we understand it. The only way to live in relatively peaceful countries is for them to be run by a “strong man” led government with a secret service to keep order among the potential revolters. You may believe that approach has been evident even in East London recently.
It may offend BBC sensitivities but that is the way it seems to be to me. Different ways seem to suit different peoples.
”I do not recognise the U.S. involvement you describe in Syria.” General Wesley Clark tells of how Middle East destabilization was planned as far back as 1991.
David, thanks for posting that. I hadn’t heard of that or come across it before.
It always amuses me how people – commenting on BBC Blogs and HYS – refer one minute to the people involved as Neo-Cons, then as Neo-Liberals and then switch to applying the tag ‘Far Right’. Perhaps Blair was driving the whole thing rather than ‘tagging along as George Bush’s poodle.’? Blair let something interesting slip during one of his Chilcott appearances. He said something to the effect that “We knew the oil price would not be affected.” I remember the moment Bush was told about 9/11 and how he registered no emotion, no apparent immediate concern or impact. Those things raise all sorts of questions.
It also leads to the question about whether advice from the Foreign Office was trumped by US wishes when Cameron sought to pitch in on the side of the Syrian rebels including IS.
” I remember the moment Bush was told about 9/11 and how he registered no emotion, no apparent immediate concern or impact. Those things raise all sorts of questions.” General Stubblebine on 9/11.
Interesting. By the way, in case anyone comes to this later, David, we should make clear that your post under mine makes it look like I was quoting M.Gen Stubblebine which I was not. He does not say that in the video.
I’d certainly go along with his first point about misplaced intelligence. I’m not so sure about the rest of it, especially when he gets a bit of a strange glint in his eye. I am aware that there are plenty of conspiracy theories about the 9/11 attacks. I hadn’t seen that film, so thanks for posting it. In fact I haven’t seen anything other than written suggestions of various conspiracies, including the standard wild-Metro-liberal/Islamicist one that it was all down to Mossad, so that video clip and the previous one with Wesley Clark will be filed away for the future.
As I seem to be gradually turning into a writer, it is also easy to come up with various scenarios for plots. If you ‘follow the money’ on Iraq (as well as Afghanistan), though, it is interesting to see who benefits the most and it doesn’t appear to be the USA.
More emotional blackmail, desperate, stupid or very clever?
James Mates is very concerned about the illegals stuck on the unmoving train. Now he knows how the Eurostar travellers felt the other night !
I just hope and pray those police officers don’t get hurt.
“But Mr. Syrian (benefit of doubt), Europe law says you must register here in Hungary”
“What do you mean you don’t give a toss for laws you only want to take the jobs and money in Germany”
BBC News at Ten reporters said the man “fell” on the track and knocked the woman and baby to the ground. Footage on Sky shows the bloke deliberately dragged the woman to the ground with no thought that the baby in her arms could have bashed its head on the rails and then threw himself on top of her. Lying scum these BBC reporters.
She is five months pregnant. Later in this section the reporter says the woman is ‘not doing well’. So, he might have injured his unborn child. Let’s hope not. Maybe allow the wife and child in to avoid the violence evident in her domestic relationship?
This will all end in a War. Unless borders are immediately established cutting off Europe from the rest, then millions – regardless of whom they are, be they genuine asylum seekers, economic migrants and chancers, will be permanently on the move to get to Europe. Civil unrest will then be inevitable, as the indigenous populations will be fired up by right wing organisations versus protests by left wingers, and then the military will be involved. There is NO cut off date for this mass movement to stop – so come Christmas, or this time next year, or 5 years hence, Africa will be empty as will Afghanistan and Iraq. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if European Governments are right now involving the military in what steps and action to take should rioting begin.
I think you may be correct that some sort of civil war, possibly cross-border war, will happen, but I think the route to that inevitability will be somewhat more random. Germany is a powder keg of building resentments, likewise, Sweden, France, Greece, etc. Wherever there’s a fast-growing muslim immigrant population (and by that I mean illegal immigrants), there is scope for fireworks.
As the numbers of muslims arriving in free, democratic cultures grows exponentially, so their (mandated) refusal to integrate will spark calls from within Islam for them to assert ‘the rights of Islam’ over their hosts; to subvert the norms of a free, democratic society to better suit the inflexible prejudices of Islam. And this is where the pin gets pulled, so to speak. Fear is always Islam’s preferred route to power and control; fear of what will happen to any who dare oppose, criticize or speak out against its endless, menacing demands.
The burning question is just how much fear are native Europeans willing to endure as Islam grows stronger, steadily more strident, dangerously more assertive (thanks to those fast-growing numbers) in EU nations?
I have posted before, mostly on Nick Robinson’s Blog, that in future, most wars are likely to be internal, asymetric and most likely be a population at war with its government with various sub-authorities choosing sides. A dystopian thought, made worse by the thought that we now have lots of discharged service people in the UK who know how to handle weapons and where to get their hands on them.
Enough gloom for one day!
I’m hoping that the Hungarians will actually nip this in the bud and stop the flow. Once word gets back down the chain, they’ll stop coming. The trouble is, they’ll all head for Italy and we’ll dutifully pick them up and transport them to shore.
It might be ‘getting distressing’ Mr Mates, but to be honest, I felt MORE distressed at seeing the pictures of a serviceman in my own country in a state of beheading !
Yes, you are absolutely right. How could the various Muslim atrocies in this country not have poisoned the well of goodwill the indigenous population may once have felt towards refugees. People are bound to be sceptical about the influx of 100,000s more Muslims, people who up to now have shown no respect for the British way of life. Cynically using the image of a dead child to push a political agenda only nauseates people. It is easy to manipulate the good-natured, but naive, in this way.
The icy, clinical questioning Eddie Mair reserves for politicians he doesn’t like i.e. any Tory or UKIPper, was predictably absent last night when he interviewed a chappie from the UNHCR, the UN’s refugee agency.
This representative of an organisation which actively funds then turns a blind eye to Hamas and its use of schools and hospitals in Gaza for its propaganda and terrorist activities, was allowed to play fast and loose with figures claiming that Europe is capable of taking in millions of ‘refugees’, the only proof being we’ve done it all before with….tens of thousands. Mair did not get a grip of the trick being played out by this oily fairground shyster (which cup is the ball under, Eddie?) and chose instead to listen respectfully whilst this internationalist (ref Agenda 21) juggled figures and examples through a stage mist of moral relativism.
And, as with any BBC ‘discussion’ we’ve heard on this topic, the fact that the UK has come under unprecedented strain through mass immigration over the past 15 years whilst Germany’s population has stagnated was conviently ignored.
Your BBC – the UN’s unofficial (for now) World Broadcaster
Anyway just in case anyone forgot how entrenched in the BBC “ethos” Emma Thompson is, click on the link and cringe along at the opening sequence to Thompson from 1988.
Yes folks, they gave her, her own series so that La Thompson and her cronies could put on a show which would make the average sixth form production of Guys and Dolls look professional.
If your toes don’t curl up with embarrassment I’ll give you your money back.
And she’s still stealing a living and being given a platform on OUR money.
Thanks for that Shelly I remember she had a TV series I’d forgotten it was this crap.
There’s talentless, there’s painfully unfunny, and then there’s Emma Thompson.
“shite” is not a big enough word.
Pressure on Camoron, from the MSM bleats the BBC, LBC etc
… Camoron pulls out his deceased son story again
So you would let them in then Noggin? Seems to me you would . Cam has said “NO” , & Farage probably has said No .
No! … its just the superficial, and insincere, anything, and I mean anything for a soundbite manner of the twat.
Ex. Deserved questioning on the NHS … my deceased son etc.
Immigrant issue … my deceased son etc
Farage starts the campaign, this week gets some coverage
So … Cameron trawls out his latest “weathercock” sound bite
Wouldn t trust that twofaced prick as far as I could throw George Osborne
And Farage or any other politician does not , you think a Ukipper will wave his magic wand & all will be fine . Well ,who do you want to be PM ? Farage has stated ,if he is an MP ,he does not want to be a PM, so that leaves your old mate Corbyn . God help us .
On a lighter (and colder) note:
God only knows what the forecast will be like now alBeeb will be getting the data from Azerbaijan or some other cheaper provider.
Hopefully we are in for a record breaking cold winter with unprecedented choppiness in the Med.
Which would spike the guns of the “climate change” flat earthers, and persuade the illegals to stay in warmer climes for a bit.
Unfortunately I fear alBeeb will demand extra Winter Fuel payments for them so they can heat their tax payer funded mansions like a sauna and not properly integrate by wearing British overcoats! Plus that will accelerate climate change!
I have found a post in the Indy which is worth BBC journos copying.
How to blame the west for the destruction of ancient monuments by ISIS.Ever wonder why ISIS are blowing up ancient monuments? Well, ISIS are only partly to blame. The real reason is that wicked greedy western art dealers are to blame. Yada yada. Whatever crimes ISIS commit there is always an apologetic fellow travelling journalist willing to offset the blame and pin it on to the west.
…to conceal the evidence of looting.
Yeh, those ISIS lads, always keen to cover their tracks, eh?
They are happy enough to decapitate prisoners on film, but they would not want to be thought of as art thieves.