I’m getting the strong feeling via the BBC that David Cameron is being blamed for the tragic death of the boy on the beach. Why is he getting lambasted unfairly ? I just hope he stands his ground against all those swayed by the photo, and their pious and sympathetic ‘camera’ faces, yes you Yvette Cooper, to take more migrants in.
Can you imagine if the Tories were fighting a leader ship battle, and one of them used the death of this boy to score political points against Labour.
Outrage all round.
Well, here’s Mrs. Balls (Ed seemingly off on a plane, but no one fearing where so long as out of the UK) in full FLOTUK mode, because as we all now know, a vapid hashtag held up by a woman of, well nearish to power solves all ills…
Once again enforcing Sharia, the BBC, LBC, No 10, the Police, the MSM all the same,
these “useful idiots” – Al Beebots,.
What Islamic Sharia dictates as erm … slanderous, has nothing to do with truth … or not
Its whether Islam wants it to be known, or in the Cartoon case shown.
below the shameless BBC
Here the worse than shameless LBC, featuring ex Beebot, Sheela Foglegity
and Al BBC “go to guy” Abdullah Andalusi
Yep! the Muslim preacher who ‘despised Britain’ and said ISIS is ‘no different’ to Western armies was employed by Government watchdog which inspects COUNTER-TERROR police
I saw this featured on BBC News channel yesterday and even by their own twisted standards of leftist moral relativism this one plumbed new depths:
“The two people I’ve met feel they’ve been silenced, censored and misunderstood,” the presenter tells us, “they’ve both had events repeatedly called off; they’ve both been accused of preaching hate.”
….adding grist to their agenda mill ‘The Right are just as bad’ (if indeed this woman was of ‘the Right’) which you hear repeated zombie-like in conversation with friends who know no other source of news and current affairs than the BBC. This was a very sly piece of broadcasting, words having to be carefully chosen to maintain the equivalence otherwise the message doesn’t get through. So, for example, when the BBC interviewer claimed the preacher was in favour of apostates being executed she asked him ‘Don’t you think those people will be insulted by that?’ So, ‘insulted’ – not ‘threatened’ or ‘in fear of their lives’. In other words the message is ‘These two are as bad as each other’. Had the preacher been painted in the extreme terms his actions have warranted the message would fail.
But the supreme irony was this BBC woman didn’t even mention the gender segregation which is being practised up and down the country in universities, mosques, wedding ceremonies and Labour Party meetings, or arranged marriages, or honour killings, or (etc) – in other words the BBC’s own rules of censorship were in full play in the interview, a stifling of free speech which was the whole reason the other woman, the one being compared to the hate preacher, was making a stand.
The bBBC’s adjective department is in full flow and today’s word is ‘distressing’. Images of a Syrian boy, drowned as his greedy father tried to get from Turkey to Greece, are ‘distressing’. Images of a woman on the Hungarian train, refusing to give her details to the authorities then lying on the tracks, are also ‘distressing’.
Well, bBBC, I don’t find either of them distressing. Nor do I find Mrs Thatcher ‘divisive’ or the government’s austerity programme ‘controversial’. Your job is to show me the news. I’ll choose my own adjectives.
I find the picture that Geoff posted in the older comments, of all the illegals disembarking the ferry at Greece distressing, disturbing and disgusting.
The DJ was about to host a phone in about the Immigrants. He said that the picture of the dead boy on the beach had changed everything now. Who could say that we are full up he said? If you fly to Luton, all you see is green fields, he said. And Cameron he said was now supportive and changed his mind. The last refugee crisis the DJ said, was caused by the Nazis and had to be stopped. And so he went on and on.
The BBC are now FULL ON supporting immigrants. It’s as if a European policeman had caused the child to drown in the Med!
I guarantee if any of the” Swarm “were put up in the houses`s of the bleeding hearts , those with daughters ,like Vine ,Campbell , O`Brain , & others ,they would find their daughters “Culturally Enriched” , & how would they accept that ? I guess they would sacrifice those daughters for ,( in their eyes) the greater good of enrichment .
I don’t suppose it crossed the moron’s mind that those “green fields” are not just empty space, they grow food for the population which is surging towards 70 million. What a vapid fucking tosser.
Throughout the ‘migration’ crisis BBC has demonstrated its power and hold over the UK. A majority of the British people don’t want any migrants. The BBC and its liberal chums do, for reasons which all readers of this site know full well. So the BBC sets its stall out to persuade enough of us that we have a moral duty to take an unspecified number. It uses its monopoly position to play on our emotions ,to suppress any news that doesn’t fit with its narrative and to only allow one side of the story to be heard or seen and probably to distort and lie to us. Its aim is to whip up the liberal lefties and others who let their emotions rule their heads, into making such a fuss that the government takes fright and starts to slide towards a position which the British people oppose. Because the majority have no access to the airwaves we cannot mobilise and make ourselves heard, or convince the government that we stand firm behind not wanting any migrants or pseudo refugees. So against or will we are going to be forced to take untold numbers of aliens who we well know cause us endless problems in the future.
This is an excellent and highly important example of how British democracy is constantly undermined by the BBC having a near monopoly on news and current affairs broadcasting . Basically Britain is being run not by the democratically elected government but by a few hundred representatives of the liberal elite in Broadcasting House who treat the rest of us with contempt. The Tories could deal with them at the Charter Review next year but I think they either secretly need the BBC or are scared to death of it.
Either way Britain, like the rest of Europe, slides another step down the road to full Islamification. I am glad I will not live to see it but I am sad that so many young people are following the Pied Piper of the BBC to a hell on earth.
The only thing I can think of is to bombard the Conservative party with tweets or emails, stating our objection to taking in anymore illegals.
The Government don’t need worry about the opinions of the lefty rabble and the BBC who hate them anyway, there is nothing to be gained by pandering to people who will never support a Tory Government in a million years.
My only fear is that Cameron is playing a long game by not accepting the swarm at this time, in the hope that if we get a referendum, people will vote to stay in.
Then if he gets the result he wants, we’ll be flooded.
Almost certainly as it is his easy option. To confront the reality of what is happening on Europe’s borders is far too demanding. That would demand courage and intelligence and a willingness to act .
Isis is behind this aided by those regimes that want Europe to go down. Turkey is at best ambivalent and not to be trusted .
The West needs to go after Isis now. Using maximum firepower and soldiers. We will take casualties but this is the life of a soldier. No nation building and no winning of hearts and minds just using our military advantage while we still can. Arm the Kurds at once. Isssue a statement of full support for Israel and force Turkey to choose. Us or the forces of militant Islam. Find the traffikers and finish them for good . Destroy all boats and blockade the coasts . Be prepared to use and lose ships.
All this could be done and in the end maybe we will have to after much pain. Meanwhile the liberal regimes of Europe prefer to emote and wring their hands and try to put off the day when they as much as us all have to choose between their emotions and their survival.
As for Emma Thompson and the rest of the luvvies they are irrelevant and always have been. This is a time for new men and women who understand what is necessary.
The BBC? What can I say? It is the enemy of us all in this land and of reality itself.
Someone with balls, someone who will keep his pledge to bring down immigration, someone who will not be supine to Europe, someone who will not be afraid of AlBeeb, someone who will look after his own people instead of wasting millions on foreign aid and finally someone who will strengthen our armed forces.
Who do you have in mind?
BBC Trending – Has the dead Syrian child picture shifted our view of migrants?
A huge online conversation is taking place around the picture of a dead 3-year-old Syrian boy from Kobane, washed up on a Turkish beach. Will it change the way the world views Syrian migrants? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-trending-34142804
Oh, and just for good measure, the BBC can’t resist linking explicitly to the image in question.
The body of the dead child had obviously been posed on the beach. If you found a child on the beach with his head in the water, would you go to help it, or would you take a photo? Pallywood strikes again.
Apparently this “changes everything”, like the photograph of the Vietnamese girl who had been hit by napalm. In fact that photograph was taken in the early 1970s, the plane which dropped the napalm was from the South Vietnamese Air Force, and the US had pulled out of Vietnam. That photograph changed nothing, and I sincerely hope this latest piece of staged propaganda will have no effect either.
How many refugees are dying attempting to get to Saudi Arabia? Answer none to my knowledge. The reason for this is that they know that Saudi is highly unlikely to let them in and highly unlikely to give them the benefits we have. So as a result none of them set off for Saudi and none of them lose their lives!
The lesson is simple, because Germany in particular has thrown its door open wide there’s an invitation to take advantage, and the only way to guarantee safe passage would be for Europe to lay on transport for them! I doubt even mad Merkel would think she could remain in power if she did that.
Here’s a thought. All the migrants are armed with smartphones, and they manage to connect up and get them recharged. Soooo, HOW do they pay for their usage ? Do they nip to the nearest shop and do a Pay As You Go ? hardly. Which leaves only bank accounts to have standing orders, direct debits etc to pay their providers. If all possessions and belongings have been left behind, does that include bank accounts too ? I have no brain for such technical details, but would be interested to know how this works.
If they’ve got a smartphone but no papers, wouldn’t it be the case to check who the holder of the credit card is that topped them up to be able to ID the individuals?
That was a point of conversation a while ago here. Again I suspect the media won’t look too closely at after all we all have smart phones don’t we. How exactly do you pay for your internet connected phone when you’re in an overcrowded pedalo somewhere off the Libyan coast. I suppose you could always carry a handy solar charger with you but how do you really keep a phone charged in these situations.?
There are wind up chargers and USB battery packs available, but its the funding of the calls that have to be questioned as the calls being made are obviously international and the cost of international data roaming is astronomical.
Assuming all these phones are PAYG, that ain’t cheap either as most smartphone phones are funded under 24 month contracts, iPhones being incredibly expensive (£500ish).
I wish a bleeding heart bBC or Sky hack would ask the question of them.
Heard David Milliband on PM this afternoon, interviewed by Fast Eddie. Why should the indigenous inhabitants of the U.K. accept being lectured about which and how many people we should let into our country, by a second generation immigrant? The child of a Marxist academic, who was himself of dubious loyalty to the nation which granted him refuge. Thank God this pr@ck didn’t become Labour leader instead of his unelectable brother, or we may now be heading over the cliff even faster than we are under Camoron.
The MEN is reporting that loonie Labour MP Lucy Powell is calling for hundreds more migrants to be settled in Manchester. Simon Danczuk is saying the opposite and that we are over full already.
They have wheeled out the usual idiots to support the view, but they have also allowed voting on the issue – you might want to cast your vote, because it’s the only way to see the result
“Should Britain accept more refugees as the Syrian crisis deepens?”
“YES – We can do more to respond to crisis”
“NO – We’re already doing our fair share”
It currently stands at 29% yes 71% no
OK it’s not BBC bias, but it does give a good idea that even in a Labour supporting city the vast majority of the people do not want Cameron to allow any migrants into the country, and believe we are doing enough. This is not what the BBC appears to believe the populace are thinking, and from their ivory towers continue to pontificate to us, knowing all the while that their wishes will severely impact on poorer white people, and have no impact at all on them after all White lives don’t matter !
The above comment re the credentials of David Miliband are quite correct.
A serial failure doing rather well with “International Rescue” in New York…a long way from Calais which is how the lefties like it.
He looks like a Thunderbirds puppet too-like Andy Burnham….Fireman Sam look-a-like.
Still-guaranteed a berth on the Beeb to demand we take more ISIS moles and drug-pushers.
The thick fux seem not to see that-real refugees come in family groups…and would have documentation , had they played by the rules.
But no-Islam requires no ID and the gulls of the liberal media to propagate the guano.
So easy being a BBC lefty eh….migration, Corbyn and a welcome break on Cecil the lion a few weeks back.
Keep it simple eh?…any variation on these mock ups of stories would only confuse the featherbrained tendency that is the Left.
By the time 2020 comes, what remains of brians and integrity will be lime green slurry from a snails arse-without even the brains of an ISIS suicide bomber.
The presenter on radio AlBeeb Wales this morning announces with hushed tone that the young jihadi man from ‘Cardiff’ was zapped by a drone in Syria. He’s just the regular the every day Welsh supporter that you would find on the terraces of the National Stadium. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-34133671
AlBeeb Wales then wheel on a Syrian student who can hardly speak English, wailing that we should stop the war in Syria.
Interesting, because it was not that long ago Cameron was about to bomb the place, until parliament and the Russians stepped in. Come to think of it, why aren’t the Russians, allies of Syria, offering to help with the refuges? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-23845800
Love the way the BBC can move its flagship news report to downtown Budapest at the drop of a hat. Makes one wonder if all that money spent on Salford Quays and Broadcasting house was strictly necessary?
“The above comment re the credentials of David Miliband are quite correct.
A serial failure doing rather well with “International Rescue” in New York…a long way from Calais which is how the lefties like it.”
I just have to add that he (Miliband) does not seem to be doing much ‘International Rescuing’ at the moment. Does he need a change of underpants and a new vest?
I had the misfortune to listen to some of Princess Nikki Campbell’s show this morning. The Ukip MEP Roger Helmer was on. Princess Nikki asked him a long and rambling question about what he would do if he was a Syrian under IS rule, scared for his wife and kids blah, blah, blah. What was Roger Helmer’s answer to this shroud waving? There was none, the line to him had “gone down”. What a surprise.
This seemed to happen with such pathetic regularity during the election campaign that even Andrew Neil was making fun of it, it seems it is now par for the course. Invite a Ukip representative on the BBC, then make sure their line goes dead. Strangely enough the fragile BBC phone net held up well enough for various foreigners and bleeding hearts to berate Britain for not allowing everyone in the world who wants a “better life” to enter our green and pleasant land. How odd.
That is not surprising given the coverage from the BBC over the past few days. But 200,000 is probably less than the number of left wing Corbyn supporting students. The petition is being blasted across the social media and a lookat th comments there suggest a different standpoint.
No more immigrants. Petition or otherwise, Cameron ain’t listening. As someone posted on the previous thread, “I don’t want to sound like a tin foil hat wearer” but- it’s obviously a situation where Europe has given in to Islam, and there is dark forces at work. Uncontrolled immigration and Islam, like it or not . Any sane person can see this is suicide surely.
“”Hungarian police declared the area an “operation zone” and told all media there to leave. They have been using batons to push reporters out of the station””.
How many kids have died in the various crossings? They only count now because there is a picture.
The father should be prosecuted. His family made it to Turkey, a safe muslim country, yet he choose money over safety and took his family on a perilous voyage from Turkey to Greece.
I blame the father. The family was Kurd, there is a large Kurdish region in Turkey where they could have lived OK.
But no – the father decides to try to take his family to Europe. He must have known the risks. Bodrum is a city, Turkish shopowners are making a fortune selling lifejackets. But he failed to buy his smartly-dressed children and his wife jackets.
The dinghy capsized. He claims he tried to save his children. Did he – or did hew just swim for the shore. Most fathers I know would have died themselves before anything.
He was an economic migrant – a chancer. Sadly, it went tragically wrong.
British people often die trying to save dogs (the dogs usually survive without help!). A £5 pair of armbands would have probably made enough of a difference to save those boys.
Lets all remember the comments by Nicola Sturgeon about “not walking by on the other side” as she’s lambasted Cameron; because when there’s another atrocity in this country by muslim terrorists – whether already insitu or as part of the new influx of ‘incomers’, then I for one will write directly to her and remind her of these words on 3rd September 2015.
Newsnight hits new low, emotional blackmail with no opposing view, presented by a scruffy bastard who looks like he’s been dragged through a hedge backwards. If I turned up to work looking like that, my boss would be having a word in my shell like, he certainly wouldn’t allow me to represent the company looking like a tramp, standards!
This is our national broadcaster what message is this sending?
We all know that professional photographers are always on the look out for that one big photo that is syndicated around the world for a massive pay day. Ok, so where is the morality of that photographer who took THE photo on the beach that went around the globe, and exactly how much did he coin in on the back of that tragedy ? No politician has spoken about the ‘morality’ of that have they. This time next week it will be another news story.
Note the bias here, Simon McCoy interviewing Douglas Carswell, he uses the terrm ‘my problem is’ constantly trying to trip Carswell up, feigns shock and uses Twitter as some sort of moral compass. Unbelievable? Not really this is the bBC….
A disgraceful interview and the BBC man was very poor indeed. His job is to interview not to display his virtue.
Also Carswell is right Parliament decides not Twitter or the BBC.
What is it with these people? Are they all thick or are they all just over promoted and useless. Probably both.
Carswell is correct. Policy now is being led by the people smugglers and this cannot be right.
It shows just how difficult it is going to be to restore sanity to public affairs. This BBC droid is so typical. Emotion over sense and unable to comprehend just how dangerous this approach is.
Carswell used reason and real common sense. The Beeboid used emotion and that peculiar faked indignation so typical of his type.
Open the bidding — BBC nan then talks against using emotive language .
Very well BBC– don’t use emotive emotive language or pictures . Just the plain facts . No footage of dead children or weeping women , churches in camps etc .
Note how the BBC man slipped in a quick plug for the forthcoming demonstration (12 Sept) or National Day of Action called by the usual bunch of BBC supported Trots. He mentioned Parliament Square, but the comrades have changed the starting point to Marble Arch, and then on to Downing Street.
If the subject matter were not so serious, the performance by the BBC ‘interviewer’ would be funny. The subject matter is however, serious, and I am not laughing. What is it that divorces Simon McCoy’s brain from some basic human facts? How can Mr McCoy wallow in such spiteful self-righteous ignorance and emoting, when surely his job is to ask questions pertinent to the subject of the ongoing invasion of Europe by hundreds of thousands of people from Africa and the Middle East, and allow the interviewee to provide answers? We the viewers can judge the answers and we don’t need a retarded man-child interviewer to pass judgements on the responses based on his limited knowledge base, lack of human decency and his low IQ.
Simon McCoy (BBC) appears in the ‘interview’ to regress to a child-like mind set. Whilst approximately 17000 (under 5’s) children will have died on the same day as the poor boy, Simon McCoy’s entire emotional energies are focused on only one (presumably because he has now seen disturbing pictures. Please don’t tell Simon that 6.3million under 5’s died in 2013. He clearly wouldn’t be able to cope.) That the emotional response of the metropolitan elite to a photographed corpse of one of these unfortunate children has become central to the British press coverage of a national and international crisis is bad enough, but for the BBC through Simon McCoy to deliberately use a single tragedy (one of approx. 17000 similar human tragedies that day) to smear a whole political party (UKIP), and an upstanding gentleman such as Douglas Carswell with desperate, childlike, unthinking, self-righteous smugness, insults the public who look to the BBC to provide news.
The anti-UKIP agenda of the BBC is clear in the content, tone, and impoliteness of the BBC staff. People are not stupid. Real and serious conversations about the societal problems facing the UK and Europe are happening in the homes, streets and workplaces of England. The BBC continues to look ignorant, anti-democratic, anti-English, anti-UKIP and partial.
UKIP have solutions to the problems that our nation faces.
The BBC continues to prevent the essence of these problems from being discussed or UKIP’s solutions being understood – which is a hurdle to the public being impartially informed. The BBC has been taken over by a statist culture, overtly supportive of The Labour Party, which is actively damaging the understanding of our young in the basics of right and wrong, of the duty of our Government and of the erosion of our democracy by the EU Commissars.
The Licence Fee is an affront to morality. The BBC is a barrier to rational national political discourse. Scrap the License fee.
And vote UKIP. That includes you Essexman, or do you still have faith in Cast Iron Dave?
For starters I want the licence fee to go , Cam is our PM , Farage is not , & he even admitted ,he did not want to be PM , at the last election .Ukip have a lot to say , but they are not in power , & the soft centre voters, would never vote for them .To leave the EU , Farage would (if PM ) have to have a referendum , the EU would not accept a UDI exit . They would cut all trade links & concessions .
Stop dreaming. There is not the slightest chance of Cameron doing anything about the BBC licence fee.
Did you not read Fraser Nelson’s article in the Telegraph last week? Nelson is the editor of the Spectator and knows more about what goes on inside the party than any other mainstream hack.
His portrayal of Cameron as a gormless lightweight who ‘doesn’t see what the fuss is about’ taking ‘advice’ from his hippy wife (who gets her information from BBC R6) is about as damning as anything you will ever read about a serving minister.
If you Tories want to be taken seriously again, you will have to defenestrate Cameron.
Well well well, who’d have thunk it? Another lying Muslim! Turns out the father of the dead kid washed up on the beach has not been telling the truth – what a surprise!
Even the BBC has managed to report the lies, albeit in a down beat manner.
First of all he told the worlds media that his application for asylum to Canada had been rejected, and his family in Canada were singing the same tune. Then the Canadian government under the media spotlight and effectively being blamed took a look through its records and found nothing had been submitted.
The story was then changed to that they submitted the form but it was rejected because it was incomplete (in other words they didn’t fill such an important application in correctly), but the Canadian government would still have had a record of that submission having been made & there isn’t one.
The BBC article tells that the aunt then backtracked on all her stories and said that “she had hoped to sponsor Alan’s father and his bid for refugee asylum”, in other words she hadn’t done so.
She also admitted in the interview that the father was in reality an economic migrant not a genuine refugee “They were going for a better life. That shouldn’t have happened. It shouldn’t have happened to them,”
Oh what a tangled web we weave, but it’s nothing we haven’t seen from migrants before, sad that a child has lost his life for the greed of his parent.
“His family fled the Syrian border town of Kobane into Turkey after it came under repeated attack by Islamic State militants earlier this year, his aunt Teema Kurdi said on Thursday.”
The Guardian says:
“Unlike other refugees heading for Europe, the Kurdi family had lived in Turkey for three years before deciding to repatriate to Canada, where Abdullah’s sister had for several years attempted – and failed – to sponsor their asylum claim.”
I blame the father. The family was Kurd, there is a large Kurdish region in Turkey where they could have lived OK.
But no – the father decides to try to take his family to Europe. He must have known the risks. Bodrum is a city, Turkish shopowners in Bodrum and Izmir and other towns on the coast are making a fortune selling lifejackets. But he failed to buy his smartly-dressed children and his wife jackets.
The dinghy capsized. He claims he tried to save his children. Did he – or did he just swim for the shore. Most fathers I know would have died themselves before anything.
He was an economic migrant – a chancer. Sadly, it went tragically wrong.
Apart from the first two minutes of the Jeremy Vine show “Does the dead body of a child on a beach change your mind about mass immigration?” I switched off the radio and avoided the TV, but will buy an Express tomorrow for all the news censored by the TV networks.
But some source of information from Kent Council says that for some reason there are many unaccompanied children being abandoned by the migrants, once they reach their destination. The BBC reaction can only teach the migrants to add murder to the use of these kidnapped children.
Expect murdered children, deposited on Brighton beach to be the next migrant tactic to turn the useful idiots at the BBC, into fanatical glazed eyed support for more mass immigration.
The late self proclaimed “Colonel” Gaddafi once said this:
“We have 50 million Muslims in Europe. There are signs that Allah will grant Islam victory in Europe—without swords, without guns, without conquest—will turn it into a Muslim continent within a few decades”
“U” turn on the way, then Dave? The ga-ga British public swayed by a single photo, of a single, unfortunate dead child, and the whole future of the nation is in the balance. What have we become.
Well, if BBC 2’s Newsnight, last night fronted by Robert Peston (god help us) is any measure, we have become a nation of delusional obfuscators. Peston, interviewing (I use the term ‘interview’ loosely – it was more like an interrogation) a spokesperson for the Hungarian Government, set himself up as a sneery judge-and-jury as he demanded to know why Hungarian Authorities who had stopped a train full of what Peston called ‘migrants’ had acted so ‘thoughtlessly’ towards the hundreds of Syrian ‘refugees’.
The Hungarian representative began by reminding Peston that whilst the BBC might call them all ‘refugees’ as far as international law was concerned they were unprocessed migrants, therefore they were illegal migrants. Peston fumed. The Hungarian chap (I was really starting to warm to his theme now), then went on to explain to a clearly sulking Peston that Hungary, far from ‘recreating scenes redolent of the 30s’ – something Peston had been keen, from the start, to envision for us all – was merely seeking to implement EU law, which requires it to properly process all migrants in the first EU country they arrive in.
Peston, by now in full sneer and simply unable to process the temerity of the Hungarian chap in daring to point out the bleedin’ obvious to him, tried again with the Godwinisms, bleakly invoking images of the Nazis loading Jews into cattle trucks over footage of the Hungarian police trying to contain the chaos on a train stopped specifically to get the passengers out of immigration free fall and into a proper processing centre where they could be offered food, shelter, beds and have their individual claims for asylum properly examined (as per EU rules).
This is how far removed from actual, informed and grown-up journalism the BBC has drifted. When it doesn’t like what the rules say, it simply starts making up its own narrative. I cheered the Hungarian guy – he alone was trying to do the right thing; to actually follow the rules, as laid down by the EU. To the BBC, this was, of course, tantamount to rebuilding Treblinka.
Thankfully, Peston quickly got another lesson in reality from the Chinese Ambassador a few moments later as it had to be explained (with eloquence and quiet authority) to Peston that China’s reason for staging a 12,000-strong military march-by was not, as Peston alleged, to evoke images of Maoist aggression, but to remind the world that of all the nations who fought in WWII it was China that actually suffered the heaviest loss of life – some 35 million, all told, according to the Ambassador. China’s war was also the longest and the massive military march-by had been a 70-year commemoration of the massive sacrifices Chinese people had made to defeat the Japanese.
Peston fumed.
Comedy gold from the best in the business: Newsnight!
Hear, hear! Poor Mr Peston is deeply sunk in irrationalism. It is unfair to ask him to be objective, and he should be given an opportunity to recover his integrity before demanding what he obviously cannot deliver.
The European Union has threatened several EU countries with legal action for failing to properly apply the bloc’s laws for asylum seekers.
EU migration spokeswoman Natasha Bertaud said Tuesday that official letters were sent which constitute the European Commission’s “last warning before opening further infringement proceedings.”
Bertaud declined to name the countries targeted from the 28-nation bloc but confirmed the move involved at least 10 countries.
It includes countries that DO NOT PROPERLY FINGERPRINT (or register) ASYLUM SEEKERS, fail to respect migrant rights or procedures on who should qualify for protection, and those with substandard reception conditions. The Commission has already opened 32 legal cases against EU countries over asylum laws.
Hungary is doing the right thing, not least in identifying all of those that have arrived without their passports or other official papers confirming their real nationality.
Especially galling as this particular death was unnecessary. The family were not fleeing a wsr zone unless Turkey is a war zone. They would have been safe if they had stayed were they were. Dr Goebbels would have been proud if this BBC lie had been his. Stratton was in a triumphant mood on Newsshite yesterday. The forces of darkness in the form of Farage had been outflanked and banished, the public is”on our side” in a paroxism of simple-minded sentimentalism.
The Today program was also marshalling the forces of hypocrisy and smugness in grand style. Someone who had been groveling before the Pope, various Chief rabbis, the usual band of brain-dead politicians.
So the ‘unbiased’ BBC has emotionally blackmailed our recently elected PM into a change of policy
It has been a masterclass in campagning advocacy – what has it cost us? Only 45p a day – so they say
Apprently the pre-election ‘housing crisis’ ‘low wage/cost of living crisis’ and ‘school places crisis’ have all now, miraculously, dissolved.
Plenty of space here. No pressure on the countryside enviroment, there’s a jobs bonanza and lots of spare capacity in our transport infrastructure, apparently.
OK, so the BBC and their fellow travellers want more migrants here. OK I get that. They got their own way on this as they usually do. So how about they stop telling us they are ‘unbiased’ and let us off paying the licence fee?
‘The 17-year-old victim was found by paramedics suffering serious stab wounds and rushed to hospital where he died a short time later. He is the eighth teenager to be stabbed to death this year in London. The second boy, also 17, was found bleeding heavily from knife wounds and is in a stable condition in hospital.’
‘Last night devastated friends of the pair paid tribute on social media. One friend tweeted: “We were like cat and mouse at youth club and now hearing you passed kills me slowly. Rest in perfect peace.”’
‘Hours before the stabbings in Brockley, a 15-year-old schoolboy from North London was knifed six times in a broad daylight attack. The teenager was reportedly wearing school uniform when he was attacked near the Monkeynuts restaurant in Athenaeum Road, Whetstone.’
London Borough of Lewisham
(SE4 / SE6 / SE8 / SE13 / SE14 / SE23 / SE26)
124 (North Downham)
Catford Wildcats
Block 6
Black Mafia
Brockley Mandem
Younger Brockley Mandem
Team Brockley
Turnham Gang
Turnham Young Bucks
Deptford Boys
Young Deptford Boys
Deptford Marlies
Young Deptford Marlies
Ghetto Boys
Young Ghetto Boys
Hells Hustlerz
Monson Bloodset
Younger Monson Bloodset
Pepy’s Gang Bangers
Young Shower
Southern Shower Syndicate
Strally Gang / Shankers & Gunners
Sydenham Mandem
Sydenham Young Dons
Hood Bangerz
The Money Makers
Young Money Makers
‘Of all groups listed that are currently active only 35% have been involved in rivalries which have resulted in murders’.
BBC breakfast out in a village covering the lack of affordable housing on the other hand sofa sloths continue the sob sob let’s take in migrants agenda. Hey where is the irony.
BBC ‘Two people have been detained in connection with the blast, both foreign, and a number of arrest warrants have been issued. But no individual or group has yet claim(sic) responsibility for it.’ http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-34149087
Non BBC ‘A Thai Muslim man in Narathiwat has been detained for questioning on suspicion of being involved in the Erawan Shrine bombing and has been sent to Bangkok for questioning, reports said.’
‘Pol Lt Gen Prawut said police investigators found the man had contacted wanted suspect Wanna Suansan, also known by her Muslim name Maisaroh, by phone.
Ms Wanna has been, until now, the only Thai suspect in the bombings. Arrest warrants have been issued for her and her Turkish husband Emrah Davutoglu. Both were believed to be in Turkey.’ http://bangkokpost.com/news/security/679580/new-erawan-bomb-suspect-arrested-in-narathiwat
There are indeed a few golden nuggets of liberal media hubris – comedy gems – hidden among all this liberal media crying and whinging about the migrants.
Last night in a finely honed Channel 4 package about the drowned migrant boy we had clips of Kobane the family home town showing heavy bombardments. ‘Fleeing ISIS’ says the earnest voice over.
We return to Matt Frei at Budapest who – no doubt in the interests of full disclosure – is obliged to point out ‘Kobane has of course now been freed from ISIS forces’
The gormless BBC on the 8am news(Today) managed to put the migrant naqba from Syria( therefore everybody`s leaving) with the story of some woman who`s just been returned to Gatwick who had actually tried to get INTO Syria!
So clearly not quite the catastrophe going on there that SHE`D recognise!
Cue tumbleweed Jason…no doubt she`s fleeing Camerons austerity cuts!
Perfick placing lads…no, just “fick”….
“There would be a jobs boom as firms are freed from EU regulations and red tape, say those arguing for an exit, with small- and medium-sized companies who don’t trade with the EU benefiting the most.”
“Millions of jobs would be lost as global manufacturers moved to lower-cost EU countries. Britain’s large, foreign-owned car industry would be particularly at risk.” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-32793642
Funny how the anti-EU view is presented as a claim, while the pro-EU view is presented as a fact. Can anyone imagine the BBC doing it the other way round?
One can understand the somewhat hard-of-thinking allowing emotion to trump reason with regard to the immigrants. However it is in my view the job of our politicians as supposed statesmen to bring reason to bear, and the BBC as national broadcaster to do likewise. That both are failing abysmally to do so is profoundly depressing, if predictable.
The BBC have nakedly – unabashedly – become an aggressive publicly-funded advocating organisation. Their job is to not to report on policy, but to ‘shape’ policy, to ‘nudge’ the ‘public debate’ towards its preferred outcomes. News and Current Affairs – especially in relation to this ‘migrant crisis’ – have abandoned all pretence of balance and impartiality and are now in full ‘agitation mode’, determined to get Call Me Dave down on his knees begging forgiveness for not flinging open the doors to the UK to all and sundry.
It is a disgrace, but the BBC do this because they know perfectly well that nobody in any position of power – absolutely nobody – will call them out on this. LibLabCon and even, sad to say, UKIP (anyone hear anything from UKIP on all this recently..?) will let both the BBC and CH4 (fellow travellers on the progressive bully train) get clean away with this outrageous behaviour.
And a year from now we’ll all wonder how it is that the UK’s immigration figures just tripled…
If, in the face of this, Call Me Dave does not realise that the BBC is his mortal enemy and sort it out, he never will. But we all know that he never will.
Par for the course, they often attribute horrific photos of an atrocity from any part of the world and say it was in Gaza or the West Bank and thus blame Israel.
Got a chance to go onto Any Questions in two weeks time.
By then Corbyn will have been crowned as Labours little prince.
My question thus far is in regard of why schools/teachers don`t get fined for strike days, but parents get fined for taking THEIR kids out for the day-even if they`re meeting up with dads home from duty in Belfast etc.
Any answers?…if that`s my best one, I`ll stick with it.
Could we perhaps get a show where BBC luvvies and other assorted bleeding hearts commit live on air to accommodating ‘migrants’ in their own homes?
Just thought of Emma Thomson’s country estate full of Eritreans shitting in her bidet and dipping Golden Wonders into her Harrod’s Foie Gras would be a ratings winner all round.
Yvette Cooper with a crew of Somali muslims invading her daughters’ bedrooms and wiping their arses on her Kings Road curtains…………..
All those hypocrites calling for open doors but refusing to personally accept would be shamed live on TV.
I see that the propaganda hashtag has morphed into inviting into our homes type palava … you literally couldn t make it up
The usual suspects, Beebots, Ch4 journo s, VIPs, celebrities, failed footballers and politicians, Emma Thompson, that ligger and dogging specialist Stan Collymore … strewf … give me strenf guv
That they might be from Eritrea, Somalia, Libya, Nigeria, Afghan, maybe Gambia or Senegal,?
The vast majority youths or young men?
Have to state it again … vast majority muslim
Never mind a bloody, hashtag, these useful idiots have done the damage … so names and addresses are the requirement
… so they can all have a dozen or so itinerate youths/young men to cope with
… hope they haven t got little Camillas, Porcha s or double barrelled named girls between about 6 and 13 running around eh!
The inviting exhausted and fearful refugees into your home shtick has been pushed for weeks on German TV. It really is beyond belief. The usual churchy types are all eager to pack migrants into their spare rooms as are the deluded elderly “we were refugees at the end of the war, we must help these poor people as we were helped”. Fifth rate German actors also appear hysterically begging people to “open their hearts”. As the RSPCA used to warn us ” A pet is not just for Xmas”. It never occurs to these deluded people that a “migrant is not just so you can enjoy a heady moment of smug moral superiority”. What’s going to happen a monrh, six months, a year down rhe line?. I foolishly thought it couldn’t happen here. How wrong I was!! We are living in a complete madhouse.
Not BBc but the MEN poll is still much to my suprise running at 68% no. Also Bob (I met him once in @1980And thought he was a twat) Geldoff is going to put a family in his Kent home & London flat. Lucky Sir Bob didn’t give away all his money unlike some suckers probably did during band aid.
Fedup2Mar 9, 14:20 Weekend 8th March 2025 The threshold for ‘horror’ or ‘something must be done ‘ seems to be rising by the month . The murder…
GMar 9, 13:49 Weekend 8th March 2025 I thought the Home Office banned guns, like knives. Oh! silly me, I forgot the foreigners have their own laws…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:48 Weekend 8th March 2025 Christmas has become “holiday season” Easter has been turned into “egg hunt” Lent doesn’t even get a mention – it’s…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:35 Weekend 8th March 2025 Omar Prempeh, 32, of Stanstead Road, Forest Hill, was charged on Saturday, March 8, in connection with the death of…
Fedup2Mar 9, 13:24 Weekend 8th March 2025 Third world action in londonistan – Omar Prempeh 32 charged with shooting dead a 16 year old called Lathaniel Burrell.…
KinellMar 9, 13:21 Weekend 8th March 2025 Reading through the shocking posts on ‘In their own tweets’ and ‘In their own words’ on the home page on…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:11 Weekend 8th March 2025 King Charles has appointed a homeopath. Why do the elite put their faith in snake oil? This article is more…
pugnaziousMar 9, 12:50 Weekend 8th March 2025 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aw5k3zV7a-0
wwfcMar 9, 12:50 Weekend 8th March 2025 🤣🤣🤣🤣 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OifPPweJTTM&ab_channel=IntelLady
I’m getting the strong feeling via the BBC that David Cameron is being blamed for the tragic death of the boy on the beach. Why is he getting lambasted unfairly ? I just hope he stands his ground against all those swayed by the photo, and their pious and sympathetic ‘camera’ faces, yes you Yvette Cooper, to take more migrants in.
Can you imagine if the Tories were fighting a leader ship battle, and one of them used the death of this boy to score political points against Labour.
Outrage all round.
You can hear it now on the BBC, day-in, day-out for at least a week.
Well, here’s Mrs. Balls (Ed seemingly off on a plane, but no one fearing where so long as out of the UK) in full FLOTUK mode, because as we all now know, a vapid hashtag held up by a woman of, well nearish to power solves all ills…
The hypocrisy and opportunism… nice touches too. Bet the BBC will be allllll over those too.
Nauseating stuff from Ma Bollocks, where is the #buggeroff twitter trend ?
Shouldn’t Cooper’s sign have said #refugeeswelcomeinmyhouseespeciallyiftheyremuslim?
Now that would be a true ‘commitment’ from the elfin one with a gob like a puckered arse.
As it is it’s more like #refugeeswelcomebutthankfucktheconsequenceswontaffectme.
Because he is ‘nice but dim’?
(Oops, more apologies; the web-site shifted this down the page a lot.)
Long live Breitbart
How else would I know what new lows the BBC plumb given that I no longer watch it ( but still have to Pay)
Once again enforcing Sharia, the BBC, LBC, No 10, the Police, the MSM all the same,
these “useful idiots” – Al Beebots,.
What Islamic Sharia dictates as erm … slanderous, has nothing to do with truth … or not
Its whether Islam wants it to be known, or in the Cartoon case shown.
below the shameless BBC
Here the worse than shameless LBC, featuring ex Beebot, Sheela Foglegity
and Al BBC “go to guy” Abdullah Andalusi
Yep! the Muslim preacher who ‘despised Britain’ and said ISIS is ‘no different’ to Western armies was employed by Government watchdog which inspects COUNTER-TERROR police
Just listen in to the attitude of Foglegity
UKIP man….
I saw this featured on BBC News channel yesterday and even by their own twisted standards of leftist moral relativism this one plumbed new depths:
“The two people I’ve met feel they’ve been silenced, censored and misunderstood,” the presenter tells us, “they’ve both had events repeatedly called off; they’ve both been accused of preaching hate.”
….adding grist to their agenda mill ‘The Right are just as bad’ (if indeed this woman was of ‘the Right’) which you hear repeated zombie-like in conversation with friends who know no other source of news and current affairs than the BBC. This was a very sly piece of broadcasting, words having to be carefully chosen to maintain the equivalence otherwise the message doesn’t get through. So, for example, when the BBC interviewer claimed the preacher was in favour of apostates being executed she asked him ‘Don’t you think those people will be insulted by that?’ So, ‘insulted’ – not ‘threatened’ or ‘in fear of their lives’. In other words the message is ‘These two are as bad as each other’. Had the preacher been painted in the extreme terms his actions have warranted the message would fail.
But the supreme irony was this BBC woman didn’t even mention the gender segregation which is being practised up and down the country in universities, mosques, wedding ceremonies and Labour Party meetings, or arranged marriages, or honour killings, or (etc) – in other words the BBC’s own rules of censorship were in full play in the interview, a stifling of free speech which was the whole reason the other woman, the one being compared to the hate preacher, was making a stand.
The bBBC’s adjective department is in full flow and today’s word is ‘distressing’. Images of a Syrian boy, drowned as his greedy father tried to get from Turkey to Greece, are ‘distressing’. Images of a woman on the Hungarian train, refusing to give her details to the authorities then lying on the tracks, are also ‘distressing’.
Well, bBBC, I don’t find either of them distressing. Nor do I find Mrs Thatcher ‘divisive’ or the government’s austerity programme ‘controversial’. Your job is to show me the news. I’ll choose my own adjectives.
I find the picture that Geoff posted in the older comments, of all the illegals disembarking the ferry at Greece distressing, disturbing and disgusting.
BBC 3Counties Radio. 4.45pm
The DJ was about to host a phone in about the Immigrants. He said that the picture of the dead boy on the beach had changed everything now. Who could say that we are full up he said? If you fly to Luton, all you see is green fields, he said. And Cameron he said was now supportive and changed his mind. The last refugee crisis the DJ said, was caused by the Nazis and had to be stopped. And so he went on and on.
The BBC are now FULL ON supporting immigrants. It’s as if a European policeman had caused the child to drown in the Med!
Jeremy Vine found two separate callers willing to 1) Give up their lawn 2) Give up their spare room for these migrants.
Where do they find these people? Do they not value the females in said households?
“Where do they find these people? ”
The BBC canteen ?
They’re certainly on speed dial.
I guarantee if any of the” Swarm “were put up in the houses`s of the bleeding hearts , those with daughters ,like Vine ,Campbell , O`Brain , & others ,they would find their daughters “Culturally Enriched” , & how would they accept that ? I guess they would sacrifice those daughters for ,( in their eyes) the greater good of enrichment .
I don’t suppose it crossed the moron’s mind that those “green fields” are not just empty space, they grow food for the population which is surging towards 70 million. What a vapid fucking tosser.
Throughout the ‘migration’ crisis BBC has demonstrated its power and hold over the UK. A majority of the British people don’t want any migrants. The BBC and its liberal chums do, for reasons which all readers of this site know full well. So the BBC sets its stall out to persuade enough of us that we have a moral duty to take an unspecified number. It uses its monopoly position to play on our emotions ,to suppress any news that doesn’t fit with its narrative and to only allow one side of the story to be heard or seen and probably to distort and lie to us. Its aim is to whip up the liberal lefties and others who let their emotions rule their heads, into making such a fuss that the government takes fright and starts to slide towards a position which the British people oppose. Because the majority have no access to the airwaves we cannot mobilise and make ourselves heard, or convince the government that we stand firm behind not wanting any migrants or pseudo refugees. So against or will we are going to be forced to take untold numbers of aliens who we well know cause us endless problems in the future.
This is an excellent and highly important example of how British democracy is constantly undermined by the BBC having a near monopoly on news and current affairs broadcasting . Basically Britain is being run not by the democratically elected government but by a few hundred representatives of the liberal elite in Broadcasting House who treat the rest of us with contempt. The Tories could deal with them at the Charter Review next year but I think they either secretly need the BBC or are scared to death of it.
Either way Britain, like the rest of Europe, slides another step down the road to full Islamification. I am glad I will not live to see it but I am sad that so many young people are following the Pied Piper of the BBC to a hell on earth.
Hear hear.
The only thing I can think of is to bombard the Conservative party with tweets or emails, stating our objection to taking in anymore illegals.
The Government don’t need worry about the opinions of the lefty rabble and the BBC who hate them anyway, there is nothing to be gained by pandering to people who will never support a Tory Government in a million years.
My only fear is that Cameron is playing a long game by not accepting the swarm at this time, in the hope that if we get a referendum, people will vote to stay in.
Then if he gets the result he wants, we’ll be flooded.
Looks as if the PM is caving into the Press. We need a new PM.
Almost certainly as it is his easy option. To confront the reality of what is happening on Europe’s borders is far too demanding. That would demand courage and intelligence and a willingness to act .
Isis is behind this aided by those regimes that want Europe to go down. Turkey is at best ambivalent and not to be trusted .
The West needs to go after Isis now. Using maximum firepower and soldiers. We will take casualties but this is the life of a soldier. No nation building and no winning of hearts and minds just using our military advantage while we still can. Arm the Kurds at once. Isssue a statement of full support for Israel and force Turkey to choose. Us or the forces of militant Islam. Find the traffikers and finish them for good . Destroy all boats and blockade the coasts . Be prepared to use and lose ships.
All this could be done and in the end maybe we will have to after much pain. Meanwhile the liberal regimes of Europe prefer to emote and wring their hands and try to put off the day when they as much as us all have to choose between their emotions and their survival.
As for Emma Thompson and the rest of the luvvies they are irrelevant and always have been. This is a time for new men and women who understand what is necessary.
The BBC? What can I say? It is the enemy of us all in this land and of reality itself.
The choice does seem quite stark now – we take them on now, or later.
Taffman ,who do you have in mind , don`t forget Farage said ,even if he was an MP , he wouldn`t want to be PM .
Someone with balls, someone who will keep his pledge to bring down immigration, someone who will not be supine to Europe, someone who will not be afraid of AlBeeb, someone who will look after his own people instead of wasting millions on foreign aid and finally someone who will strengthen our armed forces.
Who do you have in mind?
How BBC ‘Nudging’ Works #325:
BBC Trending – Has the dead Syrian child picture shifted our view of migrants?
A huge online conversation is taking place around the picture of a dead 3-year-old Syrian boy from Kobane, washed up on a Turkish beach. Will it change the way the world views Syrian migrants?
Oh, and just for good measure, the BBC can’t resist linking explicitly to the image in question.
Nudge, nudge.
The body of the dead child had obviously been posed on the beach. If you found a child on the beach with his head in the water, would you go to help it, or would you take a photo? Pallywood strikes again.
Apparently this “changes everything”, like the photograph of the Vietnamese girl who had been hit by napalm. In fact that photograph was taken in the early 1970s, the plane which dropped the napalm was from the South Vietnamese Air Force, and the US had pulled out of Vietnam. That photograph changed nothing, and I sincerely hope this latest piece of staged propaganda will have no effect either.
Here’s a simple way to cure the immigrants’ wish to come here: send them to Liverpool!
”European Migrant Crisis,” Correction, should be titled, African, Muslim Invasion of Europe.
How many refugees are dying attempting to get to Saudi Arabia? Answer none to my knowledge. The reason for this is that they know that Saudi is highly unlikely to let them in and highly unlikely to give them the benefits we have. So as a result none of them set off for Saudi and none of them lose their lives!
The lesson is simple, because Germany in particular has thrown its door open wide there’s an invitation to take advantage, and the only way to guarantee safe passage would be for Europe to lay on transport for them! I doubt even mad Merkel would think she could remain in power if she did that.
Here’s a thought. All the migrants are armed with smartphones, and they manage to connect up and get them recharged. Soooo, HOW do they pay for their usage ? Do they nip to the nearest shop and do a Pay As You Go ? hardly. Which leaves only bank accounts to have standing orders, direct debits etc to pay their providers. If all possessions and belongings have been left behind, does that include bank accounts too ? I have no brain for such technical details, but would be interested to know how this works.
If they’ve got a smartphone but no papers, wouldn’t it be the case to check who the holder of the credit card is that topped them up to be able to ID the individuals?
That was a point of conversation a while ago here. Again I suspect the media won’t look too closely at after all we all have smart phones don’t we. How exactly do you pay for your internet connected phone when you’re in an overcrowded pedalo somewhere off the Libyan coast. I suppose you could always carry a handy solar charger with you but how do you really keep a phone charged in these situations.?
There are wind up chargers and USB battery packs available, but its the funding of the calls that have to be questioned as the calls being made are obviously international and the cost of international data roaming is astronomical.
Assuming all these phones are PAYG, that ain’t cheap either as most smartphone phones are funded under 24 month contracts, iPhones being incredibly expensive (£500ish).
I wish a bleeding heart bBC or Sky hack would ask the question of them.
Where do you think the Roma ship the stolen iPhones? They won’t have been bought at full price.
So the press (DM) has managed to get a negative UKIP story out of the drowning child. Clumsy, but essentially he is right.
Note the comment ratings, liable to gerrymandering (vastly in favour of what was said)
However the comments do not seem to be playing the anti UKIP game. Most popular comment at the moment is why didn’t they stay in Turkey.
Heard David Milliband on PM this afternoon, interviewed by Fast Eddie. Why should the indigenous inhabitants of the U.K. accept being lectured about which and how many people we should let into our country, by a second generation immigrant? The child of a Marxist academic, who was himself of dubious loyalty to the nation which granted him refuge. Thank God this pr@ck didn’t become Labour leader instead of his unelectable brother, or we may now be heading over the cliff even faster than we are under Camoron.
The speed at which you fly over the edge of the cliff is irrelevant. Once gravity kicks in, the result is the same.
Taken for a ride? We have been http://order-order.com/2015/09/03/no-britain-has-not-accepted-just-216-syrian-refugees/#:PsSvSv6WXImecA
Even I thought it was less than this
The MEN is reporting that loonie Labour MP Lucy Powell is calling for hundreds more migrants to be settled in Manchester. Simon Danczuk is saying the opposite and that we are over full already.
They have wheeled out the usual idiots to support the view, but they have also allowed voting on the issue – you might want to cast your vote, because it’s the only way to see the result
“Should Britain accept more refugees as the Syrian crisis deepens?”
“YES – We can do more to respond to crisis”
“NO – We’re already doing our fair share”
It currently stands at 29% yes 71% no
OK it’s not BBC bias, but it does give a good idea that even in a Labour supporting city the vast majority of the people do not want Cameron to allow any migrants into the country, and believe we are doing enough. This is not what the BBC appears to believe the populace are thinking, and from their ivory towers continue to pontificate to us, knowing all the while that their wishes will severely impact on poorer white people, and have no impact at all on them after all White lives don’t matter !
Vote yourself here:
Just voted on that. . Currently 68% like me saying no.
Me too
And me . It’s still at 68% No
And me. The Left/BBC are probably en masse voting. 68% here also.
I voted also but still stuck at 68%.
I just voted and it was 70/30.
The Hungarian Prime Minister is the only one who is talking sense, to me. Shame all the other leaders aren’t taking a hard line stance as well.
The above comment re the credentials of David Miliband are quite correct.
A serial failure doing rather well with “International Rescue” in New York…a long way from Calais which is how the lefties like it.
He looks like a Thunderbirds puppet too-like Andy Burnham….Fireman Sam look-a-like.
Still-guaranteed a berth on the Beeb to demand we take more ISIS moles and drug-pushers.
The thick fux seem not to see that-real refugees come in family groups…and would have documentation , had they played by the rules.
But no-Islam requires no ID and the gulls of the liberal media to propagate the guano.
So easy being a BBC lefty eh….migration, Corbyn and a welcome break on Cecil the lion a few weeks back.
Keep it simple eh?…any variation on these mock ups of stories would only confuse the featherbrained tendency that is the Left.
By the time 2020 comes, what remains of brians and integrity will be lime green slurry from a snails arse-without even the brains of an ISIS suicide bomber.
The presenter on radio AlBeeb Wales this morning announces with hushed tone that the young jihadi man from ‘Cardiff’ was zapped by a drone in Syria. He’s just the regular the every day Welsh supporter that you would find on the terraces of the National Stadium.
AlBeeb Wales then wheel on a Syrian student who can hardly speak English, wailing that we should stop the war in Syria.
Interesting, because it was not that long ago Cameron was about to bomb the place, until parliament and the Russians stepped in. Come to think of it, why aren’t the Russians, allies of Syria, offering to help with the refuges?
Love the way the BBC can move its flagship news report to downtown Budapest at the drop of a hat. Makes one wonder if all that money spent on Salford Quays and Broadcasting house was strictly necessary?
Thankfully don’t have chance to see the VD show now I am back at work. Especially glad since I read this on Breitbart.
Apologies if it has been posted elsewhere.
“The above comment re the credentials of David Miliband are quite correct.
A serial failure doing rather well with “International Rescue” in New York…a long way from Calais which is how the lefties like it.”
I just have to add that he (Miliband) does not seem to be doing much ‘International Rescuing’ at the moment. Does he need a change of underpants and a new vest?
I had the misfortune to listen to some of Princess Nikki Campbell’s show this morning. The Ukip MEP Roger Helmer was on. Princess Nikki asked him a long and rambling question about what he would do if he was a Syrian under IS rule, scared for his wife and kids blah, blah, blah. What was Roger Helmer’s answer to this shroud waving? There was none, the line to him had “gone down”. What a surprise.
This seemed to happen with such pathetic regularity during the election campaign that even Andrew Neil was making fun of it, it seems it is now par for the course. Invite a Ukip representative on the BBC, then make sure their line goes dead. Strangely enough the fragile BBC phone net held up well enough for various foreigners and bleeding hearts to berate Britain for not allowing everyone in the world who wants a “better life” to enter our green and pleasant land. How odd.
No more immigrants petition – petition.parliament.uk/petitions/106477
The “Let them all in” petition, promoted by most of the media has now reached 200,000 votes…..
That is not surprising given the coverage from the BBC over the past few days. But 200,000 is probably less than the number of left wing Corbyn supporting students. The petition is being blasted across the social media and a lookat th comments there suggest a different standpoint.
No more immigrants. Petition or otherwise, Cameron ain’t listening. As someone posted on the previous thread, “I don’t want to sound like a tin foil hat wearer” but- it’s obviously a situation where Europe has given in to Islam, and there is dark forces at work. Uncontrolled immigration and Islam, like it or not . Any sane person can see this is suicide surely.
Hungary is the wild card. I admire their pragmatism. They know what the end game will be.
And they have excluded with batons the media. Deep joy…
“”Hungarian police declared the area an “operation zone” and told all media there to leave. They have been using batons to push reporters out of the station””.
How many kids have died in the various crossings? They only count now because there is a picture.
The father should be prosecuted. His family made it to Turkey, a safe muslim country, yet he choose money over safety and took his family on a perilous voyage from Turkey to Greece.
I blame the father. The family was Kurd, there is a large Kurdish region in Turkey where they could have lived OK.
But no – the father decides to try to take his family to Europe. He must have known the risks. Bodrum is a city, Turkish shopowners are making a fortune selling lifejackets. But he failed to buy his smartly-dressed children and his wife jackets.
The dinghy capsized. He claims he tried to save his children. Did he – or did hew just swim for the shore. Most fathers I know would have died themselves before anything.
He was an economic migrant – a chancer. Sadly, it went tragically wrong.
But it was his fault – not ours.
British people often die trying to save dogs (the dogs usually survive without help!). A £5 pair of armbands would have probably made enough of a difference to save those boys.
Yes that’s great,but Hungary as a hero nation, really. I’m 41 yes old and my upbringing has led me to believe that gt Britain should be the”Hungary!
Rubbish punctuation, but in my defence new phone and cab sav!
Lets all remember the comments by Nicola Sturgeon about “not walking by on the other side” as she’s lambasted Cameron; because when there’s another atrocity in this country by muslim terrorists – whether already insitu or as part of the new influx of ‘incomers’, then I for one will write directly to her and remind her of these words on 3rd September 2015.
What has the foreign policy of H.M. Government (on anything) have to do with the SNP leader of the Scottish County Council?
Newsnight hits new low, emotional blackmail with no opposing view, presented by a scruffy bastard who looks like he’s been dragged through a hedge backwards. If I turned up to work looking like that, my boss would be having a word in my shell like, he certainly wouldn’t allow me to represent the company looking like a tramp, standards!
This is our national broadcaster what message is this sending?
We all know that professional photographers are always on the look out for that one big photo that is syndicated around the world for a massive pay day. Ok, so where is the morality of that photographer who took THE photo on the beach that went around the globe, and exactly how much did he coin in on the back of that tragedy ? No politician has spoken about the ‘morality’ of that have they. This time next week it will be another news story.
Note the bias here, Simon McCoy interviewing Douglas Carswell, he uses the terrm ‘my problem is’ constantly trying to trip Carswell up, feigns shock and uses Twitter as some sort of moral compass. Unbelievable? Not really this is the bBC….
A disgraceful interview and the BBC man was very poor indeed. His job is to interview not to display his virtue.
Also Carswell is right Parliament decides not Twitter or the BBC.
What is it with these people? Are they all thick or are they all just over promoted and useless. Probably both.
Carswell is correct. Policy now is being led by the people smugglers and this cannot be right.
It shows just how difficult it is going to be to restore sanity to public affairs. This BBC droid is so typical. Emotion over sense and unable to comprehend just how dangerous this approach is.
Carswell used reason and real common sense. The Beeboid used emotion and that peculiar faked indignation so typical of his type.
Open the bidding — BBC nan then talks against using emotive language .
Very well BBC– don’t use emotive emotive language or pictures . Just the plain facts . No footage of dead children or weeping women , churches in camps etc .
Note how the BBC man slipped in a quick plug for the forthcoming demonstration (12 Sept) or National Day of Action called by the usual bunch of BBC supported Trots. He mentioned Parliament Square, but the comrades have changed the starting point to Marble Arch, and then on to Downing Street.
A disgraceful “interview”. Hats off to Douglas Carswell who didn’t lose his cool and put forward a totally reasonable points
Today, Douglas Carswell fell victim to the now open political bias of the BBC. Now there’s a surprise! Not.
If the subject matter were not so serious, the performance by the BBC ‘interviewer’ would be funny. The subject matter is however, serious, and I am not laughing. What is it that divorces Simon McCoy’s brain from some basic human facts? How can Mr McCoy wallow in such spiteful self-righteous ignorance and emoting, when surely his job is to ask questions pertinent to the subject of the ongoing invasion of Europe by hundreds of thousands of people from Africa and the Middle East, and allow the interviewee to provide answers? We the viewers can judge the answers and we don’t need a retarded man-child interviewer to pass judgements on the responses based on his limited knowledge base, lack of human decency and his low IQ.
Simon McCoy (BBC) appears in the ‘interview’ to regress to a child-like mind set. Whilst approximately 17000 (under 5’s) children will have died on the same day as the poor boy, Simon McCoy’s entire emotional energies are focused on only one (presumably because he has now seen disturbing pictures. Please don’t tell Simon that 6.3million under 5’s died in 2013. He clearly wouldn’t be able to cope.) That the emotional response of the metropolitan elite to a photographed corpse of one of these unfortunate children has become central to the British press coverage of a national and international crisis is bad enough, but for the BBC through Simon McCoy to deliberately use a single tragedy (one of approx. 17000 similar human tragedies that day) to smear a whole political party (UKIP), and an upstanding gentleman such as Douglas Carswell with desperate, childlike, unthinking, self-righteous smugness, insults the public who look to the BBC to provide news.
The anti-UKIP agenda of the BBC is clear in the content, tone, and impoliteness of the BBC staff. People are not stupid. Real and serious conversations about the societal problems facing the UK and Europe are happening in the homes, streets and workplaces of England. The BBC continues to look ignorant, anti-democratic, anti-English, anti-UKIP and partial.
UKIP have solutions to the problems that our nation faces.
The BBC continues to prevent the essence of these problems from being discussed or UKIP’s solutions being understood – which is a hurdle to the public being impartially informed. The BBC has been taken over by a statist culture, overtly supportive of The Labour Party, which is actively damaging the understanding of our young in the basics of right and wrong, of the duty of our Government and of the erosion of our democracy by the EU Commissars.
The Licence Fee is an affront to morality. The BBC is a barrier to rational national political discourse. Scrap the License fee.
And vote UKIP. That includes you Essexman, or do you still have faith in Cast Iron Dave?
Pretty standard interview from the BBC playbook:
1. Find some tweet from a Ukip member which they claim to find offensive (it seemed like common sense to me);
2. Ignore everything the Ukip spokesman says;
3. Splutter with mock indignation and moral self-righteousness;
4. Make it blatantly clear that they consider Ukip to be a bunch of uncaring racists;
5. Trebles all round.
That’ll be £145.50 to you guv. Pay up or go to jail. Alan Yentob’s pension doesn’t fund itself you know.
For starters I want the licence fee to go , Cam is our PM , Farage is not , & he even admitted ,he did not want to be PM , at the last election .Ukip have a lot to say , but they are not in power , & the soft centre voters, would never vote for them .To leave the EU , Farage would (if PM ) have to have a referendum , the EU would not accept a UDI exit . They would cut all trade links & concessions .
Stop dreaming. There is not the slightest chance of Cameron doing anything about the BBC licence fee.
Did you not read Fraser Nelson’s article in the Telegraph last week? Nelson is the editor of the Spectator and knows more about what goes on inside the party than any other mainstream hack.
His portrayal of Cameron as a gormless lightweight who ‘doesn’t see what the fuss is about’ taking ‘advice’ from his hippy wife (who gets her information from BBC R6) is about as damning as anything you will ever read about a serving minister.
If you Tories want to be taken seriously again, you will have to defenestrate Cameron.
Farage , who did not want to be PM , would of let some in as well , you are misguided to think he would not .
Well well well, who’d have thunk it? Another lying Muslim! Turns out the father of the dead kid washed up on the beach has not been telling the truth – what a surprise!
Even the BBC has managed to report the lies, albeit in a down beat manner.
First of all he told the worlds media that his application for asylum to Canada had been rejected, and his family in Canada were singing the same tune. Then the Canadian government under the media spotlight and effectively being blamed took a look through its records and found nothing had been submitted.
The story was then changed to that they submitted the form but it was rejected because it was incomplete (in other words they didn’t fill such an important application in correctly), but the Canadian government would still have had a record of that submission having been made & there isn’t one.
The BBC article tells that the aunt then backtracked on all her stories and said that “she had hoped to sponsor Alan’s father and his bid for refugee asylum”, in other words she hadn’t done so.
She also admitted in the interview that the father was in reality an economic migrant not a genuine refugee “They were going for a better life. That shouldn’t have happened. It shouldn’t have happened to them,”
Oh what a tangled web we weave, but it’s nothing we haven’t seen from migrants before, sad that a child has lost his life for the greed of his parent.
The BBC says:
“His family fled the Syrian border town of Kobane into Turkey after it came under repeated attack by Islamic State militants earlier this year, his aunt Teema Kurdi said on Thursday.”
The Guardian says:
“Unlike other refugees heading for Europe, the Kurdi family had lived in Turkey for three years before deciding to repatriate to Canada, where Abdullah’s sister had for several years attempted – and failed – to sponsor their asylum claim.”
Aylan Kurdi: friends and family fill in gaps behind harrowing images
“Oh what a tangled web we weave…” So true.
I blame the father. The family was Kurd, there is a large Kurdish region in Turkey where they could have lived OK.
But no – the father decides to try to take his family to Europe. He must have known the risks. Bodrum is a city, Turkish shopowners in Bodrum and Izmir and other towns on the coast are making a fortune selling lifejackets. But he failed to buy his smartly-dressed children and his wife jackets.
The dinghy capsized. He claims he tried to save his children. Did he – or did he just swim for the shore. Most fathers I know would have died themselves before anything.
He was an economic migrant – a chancer. Sadly, it went tragically wrong.
But it was his fault – not ours.
Don’t be silly. Remember the BBC Rules:
1.Britain is always to blame for everything;
2.The Government must do something;
3. Ukip are racists.
Apart from the first two minutes of the Jeremy Vine show “Does the dead body of a child on a beach change your mind about mass immigration?” I switched off the radio and avoided the TV, but will buy an Express tomorrow for all the news censored by the TV networks.
But some source of information from Kent Council says that for some reason there are many unaccompanied children being abandoned by the migrants, once they reach their destination. The BBC reaction can only teach the migrants to add murder to the use of these kidnapped children.
Expect murdered children, deposited on Brighton beach to be the next migrant tactic to turn the useful idiots at the BBC, into fanatical glazed eyed support for more mass immigration.
BBC breakfast himbo asking Tory digital affairs minister who came on to talk about rural broadband speed,
“has the Prime Minister been shamed into taking more refugees, is this a u turn ?”
The late self proclaimed “Colonel” Gaddafi once said this:
“We have 50 million Muslims in Europe. There are signs that Allah will grant Islam victory in Europe—without swords, without guns, without conquest—will turn it into a Muslim continent within a few decades”
Looks like he could see our future, eh BBC?
Good job he couldn’t foresee his own! But yes, he was probably right on this point. It won’t end well.
“U” turn on the way, then Dave? The ga-ga British public swayed by a single photo, of a single, unfortunate dead child, and the whole future of the nation is in the balance. What have we become.
“…What have we become..?”
Well, if BBC 2’s Newsnight, last night fronted by Robert Peston (god help us) is any measure, we have become a nation of delusional obfuscators. Peston, interviewing (I use the term ‘interview’ loosely – it was more like an interrogation) a spokesperson for the Hungarian Government, set himself up as a sneery judge-and-jury as he demanded to know why Hungarian Authorities who had stopped a train full of what Peston called ‘migrants’ had acted so ‘thoughtlessly’ towards the hundreds of Syrian ‘refugees’.
The Hungarian representative began by reminding Peston that whilst the BBC might call them all ‘refugees’ as far as international law was concerned they were unprocessed migrants, therefore they were illegal migrants. Peston fumed. The Hungarian chap (I was really starting to warm to his theme now), then went on to explain to a clearly sulking Peston that Hungary, far from ‘recreating scenes redolent of the 30s’ – something Peston had been keen, from the start, to envision for us all – was merely seeking to implement EU law, which requires it to properly process all migrants in the first EU country they arrive in.
Peston, by now in full sneer and simply unable to process the temerity of the Hungarian chap in daring to point out the bleedin’ obvious to him, tried again with the Godwinisms, bleakly invoking images of the Nazis loading Jews into cattle trucks over footage of the Hungarian police trying to contain the chaos on a train stopped specifically to get the passengers out of immigration free fall and into a proper processing centre where they could be offered food, shelter, beds and have their individual claims for asylum properly examined (as per EU rules).
This is how far removed from actual, informed and grown-up journalism the BBC has drifted. When it doesn’t like what the rules say, it simply starts making up its own narrative. I cheered the Hungarian guy – he alone was trying to do the right thing; to actually follow the rules, as laid down by the EU. To the BBC, this was, of course, tantamount to rebuilding Treblinka.
Thankfully, Peston quickly got another lesson in reality from the Chinese Ambassador a few moments later as it had to be explained (with eloquence and quiet authority) to Peston that China’s reason for staging a 12,000-strong military march-by was not, as Peston alleged, to evoke images of Maoist aggression, but to remind the world that of all the nations who fought in WWII it was China that actually suffered the heaviest loss of life – some 35 million, all told, according to the Ambassador. China’s war was also the longest and the massive military march-by had been a 70-year commemoration of the massive sacrifices Chinese people had made to defeat the Japanese.
Peston fumed.
Comedy gold from the best in the business: Newsnight!
Excellent post, Obiwan. Thanks.
Hear, hear! Poor Mr Peston is deeply sunk in irrationalism. It is unfair to ask him to be objective, and he should be given an opportunity to recover his integrity before demanding what he obviously cannot deliver.
Perhaps the idiot Peston should have read this before his handwringing interview.
The European Union has threatened several EU countries with legal action for failing to properly apply the bloc’s laws for asylum seekers.
EU migration spokeswoman Natasha Bertaud said Tuesday that official letters were sent which constitute the European Commission’s “last warning before opening further infringement proceedings.”
Bertaud declined to name the countries targeted from the 28-nation bloc but confirmed the move involved at least 10 countries.
It includes countries that DO NOT PROPERLY FINGERPRINT (or register) ASYLUM SEEKERS, fail to respect migrant rights or procedures on who should qualify for protection, and those with substandard reception conditions. The Commission has already opened 32 legal cases against EU countries over asylum laws.
Hungary is doing the right thing, not least in identifying all of those that have arrived without their passports or other official papers confirming their real nationality.
Especially galling as this particular death was unnecessary. The family were not fleeing a wsr zone unless Turkey is a war zone. They would have been safe if they had stayed were they were. Dr Goebbels would have been proud if this BBC lie had been his. Stratton was in a triumphant mood on Newsshite yesterday. The forces of darkness in the form of Farage had been outflanked and banished, the public is”on our side” in a paroxism of simple-minded sentimentalism.
The Today program was also marshalling the forces of hypocrisy and smugness in grand style. Someone who had been groveling before the Pope, various Chief rabbis, the usual band of brain-dead politicians.
What`s happening in France then OG , are you being enriched or do you live out the way, in the sticks ?
I do believe we have our very own ‘friend’ back again. We should cherish him.
So the ‘unbiased’ BBC has emotionally blackmailed our recently elected PM into a change of policy
It has been a masterclass in campagning advocacy – what has it cost us? Only 45p a day – so they say
Apprently the pre-election ‘housing crisis’ ‘low wage/cost of living crisis’ and ‘school places crisis’ have all now, miraculously, dissolved.
Plenty of space here. No pressure on the countryside enviroment, there’s a jobs bonanza and lots of spare capacity in our transport infrastructure, apparently.
OK, so the BBC and their fellow travellers want more migrants here. OK I get that. They got their own way on this as they usually do. So how about they stop telling us they are ‘unbiased’ and let us off paying the licence fee?
Meanwhile in further ‘only coming here in search of a better life’ news
‘The 17-year-old victim was found by paramedics suffering serious stab wounds and rushed to hospital where he died a short time later. He is the eighth teenager to be stabbed to death this year in London. The second boy, also 17, was found bleeding heavily from knife wounds and is in a stable condition in hospital.’
‘Last night devastated friends of the pair paid tribute on social media. One friend tweeted: “We were like cat and mouse at youth club and now hearing you passed kills me slowly. Rest in perfect peace.”’
‘Hours before the stabbings in Brockley, a 15-year-old schoolboy from North London was knifed six times in a broad daylight attack. The teenager was reportedly wearing school uniform when he was attacked near the Monkeynuts restaurant in Athenaeum Road, Whetstone.’
So, what’s all that about then?
Brockley is in the London Borough of Lewisham
London Borough of Lewisham
(SE4 / SE6 / SE8 / SE13 / SE14 / SE23 / SE26)
124 (North Downham)
Catford Wildcats
Block 6
Black Mafia
Brockley Mandem
Younger Brockley Mandem
Team Brockley
Turnham Gang
Turnham Young Bucks
Deptford Boys
Young Deptford Boys
Deptford Marlies
Young Deptford Marlies
Ghetto Boys
Young Ghetto Boys
Hells Hustlerz
Monson Bloodset
Younger Monson Bloodset
Pepy’s Gang Bangers
Young Shower
Southern Shower Syndicate
Strally Gang / Shankers & Gunners
Sydenham Mandem
Sydenham Young Dons
Hood Bangerz
The Money Makers
Young Money Makers
‘Of all groups listed that are currently active only 35% have been involved in rivalries which have resulted in murders’.
And people wonder why there is ‘white flight’ from our cities!
Of course, you won’t find many BBC journalists living in Lewisham.
BBC breakfast out in a village covering the lack of affordable housing on the other hand sofa sloths continue the sob sob let’s take in migrants agenda. Hey where is the irony.
Thai bombing
BBC ‘Two people have been detained in connection with the blast, both foreign, and a number of arrest warrants have been issued. But no individual or group has yet claim(sic) responsibility for it.’
Non BBC ‘A Thai Muslim man in Narathiwat has been detained for questioning on suspicion of being involved in the Erawan Shrine bombing and has been sent to Bangkok for questioning, reports said.’
‘Pol Lt Gen Prawut said police investigators found the man had contacted wanted suspect Wanna Suansan, also known by her Muslim name Maisaroh, by phone.
Ms Wanna has been, until now, the only Thai suspect in the bombings. Arrest warrants have been issued for her and her Turkish husband Emrah Davutoglu. Both were believed to be in Turkey.’
There are indeed a few golden nuggets of liberal media hubris – comedy gems – hidden among all this liberal media crying and whinging about the migrants.
Last night in a finely honed Channel 4 package about the drowned migrant boy we had clips of Kobane the family home town showing heavy bombardments. ‘Fleeing ISIS’ says the earnest voice over.
We return to Matt Frei at Budapest who – no doubt in the interests of full disclosure – is obliged to point out ‘Kobane has of course now been freed from ISIS forces’
Oh dear, the narrative wobbled somewhat.
The gormless BBC on the 8am news(Today) managed to put the migrant naqba from Syria( therefore everybody`s leaving) with the story of some woman who`s just been returned to Gatwick who had actually tried to get INTO Syria!
So clearly not quite the catastrophe going on there that SHE`D recognise!
Cue tumbleweed Jason…no doubt she`s fleeing Camerons austerity cuts!
Perfick placing lads…no, just “fick”….
BBC balancing the pros and cons of EU membership.
“There would be a jobs boom as firms are freed from EU regulations and red tape, say those arguing for an exit, with small- and medium-sized companies who don’t trade with the EU benefiting the most.”
“Millions of jobs would be lost as global manufacturers moved to lower-cost EU countries. Britain’s large, foreign-owned car industry would be particularly at risk.”
Funny how the anti-EU view is presented as a claim, while the pro-EU view is presented as a fact. Can anyone imagine the BBC doing it the other way round?
One maybe for John Whittingdale keep an eye on BBC EU reporting?
Especially as the BBC seems determined to stick it to the elected government trying to look after national interests.
Mind you, there is a PM whose policy decisions seem swayed by twitter, so who knows what’s coming next.
One can understand the somewhat hard-of-thinking allowing emotion to trump reason with regard to the immigrants. However it is in my view the job of our politicians as supposed statesmen to bring reason to bear, and the BBC as national broadcaster to do likewise. That both are failing abysmally to do so is profoundly depressing, if predictable.
BBC News Website:
“”10 moving photos of Europe’s migrant crisis””
The photos go back 10 years.
BBC Bias and manipulation at it’s most devious.
They won’t give up their pro-Labour therefore pro-immigration stance.
A lot inherent in that word ‘moving’.
Moving whom, to do what?
The choice of imagery, in vs. out, epitomizes the BBC move from information and education to propaganda and censorship.
They seek control via the edit. And with a PM like Cameron they seem likely to get it.
The BBC have nakedly – unabashedly – become an aggressive publicly-funded advocating organisation. Their job is to not to report on policy, but to ‘shape’ policy, to ‘nudge’ the ‘public debate’ towards its preferred outcomes. News and Current Affairs – especially in relation to this ‘migrant crisis’ – have abandoned all pretence of balance and impartiality and are now in full ‘agitation mode’, determined to get Call Me Dave down on his knees begging forgiveness for not flinging open the doors to the UK to all and sundry.
It is a disgrace, but the BBC do this because they know perfectly well that nobody in any position of power – absolutely nobody – will call them out on this. LibLabCon and even, sad to say, UKIP (anyone hear anything from UKIP on all this recently..?) will let both the BBC and CH4 (fellow travellers on the progressive bully train) get clean away with this outrageous behaviour.
And a year from now we’ll all wonder how it is that the UK’s immigration figures just tripled…
“And a year from now we’ll all wonder how it is that the UK’s immigration figures just tripled… ”
And in five years from now, we won’t even be allowed to say that they have. As the Swedes have recently found out.
If, in the face of this, Call Me Dave does not realise that the BBC is his mortal enemy and sort it out, he never will. But we all know that he never will.
Par for the course, they often attribute horrific photos of an atrocity from any part of the world and say it was in Gaza or the West Bank and thus blame Israel.
Got a chance to go onto Any Questions in two weeks time.
By then Corbyn will have been crowned as Labours little prince.
My question thus far is in regard of why schools/teachers don`t get fined for strike days, but parents get fined for taking THEIR kids out for the day-even if they`re meeting up with dads home from duty in Belfast etc.
Any answers?…if that`s my best one, I`ll stick with it.
Could we perhaps get a show where BBC luvvies and other assorted bleeding hearts commit live on air to accommodating ‘migrants’ in their own homes?
Just thought of Emma Thomson’s country estate full of Eritreans shitting in her bidet and dipping Golden Wonders into her Harrod’s Foie Gras would be a ratings winner all round.
Yvette Cooper with a crew of Somali muslims invading her daughters’ bedrooms and wiping their arses on her Kings Road curtains…………..
All those hypocrites calling for open doors but refusing to personally accept would be shamed live on TV.
I see that the propaganda hashtag has morphed into inviting into our homes type palava … you literally couldn t make it up
The usual suspects, Beebots, Ch4 journo s, VIPs, celebrities, failed footballers and politicians, Emma Thompson, that ligger and dogging specialist Stan Collymore … strewf … give me strenf guv
That they might be from Eritrea, Somalia, Libya, Nigeria, Afghan, maybe Gambia or Senegal,?
The vast majority youths or young men?
Have to state it again … vast majority muslim
Never mind a bloody, hashtag, these useful idiots have done the damage … so names and addresses are the requirement
… so they can all have a dozen or so itinerate youths/young men to cope with
… hope they haven t got little Camillas, Porcha s or double barrelled named girls between about 6 and 13 running around eh!
The inviting exhausted and fearful refugees into your home shtick has been pushed for weeks on German TV. It really is beyond belief. The usual churchy types are all eager to pack migrants into their spare rooms as are the deluded elderly “we were refugees at the end of the war, we must help these poor people as we were helped”. Fifth rate German actors also appear hysterically begging people to “open their hearts”. As the RSPCA used to warn us ” A pet is not just for Xmas”. It never occurs to these deluded people that a “migrant is not just so you can enjoy a heady moment of smug moral superiority”. What’s going to happen a monrh, six months, a year down rhe line?. I foolishly thought it couldn’t happen here. How wrong I was!! We are living in a complete madhouse.
Not BBc but the MEN poll is still much to my suprise running at 68% no. Also Bob (I met him once in @1980And thought he was a twat) Geldoff is going to put a family in his Kent home & London flat. Lucky Sir Bob didn’t give away all his money unlike some suckers probably did during band aid.
In Nazi Germany, the politicians controlled the media.
Here, it’s the other way around.
Either way, you end up with some sort of fascist running the show.