The picture of the dead boy really does highlight the chaos that the Middle East crisis is enduring, but should also remind us what we have in store for ourselves unless a grip is got on migration of all kinds. I am favourably disposed to allowing Christian refugees temporarily into this country, but not a single muslim, who should look to countries dominated by their own religion to support them. And, by the way, no-one seems to have commented on one surprising thing about the photograph of the boy on the shoreline: it is surely most unusual (?unique) for a washed-up body to be stranded perpendicular to the tide line with head towards the sea. Bodies normally lie roughly along a tide-line. This tells me, I think, that some utterly cynical positioning of the body took place to maximise the visual impact.
Why was his poor body uncovered? It shows utter contempt for his fate underneath an engineered veneer of concern – a goulish exploitation of the sad end of a very young life in order to further a political agenda in a country he would never know. I presume his father will be funded by his relatives in Canada to resume his own journey and ‘get his teeth fixed’ – did I really hear this right? Dear God, what is the world coming to?
Princess Nikki Campbell was in top form again this morning. When a lady from Coventry had the temerity to state that one in four people in her area were born abroad, Princess Nikki, voice dripping with scorn, was quick to put the racist in her place:
“Being born abroad DOES NOT MATTER! Sir Bradley Wiggins was born abroad!”
That put her in her place, the stupid bigoted woman. Sir Bradley was born in Australia, there is no difference between him and 200,000 Eritreans, Princess Nikki says so, it’s official. She probably voted Ukip anyway.
I’m thinking of emigrating to Hungary.
It will soon be the only non-muslim country in Europe,
The only country that doesn’t have an immigration problem
The only PM who has the balls to say what every person in Europe in thinking.
There are great dentists, and if there are no immigrants then seeing a GP should be easy peasy
I don’t want to live in my own country anymore – sod diversity, multiculturalism and integration; I just want to understand the language when I go shopping. I grew up in a country where children played like the Famous Five, and my village could have been the template for Miss Marples St Mary Mead – all gone now, and I’m glad I’m in the Autumn of my years so I won’t see this rapid deterioration of my homeland. Its you youngsters with your children and grandchildren I feel so sorry for.
Where I live there are 10 “Butchers” only 1 sells pork! The other 9 call Beef, cow meat. As white British I am only 16.7% of the borough’s population. I can’t buy English Mustard or Horseradish to go with my Sunday cow meat roast. Maybe I’d have more chance of buying the things I grew up with in my culture in Hungary.
Was outraged to here the BBC man in Brussels last night on the 10 O’clock news call the Hungarian PM a ‘Pugnacious Man’? Since when has BBC news reporters been allowed to directly insult foreign heads of Governement this way?
After, we then see Robert Peston (Newsnight) lamblast the Hungarian Government spokesman repeatedly disallowing him the right to reply to the questions he put to him, shouting him down at every opportunity! It reminded me of the very same tactics they used during the election campaign against Nigel Farage and UKIP candidates…
So there we have it. Exactly as predicted, David Cameron has collapsed like the badly made souffle he so closely resembles and has thrown open the doors to the invading hordes.
The BBC can barely conceal its glee. Laura Kuenssberg (the Scottish Labourite) has been braying about Cameron having listened to ‘the public and the media’. Really? The media, I will give her, but I know few who think allowing in yet more Middle Eastern immigrants is a Good Thing. Nor do I see that opinion reflected in the comments sections of the online media.
Perhaps what Kuenssberg means is that the chatterati she lunches with have emoted all over Facebook – but I hardly think that qualifies as ‘the public’.
What we have witnessed this past week has been government by a media wholly owned by the liberal ‘elite’.
There will be a reckoning. It won’t be nice. I hope no one on the Left has the temerity to blame conservatives when it happens.
Kuenssberg has always had her own agenda. She’s now reached the peak at the expense of someone’s illness, and its going to be painful watching her from now on.
DT: “Migrant crisis: Britain will take 4,000 Syrian refugees from Middle East camps”
I suggest an amendment: ” …..and they will be located next door to the 3,000+ people who have voted in favour.”
Might be difficult because I suspect that some of the 3,000 will live in the sort of places where “next door” is some distance away. On the other hand, they probably have lots of spare bedrooms. Go on, 3,000, put your money where your mouth is!
Might I suggest that they are all housed in a camp on Hampstead Heath ? Then I think the left will protest very loudly that the conditions are inhumane, while all the time disguising their hatred for what they’ve asked for & got !
They should be put as close as possible to all who’ve tweeted #refugeeswelcome or been photographed holding up that hashtag. Especially if photographed.
I’m struggling to find words to express my anger as to what I’ve seen my country become.
Now with today’s development that people like Geldolf and others are actually willing to take in refugees astounds me as to their naivety (these people won’t shit on their own doorsteps, but they will degrade the neighbourhoods they move into). This is happening with the endless emotionally blackmailing propaganda of mainly the BBC but the rest of our MSM are just as compliant, even the Daily Mail is in full swing this morning, thankfully most comments don’t follow the agenda.
Is there no sense of reason in people any more, the worlds problems will not be solved by a few Twitter hastags.
Turkeys looking forward to Christmas…
Edit: Jeremy Vine is now asking the question ‘would you take a refugee in?’ How long before its obligatory if you have a spare room?
Perhaps all these celebrities would, instead, take in some of our own folk who are apparently having to use food-banks because of government cuts (remember the food-banks)?
Then the refugees could move into the housing association premises vacated by food-bank people.
Why shouldn’t our own hard up citizens benefit from the largesse of all those lovely personalities they see every day on the BBC?
Although it might not generate the same level of photo-op publicity, I’m sure that consideration would never enter their heads, would it..
“..Poor Hungary they are doing their best to halt this swarm and are getting nothing but criticism off the Media..They deserve a medal.”
But all they get is vile name-calling, Godwinisms from the despicable BBC and sneering from the usual left wing fascisti. Telling the truth has now, it seems all but certain, become a crime. Orwell was right. The common purpose bullies are dominating every facet of the media and are determined to control the narrative, no matter what.
In a way – sad as it is – I’m almost happy to sit back and let this catastrophe unfold. Part of me wants to allow the slow car crash towards almost certain civil war somewhere in Europe just take its sad, inevitable course. This year – how many hundreds of thousands of illegal muslim immigrants..? And next year? And the next..?
It’s a numbers game – and thanks to the dangerously misguided BBC and all its fellow travellers, it’s a numbers game that Islam will ultimately win. Those numbers, through continued illegal immigration and new births amongst those already here will tip the balance (they are well on the way; look at the current ethnic make-up of some of our schools here in the UK, for instance) and the ugly, brutal, intolerant Islamic genie will free itself and assert its dominance.
What we are seeing now is how wars begin. Possibly how world wars begin. It took the Nazis well over twenty years to reach total power; but through all that time everyone could see what they doing, nothing was hidden (Hitler even published his manifesto very early on and the first concentration camps sprang up almost immediately after the Nazi Party attained power in 1933).
The point is that we can all see how Islam is seeping into our society across western Europe. We can all see how it finds its way into everything from education to our food and even our law. And yet still, like a bug slowly sinking into a peach, we seem powerless to admit to ourselves what is actually happening. We are sleepwalking into a total disaster. Again.
The key word here is “we”. “We” – meaning the ordinary people, the masses – have a good idea what is going on and do not like it. But “we” do not rule the country – “they” do. “They” are the liberal elite: globalists or in the pay of globalists, misguided, degenerate, guilt-ridden, delusional. “They” have had more than 50 years to establish hegemony in politics, academia and the media. There are no more than 10,000 of them at the top of the pyramid; underneath are 100,000 or so ‘useful idiots’ in the councils, schools, civil service, police and charities. Beneath them are the 10% of the population who support them, ranging from wishy-washy liberals, soppy church goers, unwashed students through to the time-warp followers of Corbyn. Now imagine the pyramid turned upside down, revealing that the whole rotten structure stands on a small pivot – knock it away and it collapses in a heap. Whilst “we” do not see the structure and what needs to be done, “they” are safe.
There’s a lot of ‘we’ presumption around at the moment, most noticeably in papers with low ABC ratings who see themselves as speaking for the nation because they agree with the BBC.
I wonder if there is a single domestic news incident report likely as the BBC cubicle gardens decamp for the weekend to the Med with their digicam in case some Pulitzer Flotsam gets presented by a helpful smuggler oddly programmed into their Iphone.
I heartily agree with everything you have said, and feel sick to my stomach that its going to come true. There will be another War, and civil unrest. Thousands of migrants looking for work (or not) creates a breeding ground of resentment. We’ve heard about the atrocities in Rotherham, Rochdale et al, and of course taxi drivers are a national necessity aren’t they ? I’ve already stopped buying sandwiches from any outlet regardless of it being M & S, Waitrose or Morrisons, as they are created by mostly illegal migrants; and as for Naan breads – that are found in every supermarket, you would never eat one again if you saw where and how they are made !!!! I certainly don’t.
Please keep on writing here (or anywhere else, for that matter). I do try to contribute, but it’s just very difficult to keep up with the deluge of lies that are now being manufactured and propagated. It is very important to me, and to others I suspect, to have someone who can intelligently encapsulate what drives us too often to desperate ranting. It helps us to maintain the sense of an alternative narrative that joins up the dots in a cool-headed and rational manner.
As sad as it is that an innocent child had drowned, allegedly being a child of “refugee” parents, I have read that these people died when trying to get from Turkey to Greece by boat. Correct me if I’m wrong, but why didn’t they fly? In fact they could have flown out of Syria to many destinations and flown from Turkey to Greece just as easily. It has been stated that the father had paid someone somewhere 5,000 Euros for the trip. Why? A single flight fare out of Syria to the nearest safe haven would only be £50 and the trip to Greece from Turkey only £150. Plenty of flights in fact. And, in view of the fact that the father has supposedly paid 5,000 Euro, why the hell didn’t he get the family fixed up with floatation collars? Something ain’t right here, but don’t expect the BBC to inform us otherwise.
Funny isn’t it? After these explosive ‘we should feel sorry for these poor muslims’ media events happen the truth is always exposed, but never to the degree of the initial event. Remember folks, often the truth is a stranger to them, they pray on liberal democracies to further islam.
So there we have it: a complete, unabridged admittance, from the family, that the family were not actually fleeing war, but coming to Europe for a better life. How much clearer does that have to be?
What are chances the BBC and CH4 will ‘fess up and give this (wholly unsurprising) turn of events top-billing on their News coverage?
Meanwhile, illegal immigrants trying to steal their way into Europe via Hungary have been correctly halted by Hungary’s immigration authorities (who are correctly trying to apply agreed EU procedures) and the BBC prefers to liken Hungary’s police to Nazis, by using misdirection and highly emotive language.
Unless Turkey is a war zone what you say must be true.
The “Syrian refugees” seem to be too wealthy and too entitled (UK bad Germany good) to be ordinary Syrians. They are more likely to be former Assad supporters who see the game is now up and are leaving the sinking ship. What moral responsibility do British citizens have to people like that?
So are there no dentists in Turkey then? I imagine dental work there is a damned sight cheaper than in Canada. Everything about this story stinks, and as expected Call Me Dave shows that he has a spine made of blancmange when it comes to standing up for Britain.
The BBC News reporter this lunchtime suffered badly at the hands of a Hungarian politician. For the first time, these reporters have experienced a head of a western government that is not afraid of political correctness nor intimidated by hash tags or the BBC to speak the truth.
The BBC reporter conducted his interview by link from a railway concourse in Budapest. After his bruising, he spoke to the viewers and tried to elicit as much apparent hardship for the BBC cameras from the immigrants walking around or sitting on the floor. But he failed. All were well clothed, being fed and watered and had the full use of their mobiles and tablets. They were facing the hardship that most of us have experienced when a flight is delayed for hours. Another Fail. And yet more BBC Bias.
Nigel Farage gave a very good speech from central London, but I missed the beginning and end as the BBC cut him off. They had no comment or discussion about his proposals.
Has the left wing all gone on to Facebook & Twitter, leaving the internet to the right? I ask because the Guardian comments on immigration are, once again, strikingly against letting more in. Unfortunately it’s Facebook & Twitter that politicians seem to act on, not the comments pages. Perhaps those of us on the right need to re-evaluate our tactics.
The MEN poll of a Labour supporting left wing city finished at 62% against letting any more in 38% for. In Liverpool also left wing Labour it was higher at 68% against 32% for. The Daily Mail which might be regarded as having a more right of centre audience finished at 75% against 25% for.
These are remarkably similar figures and show that the majority of the British people do not want to take any more refugees into this country.
The proposal by the spineless weasel Cameron is to take people who already have asylum in Turkey or Lebanon and ship them to the UK !
What on earth does that achieve? Take someone from one safe spot, and spend thousands of pounds transporting them to another one where they’re not wanted !
As for the left wing abandoning twitter, it is to their credit that they were the first ones to carry the story that the family of the dead boy were absolute liars, and now that has been revealed they are sheepishly lying low knowing what fools they’ve made of themselves.
I’m surprised that you don’t recognise the mass mobilisation of the Leftoids, the March of the Leftoids indeed, on Twatter. It was the Twatterati, Twats (lisping, like Trots) for short, who bombarded Al Beeb and its p-poor churnalists to the extent that the daft buggers, the Twats and Al Beeb, were convinced that their boy MiniMiliMinor was going to win the last GE
Thankfully the people who pay the benefits of these idle bastards bothered to vote in a reasoned fashion, except the Little Jockies of course for whom reason and reasonableness doesn’t exist.
They maybe voted in a reasonable fashion, but it doesn’t do much good if those they voted for then allow themselves to be swayed so easily by the Twatterati, does it? Led to a great extent by the BBC, of course, about whom the same politicians obviously intend to do precisely bugger all.
Turning to Scotland, where I live, I can’t help thinking it might be fun for David Cameron to send most of the “refugees” up here. (As long as it isn’t where I live.) In recognition, of course, of Nicola’s greater humanity than the evil Tories. How could she, and the hysterical 50% who seem to support her, possibly object?
IMO the bigger problem is that so many have become so dumbed down by our education system and the dross that is served up to them on TV and in the MSM that they have become unable to think or question for themselves. People like David Beckham are classed as a ‘role models’ and consequently most under 40’s are covered in graffiti.
They are willing to follow any trendy fad unquestioning and sadly Twitter feeds the need for the latest ‘thing’.
“Turning to Scotland, where I live, I can’t help thinking it might be fun for David Cameron to send most of the “refugees” up here. (As long as it isn’t where I live.)”
Gobby Nicola Krankie-Sturgeon calls on Boy Dave to do more and says that Scotland can’t do it by itself. Look at Glasgow’s, Scotland’s great city population and you see that BME accounts for 11.6% and ‘other’ white 3.9%.
Why should London and the SE pay for the grasping Little Jockies as well as far too many immigrants? Let Jockland take ALL of the Middle Eastern immigrants to whom it wants the UK to offer a warm, benefit-rich welcome, and let them stay there. It will still have nowhere near the number of immigrants as London and the SE who pay for it all.
That’s a very pertinent question. Earlier I posted much the same impression of online comments pages, which, as you say, seem to be overwhelmingly negative.
I think you are absolutely right – the media and their fellow lightweights in politics only take notice of social media.
Not so many long words and reasoned arguments, at a guess.
Twitter, and FB to a lesser extent, are much more ‘dynamic’ in the way that messages can be propagated and amplified. They are walking disasters as far as distortion, ‘noise’ and manipulation – just like a physical mob, they are highly amenable to being transformed from an opinion-base into a mob, and from a mob into a riot.
Maybe we need the equivalent of the Riot Act, to enforce ‘dispersion’ on pain of imprisonment, or at least confiscation of accounts and hashtags. Eventually, we will find a way to re-assert stability in the digital domain, but as it stands, these ‘Social Media’ are simply guns being pointed at democracy’s heads.
Much to my surprise the MEN poll is still on 64% no. Not BBc also seen not on BBc but connected apparently Bob Geldoff (I met him once and thought he was a twat) is going to take in some migrants in his house in Kent and flat in London. Lucky he didn’t give all of his money away isn’t it.
Roll up, roll up, roll up – it’s the Liberal Media Circus!
All the fun o’ the fair – Your Ring Master today is Cameron the Clown and all publicity care of the BBC
The Crazy Davy Circus comes to your town – as a sort of tribute to Banksey, so beloved of the Beeb
Ten minute delay whilst Cameron does his makeup – yeah, those tears are just painted on, kids. Don’t be afraid, those aren’t his real feet – his real feet are even bigger than those shoes – ha ha ha! Yeah, we’ve got him driving our Band Wagon again – stand well clear in case the wheels come off.
Who’s up for a Lefty Arm Wrestle – care to test your moral strength against the Liberal media anyone? Cameron the Clown is always going to lose up against our test-your-strength machine – it’s fixed you see – ha ha ha.
Liberal hoop lah! Lefty hoop lah!
The Coconut Shy – shhhh (it’s a racist thing)
Pay your penny and witness the Freak Show – the bearded lady loves goat boy – so why, oh why, can’t they marry? That’s the only criteria at this circus – right? QED
Pantomime Weddings! Panto Weddings, come see your Panto Weddings here – never mind the odd couple, just look at the weirdo officiating Church of England freak in those crazy robes – what a show to put on for the kiddies!
The Beauty Parade… gosh, Mrs Rosa Klebb and Mr Ilyich Lenin, your bouncing bearded knobbly-knee-ed baby Jeremy in the red rosette is by far the most bonny of them all. And don’t the kiddies love him! Runners up : Superboy elfin thinlips, Captain Thunderturd from the great and hallowed city of Liverpool and also ran what’s-her-face. Our only reservation is that the general public aren’t quite ready for happy-go-lucky hardly ever gets stroppy every-terrorists’ friend Jeremy. But he’s far and away the judges’ (that’s us) favourite! Shhh don’t tell the crowd we found something dirty in his nappy!
And before you exit the showground you must visit the Magic Money Tree – gasp in admiration at this miraculous lefty construct
Come again (you can’t afford not to) see the elastic debt trick and the ever expandable public spending budget!
I understand that it is a criminal offence to support terrorism in UK so I will no longer be paying my licence fee. I understand that I can still watch BBC iPlayer and access the online content if I wish to do so. I will therefore hook my TV up to my PC so my daughter can continue to watch Rastamouse and Tales from Africa so that she grows up not knowing anything about British culture and of course the more who watch online the faster the demise of the unelected propaganda alBeeb.
Translations of this letter are available if you have difficulty understanding English.
Give me Camberwick Green and Trumpton anytime. Young kids today would still be entertained by them, trouble is they are hideously and culturally British, so I guess they’ll never get to see the light of day again.
So, its Ben Brown’s turn in his open neck shirt at Budapest Station now. Last night it was Huw Edwards in his suit, so when does Clive ‘sure’ Myrie get to go on his jollie for a lunchtime break ? They must all fight for pole position when a big news story breaks abroad, I can just see the hands flying up with “I’ll go, I’ll go” . So where’s Tim Wilcox to make up the quartet?
There is a great demand for housing in this country and AlBeeb is reporting that there are issues with building on ‘green’ land.
Well AlBeeb, we are going to need a darn lot more now. England’s ‘green and pleasant land’ is going, thanks to our PM.
Never forget that Cameron and the Tories have a lot of friends and supporters in the building and land speculation business. Having no aesthetic, historical or moral sensibilities, destroying the English countryside has no downside for them.
What a sad vision of the past, the London my dad would have known. Populated by British people, full of interesting shops, no parking restrictions, no shopping precincts, no tower blocks, no CCTV, no cops in stab vests, no tattooed youths with their trousers hanging round their arses, no diversity. It may as well have been a million years ago, not sixty. It is a testament to how Britain has been betrayed by its ruling class. Normally you have to be defeated in a war for your society to be turned upside down in the way ours has, but our own rulers and do-gooders did it to us, and they are still doing it.
Bristol Mayor tells residents to find a spare room for refugees!
This is not some short term student exchange! Once here the refugees will have a minimum of 5 years. Once in a house they will have no claim for priority housing!
But one reason Mrs. Who and I popped in the ‘con’ column as we pondered possible options.
There were/are few pros.
I wonder if, like the BBC, the next move will be ‘unique’ compulsion, based on the stat being reported that all in the UK are gagging to house a hoodie?
The guy is a red trouser wearing liberal cyclist dick, he has turned Bristol into a 20mph log jam with nowhere to park, catering only for his beloved cyclists.
He has the mandate to feck the city up with just 11% of the eligible vote (turnout 28%)
I can’t wait for Points West tonight, main point no doubt…
Not THEIR homes, no, we will be expected to provide homes for them despite having a shortfall of 1 million plus homes at the very least, and very little money other than that which we can borrow so as to impoverish our great-grandchildren.
What you won’t see on the BBC or any other far left media outlet concerning these so called refugees.
Warning: Adult site.
Warning: Good food and water going to waste.
So, here it is – the BBC’s very own hatchet-job on Hungary’s PM Viktor Orban. Mr Orban has the sheer bloody cheek to try and do EU immigration by the EU’s own rule book (when Merkel isn’t re-writing it on the hoof) and the BBC, having successfully advocated all summer long for the UK to ‘do more’ for so-called ‘migrants’ (aka: illegal immigrants trying to stealth their way into the EU for a better life, but with no intention of integrating into free democratic values, etc), now feels it’s also time to give Mr Orban the BBC treatment…
Hungary PM Viktor Orban: Antagonising Europe since 2010
Viktor Orban’s tough approach to the migrant crisis has positioned him as one of Europe’s most controversial leaders.
His comments describing the situation as “Germany’s problem” and insisting that Hungarians have “the right not to live together with populous Muslim communities” drew strong criticism from EU politicians. But the Hungarian prime minister has long riled many of his European colleagues with divisive domestic and foreign policies, including close ties with Russia. Despite forging the country’s strongest government since the fall of communism, his democratic and economic credentials have been questioned.
Note the use of the word ‘controversial’ there. It’s a very slippery word in the hands of the BBC.
his democratic and economic credentials have been questioned.
Typical slur from the BBC. Obviously creating the impression to the casual reader that his democratic and economic credentials have been questioned and found wanting.
Being questioned means nothing at all. “Do you believe in democracy?”, “Yes!”. Well your democratic credentials have now been questioned – typical BBC speak if their wish is to denigrate you.
Another poster made the amusing comment some months ago that the Labour Party is the political wing of the BBC.. It increasingly seems that our government is at the BBC’s service too.
‘not, at the time of writing, on the BBC News website’s Wales or south-east Wales pages.
“The exhibition … was shut down on council orders after complaints from undisclosed sources were received.’
Odd. Usually the BBC finds stories involving ‘undisclosed sources’ hard to resist.
I wonder what may have mad this one ‘not news’ ((c) A. Newsroom Tealady).
The principle of shutting down or closing out selected events based on threats from certain consistent quarters seems to be catching on across all government, local and national. With the national broadcaster assisting in any way it can.
Is this trend likely to continue, or increase. Who knows? The causes are clearly a mystery.
Meanwhile, an immigration officer is tapped on the shoulder and handed a rubber stamp…
The fact that the little creep was forced to delete her or his ‘tweet’ is, of course, neither here nor there. If the BBC is in any way serious about its reputation for impartiality, the perpetrator should have been summarily dismissed.
But of course, the BBC is composed of like-minded SJWs and Trots who silently condone such activities. S/he will probably be promoted soon.
How many pedalos and dinghies could we have bought , had we not allowed Camila Batmanghedghli to blackmail saps like Oliver Letwin to the tune of £3 million before she capsized in a lake of her own self-regard?
Maybe More Or Less might do the figures for us….and until we get the money back, surely we could lease the big blimp out to let vulnerables swarm in on her capacious bingo wings.
Maybe a couple of silk caftans could be cut up to provide a dozen parachutes?
Just asking….
Lucy PevenseyMar 9, 21:27 Weekend 8th March 2025 The plot thickens
FlotsamMar 9, 21:22 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Graham Greene wrote a brilliant novel, “The Comedians” (does anyone read books any more?). It was about a bunch of…
DeborahMar 9, 21:21 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Dr John Campbell on YouTube has reviewed some Covid vaccination research which may have indicated that the vaccine has compromised…
tomoMar 9, 21:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Oh yeah, that’s a good idea…
atlas_shruggedMar 9, 21:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Five Years On, the UK Refuses to Learn the Lessons of the Covid Catastrophe The US has changed direction…
The picture of the dead boy really does highlight the chaos that the Middle East crisis is enduring, but should also remind us what we have in store for ourselves unless a grip is got on migration of all kinds. I am favourably disposed to allowing Christian refugees temporarily into this country, but not a single muslim, who should look to countries dominated by their own religion to support them. And, by the way, no-one seems to have commented on one surprising thing about the photograph of the boy on the shoreline: it is surely most unusual (?unique) for a washed-up body to be stranded perpendicular to the tide line with head towards the sea. Bodies normally lie roughly along a tide-line. This tells me, I think, that some utterly cynical positioning of the body took place to maximise the visual impact.
Why was his poor body uncovered? It shows utter contempt for his fate underneath an engineered veneer of concern – a goulish exploitation of the sad end of a very young life in order to further a political agenda in a country he would never know. I presume his father will be funded by his relatives in Canada to resume his own journey and ‘get his teeth fixed’ – did I really hear this right? Dear God, what is the world coming to?
Princess Nikki Campbell was in top form again this morning. When a lady from Coventry had the temerity to state that one in four people in her area were born abroad, Princess Nikki, voice dripping with scorn, was quick to put the racist in her place:
“Being born abroad DOES NOT MATTER! Sir Bradley Wiggins was born abroad!”
That put her in her place, the stupid bigoted woman. Sir Bradley was born in Australia, there is no difference between him and 200,000 Eritreans, Princess Nikki says so, it’s official. She probably voted Ukip anyway.
I’m thinking of emigrating to Hungary.
It will soon be the only non-muslim country in Europe,
The only country that doesn’t have an immigration problem
The only PM who has the balls to say what every person in Europe in thinking.
There are great dentists, and if there are no immigrants then seeing a GP should be easy peasy
I don’t want to live in my own country anymore – sod diversity, multiculturalism and integration; I just want to understand the language when I go shopping. I grew up in a country where children played like the Famous Five, and my village could have been the template for Miss Marples St Mary Mead – all gone now, and I’m glad I’m in the Autumn of my years so I won’t see this rapid deterioration of my homeland. Its you youngsters with your children and grandchildren I feel so sorry for.
Where I live there are 10 “Butchers” only 1 sells pork! The other 9 call Beef, cow meat. As white British I am only 16.7% of the borough’s population. I can’t buy English Mustard or Horseradish to go with my Sunday cow meat roast. Maybe I’d have more chance of buying the things I grew up with in my culture in Hungary.
Ok, that’s two of us on the move then. Anymore care to join us ????
Was outraged to here the BBC man in Brussels last night on the 10 O’clock news call the Hungarian PM a ‘Pugnacious Man’? Since when has BBC news reporters been allowed to directly insult foreign heads of Governement this way?
After, we then see Robert Peston (Newsnight) lamblast the Hungarian Government spokesman repeatedly disallowing him the right to reply to the questions he put to him, shouting him down at every opportunity! It reminded me of the very same tactics they used during the election campaign against Nigel Farage and UKIP candidates…
So there we have it. Exactly as predicted, David Cameron has collapsed like the badly made souffle he so closely resembles and has thrown open the doors to the invading hordes.
The BBC can barely conceal its glee. Laura Kuenssberg (the Scottish Labourite) has been braying about Cameron having listened to ‘the public and the media’. Really? The media, I will give her, but I know few who think allowing in yet more Middle Eastern immigrants is a Good Thing. Nor do I see that opinion reflected in the comments sections of the online media.
Perhaps what Kuenssberg means is that the chatterati she lunches with have emoted all over Facebook – but I hardly think that qualifies as ‘the public’.
What we have witnessed this past week has been government by a media wholly owned by the liberal ‘elite’.
There will be a reckoning. It won’t be nice. I hope no one on the Left has the temerity to blame conservatives when it happens.
Kuenssberg has always had her own agenda. She’s now reached the peak at the expense of someone’s illness, and its going to be painful watching her from now on.
DT: “Migrant crisis: Britain will take 4,000 Syrian refugees from Middle East camps”
I suggest an amendment: ” …..and they will be located next door to the 3,000+ people who have voted in favour.”
Might be difficult because I suspect that some of the 3,000 will live in the sort of places where “next door” is some distance away. On the other hand, they probably have lots of spare bedrooms. Go on, 3,000, put your money where your mouth is!
Might I suggest that they are all housed in a camp on Hampstead Heath ? Then I think the left will protest very loudly that the conditions are inhumane, while all the time disguising their hatred for what they’ve asked for & got !
They should be put as close as possible to all who’ve tweeted #refugeeswelcome or been photographed holding up that hashtag. Especially if photographed.
I’m struggling to find words to express my anger as to what I’ve seen my country become.
Now with today’s development that people like Geldolf and others are actually willing to take in refugees astounds me as to their naivety (these people won’t shit on their own doorsteps, but they will degrade the neighbourhoods they move into). This is happening with the endless emotionally blackmailing propaganda of mainly the BBC but the rest of our MSM are just as compliant, even the Daily Mail is in full swing this morning, thankfully most comments don’t follow the agenda.
Is there no sense of reason in people any more, the worlds problems will not be solved by a few Twitter hastags.
Turkeys looking forward to Christmas…
Edit: Jeremy Vine is now asking the question ‘would you take a refugee in?’ How long before its obligatory if you have a spare room?
Take one per BBC news employee and let them job share too.
I beg to differ. They will shit on their own doorstep.
Perhaps all these celebrities would, instead, take in some of our own folk who are apparently having to use food-banks because of government cuts (remember the food-banks)?
Then the refugees could move into the housing association premises vacated by food-bank people.
Why shouldn’t our own hard up citizens benefit from the largesse of all those lovely personalities they see every day on the BBC?
Although it might not generate the same level of photo-op publicity, I’m sure that consideration would never enter their heads, would it..
Fragrant Alibhai on speed dial on Jeremy Vine ‘we should be taking in immigrants’ now there’s a surprise!
Sudden outburst of crocodile tears, pathetic performance, followed by a quick recovery. Immigrants taking in more immigrants…
‘Immigrants taking in more immigrants’.
Must be room in the garage for a few more beds!
Poor Hungary they are doing their best to halt this swarm and are getting nothing but criticism off the Media..They deserve a medal.
“..Poor Hungary they are doing their best to halt this swarm and are getting nothing but criticism off the Media..They deserve a medal.”
But all they get is vile name-calling, Godwinisms from the despicable BBC and sneering from the usual left wing fascisti. Telling the truth has now, it seems all but certain, become a crime. Orwell was right. The common purpose bullies are dominating every facet of the media and are determined to control the narrative, no matter what.
In a way – sad as it is – I’m almost happy to sit back and let this catastrophe unfold. Part of me wants to allow the slow car crash towards almost certain civil war somewhere in Europe just take its sad, inevitable course. This year – how many hundreds of thousands of illegal muslim immigrants..? And next year? And the next..?
It’s a numbers game – and thanks to the dangerously misguided BBC and all its fellow travellers, it’s a numbers game that Islam will ultimately win. Those numbers, through continued illegal immigration and new births amongst those already here will tip the balance (they are well on the way; look at the current ethnic make-up of some of our schools here in the UK, for instance) and the ugly, brutal, intolerant Islamic genie will free itself and assert its dominance.
What we are seeing now is how wars begin. Possibly how world wars begin. It took the Nazis well over twenty years to reach total power; but through all that time everyone could see what they doing, nothing was hidden (Hitler even published his manifesto very early on and the first concentration camps sprang up almost immediately after the Nazi Party attained power in 1933).
The point is that we can all see how Islam is seeping into our society across western Europe. We can all see how it finds its way into everything from education to our food and even our law. And yet still, like a bug slowly sinking into a peach, we seem powerless to admit to ourselves what is actually happening. We are sleepwalking into a total disaster. Again.
The key word here is “we”. “We” – meaning the ordinary people, the masses – have a good idea what is going on and do not like it. But “we” do not rule the country – “they” do. “They” are the liberal elite: globalists or in the pay of globalists, misguided, degenerate, guilt-ridden, delusional. “They” have had more than 50 years to establish hegemony in politics, academia and the media. There are no more than 10,000 of them at the top of the pyramid; underneath are 100,000 or so ‘useful idiots’ in the councils, schools, civil service, police and charities. Beneath them are the 10% of the population who support them, ranging from wishy-washy liberals, soppy church goers, unwashed students through to the time-warp followers of Corbyn. Now imagine the pyramid turned upside down, revealing that the whole rotten structure stands on a small pivot – knock it away and it collapses in a heap. Whilst “we” do not see the structure and what needs to be done, “they” are safe.
There’s a lot of ‘we’ presumption around at the moment, most noticeably in papers with low ABC ratings who see themselves as speaking for the nation because they agree with the BBC.
I wonder if there is a single domestic news incident report likely as the BBC cubicle gardens decamp for the weekend to the Med with their digicam in case some Pulitzer Flotsam gets presented by a helpful smuggler oddly programmed into their Iphone.
I must admit I was half expecting to see a teddy bear next to the drowned child, so obviously had the scene been staged.
I heartily agree with everything you have said, and feel sick to my stomach that its going to come true. There will be another War, and civil unrest. Thousands of migrants looking for work (or not) creates a breeding ground of resentment. We’ve heard about the atrocities in Rotherham, Rochdale et al, and of course taxi drivers are a national necessity aren’t they ? I’ve already stopped buying sandwiches from any outlet regardless of it being M & S, Waitrose or Morrisons, as they are created by mostly illegal migrants; and as for Naan breads – that are found in every supermarket, you would never eat one again if you saw where and how they are made !!!! I certainly don’t.
Please keep on writing here (or anywhere else, for that matter). I do try to contribute, but it’s just very difficult to keep up with the deluge of lies that are now being manufactured and propagated. It is very important to me, and to others I suspect, to have someone who can intelligently encapsulate what drives us too often to desperate ranting. It helps us to maintain the sense of an alternative narrative that joins up the dots in a cool-headed and rational manner.
Intruder arrested on EasyJet flight
How come you can get to UK with no passport, ID or boarding pass but they won’t let you out?
As sad as it is that an innocent child had drowned, allegedly being a child of “refugee” parents, I have read that these people died when trying to get from Turkey to Greece by boat. Correct me if I’m wrong, but why didn’t they fly? In fact they could have flown out of Syria to many destinations and flown from Turkey to Greece just as easily. It has been stated that the father had paid someone somewhere 5,000 Euros for the trip. Why? A single flight fare out of Syria to the nearest safe haven would only be £50 and the trip to Greece from Turkey only £150. Plenty of flights in fact. And, in view of the fact that the father has supposedly paid 5,000 Euro, why the hell didn’t he get the family fixed up with floatation collars? Something ain’t right here, but don’t expect the BBC to inform us otherwise.
Funny isn’t it? After these explosive ‘we should feel sorry for these poor muslims’ media events happen the truth is always exposed, but never to the degree of the initial event. Remember folks, often the truth is a stranger to them, they pray on liberal democracies to further islam.
So there we have it: a complete, unabridged admittance, from the family, that the family were not actually fleeing war, but coming to Europe for a better life. How much clearer does that have to be?
What are chances the BBC and CH4 will ‘fess up and give this (wholly unsurprising) turn of events top-billing on their News coverage?
Meanwhile, illegal immigrants trying to steal their way into Europe via Hungary have been correctly halted by Hungary’s immigration authorities (who are correctly trying to apply agreed EU procedures) and the BBC prefers to liken Hungary’s police to Nazis, by using misdirection and highly emotive language.
Unless Turkey is a war zone what you say must be true.
The “Syrian refugees” seem to be too wealthy and too entitled (UK bad Germany good) to be ordinary Syrians. They are more likely to be former Assad supporters who see the game is now up and are leaving the sinking ship. What moral responsibility do British citizens have to people like that?
Have the beeb reported that the boys funeral was held back in Syria ?
I saw it on sky at lunchtime but thought I must have imagined it.
So are there no dentists in Turkey then? I imagine dental work there is a damned sight cheaper than in Canada. Everything about this story stinks, and as expected Call Me Dave shows that he has a spine made of blancmange when it comes to standing up for Britain.
The BBC News reporter this lunchtime suffered badly at the hands of a Hungarian politician. For the first time, these reporters have experienced a head of a western government that is not afraid of political correctness nor intimidated by hash tags or the BBC to speak the truth.
The BBC reporter conducted his interview by link from a railway concourse in Budapest. After his bruising, he spoke to the viewers and tried to elicit as much apparent hardship for the BBC cameras from the immigrants walking around or sitting on the floor. But he failed. All were well clothed, being fed and watered and had the full use of their mobiles and tablets. They were facing the hardship that most of us have experienced when a flight is delayed for hours. Another Fail. And yet more BBC Bias.
Nigel Farage gave a very good speech from central London, but I missed the beginning and end as the BBC cut him off. They had no comment or discussion about his proposals.
Has the left wing all gone on to Facebook & Twitter, leaving the internet to the right? I ask because the Guardian comments on immigration are, once again, strikingly against letting more in. Unfortunately it’s Facebook & Twitter that politicians seem to act on, not the comments pages. Perhaps those of us on the right need to re-evaluate our tactics.
The MEN poll of a Labour supporting left wing city finished at 62% against letting any more in 38% for. In Liverpool also left wing Labour it was higher at 68% against 32% for. The Daily Mail which might be regarded as having a more right of centre audience finished at 75% against 25% for.
These are remarkably similar figures and show that the majority of the British people do not want to take any more refugees into this country.
The proposal by the spineless weasel Cameron is to take people who already have asylum in Turkey or Lebanon and ship them to the UK !
What on earth does that achieve? Take someone from one safe spot, and spend thousands of pounds transporting them to another one where they’re not wanted !
As for the left wing abandoning twitter, it is to their credit that they were the first ones to carry the story that the family of the dead boy were absolute liars, and now that has been revealed they are sheepishly lying low knowing what fools they’ve made of themselves.
Dear me, Cher Roland!
I’m surprised that you don’t recognise the mass mobilisation of the Leftoids, the March of the Leftoids indeed, on Twatter. It was the Twatterati, Twats (lisping, like Trots) for short, who bombarded Al Beeb and its p-poor churnalists to the extent that the daft buggers, the Twats and Al Beeb, were convinced that their boy MiniMiliMinor was going to win the last GE
Thankfully the people who pay the benefits of these idle bastards bothered to vote in a reasoned fashion, except the Little Jockies of course for whom reason and reasonableness doesn’t exist.
They maybe voted in a reasonable fashion, but it doesn’t do much good if those they voted for then allow themselves to be swayed so easily by the Twatterati, does it? Led to a great extent by the BBC, of course, about whom the same politicians obviously intend to do precisely bugger all.
Turning to Scotland, where I live, I can’t help thinking it might be fun for David Cameron to send most of the “refugees” up here. (As long as it isn’t where I live.) In recognition, of course, of Nicola’s greater humanity than the evil Tories. How could she, and the hysterical 50% who seem to support her, possibly object?
IMO the bigger problem is that so many have become so dumbed down by our education system and the dross that is served up to them on TV and in the MSM that they have become unable to think or question for themselves. People like David Beckham are classed as a ‘role models’ and consequently most under 40’s are covered in graffiti.
They are willing to follow any trendy fad unquestioning and sadly Twitter feeds the need for the latest ‘thing’.
“Turning to Scotland, where I live, I can’t help thinking it might be fun for David Cameron to send most of the “refugees” up here. (As long as it isn’t where I live.)”
How about Gruinard?
Gobby Nicola Krankie-Sturgeon calls on Boy Dave to do more and says that Scotland can’t do it by itself. Look at Glasgow’s, Scotland’s great city population and you see that BME accounts for 11.6% and ‘other’ white 3.9%.
Contrast with London alone where only 45% described themselves as white British
Why should London and the SE pay for the grasping Little Jockies as well as far too many immigrants? Let Jockland take ALL of the Middle Eastern immigrants to whom it wants the UK to offer a warm, benefit-rich welcome, and let them stay there. It will still have nowhere near the number of immigrants as London and the SE who pay for it all.
That’s a very pertinent question. Earlier I posted much the same impression of online comments pages, which, as you say, seem to be overwhelmingly negative.
I think you are absolutely right – the media and their fellow lightweights in politics only take notice of social media.
Not so many long words and reasoned arguments, at a guess.
I suppose most on the left can express everything they know about any current topic in 140 characters.
Who needs more?
Twitter, and FB to a lesser extent, are much more ‘dynamic’ in the way that messages can be propagated and amplified. They are walking disasters as far as distortion, ‘noise’ and manipulation – just like a physical mob, they are highly amenable to being transformed from an opinion-base into a mob, and from a mob into a riot.
Maybe we need the equivalent of the Riot Act, to enforce ‘dispersion’ on pain of imprisonment, or at least confiscation of accounts and hashtags. Eventually, we will find a way to re-assert stability in the digital domain, but as it stands, these ‘Social Media’ are simply guns being pointed at democracy’s heads.
Much to my surprise the MEN poll is still on 64% no. Not BBc also seen not on BBc but connected apparently Bob Geldoff (I met him once and thought he was a twat) is going to take in some migrants in his house in Kent and flat in London. Lucky he didn’t give all of his money away isn’t it.
Roll up, roll up, roll up – it’s the Liberal Media Circus!
All the fun o’ the fair – Your Ring Master today is Cameron the Clown and all publicity care of the BBC
The Crazy Davy Circus comes to your town – as a sort of tribute to Banksey, so beloved of the Beeb
Ten minute delay whilst Cameron does his makeup – yeah, those tears are just painted on, kids. Don’t be afraid, those aren’t his real feet – his real feet are even bigger than those shoes – ha ha ha! Yeah, we’ve got him driving our Band Wagon again – stand well clear in case the wheels come off.
Who’s up for a Lefty Arm Wrestle – care to test your moral strength against the Liberal media anyone? Cameron the Clown is always going to lose up against our test-your-strength machine – it’s fixed you see – ha ha ha.
Liberal hoop lah! Lefty hoop lah!
The Coconut Shy – shhhh (it’s a racist thing)
Pay your penny and witness the Freak Show – the bearded lady loves goat boy – so why, oh why, can’t they marry? That’s the only criteria at this circus – right? QED
Pantomime Weddings! Panto Weddings, come see your Panto Weddings here – never mind the odd couple, just look at the weirdo officiating Church of England freak in those crazy robes – what a show to put on for the kiddies!
The Beauty Parade… gosh, Mrs Rosa Klebb and Mr Ilyich Lenin, your bouncing bearded knobbly-knee-ed baby Jeremy in the red rosette is by far the most bonny of them all. And don’t the kiddies love him! Runners up : Superboy elfin thinlips, Captain Thunderturd from the great and hallowed city of Liverpool and also ran what’s-her-face. Our only reservation is that the general public aren’t quite ready for happy-go-lucky hardly ever gets stroppy every-terrorists’ friend Jeremy. But he’s far and away the judges’ (that’s us) favourite! Shhh don’t tell the crowd we found something dirty in his nappy!
And before you exit the showground you must visit the Magic Money Tree – gasp in admiration at this miraculous lefty construct
Come again (you can’t afford not to) see the elastic debt trick and the ever expandable public spending budget!
Very good
Dear TV Licensing,
I understand that it is a criminal offence to support terrorism in UK so I will no longer be paying my licence fee. I understand that I can still watch BBC iPlayer and access the online content if I wish to do so. I will therefore hook my TV up to my PC so my daughter can continue to watch Rastamouse and Tales from Africa so that she grows up not knowing anything about British culture and of course the more who watch online the faster the demise of the unelected propaganda alBeeb.
Translations of this letter are available if you have difficulty understanding English.
Give me Camberwick Green and Trumpton anytime. Young kids today would still be entertained by them, trouble is they are hideously and culturally British, so I guess they’ll never get to see the light of day again.
So, its Ben Brown’s turn in his open neck shirt at Budapest Station now. Last night it was Huw Edwards in his suit, so when does Clive ‘sure’ Myrie get to go on his jollie for a lunchtime break ? They must all fight for pole position when a big news story breaks abroad, I can just see the hands flying up with “I’ll go, I’ll go” . So where’s Tim Wilcox to make up the quartet?
There is a great demand for housing in this country and AlBeeb is reporting that there are issues with building on ‘green’ land.
Well AlBeeb, we are going to need a darn lot more now. England’s ‘green and pleasant land’ is going, thanks to our PM.
Never forget that Cameron and the Tories have a lot of friends and supporters in the building and land speculation business. Having no aesthetic, historical or moral sensibilities, destroying the English countryside has no downside for them.
Watch and cry, London in the 1950’s. I won’t bother posting a 2015 version, I think we all know what that looks like…
London 2015, contrast and compare.
Bet there’s no pork on sale at that “Butchers”.
I noticed one or two very significant differences from the BBC’s portrayal of 1950s London.
Are there any prizes?
What a sad vision of the past, the London my dad would have known. Populated by British people, full of interesting shops, no parking restrictions, no shopping precincts, no tower blocks, no CCTV, no cops in stab vests, no tattooed youths with their trousers hanging round their arses, no diversity. It may as well have been a million years ago, not sixty. It is a testament to how Britain has been betrayed by its ruling class. Normally you have to be defeated in a war for your society to be turned upside down in the way ours has, but our own rulers and do-gooders did it to us, and they are still doing it.
I would go back there in a heartbeat
Bristol Mayor tells residents to find a spare room for refugees!
This is not some short term student exchange! Once here the refugees will have a minimum of 5 years. Once in a house they will have no claim for priority housing!
Good luck Bristolians
But one reason Mrs. Who and I popped in the ‘con’ column as we pondered possible options.
There were/are few pros.
I wonder if, like the BBC, the next move will be ‘unique’ compulsion, based on the stat being reported that all in the UK are gagging to house a hoodie?
The guy is a red trouser wearing liberal cyclist dick, he has turned Bristol into a 20mph log jam with nowhere to park, catering only for his beloved cyclists.
He has the mandate to feck the city up with just 11% of the eligible vote (turnout 28%)
I can’t wait for Points West tonight, main point no doubt…
Anyone think this tweet may actually have the opposite effect to the desired one?
Sadly its not a parody.
Not in Leicester’s 51% NON-white community it won’t!
But that 51% won’t be the ones expected to open their homes to the migrants!
Not THEIR homes, no, we will be expected to provide homes for them despite having a shortfall of 1 million plus homes at the very least, and very little money other than that which we can borrow so as to impoverish our great-grandchildren.
Regarding the photo, comedy gold or to be more exact, a tragic comedy. Incidentally I can see her eye balls, shouldn’t they be covered ?
I reckon it’s a bloke. Rather beefy for a girl somehow. Or maybe the MP is a weedy little runt?
The comments to that tweet may not be what he was looking for.
What you won’t see on the BBC or any other far left media outlet concerning these so called refugees.
Warning: Adult site.
Warning: Good food and water going to waste.
Yet the DT was reporting this morning that they were being deprived water and food….
So, here it is – the BBC’s very own hatchet-job on Hungary’s PM Viktor Orban. Mr Orban has the sheer bloody cheek to try and do EU immigration by the EU’s own rule book (when Merkel isn’t re-writing it on the hoof) and the BBC, having successfully advocated all summer long for the UK to ‘do more’ for so-called ‘migrants’ (aka: illegal immigrants trying to stealth their way into the EU for a better life, but with no intention of integrating into free democratic values, etc), now feels it’s also time to give Mr Orban the BBC treatment…
Hungary PM Viktor Orban: Antagonising Europe since 2010
Viktor Orban’s tough approach to the migrant crisis has positioned him as one of Europe’s most controversial leaders.
His comments describing the situation as “Germany’s problem” and insisting that Hungarians have “the right not to live together with populous Muslim communities” drew strong criticism from EU politicians. But the Hungarian prime minister has long riled many of his European colleagues with divisive domestic and foreign policies, including close ties with Russia. Despite forging the country’s strongest government since the fall of communism, his democratic and economic credentials have been questioned.
Note the use of the word ‘controversial’ there. It’s a very slippery word in the hands of the BBC.
That would be as opposed to ‘democratic and economic credentials’ of the undemocratic and more or less bankrupt EU, presumably?
So BBC comedy is alive, after all!
And ‘divisive’. You know you’re on the BBC naughty step when you’ve achieved that.
Typical slur from the BBC. Obviously creating the impression to the casual reader that his democratic and economic credentials have been questioned and found wanting.
Being questioned means nothing at all. “Do you believe in democracy?”, “Yes!”. Well your democratic credentials have now been questioned – typical BBC speak if their wish is to denigrate you.
Another poster made the amusing comment some months ago that the Labour Party is the political wing of the BBC.. It increasingly seems that our government is at the BBC’s service too.
‘not, at the time of writing, on the BBC News website’s Wales or south-east Wales pages.
“The exhibition … was shut down on council orders after complaints from undisclosed sources were received.’
Odd. Usually the BBC finds stories involving ‘undisclosed sources’ hard to resist.
I wonder what may have mad this one ‘not news’ ((c) A. Newsroom Tealady).
The principle of shutting down or closing out selected events based on threats from certain consistent quarters seems to be catching on across all government, local and national. With the national broadcaster assisting in any way it can.
Is this trend likely to continue, or increase. Who knows? The causes are clearly a mystery.
Meanwhile, an immigration officer is tapped on the shoulder and handed a rubber stamp…
And from Breitbart London, further evidence of the mindset of BBC ‘journalists’
The fact that the little creep was forced to delete her or his ‘tweet’ is, of course, neither here nor there. If the BBC is in any way serious about its reputation for impartiality, the perpetrator should have been summarily dismissed.
But of course, the BBC is composed of like-minded SJWs and Trots who silently condone such activities. S/he will probably be promoted soon.
But, but… surely such views are simply their own, and hence ‘nothing to do with their employer’ ((c) A. Barrack Room Lawyer). What changed?
I see it is UKIP-derangement inspired. Not one of Jasmine’s coven by chance?
How many pedalos and dinghies could we have bought , had we not allowed Camila Batmanghedghli to blackmail saps like Oliver Letwin to the tune of £3 million before she capsized in a lake of her own self-regard?
Maybe More Or Less might do the figures for us….and until we get the money back, surely we could lease the big blimp out to let vulnerables swarm in on her capacious bingo wings.
Maybe a couple of silk caftans could be cut up to provide a dozen parachutes?
Just asking….