It’s all about the posturing, refugee one-upmanship……
Dan Hodges retweeted
Peter Dominiczak retweeted Michael Deacon
Disastrous comment…
Peter Dominiczak added,
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Dan hodges does his own bit of posturing with this hostage to future events:
Refugee crisis: David Cameron is placing himself on the wrong side of history
The comments absolutely slaughter him…and I’m sure this only confirms in his own mind how right and righteous he is.
The BBC seems to like how this plays in the virtue circle jerk bubble, and have cranked this up to 11, especially on social media:
BBC News
2 hrs ·
What are your suggestions for solving the crisis? What do you think would help? Please get in touch with your ideas and the practical things you are doing because of what is going on.
Email or share your suggestions below.
Not sure if my chipping in by saying I’ve done my bit canceling my TVL DD to at least avoid paying further for this propaganda tripe even if it still gets uniquely cranked out everywhere all the time, will go down well.
Just looked at the Dan Hodges article and there is a vote whether Britain should take more refugees. At 1.22pm 100% said NO.
It’s Yes 52%, No 48% now. Make of that what you will.
Livesey on five live yesterday requested listeners email and phone as to whether UK should take more migrants/refugees. Like a schoolteacher who’s class had done badly in an exam, he sounded confused and bitterly disappointed as his listeners/pupils overwhelmingly voted against more migrants. He had spent the last 2 hours lecturing his listeners that further mass immigration was the correct response. Had they learned nothing? But seriously, his response to the general public voicing their opinion was quite shocking to me.
Speak like a Guardianista, act like a Guardianista, yet when the poor negate to pay their licence fee, bite like the most ruthless money grabbing Corporate institution known to mankind, quite happy to imprison someone for daring to be poor….
Our borders remain closed to those fleeing the Isil butchers and Assad’s barrel bombs (though not, as his opponents will remind him, to those who we want to do our plumbing).
One of two things will happen. The crisis will worsen. The torrent of humanity will become a flood. Thousands more will drown. Then tens of thousands. Then hundreds of thousands. The chaos of Calais and Budapest and Kos will spread. And as it does we will stand there, in glorious isolation, watching the chaos unfold. How will history judge us then? How will history judge David Cameron then?
Or, the crisis will slowly be alleviated. Germany will welcome its 800,000. The rest of Europe will reach agreement to share the burden. Those seeking sanctuary will find it. Europe will have faced, and successfully met, one of the great humanitarian challenges of our fledgling the 21st century.
So the migrants will only keep on coming if we refuse them entry.
But let them in and the flood will miraculously subside.
Dan Hodges – proud to be a logic-free zone.
Surely BBC wouldn’t want us to accept homophobes?
It depends which homophobic religion these “refugees”/”economic migrants”/”ISIL warriors” are from!