I don’t know about you but it strikes me that the BBC has gone into overdrive to soften up the Nation for a wave of “Syrians”. The image of the little 3 year old Syrian boy who drowned on the beach has been milked for maximum emotional blackmail and true to form the Left have seized upon this and are insisting that our borders open up and we let ’em in. The BBC are also very cute to throw about terms such as “refugees”, “migrants” “asylum seekers” to make THEIR case when it suits them. It’s a moments like this that the menace of the BBC crystallises. It is a force for the destruction of all that so many of us hold dear. It is colluding with those who smuggle people to ensure that the UK becomes part of Northern Africa.
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Yes, I am shocked by this new aspect that the BBC is pushing out now. Using emotional blackmail is a dirty trick & the situation is far too serious for this as the long term consequences are profound. The deaths of children (& adults equally) is a very sad outcome & I don’t believe outside ISIL anyone doesn’t feel regret for victims of this diaspora. However some responsibilty must lie with those within the movement of people, why risk one’s children on such a venture when the country one is departing from (Turkey) is a safe haven? Why don’t Sunni muslims head for Saudi Arabia, & Shiites to Iran, there they would be culturally compatible. Not once have I heard the BBC voice this. Nor have I heard them discuss the cultural change for us in Europe that would be caused by the influx of millions of people who are not Europeans, the BBC seems to dismiss European art & culture as expendable. It is serious & could lead to internal war in Europe not far in the future, the BBC seem to be willing this along.
The BBC, and the Left generally, thrive on conflict so long as they personally are not involved.
The BBC by campaigning pro-migration, effectively, has blood on its hands.
It was truly shocking that the boy died for his mother’s greed. If they had stayed in Turkey where the UK has spent a great deal of the £900 million supporting true refugees then this tragedy would have been avoided. To recklessly endanger life by putting greed above safety is tantamount to murder.
Agreed. The parents, including the mother were in a safe place. They also had 5000 euros to give to the smugglers to cross the short distance by boat from Turkey to Greece. This indicates that they had more money then just the 5000. Yet, they both placed their children in danger. Now as usual, everyone is blaming Europe for the deaths.
It turns out that the 5000 euros were from his aunt in Canada. This family had applied for asylum in Canada, but were refused – apparantly Canada felt that the family were no longer in danger. So the 5000 euros to enter Europe illegally, get EU ID, and then proceed to next best place for a good life on Benefits.
There was no application for asylum for these children and their parents – it was for their uncle. The application was returned because it hadn’t been filled in correctly.
Amazing how a story can get twisted and repeated, aided and abetted by the sister in question of all people.
Agree absolutely CranbrrokPhil, and have said as much myself concerning the alternatives that these so called immigrants had as a choice-why Europe? Well we all know why, well most of us with any comprehension of the present situation we face with MUslims realise that if the floods of people continue disaster will reign over Europe, the Islamic aim to destro the West will then become reality-and yes have studied much of this situ for years, this disaster will most definitely become actual reality. I don’t fancy having to fight city by city to keep alive our Christian faith & values-but people shound understand that there are millions waiting to cross through to the shores of Europe-policians know this. Germany will soon have over 6 million Muslims the highest number of Muslims in Europe-Islam is also the fastest growing religion in post-Christian Germany. For us today, what is at stake is Europe, the lifestyle of European citizens, European values, the survival or disappearance of European nations, and more precisely formulated, their transformation beyond recognition. Today, the question is not merely in what kind of a Europe we would like to live, but whether everything we understand as Europe will exist at all
A number of points, it seems to me:
1. “Refugees”, “Migrants”, “Economic Migrants” “Asylum Seekers” and other similar collective nouns are all now interchangeable with the BBC reporters playing fast and loose with the phraseology
2. The current state of play in Hungary, Macedonia and elsewhere in the East has taken the media (and BBC) eye away from what is happening in the Med, which hasn’t stopped. That is still happening too, it’s just that attention has been diverted elsewhere.
3. Pressure is on the Government to increase the numbers which the country will allow in. But the government is weak, deferring to a weak EU, which has no consensus on how to address the issue. Worse, EU strategy and infrastructure is set up to make the problem worse. With the pressure to do something about the here and now, what happens when the next wave comes?
4. State infrastructure is not up to dealing with the huge numbers of people arriving and is unable to sift out genuine applicants from those with ulterior motives. It seems inevitable that the Shengen arrangements will be suspended, in a sense they already have with the Hungarians taking the action they have in not allowing people easy onward movement.
The BBC (and Sky to be fair) approach is like that of a rabbit caught in the headlights. They do what everyone else does in times of high stress and difficulty. They resort to type, and what they know. They fling all the resource they have at it and do all the things they normally try to disguise, but don’t have the time to. They refer to their usual points of reference, and all the normal points of contact are dragged out to comment.
The BBC are part of the problem in their approach, we can expect many more days and weeks of this.
Yes indeed subscribe to all your points. In most cases utter duplicity abounds. Europe is being invaded by those that would wish to destroy Europe & its way of life-certainly a majority of these flooding onto European shores have been encouraged to come here, most likely their tickets have been paid to the smugglers by such as ISIL- where for example did this Muslim, whose little children died whilst trying to cross from Turkey, get the 5000 euro’s he claims to have paid to the smugglers? Very unlikely he would have had such a sum, and if he did why not make application through the correct channels for asylum or go to Jordan, Lebanon, or the rich Arab Emerate nations, whose religion & culture marries his own, indeed why have not more of these people sought santuary with their own relionists?
Apparently, the 5000 euros was donated by the Aunt of the children who is resident in Canada. She has been on Sky News last night and this morning lamenting their fate, as any family member would. Also, it would seem, the family have tried to get asylum in Canada but failed for some reason.
Thanks for that information-apparently Canada turned down their application as they considered there was no real threat to this family. Something about other monies in Syria did not make a case for their claimed desperation.
When are the immensely rich Arab oil states going to take their share of ‘refugees’?
…And of the 800,000 migrants Germany has committed to accept – Once they’re given EU citizenship and the necessary documents they are free to go wherever they wish. German ‘headline grabbing’ compassion is now a problem for us all under existing ‘freedom of movement rules’! Will Mrs Merkel then accept the next 5-8million from Syria? What about those from East Africa? Central Asia? Bangladesh? Burma?
Diderot once said “the distance between the throne and the alter can never be too great”. This has never been more true. We need to put aside the emotional, Christian, liberal blackmail coming through the BBC and be governed, as we all elected to be, in our National interest.
In addition to this “the Geneva convention and ECHR”; the usual immovable and enshrined truth shield of the emotional BBC liberal, are simply Human Constructs. They are not historically universal and philosophical truths carved into stone by an all powerful celestial being. They are man made rules, nothing more. They were not designed for today’s global market/population movements and they need to change.
Agree-we should take a leaf out of the Prime Minister of Hungary’s book-but that would offend the moral attitude now shoved around like confetty. Of course long before this tide of millions began their journey to swarm across the shores of Europe, politicians of all countries should have engaged those countries in the Middle East such as Saudi Arabia, the Emerates & others Muslim countries to open their doors to their co-religonists. ,
I return to my concerns on the democratic will of the voting people of this country, especially as the election was only a few months ago and there are years until the next, with a PM totally in thrall of social media and the likes of the BBC, Graun, Lib Dems, Emma Thompson, etc.
I saw this in miniature earlier on a FaceBook page created for our town.
Some lady who lunches posted a call to set up a coordination centre to place Syrians with families in the area.
This was replied to by a braver soul than many, who pointed out a few home truths and points to consider.
All hell has broken loose, and only in two extremes. One, the minority, agreeing with the latter, and going further. The other, larger, the bleeding heart worthies with time to spare, are all in full Godwin mode, almost all making no rational argument and flinging ad homs around like confetti. However we are talking a few score in total our of 20,000.
The rest, myself included, are staying well clear. In a small community it is not worth sticking identifiable heads above parapets, at least when one side thinks they can bully any counter views into submission. Personally I think the counter-poster was provocative to an extent, as it was a call to the like-minded, so leave it alone and move on to wither, but these things can have a funny way of moving from those of a mind opting to join in, to those not interested getting co-opted eventually anyway to suit and pay for the minority’s wishes. Like the licence fee.
But the vitriol and lack of substance in argument of the ‘let them in/be housed’ brigade is breath-taking.
I know which way I would be voting as a silent observer, if asked. My concern is that choice gets removed and the majority is dragged in to the minority’s ill-thought through ambitions. Led by the BBC social virtue engineering money tree PR system.
“…we’ve taken 5,000 people from the Syrian conflict, we’ll go on taking people and keep it under review…”
Are those last four words the beginning of a shift?
And what is happening in Syria? We have no front line reporting, unlike the Israel Gaza conflict when every Gazan child with a scratch was presented to the press. A few months ago I read that in Damascus itself, life went on with the middle classes living a normal life. Is that still the case? We are told nothing. Are these refugees in Hungary etc, Sunni, Shi’ite or other? Do the refugees get along with each other? I don’t know. And there are so many young men, where are their wives, sisters or mothers?
Yesterday evening on Radio 4 news at 6 pm I heard that the refugees were complaining about the way they were being treated by the Hungarians. Now my father was a genuine asylum seeker in 1939 and without a visa would have perished. Until his dying day he had no criticism of the British and admired and aspired to their way of life. If you are in a safe country like Hungary why are these Syrians determined to leave it? So many questions that would allow people in the UK to understand the situation, yet all we get are photos of dead children.
Yes, Deborah I agree, its a toughie
In this country, women living in Walthamstow, Dagenham and the like will try anything to get themselves and their children into Syria, and yet all the young men seem to be leaving.
Perhaps it’s the thought of bumping into these women that makes them leave.
Now the BBC are reporting Syrian migrants complaining about being sent to a reception centre. My grandfather was in Sachsenhausen and yet he went to the internment camp on the Isle of Mann with his two teenage sons without the behaviour I am watching on the BBC news with Gavin Hewitt. People who behave like these ‘refugees’ who are angry have not just escaped to save their lives.
It is tempting to accuse these ‘refugees’ of individual failings, like ingratitude or greed. However, I think their behaviour is collective, not individual, and it is in pursuit of a deliberate deception.
This is the crux of the matter, I believe – is the ‘swarm’ just a crowd of individuals looking after their own best interests come what may? Or is it organised? Do you see them helping each other – are there outside organisations assisting them – do they show a shared intention in where they are going and how they demand to be treated in the process? Are they each genuinely self-funded, or do they have access to common pools of liquidity? Are there reports of some of them being robbed along the way, or is there internal financial discipline in evidence? Do they appear malnourished or diseased as one might expect with refugees, or are they generally fit and healthy? Are there any signs of rank and command within the crowds?
All these questions make each and every one of those migrants ‘persons of interest’ until they are answered satisfactorily.
The reporting of Gaza usually was done from the Israeli side – much safer as well far more comfortable, better restaruants etc..
No more immigrants petition – petition.parliament.uk/petitions/106477
The “Let them all in” petition, promoted by most of the media has now reached 200,000 votes…..
Cameron shopuld remember that he was not lelected by the 200,000 that has voted to destroy Britain. These 200,000 are not, and never will be Conservative voters ,and in any case are a minority in the country.
“The “Let them all in” petition, promoted by most of the media has now reached 200,000 votes….. ”
Those (now) quarter of a million will probably carry far more weight than the 4 million votes UKIP got in the election. Sadly.
Would not be a surprise to learn that 199,000 of the 2000.000 who’ want to let them in’, were Muslims living here.
The more immigrants we allow in, the more license payers the BBC have, the greater their income. Simples but immoral self interest!
Completely anti- British.
The more immigrants we let in the more watch their country’s programmes online and don’t need a licence. I used to be such a supporter of the BBC but recent events from the General Election to the migrant crisis (for want of a better term) has made me reconsider. I now firmly believe that alBeeb should go back to how it was when I grew up where the most memorable programmes were Charlie telling you not to play with matches! I will miss the science and nature programmes but with the internet I can watch informative TV anyway.
Just a thought, I use iPlayer for my daughter for cBeebies and put it on 2 hours behind. Will I need a licence for that as it is not live?
It is legal to watch TV licence-free so long as the programme is not broadcast live. Hence online catch up.
Avoid news, sports, etc as broadcast.
Anything replayed, even in iPlayer, is currently OK without a licence. Recording live at home and playing back is not.
Best to disconnect any means to receive signals live in case of a tvl sales call. So, no SKY box connected, though in theory possession is OK and they have to prove actual watching. They also have little right to access without a warrant.
In practice there are stories of tvl, with police and court complicity, stitching people up on a guilty until proving a negative basis. Easily resisted. Backfiring on them daily. All avoided by such as BBC Watchdog.
There are several online forums. Google TV licensing.
The BBC enabled and covered up for vile paedophile activity for decades. If anyone is shocked that the BBC could resort to exploiting the death of a child in service of their own political agenda, then they have not been paying attention. Exploiting the death of a child is very much par for the course for the BBC.
Am away so havent yet seen this picture of the 3 year old. If it was the uk the boys mother would surely be arrested for child neglect, yes? Other writers are correct, the bleeding heart liberal bbc machine is in overdrive mode and utterly illogical positions go unchallenged. Schengen, freedom of movement and Yuman Rights mean a quota system is completely impractical, also anyone notice most refugees are young men? Where are the women and children, they seem to me to be underrepresented.
What is happening is compassion colonisation, with the BBC to the fore as always serving as the broadcast arm of cynical propaganda of those clearly not with interests of the UK at the heart of their human wave plans.
What’s more pathetic is how thin their iconic turning point stories are turning out to be, from the back story to this poor kid’s demise to some cretinous father trying to implicate riot police in a Traintrackywood brutality story.
And the BBC is all over it, asking near zero questions and making claims on behalf of the nation they say they speak for that are not borne out where people actually can escape the BBC’s censor filter.
They are filling Facebook and twitter with grief porn, but getting slaughtered in comments from people who seem to have access to verifiable facts and are prepared to ask questions the iver-staffed £4b national broadcaster either cannot or will not.
A bit off topic, but it’s somewhat puzzling that we are being told that none of these refugees have passports or other identifying documentation.
Why is that? Is it common amongst Syrians not to have passports? Do they not carry any form of identification in Syria? Is there some technical reason associated with an asylum request that makes carrying such information unwise? Why they don’t carry identification when travelling these huge distances seems a little strange.
I can understand that some might have come from utter devastation where such things might have been destroyed, but not all these people seem to fall into that category. Some seem to carry bags and stuff, leaving a trail of detritus in their wake.
Maybe the BBC reporters on-site could tell us, although I shan’t hold my breath.
Almost certainly their indentifcation/passports were taken & destroyed by the smuggling gangs to ensure that the indentification records of those they are smuggling would have to be given new paper work by the country they land in. Without original paper work of any kind, makes it almost impossible for said country to make any checks on the immigrant; hence why Hungary is insisting these people complete paperwork before being sent on-of course most of these immigrants don’t want to complete any paperwork which might hold up any chance of them reaching their ultimate destination. Nevertheless if any immigrant has made payments to smugglers, then by the Refugee Laws they are all illegal, therefore do not have to be accepted by any European country- a fact that appears to have forgotten or purposely avoided.