Hope you weren’t looking forward to “A Question of Sport” on the BBC tonight. It’s been cancelled and they are running a “Migrant Special” instead. Expect to see lots of cute kids and smiling mums. Not that the BBC have an agenda or anything, no way!
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Oh yes the BBC’s remit to educate! Brainwash the illiterati more like. Perhaps they can educate us how to spot a fake Syrian passport and how to tell the difference between a Pakistani and a Syrian on a Hungarian train.
This might put it in a different Light
Apparently Dad could have flow to Canada , but then couldn’t have afforded teeth implants ( a mere $1400 Canadian)
so it was decided that he would sneak into Europe instead – that way ,according to sister, he get teeth done – how not explained but one can guess. Maybe Peter Bucklitsch was right after all
This is beyond bizarre and even stranger that the UK Government is making policy on the back this event.
Pitiful in more than one way.
If you recall, the whole of the IPCC policy (and agenda) was based on the say-so of one person’s false data based on tree rings of one (or two) individual trees, tacked onto observed temperatures over a very short time – hence the “Hockey Stick”.
So there are precedents…
Perfect for the BBC…Sanctimoniously Indoctrinating the masses with another of their beloved left wing causes on prime time T.V..
Here’s another of their heroes talking nonsense as well..
Unrestricted immigration from the third world is the quickest way for the Green Party to trash capitalist Britain.
From the ashes they think they can then start to rebuild towards their communist, low-carbon, inclusive, multi-culti, LGBMGBGT Utopian dream – except their tiny little brains haven’t quite worked out it won’t be them who’ll be top dogs by then, it’ll be Islam.
A quick surf on Facebook before I snooze, and all the BBC outlets (and there are many) are ladling it on with a trowel.
In every single one, the top rated comments are either unsupportive of the migrant swarm and/or seriously fed up with the BBC propaganda in their favour.
This disconnect between the BBC and the public they claim to speak for could not be more stark.
Yet our political leaders, with their finely-honed sensibilities, seem utterly unaware.
“Yet our political leaders, with their finely-honed sensibilities, seem utterly unaware”.
Are they unaware or are they just thick, are they just typical liberal socialist do gooders who basically couldn’t give a shit what the masses might want because they are the righteous and we are all right wing lunatics?
The inevitable fight back will happen but our ‘leaders’ will just bury their heads and chant…”la,la,la not listening”. They will accept not one ounce of blame for the resulting shit storm. They will never learn.
I think, for reasons best known to themselves, they are in sync with the liberal media and pursuing a course of action at odds with the majority of the public, aware that there is no democratic check in the form of an election for years.
When that comes, they also seem to be hoping people have short memories. They could be disappointed in this. I’ll not forget thus in a hurry.
In my opinion the bbc are part of a cabal that wants to start an insurgency (I think that’s an appropriate term) in England. I have no evidence to support this view other than what I see happening. I think it’s quite possible that most bbc employees are totally ignorant of what they are part of. But, they might think on that in any subsequent trials, ignorance will be no defence. Jesus says that you will be judged and found wanting. As He has probably said, don’t say you weren’t warned.
As an afterthought, how much has George Soros contributed to help these so called refugees; how much have the Rothschilds. How much have all the Rockerfellers and the rest of the Bilderbergers, the Council on Foreign Relations members, the Royal institute of international affairs, the trilateral commission and all the rest of the parasites of this world How much of their money have they contributed to this man made catastrophe? Either to create it or to alleviate it?
Nice photograph of Peter Mandelson on holiday. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-1205448/The-rich-love-power-He-adores-wealth.html
The stench of corruption is overpowering.
This was the man behind the drive to search the world for would be immigrants, isn’t it?
I posted this on the “Start the Week” thread, but just as it closed. On the assumption that most of you haven’t seen it and because it relates to this topic I’ll indulge myself and post it again.
“houses aren’t going to be built quickly to house them all”.
I’ve been thinking about this problem and I may have an answer.
Firstly, all these people providing this multi-cultural enrichment need to be in a society that is already multi-cultural, so that they don’t feel like aliens. This means that they need to be housed in London.
Secondly, we need to provide a lot of temporary accommodation quickly, and so a camp of wooden huts needs to be built in a large open space. Hampstead Heath seems to be ideal. The camp doesn”t need to be fenced as the new-comers need to learn about British society, and so can go out every day to meet the locals, returning to the camp to sleep – unless they have been taken in by a friendly local. I’m sure that Hampstead will provide a warm welcome.
Thirdly, the camp will need a turnover of residents to make space for new campers, so a number of large houses will need to be acquired and converted to multiple occupation. Islington seems to have lots of large houses and should be an ideal location for a target of one converted house in every street. I am sure that the locals in Islington will be as welcoming as those in Hampstead.
These arrangements will solve the problem until such time as the government grows a pair.
I’d give it about a week.
It will be fascinating to see how the BBC reports such developments.
Excellent post!
Of course, London isn’t really Britain, is it? So they’ll need bus passes for day trips to Skeggy to learn about what it is to be British. They’ll learn all about umbrellas, ’cause they’ll need them nearly all the time (and not because the sun is frying their skin to bits). They’ll discover that a person lying lifeless in the road is not dead, just inebriated. The sight of women’s underwear and men’s naked arses might offend – but that’s Britain. They’ll struggle with the local cuisine, but as long as they can find a shop that sells Pot Noodles they can be assured that they’re eating food free from dirty meats – and they’re convenient too!
But the multi-cultural nature of London makes for the perfect place to house ALL of the refugees and migrants. I think you’re on to something here. Because, I fear, if these incomers saw the real Britain and they were forced to live in a REAL British society, they would be on the first boat back!
Oi you lot, us Londoners have been enriched enough. They can move next door to Sturgeon.
I do think that the BBC will find, pretty soon now, that its goose has been well and truly cooked. Every time it broadcasts sequences of mobs marching across Europe, accompanied by commentary describing them as ‘desperate’ and acclaiming them as heroic, it is stepping right off the edge of credibility.
All it will take is for most people to decide that the BBC no longer represents their views, and more importantly their own needs. This is not activism, it is simple disillusion – it takes no real courage just to see things as they are, and will therefore spread through the population with astonishing speed.
If it happens, the result of this will be seen in two ways – the BBC’s viewing figures will go through the floor (although people will still pay the licence fee – remember, they aren’t activists); and the pattern of charitable giving will abruptly change – any charity which supports the cause of open doors and unlimited funding of migrant populations will lose much of its popular support. Of course, those organisations will simply switch to government funding, a trend which unpopular ‘charities’ have been following for years now. But losing popular support is a sea change for them, and will release grass-roots funding and effort for causes which are a true reflection of public concerns.
Whether this pattern of disillusionment, a reorientation of the public gaze to other media, and disinvestment in organisations which have up till now traded on massive public sympathy, will happen, I don’t know. But I think it provides a realistic mechanism for the public to express its evident disgust, at little cost and without exposure to personal criticism or attack. It would be a start.
Further to this:
I have thought for some time now, that not paying your licence fee simply plays into the BBC’s hands, if you continue to find ways to legally watch their programmes, for whatever reason. It confirms to them their own importance in the life of the Nation, even their avowed opponents.
On the other hand, continuing to pay your licence, but simply not watching the BBC, simultaneously states that your opposition to them is not out of meanness or meagreness, and it undermines that core claim to be central to the Nation’s consciousness, a vital part of our British culture. Many people are doing this anyway – it is not an activist-initiated short-term campaign, but a long-term sea-change which will sweep the BBC away if it ‘just happens’ to the great majority of the population who start to find other sources for their news and entertainment.
The BBC itself may be at a tipping point, where it has succeeded in alienating its own ‘supporters of last resort’, the UK government, through its actions over this ‘migrant crisis’. Its only way to survive may be to transfer wholly to EU funding, instead of the piecemeal and indirect support that it currently enjoys from Europe – and that would risk reducing its credibility to such an extent that it would effectively be ‘busted’ as a British institution.
The BBC’s dilemma may be altogether more acute than is obvious from the outside, looking in.
And don’t think for one moment that you will be allowed to voice a different opinion
Strange how a petition saying we should let migrants come here gets approved almost instantly, and yet this one takes days, isn’t it?
It would be very easy to test the sincerity of the politicos or luvvies that claim to be ready to welcome immigrants. A camera team could show up at someone’s house (eg Emma Thompson, Yvette Cooper, Bob Geldof) with a family of newly arrived immigrants ready to move in immediately. The looks on their faces would be a delight.
Perhaps someone should organise one of those tedious telethons where people phone in and pledge accommodation. All the luvvies/politicos could be on speed-dial and cameras could be dispatched to watch the smiling faces as immigrants arrive at their new homes. How many takers do you think there would be?
Non-Dom Saint Bob Geldof has admittedly offered to allow illegals to occupy several of his UK properties. I very much doubt if he has spent much time living in any of them and am sure his neighbours who presumably rarely catch a glimpse of him are thrilled at this latest development.
Just heard the BBC news this Saturday afternoon(Radio 4 1pm, 5th Sept)
10 minutes of agitprop for taking in more migrants-3 minutes of sporting crap-and moaning about GPs and a need for better coverage of we sick poppets).
Was there any news?…not a bit.
Radio Gag.
Agreed – it was like listening to Radio Tirana in its prime.
The BBC has now gone beyond parody. We must redouble our efforts to get it closed – before that congenital half-wit Cameron makes even that modest ambition an ‘extremist’ offence.
7:30 Migrant Special
8:30 Would I lie to you?