Well, the emotional blackmail from the BBC (along with others) has worked and we can now look forward to thousands of Syrians enriching our country. You have to hand it to the BBC, they use the power of their broadcasting monopoly to undermine our country at every opportunity! Anyway here’s a new open thread.
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We want to go to Almanya! Almanya now!
The ever insightful Peter Hitchens makes an interesting point. The BBC gives us wall-to-wall coverage of the refugees (sic) chanting “Germany, Germany” and holding up placards. But as he points out:
“And why, by the way, do they use the English name for Germany when they chant? In Arabic and Turkish, that country is called ‘Almanya’, in Kurdish something similar. The Germans themselves call it ‘Deutschland’. In Hungarian, it’s ‘Nemetorszag’. Did someone hope that British and American TV would be there?”
See http://hitchensblog.mailonsunday.co.uk/2015/09/we-wont-save-refugees-by-destroying-our-own-country.html
P.S. A German friend of mine advises that his country are planning to change their national anthem from ‘Deutschland uber alles’ to ‘Deutschland under Allah’.
I very much like the quote from William Blake cited by Hitchens : ‘General good is the plea of the scoundrel, hypocrite and flatterer.’ Quite a #hashtag
Hitchens is a hero.
Yet this article-for the first time- ought to worry us.
Because he openly says that he fears to describe the “vulnerable young men” as what he thinks them to be.
For fear of the “Thought Police”.
Chilling that one of our last great hopes has already felt enough of Islams hot breath down his neck, to temper what he believes to be the truth.
Not only Islam either-was In Oxford a few weeks ago,and really hope he`ll still be safe to walk and use his bike there for a while yet….sense he`ll be in danger within our lifetimes, given the Brownshirt tendency that I saw in Dorset the other night.
Worse than watermelons0-this red/green axis remind me of Baader Meinhof for a new generation.
Unthinking, reflex self-abasing public sector grandees and idiot uni dross who learned nothing but to throw a brick through a UKIP window.
Bring it on, the sooner the better…
I talk, of course, of the British EU membership referendum
The BBC this morning are in celebratory mood – thousands of ‘migrants, mostly refugees’ (they most carefully) inform us are at last flooding across the German border and, apparently, getting a warm welcome. Quite what Merkel is up to is anyone’s guess? There’s no doubt the tv pictures will be beamed around North Africa and the Middle East and will elicite the inevitable result : one happy migrant arrival gets you a hundred more setting out on the road. So good luck with that, Germany.
Call the question In/Out, Yes/No or Remain/Leave – the message is clear. A future with the EU of ever closer union, ever more migrants and wide open borders… or perhaps not – if we can only get out now.
I think the BBC has a Pyrric victory on its hands this morning and I think Merkel has badly miscalculated public opinion both here in Britain and elsewhere – but that’s her problem and, hopefully for not much longer, it won’t be ours.
German nineteenth century unification was built on ‘blood and iron’
German-led EU ever closer union = cement and immigration
Yet another deluded self destructive Jew would have seen nothing but good in the Nazis.
Whilst the BBC has been in the vanguard of the movement to open our borders all summer, other media outlets, including some usually sensible ones, have recently joined in. Why ? I can understand that politicians are scared of the leftist manipulation of social media and of the BBC, and so caved in, but why the Mail or Telegraph and Times for example? After all there is ample evidence from across the country that the majority of British people do not want anymore immigrants in our country for very sensible reasons. But they would agree to spending more money on aiding these people to stay where they are. Only Breitbart seems to have stood against the tide of immigrants about to flood our country.
This seems to be a Europe wide phenomena with the media and governments all conniving to force their reluctant populations to accept more immigrants by the million. This is just the latest manifestation of the steady Islamification of Europe which has been going on for 20 or 30 years with the apparent agreement of the political classes even though their populations don’t want it.
One important reason that populations are not showing their opposition more vigorously, is that the news is managed by European media to re-assure that immigration is good , to warn that opposition is racist, to witch hunt anyone who still is brave enough to stand up and be counted and in extreme cases the Muslims kill determined protesters, with the media remaining passive and broadly pro Muslim. To back up this suppression of opposition to immigration the politicians pass laws which make it tough to protest and use the police to suppress any demonstrations.
The media is full of leftists who probably think that nation states are the root of many problems and long for a world without borders. They may foolishly see filling Europe with millions of Muslims as a means to the end of nations and borders. A giant very unpleasant shock awaits, but it will be too late by then. But surely few politicians see the world in those terms, so why are they allowing this to happen? Indeed in Chancellor Merkel’s and President Hollande’s case actually promoting it big time.
If free expression still exists in 50 years time and if we are not a Muslim continent by then , both very big ifs, the decline of the powerful and civilised Europe and its ‘willing’ participation in its own subjugation by the barbarous and backward religion of Islam, will make a fascinating study.
With the proviso that you will need to be living in Russia, China or India to be in a position to study it.
You’ve pretty much put your finger on it: the Press certainly is full of Leftists and while they may write for a nominally Right of centre publication like the Telegraph, you only have to read some of the dross inside to see what is really going on.
Today, for example, in an article about Hall’s latest ‘Washington Monument’ threat to close BBC Four, the Telegraph’s headline actually says the move is ‘in response to Tory Cuts’ – the sort of phrase more usually found on an SWP banner.
There is another factor at work, as well as entryism. The social pressure to conform among media hacks is intense and it is tripled if they believe that conformity will sell newspapers. The Mail, in particular, is shameless in this regard.
Indeed. It seems both the Speccie and Telegraph have a major SJW (Social Justice Warrior) incursion and are often indistinguishable from the Guardian. And it wasn’t the Guardian telling me only the other week that as a straight man I’m a “bigot” for not wanting to date someone who is transgender, it was the Telegraph.
Indeed. The desertion of the erstwhile right-wing, or at least semi-rational, media, is a startling and abrupt phenomenon.
Will Breitbart ‘turn’ too? What about the dozen or so sites like Biased? What about Spiked – very different views but equally committed to liberty of expression?
Is all this spontaneous? What is the modern equivalent of samizdat? Is there no countervaling force sufficiently powerful to preserve our ability to speak, to each other and, eventually if not now, to others?
We’re already effectively engaging in Samizdat through pseudonymous interaction on the net….
I think people are confused,frustrated and angry because they cannot work out the motives of our leaders regarding the mass immigration of Islam. Is it guilt? Is it a demonstration of compassion on our behalf? Is it a social experiment, as you have suggested, to create a world without borders. I try to be rational and objective about the situation. But the Islamic movement has broadcast its intentions many,many times with threats of and actual violence. Many times. It is crystal clear in its goals. It is not hiding its intentions and its ambition. It admits it is medieval in its morals and sensibilities. It hates all forms of democracy and freedom, and will not rest until the World is returned to the 15th century. It hates the leaders and the countries that are helping it. All this and more it admits readily.
The politicians and leaders know this as much as you, me and the next person. This begs the question, why is islam CLEARLY AND DELIBERATELY being ushered in to Europe.
It would appear that Saudi Arabia has become alarmed that their creation ISIS is likely to be utterly destroyed by the Assad forces with the assistance of Russian troops and equipment. What could be worse than ISIS rampaging around the Middle East ? Well apparently the Khuffar forces of a non Muslim army backing up the Heretic regime of Amahdi Muslims.
To this end they have got their puppet, proxy bought & paid for foreign spokesman John Kerry to spell out their policy.
Saudi (and therefore the West) doesn’t want ISIS destroyed for some reason, they want it ‘degraded’ and what Saudi pays for Saudi normally gets, only it can’t buy Vladimir Putin, and it’s unlikely the US politicians could be bribed to the extent they would start a war with Russia.
Why on earth would anyone in the West oppose the complete & utter destruction of a militant group like ISIS? It could only possibly be in Saudi interest to keep them active.
More evidence of the corruption and the bribery of Western politicians by the oil rich Sunni Muslim gulf states.
Obama has always been ISIS bad, Assad badder … don t forget the media push for the same over here at one time
Assad is a bad guy, but a constant dog eats dog attrition in the is viable option for gulf states
Iran? … anyone considered, If US overthrows Assad, Israel will get it
Here is a prime example, of Obama s will on ISIS
From 2014
Many years ago I worked for an international company that operated as three divisions: the Americas, Asia and EMEA. The latter abbreviation stood for ‘Europe, Middle East and Africa’ and was an American term formulated in the 1960s. But that term drives the political thinking of the elite. The goal is World government, under the auspices of the UN and for the benefit of big business, unhindered by trade restrictions and moral purpose. However, going from 200+ nations to a single, global state in one move is not going to happen. The interim stage is to consolidate nation states into a small number of continental-sized entities and the EU is the prototype and trailblazer. Only it is not the EU as most people comprehend it – the term EMEA is far more descriptive, or the term Eurabia. To destroy the existing countries and create a new synthetic identity you need to change the people that populate them, as that is the main thing that defines them. That, in a nutshell is what is happening. And it is only early days – today’s population movements are but a trickle compared to what will happen during the next 30 years. Today it is ‘refugees from war’. Tomorrow it will be refugees from poverty and environmental refugees and their numbers are practically limitless.
That term ‘EMEA’ is now more or less universal right throughout US business and most US corporations not only use it but actually build their enterprises around it.
The other favoured stratagem is basing their operations in Germany (“hey! It’s the center of Yoorp!”) and allowing the Germans to ruin operations in all the countries where their business methods don’t work very well (which is a surprising number of then, whatever they think).
Giant corporations don’t like small countries. In fact they tend not to like countries at all (even their own in some cases) and would happily assist the destruction of them if they could be repalced with a nice, easy to manipulate bureaucracy like the EU.
Corporatism is an agency of the devil.
I watched the short video featuring Barbara Spectre and the first thought that hit me was: World Government. That is what she wants to work toward. The posts below that one by Thoughtful and from a variety of contributors all seemed, without stating anything like it, to be inadvertently hinting at the very same thing. And now yours, Ian, is putting a name on it, together with a viable process toward it, right at the forefront.
It is interesting to hear not just recent speculation that the UK may seek to increase its air attacks on ISIS to include Syria but actually hear calls for it on the BBC & via the BBC hear of them elsewhere in mainstream print media. That would effectively take the USA and the UK into a very interesting Coalition with the Russians. Where after Syria?
Lebanon? Jordan? Israel?
There may not be time left to left to reach your third stage of environmental refugees.
The Barcelona Process http://www.barcelona.com/barcelona_news/the_barcelona_process_or_euro_mediterranean_partnership
I see the pathetic PC BBC, on their useless Sunday Morning Live programme, are entertaining the idea of ‘negotiating’ with ISIS as a point of discussion; the very fact that they should propose such a topic for debate is an irresponsible disgrace that typifies their gutless, appeasing leftie values. I won’t be watching it, that’s for sure. Also, I stomached some of the Marr show this morning and was mildly looking forward to the segment on early Russian space flight advances; however, my interested was soon met with disgust when Marr turned the interview, with a representative from the Science Museum, into a left-wing luvvie fest on gender equality and the female representation in the science field. Pathetic!
I also saw a tambourine-tapping, sandal-wearing BBC reporter welcoming immigrants off a train in Germany; now, whatever your views on the migrant crisis and the undoubted suffering of woman and children that is upsetting to see, it is fundamental that a national broadcaster should remain neutral i.e. not f******* throwing flowers and incense at and shouting ‘Welcome, welcome…’ to those immigrants disembarking off a train. I AM SICK to death with an out-of-control BBC that is using its behemoth position to spread pure left-wing propaganda.
‘Negotiating with ISIS’?
It reminds me of Chamberlain negotiating with the Nazis.
Taff, where s the position of strength to negotiate from? otherwise its just seen as another step to submission, No proper support for those fighting ISIS, Not targeting their training camps etc etc
… remember M Steyn s lecture on weak horse/strong horse
The bottom line, these are fanatics, following Islam s core teaching which is world domination fascism
they are insane.
I thought the British government didn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Did they show any shots of these destitute migrants taking selfies with their £500 iPhones on arrival?
The full array of “deutsches Klugscheissertum” seems to be appearing on ZDF this morning. They are harking back to the heady days of “opening their arms” to 8 million plus Heimatsvertriebene and Sudetendeutsche. This is supposed to have released a wave of joy amongst the west German population. Having fellow Germans BILLETED on you, in some sense the least worst option, was not really as popular as is now being made out. The authorities must be getting really twitchy if they are pushing ideas like these on the media. The blinkers and the rose-tinted spectacles are firmly in place. Am deutschen Wesen soll die Welt genesen reinterpreted for a new generation.
So the BBC open up a debate on the Archbishop of Canterbury’s comments on assisted dying. Not very impartial to debate this at the same time the Christians are all at Church and unable to have their say. The Muslim Head of Religion at alBeeb must do something about this!
Assisted dying? Is that a euphemism for ‘assisted killing’ or ‘assisted murder’?
BBC not doing a good job on educating and informing about religion. The HYS is on Welby is swarming with ill informed comments on religion. Can the Mohamidan in charge of Religious Broadcasting attempt to draw an informed distinction between religious belief and superstition, as the regular BBees have no idea.
So this is why the government needs all the Muslims – to kill the Christians.
Not sure about these petitions, but apparently the pro immigration one has passed the 400,000 mark. This is a link to the ‘stop’ one, which was on 18k on Thursday.
Futile, but worth signing just to make a point in the hope the bBC and such don’t start using using the pro one as an indicator of public opinion.
Considering the size of the immigrant population already in this country and the number of them likely to sign the pro immigration petition, 400,000 is a small number.
I am sure that the British population as a whole, would have a different opinion.
Hence we should be signing the opposing one for no other reason than expressing public opinion, its put on1000 in the last hour.
I have already signed. (64,525 now)
A large proportion of British citizens are not on the internet and will not be aware of the petition.
However, considering AlBeeb’s own telly polls over the past two years over something like 70% of the people that participated, voted against immigration.
What is more strange, a very large majority of views about immigration appearing in AlBeeb’s own ‘blogs’, expressed a very strong opinion against more immigrants coming in to this country ?
All these petitions, much like Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, YouGov etc are used by a self-selecting set of predominantly younger, urban, metrosexuals who are still in recovery from the child abuse which we call education in this country.
Their numbers are small but their noise is mighty.
Time to fight back and play them at their own game then!
Absolutely, and our PM along with his MPs have fallen for it .
I have already received two emails one from ’38 Degrees’ and one from Change.org, urging me to sign their ‘pro -immigration’ petition .
Yes, that is certainly another factor. The Left is composed of collectivists, who by definition like to do things in groups. They are better organised than conservatives, who are more inclined to be individualistic.
These fekkers will have nothing when the electricity goes off.
Good observation, but it would seem that even what one might consider the right leaning Daily Mail is continually pushing pro immigration pieces.
I have tried putting endless comments on immigration stories this week but have been unsuccessful to date. Thankfully the top rated comments and polls don’t follow the narrative, for now…
Indeed, they say empty vessels make the most noise, and that has never been more apt.
I have signed too. I see the Independent is trying drum up support for the counterpetition.
I suspect even UKIP won’t give any support to anything that seems too “xenophobic”, wanting to side with the angels, and the voice of the “silenced” majority will not get a proper hearing.
I have, for a long time, noted the unholy alliance between the hard left and big business on the subject of mass immigration. It’s a very peculiar marriage of polar opposites. The lefties are instinctively, as Orwell pointed out, always approving of alien cultures, particularly if they can be used to ridicule their own. We are often told how hard these eastern Europeans work and how lazy we native Brits are. I just don’t understand it, indeed it seems to me to be a sort of political perversion, but they’ve been like it for decades and show little sign of changing. So it’s “natural” for them to want more and more “others” regardless of where they’re from, just so long as they aren’t “us”. It’s actually the most base form of inverted racism if you think about it; quite astonishing because these creepy left wing types are the first to squeal “racist” at anyone who opposes them.
Big business, on the other hand, clearly wants as many people to work for a pittance, buy their products and use their shops. It makes an awful lot of sense to have an open borders immigration system if you’re only, selfishly, looking after number one.
However the rest of us, those who want jobs, homes and communities where we feel at ease, view the whole thing with a rather more jaundiced eye. After all we have the privilege of actually living with this Frankenstein’s monster of a community and not just waffling about it on the bloody BBC.
The BBC describes the Survation poll in the Sunday Express as a “shock”. Support for leaving Europe at 51%, strong overall opposition to more immigration – some objecting to ANY Syrians being admitted.
Why is this a “shock” – because the BBC lives in its own bubble. It is totally out of touch with broad swathes of the public, and if they dare to speak up they are regarded as ignorant or misguided or racist.
Hopefully the Survation poll will be confirmed by other polls. Packing the audience of an Any Questions audience, and filtering the callers to Any Answers, is NOT the way to keep a finger on the pulse of public opinion.
I am hoping that the immigration crisis carries on – it is bound to, as the Hungarian PM has said, there are hundreds of thousands more heading towards Europe, and more to come beyond that. It is not difficult to suggest that millions of migrants will be trying to reach Europe in the next few years. All this is over and above the heavy flow of immigration in to the UK already – over 600,000 last year. Even the most blase of people will start to focus on the numbers.
And when people focus on the numbers properly – the costs in economic and cultural dislocation – they will realise that we are truly in danger of being swamped, that we have virtually no control of our borders.
And the next logical step is to accept that we can only regain control of our borders by leaving Europe.
Cameron is a bloody fool. If he had any wish to go down in history – he should be planning at least on a contingency basis – take Britain out of the EU. .
isn’t it Survation who conduct polls for the Guardian, and isn’t it they who had labour ahead throughout the general election campaign? It wouldn’t surprise me if the balance of polls put the OUT figure much higher than 51%.
If he had any wish to go down in history let the idiot do it by himself. Why take us with him?
I hold the cranky belief that Cameron knows the result of the referendum. He is quite confident and it shows
Whereas I’m not sure Dave can think that far ahead, let alone plan for it. Even Osborne, who seems to be a ‘far sharper chisel in the tool chest’, doesn’t seem to have any cohesive & clear plan for the economy. They both seem very dependent on the ‘advisor of the minute’.
But back to Cameron. He has walked into a clumsy debacle when he could have done himself, his Party and, maybe the UK, a lot of good. Had he, say, agreed earlier on to take some Syrian Yazidi & Syrian Christian refugees it would have protected one flank. Then, if instead of board surfing in Cornwall, he had been on the plane & train around EU member capitals and the UN really seeking a ‘solution at source’ he might have seemed a bit more like a statesman and, to my mind, carried a bit more weight into the EU reform negotiations. He keeps talking about the negotiations but he’s leaving it mighty late. If the refugee crisis gets worse he may not get any and the clock to the commitment to Referendum is ticking merrily away.
He’s now being attacked on two sides and I feel more and more voters will turn to him and make a Top Gear/US school & college-style Loser gesture with their hands as the big deadline approaches. Then they will vote accordingly in the Referendum.
Elections for the new Conservative leader probably start no later than 1 January 2018 but could be closer to exactly two years from now.
Listening to Radio 5 with Tony Livesey in the car last week. People were told to email their views on whether the UK should take in migrants. At the end of the program, he was clearly shocked and disappointed as he freely admitted the response was overwhelmingly against letting migrants into the country. This was after that drowned boy picture too. Extrapolate this to the rest of Europe. Then look at the media coverage. Something is amiss
Something is very wrong indeed. A few more hours on social media. The ex services sites I’m on are virtually 100% no to taking Syrians. On the other pages the odd the bleeding hearts soon shut up or hurl abuse at me when questioned about the resources needed and if they will individually fork out.The BBc is again pursuing it’s agenda at our cost.
Had to laugh at this one: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-34156274
The BBC produce several pages of chaff regarding the reaction to Corbyn in Essex. Poor old beeb, they only managed to find 2 die-hard lefties to comment, which isn’t surprising given that socialism in Chelmsford is about as welcome as genital warts at an orgy. I can’t wait until the 12th. Oh, the glorious 12th LOL.
A very interesting article from Yougov which shows that the people will support what some might regard as ‘extremist’ views. but from both sides at the same time !
Remember Nariyah & Rola?
The BBC are liars but we keep taking the bait and then we wonder why we have been hooked and gaffed.
‘ “Dr Rola Hallam” continues to write in the commercially-controlled media, advocating humanitarian intervention in Syria.’
Would that still be in arming & assisting ISIS against Assad?
Last night on Read the Papers, there was much poo pooing from those two reporters talking to Martine Croxall, of course they were referring to the Mail’s headline of Poll : UK wants to leave Europe.- said it was just one poll, and how polls cant be trusted etc etc- but only when its in their favour naturally. The BBC just disregard anything that’s opposite to their own agenda. N. Korean tv has nothing on our own BBC for churning out propaganda.
Refugees/Migrants/Asylum seekers … ISIS terrorists?
” amidst cries for Europe to do more, it has transpired that of the five wealthiest countries on the Arabian Peninsula, that is, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Kuwait and Bahrain, not one has taken in a single refugee from Syria.
Instead, they have argued that accepting large numbers of Syrians is a threat to their safety, as terrorists could be hiding within an influx of people.
Sherif Elsayid-Ali, Amnesty International’s Head of Refugee and Migrants’ Rights, has slammed their inaction as “shameful”.”
That s the spiel
… In the wolrd view of Islam, … Islam is always expanding, at everywhere s else s expense, pay for it … kaffir!
I would like to add to that if I may
And what a source, human rights watch.
PS they plan to deport a million
Thanks for posting those links ray, that is information which should be much, much more widely known.
What about the Pandas.
With all this adopt a Syrian talk who is going to adopt a Panda? So much for compassion!
And for those who do want to adopt a Syrian like some WWF scheme, remember, no shoes to be worn inside, no pork or pork products in the house at all, you must destroy your pet dog because they are filthy to Muslims, your radio must be turned up full 5 times a day starting at sunrise for the call to prayer.
I know the comments have reached over 300 but evrybody NEEDS to see this video.
Excellent post………..This just goes to exemplify the type of scum that Herr merkel and his wife Davida Camoronm and that other ladyboy Hollande are quite happy to invite into the eu (and therefore the UK)
I expect this video will be on the bbbc news this evening?
Staggering figures from Sweden where their liberal attitude towards immigration has led to a 1440% increase in rapes and then there was the recent murder of the mother and son in IKEA, believe it or not. Am I supposed to believe that the native population of Sweden (or I see it is now being referred to as Absurdistan) have all suddenly turned into sex monsters?
Apart from the ageing hippies interviewed by the bbbc being presented as the norm am I likely to see any footage of anyone saying ‘No, not one of them must be allowed in to my (dying) country’, on the news any time soon? Where is the balance?
My parents fought in a world war so that I could be protected from this stuff and now the politicians are just pissing it all away whilst robbing the public purse.
Apologies for the colourful language but this all does rather concern me?
Healthy male refugees in Hungary, refusing food and water for women and children on a train
looks like the “no platform” stance is in operation (sorry), by those who know the media is in their pocket.
Since when does “desperate plight” involve throwing food and drinks away, and denying respite to small children, for political purposes … and aggressively confronting the hosts law to boot.
Hope all the kumbaya sandal wearers, haven t got little girls at home, re Sweden, when the furious refugees come knocking
All night firing squads and large pits.
That’s pretty much playing right into the hands of Guardian readers.
GC, do you think that if the roles were reversed between the West and the African or Islamic worlds – we would be treated the same as refugees; as these “migrants” and “refugees” from those two basket cases are being treated by the governments of the West?
If you do: I would suggest you look at the treatment meted out to whites in South Africa and Zimbabwe by Africans and to Christians in the Islamic State and Pakistan by Muslims.
In addition I don’t care a damn for the opinion of Guardian readers, their views are as repulsive to me as (no doubt) mine are to them.
The point isn’t who would do what to whom. It’s whether sites like this get shut down.
If posting that gets this site shut down – then the time for us all sitting on our @rses in front of our keyboards tapping away will well and truly have passed.
No doubt, but in the meantime behaving like an armchair SS officer is simply bringing that day closer.
Well how about an armchair NKVD officer? Would that keep the Guardian readers happy?
The Germans already made one attempt at making a mess of Europe which took the continent nearly 70 years to get over, thanks to Britain and her allies.
Now Merkel is having another go.
I wish the Germans would stick to engineering and composing (not that they’re doing much of that these days). When they start philosophising and making plans for the rest of Europe, I start to worry.
Great country in many ways, but ….
I was thinking more beer & sausages, but a couple of problems not far down the line with those are suggested…
Maybe time to rekindle a love of the smell of napalm in the morning…?
“No one should ever feel pressurised into giving.”
So says the Institute of Fundraising, ostensibly in response to some despicable behaviour by charities towards people who have previously been generous enough to contribute, and the relentless pursuit of more from them, with a callous indifference to their circumstances or how they may be affected.
Substitute ‘charities’ for the BBC, ITV, Sky and all other media outlets in the UK, and you would have a concise and accurate depiction of the way the British public has been treated this last week.
New Have Your Say on BBC
Strange how it’s all the same names calling anyone who is concerned about the influx of Muslims, a kipper, but I see plenty of new names haranguing the BBC for it’s blatant exploitation of sympathy to get its way.
Note that Mark ” El Gordo” Mardell is out in the Bekaa Valley in Lebanon, pontificating about the need for us to take THOSE refugees as well, since we`re at it?
Oh goody-do you want Hamas, Islamic State(both ” real” and “so-called”…oh, and aspirational and self-referral…don`t forget self-identifying too!)…Fatah or Islamic Jihad?…Hezb`ollah or Salafist?…with an eye-taking initiative from our Wahhabist friends of Corbyn/Livingston?).
I`m answering my own question from yesterday-pretty bloody clear now why the Saudis etal won`t take a single so-called refugee unlike the fuggin stoopid West!
This nest of jihadist killers are coming to the boil in the Lebanon, and the Saudis are-as ever-in the export business.
Pay for the East London Mosque-Mardells wigstand in Beiruts Hilton…but sure as fun, franchise out the terrors well away from the Kings and Princes of Saudi Arabia and its playpens of bloodied sand . little boys ears and stoned womens FGM bits pickled in Johnnie Walker.
Trust Mardell to be out there-and TWATO to be shilling still for Islam.
Can only imagine this KinderTransport crap comes from raiding the basement…now Sir Nick Wintons not around to tell us the truth about it.
The BBC have simply GOT to go-they`re egging on Satans little helpers to screw the West as they do with their jizya/license fee…
The BBC prefers a method of news presentation that ‘tells stories’
When it suits the narrative
At other times the BBC prefers statistics-based news reports
When they match the narrative
Here’s a story the BBC have gone looking for…
‘Freedom of Information requests sent to all UK forces showed there were nearly 4,000 alleged physical sexual assaults and more than 600 rapes’
‘All UK forces responded to a BBC FOI request asking how many sexual offences were recorded by the police at schools during the last three academic years, from 2012 to 2015. Police Scotland provided figures for 2011-2013.’
Now it is not entirely clear whether the BBC launched the FOIs off their own bat or were, perhaps, nudged to do so…
‘Jon Brown, head of Sexual Abuse Programmes at the NSPCC, said: “These figures are very disturbing…”‘
‘The National Police Chiefs’ Council lead for child protection, Chief Constable Simon Bailey, fears the problem may be even worse…’
‘The Children’s Commissioner for England, Anne Longfield, said schools and professionals working with children must be more attuned to abuse…’
So lots and lots of what you might call ‘stakeholder’ input to the story. Plus a clear demand for more ‘sex and relationship education’ – why? – because the ‘experts’ say so!
The BBC adds the inevitable human story aspect:
‘Eighteen-year-old Shannon Rooney, from Stirlingshire… has waived her right to anonymity…’
‘One boy, who did not want to be identified, was sexually assaulted in a classroom by three of his friends when he was 15. …. “The principal at the time tried to put it down to ‘rugby locker-room banter’… ‘
But one wonders just how really representative these two examples are of the apparently growing problem?
Here’s my anecdote:
Some years ago now, a rather left-leaning friend of mine was employed – reasonably high up – in a London Borough. In quiet personal conversation he expressed his surprise at the amount of sexual activity (much of it unwelcomed by one of the parties involved) occurring in Comprehensive schools in the borough concerned. The cases were fairly frankly relayed to him by the schools and they might have caused no end of sensitive legal and PR problems.
My friend and I were at school together in the 1970s and he explained how this was all very different from what we had experienced. I asked him what had changed to cause this? He is – as have pointed out – left-leaning and has always been prepared to toe the line for career reasons in the public sector, as one must. I admit I was taken aback when he said simply and baldly in reply: “Oh, it’s a black thing”
Oh shit!
”he said simply and baldly in reply: “Oh, it’s a black thing,” London Gang Rape
It’s a black thing, it’s a muslim thing. It’s their cultural heritage. The BBC has always been happy to describe the harrowing accounts of women and children raped and killed by invading forces in Africa, the middle east, etc. Europe 2015, not a peep yet.
Funny eh?
The idiot Tories want truck drivers fined for bringing in Islams dirty laundry…even if the driver hasn`t a clue about them.
Yet the Liberal Left want them all let in for nothing…and i`m guessing that the BBCs useful idiots like Geldof and Thompson will actually guarantee that their pet Mozzy won`t rape, sell drugs or run a rai gang for BBC3s fascinations.
Let`s now hope that the liberal gobshites like Alibiah Brown and Harman are forgoing their interview fees and appearance money in the current hysteria…and donating it to buying some tents and fishing rods for our “asylum seekers”-you know-so they can stand up to ISIS and build a country once again(not that they`ve done much these last 1000 years or so though).
Will the BBC confirm that the “Refugees Welcome” mob that they interview are NOT pocketing their grief dinari…but giving it to refund us for Batmanghedghli,MacAlpine…and stop hounding the poor to make the ultimate sacrifice-while they only make a token contribution, and live to submit another day.
Really depressing to wander the local churches this morning.
They`ve all turned into the BBC in terms of asylum, migration and the like.
Confused, unbiblical, context-massaging and utter empty-headed emotional fascism.
They want “those in power” to DO something-wouldn`t Jesus have done the very same(well, no…unless you give contexts-which the empty headed, empty pew churches has no intellect left to use).
Hmm…those in power eh?….Yentob, Batmanghedghli, Brand and Le Saux….or Welby, Letwin, Gibb or Field?
The Church doesn`t know does it…when an educated BBC lady thinks that Christianity is NOT one her “3 C`s” that might be brought to bear on the “Syrian QuestionS”…whilst sitting in a former Baptist Church, now renamed as a “Centre”…then the Church is stuffed.
Hey-when Welby is the lead in the Observer-but doesn`t even make his own churches sermons today, in favour of Islam hejira /entryism?….then the Guardian chattering classes in the Churches are stuffed…whereas Islam STILL checklists God once in a while I understand.
The BBC is their new church, the chattering liberal media houris the new priestly class…the Guardian their hymnsheet and Bible digest too.
Boy, we`re in trouble.
Where the C of E used to be the Tory party at prayer, it’s now the Socialist Workers party. They have collectively decided to finish the decline in a bang rather than a whimper and let’s hope they’re successful !
“As I was walking down the road the other day, I thought … what would Jesus say? ”
Well … if he knew that tribal Arabians would turn his message on its head, put his brethren to the sword
for 1400 years, deviously lie about his life/work, pervert the minds of their own children, spread hatred for generation after generation, promote a genocidal wish to eradicate all but Islam and vicious slavery, plunge the world into an intellectual desert
… probably quite a lot.
Actually, yeah. Isn’t JC due a return any time now?
Only on Amazon.
Wait for the bBC’s indignation when Hamilton is disqualified from the Italian GP, as he could well be, rules is rules…
Jeez are the bBC unable to be factual in this age of the internet? Radio 2 4pm news still proclaiming Hamiltons victory, but omits to tell us that the win is still under investigation.
Hamilton is now white.
So the BBC will have to form their own F1 team, with Lenny Henry as #1 driver.
“Thousands – many of whom initially fled conflict in Syria – have made their way through Austria since Hungary removed restrictions on transit on Friday.”
But alBeeb you told us on Friday they were ALL starving, pitiful refugees from Syria. Are you preparing us for the 60% were economic migrants not from Syria soon?
Recently returned from holiday.
No internet available so I could not comment before.
Apologies if this has already been discussed.
Subject New Tricks, episode “Prodigal Sons” 2015:09:01.
Lords, the home of English cricket, populated entirely by Asians!
Asians of outstanding cricketing brilliance.
Some whites do appear.
Strickland, bending over backwards, for an Asian in his attempt to obtain an MCC membership.
New UCOS plod Case, really bending over backwards, shown to be batting for the other side.
White female nympho, loves a bit of Asian.
White nerdy male, collects autographs.
White, second rate. cricket player. The villain, naturally. Murders BradmanKhan. When not
murdering Asians he indulges in cheating, match fixing and illegal betting.
There you have it, right from the village green.
An Asian’s home is his castle.
Comments still open here (HYS).
Most brilliantly negative as always from the public. Please add.
Yep, done my bit, – and said that Planning Departments had better be prepared for more Mosque applications !
Wrong ! they’ve refused to publish it. !!!
BBC did that during the General Election. It was about Labour’s pink bus and we were asked to HYS. I suggested Harriet Harman should drive her “wimmins” pink bus up to Rotherham and explain to females there how much Labour valued women in that neck of the woods and then drive off a cliff.
BBC refused to publish. “Off topic” apparently. Didn’t seem so to me.
And HYS is now closed, after 4 hours. Too many un-PC views being expressed for the bBBC to keep it open.
It was fun though! The normal bleeding hearts brigade were well out-numbered and began spitting bile! Quite ironic really. Looking at the change of tone today I wonder if someone told the BBC how many are cancelling their licenses because of their propaganda.
I know Sir Arthur I just went to try and add a constructive comment and I can’t then I read your post.
Cameron will need more than a ‘Cobra meeting’ when the next lot get to Calais, because France does not really want them.
Schucks….Who’d have thought that a German leader would ride roughshod over other European countries, tell everyone else what to do, break recognised rules when it suits in their single minded destruction of Europe.
The BBC opened up for comments on the migration issue: A quick look at the highest rated comments just shows how out of step the BBC is with public opinion (rate of around 10 to 1):
2. Posted by Nicklas52
4 hours ago
No we don’t, this country is full and the U.K does far more than most with its obscenely high foreign aid budget when our own cancer budgets are being cut. These people should go to Muslim nations as they will integrate better. Not our problem.
Utter shame on the media for banding about a picture of a dead child to try and guilt trip Europeans into cultural genocide of their own people.
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Comment number 10. Posted by Walt78
4 hours ago
My biggest issue is that Christian Europe is expected to take as many as want to come yet rich, safe Muslim Countries like Saudi Arabia are happy to sit on their oil covered hands and do precisely nothing. Surely this makes more sense as they wouldn’t have to “integrate” in Countries of the same faith, or is it that Muslim Countries don’t care?
Where is the international outrage against Saudi?
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Comment number 1. Posted by hope
5 hours ago
what a joke we have homeless people on the street, families in bed and breakfast squalor, sick and disabled people dying within a year of disability benefits being denied, foodbanks, hundreds of children not able to get a school place, hospitals unable to cope
wake up britain we cant even look after our own people send them to saudi arabia, china, usa, mother merkel they can afford it
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Comment number 13. Posted by Alex
4 hours ago
Yes I agree help them into Kuwait,Saudi extra ext good Muslim countries with plenty of space and money , !!!!!
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Comment number 80. Posted by Nicklas52
4 hours ago
Why does every single picture that the BBC shows of this crisis feature a child, despite the fact that the overwhelming majority of these (economic) migrants are working age men?
Your lack of impartiality is quite frankly disgusting, but nothing new. All driven by a globalist agenda to replace the native populations of European countries so they are easier to subsume into a supranational EU.
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Comment number 29. Posted by In_Hants
4 hours ago
They are by and large, young, mostly male people. Why are they not in their home country fighting for their values, their credence, to fight for a better world for their future generations?
That’s what our Grandparents did.
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Comment number 12. Posted by RomfordBrian
4 hours ago
All this from the party that said they were going get immigration under control.
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Comment number 115. Posted by Yorkshire Girl
4 hours ago
In the last few days Angela Merkel has :-
– Abandoned the Dublin Regulation (migrants to register in 1st safe country)
– Berated Hungary & other EU countries for following current EU rules
– Accepted economic migrants as refugees
– Told the whole world that Europe will take all migrants so get in a boat now
– Attacked other EU countries for not following her example
and she controls the UK
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Comment number 16. Posted by malcolm
4 hours ago
I hope the do-gooders on this site who have pushed for Britain to take more illegal immigrants can now see what is happening.
Money is now going to be diverted from valuable aid in really poor countries where people need help to support to economic migrants from the Middle East. There is no new money.
You have been warned
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Comment number 4. Posted by Mole Valley 10
4 hours ago
If we asked the 688,000 polish 172,000 Romanians and Bulgarians to return home then we will have plenty of room to help the real needy. This will give the country time to build its infrastructure to the benefit of all
Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse this video appeared on Facebook/Youtube this afternoon.
There is an arrogance about this refusal of food, and the demands made by these migrants. Daniel Greenfield draws attention to this arrogance, whilst pointing out that many of the the Syrian refugees are neither Syrians nor refugees.
‘There are Christian and non-Muslim minorities who are genuine refugees, but the two Muslim sects whose militias are murdering each other are not victims, they are perpetrators. Just because Sunnis are running from a Shiite militia or Shiites from a Sunni militia right now doesn’t make them victims.
The moment that their side’s militia wins and begins slaughtering the other side, the oppressed will become the oppressors. Such shifts have already taken place countless times in this conflict.
The refugees aren’t fleeing a dictator. They’re fleeing each other while carrying the hateful ideologies that caused this bloodshed with them.
We aren’t taking in people fleeing the civil war. We’re taking in their civil war and giving it a good home.’
And the real concern is, how much of that inherent conflict will they be bringing with them? So far we have mostly been spared muslim on muslim conflict in the UK. Who is to say that situation will last?
The BBC, of course, won’t even ask the question.
As Clive Myrie arrives in Munich and Nick Thorpe lands in Budapest, the people of Central and Eastern Europe begin to wonder how they are going to cope with this sudden huge influx of BBC reporters?
At the outset it was just a trickle of BBC journalists but as the days have gone by there seems to be an inexhaustible flow of one after another in this seemingly endless empathy conveyor belt of BBC reporters jostling with their compatriots from Channel 4.
The turning point seemed to the appearance of Huw Edwards in the Hungarian capital on Friday – some saw this as a game changer and the floodgates opened. Some worry about the BBC travel expenses budget but others cry ‘humanity’ must come first and hope that Easyjet and Two Star hotels are the small price we will have to pay.
Excellent! Thanks AsISeeIt.
The Polish media has been doing what the BBC should have.
Asking (English speaking) Greeks living on Lesbos how they feel about all this. It’s not pretty viewing:
And coming to a town near you soon…..
The Greeks were under the Ottoman Empire, they only got their independence in about 1912 I think, they hate the muslims.
Most of those countries which were under Ottoman rule or had to spend centuries fighting against them, hate them – and with good reason.
The Ottoman Empire had a system called dervishme, this was the annual collection of Christian boys, a “human tribute” of the “strongest and the most beautiful”. They were enslaved from the dhimmi communities of the Balkans, forcibly converted to Islam and entered the corps of janissaries; removed from their families to provinces remote from their homelands, harshly treated and made into fanatics. The parents of boys would sometimes mutilate or partially cripple their sons, so that they would not be selected.
They were then used as a cruel weapon of suppression against their own people. The system also increased the number of Muslims whilst simultaneously reducing that of Christians and siphoning off their most robust and intelligent youths.
I love how the Beeb reporters on their jollies abroad flounder for a story to tell, when there isn’t one ! Ben Brown really suffered today, amongst the detritus that was left by the migrants at the station, he was in shouty mode and just repeated what he said yesterday. I couldn’t help but chuckle. There wasn’t even a migrant to interview, they’d all gone !
Oh look…It’s those wonderful Islamic immigrants the BBC so adore arriving in Europe…Aren’t we lucky to have such superior beings amongst us?
Heutejournal on ZDF are reporting that a BBC bint has been shouting “Welcome to Germany” to the refugees arriving at Munich station. They also reveal that the Guardian has been praising Germany for bringing a new word “Willkommenskultur” into the world’s vocabulary. Great endorsement of lunacy from the usual suspects. Apparently, Germans have discovered a new selflessness and spontaneity. It’s all smiles, smug self-congratulation and “Wir schaffen das!”. I’m not sure what the “das” is precisely, but it looks a lot like cultural suicide. One German politician, Ramelow, even included an inşallah in his “welcome to Germany” speech.
Yes, it’s all smiles and cream cakes now. But will the BBC and its friends be quite so willing to post the news from Germany in a year or so? Always assuming the problems don’t start within weeks – which they well might.
Has the BBC mentioned the 200 or so fires appreciative German locals have lit to welcome the new arrivals over the last 6 months? Warm welcome indeed!
The figures for the number of asylum seekers the UK will take are going up & up as Theresa the appeaser has been talking figures as high as quarter of a million!
Meanwhile the Express has discovered that government ministers have hardly any asylum seekers living in their constituencies, and that’s how it’s likely to stay. Many of them have none at all.
“The Prime Minister’s leafy Oxfordshire home is one of 16 upmarket constituencies represented by Cabinet ministers that house just 24 refugees between them”
“Five of Mr Cameron’s trusted inner circle do not have a single asylum seeker living in their local area, with just one senior minister representing an area where more than 100 refugees have been given sanctuary. ”
“Figures seen by Express.co.uk reveal that the Prime Minister’s Witney constituency in Oxfordshire has not housed a single asylum seeker since 2008. ”
“Chancellor George Osborne’s constituency of Tatton, in Cheshire, is home to just one refugee whilst Windsor and Maidenhead, represented by Home Secretary Theresa May, houses a mere four”
More evidence of our privileged political elite prepared to do unto others, the things they are not prepared to do themselves.
After all the all the bells and whistles, over opening houses for Syrians the hashtags, the twitterfarties
the 400,000 polls, the MSM media overdrive, the celebs, VIPs …
A database has been set up there is barely 2000 people who would consider housing a migrant …
and non are yet definite s as to actual following it through.
Make sure they see the video s of Hungarian Railway food throwers, and the Kos rioters, and the furious giving cut throat signs to the police and gangs raiding French goodwill food vans.
They should disappear in a puff of smoke. … propaganda … don t believe the hype
“Future leaders” … says who?
Well, Baroness Token may be right. Give it 20 years and we could be looking at a PM among this happy gathering.
And wouldn’t the BBC love it?
I wonder where that lot purchased their degrees from.
Future leaders of what? The caliphate?
I just wonder what her Majesty makes of it all ! A totally different UK for her heirs from the one she took over that’s for sure. The amount of headscarves now regularly being seen on the tv – Bake Off, Vera, news reporting, hospitals, is the start of a long and slippery slope. All migrants in this country, and I don’t care of the circumstances or where they came from, have no history here. They can’t claim to have grandparents who fought in both World Wars, and if we go to War again, how many will sign up to fight for their Country, or even join the Forces ? and if the demographic changes beyond recognition, who will actually care whether anyone bothers to fight for this Country or not , especially if there are alien peoples in Government. No, if push comes to shove, I cant see anyone rising to the rallying call of an ethnic Prime Minister.
Maybe her Majesty will mark the end. Charles has an interest in Islam, said to look towards the title Defender of Faiths, not an inspiring King. But there are other Royals, who have military experience which may turn out for the good. But the events of the past few days spell irreversible damage.
Essexman – where are you and the Tory MPs on this ?
We shall watch Parliament with bated breath tomorrow.
Cameron under fire on Immigration.
A reminder to Tory MPs – WARNING this is not as good as it looks……………..
Someone posted yesterday that the picture of the body on the beach was faked, not sure about that, but suggestions now that the body was certainly placed for full effect….
Well there is a thing. I had suggested to my girlfriend that the picture of the boy who had drowned didn’t look right in that the body was the wrong way round. “What do you mean” she asked. I pointed out that if someone had wanted to “plant” a picture in our minds then what better to place a body into water such as photo two (above). But to do that meant getting their feet wet and obviously someone didn’t want to do that as the body was the wrong way round. The head would have come in first as the childs feet would have dragged on the beach not as shown in the photo. Of the two bodies I’ve seen washed up in Cornwall years past, their heads came in first as their feet acted as anchors. I’m not surprised to see someone else suggest the picture was faked for maximum effect, remember the folded cloths in the Palestine photo’s a year or so ago? A trade has been learned.
Agreed. In fact, I posted on another blog a few days ago that the orientation of the body looked wrong. There, I suggested that a body on being ‘rolled’ by the tide, would have been approximately aligned to the tide line, and not perpendicular to it with the head pointing seawards. I suspected another cynically staged photo, like those we are now so used to in Gaza and elsewhere (BBC has never acknowledged this ‘staging’, of course.
I saw that comment somewhere – it sounded convincing.
Another thing that struck me was how smart the policeman looked. Turkish policemen do not normally look so crisply turned out.
Great Britain’s Only Salvation ?- Get Out of the European Union.
But still 2 years to go until a referendum, that’s a lot of EU financed bBC and MSM propaganda and a long time, 2 months ago who could have predicted what is happening today?
I know its only a minor election, but there will be a chance to get the temperature of the political feelings from the Assembly Elections in Wales in 2016 where UKIP did quite well
Well said Taffman.
Not much in the press on this ?
Merkel will soon dump the residue on us . She will expect her lapdog to take them .
Latest contribution to peace, Location Rotherham, obviously showing sincere contrition over people highlighting the epidemic of over 1400 Islamic child gang rapes.
A “Rotherham Unites – Muslim Lives Matter” rally descended into a riot yesterday afternoon
The video show what appears to be young Asian men throwing missiles at police in what has been described as a “riot” in the Wellgate area of Rotherham. People became trapped in an adjacent pub, which was then described as “under attack.”
“In the first video (below), the Rotherham Unites Muslim Lives Matter demonstration can be seem chanting “Who’s Streets? Our streets!” and “Enough is enough; Muslim Live Matter!” The group appears to have taken inspiration from the American “Black Live Matter” campaign.”
Nothing on AlBeeb about this ?
Nothing much anywhere, as far as I can see. SKY is no better (yes, I know I don’t have to pay for it).
Not quite the ‘Things to Come’ that H G Wells had in mind, is it?
Not that his predictions were particularly optimistic, I should have added.
Local news?
Tony Hall is ‘expected to announce later today’ the BBC will support 100 local journalists to ‘cover neglected areas’. The problem will of course be that this BBC support will come with the usual heavy dose of PC blinkers and progressive microscope BBC-style of reporting.
Good news for North Koreans, Russians and Middle Easterners though – the BBC are to fund more services for all these non-Licence Payers.
It doesn’t fit their narrative, so it didn’t happen.
Is that Rotherham? I thought it might perhaps be Marseille..or Malmo…or Rotterdam…or Brussels…or Paris…or Frankfurt…or Oslo…or Sydney…or in fact anywhere that Muslims are a sizeable minority.
The civil war is cometh, and soon.
True Brits will only accept so much, and then,watch out you lefty traitors.
Unlikely to hear this on the BBC, but Dartmoor had a frost yesterday morning. This means that Dartmoor has had a “frost day” every month this year. Something of a record, as my available records point out that it was 86 years since the last time this happened. I think it is a banker to state that frosts will occur in Oct, Nov, Dec somewhere in G,B. which in itself should produce further records. I wonder what Mr Harrabin, of the BBC would have to say on this? I’m also being told by my internet friends in Canada, that snows have arrived nearly two months early for them. And on a footnote, and Indian Summer only takes place in November and has to last for approx’ ten days. (November 10/11th – 20th/21st) and is a warm period between two cold periods. What we are getting for a few days this week is not an Indian Summer but a brief ridge/finger of warmish air.
When the BBC weather is brought to you by the Outer Mongolian weather office in a cost cutting exercise to sponsor North Korean broadcasts, I wonder if the term frost will be used at all.
Forest of Dean – frost also – not everywhere, but certainly in places. Our altitude about 500ft. Our runner beans (which were late anyway) are now suffering from the cold. Also interesting BBC thinks it can re-define Indian summer (possibly to coincide with its hilarious ‘Indian Summer’!)..
The above video links are so depressing. The poor Greek Islanders and the last one (Rotheram),particularly as it is likely that everyone of those creatures causing public disorder will be UK passport holders. It also shows how weak the police are – totally emaciated with about 10 officers trying to contain the disorder, all of them knowing that if they take any action the legal system will not support the police officers involved.
It is truly depressing, I am sick to the back teeth of seeing/hearing/reading about asian/brown skinned/muslim young single males involved in stabbing, rapes, violence all whilst the (in my view) the treasonous and subversive bbbc just constantly pump out pro islamic, pro eu propaganda (Sky is no better).
Cameron is not defending the Country at all. All I can see in the future is the inevitable civil strife and very severe violence as all too late the native population tries to redress the balance
So depressing
It must be obvious to even the local village idiot that all this will end in tears.
I genuinely fear for the protection of law and order and the safety of my children when they are out on their own.
Sorry for the rant
The tourist industry for next year has probably been destroyed for Kos and Lesbos and other Dodecanese islands along the Turkish coast.
And so many Greek islands have memories of massacres of their populations by Muslim, as well as centuries of Muslim rule. It is amazing how temperate the Greeks have been through all this.
The propaganda continues non-stop on breakfast Parrot face on the sofa informs us the Migrants “escaped” from |Bulgaria. WTF? Serious faces prevail.
Whilst the BBc tell us about growing support and cajoling the gullible into line,the stop Immigration petition hits 83,800 I’ve been watching it since @08:30 it’s going up so fast at the moment if you refresh the page the number has increased. Now 83,887 in the time it’s taken to type this.