Well, the emotional blackmail from the BBC (along with others) has worked and we can now look forward to thousands of Syrians enriching our country. You have to hand it to the BBC, they use the power of their broadcasting monopoly to undermine our country at every opportunity! Anyway here’s a new open thread.

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466 Responses to WEEKEND OPEN THREAD!

  1. An English Gentleman says:

    Just been watching sky news ( I know this website is supposed to be about the bbbc but I just cannot watch any more of their ‘news’). On each occasion that the guest Jon Nicholls (former RAF navigator captured and tortured by muslims) was trying to speak about the illegal immigrant crisis he was interrupted by Eamon Holmes to bring some more ‘breaking news’. Holmes then went on to describe the Hungarian President as a controversial and far right leader almost as a warning to viewers before he actually read out what the Hungarian president had said. The other guest’s message was basically let them all in and look after them was allowed to speak uninterrupted.

    Where is the balance on any of these news stations?


  2. taffman says:

    After ’emotionally bombing’ Europe, the media, especially Al Beeb, are slowly waking up to the reality that there are far too many migrants than they can handle following Merkel’s ‘unilateral’ open doors policy. Well done AlBeeb you have opened Pandora’s box – not all of them are refugees .


  3. Thoughtful says:


    Hate crimes against Muslims in London have risen by 70% in the past year

    Tell MAMA, an organisation that monitors Islamophobic attacks, claimed women were the primary targets.

    Why on earth are the BBC referring to an organisation which has been thoroughly discredited, and why is there no equivalent group quoted which monitors attacks on no Muslims, by Muslims ( because they are apparently ‘right wing’) !


  4. taffman says:

    After all her complaints about Britain’s austerity measures, shortage of houses, hospitals and schools etc etc
    Ms Cooper now wants this country to take in 50,000 migrants or more….


  5. Alex says:

    Yawn. usual propaganda….



  6. Mr A says:

    It almost seems barely worth mentioning bearing in mind the wall-to-wall propaganda of the last week but did anyone see the woman BBC reporter on the Austria/Hungary border yesterday? She was reporting on the Austrians who were driving across the border in their cars to pick up migrants and act as “migrant taxis”. Of course, she was full of praise for these brave humanitarians, even wishing them good luck on their travels, as they filmed car after car after car driving across the border. At the end of this love-in she then added, just in case anyone at home was inspired to actually join in this brave humanitarian exercise, “Technically, doing this IS people trafficking…”

    Bravo BBC! Maybe next time we can get your reporters to supportively film other illegal activities. I suggest a visit to Rotherham, in the first instance…..


    • John Anderson says:

      and what a naive simpering twit she looked !

      Bethany Bell, I believe.


      • AsISeeIt says:

        Ah yes Bethany ‘technically illegal’ Bell

        It was she who breathlessly pointed to the ‘bananas, left by locals, here for the refugees…’

        Careful, Beth, your co-worker Victoria Derbyshire may go into a gasping fit of the vapours – she tends to view such gifts as ‘racism’


  7. Stuart Beaker says:

    This thread is already far too long, but here goes..

    With Parliament re-assembling today, it seems a good time to have a sitrep after the media mayhem of the last two months.

    I’m sure everyone here is more or less perpetually incandescent at the BBC romp that has been taking place, uncontained by any real remaining shreds of integrity, and uncontrolled by our elected, but holidaying, government.

    However, looking back, I’m not at all sure the Beeb has achieved what it wanted to. To be sure, it has utterly monopolised the airwaves with its messages, to the extent that other media have jumped on the bandwagon, to a distressing extent with the latest emotional ‘radiation pulse’. It has also certainly succeeded in activating vocal support from those who already gave it their tacit consent, turning a ‘silent minority’ into a very noisy – well, a noisy minority.

    But despite all this, it is now evident that the BBC has completely failed to extend its constituency. Polls which are asking unbiased questions are showing an obstinate refusal by what is possibly a clear majority of our population, to have any truck with the tropes and emotional canards that have been heaped on them with such energy.

    Reading admittedly between the lines, there seem to be two distinct reactions outside the left-wing constituency that the BBC remains immured within.

    On the one hand, there are those who are solidly ab-reacting (I am talking specifically about the migrant crisis here, though I think it is true about other themes of the summer), and who have been driven to more extreme antipathy to having anything to do with so-called refugees. The BBC coverage and attitudes have had a directly negative effect on this sizeable group of their audience.

    On the other hand, there are many of us who have recoiled primarily from the BBC’s descent into gutter-journalism and emotional blackmail. The consistent way in which any dissenting voices have been vilified, marginalised and simply denied airtime is, of course, just an amplified continuation of the long-standing bias that has given rise to Biased and many other kindred sites. Prior to, say, this year, the bias has always been accompanied by sufficient programming of unexceptionable and even praiseworthy quality, that one could still find enough to view or listen to in between the dross and propaganda. However, what changed this summer (and before that, during the GE and referendum campaigns) was the dilution of good programming to the point where every single corner of the output has now become message-laden, untrustworthy and just plain unenjoyable.

    The cries of ‘something must be done!’, which remind some of us of the original hypocritical and self-serving remarks made by the future king Edward VIII between the wars, about domestic poverty, should now be turned back wholeheartedly to face the BBC itself. ‘Something must indeed be done!’ and very soon now. We must remember in all this, that the BBC has failed if it intended to shift public opinion as a whole – so it is a failed propagandist, as well as a blatant one.


    • ObiWan says:

      It is worth mentioning that whilst the BBC has, of course, been acting as Cheerleader-in-Chief for the welcoming of untold numbers of so-called ‘asylum seekers (nothing of the sort in the vast majority of cases), almost every other media channel I have been watching over the past weekend has followed suit. Channel 4, of course, does whatever its guiding light at the BBC says, but more egregious has been the complete collapse of any sense of critical analysis from the likes of Sky and ITV.

      Journalism – which actually dares to ask difficult questions or even offer a hint of critical analysis – seems to have taken a complete holiday from our msm. Almost to a man (or woman), the overarching theme has been one of uncritical, unquestioning obedience to the dominant narrative of ‘refugees a good thing’. No questions asked. Anywhere. Ever.

      It’s a travesty of so-called ‘journalism’ and more closely resembles a campaigning pressure group.


  8. G.W.F. says:

    Hall in Wonderland. BBC a hub of creativity? But Islam has never been creative, the BBC is anti-science, or rather puts a political agenda before scientific facts, drama is PC, and its comedy and satire is confined to taking the piss out of UKIP.
    PS, one minute ago the heading changed to ‘Platform of Creativity’, same point, but I wonder why they changed it.



  9. Roland Deschain says:

    The BBC has opened up for comments Robert Peston’s Why Germany needs migrants more than UK.

    Comments are going predictably, but still the BBC spouts its propaganda.


    • Doublethinker says:

      I took a look at the comments and I reckon a large majority have a very anti immigrant tone. Yet our public service broadcaster and most of the rest of the media keep telling us that the public mood is to take immigrants? These comments on the BBC plus polls in newspapers lead me to believe that the British people by a substantial majority don’t want any immigrants in our country. So why are the media and politicians of all colours telling us the opposite? Surely they are creating the conditions for civil unrest by forcing us to take immigrants despite our strong wished not to do so. They are creating the atmosphere were the British feel deserted by their leaders and who knows who will step into the breach and what their policy will be?


      • Katabasis says:

        Surest sign of this for me was seeing even the Guardian comments section turn hostile to mass immigration.


  10. nogginator says:

    BBC bleating Islamofauxbia is on the rise this morning … Islam – victim narrative propaganda
    turned over to LBC within 5 minutes the same … relentless propaganda


  11. John Anderson says:

    Another good article on BBC bias and propaganda from David Keighley writing at ConservativeWoman :


    Craig at Is The BBC Biased drew attention to a good web article by David Sedgwick on how the BBC has been manipulating emotions – with BBC staff looking more distraught than the “refugees”. It concluded :

    ” I don’t think I can stand it any longer. I can’t bear to watch those harrowing images and hear those equally harrowing words it’s all getting too much. It’s a daily fare from Budapest, a daily fare of pleading, imploring, choking, begging, sighing, agonising, disbelieving and appealing that goes on interminably.

    I talk not of migrants, but of the bleeding hearts of BBC reporters.”



    • Essexman says:

      I have been avoiding the evil BBC , but I heard today the Asian Network is going 24/7 ,& the BBC are trying to make cuts on other services , hmm I wonder why . An earlier post commented about Corbyn being in Chelmsford , I missed it, as I am boycotting all BBC news outlets . The poster commented the BBC could hardly find any Corbynisters in Essex , well I don`t even know anyone ,who votes Labour in Essex .At any rate we will be declaring UDI ,if any illegals try to arrive, or Corbyn became PM . So anyone coming to Essex will have to be Hideously White & have a valid passport .


  12. BRISSLES says:

    My brother is a local Councillor in a largish town in the South East. He was saying that despite the welcome amount of funding due to be given via the Foreign Aid fund, there simply isn’t any empty housing available ! short of setting up tents in fields, the practicalities of what is being asked is monumental, – asylum applications can take years, they cant earn money, so, even 20,000 refugees will cause untold problems, not least by those already waiting on housing lists for many years.


    • Al Shubtill says:

      Quite right Brissles – also, if these people are successful in being granted permission to remain here and are then “British citizens”; shall that mean a huge increase in new (unceasing) chains of immigration? Where family members can apply to join their relatives here, who are all now fully fledged John Bulls; which, by virtue of this process, they themselves can become, ad infinitum.


  13. G.W.F. says:

    Basically we are full. If you have a bag which holds a pound of sugar, it won’t hold an additional pound of shit.


  14. John Anderson says:

    Several people have referred to Peter Hitchens’ excellent article about bleeding-heart liberals in the Mail on Sunday – but I did not see any link to the article.

    Here it is :



  15. Nibor says:

    The BBC have interviewed the same woman in the swarm at least 3 times . She is an English teacher from Syria with small children .
    They have not said ” now we can talk to —– again ” or anything like that . It’s implied they’ve seen her for the first time every time .


  16. Guest Who says:

    OTish, but as this thread heads for 500…


    Interesting how the BBC ‘just joking’ brush-off seems to work out so much better for errant employees.


  17. G.W.F. says:

    The story which changed British foreign policy, as told by the drowned little boy’s father, could be investigated by someone in the media. Don’t wait for the BBC, but there are questions to ask.



  18. John Anderson says:

    World at One talking about people who have “struggled all the way to Macedonia”.

    But all through its coverage, the BBC fails to say that many many of them are from Kosovo and Albania – with nil right to enter, nil moral justification. The same applied to all the sub-Saharan Africans who were trying to cross to Italy.

    The BBC just throws honesty and commonsense out of the winter – just one long bleat.

    I truly hope the chaos continues – because it is moving a lot of people to decide they have had it with Europe.


  19. Mr A says:

    Anyone interested in seeing what is REALLY going on in Lesbos, I STRONGLY urge you to watch these two videos and share far and wide. Remember, this isn’t just “somewhere foreign.” This is in Europe! And it’s all coming to a street near you.

    Please watch and share to counter the BBC’s….. I was going to say bias, but really their coverage goes far beyond that now. We’re getting into the realms of collaboration now. It may even make one of those “poor refugees, why are you so heartless?” idiots use their brains for once.

    “We are afraid! [….] Someone has to protect us. They are coming into our houses.” — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8X9oay_mo8&list=PL76OT2IA-5pdI9yy_166XNMRaLfrUYk13

    “Our lives are in danger…. they are coming in our houses.” — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dc-ELuBpVkw&list=PL76OT2IA-5pdI9yy_166XNMRaLfrUYk13&index=31


  20. Cranmer says:

    As mentioned I used to live in Hungary until last year. Browsing social media in the last couple of days, the response from my Hungarian contacts seems to have been overwhelmingly in favour of Mr Orban’s response to the crisis. The only person against it was an expat Hungarian who has worked in the UK public sector for the last few years. The last of the Ottomans didn’t leave Hungary until 1700. There is certainly a wariness of Muslim culture there; I would say the attitude towards them is roughly the same as that which the British have towards 17th century Puritanism.