There is a bidding war going on as to who is the most humane, the most compassionate, who can get the most brownie points for making the boldest bid for pro-asylum seeker empathy.
Labour’s Yvette Cooper opened the bidding, no doubt as a cunning ploy in her leadership election run, with a grandiose gesture of 10,000 whilst Andy Burnham claimed he had always been thinking along those lines and she had stolen his glory. Meanwhile the world’s conscience that is Bob Geldorf trumps them both with a personal pledge to adopt 4 Syrian families.
Not to be outdone the Green’s Natalie Bennett displays the usual measured and rational approach so long associated with the Greens and suggests we take in 250,000…or 1 in 8 of the refugees…not sure about her maths as there are over 4 million refugees from Syria alone..never mind those from Afghanistan and Eritrea that she also thinks in need of help.
Finally of course, and where would we be without him, there is the right irreverent Giles Fraser who has said that the Bible is clear: let the refugees in, every last one
Thousands more, says David Cameron now, grudgingly conceding to popular pressure. But why not all of them? Surely that’s the biblical answer to the “how many can we take?” question. Every single last one. Let’s dig up the greenbelt, create new cities, turn our Downton Abbeys into flats and church halls into temporary dormitories, and reclaim all those empty penthouses being used as nothing more than investment vehicles. Yes, it may change the character of this country. Or maybe it won’t require anything like such drastic action – who knows? But let’s do whatever it takes to open the door of welcome.
Another good paycheque gone into his bank account then. Nothing like a bit of controversy to get yourself into the papers or on TV and sex up your career prospects…and Giles is an expert at that…having fled his job in disgust at the capitalist ogres of the Church who wanted outrageously and selfishly to use their churches without them being occupied he has gone on to make a tidy wedge, ironically, from his worthy statements that he churns out relentlessly proclaiming both his humanity and his anti-Establishment credentials at the same time. No wonder the BBC and the Guardian snapped his talents up.
As for Saint Bob ”give us your f”king money” Geldof, must be the famous Irish charm, taking in 5 Syrians, I’ll believe it when I see it. This stinks of an agenda, celebs taking in immigrants to condition us to accept this invasion.
What about Peaches house?
That`s empty and could store dozens of jihadists?
He`s only offering to take four-isn`t he STILL dining out gratis from Live Aid?
How ironic that all that money he confected to send to Marxist goons in Eritrea has gone into providing transport, smart phones and drug paraphenalia for the country to lose its young blokes-emptying the prisons, and sending them HERE so we can stump up for them in person.
And stump up we will…Stanley knives sharpened insh`Allah!
Given Geldof’s propensity for doubling populations, that will be 8 families by Christmas, 16 by Easter & a battalion of Boom! Town Rats by Ramadan. There really is something sickening about this sanctimonious narcissist. For some reason he reminds me of the Irish/German agent played by Donald Sutherland in ‘The Eagle has Landed’. One of those men who likes to see the world burn.
These champagne socialist bed-wetters can’t be allowed to just house the Turd Worlders, they must also pay for their food, education, prison time etc, and also allow them to rape their own family members if they have the urge.
I think these celebs ” Oh,I’ll just take a Syrian family in” are telling fibs.
Taking in isn’t really the issue. It’s how long they stay that counts, but will anyone be monitoring?
I’ll never believe that the B B C has learned to be impartial until Fraser is cast into the Outer Darkness by our August Monopolistic Left Wing Broadcasting Corporation. Followed closely by the slimy John Bell.
How many Syrian families are there? From what I see in the photos they all seem to be young men. Besides, a point I have not heard anyone make is that the very few women there with their children probably had no choice in undertaking such a dangerous & foolhardy journey in the first place, Muslin women usually have to subserviently go along with what their menfolk tell them.
If Bob can’t only manage 4 families in his two large houses, where the hell are Bennett’s proposed quarter of a million supposed to go?
These creatures like Bob Geldof no doubt employ an army of experts to help them evade paying tax, some of which would supposedly go to relieve poverty. Then they convince stupid kids with more disposable income than is good for them that jumping up & down at pop concerts & then handing over their own hard earned cash is somehow going to save the world. A plague on his house.
Could that possibly be the same Bob Geldof who set off a train of events starting with Live Aid, which created, in Ethiopia, a country which became almost completely dependent on external aid, to the extent that it created a population growth level which has out-stripped the capacity of the country to EVER again (i.e. not just in drought years) produce enough food to feed its still-increasing population.
Yeah, THAT same Bob Geldof, who wants to welcome two or three families to his house for a few weeks – there is no chance that he will make a permanent gift of accommodation to these people – perhaps just falls a million or two people short of solving the problem he was instrumental in creating
Um, the silence is deafening; is Russell Brand on holiday ????
He’s probably busy impregnating them
A nauseating woman by the name of Zoe Fritz, a Hospital consultant, on Sky yesterday (special circumstances seem to be in play at the moment where ALL media outlets seem to be playing the bias game)
She has set up the website that a not very impressive 2000 people signed up to, to take in an illegal family. She was the epitome of smug, middle class virtue signalling, and I nearly put my foot through the telly.
To be fair to the skybot, he did ask her if she had run her plans by the local council, “No” she replied, “I’ve been at work all day, yes a consultant working on a Sunday” she trilled, very pleased that she managed to get in her worthy self sacrifice of doing her job over the weekend. What a trouper !
The skybot then asked how long the illegals would be put up for, Weeks, Months, indefinitely ? She hadn’t really thought that far ahead, but was beside herself with glee at her own greatness. I really hope these people are followed up on, in the Months to come, to see how all this pans out.
Should be funny.